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Ge Tongming Liu Jian Fan Limin Zhong Shuixian Wu Nengyou Hsu Vindell A. Baksi 《《地质学报》英文版》1995,8(2):221-233
Abstract This paper discusses the Cretaceous-Tertiary magnetic polarity sequence of the the Hengyang Basin on the basis of magnetostratigraphic study. The age of each stratigraphic unit has been determined with the magnetic polarity time scale combined with <sup>39</sup>Ar/<sup>40</sup>Ar dating, thus providing evidence for determining the geological ages of different formations. The authors assign the age of the Dongjing Formation of the Hengyang Basin to Early Cretaceous, the Shenhuangshan Formation to Early-Late Cretaceous, the Daijiaping Formation to Late Cretaceous, and the Dongtang and Xialiushi formations to Palaeocene. 相似文献
衡阳盆地红层的磁性地层学研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
本文用磁性地层学方法研究衡阳盆地白垩纪-第三忆地层,建立了该地层的磁极性序列。以地磁极性年代表为时间标尺,并辅之岩石的^39Ar-^40Ar同位素年代测定值,研究了各地层单元的生成年代,为地层时代的确定提供了依据。研究认为,衡阳盆地东北组时代属早白垩世;神皇山时代为早白垩世-晚白垩世;载家坪组时代为晚白垩世;东塘组和霞流市组时代属古新世。 相似文献
的可靠性及不同沉积过程对古地磁记录的影响。逐步热退磁实验结果显示仅有19% 的塘边组风成红层分离出稳定的特征
剩磁,而且其强度衰减曲线为凸形,表明特征剩磁为碎屑赤铁矿携带的原生剩磁。其平均方向为Ds=15.6 °, Is=28.9 °, n=
25, κ=13.0, α95=8.3 °;对应的古地磁极为Latitude=70.7 °, Longitude=245.6 °, A95=6.8 °。该古地磁极与赣州地区河湖相红层
磁记录的稳定性有一定影响。 相似文献
ZHANG Xianqiu Lü Junchang BIAN Geguo QIU Licheng HUANG Dong YUAN Weiqiang China New Star 《《地质学报》英文版》2005,79(5):598-604
The red beds of the northern Heyuan Basin (Guangdong Province, China) are more than 4,000 m thick. Based on the lithological characters, in ascending order these beds are divided into the Dafeng Formation, Zhutian Formation, and Zhenshui Formation of the Nanxiong Group, Shanghu Formation and Danxia Formation. The Nanxiong Group with relatively mature coarse clastic rocks attains about 2940 m in thickness. The Dafeng Formation is 837 m thick, consisting of conglomerates and sandy conglomerates; the Zhutian Formation, which is 1.200 m thick, consists of purplish red sandstone with gravels, poorly sorted sandstone, feldspathic quartzose sandstone banded granular conglomerate, siltstone, and sandy mudstone. The Zhutian Formation is rich in calcareous concretions. Heyuannia (Oviraptoridae) and turtle fossils were found in this formation. The Zhenshui Formation deposited to a thickness of 900 m consists of coarse sediments, including granular conglomerate, and gravelly sandstone with well developed cross-beddings; the Shanghu Formation, which is 820 m thick, consists of purplish red granular conglomerate coarse sandstone intercalated with fine si~tstone; the Danxia Formation characterized by the Danxia ~andform is composed of coarse c~astic gravels and sandy gravels. The lower part of the Nanxiong Group whence dinosaur eggs and derived oviraptorosaurs come, belongs to the Late Cretaceous. No fossils are found in the Shanghu Formation or the Danxia Formation, but their stratigraphic order of superposition on the Nanxiong Group clearly shows their younger age. 相似文献
海相红层是红层研究的一个重要方向,在前人地层学、古生物学等资料基础上,笔者在鄂尔多斯周缘露头区针对奥陶纪海相红层进行了专门研究,从中识别出7套奥陶纪海相红层。借助于对应地层中已报道的笔石、三叶虫、珊瑚等不同化石类别的特征分子、典型化石带或化石组合,基本确定了这7套海相红层的形成时代:自下而上分别为特马豆克期、弗洛期晚期(也许包括大坪期早期)、大坪期、达瑞威尔期、桑比期、凯迪期早期和凯迪期晚期。建立了鄂尔多斯周缘奥陶纪海相红层对比表,分析了奥陶纪海相红层形成环境和古地理分布情况。 相似文献
