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《Planetary and Space Science》2007,55(11):1494-1501
In this work, we calculate the neutral Na production rates on the Moon and Mercury, as due to the impacts of meteoroids having an impact probability on the surface that can influence the daily observations of the exosphere: the meteoroids radius range considered for the Moon and Mercury are 10−8–0.15 and 10−8–0.10 m, respectively. We also estimate the mass of meteoroids that has impacted the surfaces of the Moon and Mercury in the last 3.8 Gy (after the end of the Late Heavy Bombardment).The results of our model are that (i) the Na production rates are ∼(3–4.9)×104 and ∼(1.8–2.3)×106 atoms cm−2 s−1, for Moon and Mercury, respectively, and (ii) in the last 3.8 Gy, the mass of meteoroids that has impacted the whole surface of the Moon and Mercury has been 8.86×1018 and 2.66×1019 g, respectively.  相似文献   

G. Cremonese  M. Bruno  S. Marchi 《Icarus》2005,177(1):122-128
Meteoroid impact has been shown to be a source of sodium, and most likely of other elements, on the Moon. The same process could be also relevant for Mercury. In this work we calculate the vapor and neutral Na production rates on Mercury due to the impacts of meteoroids in the radius range of 10−8-10−1 m. We limit our calculations to this size range, because meteoroids with radius larger than 10−1 m have not to be found important for the daily production of the exosphere. This work is based on a new dynamical model of the meteoroid flux at the heliocentric distance of Mercury, regarding objects in the size range 10−2-10−1 m. This size range, never investigated before, is not affected by nongravitational forces, such as the Poynting-Robertson effect, which is dominant for particles smaller than 10−2 m. In order to evaluate the release of neutral sodium atoms also for smaller meteoroids we have used the distribution reported by M.J. Cintala [1992. Impact-induced thermal effects in the lunar and mercurian regoliths. J. Geophys. Res. 97, 947-973] calculated for particle size range 10−8-10−3 m. We have extrapolated this distribution up to 10−2 m and we have based the impact calculations on a new surface composition assuming 90% plagioclase and 10% pyroxene. The results of our model are that (i) the total mass of vapor produced by the impact of meteoroids in the size range 10−8-10−1 m is 4.752×108 g per year, and (ii) the production rate of neutral sodium atoms is 1.5×1022 s−1.  相似文献   

Impacts of comets and asteroids play an important role in volatile delivery on the Moon. We use a novel method for tracking vapor masses that reach escape velocity in hydrocode simulations of cometary impacts to explore the effects of volatile retention. We model impacts on the Moon to find the mass of vapor plume gravitationally trapped on the Moon as a function of impact velocity. We apply this result to the impactor velocity distribution and find that the total impactor mass retained on the Moon is approximately 6.5% of the impactor mass flux. Making reasonable assumptions about water content of comets and the comet size-frequency distribution, we derive a water flux for the Moon. After accounting for migration and stability of water ice at the poles, we estimate a total 1.3×108-4.3×109 metric tons of water is delivered to the Moon and remains stable at the poles over 1 Ga. A factor of 30 uncertainty in the estimated cometary impact flux is primarily responsible for this large range of values. The calculated mass of water is sufficient to account for the neutron fluxes poleward of 75° observed by Lunar Prospector. A similar analysis for water delivery to the Moon via asteroid impacts shows that asteroids provide six times more water mass via impacts than comets.  相似文献   

We show that plowing of the lunar and mercurian regoliths by dense meteoroid swarms (the remnants of degassed comet nuclei) can be considered as the most probable mechanism of swirl formation. Frequently discussed mechanical and thermal effects of coma gas in cometary encounters with the Moon or Mercury are shown to be negligible as compared to those of the impact of a compact cometary nucleus. The result of such an impact does not differ substantially from that of denser impactors, so impacts of comets with compact nuclei can hardly be the mechanism of swirl formation. On the other hand, the projectile swarm consisting of numerous fragments of previously disrupted cometary nucleus produces many small craters and ejecta in a large area. The particles of the ejecta go through numerous collisions with each other. This may result in formation of the characteristic swirl pattern and dust component of the regolith. This can also decrease surface micro-roughness, which is consistent with photometric observations. Regolith plowing to depths up to a few meters excavates the immature regolith to the surface but cannot noticeably change the initial chemical composition of the upper layers in the area of swarm fall. This is generally in agreement with the results obtained from Clementine spectral data. Swirls are expected to be more numerous on Mercury due to more frequent swarm encounters and more dense clouds of debris in the vicinity of the Sun.  相似文献   

