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During the Oligocene–Middle Miocene period widespread magmatic activity developed in Western Anatolia, following the continental collision between the Sakarya continent and the Tauride–Anatolide platform. This produced both intrusive and extrusive rocks, which appear to be associated in space and time, as exemplified from the Bayramiç area. In the Bayramiç area, the magmatic activity started with the intrusion of the Evciler granite, and the coeval lower volcanic association. This was followed by the development of the upper volcanic association. These rock groups form collectively the Bayramiç magmatic complex, which was generated under an on-going north–south compressional regime. The Bayramiç magmatic complex has a subalkaline composition, displaying a calcalkaline trend. Trace elements and REE contents resemble to island-arc and collision-related magmas. According to the isotope values the Bayramiç magmatic complex was derived from the magmas of lithospheric mantle origin, which were later contaminated, while passing through the thick continental crust, in a post-collisional tectonic setting, during the Oligocene–Early Miocene period. The latest product of the magmatism is the Late Miocene–Pliocene basalt lavas. Their geochemical properties are clearly different from the Oligocene–Early Miocene magmatic rocks. The basalts were generated when the north–south compression gave way to the north–south extensional regime.  相似文献   

The residual aeromagnetic total field intensity anomalies in central Anatolia were calculated from the regional aeromagnetic anomalies surveyed by the Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) of Turkey. The residual aeromagnetic data were analyzed to produce Curie point estimates by the method of OKUBO et al. (1985). The Curie point depth of central Anatolia varies from 7.9 km and 22.6 km. The shallowest Curie point depths were observed around the Cappadocia and Erciyes Volcanic complexes in central Anatolia. A good correlation was deduced between the Curie point depths and the heat-flow data measured previously, which is most certainly important for the geothermal resources of the region. The shallow Curie point depths also correlate well with the hot spring locations in central Anatolia.  相似文献   

The Hasan Dagi volcano is one of the two large Plio-Quaternary volcanoes in Cappadocia (Central Anatolia, Turkey). Three stages of edifice construction have been identified for this volcano: Paleovolcano, Mesovolcano and Neovolcano. Most samples from Hasan Dagi volcano are calc-alkaline and define an almost complete trend from basaltic andesite to rhyolite. However, the more recent (Neovolcano) mafic samples are alkaline basalts. The mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the oldest lavas (Keçikalesi (13 Ma) and Paleo-Hasan Dagi (7 Ma)) are significantly different from those of the younger lavas (Meso- and Neo-Hasan Dagi (<1 Ma)). Calcic plagioclase and pigeonite are typically observed in these older lavas. The Paleovolcano basalts are depleted in alkalis and display a tholeiitic tendency whereas the differentiated lavas are depleted in Na2O but enriched in K2O compared to younger lavas. There is an evolution through time towards higher TiO2, Fe2O3*, MgO, Na2O and K2O and lower Al2O3 and SiO2 which is reflected in the basalt compositions. All the basalts display multi-element patterns typical of continental margin magmas with a significant enrichment in LILE (K, Rb, Ba and Th) and LREE and strong (Paleovolcano) to moderate (Meso- and Neovolcano) negative Nb, Zr and Ti anomalies. However, the younger basalts are the most enriched in incompatible elements, in agreement with their alkaline affinities and do not systematically display negative HFSE anomalies. REE data suggest an hydrous amphibole-bearing crystallization history for both Meso- and Neovolcano lavas. The distinction between the older and younger lavas is also apparent in trace element ratios such as Nb/Y, Ti/Y and Th/Y. These ratios indicate the role of a subducted component±crustal contamination in the genesis of the Hasan Dagi lavas, particularly for the oldest lavas (Keçikalesi and Paleo-Hasan Dagi). The decreasing influence of this component through time, over the last 6–7 m.y., has been accompanied by an increasing contribution of melt-enriched lithosphere. Although the range of variation of Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic ratios is small (0.70457–0.70515; 0.51262–0.51273; 18.80–18.94; 15.64–15.69; 38.87–39.10), it also reflects the evolution of the magma sources through time. Indeed, the youngest (Neovolcano) and most primitive basalts display significantly lower 87Sr/86Sr than the Paleo- and Mesovolcano basalts, whereas the Mesovolcano basalts display more radiogenic Pb than Paleovolcano samples. Magma mixing processes between initially heterogeneous and/or variably contaminated magmas may account for the genesis of the less differentiated and intermediate lavas (48–57% SiO2). Meso- and Neovolcano differentiated lavas (60–68% SiO2) are either derived from the analyzed basalts or from more primitive and more depleted magmas by fractional crystallization±some crustal contamination (AFC). Furthermore, the highly differentiated samples (72–75% SiO2) are not strongly contaminated. The strong calc-alkaline character of Hasan Dagi lavas, in the absence of contemporaneous subduction, must reflect the heritage of the early subduction of the Afro–Arabian plate under the Eurasian plate. The evolution towards alkaline compositions through time is clearly related to the development of extensional tectonics in Central Anatolia in the Late Miocene.  相似文献   