华南志留系红层的时代 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
华南志留系红层有三个形成期,“下红层”形成于晚Aeronian至早Telychian期;“上红层”主要形成于晚Telychian期;第三套红层形成于Ludlow期,但在O.crispa牙形刺带之前。每套红层的时代各地不同,有穿时现象。 相似文献
衡阳市郊五马归槽始新世鱼化石保存在黑色湖相纹层中。根据纹层序列的对比,发现该地的鱼化石均为同一层位;根据鱼化石在纹层序列中的具体位置及鱼化石的保存状况,笔者推测鱼群的死亡并非由于季节更替,而是由气候干旱引起的湖水盐度升高所控制;黑白纹层的变化是由大气降雨所致。 相似文献
在胶莱盆地,其红层所属地层岩性为粉砂岩、泥岩,含、透水性较差,查找低阻断裂构造是其地下水勘探的唯一途径。而红层地区的压扭性断层,会因挤压密实的断层泥存在,导致单纯利用低电阻率参数判定地下水的赋存位置出现差错。根据该区地下水的自然电位异常值约为-100mV、含水破碎砂岩极化率大于2%、衰减度D大于50%的特点,提出了自然电位观测法与激发极化电测深法相结合的组合方法。即利用自然电场法进行剖面测量,判定含水异常位置,然后利用激发极化电测深法准确判定地下水所在层位及埋深。在胶州市某镇政府水源勘探中,利用该组合方法,成功的圈定了3个井位,并在预定的深度内打出了单井出水量为1000t/d的优质井。 相似文献
冀西北张北康保一带新生代红层的地质特征 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
冀西北坝上高原的张北、康保等地发育着两套新生代红层,分别为上新世石匣组和中更新世赤城组.石匣组为一套深红、绛红色的粘土、砂砾层,岩性、岩相变化大,其中含有丰富的具铁锰质薄膜的钙质结核和黑色锰质斑点,并有丰富的三趾马动物群化石和孢粉.孢粉中喜暖喜湿分子约占19 %,形成于炎热湿润气候条件下,与现代北亚热带气候条件相似.赤城组为一套冲洪积红黄色亚粘土夹棕红色粘土、砂组成,分布较为局限,含个体小、形状不规则的钙质结核,并有周口店动物群的化石分子和孢粉.孢粉中以中性喜温的松属占绝对优势,喜暖喜湿的分子约占7.6 %,形成于温和较湿润气候条件下. 相似文献
红层是我国南方分布广泛的白垩纪沉积软岩,大量试验数据分析表明,反映红层工程性质的一些重要物理力学指标间存在着较好的相关性,由于岩石结构的差异,不同地区红层的相关方程差异较大。通过对试验数据进行回归分析。建立了抚州市区红层的饱和重度与饱和单轴抗压强度、饱和单轴抗压强度与割性模量、三轴抗压强度与围压之间的相关方程,分析了现有点荷载试验强度与饱和单轴抗压强度相关方程对抚州红层的不适用性,并建立了相应的相关性明显的相关方程。 相似文献
白垩纪大洋红层:特征、分布与成因 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
“白垩纪大洋红层”(CORB)自20世纪末正式提出后已经迅速成为白垩纪新的研究方向之一。本文在参考国外CORB的学术研究成果基础上,重点对我们在西藏南部和意大利中部两个研究程度较高地区所获得的立典研究成果予以详细介绍,同时对CORB的全球性对比进行总结和归纳,对大洋红层蕴涵的古海洋、古气候信息进行详细评述。我们认为,CORB是沉积物在原地氧化条件下的产物,导致该氧化条件出现的主要因素是底层水高含量的溶解氧,而深层古洋流的发育很可能是导致高溶解氧含量的主要原因。 相似文献
THE ANALYSIS METHODOLOGY OF POLLEN FROM THE MESOZOIC—CENOZOIC RED BEDS IN NORTHERN TIBETtheNational (G19980 40 80 0 5 .3)andtheProject (49872 0 0 3)supportedbyNNSFC 相似文献
空气潜孔锤在云南红层中快速钻井工艺应用研究 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
通过项目的组织实施,空气潜孔锤在20天时间内平均每台成井工作量高达650.5 m,比传统回转钻进工艺的平均值提高了235.2%,最大提高了337%;平均单井日出水量比传统回转钻进工艺的平均值提高了140.8%,最大提高了235.7%,在该地区红层中找水钻井取得了显著的经济和社会效益.文中较为详细介绍了研究技术路线、设备... 相似文献
ZHANG Jiaodong CHEN Xuanhu LI Qiuli LIU Chengzhai LI Bing LI Jie LIU Gang REN Fenglou 《《地质学报》英文版》2012,86(5):1060-1076
The Hefei Basin is the largest basin in the North China landmass with complete and well-preserved Mesozoic and Cenozoic strata. In the basin there developed a suite of extremely thick “red beds” in the Mesozoic. Owing to complex evolution processes and a lack of paleontological traces, there have been controversies regarding the division and correlation of this suite of red beds. Based on results obtained in recent years in drilling, seismic and surface geological investigations and in consideration of relationships between seismic sequences and regional tectonic events, as well as evidence in paleontology, petrology and isotopic dating, this paper preliminarily puts forward the following ideas about the sequence stratigraphic framework of the continental “red beds” in the Hefei Basin. (1) The Zhougongshan Formation and the Yuantongshan Formation have similar lithologic, geophysical and paleontological characteristics, so we incorporate them into a single formation, called the Yuantongshan Formation, and the original Zhougongshan and Yuantongshan Formations are regarded as the upper and the lower parts of the newly defined Yuantongshan Formation. Its age is the Middle Jurassic; (2) the