During the few days centered about new Moon, the lunar surface is optically hidden from Earth-based observers. However, the Moon still offers an observable: an extended sodium tail. The lunar sodium tail is the escaping “hot” component of a coma-like exosphere of sodium generated by photon-stimulated desorption, solar wind sputtering and meteoroid impact. Neutral sodium atoms escaping lunar gravity experience solar radiation pressure that drives them into the anti-solar direction forming a comet-like tail. During new Moon time, the geometry of the Sun, Moon and Earth is such that the anti-sunward sodium flux is perturbed by the terrestrial gravitational field resulting in its focusing into a dense core that extends beyond the Earth. An all-sky camera situated at the El Leoncito Observatory (CASLEO) in Argentina has been successfully imaging this tail through a sodium filter at each lunation since April 2006. This paper reports on the results of the brightness of the lunar sodium tail spanning 31 lunations between April 2006 and September 2008. Brightness variability trends are compared with both sporadic and shower meteor activity, solar wind proton energy flux and solar near ultra violet (NUV) patterns for possible correlations. Results suggest minimal variability in the brightness of the observed lunar sodium tail, generally uncorrelated with any single source, yet consistent with a multi-year period of minimal solar activity and non-intense meteoric fluxes.  相似文献   

Imaging of low-energy neutral atoms (LENAs) in the vicinity of the Moon can provide wide knowledge of the Moon from the viewpoint of plasma physics and planetary physics. At the surface of the Moon, neutral atoms are mainly generated by photon-stimulated desorption, micrometeorite vaporization and sputtering by solar wind protons. LENAs, the energetic neutral atoms with energy range of 10-500 eV, are mainly created by sputtering of solar wind particles. We have made quantitative estimates of sputtered LENAs from the Moon surface. The results indicate that LENAs can be detected by a realistic instrument and that the measurement will provide the global element maps of sputtered particles, which substantially reflect the surface composition, and the magnetic anomalies. We have also found that LENAs around dark regions, such as the permanent shadow inside craters in the pole region, can be imaged. This is because the solar wind ions can penetrate shaded regions due to their finite gyro-radius and the pressure gradient between the solar wind and the wake region. LENAs also extend our knowledge about the magnetic anomalies and associated mini-magnetosphere systems, which are the smallest magnetospheres as far as one knows. It is thought that no LENAs are generated from mini-magnetosphere regions because no solar wind may penetrate inside them. Imaging such void areas of LENAs will provide another map of lunar magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

Cosmic-ray induced neutrino backgrounds at the Moon are estimated using a semi-analytic approach. The analytic expressions are derived, flux estimates for and are given, and comparisons with the analogous backgrounds generated in the Earth’s atmosphere are presented. Suppression of the lunar fluxes relative to the terrestrial fluxes is found. At energies >10 GeV, the suppression approaches a maximum of order 10−4. The lower background environment suggests that the Moon may be advantageous for future particle astrophysics endeavors.  相似文献   

The adsorption of molecular water onto lunar analog materials was investigated under ultra-high vacuum with the goal to better understand the thermal stability and evolution of water on the lunar surface. Temperature-programmed desorption (TPD) experiments show that lunar-analog basaltic-composition glass is hydrophobic, with water-water interactions dominating over surface chemisorption. This suggests that lunar agglutinates will tend not to adsorb water at temperatures above where water clusters and multilayer ice forms. The basalt JSC-1A lunar mare analog, which is a complex mixture of minerals and glass, adsorbs water above 180 K with an adsorption profile that extends to 400 K, showing evidence for a continuum of water adsorption sites. Bancroft albite adsorbs more water, more strongly, than JSC-1A, with a well-defined desorption peak near 225 K. This suggests that mineral surfaces will adsorb more water than mare or mature (glassy, agglutinate rich) surfaces and may explain the association of water with fresh feldspathic craters at high latitudes. The activation energies for the thermal desorption of water from these materials were determined, and along with values from the literature, used to model the grain-to-grain migration of water within the lunar regolith. These models suggest that a combination of recombinative desorption of hydroxyl along with molecular desorption of water and its subsequent migration within and out of the regolith may explain observed diurnal variations in the distribution of water and hydroxyl on the illuminated Moon.  相似文献   

