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The amphibolite facies grade North Qinling metamorphic unit forms the centre of the Qinling orogenic belt. Results of LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon, 40Ar/39Ar amphibole and biotite dating reveal its Palaeozoic tectonic history. U-Pb zircon dating of migmatitic orthogneiss and granite dykes constrains the age of two possible stages of migmatization at 517 ± 14 Ma and 445 ± 4.6 Ma. A subsequent granite intrusion occurred at 417 ± 1.6 Ma. The 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages of amphibole ranging from 397 ± 33 Ma to 432 ± 3.4 Ma constrain the cooling of the Qinling complex below ca. 540 °C and biotite 40Ar/39Ar ages at about 330–368 Ma below ca. 300 °C. The ages are used to construct a cooling history with slow/non-exhumation during 517– 445 Ma, a time-integrated cooling at a rate < 2.5 °C/Ma during the period of 445–410 Ma, an acceleration of cooling at a rate of 8 °C/Ma from 397 Ma to 368 Ma, and subsequently slow/non-cooling from 368 to 330 Ma. The data show a significant delay in exhumation after peak metamorphic conditions and a long period of tectonic quiescence after the suturing of the North China and South China blocks along the Shangdan suture. These relationships exclude classical exhumation models of formation and exhumation of metamorphic cores in orogens, which all imply rapid cooling after peak conditions of metamorphism.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(6):455-473
Apatite/zircon fission track (FT) records of the Argentera external crystalline massif (Western Alps) show three tectonic pulses, respectively at 22 Ma (zircons), 6 and 3.5 Ma (apatites). The first pulse is consistent with the basement exhumation and initiation of the major deformation recorded in the foreland of the belt from Middle to early Upper Miocene. The two others might be respectively local expressions of the syncollisional extension mainly controlled by a westward sedimentary cover detachment and a Plio-Quaternary uplift acceleration. Zircon ages of 50-80 Ma in a limited NW area and evidence of an uplift elsewhere show that in a large fraction of the massif, temperatures in post-Variscan times never reached 320°C. Finally, FT data show that the Argentera massif did not behave as a single block during its denudation. First, in the NW of the massif, a small fault-limited block was already separated since the Cretaceous and later on recorded the 6 Ma denudation event, the 22 Ma pulse being recorded only in the remaining part of the massif. Second, less than 3.5 Ma ago, the northeastern part of the massif overthrust the southwestern block along the Bersézio-Veillos fault zone.  相似文献   

The western terranes exposed east of the Pan-African suture in western Hoggar (southwest Algeria), are reexamined in the light of new structural, petrologic and by the 40Ar/39Ar laser probe data on metamorphic micas and amphiboles. To the north, the Tassendjanet nappe includes the Paleoproterozoic basement, its Mesoproterozoic cover and mafic rocks representing the roots of a ca. 680 Ma arc overlain by Late Neoproterozoic andesites and volcanic greywackes. The nappe preserved at rather shallow crustal level in the east was emplaced southward (D1a) to southeastward (D2). In the south, two metamorphic suites are distinguished. The Tideridjaouine–Tileouine high-pressure metamorphic belt (T=550–600 °C, P=1.4–1.8 GPa) represents a slab of subducted continental material exposed along the western edge of the In Ouzzal granulite unit interpreted as a microcontinent. Differential exhumation of tectonic slices from the high-pressure belt occurred around 615–600 Ma through a system of west-directed recumbent folds (D1b). The Egatalis high grade belt in the west was intruded by syn-metamorphic gabbro–norite bodies. It includes unretrogressed low-pressure granulite facies rocks (T around 750–800 °C, P0.45 GPa) cooled at a rate of 15°/m.y. between 600 and 580 Ma, and followed by the emplacement of several late-kinematic granitic plutons. Final exhumation of the low-pressure, high-temperature metamorphic rocks, that are not found as pebbles in the molasse, took place in the Late Cambrian. The early and relatively fast cooling of the high-pressure and high-temperature metamorphic rocks of the southern part of the Tassendjanet terrane is at variance with the slow cooling of central Hoggar where repeated magmatic activity as young as Late Cambrian occurred [Lithos 45 (1998) 245].  相似文献   

