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The paper provides an introduction to fundamental concepts of mathematical modeling of mass transport in fractured porous heterogeneous rocks. Keeping aside many important factors that can affect mass transport in subsurface, our main concern is the multi-scale character of the rock formation, which is constituted by porous domains dissected by the network of fractures. Taking into account the well-documented fact that porous rocks can be considered as a fractal medium and assuming that sizes of pores vary significantly (i.e. have different characteristic scales), the fractional-order differential equations that model the anomalous diffusive mass transport in such type of domains are derived and justified analytically. Analytical solutions of some particular problems of anomalous diffusion in the fractal media of various geometries are obtained. Extending this approach to more complex situation when diffusion is accompanied by advection, solute transport in a fractured porous medium is modeled by the advection-dispersion equation with fractional time derivative. In the case of confined fractured porous aquifer, accounting for anomalous non-Fickian diffusion in the surrounding rock mass, the adopted approach leads to introduction of an additional fractional time derivative in the equation for solute transport. The closed-form solutions for concentrations in the aquifer and surrounding rocks are obtained for the arbitrary time-dependent source of contamination located in the inlet of the aquifer. Based on these solutions, different regimes of contamination of the aquifers with different physical properties can be readily modeled and analyzed.  相似文献   

Taking the anisotropy of velocity and attenuation into account, we investigate the wavefield simulation of viscoacoustic waves in 3D vertical transversely isotropic attenuating media. The viscoacoustic wave equations with the decoupled amplitude attenuation and phase dispersion are derived from the fractional Laplacian operator and using the acoustic approximation. With respect to the spatially variable fractional Laplacian operator in the formulation, we develop an effective algorithm to realize the viscoacoustic wavefield extrapolation by using the arbitrary-order Taylor series expansion. Based on the approximation, the mixed-domain fractional Laplacian operators are decoupled from the wavenumbers and fractional orders. Thus, the viscoacoustic wave propagation can be conveniently implemented by using a generalized pseudospectral method. In addition, we perform the accuracy and efficiency analyses among first-, second- and third-order Taylor series expansion pseudospectral methods with different quality factors. Considering both the accuracy and computational cost, the second-order Taylor series expansion pseudospectral method can generally satisfy the requirements for most attenuating media. Numerical modelling examples not only illustrate that our decoupled viscoacoustic wave equations can effectively describe the attenuating property of the medium, but also demonstrate the accuracy and the high robustness of our proposed schemes.  相似文献   

Fractional crystallization of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) produced from waste cooking oil or animal fats was performed in a laboratory-scale facility. The raw esters and the “winterization” products were analyzed by determining the FAME pattern, iodine and peroxide numbers as well as oxidation stabilities and element concentrations. Fractionation experiments under air and nitrogen were conducted, but no differences concerning oxidative stability were observed. By improvement of the winterization and washing the filtration residue with methanol, the enrichment of saturated FAME in one step was raised up to a technically sufficient rate of 85%. Absorption of oxygen by FAME at different temperatures was measurable. Volatile decomposition products were registrated after heating the FAME at different temperatures. It was shown that antioxidants like butylhydroxytoluene or α-tocopherol were enriched in the phase of unsaturated FAME. This effect obviously affected the oxidative stability of the fraction of saturated FAME during winterization, although no oxidative damage of FAME was detectable at temperatures up to 20°C.  相似文献   

将理想化的南中国海海盆在垂直方向上划分为Ekman层、惯性层和摩擦层. Ekman层中的运动由大气风应力驱动,其底部的扰动压力将作为其下惯性层中运动的上边界条件. 惯性层中的运动是由f-平面三维非线性方程在准地转近似下位势涡度守恒控制,由此得到控制惯性层中运动关于扰动压力的三维椭圆型方程. 在惯性层以下考虑到深层的海盆水平尺度很小,由此引进带有底部摩擦的线性控制方程,方程的边界条件为惯性层和摩擦层交界面上的扰动压力连续,沿海盆边界假定海水与相邻的固壁间无热量交换,由此设在海盆边界上扰动温度为零. 在此基础上分别利用惯性层和摩擦层中的椭圆型控制方程计算了相应层次上冬、夏季的扰动压力和准地转流. 结果表明冬季各层上以气旋式环流为主,且随深度的增加流速减小;夏季各层上以反气旋式环流为主,流速也随深度增加而减小. 这在一定程度上和观测事实相符.  相似文献   