Zhuxiang Formation belongs to the Upper Jurassic Series and (3) the age of the Xiangdaopu Formation is the Lower Cretaceous. Furthermore, signatures of depositional evolution are analyzed in the paper based on features of seismic reflection, outcrops and drilling data. The Early and Middle Jurassic is characterized by a foreland basin, which is influenced mainly by uplift and longitudinal compression of the Dabieshan Mountains; the Lower Jurassic System has a relatively small depositional area; the Middle Jurassic strata are distributed extensively over the whole basin, marking the summit of basin development; a flexure basin is characteristic of the Late Jurassic, manifesting a joint effect of the Dabieshan and Zhangbaling Mountains with the former being more significant. In the Early Cretaceous, the Xiangdaopu Formation was distributed in the Daqiao depression, evidently affected by extension of the Tanlu fault; in the Late Cretaceous, the Hefei Basin was subjected to dismembering and the Zhangqiao Formation was distributed in the east-west direction along the downthrown side of the fault. 相似文献
针对嵌岩桩桩端硬持力层厚度小于3d的实际情况,为确保安全又节省造价,在分析桩一岩土体系的荷载传递机理和岩石破坏模式的基础上,建立桩端硬持力层的冲切承载力计算公式,用该公式计算桩端硬持力层厚度的冲切承载力,并与桩基设计荷载相除得到安全系数K,根据安全系数K的大小判定桩端硬持力层的厚度能否满足荷载要求。工程实例表明,该方法在红层地区的运用效果好,可供借鉴。 相似文献
松辽盆地东南缘营城组地层序列的划分与区域对比 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
从营城组沿革分析入手,立足于九台市城子街镇斜尾巴沟-官马山-团结村营城组地表标准剖面的研究,综合运用岩性地层对比、生物地层对比、同位素年代对比和气候事件对比的综合性地层对比方法,对比了松辽盆地东南缘与盆地北部徐家围子断陷20个营城组典型剖面。营城组可划分为5个岩性段,结合地层序列特征和应用习惯,自下而上划分为下段(K1y下),一段(K1y1),二段(K1y2),三段(K1y3)和四段(K1y4)。下段以中基性火山岩夹碎屑岩和薄煤层为主,厚度60~478 m,以营城煤矿343孔为标准剖面;一段以厚层流纹岩夹珍珠岩、流纹质火山碎屑岩为主,偶夹复成分砾岩,厚度20~630 m;二段以碎屑岩为主,夹凝灰岩、偶夹流纹岩,含煤层,厚度92~640 m;三段以中基性火山岩、火山碎屑岩为主,顶部为中性、酸性火山岩互层,厚度85~346.5 m;斜尾巴沟-官马山-团结村剖面可作为一段至三段的标准剖面;四段以凝灰质砾岩为主,夹泥岩,仅发育在徐家围子断陷,厚度10~400 m,徐深1井可作为标准剖面。 相似文献
Burial Records of Reactive Iron in Cretaceous Black Shales and Oceanic Red Beds from Southern Tibet 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
HUANG Yongjian WANG Chengshan HU Xiumian CHEN Xi 《《地质学报》英文版》2007,81(3):463-469
One of the new directions in the field of Cretaceous research is to elucidate the mechanism of the sedimentary transition from the Cretaceous black shales to oceanic red beds. A chemical sequential extraction method was applied to these two types of rocks from southern Tibet to investigate the burial records of reactive iron. Results indicate that carbonate-associated iron and pyrite are relatively enriched in the black shales, but depleted or absent in red beds. The main feature of the reactive iron in the red beds is relative enrichment of iron oxides (largely hematite), which occurred during syn-depostion or early diagenesis. The ratio between iron oxides and the total iron indicates an oxygen-enriched environment for red bed deposition. A comparison between the reactive iron burial records and proxies of paleo-productivity suggests that paleo-productivity decreases when the ratio between iron oxides and the total iron increases in the red beds. This phenomenon could imply that the relationship between marine redox and productivity might be one of the reasons for the sedimentary transition from Cretaceous black shale to oceanic red bed deposition. 相似文献