The Dulong-Song Chay tectonic dome lies on the border of China (SE Yunnan Province) and northern Vietnam, and consists of two tectonic and lithologic units: a core complex and a cover sequence, separated by an extensional detachment fault. These two units are overlain unconformably by Late Triassic strata. The core complex is composed of gneiss, schist and amphibolite. SHRIMP zircon U–Pb dating results for the orthogneiss yield an age of 799±10 Ma, which is considered to be the crystallization age of its igneous protolith formed in an arc-related environment. A granitic intrusion within the core complex occurred with an age of 436–402 Ma, which probably formed during partial closure of Paleotethys. Within the core complex, metamorphic grades change sharply from upper greenschist-low amphibolite facies in the core to low greenschist facies in the cover sequence. There are two arrays of foliation within the core complex, detachment fault and the cover sequence: S1 and S2. The pervasive S1 is the axial plane of intrafolial S0 folds. D1 deformation related to this foliation is characterized by extensional structures. The strata were structurally thinned or selectively removed along the detachment faults, indicating exhumation of the Dulong-Song Chay tectonic dome. The major extension occurred at 237 Ma, determined by SHRIMP zircon U–Pb and 39Ar/40Ar isotopic dating techniques. Regionally, simultaneous tectonic extension was associated with pre-Indosinian collision between the South China and Indochina Blocks. The S2 foliation appears as the axial plane of NW-striking S1 buckling folds formed during a compressional regime of D2. D2 is associated with collision between the South China and Indochina Blocks along the Jinshajiang-Ailao Shan suture zone, and represents the Indosinian deformation. The Dulong granites intruded the Dulong-Song Chay dome at 144±2, 140±2 and 116±10 Ma based on 39Ar/40Ar measurement on muscovite and biotite. The dome was later overprinted by a conjugate strike-slip fault and related thrust fault, which formed a vortex structure, contemporaneously with late Cenozoic sinistral movement on the Ailao Shan-Red River fault.  相似文献   

New structural field data at various scale and 40Ar–39Ar geochronological results, from the basement rocks in the Truong Son belt and Kontum Massif of Vietnam, confirm that ductile deformation and high-temperature metamorphism were caused by the Early Triassic event of the Indosinian Orogeny in the range of 250–240 Ma. A compilation of isotopic data obtained in other countries along the Sibumasu–Indochina boundary broadly indicates same interval of ages. This tectonothermal event is interpreted as the result of a synchronous oblique collision of Indochina with both Sibumasu and South China, inducing dextral and sinistral shearing along E–W to NW–SE and N–S fault zones, respectively. The collision along Song Ma follows the northwards subduction of Indochina beneath South China and the subsequent development of the Song Da zone which in turn was affected by the Late Triassic Indosinian phase of shortening. Within the Indochina plate, internal collisions occurred coevally in the Early Triassic, as along the Poko suture, at the western border of the Kontum Massif.  相似文献   

吉风宝  戚学祥  常裕林  张超  赵宇浩  韦诚 《岩石学报》2015,31(12):3713-3724
澜沧江构造带是青藏高原东南缘保山-羌塘地块与兰坪-思茅地块之间的大型走滑剪切带。构造地质学、岩石学和40Ar-39Ar年代学研究结果表明构造带中段剪切带内部存在早期斜向挤出和晚期水平走滑的两期线理及早期指示右行韧性剪切变形、后期指示左行脆韧性剪切变形的构造指向。糜棱岩中石英晶格优选方位以中温(450~600℃)柱面a轴底面滑移系为主,叠加中低温(300~550℃)底面a轴滑移系;剪切带内云母片岩和花岗质糜棱岩中黑云母40Ar-39Ar坪年龄和等时线年龄都分布于15~17Ma,反映剪切带隆升过程中脆韧性左行剪切变形阶段的时代。结合前人成果进行分析认为新生代早期保山地块和兰坪-思茅地块向南南东挤出的同时沿澜沧江构造带中段发生大规模右行斜向走滑韧性剪切作用,后期保山地块南部沿北东向畹町和南汀河左行断裂带相对中北段向北东运动,致使隆升到中上构造层次的韧性剪切带发生左行脆韧性变形。  相似文献   

