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The advent of ALMA is bound to improve our knowledge of OB star formation dramatically. Here, we present an overview of this topic outlining how high angular resolution and sensitivity may contribute to shed light on the structure of high-mass star forming regions and hence on the process itself of massive star formation. The impact of this new generation instrument will range from establishing the mass function of pre-stellar cores inside IR-dark clouds, to investigating the kinematics of the gas from which OB stars are built up, to assessing or ruling out the existence of circumstellar accretion disks in these objects.  相似文献   

In a previous paper we presented a low-resolution (2°×2°) survey of radio recombination lines (RRLs) at 327 MHz in the longitude rangel=330° to 0° to 89°. In this paper, we present the results of a higher resolution (2°×6′) survey of RRLs from seven 2°-wide fields and two 6°-wide fields in the same longitude range. Observations were made using the Ooty Radio Telescope (ORT). A total of 252 spectra that were obtained are presented. RRLs were detected in almost all the individual positions within the fields withl<35° and at several individual positions within the fields in the longitude rangel=35° to 85°. Detailed analysis of the data towards the field centered at G45.5+0.0, shows that the line emission consists of discrete zones of ionized gas. The angular extent of these zones are likely to be one degree or more corresponding to a linear size of >110 pc at the kinematic distance.  相似文献   

We have obtained and analyzed UBVRI CCD frames of the young, 4–10 Myr, open cluster NGC 3293 and the surrounding field in order to study its stellar content and determine the cluster’s IMF. We found significantly fewer lower mass stars, M≤2.5M , than expected. This is particularly so if a single age for the cluster of 4.6 Myr is adopted as derived from fitting evolutionary models to the upper main sequence. Some intermediate-mass stars near the main sequence in the HR diagram imply an age for the cluster of about 10 Myr. When compared with the Scalo (The stellar initial mass function. ASP conference series, vol. 24, p. 201, 1998) IMF scaled to the cluster IMF in the intermediate mass range, 2.5≤M/M ≤8.0 where there is good agreement, the high mass stars have a distinctly flatter IMF, indicating an over abundance of these stars, and there is a sharp turnover in the distribution at lower masses. The radial density distribution of cluster stars in the massive and intermediate mass regimes indicate that these stars are more concentrated to the cluster core whereas the lower-mass stars show little concentration. We suggest that this is evidence supporting the formation of massive stars through accretion and/or coagulation processes in denser cluster cores at the expense of the lower mass proto-stars. R.W. Slawson and E.P. Horch are guest investigators at the University of Toronto Southern Observatory, Las Campanas, Chile.  相似文献   

According to theory, stars more massive than 8 M must form while still accreting material from the surrounding parental cloud: at this stage radiation pressure should reverse the infall thus preventing further growth of the stellar mass. After illustrating the two models proposed to solve this problem (accretion and coalescence), we review the observational evidence pro/contra such models, focusing on the kinematics of the molecular gas where the massive (proto)stars are embedded as the best tool to shed light on the formation mechanism. Special attention is devoted to the phenomena of infall, outflow, and rotation, concluding that the recent detection of rotating disks in massive young stellar objects is the best evidence so far in favour of the accretion model.  相似文献   

The GMRTHI 21 cm-line observations of galaxies in the Eridanus group are presented. The Eridanus group, at a distance of ≈ 23 Mpc, is a loose group of ≈200 galaxies. The group extends to more than 10 Mpc in projection. The velocity dispersion of the galaxies in the group is ≈240 km s−1. The galaxies are clustered into different sub-groups. The overall population mix of the group is 30% (E + S0) and 70% (Sp + Irr). The observations of 57 Eridanus galaxies were carried out with the GMRT for ≈ 200 h. HI emission was detected from 31 galaxies. The channel rms of ≈ 1 mJy beam−1 was achieved for most of the image-cubes made with 4 h of data. The corresponding HI column density sensitivity (3σ) is ≈ 1 × 1020 cm−2 for a velocity-width of ≈ 13.4 km s−1. The 3σ detection limit of HI mass is ≈ 1.2 X 107 Mpd for a line-width of 50 km s−1. Total HI images, HI velocity fields, global HI line profiles, HI mass surface densities, HI disk parameters and HI rotation curves are presented. The velocity fields are analysed separately for the approaching and the receding sides of the galaxies. These data will be used to study the HI and the radio continuum properties, the Tully-Fisher relations, the dark matter halos, and the kinematical and HI lopsidedness in galaxies.  相似文献   

