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Sharp-crested moraines, up to 120 m high and 9 km beyond Little Ice Age glacier limits, record a late Pleistocene advance of alpine glaciers in the Finlay River area in northern British Columbia. The moraines are regional in extent and record climatic deterioration near the end of the last glaciation. Several lateral moraines are crosscut by meltwater channels that record downwasting of trunk valley ice of the northern Cordilleran ice sheet. Other lateral moraines merge with ice-stagnation deposits in trunk valleys. These relationships confirm the interaction of advancing alpine glaciers with the regionally decaying Cordilleran ice sheet and verify a late-glacial age for the moraines. Sediment cores were collected from eight lakes dammed by the moraines. Two tephras occur in basal sediments of five lakes, demonstrating that the moraines are the same age. Plant macrofossils from sediment cores provide a minimum limiting age of 10,550-10,250 cal yr BP (9230 ± 50 14C yr BP) for abandonment of the moraines. The advance that left the moraines may date to the Younger Dryas period. The Finlay moraines demonstrate that the timing and style of regional deglaciation was important in determining the magnitude of late-glacial glacier advances.  相似文献   

The Liard Lobe formed a part of the north‐eastern sector of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet and drained ice from accumulation areas in the Selwyn, Pelly, Cassiar and Skeena mountains. This study reconstructs the ice retreat pattern of the Liard Lobe during the last deglaciation from the glacial landform record that comprises glacial lineations and landforms of the meltwater system such as eskers, meltwater channels, perched deltas and outwash fans. The spatial distribution of these landforms defines the successive configurations of the ice sheet during the deglaciation. The Liard Lobe retreated to the west and south‐west across the Hyland Highland from its local Last Glacial Maximum position in the south‐eastern Mackenzie Mountains where it coalesced with the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Retreat across the Liard Lowland is evidenced by large esker complexes that stretch across the Liard Lowland cutting across the contemporary drainage network. Ice margin positions from the late stage of deglaciation are reconstructed locally at the foot of the Cassiar Mountains and further up‐valley in an eastern‐facing valley of the Cassiar Mountains. The presented landform record indicates that the deglaciation of the Liard Lobe was accomplished mainly by active ice retreat and that ice stagnation played a minor role in the deglaciation of this region. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An examination of soil thermal and hydrologic regimes at several sites near Mayo, Yukon Territory, and the ground-ice stratigraphy of a thaw-slump headwall close to these sites supports the hypothesis that an ice-rich zone, frequently observed at the base of the active layer, may be due to the annual water balance of permafrost. Observations demonstrate that ice lenses have grown at the top of permafrost in soil tubes installed in 1983. In addition, 90 cm of segregated ice are exposed in the thaw-slump headwall above a thaw unconformity, dated at 8870 ± 200 years BP, but below the base of the present active layer. These data suggest that the rate of water incorporation into permafrost over the last 8000 years in the Mayo area has been at least 0.1 mm yr?1.  相似文献   

The glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) of the British Isles is complex due to the interplay between local and non‐local signals. A number of recent studies have modelled the GIA response of the British Isles using relative sea‐level data. This study extends these previous analyses by using output from a numerical glaciological model as input to a GIA model. This is a necessary step towards more realistic GIA models, and although there have been similar studies for the major late Pleistocene ice sheets, this is the first study to do so for the British Isles. We test three reconstructions, classed as ‘minimal’, ‘median’ and ‘maximal’ in terms of their volume at maximum extent, and find it is possible to obtain good data–model fits. The minimal reconstruction is clearly preferred by the sea‐level data. The ice reconstructions tested were not constrained by geomorphological information of past ice extent (lateral and vertical). As a consequence, the reconstructions extend further than much of this information suggests, particularly in terms of ice thickness. It is notable, however, that the reconstructions produce good fits to many sea‐level data from central, mountainous regions (e.g. Scottish highlands), which lends support to the suggestion that trimlines, often used as an constraint on the palaeo ice surface location, are in fact features formed at the transition from warm‐ to cold‐based ice and so mark a minimum constraint on the ice surface altitude. Based on data–model misfits, suggestions are made for improving the ice model reconstructions. However, in many locations, the cause of the misfit could be due to non‐local, predominantly Fennoscandian ice and so interpretation is not straightforward. As a result, we suggest that future analyses of this type consider models and observations for both Fennoscandia and the British Isles. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Whippoorwill Formation is a gleyed diamicton that is present locally within bedrock depressions beneath the oldest glacial till in northern Missouri, USA. Stratigraphy, paleomagnetism, and cosmogenic-nuclide burial ages show that it was deposited between the Matuyama-Gauss magnetostratigraphic boundary at 2.58 Ma and the first advance of the Laurentide ice sheet into Missouri at 2.47 ± 0.19 Ma. High cosmogenic-nuclide concentrations also show that the constituents of the Whippoorwill Formation experienced long exposure at a stable landscape surface with erosion rates of 1-2 m/Ma. However, cosmogenic-nuclide concentrations are invariant with depth below the Whippoorwill Formation surface, indicating active mixing of the soil profile shortly before burial by till. The Whippoorwill Formation retains numerous features indicative of cryoturbation. Therefore, we interpret it as a buried Gelisol, a soil formed under periglacial conditions in the presence of permafrost. At the onset of Northern Hemisphere glaciation, climate cooling established permafrost conditions and accelerated erosion by inducing landscape instability. Thus, weathered regolith materials were mobilized and redeposited by gelifluction shortly before the ice sheet overrode the landscape.  相似文献   

A massive ground-ice body was found exposed in the headwall of a thaw flow developed within the Chapman Lake terminal moraine complex on the Blackstone Plateau (Ogilvie Mountains, central Yukon Territory), which is contemporaneous to the Reid glaciation. Based on visible cryostructures in the 4-m-high headwall, two units were identified: massive ground ice, overlain sharply by 2 m of icy diamicton. The nature and origin of the Chapman Lake massive ground ice was determined using cryostratigraphy, petrography, stable O-H isotopes and the molar concentration of occluded gases (CO2, O2, N2 and Ar) entrapped in the ice, a new technique in the field of periglacial geomorphology that allows to distinguish between glacial and non-glacial intrasedimental ice. Collectively, the results indicate that the Chapman Lake massive ground ice formed by firn densification with limited melting-refreezing and underwent deformation near its margin. Given that the massive ground-ice body consists of relict glacier ice, it suggests that permafrost persisted, at least locally, on plateau areas in the central Yukon Territory since the middle Pleistocene. In addition, the d value of Chapman Lake relict glacier ice suggests that the ice covering the area during the Reid glaciation originated from a local alpine glaciation in the Ogilvie Mountains.  相似文献   

Two previously undocumented Pleistocene marine transgressions on Wrangel Island, northeastern Siberia, question the presence of an East Siberian or Beringian ice sheet during the last glacial maximum (LGM). The Tundrovayan Transgression (459,000–780,000 yr B.P.) is represented by raised marine deposits and landforms 15–41 m asl located up to 18 km inland. The presence of high sea level 64,000–73,000 yr ago (the Krasny Flagian Transgression) is preserved in deposits and landforms 4–7 m asl in the Krasny Flag valley. These deposits and landforms were mapped, dated, and described using amino acid geochronology, radiocarbon, optically stimulated luminescence, electron spin resonance, oxygen isotopes, micropaleontology, paleomagnetism, and grain sizes. The marine deposits are eustatic and not isostatic in origin. All marine deposits on Wrangel Island predate the LGM, indicating that neither Wrangel Island nor the East Siberian or Chukchi Seas experienced extensive glaciation over the last 64,000 yr.  相似文献   