Kinematic data from the internal zones of the Western Alps indicate both top-to-SE and top-to-NW shearing during synkinematic greenschist facies recrystallisation. Rb/Sr data from white micas from different kinematic domains record a range of ages that does not represent closure through a single thermal event but reflects the variable timing of synkinematic mica recrystallisation at temperatures between 300 and 450 °C. The data indicate an initial phase of accretion and foreland-directed thrusting at ca. 60 Ma followed by almost complete reworking of thrust-related deformation by SE-directed shearing. This deformation is localised within oceanic units of the Combin Zone and the base of the overlying Austroalpine basement, and forms a regional scale shear zone that can be traced for almost 50 km perpendicular to strike. The timing of deformation in this shear zone spans 9 Ma from 45 to 36 Ma. The SE-directed shear leads to local structures that cut upwards in the transport direction with respect to tectonic stratigraphy, and such structures have been interpreted in the past as backthrusts in response to ongoing Alpine convergence. However, on a regional scale, the top-to-SE deformation is related to crustal extension, not shortening, and is coincident with exhumation of eclogites in its footwall. During this extension phase, deformation within the shear zone migrated both spatially and temporally giving rise to domains of older shear zone fabrics intercalated with zones of localised reworking. Top-NW kinematics preserved within the Combin Zone show a range of ages. The oldest (48 Ma) may reflect the final stages of emplacement of Austroalpine Units above Piemonte oceanic rocks prior to the onset of extension. However, much of the top-to-NW deformation took place over the period of extension and may reflect either continuing or episodic convergence or tectonic thinning of the shear zone.40Ar/39Ar data from the region are complicated due to the widespread occurrence of excess 40Ar in eclogite facies micas and partial Ar loss during Alpine heating. Reliable ages from both eclogite and greenschist facies micas indicate cooling ages in different tectonic units of between 32 and 40 Ma. These ages are slightly younger than Rb/Sr deformation ages and suggest that cooling below ca. 350 °C occurred after juxtaposition of the units by SE-directed extensional deformation.Our data indicate a complex kinematic history involving both crustal shortening and extension within the internal zones of the Alpine Orogen. To constrain the palaeogeographic and geodynamic evolution of the Alps requires that these data be integrated with data from the more external zones of the orogen. Complexity such as that described is unlikely to be restricted to the Western Alps and spatially and temporally variable kinematic data are probably the norm in convergent orogens. Recognising such features is fundamental to the correct tectonic interpretation of both modern and ancient orogens.  相似文献   

The Schistes Lustrés (SL) suture zone occupies a key position in the Alpine chain between the high‐pressure (HP) Brianconnais domain and the ultrahigh‐pressure (UHP) Dora Maira massif, and reached subduction depths ranging from c. 40–65 km (Cottian Alps). In order to constrain the timing of HP metamorphism and subsequent exhumation, several phengite generations were differentiated, on the basis of habit, texture, paragenesis and chemistry, as belonging to the first or second exhumation episode, respectively, D2 or D3, or to earlier stages of the tectono‐metamorphic evolution. Ten carefully selected samples showing D2, D3 (D2 + D3), or earlier (mostly peak temperature) phengite population(s) were subjected to laser probe 40Ar/39Ar analysis. The data support the results of the petrostructural study with two distinct age groups (crystallization ages) for D2 and D3 phengite, at 51–45 and 38–35 Ma, respectively. The data also reveal a coherent age cluster, at 62–55 Ma, for peak temperature phengite associated with chloritoid which were preserved in low strain domains. The age of the D3 event in the SL complex appears very similar to ages recently obtained for greenschist facies deformation on the border of most internal crystalline massifs. Exhumation rates of the order of 1–2 mm yr?1 are obtained for the SL complex, which are compatible with velocities documented for accretionary wedge settings. Similarly, cooling velocities are only moderate (c.5 °C Myr?1), which is at variance with recent estimates in the nearby UHP massifs.  相似文献   

