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东亚沿岸近期相对海平面的升降趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
马继瑞  张芩 《热带海洋》1995,14(3):23-30
根据东亚沿岸45个水位观测站的长序列水位资料,用不同的计算区域平均海平面升降的方法,估计了该区海平面升降趋势。结果表明,从本世纪50年代初至90年代初,整个海区平均而言海平面呈上升趋势。海平面升降的区域性变化较大,中国沿岸除山东半岛外,其他海区平均是上升的;在日本群岛南部和朝鲜南部沿岸,由几种方法得出的结果多数是上升的,但上升幅度很小。本文对东亚沿岸海平面升降的估计结果与Barnett的相应估计差  相似文献   

根据东亚沿岸45个水位观测站的长序列水位资料,用不同的计算区域平均海平面升降的方法,估计了该区海平面升降趋势。结果表明,从本世纪50年代初至90年代初,整个海区平均而言海平面呈上升趋势。海平面升降的区域性变化较大:中国沿岸除山东半岛外,其他海区平均是上升的,在日本群岛南部和朝鲜半岛南部沿岸,由几种方法得出的结果多数是上升的,但上升幅度很小。本文对东亚沿岸海平面升降的估计结果与Barnett的相应估计差别较大,其主要原因是Barnett选站较少,且选的站集中在该区南北两端,中间部分无资料;估计方法虽有影响,但属次要的。  相似文献   

在中-加地调讨论会上,加拿大的Donald L Forbes博士讲述了“海平面上升和气候变化以及对海岸带的影响”。作者结合讲课内容以及中国东部的一些海平面变化情况写成该文。海平面变化与气候变化密切相关。12000aBP以来,海平面以上升为主,约上升了60m,但近6000年以来,海平面处于高位震荡状态。近百年来,由于二氧化碳等气体的温室效应等原因,海平面以上升为主。海的相对升降,对海岸带的发展演化以及人类的生产活动有重要影响,应引起高度重视,做好预防和减灾工作。  相似文献   

秦皇岛沿岸海平面变化与地壳升降   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
于道永 《海洋学报》1998,20(3):76-81
本文研究发现,近43年来秦皇岛沿岸相对海平面变化呈总体下降趋势,其变化速率为-2.1~-2.4mm/a,经地壳升降观测资料修正后,确定海平面变化速率为-1.3~-1.6mm/a,并分岸段讨论了相对侮平面变化的年速率.由此证明,秦皇岛沿海海岸侵蚀并非由海平面变化引起.预计未来10余年内,海平面变化将不会对海岸带经济发展构成威胁.  相似文献   

南海Wan近海平面变化与构造升降初步研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  

高家镛  张金通 《台湾海峡》1993,12(3):248-256
本文从理论及实际资料两个方面入手,初步探讨了海平面与沿岸地壳这两个独立变量之间的相互关系。结果表明,只有对两者变化幅度值进行数学分析,才能确切地了解海岸升降的原因;我国东部沿岸新构造时期地壳的升降活动所反映的海平面升降变化总体上显示为北高南低特征,该特征与沿岸断块构造差异活动(北降南升)密切相关,而根据地壳形变测量、验潮站观测资料所得的海平面则相反(北低南高)。这一矛盾现象似可用长周期趋势变化与短周期瞬时变化的“非等效性”予以解释。文中还认为南海海域近代海面上升与沿岸地壳下降活动关系密切;以地壳年均升降速率为指标划分地壳垂直活动强度类型应是一种可行的方案;华南沿岸既有“相对稳定”岸段,也有“活动”及“强烈活动”岸段。  相似文献   

深沪湾晚更新世以来的古气候、古海平面与地壳升降运动   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
徐起浩  冯炎基 《台湾海峡》1990,9(3):231-238
本文根据深沪湾沿岸3个孔样品的孢粉、硅藻分析和~(14)C年代学测定,结合该湾潮间带的古油杉森林残迹和古牡蛎贝壳层,研究了该区晚更新世以来的古气候、古海平面变化及其地壳升降过程。  相似文献   