We developed kinetic theory for the charging processes of small dust grains near the lunar surface due to interaction with the anisotropic solar wind plasma. Once charged, these dust grains, which are exposed to the electric field in the sheath region near the lunar surface, could loft and distribute around such heights off the surface where they reach equilibrium with the local gravitational force. Analytical solutions were derived for the charging time, grain floating potential, and grain charge, characterizing the charging processes of small dust grains in a two-component and in a multi-component solar wind plasma, and further highlighting the unique features presented by the high streaming plasma velocity. We have also formulated a novel kinetic theory of sheath formation around an absorbing planar surface immersed in the anisotropic solar wind plasma in the case of a negligible photoelectric effect and presented solutions for the sheath structure. In this study we combined the results from these analyses and provided estimates for the size distribution function of dust that is expected to be lofted in regions dominated by the solar wind plasma, such as near the terminator and in nearby shadowed craters. Corresponding to the two dominant streaming velocity peaks of 300 and 800 km/s, mean dust diameters of 500 and 350 nm, respectively, are expected to be found at equilibrium at heights of relevance to exploration operations, e.g., around 1.5 m height off the lunar surface. In shadowed craters near the terminator region, where isotropic plasma should be dominating, we estimate mean lofted dust diameter of 800 nm around the same 1.5 m height off the lunar surface. The generally applicable solutions could be used to readily calculate the expected lofted size distribution near the lunar surface as a function of plasma parameters, dust grain composition, and other parameters of interest.  相似文献   

A new method is presented for estimating crustal thickness from gravity and topography data on the Moon. By calculating analytically the exterior gravitational field for a set of arbitrarily shaped polyhedra, relief along the crust-mantle interface can be inverted for that satisfies the observational constraints. As this method does not rely upon filtering the Bouguer anomaly, which was required with previous inversions performed in the spherical-harmonic domain, and as the dramatic variations in spatial quality of the lunar gravity field are taken into account, our crustal thickness model more faithfully represents the available data. Using our model results, we investigate various aspects of the prominent nearside impact basins. The crustal thickness in the central portion of the Orientale and Crisium basins is found to be close to zero, suggesting that these basins could have conceivably excavated into the lunar mantle. Furthermore, given our uncertain knowledge of the density of the crust and mantle, it is possible that the Humorum, Humboldtianum, Nectaris, and Smythii basins could have excavated all the way through the crust as well. The crustal structure for most of the young impact basins implies a depth/diameter ratio of about 0.08 for their excavation cavities. As noted in previous studies, however, the crustal structure of Imbrium and Serenitatis is anomalous, which is conceivably a result of enhanced rates of post-impact viscous relaxation caused by the proximity of these basins to the Procellarum KREEP Terrane. Impact basins older than Smythii show little or no evidence for crustal thinning, suggesting that these ancient basins were also affected by high rates of viscous relaxation resulting from higher crustal temperatures early in the Moon's evolution. The lithosphere beneath many young basins is found to be supporting a downward directed force, even after the load associated with the mare basalts is removed, and this is plausibly attributed to superisostatic uplift of the crust-mantle interface. Those basins that are close to achieving a pre-mare isostatic state are generally found to reside within, or close to, the Procellarum KREEP Terrane.  相似文献   

Space weathering is an important surface process that occurs on the Moon and other airless bodies, especially those that have no magnetic field. The optical effects of the Moon's space weathering have largely been investigated in the laboratory for lunar samples and lunar analogues. However, duplication of pristine regolith on Earth is not possible. Here we report on space weathering from the unique perspective of the "Yutu" rover, which was part of the Chang'e-3(CE-3) mission, building on our previous work.Measurement of the visually undisturbed uppermost regolith as well as locations that have been affected by rocket exhaust from the spacecraft by the Visible-Near Infrared Spectrometer(VNIS) revealed that the returned samples provide biased information about the pristine lunar regolith. The uppermost surficial regolith is much more weathered than the regolith immediately below, and the finest fraction is rich in space weathered products. These materials are very dark and attenuated throughout the visible and near-infrared(VNIR) wavelengths, hence reducing the reflectance and masking the absorption features. The effects on the spectral slope caused by space weathering are wavelength-dependent: the visible and near-infrared continuum slope(VNCS) increases while the visible slope(VS) decreases. In the visible wavelengths, the optical effects of space weathering and Ti O_2 are identical: both reduce albedo and blue the spectra. This suggests that a new Ti O_2 abundance algorithm is needed. Optical maturity indices are related to composition and hence only locally meaningful. Since optical remote sensing can only sense the uppermost few microns of regolith and since this surface tends to be very weathered, the interpretation of surface composition using optical remote sensing data needs to be carefully evaluated. Sampling the uppermost surface is suggested.  相似文献   