LA-ICP-MS U-Pb analyses performed on zircon grains from the Lizio granite yielded an emplacement age of 316 ± 6 Ma. Typical S-C structures show that the Lizio granite was emplaced contemporaneously with dextral shearing along the northern branch of the South Armorican Shear Zone and that it was therefore active at that time. 40Ar/39Ar analyses performed on muscovite grains yielded plateau dates ranging between 311.5 and 308.2 Ma. Muscovite chemistry is typical of primary magmatic muscovite, which precludes a late fluids-induced resetting of the K-Ar isotopic system. 40Ar/39Ar dates thus likely correspond to the cooling ages below the argon closure temperature. Considering the uncertainties on the measured ages, we can propose that either the Lizio granite cooled down quickly in less than a million of years or that it remained in a hot environment for several millions of years after its emplacement. This latter scenario could have been sustained by shear heating during dextral shearing along the northern branch of the South Armorican Shear Zone.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(5):267-282
The interaction of distinct geologic processes involved during late orogenic extensional exhumation history of the metamorphic units in the Eastern Rhodope is refined by new and reviewing 40Ar/39Ar geochronological and structural data. Minerals with different closure temperatures from metamorphic rocks investigated in this study are combined with those from magmatic and ore-forming hydrothermal rocks in two late stage metamorphic domes – the Kesebir-Kardamos and the Biala reka-Kehros domes. The 38-37 Ma muscovite and biotite cooling ages below 350°-300°C characterize basement metamorphic rocks that typified core of the Kesebir-Kardamos dome, constraining their exhumation at shallow crustal levels in the footwall of detachment. These ages are interpreted as reflecting last stage of ductile activity on shear zone below detachment, which continued to operate under low-temperature conditions within the semi-ductile to brittle field. They are close to and overlap with existing cooling ages in southern Bulgaria and northern Greece, indicating supportively that the basement rocks regionally cooled between 42-36 Ma below temperatures 350°-300°C. The spatial distribution of ages shows a southward gradual increase up structural section, suggesting an asymmetrical mode of extension, cooling and exhumation from south to the north at latitude of the Kesebir-Kardamos dome. The slightly younger 36.5-35 Ma crystallization ages of adularia in altered rocks from the ore deposits in the immediate hanging-wall of detachments are attributed to brittle deformation on high-angle normal faults, which further contributed to upper crustal extension, and thus constraining the time when alteration took place and deformation continued at brittle crustal levels. Silicic dykes yielded ages between 32-33 Ma, typically coinciding with the main phase of Palaeogene magmatic activity, which started in Eastern Rhodope region in Late Eocene (Priabonian) times. The 40Ar/39Ar plateau ages from the above distinct rock types span time interval lasting approximately ca. 6 Ma. Consequently, our geochronologic results consistently indicate that extensional tectonics and related exhumation and doming, epithermal mineralizations and volcanic activity are closely spaced in time. These new 40Ar/39Ar age results further contribute to temporal constraints on the timing of tectonic, relative to ore-forming and magmatic events, suggesting in addition that all above mentioned processes interfered during the late orogenic extensional collapse in the Eastern Rhodope region.  相似文献   

