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The global distribution of total ozone is derived for the period April, May, June and July of 1969 from Nimbus-3 Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer (IRIS) experiment. Preliminary estimates of ozone amounts from Nimbus-4 IRIS for the same period of 1970 show similar results. The standard error of estimation of total ozone from both IRIS experiments is 6% with respect to Dobson Spectrophotometer measurements. A systematic variation in the ozone distribution from April to July in the tropical, middle and polar latitudes is observed indicating the changes in the lower stratospheric circulation.The total ozone measurements show a strong correlation with the upper tropospheric geopotential height in the extratropical latitudes. From this relationship total ozone is used as a quasi-stream function to deduce geostrophic winds at the 200 mb level over extratropical regions of the northern and southern hemispheres. These winds reveal the subtropical and polar jet streams over the globe.Allied research associates.  相似文献   

Summary The global distribution of the lunar barometric tideL 2 is investigated by spherical harmonic analysis, based on 104 stations for the annual mean, and on 85 stations for the three seasons. The main wave ofL 2 is the one with wave number 2, but for a detailed study of the irregularities of the global distribution ofL 2, waves with other wave numbers have also to be considered. Even the main wave ofL 2 is asymmetric to the equator with the two lunar-daily pressure maxima occurring earlier in the Southern than in the Northern Hemisphere. The amplitudes at the same distances from the equator are greater in the Southern than in the Northern Hemisphere. These hemispheric differences are most pronounced during the D season. As found in earlier investigations the phase consiant ofL 2 is always greater during the J season than during the D season. But the amplitudes are greatest during the J season only north of 30oS. Farther south the amplitude maximum occurs during the D season.sponsored by the National Science Foundation  相似文献   

地磁观测参考背景噪声分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
选取2008年的地磁总场与分量组合观测系统FHDZ-M15的观测资料,利用一阶差分计算参考背景噪声的方法,对子夜时段参考背景噪声和特静时段参考背景噪声两个时段进行分析比较.结果显示,选用特静时段方法计算出的参考背景噪声普遍比用子夜时段计算出的参考背景噪声要小,但能反映参考背景噪声随季节和纬度的变化而变化.  相似文献   

The transport mechanisms responsible for the seasonal behavior of total ozone are deduced from the comparison of model results to stratospheric data. The seasonal transport is dominated by a combination of the diabatic circulation and transient planetary wave activity acting on a diffusively and photochemically determined background state. The seasonal variation is not correctly modeled as a diffusive process. The buildup of total ozone at high latitudes during winter is dependent upon transient planetary wave activity of sufficient strength to cause the breakdown of the polar vortex. While midwinter warmings are responsible for enhanced ozone transport to high latitudes, the final warming marking the transition from zonal mean westerlies to zonal mean easterlies is the most important event leading to the spring maximum. The final warming is not followed by reacceleration of the mean flow; so that the ozone transport associated with this event is more pronounced than that associated with midwinter warmings.  相似文献   

对流层延迟是无线电导航定位的主要误差源之一,其值对目标高程的变化敏感.在动态导航定位中,由于目标高程变化随机性强,延迟改正实时性需求高,已有的对流层延迟模型难以满足应用需求.本文利用2005到2006年ERA-Interim再分析气象资料积分方法计算的对流层天顶总延迟(ZTD)、天顶静力学延迟(ZHD)以及天顶非静力学延迟(ZWD)的垂直剖面研究了ZTD随高程变化的最佳拟合形式,并以此为基础建立了全球ZTD改正模型SHAO-H.该模型以大气中水汽的垂直分布规律为依据,将ZTD表示为高程的分段函数,进而再模制每段函数中各参数随时间的变化.精度评估显示:与积分ZTD相比,SHAO-H模型计算的ZTD在不同等压层上的平均bias大部分在±1 mm以内,随着高度的上升,平均RMS由39 mm减小至不足1 mm;与IGS (International GNSS Service)实测ZTD相比,SHAO-H模型的精度(bias为7.02 mm,RMS为38.50 mm)优于UNB3m模型(bias为14.67 mm, RMS为51.95 mm).SHAO-H模型具有精度稳定、计算简便等优点,适宜任意高度的用户使用.  相似文献   

