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Isotopic records in meteorites provide evidence for the presence of several short-lived nuclides in the early solar system with half-lives varying from 105 to ∼8x107 years. Most of the nuclides with longer half-life (> 107 years) are considered to be products of stellar nucleosynthesis taking place over long time scales in our galaxy. However, for the relatively shorter-lived nuclides, two possibilities exist; they could be products of energetic particle interactions taking place in a presolar or early solar environment, or, they could have been produced in a stellar source and injected into the protosolar molecular cloud just prior to its collapse. The presently available data appear to support the latter case and put a stringent constraint of less than a million years for the time scale for the collapse of the protosolar molecular cloud to form the Sun and some of the first solar system solids. This short time scale also suggests the possibility of a triggered origin for the solar system with the very process of injection of the short-lived nuclides acting as the trigger for the collapse of the protosolar molecular cloud. Fossil records of the short-lived nuclides in meteorites also provide very useful chronological information on the early solar system processes like the time scale for nebular processing, the time scales for differentiation and for metal/silicate fractionation within planetesimals. The currently available data suggest a time scale of a few million years for nebular processing and a relatively short time scale of about ten million years within which differentiation, melting and recrystallization in some of the planetesimals took place.  相似文献   

月壤中纳米金属铁的太空风化成因及模拟方法分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
月壤中普遍存在着大量由太空风化作用产生的纳米金属铁,这些纳米金属铁在一定程度上改变了月球表面的物理、化学和光学特征.纳米金属铁在月壤中主要赋存于胶结质玻璃相中和月壤颗粒的表面,胶结质玻璃相的纳米金属铁起源于微陨石轰击富含太阳风氢粒子的月壤产生的高温熔融还原作用,颗粒表面的纳米金属铁来自微陨石轰击引起的蒸发沉积作用和太阳...  相似文献   

Since about half a century samples from the lunar and asteroidal regoliths been used to derive information about elemental and isotopic composition and other properties of the present and past solar wind, predominantly for the noble gases and nitrogen. Secular changes of several important compositional parameters in the solar wind were proposed, as was a likely secular decrease of the solar wind flux. In 2004 NASA’s Genesis mission returned samples which had been exposed to the solar wind for almost 2.5 years. Their analyses resulted in an unprecendented accuracy for the isotopic and elemental composition of several elements in the solar wind, including noble gases, O and N. The Genesis data therefore also allow to re-evaluate the lunar and meteorite data, which is done here. In particular, claims for long-term changes of solar wind composition are reviewed.Outermost grain layers from relatively recently irradiated lunar regolith samples conserve the true isotopic ratios of implanted solar wind species. This conclusion had been made before Genesis based on the agreement of He and Ne isotopic data measured in the aluminum foils exposed to the solar wind on the Moon during the Apollo missions with data obtained in the first gas release fractions of stepwise in-vacuo etch experiments. Genesis data allowed to strengthen this conclusion and to extend it to all five noble gases. Minor variations in the isotopic compositions of implanted solar noble gases between relatively recently irradiated samples (<100 Ma) and samples irradiated billions of years ago are very likely the result of isotopic fractionation processes that happened after trapping of the gases rather than indicative of true secular changes in the solar wind composition. This is particularly important for the 3He/4He ratio, whose constancy over billions of years indicates that hardly any 3He produced as transient product of the pp-chains has been mixed from the solar interior into its outer convective zone. The He isotopic composition measured in the present-day solar wind therefore is identical to the (D + 3He)/4He ratio at the start of the suns’s main sequence phase and hence can be used to determine the protosolar D/H ratio.Genesis settled the long-standing controversy on the isotopic composition of nitrogen in lunar regolith samples. The 15N/14N ratio in the solar wind as measured by Genesis is lower than in any lunar sample. This proves that nitrogen in regolith samples is dominated by non-solar sources. A postulated secular increase of 15N/14N by some 30% over the past few Ga is not tenable any longer. Genesis also provided accurate data on the isotopic composition of oxygen in the solar wind, invaluable for cosmochemisty. These data superseded but essentially confirmed one value – and disproved a second one – derived from lunar regolith samples shortly prior to Genesis.Genesis also confirmed prior conclusions that lunar regolith samples essentially conserve the true elemental ratios of the heavy noble gases in the solar wind (Ar/Kr, Kr/Xe). Several secular changes of elemental abundances of noble gases in the solar wind had been proposed based on lunar and meteoritic data. I argue here that lunar data – in concert with Genesis – provide convincing evidence only for a long-term decrease of the Kr/Xe ratio by almost a factor of two over the past several Ga. It appears that the enhancement of abundances of elements with a low first ionisation potential in the solar wind (FIP effect) changed with time.Finally, Genesis allows a somewhat improved comparison of the present-day flux of solar wind Kr and Xe with the total amount of heavy solar wind noble gases in the lunar regolith. It remains unclear whether the past solar wind flux has been several times higher on average than it is today.  相似文献   