对COADS资料中1950-1992听太平洋4×8°方区的海水表层温度及海面气温、气压、风速序列数据。进行了时间序列分析。分析结果表明:太平洋海表气温和水温年上升率分别为0.0063℃.a^-1和0.0026℃.a^-1。两者的变化趋势在赤道太平洋都有一个年上升率高值区:而在东海以北的西北太平洋广大海区,都有一个年下降率的低值区。西太平洋海面气压呈上升趋势,东太平洋则相反。气温和水温和升降区域分丰  相似文献   

造山带区域相对海平面变化与全球海平面变化的不一致性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
影响区域相对海平面变化的因素错综复杂,既可以单一作用,也可以相互作用;既可以受全球海平面变化的影响,也可以受局部因素的控制,因此,全球海平面与区域海平面相对变化既可以同步,也可以不同步,尤其在造山带地区可以不一致,甚至相反。只有找出这种控制主导因素,才可以把局部地质场放到全球统一场中去。  相似文献   

海平面变化及其海岸响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
第四纪气温的大幅度冷暖变化,导致全球海平面的变化,引起陆架海侵扣海退。海岸上的各种地貌如海滩、沙坝、三角洲扣陆架沙脊等响应海平面升降而发生新的演化扣变异。东海陆架古岸线、围绕古岸线发育的陆架沙脊、陆架深切河谷扣河谷充填沉积以及冰后期海进型扣海退型沙坝的形成乖演化等沉积事件都是响应海平面升降的结果。近百年来特别是近30年全球海平面普遍上升,引起风暴潮的频度扣幅度的增大。近岸波能增强,越滩浪增多,导致海滩侵蚀,岸线后退。Bruun法则扣其他一些模型能够说明海滩随海平面上升而蚀退的规律,但在预测速率时仍存在很多问题。使用时应注意海平面变化的区域性、海滩发育的滞后性和海滩蚀退因素间的权重关系。  相似文献   

比容模型计算的带状平均海平面高度异常变化与高度计观测的海平面异常相符的很好,在南北半球都显示了较强的季节信号。热膨胀对大尺度平均海平面季节变化起了很大作用,尤其当对纬度带状区域取平均时,在某些纬度带比容的贡献率达80%以上,甚至其决定的高度相当于或超过了高度计的观测。而在高纬和低纬地区,振幅和相位都有较大的差别。同时通过比容模型计算的3月份海面高度异常在全球大部分区域也可以很好地表现出TOPEX/Poseidon、Jason-1的观测。  相似文献   

Maldives, a South Asian small island nation in the northern part of the Indian Ocean is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of Sea Level Rise (SLR) due to its low altitude from the mean sea level. This artricle attempts to estimate the recent rates of SLR in Maldives during different seasons of the year with the help of existing tidal data recorded in the Maldives coast. Corresponding Sea Surface Temperature (SST) trends, utilizing reliable satellite climatology, have also been obtained. The relationships between the SST and mean sea level have been comprehensively investigated. Results show that recent sea level trends in the Maldives coast are very high. At Male, the capital of the Republic of Maldives, the rising rates of Mean Tidal Level (MTL) are: 8.5, 7.6, and 5.8 mm/year during the postmonsoon (October-December), Premonsoon (March-May) and southwest monsoon (June-September) seasons respectively. At Gan, a station very close to the equator, the increasing rate of MTL is maximum during the period from June to September (which is 6.2 mm/year). These rising trends in MTL along the Maldives coast are certainly alarming for this small developing island nation, which is hardly one meter above the mean sea level. Thus there is a need for careful monitoring of future sea level changes in the Maldives coast. The trends presented are based on the available time-series of MTL for the Maldives coast, which are rather short. These trends need not necessarily reflect the long-term scenario. SST in the Maldives coast has also registered significant increasing trend during the period from June to September. There are large seasonal variations in the SST trends at Gan but SST and MTL trends at Male are consistently increasing during all the seasons and the rising rates are very high. The interannual mode of variation is prominent both in SST as well as MTL. Annual profile of MTL along the Maldives coast is bimodal, having two maxima during April and July. The April Mode is by far the dominant one. The SST appears to be the main factor governing the sea level variations along the Maldives coast. The influence of SST and sea level is more near the equatorial region (i.e., at Gan). There is lag of about two months for the maximum influence of SST on the sea level. The correlation coefficient between the smoothed SST and mean tidal level at Gan with lag of two months is as high as ~ +0.8, which is highly significant. The corresponding correlation coefficients at Male with the lags of one and two months are +0.5 and +0.3, respectively. Thus, the important finding of the present work for the Maldives coast is the dominance of SST factor in sea level variation, especially near the region close to the equator.  相似文献   

