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A stratigraphic succession of alternating peat and minerogenic sediments at the foot of a steep mountain slope provides the basis for the reconstruction of a preliminary colluvial history from the alpine zone of Jotunheimen, southern Norway. Layers of silty sand and sandy silt, typically 5–10 cm thick and interpreted as distal debris-flow facies, are separated by layers of peat that have been radiocarbon dated. Deposition from at least 7500 to about 3800 14C yr BP of predominantly minerogenic material suggests relatively infrequent but large-magnitude debris-flow events in an environment warmer and/or drier than today. Particularly low colluvial activity between about 6500 and 3900 14C yr BP was terminated by a succession of major debris-flow events between about 3800 and 3400 14C yr BP. Unhumified peats indicative of higher water tables, separate six debris-flows that occurred between about 3300 and 2300 14C yr BP and signify a continuing high frequency of colluvial activity. Uninterrupted peat accumulation between about 2400 and 1600 14C yr BP indicates reduced debris-flow activity; subsequent renewed activity appears to have culuminated in the ‘Little Ice Age’ after about 600 14C yr BP. This pattern of colluvial deposition demonstrates a long history of natural Holocene low-alpine landscape instability, suggests an increase first in the magnitude and then in the frequency of debris-flow activity coincident with late Holocene climatic deterioration, and points to the potential of debris-flow records as a unique source of palaeoclimatic information related to extreme rainfall events. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Sharp-crested moraines, up to 120 m high and 9 km beyond Little Ice Age glacier limits, record a late Pleistocene advance of alpine glaciers in the Finlay River area in northern British Columbia. The moraines are regional in extent and record climatic deterioration near the end of the last glaciation. Several lateral moraines are crosscut by meltwater channels that record downwasting of trunk valley ice of the northern Cordilleran ice sheet. Other lateral moraines merge with ice-stagnation deposits in trunk valleys. These relationships confirm the interaction of advancing alpine glaciers with the regionally decaying Cordilleran ice sheet and verify a late-glacial age for the moraines. Sediment cores were collected from eight lakes dammed by the moraines. Two tephras occur in basal sediments of five lakes, demonstrating that the moraines are the same age. Plant macrofossils from sediment cores provide a minimum limiting age of 10,550-10,250 cal yr BP (9230 ± 50 14C yr BP) for abandonment of the moraines. The advance that left the moraines may date to the Younger Dryas period. The Finlay moraines demonstrate that the timing and style of regional deglaciation was important in determining the magnitude of late-glacial glacier advances.  相似文献   

Pollen, plant macrofossil, and charcoal records from Spruce Pond (41°14′22″N, 74°12′15″W), southeastern New York, USA dated by AMS provide details about late-glacial–early Holocene vegetation development in the Hudson Highlands from >12410 to 9750 14C yr BP. Prior to 12410 yr BP, vegetation was apparently open, dominated by herbs and shrubs (Cyperaceae, Gramineae, Tubuliflorae, Salix, Alnus, Betula), possibly with scattered trees (Picea and Pinus). However, Picea macrofossils are not found until 12410 yr BP. Development of a temperature deciduous–boreal-coniferous forest featuring Quercus, Fraxinus, Ostrya/Carpinus, Pinus, Picea, and Abies occurs between 12410 and 11140 yr BP. A return of predominantly boreal forest taxa between 11140 and 10230 yr BP is interpreted as an expression of the Younger Dryas cooling event. Holocene warming at 10230 yr BP is signalled by arrival of Pinus strobus, coincident with expansion of Quercus-dominated forest. Fire activity, as inferred from charcoal influx, appears to have increased as woodland developed after 12410 yr BP. Two charcoal influx peaks occur during Younger Dryas time. Early Holocene fire activity was relatively high but decreased for approximately 100 yr prior to the establishment of Tsuga canadensis in the forest at 9750 yr BP. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Tephra-fall deposits from Cook Inlet volcanoes were detected in sediment cores from Tustumena and Paradox Lakes, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska, using magnetic susceptibility and petrography. The ages of tephra layers were estimated using 21 14C ages on macrofossils. Tephras layers are typically fine, gray ash, 1-5 mm thick, and composed of varying proportions of glass shards, pumice, and glass-coated phenocrysts. Of the two lakes, Paradox Lake contained a higher frequency of tephra (0.8 tephra/100 yr; 109 over the 13,200-yr record). The unusually large number of tephra in this lake relative to others previously studied in the area is attributed to the lake's physiography, sedimentology, and limnology. The frequency of ash fall was not constant through the Holocene. In Paradox Lake, tephra layers are absent between ca. 800-2200, 3800-4800, and 9000-10,300 cal yr BP, despite continuously layered lacustrine sediment. In contrast, between 5000 and 9000 cal yr BP, an average of 1.7 tephra layers are present per 100 yr. The peak period of tephra fall (7000-9000 cal yr BP; 2.6 tephra/100 yr) in Paradox Lake is consistent with the increase in volcanism between 7000 and 9000 yr ago recorded in the Greenland ice cores.  相似文献   