In this work, we report a global mapping of vector lunar magnetic field based on new method of separation of internal and external fields. The magnetic measurements collected during the lifetime of lunar prospector (LP) extended mission during 1999 were strongly disturbed by the solar wind, a period which coincided with a maximum of the 23 cycle activity. The multiscale wavelength external fields were analyzed using spherical harmonic transform. The external field determined by inversion was then removed from each magnetic field component for each half orbit. To map the vector magnetic crustal anomalies, all LP magnetometer data collected at low altitudes in the three different lunar environments: (1) geomagnetic tail, (2) solar wind, and (3) geomagnetic sheath were processed using this new approach. The results obtained using these selection criteria allow us to get a global coverage of the lunar surface by the vector magnetic field at variable spacecraft low altitudes. To validate our mapping, we have developed and applied a method based on properties of potential fields functions. This method can be used to determine both horizontal north and east components using only vertical component. The validated lunar internal magnetic measurements obtained at variable spacecraft altitudes were then continued to a common altitude of 30 km using an inverse method. This mapping confirms firstly the nature of the crustal sources of lunar magnetic field and clearly shows that the strongest concentrations of anomalies are associated with high albedo and/or located antipodal to large young basins (Orientale, Serenitatis, Imbrium, and Crisium) of age about 3.9 Ga.  相似文献   

月球尘埃研究具有重要的科学和工程价值。目前对月球尘埃运动规律、运动机理等的了解非常有限,对尘埃运动物理参数缺少系统的定量测量,严重制约了月球尘埃的科学研究。阿波罗17号宇航员观察到的月尘扬起及其物理机制迄今为止在科学上仍然是一个谜。中国的嫦娥三号月球探测任务得到了月面上的尘埃沉积数据及尘埃活动高度数据,表明尘埃活动具有显著的地域差异。在嫦娥五号采样返回任务中将研究月尘带电方面的物理特性。探月后续任务中如果能够在高纬度地区首次系统地定量测量月尘运动的物理参数,将会揭示不同经纬度区域、不同太阳光照条件、不同太阳风条件、不同地形条件下的尘埃活动规律及其关键影响因素,对高精度数值模型的建立及其参数选择提供定量限制,必将取得新的重要科学发现。  相似文献   

The Moon is thought to have formed after a planetary embryo, known as Theia, collided with the proto-Earth 4.5 billion years ago. This so-called Giant Impact was the last major event during Earth’s accretion, and its effects on the composition of the Earth and the newly forming Moon would be measureable today. Recent work on lunar samples has revealed that the Moon’s water was not lost as a result of this giant impact. Instead, the Moon appears to contain multiple hydrogen reservoirs with diverse deuterium-to-hydrogen (D/H) ratios. For the first time, we incorporate hydrogen isotopic measurements of lunar samples to help constrain the composition of Theia. We show that the Moon incorporated very low-D/H (δD ≈ -750‰) materials that only could have derived from solar nebula H2 ingassed into the magma ocean of a large (∼0.4 ME) planetary embryo that was largely devoid of chondritic water. We infer Theia was a very large body comparable in size to the proto-Earth, and was composed almost entirely of enstatite chondrite-like material. These conclusions limit the type of impact to a “merger” model of similarly-sized bodies, or possibly a “hit-and-run” model, and they rule out models that mix isotopes too effectively.  相似文献   

