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The environmental condition of the Baltic Sea is not only of concern for natural scientists. The awareness of the deteriorating state of the ecosystem has become an issue of interdisciplinary interest, and the amount of organizations with the marine environment and ecosystem health on the agenda is large. To present holistic and sustainable solutions and results of the actions taken, an active cooperation between all stakeholder groups and levels are needed. How different stakeholders in the northern Baltic Sea perceive the structures and assessments of the eutrophication were analyzed by semi-structured interviews with 17 stakeholders representing authorities, scientists, NGOs and national interest organizations. The focus was the view of the governance structures, risk assessment, management and communication. There was an overall consensus that eutrophication is a serious problem. Still variations in the opinions both within and between the stakeholder groups were seen. The scientists were most divergent from the rest.  相似文献   

In the last 10 years concern for the economic and ecological value of the North Sea has increased. Many different users are putting increasing pressure on the resources of the North Sea and its adjacent estuaries. Its uses include shipping, fisheries, the oil and gas industry, mineral extraction, and—along its shores—recreation. The North Sea suffers pollution directly from some of these sources, but also indirectly from discharges from land, from rivers and from the atmosphere. The resilience of the North Sea ecosystem puts limits on the human use. These limits have in a number of cases been exceeded. It is necessary to define and assess the sustainable use of the North Sea ecosystem. The sustainable use may be defined as the long-term use of current and future potential while ensuring sustainable conservation of the ecological value of the North Sea and adjacent vulnerable water systems. Integrated environmental management for the North Sea implies that policy-makers assess all interests and resolve any conflicts which arise. This paper considers the problem of input of organic substances into the North Sea. It considers a target scenario of sustainable use and ecological health, in relation to what concentrations of organic substances are permissible. Secondly, it considers a target percentage reduction in current inputs. Thirdly, it is necessary to give the measures to be taken to deal with the major sources of the pollution, i.e. to define target groups. Finally, the paper gives examples of the statutory instruments available to implement the chosen policy.  相似文献   

Field studies in the framework of the EU funded BEEP project (Biological Effects of Environmental Pollution in Marine Coastal Ecosystems, 2001-2004) aimed at validating and intercalibrating a battery of biomarkers of contaminant exposure and effects in selected indicator species in the Mediterranean, the North Atlantic and the Baltic Seas. Major strategic goals of the BEEP project were the development of a sensitive and cost-efficient biological effects monitoring approach, delivery of information and advice to end-user groups, and the implementation of a network of biomarker researchers around Europe. Based on the main results obtained in the Baltic Sea component of the BEEP the present paper summarises and assesses the applicability of biomarkers for different regions and species in this sea area. Moreover, a general strategy and some practical considerations for the monitoring of biological effects in the Baltic Sea are outlined.  相似文献   

浅水湖泊风浪过程对于湖泊生态系统具有重要的意义.基于巢湖风场、风浪和水环境参数同步高频观测结果,详细分析了快速变化风场下的风浪快速变化特征及其对湖泊水环境的影响特征.浅水湖泊风浪的有效波高和平均波周期均随风速的快速变化有较好的同步响应规律.在风速快速衰减阶段,相较有效波高,波周期有更好的稳定性.湖泊水体pH、水温、溶解氧会快速响应风浪的变化,随着风浪强度增强,对水体浊度、总磷浓度以及藻密度和生物量的扰动影响逐渐呈现.强烈的风浪扰动引起水体浊度变化的滞后时间可达3 d.快速变化的风浪场下,风浪的强烈扰动会改变水体固有的理化参数分布特征,扰动藻类常规的水体分布规律,风浪强度是造成差异的主要因子.  相似文献   

基于地球物理数据跟踪分析成果,总结近年来我国地震地球物理台网观测环境干扰情况,分析环境干扰的时空分布特征,并介绍主要干扰及其典型形态特征.针对常见环境干扰,指出几种措施和方法,为干扰的抑制与排查提供参考.  相似文献   

Consideration of environmental flows in river basin management poses great challenges. Environmental flows are interpreted as the natural or regulated releases of water needed in a river to maintain specified valued features of the river ecosystems. This has never been considered explicitly in water resources management of a river basin. An attempt is, therefore, made here to reflect the perception and implications of environmental flows in water resources management. Assessment approaches are reviewed in the context of flow characteristics of a river system and recommendations are put forward on what is to be done to adopt this new concept in practice.  相似文献   