We have used the Kaguya laser altimeter-derived topography to conduct a comprehensive study of the illumination conditions at the Moon’s south pole. We have determined, by comparing simulated and actual Clementine images, that the Kaguya topography can be used to generate realistic illumination conditions. We generated an average illumination map for the year 2020 for the lunar south pole region. From this we identified the areas that receive the most illumination. The place receiving the most illumination (86% of the year) is located close to the rim of Shackleton crater at 88.74°S 124.5°E. However two other areas, less than 10 km apart from each other, are collectively lit for 94% of the year. We found that sites exist near the south pole that are continuously lit for several months during summer. We were also able to map the locations and durations of eclipse periods for these areas. Finally we analyzed the seasonal variations in lighting conditions, from summer to winter, for key areas near the south pole. We conclude that areas exist near the south pole that have illumination conditions that make them ideal candidates as future outpost sites.  相似文献   

The south polar region of the Moon contains areas permanently shadowed from solar illumination, which may provide cold traps for volatiles such as water ice. Previous radar studies have emphasized the search for diagnostic polarization signatures of thick ice in areas close to the pole, but near-surface regolith properties and regional geology are also important to upcoming orbital studies of the shadowed terrain. To study regional regolith variations, we collected 70-cm wavelength, 450-m resolution, dual-circular polarization radar data for latitudes 60-90° S using the Arecibo and Greenbank telescopes. The circular polarization ratio, μc, is sensitive to differences in rock abundance at the surface and up to tens of m below the surface, depending upon the regolith loss tangent. We observe significant variations in μc, attributed to changes in the surface and subsurface rock population, across the south polar highlands. Concentric haloes of low polarization ratio surrounding Hausen, Moretus, and other young craters represent rock-poor ejecta layers. Values of μc up to ∼1 occur in the floors and near-rim deposits of Eratosthenian and Copernican craters, consistent with abundant rocky ejecta and/or fractured impact melt. Enhanced μc values also correspond to areas mapped as Orientale-derived, plains-forming material [Wilhelms, D.E., Howard, K.A., Wilshire, H.G., 1979. USGS Map I-1162], and similar polarization properties characterize the permanently shadowed floors of craters Faustini and Shoemaker. Small areas of very high (>1.5) circular polarization ratio occur on shadowed and seasonally sunlit terrain, and appear to be associated with small craters. We suggest that regolith in low-lying areas near the south pole is characterized by a significant impact melt component from Orientale, which provides a source for excavation of the block-rich ejecta around small craters observed in this and earlier radar studies. The lower portion of the interior wall of Shackleton crater, permanently shadowed from the sun but visible from Earth, is not significantly different in 70-cm scattering properties from diurnally/seasonally sunlit areas of craters with similar morphology.  相似文献   

C. Plainaki  A. Milillo  S. Orsini 《Icarus》2010,210(1):385-395
In this paper, we look at space weathering processes on the icy surface of Jupiter’s moon Europa. The heavy energetic ions of the jovian plasma (H+, O+, S+, C+) can erode the surface of Europa via ion sputtering (IS), ejecting up to 1000 H2O molecules per ion. UV photons impinging the Europa’s surface can also result in neutral atom release via photon-stimulated desorption (PSD) and chemical change (photolysis). In this work, we study the efficiency of the IS and PSD processes for ejecting water molecules, simulating the resulting neutral H2O density. We also estimate the contribution to the total neutral atom release by the Ion Backscattering (IBS) process. Moreover, we estimate the possibility of detecting the sputtered high energy atoms, in order to distinguish the action of the IS process from other surface release mechanisms. Our main results are: (1) The most significant sputtered-particle flux and the largest contribution to the neutral H2O density come from the incident S+ ions; (2) the H2O density produced via PSD is lower than that due to sputtering by ∼1.5 orders of magnitude; (3) in the energy range below 1 keV, the IBS can be considered negligible for the production of neutrals, whereas in the higher energy range it becomes the dominant neutral emission mechanism; (4) the total sputtering rate for Europa is 2.0 × 1027 H2O s−1; and (5) the fraction of escaping H2O via IS is 22% of the total sputtered population, while the escape fraction for H2O produced by PSD is 30% of the total PSD population. Since the PSD exosphere is lower than the IS one, the major agent for Europa’s surface total net erosion is IS on both the non-illuminated and illuminated side. Lastly, the exospheric neutral density, estimated from the Galileo electron density measurements appears to be higher than that calculated for H2O alone; this favors the scenario of the presence of O2 produced by radiolysis and photolysis.  相似文献   