钟日晨  李文博  霍红亮 《岩石学报》2015,31(6):1735-1748
霍各乞大型Cu-Pb-Zn矿床地处华北陆块北缘的狼山-渣尔泰山成矿带。该矿赋存于元古代带裂谷沉积岩系,矿区内围岩发生角闪岩相变质作用,并遭受剪切变形。赋矿围岩主要包括石英岩、云母片岩、碳质千枚岩、大理岩。此外,在赋矿围岩中存在铁建造层位,主要由磁铁矿及富铁角闪石构成。该矿的Cu-Pb-Zn矿化受剪切带控制,且发生于围岩剪切变形的晚期,退变质抬升阶段。成矿流体为变质流体。尽管霍各乞矿床Cu-Pb-Zn均显示后生热液矿化特征,矿床中硫化物却普遍具有元古代两阶段铅模式年龄(约1000Ma),表明成矿元素最初起源于元古代海底喷流沉积过程。此外,硫化物普遍富集重硫同位素,亦表明其最初来源于海水中硫酸盐的还原。为揭示Cu-Pb-Zn矿化及围岩变质时代,我们对围岩铁建造中的变质角闪石及成矿期的热液黑云母进行39Ar/40Ar年代学测试。围岩铁建造中的变质角闪石坪年龄为271.4±29.5Ma,代表峰期变质年龄。成矿期热液黑云母坪年龄为239.8±3.4Ma,代表Cu-Pb-Zn热液矿化时代。霍各乞热液矿化年龄略晚于围岩峰期变质年龄,这与该矿退变质期成矿的现象非常吻合。由于岩石在其退变质阶段无法产生变质流体,霍各乞Cu-Pb-Zn矿化的成矿流体来自深部岩石的进变质脱水。据此提出霍各乞矿床两阶段矿化模式:元古代期间,伴随海底热液活动发生同生沉积期Cu-PbZn预富集,形成富含成矿元素的裂谷火山-沉积岩。在印支期(二叠纪末-三叠纪初)的变质过程中,这些经历预富集的裂谷岩系变质脱水,其中的Cu、Pb、Zn再活化,含矿流体向浅部迁移,形成受剪切带控制的变质热液Cu-Pb-Zn矿床。从更宏观的角度考察,霍各乞印支期Cu-Pb-Zn矿化事件并不是孤立发生的,而是中国印支期大规模矿化事件的一部分。霍各乞变质热液CuPb-Zn矿化实例反映了此次印支期事件的成矿类型多样性,进一步确证了在挤压构造体制下除岩浆热液矿床及造山型金矿外,在某些特定地质背景下还可以形成变质热液型贱金属矿床。除霍各乞Cu-Pb-Zn矿床外,在狼山-渣尔泰山及临区发育若干印支期大型-超大型造山型金矿床。这些造山型金矿具有与霍各乞Cu-Pb-Zn矿床相似的地质特征,且形成于相似的大地构造背景。相比于形成造山型金矿,形成霍各乞等变质热液Cu-Pb-Zn矿床需要更为苛刻的地质条件。除形成造山型金矿所需的地质条件外(如变质作用、剪切带活动),形成Cu-Pb-Zn矿床的变质流体源区需要经历Cu、Pb、Zn预富集;此外,搬运大量的Cu需要富含CH4的还原性变质流体,这就要求成矿体系中存在富含有机质的岩性层。因此,在发育造山型金矿的地区,叠加上述有利地质条件之处具有形成大型变质热液Cu-Pb-Zn矿床的潜力。  相似文献   

A kinematic and geochronological study has been carried out on the Triassic high-strain shear zones in Hainan Island, the southern South China Block. There are WNW- and NE-trending high-strain shear zones with greenschist- to amphibolite-facies metamorphism in this island. Kinematic indicators suggest a dextral top-to-the-NNE thrust shearing for the WNW-trending high-strain shear zones and a sinistral top-to-the-SE thrust shearing for the NE-trending shear zones. The quartz c-axis orientations of mylonitic rocks exhibit the domination of basal slip and some activation of a rhombohedra gliding system. The timing of shearing for these shear zones has been constrained by the 40Ar/39Ar dating analyses of synkinematic minerals. Middle Triassic (242–250 Ma) and late Triassic–early Jurassic (190–230 Ma) have been identified for the WNW- and NE-trending shear zones, respectively. A synthesis of these kinematic and thermogeochronological data points to a two-stage tectonic model for Hainan Island, that is, top-to-the-NNE oblique thrusting at 240–250 Ma followed by top-to-the-SE oblique thrusting at 190–230 Ma. In combination with the available data from the southern South China and Indochina Blocks, it is inferred that South Hainan and North Hainan have affinity to the Indochina and South China Blocks, respectively. The tectonic boundary between South Hainan and North Hainan lies roughly along the WNW-trending Changjiang–Qionghai tectonic zone probably linking to the Song Ma and Ailaoshan zones. The middle Triassic structural pattern of Hainan Island is spatially and temporally compatible with those of the South China and Indochina Blocks, and thus might be a derivation from the amalgamation of the Indochina with South China Blocks in response to the closure of the Paleotethys Ocean and subsequent subduction/collision.  相似文献   

