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The abundance of tin in 21 stony meteorites and 12 standard rocks has been determined by the stable isotope dilution technique. The measurements of the C1 chondrite Orgueil gives a cosmic abundance for tin of 3.7 (with respect to Si= 106 atoms) and thus substantiates the peak in the cosmic abundance curve due to the closed proton shell forZ = 50. The low abundance of tin in ordinary chondrites allows tin to be reassigned to the strongly depleted group of elements in the context of the Larimer-Anders model. Our values for the standard rocks are in reasonable agreement with the presently accepted abundances of tin, except for the diabase W-1 and tonalite T-1 for which significantly lower values were obtained.  相似文献   

Data for the diffusion of cations in pyroxenes are relevant to a variety of sub-solidus processes including order-disorder and exsolution. Similar data must also be available if the reliability of geobarometers and geothermometers involving pyroxenes is to be assessed. Two types of diffusion experiment have been performed to determine cation diffusion rates in pyroxenes: (1) interdiffusion between single crystals of diopside and polycrystalline sinters enriched in Al and Fe, and (2) interdiffusion between single crystals of diopside and a glass of the same composition which was isotopically enriched in26Mg and43Ca. Following high-temperature annealing for periods up to several hundred hours, analysis of the diffusion couples, using an electron microprobe and an ion microprobe respectively, failed to show any measurable diffusion profiles. From these “null result” experiments the diffusion coefficients (D) for Al and Fe in diopside are estimated to be less than4×10?14cm2s?1 at 1200°C, and values ofD for Ca and Mg in diopside are estimated to be less than7 × 10?14cm2s?1 at 1250°C. These rates are significantly slower than published tracer-type diffusion data for Ca and Al.A review of studies of order-disorder, microstructural coarsening, and diffusion in pyroxenes suggest that activation energies for cation exchange are typically in excess of 60 kcal mol?1. Transport rates will be assisted, and activation energies lowered by sample non-stoichiometry, inhomogeneities, high dislocation densities and the presence of water.The collective data for Al, Mg and Ca diffusion in diopside indicate diffusion coefficients? 10?15cm2s?1 at 1200°C. A comparison with data for diffusion in garnet, olivine and spinel suggests that pyroxenes may have the highest blocking temperatures.  相似文献   

Intercomparison of soil pore water extraction methods for stable isotope analysis has been a focus of recent studies in relation to plant source waters, which found a wide isotopic variance depending on the extraction method. Few studies have yet explored extraction effects for mobile pore waters that relate to hillslope runoff. This is because it is extremely difficult in natural systems to control the boundary conditions in order to assess and compare impacts of pore water extraction on resulting hillslope flow. With our new semicontrolled experiments on outdoor mini‐hillslopes, we studied mixing and runoff processes by means of stable isotopes of water and quantified relations between pore water extraction methods. We tested the null hypothesis that nondestructive and destructive pore water sampling methods sample the same soil water pool. Three hillslopes were mounted on load cells, filled with loamy sand textured soils from the Landscape Evolution Observatoryat Biosphere 2, equipped with soil moisture and temperature sensors, a bottom outflow, and a surface runoff gauge for isotope sampling. We followed the precipitation isotopic composition over and through the soil profile. One hillslope was instrumented with suction cups, on the second we installed sampling ports for in‐situ soil water vapour measurements, and the third hillslope was sampled destructively for applying the centrifugation and vapour equilibrium methods. All hillslopes were sampled at four depths (0–10, 10–20, 20–30, and 30–40 cm) at three different downslope positions. 2H and 18O analyses were performed via laser spectroscopy. We found no isotopic differences between rainfall, surface runoff, and bottom outflow. The in situ vapour ports' soil isotope data showed the widest spread over all hillslope positions and depths. Centrifugation's and suction cups' isotope results plotted closest to the local meteoric water line and within the range of hillslope runoff and bottom outflow data. Hillslope position did not influence the soil isotope results. These results suggest caution be used in the field when selecting an extraction technique for matching soil waters to runoff waters. Soil suction lysimeters and centrifugation appeared to be the most appropriate tools in this regard.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the isotope balance method applied to lakes, which can be assumed as being under steady-state conditions. It is shown that the long-term averages and non-normalized temperatures can be used in the balance equations. The applicability of the proposed approach was tested by the interpretation or reinterpretation of several known case studies (Chala, Titicaca, Waid, Burdur, Beysehir and Egridir lakes). An isotope study of a small artificial lake (1.2 · 106 m3) is presented and compared with whole-body tracing by K360 Co(CN)6. This artificial tracer does not appear useful for long-term tracing of surface waters.The water balance equation for each of the lakes considered was solved with the aid of the isotope balance equation of 18O. Applying the calculated components of the water balance, the isotope balance equation of deuterium was solved for finding the values of kinetic enrichment for deuterium. These values, which give the fit of the evaporation lines to the experimental data, do not agree with the values known from direct laboratory experiments, thus they have to be treated as apparent values, which may be useful for future field work.  相似文献   