Full‐glacial pollen assemblages from four radiocarbon‐dated interstadial deposits in southwestern Ohio and southeastern Indiana imply the presence of herbaceous vegetation (tundra or muskeg with subarctic indicator Selaginella selaginoides) on the southern margin of the Miami lobe of the Laurentide Ice Sheet ca. 20 000 14C yr BP. Scattered Picea (spruce) and possibly Pinus (pine) may have developed regionally ca. 19 000 14C yr BP, and ca. 18 000 14C yr BP, respectively. Spruce stumps in growth position support a local source of pollen. Prior to the ca. 14 000 14C yr BP glacial advance, small amounts of Quercus (oak) and other deciduous pollen suggest development of regional boreal (conifer–hardwood) forests. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Deposits of the Tamanduá River contain evidence for four major paleohydrologic stages in the last 33,000 years. A wet period between 33,000 and 20,00014C yr B.P. produced a high water table that allowed organic-rich deposition in the Tamanduá valley. A dry interval 17,000-10,00014C yr B.P. produced sandy deposits of braided channels and alluvial fans. River aggradation during this period probably resulted from a high sediment load promoted by intense slope erosion and from flash floods. A wet period after 10,000 and before 600014C yr B.P. was marked by reduced slope erosion and by high discharge that led to erosion of the valley fill. During that time forests developed widely in Brazil. A drier climate after 600014C yr B.P. caused a reduction of discharge but allowed a high water table to be maintained.  相似文献   

The Fernbank interglacial site, on the west side of Cayuga Lake, New York, has been recently subjected to more detailed study. To a lengthened mollusc list are added ostracodes, insects, fish, pollen, and plant macrofossils. Of these, plants are well preserved and diverse, whereas other groups are poorly preserved and incomplete. Nevertheless, all support the interglacial assignment (Sangamon), which is further supported by minimum age radiocarbon dates (> 50,000 14C yr BP) and a TL date of 81 ± 11 ka. In the plant record near the top of the sequence, abundant tree charcoal indicates forest fires. Like the Toronto interglacial record, the plants show a declining July mean temperature from 24 to 18°C (according to transfer functions) through the sequence, from mixed deciduous forest to boreal forest.  相似文献   

Late Pleistocene organic-rich sediments exposed in coastal bluffs near the head of Plaza Creek, East Falkland, have yielded conventional and AMS 14C dates of between 36 and 28 ka BP, and possess a pollen spectrum dominated by grasses, indicating a vegetation assemblage similar to that of the present day. Although some sample dates are anomalous and contamination by non-contemporaneous carbon cannot be ruled out entirely, the age estimates are consistent with evidence and dates from Antarctica, South America and the amphi-North Atlantic for climate shifts to interstadial conditions at around that time. The organic-rich units are developed in and enclosed by deposits attributed to processes of periglacial mass wasting. Grain-size characteristics suggest that these sediments may have been emplaced by solifluction, shallow translational landsliding and surface wash in at least five mass-wasting episodes. Some of the mass-wasting sediments might correlate with solifluction deposits above and below a podsolic soil dated to 26 ka BP at San Carlos, East Falkland, and with periods of cirque and valley glaciation identified in the uplands of the Falkland Islands. The similarity between late Pleistocene interstadial, Holocene and present-day pollen assemblages, and the lack of vegetation change within these periods, is characteristic of most cool temperate Southern Ocean islands, and may reflect the lack of sensitivity of the vegetation to climate change and/or a lack of climate variability for the time intervals covered. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Pollen, spore, macrofossil and stable isotope (C and N) analyses from a 266-cm sediment core collected from a swamp on the Eastern Arc Mountains, Tanzania, are used to reconstruct vegetation and environmental history. An estimated time scale based on five 14C ages records approximately 38,000 yr. This palaeorecord is the first from this biodiversity hotspot and importantly extends through the last glacial maximum (LGM). The altitudinal transition from montane to upper montane forest shifted from 1700-1800 m (38,000 14C yr BP) to 1800-1900 m (35,000-29,000 14C yr BP). From 29,000 to 10,000 14C yr BP, it shifted from 1850-1950 m across the LGM to 1750-1800 m (during 10,000-3500 14C yr BP), and to present-day elevations at 2000 m during the last 3500 14C yr BP. The relative ecosystem stability across the LGM may be explained by the Indian Ocean's influence in maintaining continuous moist forest cover during a period of East African regional climate aridity. During the late Holocene, presence of abundant coprophilous fungi and algal blooms demonstrates increasing human impact. Neurospora spores indicate frequent fires, coinciding with clear signals of decline in Podocarpus and Psychotria trees that possibly represent selective logging.  相似文献   