The hydrogen and helium lines are the most prominent lines in the solar prominences spectra. Observations with the SUMER spectrometer onboard SOHO showed that there are weak lines in the blue wings of the Lyman series which affect their profiles. They were all identified as He ii lines in the Lyman series wings, except for the Lα line whose profile was affected by the use of an attenuator. The He ii lines are the even Balmer lines of the He ii system, a set of lines that we complete with the odd ones. We characterize them by comparison with the blue wings of the Lyman series in order to improve the H Lyman series observations and modeling, on one hand and to provide He ii lines observations for further combined H – He i – He ii modeling, on the other hand.  相似文献   

The Tully-Fisher (TF) or the luminosity-linewidth relations of the galaxies in the Eridanus group are constructed using the HI rotation curves and the luminosities in the optical and in the near-infrared bands. The slopes of the TF relations (absolute magnitudevs log2V flat) are −8.6 ± 1.1, −10.0 ±1.5, −10.7 ±2.1, and −9.7 ±1.3 in the R, J, H, and K bands respectively for galaxies having flat HI rotation curves. These values of the slopes are consistent with those obtained from studies of other groups and clusters. The scatter in the TF relations is in the range 0.5-1.1 mag in different bands. This scatter is considerably larger compared to those observed in other groups and clusters. It is suggested that the larger scatter in the TF relations for the Eridanus group is related to the loose structure of the group. If the TF relations are constructed using the baryonic mass (stellar +HI + Helium mass) instead of the stellar luminosity, nearly identical slopes are obtained in the R and in the near-infrared bands. The baryonic TF (baryonic massvs log2V flat) slope is in the range 3.5–4.1.  相似文献   

The HI content of galaxies in the Eridanus group is studied using the GMRT observations and the HIPASS data. A significant HI deficiency up to a factor of 2–3 is observed in galaxies in the high galaxy density regions. The HI deficiency in galaxies is observed to be directly correlated to the local projected galaxy density, and inversely correlated to the line-of-sight radial velocity. Furthermore, galaxies with larger optical diameters are predominantly in the lower galaxy density regions. It is suggested that the HI deficiency in Eridanus is due to tidal interactions. In some galaxies, evidences of tidal interactions are seen. An important implication is that significant evolution of galaxies can take place in the group environment. In the hierarchical way of formation of clusters via mergers of groups, a fraction of the observed HI deficiency in clusters could have originated in groups. The co-existence of S0s and severely HI deficient galaxies in the Eridanus group suggests that tidal interaction is likely to be an effective mechanism for transforming spirals to S0s.  相似文献   

For the needs of the upcoming flight to Phobos within the framework of the project Phobos-Grunt, a dynamical numerical theory of the motion of Phobos is developed on the basis of Earth-based and spacecraft (SC) optical measurements and Earth-based radio observations of the SC motion. The theory uses the most reliable astronomical constants. Within the framework of a unified dynamical model, an algorithm is proposed for the joint correction of Phobos and the spacecraft parameters of motion, among which are the secular acceleration of Phobos and its gravitational constant. The accuracy of the obtained ephemeris is estimated for the time of the SC arrival to Phobos.  相似文献   

Radiation conditions in Jupiter’s environment and the plasma environment in interplanetary space during a Jupiter-Europa mission are estimated. The numerical modeling results can be used when planning the mission.  相似文献   

Six solar flares were detected by the AVS-F apparatus onboard the CORONAS-F satellite in January 2005. We discuss the temporal profiles and energy spectra of the solar flares of January 20, 17, and 15, 2005 (class X7.1, X3.8, and X2.6, respectively) on the AVS-F data. The active region NOAA 10720 was the source of these flares. The spectra of the flares of January 17 and 20, 2005 contain nuclear lines, a positron line, and a line due to neutron capture line, while only the positron and neutron capture lines can be identified in the spectrum of the flare of January 15, 2005. The spectral features corresponding to these lines were observed during the whole duration of the flares. Analysis of the temporal profile of the flare of January 20, 2005 with a 1-ms temporal resolution in the energy range 0.1–20 MeV reveals the presence of a thin structure (at the 99% confidence level) with typical timescales of 7 to 35 ms.  相似文献   

In this review, we consider all aspects of the development of heliometric and positional observations of the Moon and the investigation of its figure, rotation (physical libration), and gravitational field as well as other similar questions at the Engelhard Astronomical Observatory (EAO) and the Kazan Municipal Astronomical Observatory (KMAO) at Kazan University.  相似文献   

The following sunspot formation indices are analyzed: the relative sunspot number R z, the normalized sunspot group number R g, and the total sunspot area A. Six empirical formulas are derived to describe the relations among these indices after 1908. The earlier data exhibit systematic deviations from these formulas, which can be attributed to systematic errors of the indices. The Greenwich data on the sunspot total area A and the sunspot group number in 1874–1880 are found to be doubtful. Erroneous data at the beginning of the Greenwich series must spoil the values of the index R g in the XVII–XIX centuries. The Hoyt-Schatten series of R g may be less reliable than the well-known Wolf number series R z.  相似文献   