Ar/Ar analyses of phengites and paragonites from the ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks (zoisite–clinozoisite schist, garnet–phengite schist and piemontite schist) in the Lago di Cignana area, Western Alps were carried out with a laser probe step-heating method using single crystals and a spot dating method on thin sections. Eight phengite and two paragonite crystals give the plateau ages of 37–42 Ma with 96–100% of 39Ar released. Each rock type also contains mica crystals showing discordant age spectra with age fractions (20–35 Ma) significantly younger than the plateau ages. Phengite inclusions in garnet give ages of 43.2 ± 1.1 Ma and 44.4 ± 1.5 Ma, which are significantly older than the spot age (36.4 ± 1.4 Ma) from the matrix phengites, and the plateau ages from the step-heating analyses. Inclusion ages (43 and 44 Ma) are consistent with a zircon SHRIMP age (44 ± 1 Ma) in this area. These results suggest that the oceanic materials that underwent a simple subduction related UHPM, form excess 40Ar-free phengite and that the peak metamorphism is ca. 44 Ma or little older. We suggest that matrix phengites experienced a retrogression reaction changing their chemistry contemporaneously with deformation related to the exhumation of rocks releasing significant radiogenic 40Ar from the crystals. This has lead to the apparent ages of the matrix phengites that are significantly younger than the inclusion age.  相似文献   

A combined paleomagnetic and geochronological study is reported of Paleogene basalt lavas and an intercalated red bed succession, comprising a minimum of 14 basalt flows and 10 red bed horizons in the Tuoyun Basin of the southwest Tian Shan Range, China. Two basalt matrix samples yield 40Ar / 39Ar isochron ages of 58.5 ± 1.3 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 0.9) and 60.4 ± 1.3 Ma (2σ, MSWD = 1.7). These compare well with a previously published K–Ar dilution age of 61.7 ± 2.3 Ma for comparable Paleogene basalts and confirm that the younger pulse of magmatism in this basin is represented by both intrusive and extrusive activity. Demagnetization and component analysis identify a stable characteristic remanence (ChRM) with predominantly reversed polarity following removal of secondary remanence by peak demagnetization steps below 250–350 °C or 5 mT. Rock magnetic analysis identifies pseudo-single domain magnetite or titanomagnetite as carriers. The stable ChRM passes a fold test; it was probably acquired at the time of lava emplacement. Results from the bulk of the collection imply that paleomagnetic data from the upper and lower ( 115 Ma) basalt series in the Tuoyun Basin are not distinguishable at the 95% significance level and indicate that this tectonic domain remained essentially stationary with respect to the Earth's spin axis for 50 Ma prior to onset of the India/Asia collision in early Eocene times. It is therefore probable that no paleomagnetically detectable crustal shortening occurred in the southwest Tian Shan prior to collision. Paleomagnetic data sets from the Tuoyun Basin also show that little or no paleolatitude difference is present between the Tian Shan and the reference latitude of Eurasia at 60 Ma. This supports previous evidence suggesting that central Asian blocks in the vicinity of the Tian Shan are unlikely to have experienced appreciable northward convergence relative to Eurasia since onset of the India/Asia collision and initiation of the Himalaya.  相似文献   

