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Soil moisture is an important component of the water cycle and will be measured for the first time on a global scale by a dedicated passive L-band microwave radiometer that is planned for launch in 2008. Here, the contribution of topography to the error budget is examined for a vegetated scene with uniform microwave emission. Dual-polarization brightness temperature curves were generated over a range of look angles for 1-D scenes with simple geometrical features, and the soil moisture was retrieved assuming a flat surface. The errors were small for the scenarios considered. Theoretical errors were tested for realistic topography with a DEM transect of a mountainous region, and were found to be comparable. Knowledge of the mean slope from high-resolution DEM data can be used to improve the accuracy of the retrieval.  相似文献   

Soil moisture is one of the few directly observable hydrological variables that has an important role in water and energy budgets necessary for climate studies. At the present time there is no practical approach to measuring and monitoring soil moisture at the frequency and scale necessary for these large scale analyses. Current and developing satellite systems have not addressed this important question. A solution utilizing passive microwave remote sensing is presented here and an optimum system, soil moisture estimation algorithms and a microwave simulation model are described.  相似文献   


青藏高原地区高精度的土壤水分反演对高原能水循环、全球大气循环研究有着极大的影响.因此,获取青藏高原土壤水分时空布信息是一个迫切需要解决的问题.温度植被干旱指数(TVDI),是基于光学与热红外遥感通道数据反演土壤水分的重要方法,但在研究区域较大、地表覆盖格局差异显著时,TVDI模型反演精度会受到地表温度(Ts)等因素的影响.被动微波AMSR-E数据精确记录了像元内的土壤水分信息,但空间分辨率低.本文利用同时期的MODIS与被动微波数据,发展了针对青藏高原地区高精度土壤水分反演算法.首先,在TVDI模型中,利用修正型土壤调整植被指数(MSAVI)代替归一化植被指数(NDVI),以改进NDVI易饱和的缺点;其次,利用ASTER GDEM数据,对地形高程和纬度差异引起的地表温度变化进行了校正;然后,通过神经网络训练建立基于TVDI、被动微波以及辅助气象数据的土壤水分反演模型,并应用该模型反演了青藏高原地区三个观测网(CAMP/Tibet、玛曲和那曲)的土壤水分;最后,利用实测土壤水分数据对反演结果进行验证,结果表明该模型的精度均方根误差(RMSE)数值可达到0.031~0.041 m3·m-3.本文还应用该算法反演了青藏高原连续的土壤水分的空间分布,并比较了土壤水分的变化趋势与实测降水变化趋势,结果表明二者变化量的正负关系一致.


Surface soil moisture is an important parameter in hydrology and climate investigations. Current and future satellite missions with L-band passive microwave radiometers can provide valuable information for monitoring the global soil moisture. A factor that can play a significant role in the modeling and inversion of microwave emission from land surfaces is the surface roughness. In this study, an L-band parametric emission model for exponentially correlated surfaces was developed and implemented in a soil moisture retrieval algorithm. The approach was based on the parameterization of an effective roughness parameter of Hp in relation with the geometric roughness variables (root mean square height s and correlation length l) and incidence angle. The parameterization was developed based on a large set of simulations using an analytical approach incorporated in the advanced integral equation model (AIEM) over a wide range of geophysical properties. It was found that the effective roughness parameter decreases as surface roughness increases, but increases as incidence angle increases. In contrast to previous research, Hp was found to be expressed as a function of a defined slope parameter m = s2/l, and coefficients of the function could be well described by a quadratic equation. The parametric model was then tested with L-band satellite data in soil moisture retrieval algorithm over the Little Washita watershed, which resulted in an unbiased root mean square error of about 0.03 m3/m3 and 0.04 m3/m3 for ascending and descending orbits, respectively.  相似文献   

卫星被动微波遥感土壤湿度,是准确分析大空间尺度上陆表水分变化信息的有效手段.美国航天局(NASA)发布的基于AMSR-E观测亮温资料的全球土壤湿度反演产品,在蒙古干旱区的实际精度并不令人满意.本文基于对地表微波辐射传输中地表粗糙度和植被层影响的简化处理方法,采用AMSR-E的6.9 GHz,10.7 GHz和18.7 GHz之V极化亮温资料,应用多频率反演算法,并以国际能量和水循环协同观测计划(The Coordinated Energy and Water Cycle Observations Project)即CEOP实验在蒙古国东部荒漠地区的地面实验资料作为先验知识,获取被动微波遥感模型的优化参数,以期获得蒙古干旱区精度更高的土壤湿度遥感估算结果.分析表明,本文方法反演的白天和夜间土壤湿度结果与地面验证值之间的均方根误差(RMSE)接近0.030 cm3/cm3, 证明所用方法在不需要其他辅助资料或参数帮助下,可较精确地反演干旱区表层土壤湿度信息,能够全天候、动态监测大空间尺度的土壤湿度变化,可为干旱区气候变化研究及陆面过程模拟和数据同化研究提供高精度的表层土壤湿度初始场资料.  相似文献   