Decadal-scale variations of water mass properties in the deep Weddell Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Data from cruises between 1989 and 2003 with FS Polarstern were used to construct section-wide potential temperature and salinity time series of the main water masses in the Weddell Gyre. In tandem with these CTD data, two time series between 1989 and 1995 are presented from moored instruments in the central Weddell Sea. The regional and methodological consistency of the dataset allows us to quantify variations which are not visible in less homogeneous datasets. The data reveal significant temperature and salinity variations of the Warm Deep Water and the Weddell Sea Bottom Water on a decadal time scale. The longest time series were obtained at the prime meridian. Here warming is observed in the Warm Deep Water from 1992 to 1998 followed by cooling. In the Weddell Sea proper, measurements of instruments moored in the Weddell Sea Bottom Water layer recorded a temperature increase over 6 years at a rate of 0.01 °C a–1. After the mooring period, CTD casts in 1998 point to a weakening of the trend. The warming trend in the bottom water occurs over most of the Weddell Sea, as detected in the additional CTD surveys. The variations are close to the detection level in the voluminous Weddell Sea Deep Water. The initial warming trend of the Warm Deep Water is consistent with warming trends reported in literature of subsurface waters of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The reversal of the trend in the Weddell Sea seems to be related to variations of the atmospheric conditions which can affect both the intrusion of Circumpolar Deep Water from the north and the circulation of the Weddell Gyre. Because the Warm Deep Water is the major source water for the formation of deep and bottom water in the Weddell Sea, it is suggested that its increase in temperature and salinity is likely to at least partly cause the variations which were observed in the bottom water.Responsible Editor: Jörg-Olaf Wolff  相似文献   

土层参数的随机性对场地传递函数的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文采用秦勒级数展开估计土层参数随机性对场地传递函数的影响。对单层土模型在土层参数服从独立高斯分布假定下进行了公式推导和实例计算,比较了不同的泰勒级数阶次、土层参数变异系数以及阻尼比对传递系数随机性的综合效应。结果表明,即使在小参数摄动范围内采用一阶泰勒级数也是不够的;一般情况下采用二阶泰勒级数即可给出满意的估计。  相似文献   

A two-sided fractional conservation of mass equation is derived by using left and right fractional Mean Value Theorems. This equation extends the one-sided fractional conservation of mass equation of Wheatcraft and Meerschaert. Also, a two-sided fractional advection-dispersion equation is derived. The derivations are based on Caputo fractional derivatives.  相似文献   

The Green-Ampt model for infiltration into homogeneous soils predicts a monotonically decreasing infiltration rate and a wetting front that initially advances as the square root of time. Infiltration in heterogeneous soils, however, can exhibit non-monotonic infiltration rates and wetting front advances that differ from the square root of time (“anomalous diffusion”).Here it is postulated, that if the length scales of the heterogeneities can be assumed to be power law distributed, it may be appropriate to model infiltration in heterogeneous soils in terms of fractional derivatives. Then, by expressing the hydraulic flux as a Caputo fractional derivative (order 0 < α ? 1) of the head, a fractional Green-Ampt infiltration model is obtained. It is shown that solutions of this model predict non-monotonic and anomalous diffusion behaviors consistent with observations in field infiltration trials; a finding that indicates that a non-local moisture flux model, based on fractional derivatives, is a plausible model for describing infiltration into heterogeneous soils.  相似文献   

天气和气候的时间序列特征分析   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
本文从天气和气候资料出发,提出气候的q阶(0≤q≤1)微商是天气,而天气可以近似为白噪声.在此基础上,利用描述自相似非马尔可夫随机过程的时间分数维扩散方程的分析成果,并结合时间序列的相关性分析,从理论上进一步指出气候信号的记忆性好于天气信号,且其概率密度分布的尾巴比较长.  相似文献   

The effects of diaphragm mass distribution are investigated for building pounding. Elastic diaphragm‐to‐diaphragm collisions are explained by considering the total momentum over the length of each diaphragm at three critical instants during collision. Expressions for collision force and collision duration are produced, providing additional information about the collision process. Equations for the post collision velocity of each diaphragm are produced and are found to appreciably differ from conventional impact—momentum equations under certain conditions. The change in post collision velocity is found to be dependent on the ratio of the axial periods of free vibration of the two diaphragms and the ratio of their masses. An equivalent lumped mass model is proposed and assessed against simplified distributed mass models with numerical modelling of two two‐storey buildings. Finally, a new parameter is introduced to represent the plasticity of an inelastic collision between the two distributed masses. This paper highlights the significant influence that diaphragm mass distribution may have on the analysis of pounding structures. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Few approaches exist that explicitly use the uncertainty associated with the spread of climate model simulations in assessing climate change impacts. An approach that does so is second-order approximation (SOA). This incorporates quantification of uncertainty to ascertain its impact on the derived response using a Taylor series expansion of the model. This study uses SOA in a statistical downscaling model of monthly streamflow, with a focus on the influence of dependence in the uncertainty of multiple atmospheric variables. Uncertainty is quantified using the square root error variance concept with a new extension that allows the inter-dependence terms among the atmospheric variable uncertainty to be specified. Applying the model to selected point locations in Australia, it is noted that the downscaling results differ considerably from downscaling that ignores uncertainty. However, when the effects of dependence in uncertainty are incorporated, the results differ according to the regional variations in dependence structure.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of rainfall intensity and slope gradient on the performance ofvetiver grass mulch (VGM) in soil and water conservation.The study involved field ...  相似文献   