Porphyry-type Cu (Mo, Au) deposits have been discovered along the Gangdese magmatic arc in the southern Tibetan Plateau. Extensive field investigations and systematic studies of geochemistry, S–Pb isotopic tracing, together with Re–Os and 40Ar/39Ar isotopic dating indicate that the mineralisation of the copper belt is genetically related to emplacement of late orogenic granitic porphyries during the post-collisional crustal relaxation period of the Late Himalayan epoch. These porphyries are petrochemically K-enriched and belong to shoshonitic to high-K calc-alkaline series. They display enrichment of large ion lithophile elements (LILE) Rb, K, U, Th, Sr, Pb and depletion of high field strength elements (HFSE) Nb, Ta, Ti and the heavy rare earth elements (HREE) and Y without Eu anomalies. These characteristics demonstrate that subduction played a dominant role in their petrogenesis and residual garnet was left in the magma sources. Pb isotope data show a linear correlation in the plumbotectonic framework diagram ranging from orogenic Pb in the eastern segment of the copper belt to mantle Pb in the western segment. These constitute a mixing line of the Indian Oceanic MORB with Indian Oceanic sediments and suggest that the porphyry magmas were dominantly derived from partial melting of subducted oceanic crusts mixed with a minor quantity of sediments and mantle wedge components.The Gangdese porphyry copper polymetallic belt has alteration characteristics and zonation typical of porphyry-type copper deposits which include potassic alteration (K-feldspathisation and biotitisation), silicification, sericitisation, and propylitisation. Mineralisation mainly occurs in strongly altered granitic cataclasite at the exo-contact with veinlet-disseminated textures. The porphyries themselves are weakly mineralised with disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite. The copper deposits contain simple ore mineral associations consisting of chalcopyrite, pyrite, bornite, molybdenite, sphalerite and oxidised minerals of malachite, covellite and molybdite. During supergene oxidation, primary ores underwent secondary enrichment to form economic orebodies with Cu grade ranging from 1% to 5%.Ore sulphides of the copper belt display S and Pb isotopic compositions identical to the ore-bearing porphyries. Their δ34S values vary between − 3.8‰ and + 2.4‰ and are typical of mantle sulphur. The 206Pb/204Pb, 207Pb/204Pb, and 208Pb/204Pb ratios vary in the ranges: 18.106 to 18.752, 15.501 to 15.638, and 37.394 to 39.058, respectively, and yielded radiogenetic lead-enriched signatures. Twelve molybdenite samples from the copper belt yielded isochron ages of 14.76 ± 0.22 Ma and 13.99 ± 0.16 Ma for the Nanmu and Chongjiang deposits and model ages of 13.5 to 13.6 Ma for the Lakang'e deposit. Meanwhile, 40Ar/39Ar isotopic dating of two biotite phenocrysts from the Chongjiang and Lakang'e deposits give plateau ages of 13.5 ± 1.0 Ma and 13.42 ±0.10 Ma, respectively. During the geodynamic evolution of the Gangdese collision-orogenic belt, intrusion of the ore-bearing porphyries took place just before the rapid uplift and E–W extension of the southern Plateau. And the ore-forming process may have occurred simultaneously with the uplift and extension (14 ± 0.1 Ma).  相似文献   

The Orlica-Snieznik and Jeseník Mountains correspond to three main domes from west to east: the Snieznik, Keprnfk and Desna domes. They are composed of a basement of autochthonous gneisses, a thick series of blastomylonites and a supposed para-autochthonous or allochthonous metamorphic pre-Devonian to Devonian cover. Their broad direction is NNE-SSW. 40Ar-39Ar radiometric measurements allow three main groups of ages to be defined. (1) 300–310 Ma, represented in the Keprník and Desná domes. This age is interpretated following the constraints on the age of the metamorphism, which is linked with the extensional process occurring during the Westphalian. (2) 320–340 Ma, represented mainly in the Snieznik Dome, but not in the Keprnfk Massif. The nappe structure of Orlik-Vysoká hole, in the northern area of the Desna Dome, also exhibits this age, which is interpretated as reflecting the period of the major Variscan Barrowian metamorphism, which accompanied the compressional process. It is only represented in the zones where the extensional process was not strong enough to result in a complete overprinting. (3) 340–440 Ma, corresponding to a very strictly defined area in the eastern rim of the Desná Dome occupied by ultramylonites and mylonites. These ages, obtained on muscovites, result from an incomplete resetting of the minerals developed during the cooling of a granitic protolith and mylonitized during the extensional process. A laser probe analysis confirms the extreme inhomogeneity of the ages of the muscovites and their different resetting from one grain to another. The Late Alpine overprinting is more discrete, but can be deciphered through the low extraction temperatures with ages between 80 and 120 Ma. These ages can be compared with Alpine ages in the close Western Carpathians.  相似文献   