The water contents of minerals and whole-rock in mantle-derived xenoliths from eastern China exhibit large variations and are generally lower than those from other on- and off-craton lithotectonic units. Nevertheless, the water contents of mineral and whole-rock in Junan peridotite xenoliths, which sourced from the juvenile lithospheric mantle, are generally higher than those elsewhere in eastern China. This suggests that the initial water content of juvenile lithospheric mantle is not low. There is no obvious correlation between the water contents and Mg# values of minerals in the mantle xenoliths and no occurrence of diffusion profile in pyroxene, suggesting no relationship between the low water content of mantle xenolith and the diffusion loss of water during xenolith ascent with host basaltic magmas. If the subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM) base is heated by the asthenospheric mantle, the diffusion loss of water is expected to occur. On the other hand, extraction of basaltic melts from the SCLM is a more efficient mechanism to reduce the water content of xenoliths. The primary melts of Mesozoic and Cenozoic basalts in eastern China have water contents, as calculated from the water contents of phenocrysts, higher than those of normal mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB). The Mesozoic basalts exhibit similar water contents to those of island arc basalts, whereas the Cenozoic basalts exhibit comparable water contents to oceanic island basalts and backarc basin basalts with some of them resembling island arc basalts. These observations suggest the water enrichment in the mantle source of continental basalts due to metasomatism by aqueous fluids and hydrous melts derived from dehydration and melting of deeply subducted crust. Mantle-derived megacrysts, minerals in xenoliths and phenocrysts in basalts from eastern China also exhibit largely variable hydrogen isotope compositions, indicating a large isotopic heterogeneity for the Cenozoic SCLM in eastern China. The water content that is higher than that of depleted MORB mantle and the hydrogen isotope composition that is deviated from that of depleted MORB mantle suggest that the Cenozoic continental lithospheric mantle suffered the metasomatism by hydrous melts derived from partial melting of the subducted Pacific slab below eastern China continent. The metasomatism would lead to the increase of water content in the SCLM base and then to the decrease of its viscosity. As a consequence, the SCLM base would be weakened and thus susceptible to tectonic erosion and delamination. As such, the crust-mantle interaction in oceanic subduction channel is the major cause for thinning of the craton lithosphere in North China.  相似文献   

The instantaneous salt dilution method for water discharge measurements in open channels has been improved by the development of a new instrument measuring conductivity. The salt method consists of two parts: the calibration and the actual measurement in the stream. The calibration aims to calculate the linear relationship between electrical conductivity and salt concentration at various degrees of dilution in a salt solution. The original undiluted solution is injected into the water of a stream and the conductivity is measured downstream from the injection site. When measuring, the new instrument integrates the conductivity over time. From the value obtained on the instrument's display, the water discharge can easily be calculated on a hand-PC in the field. The instrument has eliminated the subsequent calculation work formerly necessary. It has increased the accuracy of the method and also reduced the need for field personnel during measurements.  相似文献   