The review provides an overview of the features of the North Sea and the Baltic Sea in their European geographical and socio-political context. To reach sustainability in the wider sense the common society has to meet the 7 tenets - that management actions have to be environmentally sustainable, economically viable, technologically feasible, socially desirable (or at least tolerable), legally permissible, administratively achievable and politically expedient. Each of these are explained and discussed using examples from the two seas including pollution control, physical resource exploitation (such as aggregates, habitat loss, renewable energy and oil and gas), and biological resources exploitation (fisheries and aquaculture). This paper discusses the similarities between the areas in terms of their management regimes, population in the catchment, history of anthropogenic changes, derivation of objectives against a wealth of information and understanding, and the history of management and control. In contrast, the differences between the areas centre on their differing hydrographic regimes, including residence and flushing times, biological features, nature of the pollutants discharged, dominant types of fishing and type of control indicated by a predominant Eastern Bloc for the Baltic as opposed to European Union control in the North Sea. The review ends with an assessment of future challenges and examples of the way in which environmental problems have been addressed in the two areas. In particular, it sets the features against a background of management designed to achieve the Ecosystem Approach within the prevailing European marine management framework.  相似文献   

庞鸿明 《华南地震》2001,21(3):77-80
根据广东省地震局目前以至未来一段时间里理财环境、理财对象等诸多因素发生变化的情况,从财务管理的角度,围绕全新意义的“开源”和“节流”两个基本环节,提出了一些有针对性的策略及措施.  相似文献   

Species pattern of phytoplankton in the surface waters (0–1 m) of the Baltic Sea was studied in the autumn 1991 during 25th cruise of the R/V “Akademik Mstislav Keldysh”. The samples were analysed by light and scanning electron microscopy. Results of this work show that sharp changes in the Central Baltic phytoplankton community have not yet begun. In coastal eutrophicated waters the growth of biomass and decrease of phytoplankton diversity are more significant.  相似文献   

Resources and environmental systems management (RESM) is challenged by the synchronic effects of interval uncertainties in the related practices. The synchronic interval uncertainties are misrepresented as random variables, fuzzy sets, or interval numbers in conventional RESM programming techniques including stochastic programming. This may lead to ineffectiveness of resources allocation, high costs of recourse measures, increased risks of unreasonable decisions, and decreased optimality of system profits. To fill the gap of few corresponding studies, a synchronic interval linear programming (SILP) method is proposed in this study. The proposition of interval sets and interval functions and coupling them with linear programming models lead to development of an SILP model for RESM. This enables incorporation of interval uncertainties in resource constraints and synchronic interval uncertainties in the programming objective into the optimization process. An analysis of the distribution-independent geometric properties of the feasible regions of SILP models results in proposition of constraint violation likelihoods. The tradeoff between system optimality and constraint violation is analyzed. The overall optimality of SILP systems under synchronic intervalness is quantified through proposition of integrally optimal solutions. Integration of these efforts leads to a violation-constrained interval integral method for optimization of RESM systems under synchronic interval uncertainties. Comparisons with selected existing methods reveal the effectiveness of SILP at eliminating negativity of synchronic intervalness, enabling risk management of and achieving overall optimality of RESM systems, and enhancing the reliability of optimization techniques for RESM problems. The exploited framework for analyzing synchronic interval uncertainties in RESM systems is helpful for addressing synchronisms of other uncertainties such as randomness or fuzziness and avoiding the resultant decision mistakes and disasters due to neglecting them.  相似文献   

Summary Major Baltic inflows (from the Kattegat) represent the only possibility for deep water renewal in the Baltic Sea that is generally characterised by stable stratification. Such an inflow occurred in January 1993 for the first time in 16 years. Observations were made by a moored station at Darß Sill and, for the first time since investigations into major Baltic inflows began, by a research vessel. In addition, the event has been simulated in an operational model.
Der Salzwassereinbruch vom Januar 1993 in die Ostsee-Messungen und Modellergebnisse
Zusammenfassung Für die im allgemeinen stabil geschichtete Ostsee bilden Salzwassereinbrüche (aus dem Kattegat) die einzige Möglichkeit zur Erneuerung des Tiefenwassers. Ein solcher Salzwassereinbruch ereignete sich nach 16 Jahren Unterbrechung erst wieder im Januar 1993. Dieser Vorgang wurde durch Messungen von einer permanenten Station auf der Darßer Schwelle und — erstmals in der Geschichte der Erforschung von Salzwassereinbrüchen —einem Forschungsschiff registriert. Außerdem liegt eine numerische Simulation mit einem operationellen Modell vor.