利用AERONET资料对珠三角地区气溶胶物理性质特征进行分析,建立珠三角地区的气溶胶模型,在此基础上,根据RT3 辐射传输模型构建矢量查找表,采用多角度偏振方法从PARASOL L1B数据反演得到细模态气溶胶光学厚度(AOD),最后采用2007—2009年MODIS总的AOD产品和本文的细模态AOD三年的反演结果分析了珠三角地区气溶胶的时间变化和空间分布特征,为深入研究珠三角地区污染物的局地排放和输送提供了条件.结果表明:(1)珠三角地区对流层气溶胶呈双峰型对数正态分布,其中细粒子平均半径主要集中在0.05~0.1,标准方差以0.5、0.6为主,粗粒子平均半径以0.9、1.0为主,标准方差为0.6、0.7,复折射指数实部以1.4、1.5 居多,虚部以0、0.01为主,细粒子所占比例大于70%,珠三角气溶胶呈现出粗颗粒物和细颗粒物并存的特征;(2)PARASOL业务算法中的气溶胶模型在珠三角地区有较大的局限性,引入当地气溶胶模型使细模态AOD的反演精度较卫星产品有了很大提高,细模态AOD主要反映了珠三角地区二次污染的强度;(3)珠三角地区总AOD值春季较大,秋夏季次之,冬季较小,并呈现逐年较小的趋势;(4)珠三角地区细模态AOD也在逐年降低,2009年细模态AOD年均值比2007年低了0.02,在空间分布上,高值地区主要集中在广州、佛山、中山等城市.  相似文献   

Summary A schematic theoretical explanation of one type of cyclogenesis, described in detail in [1], is presented. From a theoretical point of view, a parameteric instability of a system of two baroclinic waves (a synoptic trough and a sub-synoptic, locally conditioned wave), associated with the daily variation of the vertical stratification of the atmosphere, is involved. The theoretical possibility of explaining the interaction of the waves itself, based on the outflow of cold air from the region of the trough towards the sub-synoptic wave (the so-called jump of the cold front), is investigated.  相似文献   

中国大陆经纬链地电场日变化   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用中国大陆两条经度链和两条纬度链上共37个地电场台站的观测数据,研究了地电场日变化的时/频域特征,结果认为,绝大多数台站的日变化表现为两次起伏的半日波,紧临午前午后出现;按FFT振幅谱由大到小,其主要周期成分依次为12.4/12、8、24 h等,与潮汐调和分量周期一致;纬度效应主要表现为沿经度链的日变化幅度与纬度高/低有关,日变化相位差与当地时差吻合;Loyd季节的J季节日变化幅度最大、E季节其次、D季节最小.讨论了产生日变化主要周期成分的可能原因,认为月日引潮力引起的地面涡旋电流强度变化和太阳风引起的空间电磁活动共同产生了地电日变化的半日波周期成分.  相似文献   

Summary Proof is presented that extraterrestrial interactions may function as triggering mechanisms in the process of redistribution of much larger amounts of energy, accumulated in the whole geosystem, in the polar regions. However, it is shown that the effect of the extraterrestrial interactions need not always be the same. In some geographic regions they may generate cyclogenetic changes, in others anticyclogenetic changes. The interdisciplinary nature of the studied problem and the necessity of close cooperation of all interdisciplinary sciences is emphasized.
u¶rt;um ¶rt;aamm m, m n am mmuu au¶rt;mu m nm u mu a n nan¶rt;u a uu, aua um. ¶rt;a ma naam, m uu mmuu au¶rt;mu am m ¶rt;a. u m am umuu uu ¶rt;uauu am, m a ¶rt;u u m um uu amuumuu. ¶rt;uam ¶rt;unuua aam u¶rt; n u ¶rt;um m¶rt;uma nau ¶rt;uunu.