Mount Hasan is a double-peaked stratovolcano, located in Central Anatolia, Turkey. The magmas erupted from this multi-caldera complex range from basalt to rhyolite, but are dominated by andesite and dacite. Two terminal cones (Big Mt. Hasan and Small Mt. Hasan) culminate at 3253 m and 3069 m respectively. There are four evolutionary stages in the history of the volcanic complex (stage 1: Kecikalesi volcano, 13 Ma, stage 2: Palaeovolcano, 7 Ma, stage 3: Mesovolcano and stage 4: Neovolcano). The eruptive products consist of lava flows, lava domes, and pyroclastic rocks. The later include ignimbrites, phreatomagmatic intrusive breccias and nuées ardentes, sometimes reworked as lahars. The total volume is estimated to be 354 km3, the area extent 760 km2. Textural and mineralogical data suggest that both magma mixing and fractional crystallization were involved in the generation of the andesites and dacites. The magmas erupted from the central volcanoes show a transition with time from tholeite to calc-alkaline. Three generations of basaltic strombolian cones and lava flows were emplaced contemporaneously with the central volcanoes. The corresponding lavas are alkaline with a sodic tendency.  相似文献   

The Ezine region is located in the northwestern part of Anatolia where young granitic and volcanic rocks are widespread and show close spatial and temporal association. In this region magmatism began with the Kestanbol granite, which intruded into metamorphic basement rocks, and formed contact metamorphic aureole. To the east and southeast the pluton is surrounded by hypabyssal rocks, which in turn, are surrounded by volcanic associations. The volcanic rocks may be divided into two main groups on the basis of their lithological properties. Lavas and lahar deposits dominate the northern sector while ignimbrites dominate the southern sector. The ignimbrite eruptions were formed partly coevally with the plutonic and the associated volcanic rocks during the early Miocene. They appear to have been associated in a caldera collapse environment. Geochemical properties of the plutonic and the associated volcanic assemblages indicate that the magmas are hybrid and co-genetic and, were formed from a similar mantle source, under a compressional regime prior to the opening of the present E–W-trending graben of the Aegean western Anatolian region.  相似文献   