The expected head and standard deviation of the head from the first order Taylor series approximation is compared to Monte Carlo simulation, for steady flow in a confined aquifer with transmissivity as a random variable. Emphasis is on the effect of changes in the covariance structure of the transmissivity, and pumping rates, on the errors in the first order Taylor series approximation. The accuracy of the first order Taylor series approximation is found to be particularly sensitive to pumping rates. With significant pumping the approximation is found to under estimate both the expected drawdown and head variance, and the error increases as the pumping rate increases. This can lead to large errors in probability constraints based on moments from the first order Taylor series approximation.  相似文献   




本文采用沈育疆等编绘的海潮图,用Farrell给出的地倾斜负荷格林函数褶积积分法,计算了海潮O1和K1分潮对我国北京等12个测站地倾斜固体潮的海潮效应。对泰安等测站地倾斜固体潮的观测值进行了海潮改正。  相似文献   

Quantitative estimation of the material transported by the wind under field conditions is essential for the study and control of wind erosion. A critical step of this calculation is the integration of the curve that relates the variation of the amount of the material carried by the wind with height. Several mathematical procedures have been proposed for this calculation, but results are scarce and controversial. One objective of this study was to assess the efficiency of three mathematical models (a rational, an exponential, and a simplified Gaussian function) for the calculation of the mass transport, as compared to the linear spline interpolation. Another objective of this study was to compare the mass transport calculated from field measurements obtained from a minimum of three discrete sampling heights with measurements of nine sampling heights. With this purpose, wind erosion was measured under low surface roughness conditions on an Entic Haplustoll during 25 events. The rational function was found to be mathematically limited for the estimation of wind eroded sediment mass flux. The simplified Gaussian model did not fit to the vertical mass flux profile data. Linear spline interpolation generally produced higher mass transport estimates than the exponential equation, and it proved to be a very flexible and robust method. Using different sampling arrangements and different mass flux models can produce differences of more than 45% in mass transport estimates, even under similar field conditions. Under the conditions of this study, at least three points between the soil surface and 1·5 m high, including one point as closest as possible to the surface, should be sampled in order to obtain accurate mass transport estimates. Additionally, the linear spline interpolation and the non‐linear regression using an exponential model, proved to be mathematically reliable methods for calculating the mass transport. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accelerator mass spectrometry of the actinides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is presently the most sensitive technique for the measurement of actinides with half-lives greater than about 5000 years. Here, the principles and methodology of heavy-element AMS as applied to 239,240,242,244Pu and 236U are described, and the ways in which these have been implemented in various laboratories around the world are detailed. Actual or potential applications of the method in the areas of environmental science, biomedicine, and nuclear safeguards are reviewed.  相似文献   

本文采用沈育疆等编绘的海潮图,用Farrell给出的地倾斜负荷格林函数褶积积分法,计算了海潮O1和K1分潮对我国北京等12个测站地倾斜固体潮的海潮效应。对泰安等测站地倾斜固体潮的观测值进行了海潮改正。  相似文献   

基于向上延拓的航空重力向下解析延拓解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文



The eigenvalue problem is analytically formulated in symmetric bridges with distributed mass and moment of inertia under transverse earthquake. The piers are elastically supported on the ground. The deck is monolithically connected to one or two piers for all degrees of freedom and restrained or transversely free at the abutments. The characteristic equation, symmetric normal modes, modal participation factors, and participating mass ratios are given analytically. The problem is expressed in terms of few dimensionless parameters: (i) the radius of gyration of the deck mass divided by the pier height; (ii) the ratio of the rotational stiffness of a footing to that of the pier at the base; (iii) the ratio of flexural stiffness of the outer spans to those of the pier; (iv) the ratio of torsional stiffness of side spans to the rotational stiffness of the pier top; (v) for two piers, the side‐to‐central‐span ratio. Modal response spectrum analysis gives the moment at the base of the footings and the torque in the deck at its supports on the abutments as ratios to the values at incipient uplifting from the ground or the bearings. The peak ground acceleration of the motion at the onset of either one of these two types of nonlinearity is depicted as a function of the dimensionless parameters and the fundamental period of an elastic deck supported only at the abutments, or of a rigid deck on piers fixed against rotation at top and bottom. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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