The consistent geographical and altitudinal distribution of autochthonous block fields (mantle of bedrock weathered in situ) and trimlines in southern Norway suggests a multi-domed and asymmetric Late Weichselian ice sheet. Low-gradient ice-sheet profiles in the southern Baltic region, in the North Sea, and along the outer fjord areas of southern Norway, are best explained by movement of ice on a bed of deforming sediment, although water lubricated sliding or a combination of the two, may not be excluded. The ice-thickness distribution of the Late Weichselian Scandinavian ice sheet is not in correspondence with the modern uplift pattern of Fennoscandia. Early Holocene crustal rebound was apparently determined by an exponential, glacio-isostatic rise. Later, however, crustal movements appear to have been dominated by large-scale tectonic uplift of the Fennoscandian Shield, centred on the Gulf of Bothnia, the region of maximum lithosphere thickness.  相似文献   

Outcrops of pebbly mud (diamict) at Scarborough in Southern Ontario, Canada (the so-called Sunnybrook ‘Till’) are associated with the earliest incursion of the Laurentide Ice Sheet (LIS) into mid-continent North America some 45,000 years ago. The Sunnybrook is a blanket-like deposit containing deepwater ostracodes and occurs conformably within a thick (100 m) succession of deltaic and glaciolacustrine facies that record water depth changes in a large proglacial lake. Contextual evidence (associated facies, sedimentary structures, deposit geometry and landforms) indicates a low energy depositional setting in an ice-dammed ancestral Lake Ontario in which scouring by floating ice masses was an important process. U-shaped, iceberg-cut scours (with lateral berms) up to 7 m deep, occur on the upper surface of the Sunnybrook and are underlain by ‘sub-scour’ structures that extend several meters below the scour base. Ice-rafted concentrations of clasts (‘clast layers’), grooved surfaces formed by floating ice glissading over a muddy lake floor (‘soft sediment striations’) and melanges of sand and mud mixed by grounding ice keels (‘ice keel turbates’) are present and are all well known from modern cold environments. The wider significance of this depositional model is that the LIS margin lay east of Scarborough and did not overrun Southern Ontario. This finding is in agreement with recent data from the Erie Basin of Canada, Ohio, and Indiana where deposits formerly correlated with the Sunnybrook (and thus implying an extensive early Wisconsin ice sheet) are now regarded as Illinoian. A speculative hypothesis is proposed that relates deposition of the Sunnybrook and two younger deposits of similar sedimentology, to surge-like instabilities of the southern LIS margin.  相似文献   

末次冰期间冰阶(40~22kaBP)内蒙古黄旗海古降水量研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
申洪源  贾玉连  魏灵 《沉积学报》2005,23(3):523-530
末次冰期间冰阶(40~22kaBP),黄旗海最高古湖面稳定在1310~1318m之间,比现代湖面约高50m,湖泊面积达到450~515km2(平均为466km2),是现代湖面101km2(1950~1961年平均值)的4.4~5.1倍,湖泊补给系数7.8~9.1。利用逐次逼近法寻找古流域的现代气候相似区域,从而确定相关参数定量重建古降水量;在此基础上,附加另外两个过程,检验了重建结果的可靠性。重建结果认为:40~22kaBP古湖面稳定存在时,黄旗海流域的古降水量可达479~497mm/a,比现在年平均值(353mm/a)高约126~144mm/a。  相似文献   

