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An approximation is developed that allows mapped 4D seismic amplitudes and time‐shifts to be related directly to the weighted linear sum of pore pressure and saturation changes. The weights in this relation are identified as key groups of parameters from a petroelastic model and include the reservoir porosity. This dependence on groups of parameters explains the inherent non‐uniqueness of this problem experienced by previous researchers. The proposed relation is of use in 4D seismic data feasibility studies and inversion and interpretation of the 4D seismic response in terms of pore pressure and water saturation changes. A further result is drawn from analysis of data from the North Sea and West Africa, which reveals that the relative interplay between the effects of pore pressure and saturation changes on the seismic data can be simplified to the control of a single, spatially variant parameter CS/CP. Combining these results with those from published literature, we find that CS/CP = 8 appears to be a generality across a range of clastic reservoirs with a similar mean porosity. Using this CS/CP value, an in situ seismic‐scale constraint for the rock stress sensitivity component of the petroelastic model is constructed considering this component carries the largest uncertainty.  相似文献   

基于广义S变换研究地震地层特征   总被引:12,自引:15,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
将S变换引入到地震地层研究中,用广义S变换代替短时Fourier变换或连续小波变换,用于地震数据频谱分解和提取地震旋回特征.为此,首先研究了S变换的性质及其与短时Fourier变换、连续小波变换的比较,进一步给出广义S变换的特点,说明其如何获得更高分辨率.同时,对前述方法进行数值实现,模型数据试算结果表明算法的正确和有效性.在上述工作基础上,本文首次提出用广义S变换进行地震频谱分解和研究地震旋回,给出实现策略及2D实际地震数据试算结果,证明方法的有效性,为进一步实用化奠定理论和方法基础.  相似文献   

浅层地震资料解释陷阱(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高分辨率浅层地震方法是在近地表调查中使用最为广泛的方法。然而,在许多情况下,地震资料的解释经常会出现错误。在本文中,我们介绍了三个例子,分析了造成P波,SH波,多道的面波(MASW)地震资料解释的错误原因,大都是由于在表面或地下条件约束不确当引起的。第一个例子是P波反射剖面上的一个波的特征被解释为浅层断裂带,但后来证实它是由高水平的背景噪音引起的,因为采集测线通过了一个公路交叉口。第二个例子是SH波反射地震剖面上一个波特征被解释为是逆倾向滑断层,但有针对性的钻探表明,它是一个侵入到基岩面的一个深层局部侵蚀。最后,第三个例子,MASW调查剖面上,一个陡倾特征一开始被解释为基岩谷。然而,后来的钻探表明这是一个非常软的湖泊沉积物,后者严重损坏了应用面波频段。虽然最初的解释是不正确的,但这刺激地球物理学家和地质学家之间的讨论,并强调地球物理数据采集的时候,采集之前以及采集之后需要科学家之间有意义的合作与讨论。  相似文献   

地震资料在层序地层学中的应用进展   总被引:4,自引:6,他引:4  
在层序地层学的发展过程中,地震资料的应用始终起着关键性的作用。在储层规模的高精度层序地层学研究中,地震反射波的运动学、动力学以及统计学特征的应用对解决薄层分析、岩性预测、物性预列、压力预列、含油气性预列等一系列问题提供了可行的手段。尽管该方面的研究取得了一定的进展,但还存在一些问题,本文最后对该方面研究做了简要的评述与展望。  相似文献   

We reformulate the original model of Hatchell and Bourne and Røste, Stovas and Landrø that couples fractional velocity change to subsurface strain via a fundamental constant R. The new model combines elastic compressibility of a dual‐porosity system for a sand–shale mixture with horizontal planes of inter‐granular weakness. The majority of observed R‐factor magnitudes from post‐stack 4D seismic data in both the reservoir and overburden can thus be explained. R is predicted to depend strongly on lithology and also initial strain state. The model is also extended to predict the observed angle‐dependence of time‐lapse time‐shifts from pre‐stack data. An expression for the gradient of time‐shift with incidence angle is obtained in terms of the background VP/VS, and also the ratio of tangential to normal compliances BT/BN representing loss or creation of inter‐granular coupling. If accurately estimated from data, this compliance ratio can be used as an additional parameter to assess the post‐production state of the overburden. It is concluded that whilst R remains the over‐arching parameter controlling the magnitude of time‐shifts measured from 4D seismic data, BT/BN is a subtler parameter that may also prove of future value.  相似文献   