Maldives, a South Asian small island nation in the northern part of the Indian Ocean is extremely vulnerable to the impacts of Sea Level Rise (SLR) due to its low altitude from the mean sea level. This artricle attempts to estimate the recent rates of SLR in Maldives during different seasons of the year with the help of existing tidal data recorded in the Maldives coast. Corresponding Sea Surface Temperature (SST) trends, utilizing reliable satellite climatology, have also been obtained. The relationships between the SST and mean sea level have been comprehensively investigated. Results show that recent sea level trends in the Maldives coast are very high. At Male, the capital of the Republic of Maldives, the rising rates of Mean Tidal Level (MTL) are: 8.5, 7.6, and 5.8 mm/year during the postmonsoon (October-December), Premonsoon (March-May) and southwest monsoon (June-September) seasons respectively. At Gan, a station very close to the equator, the increasing rate of MTL is maximum during the period from June to September (which is 6.2 mm/year). These rising trends in MTL along the Maldives coast are certainly alarming for this small developing island nation, which is hardly one meter above the mean sea level. Thus there is a need for careful monitoring of future sea level changes in the Maldives coast. The trends presented are based on the available time-series of MTL for the Maldives coast, which are rather short. These trends need not necessarily reflect the long-term scenario. SST in the Maldives coast has also registered significant increasing trend during the period from June to September. There are large seasonal variations in the SST trends at Gan but SST and MTL trends at Male are consistently increasing during all the seasons and the rising rates are very high. The interannual mode of variation is prominent both in SST as well as MTL. Annual profile of MTL along the Maldives coast is bimodal, having two maxima during April and July. The April Mode is by far the dominant one. The SST appears to be the main factor governing the sea level variations along the Maldives coast. The influence of SST and sea level is more near the equatorial region (i.e., at Gan). There is lag of about two months for the maximum influence of SST on the sea level. The correlation coefficient between the smoothed SST and mean tidal level at Gan with lag of two months is as high as ~ +0.8, which is highly significant. The corresponding correlation coefficients at Male with the lags of one and two months are +0.5 and +0.3, respectively. Thus, the important finding of the present work for the Maldives coast is the dominance of SST factor in sea level variation, especially near the region close to the equator.  相似文献   

The UNEP in its regional seas program in 1989 has included Pakistan in a group of countries which are vulnerable to the impact of rising sea level. If the present trend of sea level rise (SLR) at Karachi continues, in the next 50 years the sea level rise along the Pakistan Coast will be 50 mm (5 cm). Since the rising rates of sea level at Karachi are within the global range of 1-2 mm/year, the trends may be treated as eustatic SLR. Historical air temperature and sea surface temperature (SST) data of Karachi also show an increasing pattern and an increasing trend of about 0.67°C has been registered in the air temperature over the last 35 years, whereas the mean SST in the coastal waters of Karachi has also registered an increasing trend of about 0.3°C in a decade. Sindh coastal zone is more vulnerable to sea level rise than Baluchistan coast, as uplifting of the coast by about 1-2 mm/year due to subduction of Indian Ocean plate is a characteristic of Baluchistan coast. Within the Indus deltaic creek system, the area nearby Karachi is more vulnerable to coastal erosion and accretion than the other deltaic region, mainly due to human activities together with natural phenomena such as wave action, strong tidal currents, and rise in sea level. Therefore, The present article deals mainly with the study of dynamical processes such as erosion and accretion associated with sea level variations along the Karachi coast and surrounding Indus deltaic coastline. The probable beach erosion in a decade along the sandy beaches of Karachi has been estimated. The estimates show that 1.1 mm/year rise in sea level causes a horizontal beach loss of 110 mm per year. Therefore, coast eroded with rise in sea level at Karachi and surrounding sandy beaches would be 1.1 m during a period of next 10 years. The northwestern part of Indus delta, especially the Gizri and Phitti creeks and surrounding islands, are most unstable. Historical satellite images are used to analyze the complex pattern of sediment movements, the change in shape of coastline, and associated erosion and accretion patterns in Bundal and Buddo Islands. The significant changes in land erosion and accretion areas at Bundal and Buddo Islands are evident and appear prominently in the images. A very high rate of accretion of sediments in the northwestern part of Buddo Island has been noticed. In the southwest monsoon season the wave breaking direction in both these islands is such that the movement of littoral drift is towards west. Erosion is also taking place in the northeastern and southern part of Bundal Island. The erosion in the south is probably due to strong wave activities and in the northeast is due to strong tidal currents and seawater intrusion. Accretion takes place at the northwest and western parts of Bundal Island. By using the slope of Indus delta, sea encroachment and the land area inundation with rising sea level of 1 m and 2 m have also been estimated.  相似文献   

