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建立了风场强迫下考虑瑞利摩擦的水平二维两层正压准平衡海洋模型,并在中纬度大尺度理想风场强迫的情况下,进行了解析求解。结果表明,在西风急流强迫下,在理想海洋的西海岸以东的上层流场上,在西风急流处会出现较强的东向流;在接近β通道侧壁处则有西向逆流出现;在近西海岸处,在上述东向流的两侧有气旋性曲率与反气旋性曲率的流动;而下层流场的强度与上层流场大致相同,但流向大体相反。由理想西风急流异常强迫出的流场异常的分布形式与以上结果类似。与实际风场异常强迫下的北太平洋上层流场异常进行比较后可知,模型得到上层海洋的结果与实际情况有相像之处。最终,该海洋模型的解趋于风场强迫特解。 相似文献
陆维松 《南京气象学院学报》1994,17(1):11-19
从准地转正压涡度方程,提出新的双时间尺度,首次导得了正压大气波动的4波准共振耦合方程,即广义Landau方程,利用新的守恒量,求得其甚低频周期解,其周期为一年左右,这可认为是实际大气中年际振荡的一种新的物理机制。并可求出4波准共振波矢。 相似文献
利用2008年6月广西致洪暴雨过程高分辨率数值模式资料,分析引起暴雨的中尺度涡旋在移动和持续性发展过程中其内部结构的演变以及系统的动力学特征。研究结果表明,中尺度涡旋是导致此次广西暴雨的主要系统,其发展移动过程中伴随有强烈上升运动的深厚湿对流,并在中高层持续形成明显的暖心结构。此次涡旋系统移动过程可分为涡旋南移和涡旋东移两个阶段,由于受到环境场的影响,涡旋中心区域动量、热量和水汽的再分配为其持续性发展提供有利条件。同时诊断分析表明,涡旋内部存在具有继发特征的长时间维持的组织化深厚湿对流系统,以强非地转分量为特征的超地转流,并表现出涡散运动共存且同量级的特征,具有典型的准平衡特征。 相似文献
两层海洋对风场气候异常响应的解析解及其讨论 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用一个β通道线性化两层正压准平衡海洋模型,解析求解了两层海洋流场对时变风场(风场异常)的响应,得到了时变风场强迫下该海洋流场响应的斜压模态,而该模型中的正压模态则因其与实际情况不符,应弃之.在海洋上层该斜压模态中,西边界附近的海洋流场响应表现为一对由气旋性曲率和反气旋性曲率组成的涡旋偶;在时刻t=0和t=T/2(T为风场变化周期),β通道中线上分别有西风异常和东风异常最大,故响应表现为东向流和西向流;而在β通道的南北侧边界上响应表现为逆流;此时响应变化较缓慢,但强度大.在时刻t=T/4和t=3 T/4,虽无大气风场异常强迫,但因海洋运动的惯性,响应仍不为0;此时,响应变化较剧烈,但强度小,且.其流向也发生反转,这时上述涡旋偶也表现得最清晰.存海洋下层,海洋流场响应的强度和时间变化与上层相似,但流向却相反,而这体现了响应的斜压性.该海洋流场响应的频率与时变风场异常的频率相同,但存在位相差.因模型中采用了无辐散近似,故响应的性质为准平衡涡旋波,当风应力强迫和瑞利摩擦不太大时,即为海洋Rossby波.对该流场响应的振幅做了估计,发现风应力越大,β通道半宽越大,耗散越小,风应力变化的频率越低,则该响应就越大;在其他因子相同时,低频的风应力异常比高频的能激发出更大的海洋流场响应.得到的斜压模态的解析解与中纬度北太平洋在日本本州岛以东、以南的实际海洋上层流场异常相像,故其在一定程度上能够反映中纬度北太平洋海洋上层流场对实际风应力异常的响应情况;且其较我们以前得到的结果要优,适用性也更广,而这有助于揭示该响应的性质和机理. 相似文献
利用多种大气和海洋再分析资料,采用合成分析及2.5层简化海洋模型数值模拟等方法,研究了1951—2012年期间,与东部和中部型El Ni?o事件相伴随的热带印度洋海温偶极子(Indian Ocean Dipole,IOD)出现时,热带印度洋海温异常增暖及其上空海气耦合特征的物理机制。结果表明:夏秋季节,伴随东部型El Ni?o而发生的IOD事件(EP-IOD)和伴随中部型El Ni?o而发生的IOD事件(CP-IOD)中,热带印度洋海温正异常的强度与空间分布具有很大差异。对于EP-IOD事件,夏季,海温正异常中心最先出现在热带西北印度洋;随后秋季,海温正异常向东南发展并扩大至热带中南印度洋,强度较强。对于CP-IOD事件,夏季和秋季,海温正异常中心都位于热带中南印度洋,呈东西向带状分布,但海温正异常强度较EP-IOD事件中弱。进一步分析表明,在EP-IOD事件中,夏季,热带西北印度洋海区西南季风偏弱,通过影响夹卷混合过程导致热带西北印度洋海温上升;秋季,热带西北印度洋上空的异常偏东风导致垂向夹卷混合的正异常,对热带西北印度洋增暖的维持起到重要作用;热带中南印度洋的增暖主要受赤道东南印度洋西传的暖性Rossby波影响。而在CP-IOD事件中,夏秋两季,热带中南印度洋海区出现显著的西北风异常,其上空风速的负异常是增温的主要原因;同时赤道东南印度洋西传的暖性Rossby波对热带中南印度洋的增暖也起到重要作用。 相似文献
Variations in wave energy and amplitude for Rossby waves are investigated by solving the wave energy equation for the quasigeostrophic barotropic potential vorticity model.The results suggest that compared with rays in the nondivergent barotropic model,rays in the divergent model can have enhanced meridional and zonal propagation,accompanied by a more dramatic variability in both wave energy and amplitude,which is caused by introducing the divergence effect of the free surface in the quasigeostrophic model.For rays propagating in a region enclosed by a turning latitude and a critical latitude,the wave energy approaches the maximum value inside the region,while the amplitude approaches the maximum at the turning latitude.Waves can develop when both the wave energy and amplitude increase.For rays propagating in a region enclosed by two turning latitudes,the wave energy approaches the minimum value at one turning latitude and the maximum value at the other latitude,while the total wavenumber approaches the maximum value inside the region.The resulting amplitude increases if the total wavenumber decreases or the wave energy increases more significantly and decreases if the total wavenumber increases or the wave energy decreases more significantly.The matched roles of the energy from the basic flow and the divergence of the group velocity contribute to the slightly oscillating wave energy,which causes a slightly oscillating amplitude as well as the slightly oscillating total wavenumber. 相似文献