煤田采区三维地震精细构造解释方法   总被引:15,自引:10,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
虽然煤田三维地震勘探已经过了十多年的发展,但构造解释问题仍是目前需要解决的主要问题之一.随着三维地震资料解释方法的不断发展,小波分析技术、相干体技术、地震属性技术、图像处理等提高解释精度的方法相继在地震勘探领域中得到应用.另一方面,由于煤矿采区三维地震勘探资料一般具有高信噪比和高分辨率的特点,为做好三维地震资料精细构造解释提供了物质基础.本文结合小波分析技术、相干体技术、地震属性技术等多种方法,结合两个采区的实例,对小断层和小规模陷落柱做了精细构造解释.解释结果显示联合使用以上几种解释技术,能提高三维地震资料的构造解释精度和可靠信.  相似文献   

The effects of unsuspected lateral variation in seismic velocities at depth on the interpretation of a seismic refraction profile are discussed with the aid of a numerical experiment. The results show that there will be bias in any velocity depth models derived by travel time analysis based on the assumption of horizontally layered media. This bias is examined for a lithospheric profile using both extremal and linearised travel time inversion. In addition quite mild subsurvace topography can have an appreciable effect on the amplitude distribution along the profile.  相似文献   

多分量地震资料处理解释技术研究   总被引:7,自引:8,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
随着油田勘探开发的不断深入,多波多分量地震资料的应用也越来越广泛.本文结合实际资料,对多波多分量地震资料的处理和解释方法进行了探讨和研究,主要针对多波资料的静校正、叠加成像、转换波资料的共转换点的求取方法等技术进行了分析研究,开发了综合利用多波资料进行地震属性和各向异性研究的方法,形成了一套较完善的多分量地震资料的处理、解释技术系列.经过在胜利油田罗家地区的初步应用,表明了预测结果与钻井资料相吻合.  相似文献   

A genetic algorithm of body waveform inversion is presented for better understanding of crustal and upper mantle structures with deep seismic sounding (DSS) waveform data. General reflection and transmission synthetic seismogram algorithm, which is capable of calculating the response of thin alternating high and low velocity layers, is applied as a solution for forward modeling, and the genetic algorithm is used to find the optimal solution of the inverse problem. Numerical tests suggest that the method has the capability of resolving low-velocity layers, thin alternating high and low velocity layers, and noise suppression. Waveform inversion using P-wave records from Zeku, Xiahe and Lintao shots in the seismic wide-angle reflection/refraction survey along northeastern Qinghai-Xizang (Tibeteau) Plateau has revealed fine structures of the bottom of the upper crust and alternating layers in the middle/lower crust and topmost upper mantle.  相似文献   

地震解释技术现状及发展趋势   总被引:18,自引:34,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
本文以我国塔里木油田石油地球物理勘探实例为基础,概述了石油勘探过程中地震解释技术类型、特征、现状和发展趋势.本文认为,在地震勘探技术飞速发展的今天,地球物理学家及地质学家希望获得的地震信息,应当是能够直接反应地下岩石物理特性或油气水的分布,而利用常规的地震解释技术是很难做到这些;随着石油勘探的进一步深化,一些新的地震解释技术涌现出来,并在油气勘探与开发过程中发挥着巨大作用.未来的石油勘探将会面临前所未有的困难,新情况、新问题将层出不穷,地震解释技术也同样面临着考验,因此,只有立足在现有的成熟解释技术之上,并不断探索新的技术与思路,才能与未来的石油勘探步伐相一致.  相似文献   

Fault and fracture interpretation is a fundamental but essential tool for subsurface structure mapping and modelling from 3D seismic data. The existing methods for semi-automatic/automatic fault picking are primarily based on seismic discontinuity analysis that evaluates the lateral changes in seismic waveform and/or amplitude, which is limited by its low resolution on subtle faults and fractures without apparent vertical displacements in seismic images. This study presents an innovative workflow for computer-aided fault/fracture interpretation based on seismic geometry analysis. First, the seismic curvature and flexure attributes are estimated for highlighting both the major faults and the subtle fractures in a seismic volume. Then, fault probability is estimated from the curvature and flexure volumes for differentiation between the potential faults and non-faulting features in the geometric attributes. Finally, the seeded fault picking is implemented for interpreting the target faults and fractures guided by the knowledge of interpreters to avoid misinterpretation and artefacts in the presence of faulting complexities as well as coherent seismic noises. Applications to two 3D seismic volumes from the Netherlands North Sea and the offshore New Zealand demonstrate the added values of the proposed method in imaging and picking the subtle faults and fractures that are often overlooked in the conventional seismic discontinuity analysis and the following fault-interpretation procedures.  相似文献   