Various methods for inferring the water distribution in Earth's mantle are reviewed including geochemical and geophysical methods. The geochemical approach using the water contents of basalts shows that the water content in the source regions of ocean island basalt is generally larger than that of the source region of mid-ocean ridge basalt, but the location of the source regions of ocean island basalts is poorly constrained. Geophysical approaches have potential of providing constraints on the spatial distribution of water but their usefulness depends critically on the sensitivity of geophysical observations to water content relative to other factors, in addition to the resolution of geophysical observations. Existing experimental data on the influence of water on seismologically observable properties and on electrical conductivity are reviewed. Frequently used seismological observations such as the anomalies in seismic wave velocities and of the topography on the mantle discontinuities are only weakly sensitive to water content but more sensitive to other factors such as the major element chemistry and temperature for a typical range of water contents. In contrast, electrical conductivity is highly sensitive to water content and only modestly sensitive to other factors such as temperature, oxygen fugacity and major element chemistry. Models of electrical conductivity–depth profiles are constructed where the influence of hydrogen and iron partitioning among coexisting minerals and of the depth variation in oxygen fugacity are incorporated. It is shown (i) that the electrical conductivity varies more than two orders of magnitude for a plausible range of water content in the mantle (~ 10 ppm wt to ~ 1 wt.%) and (ii) that if water content is constant with depth, there will be a drop in electrical conductivity at ~ 410-km. Although the resolution is not as high as seismological observations, geophysically inferred electrical conductivity distributions generally show higher conductivity in the mantle transition zone than the upper mantle, suggesting that the water content in the transition zone is higher than that in the upper mantle with some lateral variations. Implications of inferred water distribution are discussed including the possible partial melting near 410-km and its role in global water circulation.  相似文献   

The concentration of Sr90 in rain in the N. Hemisphere rises to maximum values in sub-tropical latitudes and above 60oN. There is evidence that the relative distribution varies with season. During 1959 the ratio Sr89/Sr90, and and hence the ratio of polar (high latitude) to equatorial Sr90 activity remained substantially independent of latitude.During the same period the ratio Zr95/Cs137 measured in atmospheric debris at 55oN was significantly higher in the troposphere than in the lower stratosphere.The ratio Ce144/Cs137 in tropospheric air samples (55oN) shows that the proportion of polar debris was 50% during 1959 until July when it fell to a lower value that was sustained during 1960. The Cs137 activities due to polar and equatorial explosions may be separated during this period by use of this ratio.The separate observations summarized above provide, in combination a set of conditions that must be satisf ed by any model of the mechanism of storage in the stratosphere and of transfer between stratosphere and troposphere.The paper was published in Nature, Vol. 192, p. 497 (1961).  相似文献   

北京沙尘频次的年际变化及其全球环流背景分析   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
范可  王会军 《地球物理学报》2006,49(4):1006-1006
本文采用相关和合成的分析方法,研究北京沙尘频次的年际变化及其冬、春季的全球环流背景.结果表明北京沙尘频次有年际变化的特点,并与全球范围内的环流异常相联系,特别是南、北半球的中高纬的环流异常.南半球环流异常与沙尘的联系在冬、春两季有很好的持续性和显著性,北半球中高纬环流异常与沙尘的联系冬季较春季显著.春季对流层高层的东亚西风急流增强能使低空的蒙古气旋加强和锋生,从而引起地面大风,为沙尘天气频次的增加提供动力条件.  相似文献   

Ionospheric data observed in 30 stations located in 3 longitude sectors (East Asia/Australia Sector, Europe/Africa Sector and America/East Pacific Ocean Sector) during 1974–1986 are used to analyse the characteristics of semiannual variation in the peak electron density of F2 layer (NmF2). The results indicate that the semiannual variation of NmF2 mainly presents in daytime. In nighttime, except in the region of geomagnetic equator between the two crests of ionospheric equatorial anomaly, NmF2 has no obvious semiannual variation. In the high latitude region, only in solar maxima years and in daytime, there are obvious semiannual variations of NmF2. The amplitude distribution of the semiannual variation of daytime NmF2 with latitude has a “double-humped structure”, which is very similar to the ionospheric equatorial anomaly. There is asymmetry between the Southern and the Northern Hemispheres of the profile of the amplitude of semiannual variation of NmF2 and longitudinal difference. A new possible mechanism of semiannual variation of NmF2 is put forward in this paper. The semiannual variation of the diurnal tide in the lower thermosphere induces the semiannual variation of the amplitude of the equatorial electrojet. This causes the semiannual variation of the amplitude of ionospheric equatorial anomaly through fountain effect. This process induces the semiannual variation of the low latitude NmF2.  相似文献   