Three groups of thermal springs with temperatures close to 70 °C discharge both in the core (at Bagni di Vinadio and Terme di Valdieri) and on the external margin (at Berthemont-Les-Bains) of the Argentera Massif. Detailed structural field analysis carried out on the hydrothermal sites allows us to delineate both a model of Alpine tectonic evolution of the Argentera Massif and the patterns of hydrothermal circulation that were active during its final exhumation. The observed fault rock assemblages provide information relative to deformation that occurred in viscous, frictional-to-viscous and frictional crustal regimes. During the Early Miocene, the Bersezio Fault Zone and the Fremamorta Shear Zone, two main mylonitic shear zones, mainly accommodated regional transpression and provided pathways for fluid flow promoting mineral reactions in greenschist facies. During the Late Miocene–Early Pliocene, frictional-to-viscous deformation affected the massif, which underwent predominant transpression in the internal sectors and extension on the external margin. During the Plio-Pleistocene, deformation in frictional condition accompanied the final exhumation of the massif in a transpressive regime and resulted in the development of the NW–SE striking cataclastic zones. The hydraulic properties of these structures mainly influence the patterns of the active thermal circulations and the localization of the recharge and discharge zones. At Berthemont these faults represent conduits, whereas at Vinadio and Valdieri they form complex systems of conduits and barriers. In these two latter sites, the cataclastic faults compose flower structures that constrain laterally the thermal fluid flows while intensely fractured granites sited at depth constitute a highly-transmissive geothermal reservoir. Less permeable migmatitic gneisses overlaying the granites prevent a massive infiltration of the cold fluids at depth. This context favours within the high-permeability fractures granites the development of buoyancy-driven flows which combined with topographically-driven flows, provided the conditions for the upflow of the high-temperature waters.  相似文献   

New 40Ar/39Ar geochronology places time constraints on several stages of the evolution of the Penninic realm in the Eastern Alps. A 186±2 Ma age for seafloor hydrothermal metamorphic biotite from the Reckner Ophiolite Complex of the Pennine–Austroalpine transition suggests that Penninic ocean spreading occurred in the Eastern Alps as early as the Toarcian (late Early Jurassic). A 57±3 Ma amphibole from the Penninic subduction–accretion Rechnitz Complex dates high-pressure metamorphism and records a snapshot in the evolution of the Penninic accretionary wedge. High-pressure amphibole, phengite, and phengite+paragonite mixtures from the Penninic Eclogite Zone of the Tauern Window document exhumation through ≤15 kbar and >500 °C at 42 Ma to 10 kbar and 400 °C at 39 Ma. The Tauern Eclogite Zone pressure–temperature path shows isothermal decompression at mantle depths and rapid cooling in the crust, suggesting rapid exhumation. Assuming exhumation rates slower or equal to high-pressure–ultrahigh-pressure terrains in the Western Alps, Tauern Eclogite Zone peak pressures were reached not long before our high-pressure amphibole age, probably at ≤45 Ma, in accordance with dates from the Western Alps. A late-stage thermal overprint, common to the entire Penninic thrust system, occurred within the Tauern Eclogite Zone rocks at 35 Ma. The high-pressure peak and switch from burial to exhumation of the Tauern Eclogite Zone is likely to date slab breakoff in the Alpine orogen. This is in contrast to the long-lasting and foreland-propagating Franciscan-style subduction–accretion processes that are recorded in the Rechnitz Complex.  相似文献   

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