The Moon is generally depleted in volatile elements and this depletion extends to the surface where the most abundant mineral, anorthite, features <6 ppm H2O. Presumably the other nominally anhydrous minerals that dominate the mineral composition of the global surface—olivine and pyroxene—are similarly depleted in water and other volatiles. Thus the Moon is tabula rasa for the study of volatiles introduced in the wake of its origin. Since the formation of the last major basin (Orientale), volatiles from the solar wind, from impactors of all sizes, and from volatiles expelled from the interior during volcanic eruptions have all interacted with the lunar surface, leaving a volatile record that can be used to understand the processes that enable processing, transport, sequestration, and loss of volatiles from the lunar system. Recent discoveries have shown the lunar system to be complex, featuring emerging recognition of chemistry unanticipated from the Apollo era, confounding issues regarding transport of volatiles to the lunar poles, the role of the lunar regolith as a sink for volatiles, and the potential for active volatile dynamics in the polar cold traps. While much has been learned since the overturn of the “Moon is dry” paradigm by innovative sample and spacecraft measurements, the data point to a more complex lunar volatile environment than is currently perceived.  相似文献   

Climatic changes result from variables in planetary orbits which modulate solar energy emission and change seasonal and latitudinal distribution of heat received by the Earth. Small insolation changes are multiplied by the albedo effect of the winter snow fields of the Northern Hemisphere, by ocean-atmosphere feedbacks, and, probably, by the stratospheric ozone layer. The role of volcanic explosions and other aperiodic phenomena is secondary. The immediate climate response to insolation trends permits astronomic dating of Pleistocene events. A new glacial insolation regime, expected to last 8000 years, began just recently. Mean global temperatures may eventually drop about 1oC in the next hundred years. A refinement of the Milankovitch theory in terms of the lunar orbit and more data on solar periodicities are needed for reliable long range predictions.  相似文献   

High-resolution stepped heating has been used to extract light noble gases implanted in a suite of 13 individual lunar ilmenite and iron grains and in the Kapoeta howardite by solar wind (SW) and solar energetic particle (SEP) irradiation. Isotopic analyses of gases evolved at low temperatures from the lunar grains confirm the neon and argon compositions obtained by Pepin et al. (Pepin R. O., Becker R. H., and Schlutter D. J., “Irradiation records in regolith materials, I: Isotopic compositions of solar-wind neon and argon in single lunar regolith grains”, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta63, 2145-2162, 1999) in an initial study of 11 regolith grains, primarily ilmenites. Combination of the data sets from both investigations yields 20Ne/22Ne = 13.85 ± 0.04, 21Ne/22Ne = 0.0334 ± 0.0003, and 36Ar/38Ar = 5.80 ± 0.06 for the lunar samples; the corresponding 36Ar/38Ar ratio in Kapoeta is 5.74 ± 0.06. The neon ratios agree well with those measured by Benkert et al. (Benkert J.-P., Baur H., Signer P., and Wieler R., “He, Ne, and Ar from the solar wind and solar energetic particles in lunar ilmenites and pyroxenes”, J. Geophys. Res. (Planets)98, 13147-13162, 1993) in gases extracted from bulk lunar ilmenite samples by stepped acid etching and attributed by them to the SW. The 36Ar/38Ar ratios, however, are significantly above both Benkert et al.’s (1993) proposed SW value of 5.48 ± 0.05 and a later estimate of 5.58 ± 0.03 from an acid-etch analysis of Kapoeta (Becker R. H., Schlutter D. J., Rider P. E., and Pepin R. O., “An acid-etch study of the Kapoeta achondrite: Implications for the argon-36/argon-38 ratio in the solar wind”, Meteorit. Planet. Sci.33, 109-113, 1998). We believe, for reasons discussed here and in our earlier report, that 5.80 ± 0.06 ratio most nearly represents the wind composition. The 3He/4He ratio in low-temperature gas releases, not measured in the first particle suite, is found in several grains to be indistinguishable from Benkert et al.’s (1993) SW estimate. Elemental ratios of He, Ne, and Ar initially released from grain-surface SW implantation zones are solar-like, as found earlier by Pepin et al. (1999). Gases evolved from these reservoirs at higher temperatures show evidence for perturbations from solar elemental compositions by prior He loss, thermal mobilization of excess Ne from fractionated SW components, or both.Attention in this second investigation was focused on estimating the isotopic compositions of both the SW and the more deeply sited SEP components in regolith grains. Several high-temperature “isotopic plateaus”—approximately constant isotopic ratios in gas fractions released over a number of consecutive heating steps—were observed in the close vicinities of the SEP ratios for He, Ne, and Ar reported by Benkert et al. (1993). Arguments presented in the text suggest that these plateaus are relatively free of interferences from multicomponent mixing artifacts that can mimic pure component signatures. Average SEP compositions derived from the stepped-heating plateau measurements are in remarkable agreement with the Zürich acid-etch values for all three gases.  相似文献   