精细地震构造解释在油田开发中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在油藏开发的高含水阶段,寻找剩余油分布,调整注采关系等是油藏进一步开发的核心问题.微幅度构造常常是剩余油的富集区域,而小断层的存在往往会影响注采关系.以往的地质分析都是基于已钻井的钻测资料,对于井间的微幅度构造以及小断层的分布情况无法进行预测,本文提出了井震联合精细构迨解释方法,即综合利用已钻井资料和高精度三维地震资料,采用精细层位标定,井震联合小层对比统层,井震联合建立高精度三维速度场,趋势面分析法和“蚂蚁算法”等方法,形成了油藏开发中的舞震联合精细构造解释的方法流程,该方法通过在实例中的应用能有效地寻找剩余油富集区和发现小断层,并且结果都得到了生产中动静态资料的验证,研究表明,井震联合精细构造解释可以有效预测井间的微幅度构造以及小断层的分布情况,对于油藏开发阶段寻找剩余油分布,调整注采关系具有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

The preliminary interpretation of deep seismic sounding in western Yunnan   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The preliminary interpretation of Project western Yunnan 86–87 is presented here. It shows that there obviously exists lateral velocity heterogeneity from south to north in western Yunnan. The depth of Moho increases from 38 km in the southern end of the profile to 58 km in its northern end. The mean crustal velocity is low in the south, and high in the north, about 6.17–6.45 km/s. The consolidated crust is a 3-layer structure respectively, the upper, middle and lower layer. P 1 0 is a weak interface the upper crust, P 2 0 and P 3 0 are the interfaces of middle-upper crust and middle-lower crust respectively. Another weak interface P 3 0′ can be locally traced in the interior of the lower crust. Interface Pg is 0–6 km deep, interface P 1 0 9.2–16.5 km deep, and interfaces P 2 0 and P 3 0 respectively 17.0–26.5 km, 25.0–38.0 km deep. The velocity of the upper crust gradually increases from the south to the north, and reaches its maxmium between Nangaozhai and Zhiti, where the velocity of basement plane reaches 6.25–6.35 km/s, then it becomes small northward. The velocity of the middle crust varies little, the middle crust is a low velocity layer with the velocity of 6.30 km/s from Jinhe-Erhai fault to the north. The lower crust is a strong gradient layer. There exists respectively a low velocity layer in the upper mantle between Jinggu and Jingyunqiao, and between Wuliangshan and Lancangjiang fault, the velocity of Pn is only 7.70–7.80 km/s, it is also low to the north of Honghe fault, about 7.80 km/s. Interface P6/0 can be traced on the top of the upper mantle, its depth is 65 km in the southern end of the profile, and 85 km in the northern end. The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,15, 427–440, 1993.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the sensitivity of the predicted seismic response of buildings in a PWR nuclear power station to the potential changes in the techniques and methods of interpreting soil data that have occurred over the last decade. The investigation is based on the soil-structure interaction (SSI) response of a typical PWR reactor building on a soft site during a seismic event. The current techniques and methods of interpretation of soils data tend to lead to a stiffer site with lower soil material damping than the earlier techniques. This leads to an increase in the SSI natural frequencies of typical buildings and an increase in its seismic response. This increase in the seismic response could put into question any seismic design based on seismic loads derived using the previously accepted generic soil data. The paper concludes with a recommendation for further consideration of the proposed departure from the previously accepted soil data.  相似文献   

地震解释中声波测井资料的整理方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在地震解释中,声波测井资料经常被用来标定地震资料,从而将二者所反映的地质信息联系起来.但二者在纵横向分辨率、频率范围、对吸收的影响、波的类型等方面存在差异,因此,需要对声波测井资料进行整理.本文在分析了声波测井资料和地震资料的差异的基础上,提出了一套声波测井资料的整理方法,以实现测井和地震资料的匹配.在环境校正的基础上...  相似文献   