Playas are small, circular basins forming a ubiquitous component of the southern High Plains landscape. They are filled with carbonaceous mud deposited since the terminal Pleistocene. The stratigraphy and geochronology of 30 playas was investigated to better understand the paleoenvironmental record of basin filling. At the base of the fill in some playas is a well sorted eolian sand dated between ~ 13,000 and ~ 11,000 14C yr BP. The beginning of mud deposition, representing aggradation of eolian dust on a moist, vegetated playa floor was largely between ~ 12,000 and ~ 10,500 14C yr BP. Playa filling slowed ~ 9000 to ~ 4000 14C yr BP, probably due to dry conditions, increased ~ 4000 to ~ 2000 14C yr BP, then slowed again. Eolian sand and loam, likely representing regional aridity, accumulated in some basins episodically just prior to ~ 10,700 14C yr BP, between ~ 8600 and ~ 4700 14C yr BP, and at ~ 1300 14C yr BP. Stable C isotopes from one basin indicate that the playa was inundated only seasonally throughout the record beginning ~ 11,500 14C yr BP. The phytolith record in that basin indicates an abrupt shift toward cooling ~ 11,400 to ~ 11,200 14C yr BP and then increasing importance of xeric-adapted C4 grasses through the Holocene.  相似文献   

The transitional character of climatic conditions confers great relevance to paleoclimate studies in the semiarid region where glacial and Holocene geomorphologic records are scarce. Here we present the paraglacial and fluvial evolution of the Turbio valley (30°S) using both field observations and 14C AMS chronology. Two key sites at the uppermost Turbio valley show glacial margins which likely formed during the 17-12 ka Central Andean Pluvial Event and earlier 37-27 ka episodes associated with glacial advances reported elsewhere in the semiarid Andes. Likewise, two episodes of subsequent paraglacial response are identified: a first episode corresponds to early Holocene fine-grained deposits (~ 11,500-7800 cal yr BP) extending far downstream (> 40 km) from the glacial margins. These deposits and coeval debris cones (~ 11,000-5500 cal yr BP) are the result of arid conditions with occasional runoffs that were unable to export sediments along the trunk valley. The second episode corresponds to disconformably overlying fluvial gravels extending ~ 70 km downstream from the glacial margin, indicative of an increase in the fluvial transport capacity occurring not long after 5500 cal yr BP. Fluvial transport increase resulted from a late Holocene shift to wetter climate conditions, representing a forcing factor which enhanced the paraglacial response.  相似文献   

Radiocarbon dating of the organic-rich sediments of Lake Illisarvik in the outer Mackenzie Delta indicates that formation of the lake occurred approximately 9500yr BP, with maximum expansion around 6000 yr BP. Sedimentation rates have remained relatively constant at an average of 0.3mm/yr. 13C results on biogenic and inorganic carbonates and organics indicate a change from dominantly terrestrial organics (?27 to ?28%0) to submerged aquatic vegetation or plankton (?18 to ?23%0) upon formation of the lake (9500yr BP), and a dramatic return to dominantly terrestrial organics at 5800yr BP (δ13C = ?27 to ?30%0). This latter shift is accompanied by a drastic reduction in the macroflora and fauna populations. 18O results suggest that a warmer climate than today existed prior to the shift at 5800yr BP.  相似文献   