Detailed field mapping in the Güvem area in the Galatia province of NW Central Anatolia, Turkey, combined with K–Ar dating, has established the existence of two discrete Miocene volcanic phases, separated by a major unconformity. The magmas were erupted in a post-collisional tectonic setting and it is possible that the younger phase could be geodynamically linked to the onset of transtensional tectonics along the North Anatolian Fault zone. The Early Miocene phase (18–20 Ma; Burdigalian) is the most voluminous, comprising of over 1500 m of potassium-rich intermediate-acid magmas. In contrast, the Late Miocene volcanic phase (ca. 10 Ma; Tortonian) comprises a single 70-m-thick flow unit of alkali basalt. The major and trace element and Sr–Nd isotope compositions of the volcanics suggest that the Late Miocene basalts and the parental mafic magmas to the Early Miocene series were derived from different mantle sources. Despite showing some similarities to high-K calc-alkaline magma series from active continental margins, the Early Miocene volcanics are clearly alkaline with higher abundances of high field strength elements (Zr, Nb, Ti, Y). Crustal contamination appears to have enhanced the effects of crystal fractionation in the petrogensis of this series and some of the most silica-rich magmas may be crustal melts. The mantle source of the most primitive mafic magmas is considered to have been an asthenospheric mantle wedge modified by crustally-derived fluids rising from a Late Cretaceous–Early Tertiary Tethyan subduction zone dipping northwards beneath the Galatia province. The Late Miocene basalts, whilst still alkaline, have a Sr–Nd isotope composition indicating partial melting of a more depleted mantle source component, which most likely represents the average composition of the asthenosphere beneath the region.  相似文献   

After a 26 years long quiescence El Reventador, an active volcano of the rear-arc zone of Ecuador, entered a new eruptive cycle which lasted from 3 November to mid December 2002. The initial sub-Plinian activity (VEI 4 with andesite pyroclastic falls and flows) shifted on 6 and 21 November to an effusive stage characterized by the emission of two lava flows (andesite to low-silica andesite Lava-1 and basaltic andesite Lava-2) containing abundant gabbro cumulates. The erupted products are medium to high-K calc-alkaline and were investigated with respect to major element oxides, mineral chemistry, texture and thermobarometry. Inferred pre-eruptive magmatic processes are dominated by the intrusion of a high-T mafic magma (possibly up to 1165 ± 15 °C) into an andesite reservoir, acting as magma mixing and trigger for the eruption. Before this refilling, the andesite magma chamber was characterized by water content of 5.3 ± 1.0%, high oxygen fugacity (> NNO + 2) and temperatures, in the upper and lower part of the reservoir, of 850 and 952 ± 65 °C respectively. Accurate amphibole-based barometry constrains the magma chamber depth between 8.2 and 11.3 km (± 2.2 km). The 6 October 2002 seismic swarm (hypocenters from 10 to 11 km) preceding El Reventador eruption, supports the intrusion of magmas at these depths. The widespread occurrence of disequilibrium features in most of the andesites (e.g. complex mineral zoning and phase overgrowths) indicates that convective self-mixing have been operating together with fractional crystallization (inferred from the cognate gabbro cumulates) before the injection of the basic magma which then gave rise to basaltic andesite and low-silica andesite hybrid layers. Magma mixing in the shallow chamber is inferred from the anomalous SiO2–Al2O3 whole-rock pattern and strong olivine disequilibria. Both lavas show three types of amphibole breakdown rims mainly due to heating (mixing processes) and/or relatively slow syn-eruptive ascent rate (decompression) of the magmas. The lack of any disequilibrium textures in the pumices of the 3 November fall deposit suggest that pre-eruptive mixing did not occur in the roof zone of the chamber. A model of the subvolcanic feeding system of El Reventador, consistent with the intrusion of a low-Al2O3 crystal-rich basic magma into an already self-mixed andesite shallow reservoir, is here proposed. It is also inferred that before entering the shallow chamber the “basaltic” magma underwent a polybaric crystallization at deeper crustal levels.  相似文献   