The CORONAS-I and CORONAS-F data on variations in the ionizing shortwave ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation (EUV radiation) at wavelengths of less than 130 nm and near the H Lyman-alpha line are presented. The CORONAS-I data refer to the period close to solar minimum (the index F 10.7 = 80?100), and the CORONAS-F measurements were held close to solar maximum (F10.7 = 140?280). The UV data are compared to those from the UARS and SOHO satellites and to the results obtained from the ionospheric measurements of ionosphere critical frequencies.  相似文献   

The dissimilarity of the results of solar and galactic proton flux measurements made on different spacecraft is pointed out. It is caused, in addition to instrument errors, by differences in the temporal and spatial conditions of the measurements. We suggest using statistical analysis of proton fluences calculated for different long time intervals, from half a year to 10 years, for the optimization of the interplanetary proton database. An example of such analysis is presented and a probabilistic model of total proton fluences at the Earth’s orbit outside the magnetosphere, constructed using the analysis, is described. A formalized method for separating proton fluxes in solar proton events from protons of galactic cosmic rays is suggested. A conclusion is made that sources of cosmic ray protons with energies of less than 4 MeV should be examined in more detail.  相似文献   

The images of the southwestern part of the lunar disk showing the distributions of the negative polarization parameters of the light scattered by the lunar surface are presented. The distributions of the negative polarization minimum P min, the inversion angle αinv, and the polarization slope at the inversion point h significantly differ from the albedo image. This testifies to the fact that polarimetry yields independent information on the structure and optical properties of the lunar regolith.  相似文献   

The results of a series of 24-hour observations of radio-source interplanetary and ionospheric scintillation performed on April 4–10, 2006, at the Pushchino Radio Astronomy Observatory are presented. The observations were carried out with the Large Phased Array radio telescope of the Lebedev Institute of Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, at a frequency of 110 MHz. The scintillating fluxes of all radio sources that fall within a field of sky between declinations +28° and +31° were automatically recorded applying eight beams of the reception pattern operating simultaneously. All of the sources with flux densities of 0.2 Jy or higher were detected. The structure functions of the flux fluctuations were measured for time shifts 1 and 10 s, which characterize the interplanetary (1 s) and ionospheric (10 s) scintillation, respectively. The mean scintillation index m IPP (on a characteristic time scale of 1 s) of an ensemble of radio sources located within a sky band 4° wide in declination and 1 h wide in right ascension was measured as the parameter that characterizes the interplanetary plasma. Diurnal variations of the interplanetary scintillation index were determined. The maximum m IPP value at daytime equals 0.3, and the minimum value at nighttime equals 0.10. Weak interday variations of the mean daytime and nighttime scintillation indices were detected. The ionospheric scintillation indices m Ion are small compared to m IPP at daytime, but m Ion ? m IPP at nighttime. On the whole, both the interplanetary plasma and ionosphere were quiet during the observations.  相似文献   

Asteroid 99942 Apophis is one of the most hazardous NEAs (near-Earth asteroids) today. Some specific features of its travel are the possibility of repeated Earth approaches, loss of forecast precision due to trajectory dispersions, and nondeterministic motion. These specific features do not only characterize Apophis. Special methods are needed to find possible collision trajectories among these travels. These trajectories are located in the vicinity of resonance collision orbits.The present paper discusses methods of detecting hazardous trajectories in the event of nondeterministic motion and characterizing these trajectories as applied to asteroid Apophis, precision losses in the event of trajectory dispersions, conditions of determinacy losses, and hazardous trajectories in the vicinity of resonance orbits.  相似文献   

During two lunations, telescopic imaging of the near side of the Moon was performed at the Maidanak mountain observatory (Uzbekistan) with the use of digital cameras based on CMOS detectors. In different ranges of phase angles, the slope of the phase function of the lunar surface was mapped at a wavelength of 0.52 μm with the method of phase ratios. It has been shown that when the phase angle is gradually decreasing, the correlation between the phase-function slope and the albedo first disappears, and then even changes its sign at small phase angles.  相似文献   

The planar restricted three-body problem has an infinite number of families of symmetric periodic solutions (SPSs). The natural SPS families include certain families which are self-closed with respect to small variations in a parameter. These families remain closed for any admissible variations in the mass parameter μ. However, there are closed SRS families of another type, which exist only in bounded intervals of μ and are formed via self-bifurcations of some SPS families. This type of SPS families is poorly understude. This work describes the initial stage (4 bifurcations) of a bifurcation cascade of the natural family i and points out other closed SPS families known to date.  相似文献   

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