利用美国国家环境预报中心NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料,详细阐述了2001年8月3~4日浙南闽北的东风波暴雨过程的螺旋度的计算方法,并根据螺旋度(Helicity)和Q矢量(Q vector divergence)分析了过程中的暴雨演变以及雁荡山脉诱生中尺度低涡发生发展的原因。同时,利用中尺度有限区域模式MM5V2对该东风波诱生中尺度低涡进行模拟。结果表明:螺旋度大值中心强度和位置的演变较好地反映了暴雨落区和中尺度低涡的诱生、移动,螺旋度的时空演变对暴雨发生有一定的预示意义,螺旋度计算较中尺度模式诱生低涡的初生位置、路径预报准确率高,两者集成可以提高诱生低涡的预报准确率。同时,螺旋度梯度大值区和Q矢量散度梯度大值区叠加区的时空演变对暴雨发生、 诱生低涡的初生位置预示准确,说明该叠加区对降水和系统的诊断能力强,具有很好的指示意义。 相似文献
Shuanglin Li 《大气科学进展》2010,27(3):469-482
During recent decades,the tropical Indo-Pacific Ocean has become increasingly warmer.Meanwhile,both the northern and southern hemispheric polar vortices(NPV and SPV)have exhibited a deepening trend in boreal winter.Although previous studies have revealed that the tropical Indian Ocean warming(IOW)favors an intensifying NPV and a weakening SPV,how the tropical Pacific Ocean warming(POW) influences the NPV and SPV remains unclear.In this study,a comparative analysis has been conducted through ensemble atmospheric general circulation model(AGCM)experiments.The results show that,for the Northern Hemisphere,the two warmings exerted opposite impacts in boreal winter,in that the IOW intensified the NPV while the POW weakened the NPV.For the Southern Hemisphere,both the IOW and POW warmed the southern polar atmosphere and weakened the SPV.A diagnostic analysis based on the vorticity budget revealed that such an interhemispheric difference in influences from the IOW and POW in boreal winter was associated with different roles of transient eddy momentum flux convergence between the hemispheres.Furthermore,this difference may have been linked to different strengths of stationary wave activity between the hemispheres in boreal winter. 相似文献
TheSolitaryWavesoftheBarotropicQuasi-GeostrophicModelwiththeLarge-scaleOrography①ChenJiong(陈炯)andLiuShikuo(刘式适)DepartmentofGe... 相似文献
The Baseline Evaluation of LASG/IAP Climate System Ocean Model (LICOM) Version 2 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6 下载免费PDF全文
The baseline performance of the latest version (version 2) of an intermediate resolution, stand-alone climate oceanic general circulation model, called LASG/IAP (State Key Laboratory of Numerical Modeling for Atmospheric Sciences and Geophysical Fluid Dynamics/Institute of Atmospheric Physics) Climate system Ocean Model (LICOM), has been evaluated against the observation by using the main metrics from Griffies et al. in 2009. In general, the errors of LICOM2 in the water properties and in the circulation are comparable with the models of Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments (COREs). Some common biases are still evident in the present version, such as the cold bias in the eastern Pacific cold tongue, the warm biases off the east coast of the basins, the weak poleward heat transport in the Atlantic, and the relatively large biases in the Arctic Ocean. A unique systematic bias occurs in LICOM2 over the Southern Ocean, compared with CORE models. It seems that this bias may be related to the sea ice process around the Antarctic continent. 相似文献
一次东风波中尺度暴雨的Q矢量与MM5预测能力对比 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
利用NCEP 1°×1°再分析资料对2001年8月3~4日的浙南闽北的东风波暴雨过程进行了分析。根据Q矢量散度分析讨论了这次过程中的暴雨演变以及东风波诱生中尺度低涡发生发展的原因。同时,利用中尺度有限区域模式MM5V2对该东风波诱生中尺度低涡进行模拟。结果表明:Q矢量散度大值中心强度和位置的演变较好反映了暴雨落区和中尺度低涡的诱生,其预示能力较MM5V2预报的准确率高,将中尺度模式和Q矢量计算结合起来可以提高风暴路径和雨区的预报准确率。 相似文献
The Northeast China cold vortex(NCCV) during late summer(from July to August) is identified and classified into three types in terms of its movement path using machine learning. The relationships of the three types of NCCV intensity with atmospheric circulations in late summer, the sea surface temperature(SST), and Arctic sea ice concentration(SIC) in the preceding months, are analyzed. The sensitivity tests by the Community Atmosphere Model version 5.3(CAM5.3) are used to verify the statistical... 相似文献