Volcán Ollagüe is a high-K, calc-alkaline composite volcano constructed upon extremely thick crust in the Andean Central Volcanic Zone. Volcanic activity commenced with the construction of an andesitic to dacitic composite cone composed of numerous lava flows and pyroclastic deposits of the Vinta Loma series and an overlying coalescing dome and coulée sequence of the Chasca Orkho series. Following cone construction, the upper western flank of Ollagüe collapsed toward the west leaving a collapse-amphitheater about 3.5 km in diameter and a debris avalanche deposit on the lower western flank of the volcano. The deposit is similar to the debris avalanche deposit produced during the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens, U.S.A., and was probably formed in a similar manner. It presently covers an area of 100 km2 and extends 16 km from the summit. Subsequent to the collapse event, the upper western flank was reformed via eruption of several small andesitic lava flows from vents located near the western summit and growth of an andesitic dome within the collapse-amphitheater. Additional post-collapse activity included construction of a dacitic dome and coulée of the La Celosa series on the northwest flank. Field relations indicate that vents for the Vinta Loma and post-collapse series were located at or near the summit of the cone. The Vinta Loma series is characterized by an anhydrous, two-pyroxene assemblage. Vents for the La Celosa and Chasca Orkho series are located on the flanks and strike N55 W, radial to the volcano. The pattern of flank eruptions coincides with the distribution in the abundance of amphibole and biotite as the main mafic phenocryst phases in the rocks. A possible explanation for this coincidence is that an unexposed fracture or fault beneath the volcano served as a conduit for both magma ascent and groundwater circulation. In addition to the lava flows at Ollagüe, magmas are also present as blobs of vesiculated basaltic andesite and mafic andesite that occur as inclusions in nearly all of the lavas. All eruptive activity at Ollagüe predates the last glacial episode ( 11.000 a B.P.), because post-collapse lava flows are overlain by moraine and are incised by glacial valleys. Present activity is restricted to emission of a persistent, 100-m-high fumarolic steam plume from a vent located within the summit andesite dome.Sr and Nd isotope ratios for the basaltic andesite and mafic andesite inclusions and lavas suggest that they have assimilated large amounts of crust during crystal fractionation. In contrast, narrow ranges in 143Nd/144Nd and 87Sr/86Sr in the andesitic and dacitic lavas are enigmatic with respect to crustal contamination.  相似文献   

This petrologic analysis of the Negra Muerta Volcanic Complex (NMVC) contributes to understanding the magmatic evolution of eruptive centres associated with prominent NW-striking fault zones in the southern Central Andes. Specifically, the geochemical characteristics and magmatic evolution of the two eruptive episodes of this Complex are analysed. The first one occurred as an explosive eruption at 9 Ma and is represented by a strongly welded, fiamme-rich, andesitic to dacitic ignimbrite deposit. The second commenced with an eruption of a rhyolitic ignimbrite at 7.6 Ma followed by effusive discharge of hybrid lavas at 7.3 Ma and by emplacement of andesitic to rhyodacitic dykes and domes. Both explosive and effusive eruptions of the second episode occurred within a short time span, but geochemical interpretations permit consideration of the existence of different magmas interacting in the same magma chamber. Our model involves an andesitic recharge into a partially cooled rhyolitic magma chamber, pressurising the magmatic system and triggering explosive eruption of rhyolitic magma. Chemical or mechanical evidence for interaction between the rhyolitic and andesitic magma in the initial stages are not obvious because of their difference in composition, which could have been strong enough to inhibit the interaction between the two magmas. After the initial explosive stages of the eruption at 7.6 Ma, the magma chamber become more depressurised and the most mafic magma settled in compositional layers by fractional crystallisation. Restricted hybridisation occurred and was effective between adjacent and thermally equivalent layers close to the top of the magma chamber. At 7.3 Ma, increments of caldera formation were accompanied by effusive discharge of hybrid lavas through radially disposed dykes whereby andesitic magma gained in importance toward the end of this effusive episode in the central portion of the caldera. Assimilation during turbulent ascent (ATA) is invoked to explain a conspicuous reversed isotopic signature (87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd) in the entire volcanic series. Therefore, the 7.6 to 7.3 Ma volcanic rocks of the NMVC resulted from synchronous and mutually interacting petrological processes such as recharge, fractional crystallization, hybridisation, and Assimilation during Turbulent Ascent (ATA).Geochemical characteristics of both volcanic episodes show diverse type and/or depth in the sources and variable influence of upper crustal processes, and indicate a recurrence in the magma-forming conditions. Similarly, other minor volcanic centres in the transversal volcanic belts of the Central Andes repeated their geochemical signatures throughout the Miocene.  相似文献   