The Clementine spacecraft orbited the Moon and acquired science data for 10 weeks in the Spring of 1994. During this time it collected global 11-band multispectral images and near global altimetry. Select areas of the Moon were imaged at 25 m/pixel in visible light and 60 m/pixel in thermal wavelengths. From these datasets a new paradigm for the evolution of the lunar crust emerged. The Moon is no longer viewed as a two-terrane planet, the Apollo samples were found not to represent the lunar crust as a whole, and the complexity of lunar crustal stratigraphy was further revealed. More than ten years later the Clementine datasets continue to significantly advance lunar science and will continue to do so as new measurements are returned from planned missions such as Chandrayaan, SELENE, and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter. This paper highlights the scientific research conducted over the last decade using Clementine data and summarizes the influence of Clementine on our understanding of the Moon.  相似文献   

宇宙成因核素在地球科学中的应用   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
孔屏 《地学前缘》2002,9(3):41-48
随着加速器质谱的出现 ,宇宙成因核素展示了其在地球科学中的生命力。文中介绍了宇宙成因核素的生成、示踪原理及近些年来在地球科学中的应用 ,特别着重地介绍了原地生成宇宙成因核素定年这一新的技术。宇宙成因核素是宇宙射线粒子 (包括原生和次生粒子 )与大气及岩石发生核反应所生成的新的核素 ,其在大气及岩石中的生成量可用已知物理过程定量地描述。大气生成宇宙成因核素在考古、古环境及地球各圈层的相互作用方面得到了广泛的应用 ,原地生成宇宙成因核素则在地貌学研究中扮演着重要的角色 ,成为一门新的实验技术。这门技术可以定量地描述地表的暴露历史和侵蚀速率 ,在解决许多地质问题上成为惟一的手段  相似文献   

徐琳  邹永廖  刘建忠 《矿物学报》2003,23(4):374-378
除了极少数非常陡峭的山脉与撞击坑和火山通道的峭壁外,整个月球表面几乎都被一层厚度不等的月尘、岩屑和岩块的混合堆积物即月壤所覆盖。由于月球无大气层等特殊环境,太阳光长驱直入,太阳风粒子直接注入到月壤细小颗粒上使月壤中富含稀有气体等太阳风粒子组分。本文在系统阐述月壤的形成过程与形成机制的基础上,分析了月壤中稀有气体的来源及其浓度与月壤的成熟度、月壤颗粒大小、月壤矿物组成和化学成分的相关关系,进而利用已有的探测数据和分析结果,对月壤中氦-3资源的开发利用前景进行了初步评估。  相似文献   

The sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe (SHRIMP) developed at the Australian National University (ANU) was the first of the high-resolution ion microprobes. The impact of this instrument on geochronological research over the last twenty years has been immense. This is particularly so for lunar geochronology where it has opened up avenues of research that were not possible using conventional TIMS techniques. The great advantage of SHRIMP is that it provides a means for determining precise U–Pb isotopic ratios on selected micron-size areas on polished grains of zircon and other U-bearing minerals. One of the first projects undertaken on the newly invented SHRIMP I was an investigation of U–Pb ages of lunar zircon. Using SHRIMP, multiple analyses could be made on areas of individual zircons to test the stability of U–Pb systems in shocked grains. Also, by analysing grains “in situ”, textural relationships between the analysed zircon and the components of the sample breccia could be used in the interpretation of the SHRIMP data. As a result of this research it was realised that most lunar zircons have ages up to 500 Ma older than the Imbrium and Serenitatis impacts at ca. 3.9 Ga, demonstrating that the zircons have not been affected by the these impact events although heating and shock effects have profoundly disturbed other dating systems. This has opened the way for research into the early lunar magmatic and bombardment record. For example, recent SHRIMP results have revealed profound differences in the ages of zircons from breccias from the Apollo 14 and Apollo 17 sample sites, raising new questions about the evolution of lunar magmatism. Also, multiple SHRIMP analyses on complex lunar zircons have shown that these grains can record U–Pb disturbance by later impact events. SHRIMP U–Pb age determinations on phosphates in lunar meteorites has identified lunar events not recognised in samples from the Apollo program. SHRIMP-based research on lunar materials is ongoing and, in combination with other chemical and structural evidence, continues to stimulate new ideas on the early evolution of the Moon.  相似文献   

月壤颗粒微观环带的太空风化成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
太空风化是迄今31亿年以来影响月球表面物质演化过程的主要因素,主要包括陨石、微陨石的轰击,太阳风粒子的注入,太阳/银河宇宙射线的辐射以及周期性的加热作用等。通过深入剖析太阳风粒子的注入与溅射、微陨石轰击的蒸发与沉积、宇宙射线辐射的辐射损伤等过程的作用机理,探讨了不同太空风化过程对矿物颗粒环带厚度、化学组成、晶体结构等特征的影响,认为微陨石轰击与太阳风注入是形成月壤颗粒微观环带的主导因素,宇宙射线辐射与周期性加热的影响可忽略不计。进一步结合非晶质环带、富内含物环带、多环环带以及小泡环带等月壤颗粒主要环带的基本特征,在总结和对比分析各类型环带的厚度、结构以及化学组成特征基础上,对不同类型环带的成因进行初步推断,认为非晶质环带、小泡环带以及多环环带的内层环带具有太阳风作用特征,而富内含物环带、多环环带的外层环带则具有微陨石轰击的成因特征。根据目前单纯依靠环带的化学组成分析解释环带成因存在的不足,指出了通过补充分析矿物晶体结构在模拟太空风化实验过程中的变化特征来研究环带成因的新思路。  相似文献   

月球表面温度物理模型研究现状   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
-总结了前人对月球表面温度的研究方法,对他们的研究进行了归类,分析了它们各自的优劣。直接测量和基于绕月飞行器的遥感测量均需投入昂贵的发射和维护费用,基于探测数据或月球样品分析数据的研究局限于某些时间段和地点,地基遥感探测的空间分辨率太低,这些方法自身的局限限制它们不可能用于全月的温度变化研究,只有通过建立比较完善的月球表面温度物理模型才可能达到这一目的。重点对月球表面温度物理模型进行讨论,分析了已有的模型,总结了影响月球表面温度的影响因素,包括月球表面太阳辐射、月球内部热流、月球表面物质的热吸收率、发射率、热导率、热容以及密度等,对这些因素的研究现状进行了概括,并提出了进一步研究这些参数的一些想法。  相似文献   

Cosmogenic nuclides in extraterrestrial matter provide a wealth of information on the exposure and collision histories of small objects in space and on the history of the solar and galactic cosmic radiation. The interpretation of the observed abundances of cosmogenic nuclides requires detailed and accurate knowledge of their production rates. Accelerator experiments provide a quantitative basis and the ground truth for modeling cosmogenic nuclide production by measurements of the relevant cross sections and by realistic simulations of the interaction of galactic protons with meteoroids under completely controlled conditions, respectively. We review the establishment of physical model calculations of cosmogenic nuclide production in extraterrestrial matter on the basis of such accelerator experiments and exemplify this approach by presenting new experimental and theoretical results for the cosmogenic nuclide44Ti. The model calculations describe all aspects of cosmogenic nuclide production and allow the determination of long-term solar and galactic cosmic ray spectra and a consistent interpretation of cosmogenic nuclides in extraterrestrial matter.  相似文献   