In certain seismic data processing and interpretation tasks such as spiking deconvolution, tuning analysis, impedance inversion, and spectral decomposition, it is commonly assumed that the vertical direction is normal to reflectors. This assumption is false in the case of dipping layers and may therefore lead to inaccurate results. To overcome this limitation, we propose a coordinate system in which geometry follows the shape of each reflector and the vertical direction corresponds to normal reflectivity. We call this coordinate system stratigraphic coordinates. We develop a constructive algorithm that transfers seismic images into the stratigraphic coordinate system. The algorithm consists of two steps. First, local slopes of seismic events are estimated by plane‐wave destruction; then structural information is spread along the estimated local slopes, and horizons are picked everywhere in the seismic volume by the predictive‐painting algorithm. These picked horizons represent level sets of the first axis of the stratigraphic coordinate system. Next, an upwind finite‐difference scheme is used to find the two other axes, which are perpendicular to the first axis, by solving the appropriate gradient equations. After seismic data are transformed into stratigraphic coordinates, seismic horizons should appear flat, and seismic traces should represent the direction normal to the reflectors. Immediate applications of the stratigraphic coordinate system are in seismic image flattening and spectral decomposition. Synthetic and real data examples demonstrate the effectiveness of stratigraphic coordinates.  相似文献   

Abstract High-resolution seismic stratigraphy of the Yamato Basin, Japan Sea, was successfully established using core-log-seismic data integration. The construction of synthetic seismograms by the combination of physical properties and well-log data from the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 797 was the key to accomplishing the high-resolution seismic stratigraphy. To achieve resolution comparable with well-log data and core lithology, single channel seismic reflection data taken from ODP underway geophysics were reprocessed, and then carefully compared with synthetic seismogram, core and well log profiles to identify seismic units. Ten seismic stratigraphic units were identified at the site, and seismic stratigraphic interpretation was successfully extended from the site to the nearby area along the Yamato Basin margin. The opal-A/opal-CT (biogenic silica/metastable diagenetic silica) boundary has different appearances at places from strong to weak, and mostly discontinuous. One of the significant results achieved from this study is clear distinction of the opal-A/CT boundary from a very strong reflector, which appears at 22 m below the opal-A/CT boundary. Through well-log and physical properties characterization of the different units, resistivity was found to be the best indicator of diatom content and with gamma-ray it also is an indicator of chert layers in the opal-CT zone. Velocity is not greatly effected by diatom ooze in the opal-A zone, however, it shows strong peaks and has an indirect relationship with gamma-ray in the opal-CT zone. Finally, successful correlation of Gamma-ray Attenuation Porosity Evaluator density and resistivity peaks with strong seismic reflectors from upper and lower stratified layers may provide new information on the late Neogene paleoceanography of the Japan Sea in high-resolution scale.  相似文献   

井间地震资料精细解释方法研究与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
井间地震资料分辨率很高,但是缺乏成熟的解释方法,本文针对井间地震资料的特点,借鉴地面地震解释技术对井间地震资料开展了精细解释方法研究.首先在深度域资料特点分析的基础上,利用区域速度和层析成像速度将深度域井间地震资料转换到时间域进行研究,并通过粗化降频建立起井间地震资料与地面地震资料之间的相似性联系,得到对井间地震低频反射特征的认识,结合井旁道合成地震记录标定建立起井间地震资料的反射特征,准确的解释了井间地震的反射层位.采用地震瞬时属性分析和时频属性分析得到了对沉积环境的认识,进一步通过波阻抗反演更好的认识井间储层特征.在实际应用中综合多种方法进行解释,并结合测井资料对比落实了井间砂体展布特征,得到对井间储层的精细描述结果,解决了两口井之间储层分布范围、横向连通性及厚度变化等问题,取得了较好的应用效果.  相似文献   

基于小波变换的相干技术在抑制噪声的能力和减少计算量方面优势显著.将小波变换方法与相干体技术相结合,提出了一种基于小波变换的相干体计算的新方法,并将小波变换相干体技术应用在XY区块复杂断裂断层检测中.实践证明,小波变换相干体技术可以得到突出特定频带的相干体,适用不同品质的地震资料,相对于常规相干技术更能突出不同层次的地质特征.  相似文献   

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