The processes that result in arc magmas are critical to understanding element recycling in subduction zones, yet little is known about how these systems evolve with time. Nicaragua provides an opportunity to reconstruct the history of a volcanic arc since the Cretaceous. Here we present the stratigraphy of the Cretaceous–Eocene volcanic units in Nicaragua and their relationship to the different tectonic units where the arc developed. We discovered an evolution from an arc‐dominated by calc‐alkaline compositions in the Cretaceous–Eocene, to transitional compositions in the Oligocene–Miocene, to finally tholeiitic magmas common in the modern volcanic front. Our petrographic studies confirm that in the Cretaceous–Eocene the olivine + clinopyroxene cotectic was followed by clinopyroxene + plagioclase ± amphibole. Given the abundance of amphibole and the lack of this mineral in the modern volcanic front, the Cretaceous–Eocene Arc melts were likely more water‐rich than modern Nicaragua, suppressing the crystallization of plagioclase after olivine. We also found temporal changes in element ratios that are sensitive to variations in sediment input. The Cretaceous–Eocene Arc is characterized by a lower Ba/Th compared to the Oligocene–Miocene and modern volcanic front samples, suggesting that the sediment input was lower in Ba, possibly analogous to old deep siliceous sediment subducting in the western Pacific. Both U/Th and U/La are higher in the modern volcanics, reflecting higher U/Th in the subducting sediments following the 'Carbonate Crash'. Finally, we found that the orientation of the arc axis also changed, from northeast‐southwest in the Cretaceous–Eocene to northwest‐southeast after the Oligocene. This change probably records variations in the location of the subduction zone as this region shaped into its current geographic configuration.  相似文献   

The Cappadocia region, located in Central Turkey, is characterized by widespread lava flows and volcanoclastic deposits dating from Miocene to Quaternary. Gravity and aeromagnetic anomalies of the region appear to present similar high and low amplitude regions, although the aeromagnetic anomalies exhibit a rather complex pattern which is thought to be caused by remanent magnetization. The low-pass filtered aeromagnetic map shows a deep-seated magnetic anomaly which may be linked to the widespread volcanic activity at the surface. The pseudogravity transformation of the upward continued anomaly has been constructed. The pseudogravity anomaly demonstrates some form of clockwise rotation. This anomaly was modelled by means of a three-dimensional method. The top and bottom of the body are at 6.3km and 11km (including the flight height) from the ground surface, respectively. This deep body is ellipsoidal and extends along an E-W direction, which is in line with the regional stress direction deduced from GPS measurements. A new mobilistic dynamo-tectonic system appears to explain the body’s E-W elongation. The modelled body may be the source for the inferred geothermal energy of the region. Magnetic measurements were carried out on oriented rock samples collected from outcrops of ignimbrites and basalts, providing directions and intensities of remanent magnetization, susceptibilities and Koeningsberger (Q) ratios. Standard deviations of remanent directions of the Natural Remanent Magnetization (NRM) display a wide scatter implying unreliability of the surface data. Reduction to pole (RTP) transformation of magnetic anomalies was successful with the induced magnetization angle despite the complex pattern of magnetic anomalies.  相似文献   