The new Antarctic TALDICE ice core (72° 49′ S, 159° 11′ E, 1620 m depth), containing abundant primary tephras, provides the opportunity to elucidate the late Quaternary volcanic history of the south polar region, as well as to broaden the East Antarctic tephrostratigraphic framework. Here grain size and glass compositional data for representative tephra layers from the last 70 ka core section are used for source identification. Results point to origin of layers from centres of the Melbourne Volcanic Province (McMurdo Volcanic Group), located ~250 km from the coring site. Occurrence of tephra layers within the ice core record suggests that explosive activity in the identified source was not constant over the considered period, with a minimum of activity between 20 and 35 ka, and increased activity back to 65 ka. In addition to palaeovolcanic implications, the TALDICE tephra layers offer prospects for firm correlations between diverse widely separated palaeoarchives and for accurate dating of the Antarctic climatic record. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The first numerical age determinations from radiocarbon dating establish the chronology of glacial events in Redes Natural Park (Cantabrian Mountain, NW Spain). A core drilled in an ice-dammed deposit provided a minimum age of 28 990 ± 230 years BP for the maximum glacial expansion (phase I). Another core from a cirque bottom-fill provided organic sediment with 20 640 ± 300 years BP, a minimum age for the first glacial retreat (phase II). Radiometric dating of proglacial deposits interpreted as synchronous with the last glacial maximum phase in neighbouring Cornelia basin (Picos de Europa), yield ages of 40 480 ± 820 years BP. The chronological data presented in this work are consistent with the model of glacier evolution established in the Pyrénées, with a glacial maximum phase for the last glacial period older than 18 ka. © 2002 Éditions scientifiques et médicales Elsevier SAS. AU rights reserved.  相似文献   

The mode of deglaciation of the last Scottish ice sheet is assessed from evidence provided by geomorphological mapping and sedimentology. Ice-marginal deposits in the Dee valley have a distinctive morphological expression and a characteristically varied sedimentology that strongly resembles those from subpolar glaciers. The deposits tend to occur in certain topographic situations which can be accounted for by compression of ice near the margin and formation of an ice-cored supraglacial land system. A series of recessional stages of the ice-front can be mapped demonstrating that active retreat occurred. However, additional evidence shows there was probably a thin marginal zone of stagnant ice. Recessional stages are inferred to be stillstands that are considered to be topographically controlled rather than related to climate. Development of the supraglacial land system during deglaciation suggests that the ice sheet had a polythermal basal regime with a cold-based margin. This implies that deglaciation took place in northeast Scotland while the climate remained cold, probably due to a precipitation deficit, which agrees well with chronostratigraphic data.  相似文献   

Along strike of the Quaternary magmatic arc in the SouthernVolcanic Zone of the Andes, there is a south to north increasein crustal thickness, and the lavas define systematic geochemicaltrends which have been attributed to variations in the proportionsand compositions of mantle-and crustal-derived components. Realisticinterpretations of these regional geochemical trends requiresan understanding of the sources and processes that control lavacompositions at individual volcanoes. Because it is in an importantgeophysical and geochemical transition zone, we studied theAzufre—Planchon—Peteroa volcanic complex, a nestedgroup of three volcanoes <055 m.y. in age located at 3515'Sin the Southern Volcanic Zone of the Andes. North of this complexat 33–35S the continental crust is thick, basalts areabsent, and there is abundant evidence for crustal componentsin the evolved lavas, but south of 37S, where the crust isrelatively thin, basaltic lavas are abundant and the contributionof continental crust to the lavas is less obvious. In additionto its location, this volcanic complex is important becausethere is a diversity of lava compositions, and it is the northernmostexposure of recent basaltic volcanism on the volcanic front.Therefore, the lavas of this complex can be used to identifythe relative roles of mantle, lower-crustal and upper-crustalsources and processes at a single location. Volcan Azufre is the oldest and largest volcano of the complex;it is a multi-cycle, bimodal, basaltic andesite–dacitestratovolcano. Volcan Planchon is the northernmost basalt-bearingvolcano along the volcanic front of the Southern Andes, andVolcan Peteroa, the youngest volcano of the complex, has eruptedmixed magmas of andesitic and dacitic composition. Most basalticandesite lavas at Azufre and Planchon are related by a plagioclase-poor,anhydrous mineral fractionating assemblage. High-alumina basaltis produced from a tholeiitic parent by an 4–8 kbar fractionatingassemblage. During this moderatepressure crystallization, themagmas also incorporated a crustal component with high La/Yband high abundances of Rb, Cs and Th. Based on the chemicalcharacteristics of the added component and the inferred depthof crystallization, the crustal source may have been garnetgranulite derived from solidified arc magmas in the lower tomiddle continental crust. At Planchon, the role of crustal assimilationhas increased with decreasing eruption age probably becausecrustal temperatures have increased during continued volcanism.Azufre dacite lavas formed at low pressures by fractionationof a plagioclase-rich assemblage. These dacite lavas containan upper-crustal component, probably derived in part from limestone,with high values of 87Sr/86Sr and 18O/16O. Thus two depths (upperand lower crust) of crystallization and associated crustal assimilationare evident in Planchon–Azufre lavas. Peteroa, the focusof recent volcanism, consists of calc-alkaline andesite anddacite eruptive products whose textures and compositions indicatean important role for magma mixing. Therefore, the volcanismevolved from a tholeiitic system of basalt and subordinate dacite(Planchon–Azufre) to a calc-alkaline system with abundantmixed lavas of intermediate composition (Peteroa). In additionto crustal thickness, two important parameters which controlledthe diversity of lava composition in this complex are magmasupply rate from the mantle and crustal temperature. Both parametersvaried with time, and they must be considered in broader interpretationsof along-strike geochemical trends. KEY WORDS: arc magmas; Andes; Peteroa; Planchan; geochemistry *Corresponding author. Present address: ENTRIX, Inc., 4II North Central Avenue, Glendale, CA 91203, USA  相似文献   