水汞含量随观测时间变化及与观测环境关系的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过进行对比观测实验,对水汞观测中同一水样的汞含量随观测时间变化及与观测环境的关系进行分析,研究所取得的一些结果。该结果对台站监测工作中仪器发生故障时的样品分析处理,以及特殊条件下的短临跟踪监测工作具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

The correlations of occurrence rate of whistlers in January during one solar cycle (1977–1987) at a low latitude station (Yamaoka, geomag. lat. 25°, L=1.26) with thunderstorm activity near its conjugate region and also with solar activity have been investigated, and it is found that the occurrence rate has no correlation with the lightning flashes near the conjugate point, while it is negatively correlated with solar activity. On the basis of these findings it is suggested that the ionospheric absorption is of major importance in the long-term variation of whistler occurrence rate, with the duct formation being of secondary effect, while the lightning activity is only a necessary condition for whistler occurrence.  相似文献   

With a detailed chemistry scheme for the middle atmosphere up to 70 km which has been added to the 3-D Karlsruhe simulation model of the middle atmosphere (KASIMA), the effects of coupling chemistry and dynamics through ozone are studied for the middle atmosphere. An uncoupled version using an ozone climatology for determining heating rates and a coupled version using on-line ozone are compared in a 10-month integration with meteorological analyses for the winter 1992/93 as the lower boundary condition. Both versions simulate the meteorological situation satisfactorily, but exhibit a too cold lower stratosphere. The on-line ozone differs from the climatological data between 20 and 40 km by exhibiting too high ozone values, whereas in the lower mesosphere the ozone values are too low. The coupled model version is stable and differs only above 40 km significantly from the uncoupled version. Direct heating effects are identified to cause most of the differences. The well-known negative correlation between temperature and ozone is reproduced in the model. As a result, the coupled version slightly approaches the climatological ozone field. Further feedback effects are studied by using the on-line ozone field as a basis for an artificial climatology. For non-disturbed ozone conditions realistic monthly and zonally averaged ozone data are sufficient to determine the heating rates for modelling the middle atmosphere.  相似文献   

Radon-222 activity levels have been measured at deck level in regions of the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, and Bay of Bengal during the summer monsoon periods of 1973, 1977, and 1979, as part of the Monex programme. The aim of the measurements was to find the source regions of the monsoon air and the variations in its composition under different synoptic conditions. The radon data confirm that the monsoon air is predominantly of southern-hemisphere origin, with a small continental component. The continental component, as indicated by radon values, increases at higher latitudes and seems to vary with different circulation patterns in the synoptic scale. The use of radon as a tracer in monsoon studies is thus demonstrated.  相似文献   

Total ozone observations in the international network have been used as a basis for the analysis of the mean monthly ozone distribution over the globe for the period 1957–75. It has been found that during the period 1961–70 the total ozone amount increased in the Northern Hemisphere by about 12 percent and that this increase seems to be significant at all latitudes. Although the data were sparse for the Southern Hemisphere, there did not appear to be any significant ozone changes during the 10 year period. Relatively large geographic variations were found in the ozone trends and it is suggested that these variations are related to large scale changes in the atmospheric circular pattern.  相似文献   

The interaction between the factors of the quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) and the 11-year solar cycle is considered as an separate factor influencing the interannual January–March variations of total ozone over Northeastern Europe. Linear correlation analysis and the running correlation method are used to examine possible connections between ozone and solar activity at simultaneous moment the QBO phase. Statistically significant correlations between the variations of total ozone in February and, partially, in March, and the sunspot numbers during the different phases of QBO are found. The running correlation method between the ozone and the equatorial zonal wind demonstrates a clear modulation of 11-y solar signal for February and March. Modulation is clearer if the QBO phases are defined at the level of 50 hPa rather than at 30 hPa. The same statistical analyses are conducted also for possible connections between the index of stratospheric circulation C1 and sunspot numbers considering the QBO phase. Statistically significant connections are found for February. The running correlations between the index C1 and the equatorial zonal wind show the clear modulation of 11-y solar signal for February and March. Based on the obtained correlations between the interannual variations of ozone and index C1, it may be concluded that a connection between solar cycle – QBO – ozone occurs through the dynamics of stratospheric circulation.  相似文献   

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