Insertion d'eau salée dans la mer Baltique en janvier 1993. Mesures et exploitation d'un modèle numérique
Résumé L'apport d'eau salée en provenance du Kattegat reste la seule possibilité de renouvellement des eaux profondes des couches stables de la mer Baltique. Un telle insertion d'eau salée ne s'est produite qu'au mois de janvier 1993 après une interruption de 16 ans. Ce processus a été enregistré par des mesures d'une station permanente (Darßer Schwelle) et, pour la première fois dans l'histoire de l'étude des insertions d'eau salée, par un navire scientifique. En outre une simulation numérique à l'aide d'un modèle opérationnel est présentée.

Summary On a cruise, covering the whole Baltic Sea area, in May/June 1983, from the Kattegat through the Belt Sea, the Baltic Proper, and the Gulfs of Finland and Bothnia, investigations concerning the distribution of several organochlorine compounds were made. In accordance with the water exchange in the Kattegat and Belt Sea, a vertical stratification can be seen for -, -, -HCH and DDT — with higher concentrations in the outflowing surface water with low salinity and lower values in the inflowing bottom water with high salinity. The bottom water concentrations in the Kattegat and Belt Sea are increasing from North to South by mixture with surface water. East of the Darss Sill, the distribution pattern becomes more homogeneous with only slight differences in the average mean concentrations between the various basins forming the Baltic Sea.
Über die Verteilung einiger Organochlorverbindungen in der Ostsee
Zusammenfassung Im Wasser des Kattegats, der Beltsee, der zentralen Ostsee, des Finnischen Meerbusens und der Bottensee wurden im Mai und Juni 1983 Untersuchungen auf Organochlorverbindungen vorgenommen. In Übereinstimmung mit den Verhältnissen des Wasseraustausches im Kattegat und der Beltsee kann man für -, -, -HCH und DDT eine vertikale Schichtung erkennen — mit höheren Konzentrationen im abfließenden Oberflächenwasser mit niedrigem Salzgehalt und niedrigeren Werten im einströmenden Bodenwasser mit hohem Salzgehalt. Durch Vermischung mit dem Oberflächenwasser steigen die Konzentrationen im Bodenwasser im Kattegat und der Beltsee von Norden nach Süden hin an. Östlich der Darsser Schwelle ergibt sich eine gleichmäßigere Verteilung mit nur geringen Unterschieden in den mittleren Konzentrationen innerhalb der einzelnen Becken, die die Ostsee bilden.

De la distribution de quelques composants organochlorés dans la mer Baltique
Résumé En mai et juin 1983 des recherches sur la distribution de plusieurs composants organochlorés furent effectuées durant une campagne couvrant le Kattegat, les Belts, la mer Baltique centrale, les Golfes de Finlande et de Bothnie. En accord avec les échanges des eaux dans le Kattegat et les Belts, une stratification verticale de l'-, -, -HCH et DDT fut mise en évidence, avec une concentration plus forte dans les eaux superficielles sortantes et des valeurs plus faibles dans les eaux de fond entrantes. A l'Est du seuil de Drss, la répartition des échantillons devient plus homogène avec seulement de légères différences des concentrations moyennes entre les différents bassins qui forment la mer Baltique.

花东海盆浊流沉积的磁性特征及其环境意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
对取自台湾以东花东海盆GX168孔的浊流沉积物进行系统的岩石磁学研究,揭示其沉积学和岩石磁学特征,分析其物源和形成机制.研究结果显示,剖面上共识别出12层浊流沉积物,其分布存在规律,下部350~700 cm共发育11层浊流沉积物,而0~350 cm仅出现1层浊流沉积物.浊流沉积物粒径明显较背景沉积物粗,石英、长石含量更高,底部与下伏背景沉积呈突变接触,顶部与上覆背景沉积呈渐变接触,内部发育典型的正粒序韵律结构.浊流沉积物和背景沉积物具有相似的磁学特征,两者均以磁铁矿为主要载磁矿物类型,且磁铁矿颗粒均以准单畴和多畴颗粒为主.同时,两者也存在一定差异,浊流沉积物中磁铁矿较背景沉积物更为富集,磁化率和饱和等温剩磁更强,磁铁矿粒径更粗,这与浊流沉积物原始沉积区更靠近物源区有关.花东海盆浊流沉积形成的诱发机制可能是末次冰期以来频发的海平面波动造成陆坡之上沉积物重力失稳,导致陆坡沉积物向海盆搬运.  相似文献   

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