A Bison antiquus cranium and partial skeleton from Ayer Pond wetland on Orcas Island, San Juan Islands, Washington, date to 11,760 ± 70 14C yr BP. They lay in lacustrine sediments below peat, unconformably above emergent Everson Glaciomarine Drift (> 12,000 14C yr BP). Several bison finds in similar contexts on Orcas and Vancouver Islands dating between 11,750 and 10,800 14C yr BP indicate an early postglacial land mammal dispersal corridor with reduced water barriers between mainland and islands. New bison dates and published shell dates allow estimation of early postglacial relative sea-level trends for the San Juans, with a drop below modern datum ∼ 12,000 14C yr BP, and assist in evaluation of marine reservoir corrections. Emergence by ∼ 60 m is suggested by data from nearby areas. A tundra-like or meadow community and succeeding open pine parkland before 11,000 14C yr BP supported bison but horn-core reduction suggests suboptimal forage or restricted habitat. Expanding mixed-conifer forests after 11,000 14C yr BP contributed to bison extirpation. Dispersing ungulates such as bison must have influenced island vegetation establishment and early succession. Possible evidence for butchering by early coastal people adds significance to the Ayer Pond discovery, given its pre-Clovis age.  相似文献   

The North Atlantic Younger Dryas climatic reversal did not cause a glacier advance on Mount Rainier. The glaciers on Mount Rainier seem to have advanced in response to regional or local shifts in climate. However, the Younger Dryas climatic reversal may have affected the Mount Rainier area, causing a cold, but dry, climate unfavorable to glacier advances. Glaciers in the vicinity of Mount Rainier advanced twice during late glacial/early Holocene time. Radiocarbon dates obtained from lake sediments adjacent to the corresponding moraines are concordant, indicating that the ages for the advances are closely limiting. The first advance occurred before 11,300 14C yr BP (13,200 cal yr BP). During the North Atlantic Younger Dryas event, between 11,000 and 10,000 14C yr BP (12,900 and 11,600 cal yr BP), glaciers retreated on Mount Rainier, probably due to a lack of available moisture, but conditions may have remained cold. The onset of warmer conditions on Mount Rainier occurred around 10,000 14C yr BP (11,600 cal yr BP). Organic sedimentation lasted for at least 700 years before glaciers readvanced between 9800 and 8950 14C yr BP (10,900 and 9950 cal yr BP).  相似文献   

This first sedimentary interpretation of two incised-valley fills in the Gulf of Cádiz (southern Spain), which accumulated during the last fourth-order eustatic cycle in response to fluvial incision, changes of sea level, and correlative deposition, relates the filling of the estuarine basins and their barriers with four regional progradation phases, H1 to H4. The cases studied are the wave-dominated Guadalete, and the mixed, tide and wave-dominated Odiel-Tinto estuaries. The sequence boundary is a type-1 surface produced during the lowstand of the Last Glacial period ca. 18 000 14C yr BP. No fluvial lowstand deposits were found in the area. Due to rapid transgression the valley fills consist of transgressive and highstand sediments. The maximum landward advance of the estuarine barriers occurred ca. 6500–6000 14C yr BP during the maximum of the Flandrian transgression, but there is no evidence of sea level rising appreciably above the present. A large part of the estuaries was filled during H1 (ca. 6500–4400 14C yr BP) but ravinement by shifting tidal inlets destroyed most of the coeval barriers. During the H2 phase (ca. 4200–2550 14C yr BP) sedimentation was favoured by arid conditions and concentrated in the axial estuarine zones and the barriers. Between H2 and H3 prevailing winds changed from W to WSW, increasing spit growth to the east and south-east. Progradation of bay-head deltas and flood-plains during H3 (ca. 2300–800 14C yr BP) and H4 (500 yr ago to the present) further reduced the accommodation space in the largely-filled valleys, and sediment by-passed the estuaries and accumulated in the estuarine barriers as fast-growing spits. Arid conditions and increasing human activity have caused rapid coastal modifications.  相似文献   