The Mendoza River is mainly dependent on the melting of snow and ice in the Upper Andes. Since predicted changes in climate would modify snow accumulation and glacial melting, it is important to understand the relative contributions of various water sources to river discharge. The two main mountain ranges in the basin, Cordillera Principal and Cordillera Frontal, present differences in geology and receive differing proportions of precipitation from Atlantic and Pacific moisture sources. We propose that differences in the origin of precipitation, geology and sediment contact times across the basin generate ionic and stable isotopic signatures in the water, allowing the differentiation of water sources. Waters from the Cordillera Principal had higher salinity and were more isotopically depleted than those from the Cordillera Frontal. Stable isotope composition and salinity differed among different water sources. The chemical temporal evolution of rivers and streams indicated changes in the relative contributions of different sources, pointing to the importance of glacier melting and groundwater in the river discharge.  相似文献   

季宁宁  刘永  王圣瑞 《湖泊科学》2022,34(1):118-133
为探究湖泊水体悬浮颗粒物和沉积物有机碳、氮来源及水质指示意义,分析了2013-2014年洱海悬浮颗粒物和表层沉积物有机碳同位素(δ13C)、氮同位素(δ15N)和C/N比值时空变化特征及与水质的关系.结果 表明:①洱海悬浮颗粒物δ13C、C/N、δ15N在旱、雨季差异显著(P<0.05),旱季变化范围分别为-31.75...  相似文献   

以安徽淮南采煤沉陷积水为研究对象,通过样品采集与测试,研究不同沉陷年限及类型积水水文地球化学和氢氧稳定同位素组成特征及影响因素.结果表明:(1)研究区水化学类型主要为Cl-Na、HCO3·Cl-Na型,沉陷积水中常量离子主要来源于蒸发岩溶解和硅酸盐风化,受蒸发作用和人为活动的影响明显,水化学组成随沉陷时间和类型变化不大.(2)淮南大气降水线方程为:δD=8.85δ18O+18.73,沉陷区积水氢氧稳定同位素值在淮南大气降水线右下方依次分布并接近降水线,表明沉陷积水主要来源于大气降水.(3)在降水稀释、水体蒸发及地下水补给的作用下,随着沉陷年限的增加,积水中重同位素越来越贫化,同一年限不同类型的积水同位素值变化较小.  相似文献   

Sustainable water management in semi-arid agriculture practices requires quantitative knowledge of water fluxes within the soil-vegetation-atmosphere system. Therefore, we used stable-isotope approaches to evaluate evaporation (Ea), transpiration (Ta), and groundwater recharge (R) at sites in Senegal's Groundnut basin and Ferlo Valley pasture region during the pre-monsoon, monsoon, and post-monsoon seasons of 2021. The approaches were based upon (i) the isothermal evaporation model (for quantifying Ea); (ii) water and isotope mass balances (to partition Ea and Ta for groundnut and pasture); and (iii) the piston displacement method (for estimating R). Ea losses derived from the isothermal evaporation model corresponded primarily to Stage II evaporation, and ranged from 0.02 to 0.09 mm d−1 in the Groundnut basin, versus 0.02–0.11 mm d−1 in Ferlo. At the groundnut site, Ea rates ranged from 0.01 to 0.69 mm d−1; Ta was in the range 0.55–2.29 mm d−1; and the Ta/ETa ratio was 74%–90%. At the pasture site, the ranges were 0.02–0.39 mm d−1 for Ea; 0.9–1.69 mm d−1 for Ta; and 62–90% for Ta/ETa. The ETa value derived for the groundnut site via the isotope approach was similar to those from eddy covariance measurements, and also to the results from the previous validated HYDRUS-1D model. However, the HYDRUS-1D model gave a lower Ta/ETa ratio (23.2%). The computed groundwater recharge for the groundnut site amounted to less than 2% of the local annual precipitation. Recommendations are made regarding protocols for preventing changes to isotopic compositions of water in samples that are collected in remote arid regions, but must be analysed days later. The article ends with suggestions for studies to follow up on evidence that local aquifers are being recharged via preferential pathways.  相似文献   