The age and origin of the past-producing Nanisivik carbonate-hosted ZnPb deposit in Nunavut, Canada, have been controversial for decades. Various direct and indirect dating methods have produced results ranging from Mesoproterozoic to Ordovician in age, and previous studies of the mineralising fluids have suggested that the fluids were anomalously hot (> 150 °C). This study combines ReOs (pyrite) geochronology, in-situ sulphur isotope analysis, and fluid inclusion analysis to refine both the timing of mineralisation and the nature of mineralising fluids. ReOs pyrite analysis shows that the Nanisivik deposit formed ca. 1.1 Ga, broadly similar to the depositional age of the host rock and with the Grenville orogeny, making it one of few known Precambrian carbonate-hosted ZnPb deposits. In-situ sulphur isotope measurements from Nanisivik show a narrow δ34S range of 27.54 ± 0.72, very similar to what has been reported before in bulk sample analyses. New fluid inclusion data show that the mineralising fluids were ~ 100 °C, which is not anomalous in the context of carbonate-hosted base-metal deposits. The fluids exhibit no significant spatial variation in homogenisation temperature in the 2-km-long ‘upper lens’ of the ore deposit, but recrystallisation and modification of fluid inclusions took place in the immediate vicinity of the cross-cutting ~ 720 Ma “mine dyke”. The deposit is broadly inferred to have formed during late Mesoproterozoic assembly of supercontinent Rodinia, when regional hydrostatic head developed under the influence of far-field stresses originating in the developing Grenville orogen. The Nanisivik deposit remains anomalous only in its age; most other aspects of this ore deposit are now shown to be quite typical for carbonate-hosted ore deposits.  相似文献   

A multiproxy analysis of Hole 911A (Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 151) drilled on the Yermak Plateau (eastern Arctic Ocean) is used to investigate the behaviour of the Svalbard/Barents Sea ice sheet (SBIS) during late Pliocene and early Pleistocene (~3.0-1.7 Ma) climate changes. Contemporary with the 'Mid-Pliocene (~3 Ma) global warmth' (MPGW), a warmer period lasting ~300 kyr with seasonally ice-free conditions in the marginal eastern Arctic Ocean is assumed to be an important regional moisture source, and possibly one decisive trigger for intensification of the Northern Hemisphere glaciation in the Svalbard/Barents Sea area at ~2.7 Ma. An abrupt pulse of ice-rafted debris (IRD) to the Yermak Plateau at ~2.7 Ma reflects distinct melting of sediment-laden icebergs derived from the SBIS and may indicate the protruding advance of the ice sheet onto the outer shelf. Spectral analysis of the total organic carbon (TOC) record being predominantly of terrigenous/fossil-reworked origin indicates SBIS and possibly Scandinavian Ice Sheet response to incoming solar radiation at obliquity and precession periodicities. The strong variance in frequencies near the 41 kyr obliquity cycle between 2.7 and 1.7 Ma indicates, for the first time in the Arctic Ocean, a close relationship of SBIS growth and decay patterns to the Earth's orbital obliquity amplitudes, which dominated global ice volume variations during late Pliocene/early Pleistocene climate changes.  相似文献   