A 2.73 m long sediment sequence from Loon Lake, located at 18 m a.s.l. on outer Geographical Society Ø, East Greenland, was investigated for its chronology and changes in physical and biogeochemical properties, macrofossils, and grain‐size distribution. The predominance of marine fossils throughout the sequence, dated by 14C AMS to between 8630 and 7535 cal. yr BP, shows that the Loon Lake at that time was a marine basin, which according to existing sea‐level curves was about 15–35 m deep. The sequence mainly consists of fine grained homogeneous sediments, which are interrupted by a 0.72 m thick sandy horizon with erosive basis and distinct fluctuations in the grain‐size distribution and in the physical and biogeochemical properties. According to the radiocarbon dates, this sandy horizon was deposited after 8500–8300 cal. yr BP and is interpreted as originating from the Storegga tsunami. The record from Loon Lake provides the first indication of Storegga tsunami deposits from East Greenland. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The deglaciation history of the Escarra and Lana Mayor glaciers (Upper Gállego valley, central Spanish Pyrenees) had been reconstructed on the basis of detailed geomorphological studies of glacier deposits, sedimentological and palynological analyses of glacial lake sediments and an accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C chronology based on minimum ages from glacial lake deposits. The maximum extent of the Pyrenean glaciers during the last glaciation was before 30 000 yr BP and pre‐dated the maximum advances of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet and some Alpine glaciers. A later advance occurred during the coldest period (around 20 000 yr BP), synchronous with the maximum global ice extent, but in the Pyrenees it was less extensive than the previous one. Later, there were minor advances followed by a stage of debris‐covered glaciers and a phase of moraine formation near cirque backwalls. The deglaciation chronology of the Upper Gállego valley provides more examples of the general asynchroneity between mountain and continental glaciers. The asynchroneity of maximum advances may be explained by different regional responses to climatic forcing and by the southern latitude of the Pyrenees. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rodent middens from ice-rich loess deposits are important new paleoenvironmental archives for Eastern Beringia. Plant macrofossils recovered from three middens associated with Dawson tephra (ca. 24,000 14C yr B.P.) at two sites in Yukon Territory include diverse graminoids, forbs, and mosses. These data suggest substantial local scale floristic and habitat diversity in valley settings, including steppe-tundra on well-drained soils, moist streamside meadows, and hydric habitats. Fossil arctic ground squirrel burrows and nesting sites indicate that permafrost active layers were thicker during Pleistocene glacial periods than at present on north-facing slopes.  相似文献   

Complex glacier and tree-line fluctuations in the White River valley on the northern flank of the St. Elias and Wrangell Mountains in southern Alaska and Yukon Territory are recognized by detailed moraine maps and drift stratigraphy, and are dated by dendrochronology, lichenometry, 14C ages, and stratigraphic relations of drift to the eastern (1230 14C yr BP) and northern (1980 14C yr BP) lobes of the White River Ash. The results show two major intervals of expansion, one concurrent with the well-known and widespread Little Ice Age and the other dated between 2900 and 2100 14C yr BP, with a culmination about 2600 and 2800 14C yr BP. Here, the ages of Little Ice Age moraines suggest fluctuating glacier expansion between ad 1500 and the early 20th century. Much of the 20th century has experienced glacier recession, but probably it would be premature to declare the Little Ice Age over. The complex moraine systems of the older expansion interval lie immediately downvalley from Little Ice Age moraines, suggesting that the two expansion intervals represent similar events in the Holocene, and hence that the Little Ice Age is not unique. Another very short-lived advance occurred about 1230 to 1050 14C yr BP. Spruce immigrated into the valley to a minimum altitude of 3500 ft (1067 m), about 600 ft (183 m) below the current spruce tree line of 4100 ft (1250 m), at least by 8020 14C yr BP. Subsequent intervals of high tree line were in accord with glacier recession; in fact, several spruce-wood deposits above current tree line occur bedded between Holocene tills. High deposits of fossil wood range up to 76 m above present tree line and are dated at about 5250, 3600 to 3000, and 2100 to 1230 14C yr BP. St. Elias glacial and tree-line fluctuations, which probably are controlled predominantly by summer temperature and by length of the growing and ablation seasons, correlate closely with a detailed Holocene tree-ring curve from California, suggesting a degree of synchronism of Holocene summer-temperature changes between the two areas. This synchronism is strengthened by comparison with the glacier record from British Columbia and Mt. Rainier, Likewise, broad synchronism of Holocene events exists across the Arctic between the St. Elias Mountains and Swedish Lappland. Finally, two sequences from the Southern Hemisphere show similar records, in so far as dating allows. Hence, we believe that a preliminary case can be made for broad synchronism of Holocene climatic fluctuations in several regions, although further data are needed and several areas, particularly Colorado and Baffin Island, show major differences in the regional pattern.  相似文献   

Many coastal lakes were inundated by both the Storegga tsunami (7000 14C yr BP) and the mid-Holocene sea-level rise (the Tapes transgression) in western Norway. The tsunami eroded lake bottoms and deposited graded and/or massive beds of sand, rip-up clasts, and coarse plant material. By contrast, when the rising sea entered the lakes, it deposited only gyttja, silt and fine sand, without causing much erosion of the underlying lake sediments. Storegga tsunami deposits in some coastal lakes were interpreted previously as ordinary marine sediments from the Tapes transgression. Our reinterpretation of these deposits shows that the transgression maximum phase was reached after 6500 yr BP, more than 1000 yr later than previously inferred for the coast of Sunnmøre. The new data cannot be combined in a shoreline diagram without showing the 6000 yr BP and 7000 yr BP shorelines as slightly warped. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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