We present the results of a 3‐year monitoring programme of the stable isotope composition of lake water and precipitation at Taozi Lake, in the East Asian monsoon region of China. Our aims were to reveal the spatiotemporal pattern of variation of stable isotopes in a small closed‐basin lake and to quantitatively determine the impacts of precipitation and evaporation on the stable isotope composition of lake water under a humid monsoon climate. In the time domain, the stable oxygen isotopic ratio of the lake water (δ18OL) exhibited substantial seasonal and interannual variations, but the isotope variations between different precipitation events substantially exceeded seasonal and interannual variations. Compared with the stable isotopes in precipitation, δ18OL was substantially positive and dL was negative. In the space domains, the lake water was homogeneously mixed. Indicated by statistic analyses, precipitation plays a dominant role in dynamic of the lake stable isotope during precipitation events of relatively large magnitude, whereas the effect of evaporation is dominant during smaller precipitation events. Results advance our understanding of the stable isotope change rule in the process of lake water evaporation, and it is helpful to identify the climatic significance recorded in stable isotopic compositions of lake bottom sediments.  相似文献   

Comprehending the recharge of thermal springs is crucial for preserving the water quality of such springs. However, limited groundwater well data in mountainous areas presents a challenge to determining thermal-spring recharge areas. This study analyzes the isotopes (δ2H and δ18O) and major ions in rainwater, streamwater, mountain groundwater and thermal spring water in Jiaoxi, located near Taiwan's largest city, Taipei. The results of the isotope-elevation relationship and GIS recharge analysis indicate that the thermal spring water originated from a remote mountain at elevations of approximately 1170–1480 m, rather than the upstream watershed. The thermal spring water was divided into two groups based on the carbonate saturation index (SI) and isotope composition: the foothill group, which had a positive SI and lower δ value, and the downstream group, which had a negative SI and higher δ value. This study improved the conceptual model of the thermal flow path by demonstrating that the recharge of thermal water is a transboundary regional flow and that the foothill thermal water does not mix with the meteoric water. The revised model also highlights the role of structural lineament trends (faults, fractures and folds) in the movement of regional flow in fractured mountain blocks.  相似文献   

Summary A new apparatus for determining the temperature variation of susceptibility of rocks is described, along with a brief outline of an essential piece of subsidiary equipment.  相似文献   

This study employs stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes as natural tracers to assess the headwater of a landslide next to a drainage divide and the importance of the slope's headwater in the study area. The study is undertaken near Wu‐She Township in the mountains of central Taiwan. Because a reservoir is located on the other side of the divide, this study evaluates the relationship between the reservoir water and headwater of the landslide as well. Over a 1‐year period, water samples from September 2008 to September 2009, including local precipitation (LP), Wu‐She Reservoir's water (WSRW), slope groundwater (SGW), upper‐reach stream water (USTW), and down‐reach stream water (DSTW), were analysed for deuterium (δD) and oxygen (δ18O) stable isotopes. Results indicate that WSRW is the predominant component in SGW: approximately 70% of SGW originates from WSRW and 30% from LP based on a two end‐member mass‐balance mixing model for δ18O. The similar two end‐member mixing model is also employed to assess the contributions of USTW and SGW to DSTW. Model results indicate that SGW is the major source of DSTW with a contribution of about 67%. Accordingly, about 47% of DSTW sources from the WSRW. In short, owing to reservoir leakage, WSRW contributes the greater part of both SGW and DSTW. Plentiful WSRW in SGW threatens the stability of the slope in the divide area. To avoid subsequent continuous slope failure, necessary mitigation steps are required. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Characterization of stable isotope compositions (δ2H and δ18O) of surface water and groundwater in a catchment is critical for refining moisture sources and establishing modern isotope–elevation relationships for paleoelevation reconstructions. There is no consensus on the moisture sources of precipitation in the Yellow River source region during summer season. This study presents δ2H and δ18O data from 111 water samples collected from tributaries, mainstream, lakes, and groundwater across the Yellow River source region during summertime. Measured δ18O values of the tributaries range from ?13.5‰ to ?5.8‰ with an average of ?11.0‰. Measured δ18O values of the groundwater samples range from ?12.7‰ to ?10.5‰ with an average of ?11.9‰. The δ18O data of tributary waters display a northward increase of 1.66‰ per degree latitude. The δ18O data and d‐excess values imply that moisture sources of the Yellow River source region during summertime are mainly from the mixing of the Indian Summer Monsoon and the Westerlies, local water recycling, and subcloud evaporation. Analysis of tributary δ18O data from the Yellow River source region and streamwater and precipitation δ18O data from its surrounding areas leads to a best‐fit second‐order polynomial relationship between δ18O and elevation over a 4,600 m elevation range. A δ18O elevation gradient of ?1.6‰/km is also established using these data, and the gradient is in consistence with the δ18O elevation gradient of north and eastern plateau. Such relationships can be used for paleoelevation reconstructions in the Yellow River source region.  相似文献   