Recent results on cosmic ray interactions in lunar samples and meteorites resulting in production of stable and radionuclides, particle tracks and thermoluminescence are reviewed. A critical examination of26A1 depth profiles in lunar rocks and soil cores, together with particle track data, enables us to determine the long term average fluxes of energetic solar protons (>10 MeV) which can be represented by (J s,R o)=(125, 125). The lunar rock data indicate that this flux has remained constant for 5×105 to 2×106 years. Production rates of stable and radionuclides produced by galactic cosmic rays is given as a function of size and depth of the meteoroid. Radionuclide (53Mn,28Al) depth profiles in meteorite cores, whose preatmospheric depths are deduced from track density profiles are used to develop a general procedure for calculating isotope production rates as a function of meteoroid size. Based on the track density and22Ne/21Ne production rates, a criterion is developed to identify meteorites with multiple exposure history.22Ne/21Ne ratio <1·06 is usually indicative of deep shielded exposure. An examination of the available data suggests that the frequency of meteorites with multiple exposure history is high, at least 15% for LL, 27% for L and 31% for H chondrites. The epi-thermal and the thermal neutron density profiles in different meteorites are deduced from60Co and track density data in Dhajala, Kirin and Allende chondrites. The data show that the production profile depends sensitively on the size and the chemical composition of the meteoroid. Cosmic ray-induced thermoluminescence in meteorites of known preatmospheric sizes has been measured which indicates that its production profile is nearly flat and insensitive to the size of the meteoroid. Some new possibilities in studying cosmic ray implanted radionuclides in meteorites and lunar samples using resonance ionisation spectroscopy are discussed.  相似文献   

The most fundamental character of lunar soil is its high concentrations of solar-wind-implanted elements, and the concentrations and behavior of the noble gases He, Ne, Ar, and Xe, which provide unique and extensive information about a broad range of fundamental problems. In this paper, the authors studied the forming mechanism of lunar regolith, and proposed that most of the noble gases in lunar regolith come from the solar wind. Meteoroid bombardment controls the maturity of lunar soil, with the degree of maturation decreasing with grain size; the concentrations of the noble gases would be of slight variation with the depth of lunar soil but tend to decrease with grain size. In addition, the concentrations of noble gases in lunar soil also show a close relationship with its mineral and chemical compositions. The utilization prospects of the noble gas ^3He in lunar regolith will be further discussed.  相似文献   

赵娜  朱培民  张秉政  袁悦锋 《地球科学》2015,40(7):1276-1286
由于前人的月震定位结果主要是基于20世纪70、80年代的月球速度模型, 定位结果误差较大, 无法为月震层析成像等研究提供精确的月震参数.随着对月球内部结构研究的不断深入, 月球速度模型及分层结构的精细程度已经有了很大提高.通过对Apollo月震数据解码及分析, 重新拾取了月震初至数据, 在总结前人震源定位的基础上, 利用月球新近速度模型, 采用Geiger震源定位方法进行了月震震源定位, 给出了较为全面的月震参数目录, 并对月震和地震的分布及形成机制进行了对比, 可为以后月震及月球内部结构的深入研究提供更多的依据.   相似文献   

There has been a debate for the last thirty years about the relative merits of human versus robotic systems and we argue here that both are essential components for successful lunar exploration and development. We examine the role of robots in the next phases of exploration and human development of the Moon. The historical use of robots and humans in exploration is discussed, including Apollo-era exploration, International Space Station, and deep-water petroleum exploration. The technological challenges of lunar operations are addressed in the context of how robotic systems can be designed for robust and flexible operations. System design recommendations are given based on the lessons learned from terrestrial and space robotics.  相似文献   

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