Merapi Volcano (Central Java, Indonesia) has been frequently active during Middle to Late Holocene time producing basalts and basaltic andesites of medium-K composition in earlier stages of activity and high-K magmas from 1900 14C yr BP to the present. Radiocarbon dating of pyroclastic deposits indicates an almost continuous activity with periods of high eruption rates alternating with shorter time spans of distinctly reduced eruptive frequency since the first appearance of high-K volcanic rocks. Geochemical data of 28 well-dated, prehistoric pyroclastic flows of the Merapi high-K series indicate systematic cyclic variations. These medium-term compositional variations result from a complex interplay of several magmatic processes, which ultimately control the periodicity and frequency of eruptions at Merapi. Low eruption rates and the absence of new influxes of primitive magma from depth allow the generation of basaltic andesite magma (56–57 wt% SiO2) in a small-volume magma reservoir through fractional crystallisation from parental mafic magma (52–53 wt% SiO2) in periods of low eruptive frequency. Magmas of intermediate composition erupted during these stages provide evidence for periodic withdrawal of magma from a steadily fractionating magma chamber. Subsequent periods are characterised by high eruption rates that coincide with shifts of whole-rock compositions from basaltic andesite to basalt. This compositional variation is interpreted to originate from influxes of primitive magma into a continuously active magma chamber, triggering the eruption of evolved magma after periods of low eruptive frequency. Batches of primitive magma eventually mix with residual magma in the magmatic reservoir to decrease whole-rock SiO2 contents. Supply of primitive magma at Merapi appears to be sufficiently frequent that andesites or more differentiated rock types were not generated during the past 2000 years of activity. Cyclic variations also occurred during the recent eruptive period since AD 1883. The most recent eruptive episode of Merapi is characterised by essentially uniform magma compositions that may imply the existence of a continuously active magma reservoir, maintained in a quasi-steady state by magma recharge. The whole-rock compositions at the upper limit of the total SiO2 range of the Merapi suite could also indicate the beginning of another period of high eruption rates and shifts towards more mafic compositions.  相似文献   

Subduction‐related volcanic rocks are widespread in the Central Pontides of Turkey, and represented by the Hamsaros volcanic succession in the Sinop area to the north. The volcanic rocks display high‐K calc‐alkaline, shoshonitic and ultra‐K affinities. 40Ar/39Ar age data indicate that the rocks occurred during the Late Cretaceous (ca 82 Ma), and the volcanic suites were coeval. Primitive mantle‐normalized trace element patterns of all the lavas are characterized by strong enrichments in large ion lithophile elements (LILE) (Rb, Ba, K, and Sr), Th, U, Pb, and light rare earth elements (LREE; La, Ce) and prominent negative Nb, Ta, and Ti anomalies, all typical of subduction‐related lavas. There is a systematic increase in the enrichment of incompatible trace elements from the high‐K calc‐alkaline lavas through the shoshonitic to the ultra‐K lavas. In addition, the shoshonitic and ultra‐K lavas have significantly higher 87Sr/86Sr (0.70666–0.70834) and lower 143Nd/144Nd (0.51227–0.51236) initial ratios than coexisting high‐K calc‐alkaline lavas (87Sr/86Sr 0.70576–0.70613, 143Nd/144Nd 0.51245–0.51253). Geochemical and isotopic data show that the shoshonitic and ultra‐K rocks cannot be derived from the high‐K calc‐alkaline suite by any shallow level differentiation process, and point to a derivation from distinct mantle sources. The shoshonitic and ultra‐K rocks were derived from metasomatic veins related to melting of recycled subducted sediments, but the high‐K calc‐alkaline rocks from a lithospheric source metasomatized by fluids from subduction zone.  相似文献   