The Greenland ice core from NorthGRIP (NGRIP) contains a proxy climate record across the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary of unprecedented clarity and resolution. Analysis of an array of physical and chemical parameters within the ice enables the base of the Holocene, as reflected in the first signs of climatic warming at the end of the Younger Dryas/Greenland Stadial 1 cold phase, to be located with a high degree of precision. This climatic event is most clearly reflected in an abrupt shift in deuterium excess values, accompanied by more gradual changes in δ18O, dust concentration, a range of chemical species, and annual layer thickness. A timescale based on multi‐parameter annual layer counting provides an age of 11 700 calendar yr b2 k (before AD 2000) for the base of the Holocene, with a maximum counting error of 99 yr. A proposal that an archived core from this unique sequence should constitute the Global Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of the Holocene Series/Epoch (Quaternary System/Period) has been ratified by the International Union of Geological Sciences. Five auxiliary stratotypes for the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary have also been recognised. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Early Paleozoic magmatism of the Tannuola terrane located in the northern Central Asian Orogenic Belt is important to understanding the transition from subduction to post-collision settings. In this study, we report in situ zircon U-Pb ages, whole rock geochemistry, and Sr-Nd isotopic data from the mafic and granitic rocks of the eastern Tannuola terrane to better characterize their petrogenesis and to investigate changing of the tectonic setting and geodynamic evolution. Zircon U-Pb ages reveal three magmatic episodes for about 60 Ma from ∼510 to ∼450 Ma, that can be divided into the late Cambrian (∼510–490 Ma), the Early Ordovician (∼480–470 Ma) and the Middle-Late Ordovician (∼460–450 Ma) stages. The late Cambrian episode emplaced the mafic, intermediate and granitic rocks with volcanic arc affinity. The late Cambrian mafic rocks of the Tannuola terrane may originate from melting of mantle source that contain asthenosphere and subarc enriched mantle metasomatized by melts derived from sinking oceanic slab. Geochemical and isotopic compositions indicate the late Cambrian intermediate-granitic rocks are most consistent with an origin from a mixed source including fractionation of mantle-derived magmas and crustal-derived components. The Early Ordovician episode reveal bimodal intrusions containing mafic rocks and adakite-like granitic rocks implying the transition from a thinner to a thicker lower crust. The Early Ordovician mafic rocks are formed as a result of high degree melting of mantle source including dominantly depleted mantle and subordinate mantle metasomatized by fluid components while coeval granitic rocks were derived from partial melting of the high Sr/Y mafic rocks. The latest Middle-Late Ordovician magmatic episode emplaced high-K calc-alkaline ferroan granitic rocks that were formed through the partial melting the juvenile Neoproterozoic sources.These three episodes of magmatism identified in the eastern Tannuola terrane are interpreted as reflecting the transition from subduction to post-collision settings during the early Paleozoic. The emplacement of voluminous magmatic rocks was induced by several stages of asthenospheric upwelling in various geodynamic settings. The late Cambrian episode of magmatism was triggered by the slab break-off while subsequent Early Ordovician episode followed the switch to a collisional setting with thickening of the lower crust and the intrusion of mantle-induced bimodal magmatism. During the post-collisional stage, the large-scale lithospheric delamination provides the magma generation for the Middle-Late Ordovician granitic rocks.  相似文献   

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