This survey is a general overview of modern optical studies of the Moon and their diagnostic meaning. It includes three united parts: phase photometry, spectrophotometry, and polarimetry. The first one is devoted to the progress in the photometry of the Moon, which includes absolute albedo determination to refine the albedo scale (e.g., to connect lunar observations and the data of lunar sample measurements) and mapping the parameters of a lunar photometric function (e.g., the phase-angle ratios method) with the aim of making qualitative estimates of regolith structure variations. This part also includes observations of the lunar opposition effect as well as photogrammetry and photoclinometry techniques. In particular, available data show that because of the low albedo of the lunar surface, the coherent backscattering enhancement hardly influences the lunar opposition spike, with the exception of the brightest lunar areas measured in the NIR. The second part is devoted to chemical/mineral mapping of the Moon's surface using spectrophotometric measurements. This section also includes analyses related to the detection of water ice or hydroxyl, prognoses of maturity, and helium-3 abundance mapping. In particular, we examine the relationship between superficial OH/H2O compounds spectrally detected recently and bulk “water ice” found earlier by the Lunar Prospector GRS and LRO LEND, assuming that the compounds are delivered to cold traps (permanently shadowed regions) with electrostatically levitated dust saturated by solar wind hydrogen. Significant problems arise with the determination of TiO2 content, as the correlation between this parameter and the color ratio C(750/415 nm) is very non-linear and not universal for different composition types of the lunar surface; a promising way to resolve this problem is to use color ratios in the UV spectral range. The third part is devoted to mapping of polarization parameters of the lunar surface, which enable estimates of the average size of regolith particles and their optical inhomogeneity. This includes considerations of the Umov effect and results of spectropolarimetry, negative polarization imagery, and measurements of other polarimetric parameters, including the third Stokes parameter. Although these three research divisions have not been developed equally and the numbers of proper references are very different, we try to keep a balance between them, depicting a uniform picture. It should be emphasized that many results presented in this review can be applied to other atmosphereless celestial bodies as well.  相似文献   

We present the first redundant detection of sporadic impact flashes on the Moon from a systematic survey performed between 2001 and 2004. Our wide-field lunar monitoring allows us to estimate the impact rate of large meteoroids on the Moon as a function of the luminous energy received on Earth. It also shows that some historical well-documented mysterious lunar events fit in a clear impact context. Using these data and traditional values of the luminous efficiency for this kind of event we obtain that the impact rate on Earth of large meteoroids (0.1-10 m) would be at least one order of magnitude larger than currently thought. This discrepancy indicates that the luminous efficiency of the hypervelocity impacts is higher than 10−2, much larger than the common belief, or the latest impact fluxes are somewhat too low, or, most likely, a combination of both. Our nominal analysis implies that on Earth, collisions of bodies with masses larger than 1 kg can be as frequent as 80,000 per year and blasts larger than 15-kton could be as frequent as one per year, but this is highly dependent on the exact choice of the luminous efficiency value. As a direct application of our results, we expect that the impact flash of the SMART-1 spacecraft should be detectable from Earth with medium-sized telescopes.  相似文献   

Coupled thermal-orbital histories of early lunar evolution are considered in a simple model. We consider a plagioclase lid, overlying a magma ocean, overlying a solid mantle. Tidal dissipation occurs in the plagioclase lid and heat transport is by conduction and melt migration. We find that large orbital eccentricities can be obtained in this model. We discuss possible consequences of this phase of large eccentricities for the shape of the Moon and geochronology of lunar samples. We find that the orbit can pass through the shape solution of Garrick-Bethell et al. (Garrick-Bethell, I., Wisdom, J., Zuber, M. [2006]. Science 313, 652), but we argue that the shape cannot be maintained against elastic deformation as the orbit continues to evolve.  相似文献   

A 2-month series of quasi-simultaneous imaging photometric observations of the Moon and the Sun has been performed at Maidanak Observatory (Uzbekistan). New absolute values of lunar albedo have been obtained. Maps of lunar apparent albedo and equigonal albedo at phase angles 1.7-73° at wavelength 603 nm are presented. The standard deviation of our data from a best-fitted phase curve is 2%. The average ratio of the Clementine albedo to ours is 1.41. While the ratio of ROLO albedo to ours is 0.87, our data are in agreement with independent measurements of absolute albedo by Saiki et al. (Saiki, K., Saito, K., Okuno, H., Suzuki, A., Yamanoi, Y., Hirata N., Nakamura, R. [2008]. Earth Planets Space 60, 417-424) at a phase angle near 7°. A phase ratio imaging near opposition (1.6°/2.7°) shows almost the same ratio for maria and highlands, though bright craters (e.g., Tycho, Copernicus, Aristarchus) clearly reveal smaller slopes of phase function. This is an unexpected result, as the craters are bright and one could anticipate a manifestation of the coherent backscattering effect resulting in the opposition spike increasing at so small phase angles.  相似文献   

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