The quantification of the various components of hydrological processes in a watershed remains a challenging topic as the hydrological system is altered by internal and external drivers. Watershed models have become essential tools to understand the behaviour of a catchment under dynamic processes. In this study, a physically based watershed model called Soil Water Assessment Tool was used to understand the hydrologic behaviour of the Upper Tiber River Basin, Central Italy. The model was successfully calibrated and validated using observed weather and flow data for the period of 1963–1970 and 1971–1978, respectively. Eighteen parameters were evaluated, and the model showed high relative sensitivity to groundwater flow parameters than the surface flow parameters. An analysis of annual hydrological water balance was performed for the entire upper Tiber watershed and selected subbasins. The overall behaviour of the watershed was represented by three categories of parameters governing surface flow, subsurface flow and whole basin response. The base flow contribution has shown that 60% of the streamflow is from shallow aquifer in the subbasins. The model evaluation statistics that evaluate the agreement between the simulated and the observed streamflow at the outlet of a watershed and other three different subbasins has shown a coefficient of determination (R2) from 0.68 to 0.81 and a Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency (ENS) between 0.51 and 0.8 for the validation period. The components of the hydrologic cycle showed variation for dry and wet periods within the watershed for the same parameter sets. On the basis of the calibrated parameters, the model can be used for the prediction of the impact of climate and land use changes and water resources planning and management. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Lahars are water-sediment mass flows from a volcanic source. They can be triggered by a variety of mechanisms and span a continuum of flow rheology and hydraulic properties, even within the same event. Lahars are extremely powerful landscaping agents and represent a considerable hazard potential. However, this highly dynamic character and a lack of direct measurements has made modelling lahars difficult. This study therefore applies a fluid dynamics model; Delft3D, to analyse the 18th March 2007 dam break lahar at Mount Ruapehu, New Zealand. The modelled lahar routed through the Whangaehu gorge in ~30 min, crossed the Whangaehu fan in ~60 min, and then over a further 3 h travelled an additional ~22 km distance along the Whangaehu River to the Tangiwai bridge. The modelled mean frontal velocity was 6.5 m s−1 along the gorge although peak velocity reached up to 19.6 m s−1. The modelled lahar flow front progressively slowed across the fan but along the River it accelerated from 2.1–3.3 m s−1. Calculated peak velocity along the River was <4.5 m s−1. These results generally compare well with gauged records, with historical records, and with other modelling approaches. However, discrepancies in frontal velocity and time to peak stage arise due to (1) specifying roughness, which arises from slope variations between adjacent computational nodes, and which is stage-dependant, and (2) due to rapid topographic changes that produce frequent hydraulic jumps, which are inadequately accommodated in the numerical scheme. The overall pattern of discharge attenuation, and of relationships between topographic and hydraulic variables, is similar to that calculated for lahars on other volcanoes. This modelling method could be applied at other similar sites where a likely source hydrograph and high-resolution topographic data are available. These results have important implications for hazard management at Ruapehu and for examining geomorphic and sedimentary impacts of this lahar.  相似文献   

The Chichontepec volcano is a Plio-Pleistocene composite volcano that erupted lavas ranging from high-alumina basalts to dacites. It experienced a caldera-forming paroxysmal eruption during the early Pleistocene. Pre-caldera lavas are mildly tholeiitic and they evolved mainly by low pressure crystal fractionation, notwithstanding the fact that most mafic lavas (low-MgO high-alumina basalts) retain traces of polybaric evolution. Conversely, post-caldera lavas, which are mainly pyroxene andesites, are clearly calc-alkaline, having evolved by open-system crystal fractionation. Sr–Nd isotopic data and trace elements characteristics indicate that the same mantle source was involved in the petrogenesis of these series. Modelling the AFC process showed that it did not play any role in the petrogenesis of these rocks; a crystal fractionation model is considered to be more relevant. A slight variation in the fractionating assemblage could have caused the transition from an early mildly tholeiitic trend to a late calc-alkaline one. Mineralogical evidence, mass-balance calculations and elemental chemistry support this hypothesis, assuming that the greater amount of pyroxene on the liquidus is at the expense of plagioclase; this would have prevented the trend in iron enrichment.  相似文献   