Measurements of stable isotope compositions and water contents of boninite series volcanic rocks from the island of Chichi-jima, Bonin Islands, Japan, confirm that a large amount (1.6–2.4 wt.%) of primary water was present in these unusual magmas. An enrichment of 0.6‰ in18O during differentiation is explained by crystallization of18O-depleted mafic phases. Silicic glasses have elevated δ18O values and relatively low δD values indicating that they were modified by low-temperature alteration and hydration processes. Mafic glasses, on the other hand, have for the most part retained their primary isotopic signatures since Eocene time. Primary δD values of −53 for boninite glasses are higher than those of MORB and suggest that the water was derived from subducted oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   

鄱阳湖湿地典型中生植物水分利用来源的同位素示踪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许秀丽  李云良  谭志强  郭强 《湖泊科学》2020,32(6):1749-1760
水分是维持植物生长、决定种群分布的关键因子,研究植物水分利用来源是揭示水文过程与植被演替作用机制的基础,作为中国最大的淡水湖泊系统,鄱阳湖水文情势的显著改变已直接影响到湿地生态系统的水分补给来源.本文通过测定降水、土壤水、地下水、湖水和植物茎水中δ18O、δD同位素组成,识别鄱阳湖湿地典型中生植被——茵陈蒿(Artemisia capillaris)群落的土壤水分补给来源,并应用直接对比法和IsoSource多源混合模型估算优势种茵陈蒿的主要吸水区间及水源利用比例.结果发现:(1)与降水同位素相比,湖水和湿地土壤水同位素较为富集,地下水同位素较少发生分馏;(2)湿地地下水主要受历史长期降水和湖水共同补给,土壤水在雨季4—6月和秋季9—10月主要受降水补给,夏季7—8月深层土壤水受湖水侧向入渗和地下水的共同补给,并在蒸发作用下水分向浅层土壤传输;(3)茵陈蒿主要利用0~80 cm深度的土壤水,且能够在不同土层水源间灵活转换.当土壤含水量较高时(4—5月),主要利用0~40 cm浅层土壤水,利用率约49%~68%;当浅层土壤含水量较低时(6—8月),主要利用40~80 cm深层土壤水,利用率高达74%~95%;当植物进入生长后期(9—10月),主要利用0~15 cm表层土壤水,利用率介于41%~70%.总体发现,湖水是鄱阳湖湿地中生植物群落土壤水分的重要补给来源,优势种茵陈蒿能够响应土壤含水量的变化改变吸水深度,具有较强的干旱适应能力.研究结果可为鄱阳湖湿地植被生态系统演变和科学保护提供理论参考.  相似文献   

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