相对海面变化与江苏中部辐射沙洲的变化动态   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着海面上升,岸外沙洲可以做出适当调整以适应逐渐变化的动力条件。如果沙洲能够得到足够的泥沙供给,淤积速率可以与相对海面上升速率同步或超过相对海面上升速率,那么沙洲就能够继续存在,相反则会逐渐消失。江苏中部辐射沙洲整体缺少外来泥沙供给,再加上海面上升和不断的围垦活动,辐射沙洲的总面积势必逐渐缩小,但巨大的沙脊群内部的调节作用可以使一部分沙洲在海面上升过程中得以淤高,并在一定时期内继续存在。  相似文献   

The UNEP in its regional seas program in 1989 has included Pakistan in a group of countries which are vulnerable to the impact of rising sea level. If the present trend of sea level rise (SLR) at Karachi continues, in the next 50 years the sea level rise along the Pakistan Coast will be 50 mm (5 cm). Since the rising rates of sea level at Karachi are within the global range of 1-2 mm/year, the trends may be treated as eustatic SLR. Historical air temperature and sea surface temperature (SST) data of Karachi also show an increasing pattern and an increasing trend of about 0.67°C has been registered in the air temperature over the last 35 years, whereas the mean SST in the coastal waters of Karachi has also registered an increasing trend of about 0.3°C in a decade. Sindh coastal zone is more vulnerable to sea level rise than Baluchistan coast, as uplifting of the coast by about 1-2 mm/year due to subduction of Indian Ocean plate is a characteristic of Baluchistan coast. Within the Indus deltaic creek system, the area nearby Karachi is more vulnerable to coastal erosion and accretion than the other deltaic region, mainly due to human activities together with natural phenomena such as wave action, strong tidal currents, and rise in sea level. Therefore, The present article deals mainly with the study of dynamical processes such as erosion and accretion associated with sea level variations along the Karachi coast and surrounding Indus deltaic coastline. The probable beach erosion in a decade along the sandy beaches of Karachi has been estimated. The estimates show that 1.1 mm/year rise in sea level causes a horizontal beach loss of 110 mm per year. Therefore, coast eroded with rise in sea level at Karachi and surrounding sandy beaches would be 1.1 m during a period of next 10 years. The northwestern part of Indus delta, especially the Gizri and Phitti creeks and surrounding islands, are most unstable. Historical satellite images are used to analyze the complex pattern of sediment movements, the change in shape of coastline, and associated erosion and accretion patterns in Bundal and Buddo Islands. The significant changes in land erosion and accretion areas at Bundal and Buddo Islands are evident and appear prominently in the images. A very high rate of accretion of sediments in the northwestern part of Buddo Island has been noticed. In the southwest monsoon season the wave breaking direction in both these islands is such that the movement of littoral drift is towards west. Erosion is also taking place in the northeastern and southern part of Bundal Island. The erosion in the south is probably due to strong wave activities and in the northeast is due to strong tidal currents and seawater intrusion. Accretion takes place at the northwest and western parts of Bundal Island. By using the slope of Indus delta, sea encroachment and the land area inundation with rising sea level of 1 m and 2 m have also been estimated.  相似文献   

本文对黑潮影响海区海平面变化进行了分析.发现海平面变化与黑潮变异之间存在着密切关系.每当黑潮大弯曲发生时.海平面上升出现高值。另外还对海平面变化原因做了讨论。  相似文献   

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