Characterization of the microseismic activity (M L <2.0) has been performed at Mt. Melbourne since 1990. We recorded a group of low frequency events with common morphological characteristics, i.e., an emerging onset, an unclear second phase and a sharply dropping coda. Spectral analysis of events recorded at more than one station indicates that the seismogram characteristics and spectral content are largely due to source effects. A polarization filter applied to a set of three component data revealed a first phase made up ofP waves followed (after about 0.9–1.4 sec.) by a second phase probably composed ofSH-type waves. Particle motion analysis detected a seismic ray angle direction mainly between N70°E and N110°E and apparent angle of incidence between 35° and 48° for the first phase. The studied seismicity was localized in an area on the eastern slope of Mt. Melbourne Volcano which presents a surface temperature anomaly (Mazzarini andSalvini, 1994). We formulate two hypotheses for the type of earthquakes recorded: 1) long-period events involving active presence of magmatic fluids in the source processes; 2) or the result of fracturing processes (shear?) in a medium characterized by transition between brittle and plastic behaviors. In the latter hypothesis the superficial thermal anomaly may be a symptom of this behavior at depth and is confirmed by the lown values observed for the exponential fit in the codaQ analysis.  相似文献   

The tectonic escarpments locally known as ‘Timpe’ cut a large sector of the eastern flank of Etna, and allow an ancient volcanic succession dating back to 225 ka to be exposed. Geological and volcanological investigations carried out on this succession have allowed us to recognize relevant angular unconformities and volcanic features which are the remnants of eruptive fissures, as well as important changes in the nature, composition and magmatic affinity of the exposed volcanics. In particular, the recognition in the lower part of the succession of important and unequivocal evidence of ancient eruptive fissures led us to propose a local origin for these volcanics and to revise previous interpretations which attributed their westward-dipping to the progressive tectonic tilting of strata. These elements led us to reinterpret the main features of the volcanic activity occurring since 250 ka BP and their relationship with tectonic structures active in the eastern flank of Etna. We propose a complex paleo-environmental and volcano-tectonic evolution of the southeastern flank of Mt. Etna, in which the Timpe fault system played the role of the crustal structure that allowed the rise and eruption of magmas in the above considered time span.  相似文献   

We investigated the tectonothermal history of the Lesser Himalayan sediments (LHS), which are tectonically overlain by the Higher Himalayan Crystalline. Fission‐track dating and the track length measurement of detrital zircons obtained from the Kuncha nappe and the Lesser Himalayan autochthonous sediments in western central Nepal revealed northward cooling of the nappe and possible downward heating of the autochthon by the overlying hot nappe. Nine zircon fission‐track (ZFT) ages of the nappe showed northward‐younging linear distribution from 11.6 Ma in the front at Tamghas, 6 Ma in the central at Naudanda, and 1.6 Ma in the northernmost point at Tatopani. Thermochronological invert calculation of the ZFT length elucidated that the Kuncha nappe gradually cooled down (30 °C/Myr) at the front and rapidly cooled down (120 °C/Myr) at the root zone. In contrast, the ZFT age of the Chappani Formation, located just beneath the Kuncha nappe in the central part, demonstrated a totally reset age of 6.8 Ma, whereas the Virkot Formation, structurally far from the nappe, yielded a partially reset age of 457.3 Ma. This suggests that the LHS underwent downward heating, resulting in a thermal print on the upper part of the LHS; however, the thermal effect was not sufficient to anneal ZFT totally in the deeper part. Presently, the nappe cover is eroded and denuded from this area. Detrital zircons from the Chappani Formation in Tansen area to the south of the Bari Gad Fault did not show any evidence of annealing, suggesting that nappe never covered the LHS distributed to the south of the fault.  相似文献   

This paper summarises the results of the “Rhithron Ecology Group” meeting in Essen (March 2000), supplemented by a literature evaluation.An extended view of small mountain streams in Central Europe under “potentially natural conditions” is presented. We focus on the potential impact of natural transverse structures (debris dams and beaver dams) on stream morphology, hydrology, habitat composition and communities. Furthermore, impact of other stream morphological features, which are presently lacking in the Central European landscape, is described.We suggest that Central European mountain streams are characterised by a higher proportion of lentic zones under “potentially natural conditions”. Morphological degradation leads to a loss of lentic zones and to an increase of current velocities and corresponding changes in faunal composition, particularly higher abundance and proportion of rheophilic species and a decrease of species preferring lentic zones. This should be regarded in future stream assessment.  相似文献   

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