The National Airborne Field Experiment 2006 (NAFE’06) was conducted during a three week period of November 2006 in the Murrumbidgee River catchment, located in southeastern Australia. One objective of NAFE’06 was to explore the suitability of the area for SMOS (Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity) calibration/validation and develop downscaling and assimilation techniques for when SMOS does come on line. Airborne L-band brightness temperature was mapped at 1 km resolution 11 times (every 1–3 days) over a 40 by 55 km area in the Yanco region and 3 times over a 40 by 50 km area that includes Kyeamba Creek catchment. Moreover, multi-resolution, multi-angle and multi-spectral airborne data including surface temperature, surface reflectance (green, read and near infrared), lidar data and aerial photos were acquired over selected areas to develop downscaling algorithms and test multi-angle and multi-spectral retrieval approaches. The near-surface soil moisture was measured extensively on the ground in eight sampling areas concurrently with aircraft flights, and the soil moisture profile was continuously monitored at 41 sites. Preliminary analyses indicate that (i) the uncertainty of a single ground measurement was typically less than 5% vol. (ii) the spatial variability of ground measurements at 1 km resolution was up to 10% vol. and (iii) the validation of 1 km resolution L-band data is facilitated by selecting pixels with a spatial soil moisture variability lower than the point-scale uncertainty. The sensitivity of passive microwave and thermal data is also compared at 1 km resolution to illustrate the multi-spectral synergy for soil moisture monitoring at improved accuracy and resolution. The data described in this paper are available at www.nafe.unimelb.edu.au.  相似文献   

Soil moisture distribution shows highly variation both spatially and temporally. This study assesses the spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture on a hill-slope scale in the Loess Plateau in West China by using a geostatistical approach. Soil moisture was measured by time-domain reflectometry (TDR) in 313 samples. Two kinds of sampling scales were used (2 × 2 m and 20 ×20 m) at two soil layers (0-30 cm and 30-60 cm). The general characteristics of soil moisture were analyzed by a classical statistics method, and the spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture was analyzed using a geostatistical approach. The results showed that the spherical model is the best-fit model to simulate soil moisture on the experimental hill-slope. The parameters of this model indicated that the spatial dependence of soil moisture in the selected hill-slope was moderate. Even the 2 × 2 m sampling scale was too coarse to show the detailed spatial variances of soil moisture in this area. The dependent distance increased from 27.4 m to 494.16 m as the sampling scale became coarse (from 2× 2 m to 20 ×20 m). A map of soil moisture was generated by using original soil moisture data and interpolated values determined by the Kriging method. The average soil moisture (area weighted) in the different layers of soil was calculated on the basis of this map (10.94% for the 0-30 cm soil layer, 11.88% for the 30-60 cm soil layer). This average soil moisture is lower than the corresponding average effective soil moisture, which suggests that the soil moisture is not sufficient to support vegetation in this area.  相似文献   

The upcoming deployment of satellite-based microwave sensors designed specifically to retrieve surface soil moisture represents an important milestone in efforts to develop hydrologic applications for remote sensing observations. However, typical measurement depths of microwave-based soil moisture retrievals are generally considered too shallow (top 2–5 cm of the soil column) for many important water cycle and agricultural applications. Recent work has demonstrated that thermal remote sensing estimates of surface radiometric temperature provide a complementary source of land surface information that can be used to define a robust proxy for root-zone (top 1 m of the soil column) soil moisture availability. In this analysis, we examine the potential benefits of simultaneously assimilating both microwave-based surface soil moisture retrievals and thermal infrared-based root-zone soil moisture estimates into a soil water balance model using a series of synthetic twin data assimilation experiments conducted at the USDA Optimizing Production Inputs for Economic and Environmental Enhancements (OPE3) site. Results from these experiments illustrate that, relative to a baseline case of assimilating only surface soil moisture retrievals, the assimilation of both root- and surface-zone soil moisture estimates reduces the root-mean-square difference between estimated and true root-zone soil moisture by 50% to 35% (assuming instantaneous root-zone soil moisture retrievals are obtained at an accuracy of between 0.020 and 0.030 m3 m−3). Most significantly, improvements in root-zone soil moisture accuracy are seen even for cases in which root-zone soil moisture retrievals are assumed to be relatively inaccurate (i.e. retrievals errors of up to 0.070 m3 m−3) or limited to only very sparse sampling (i.e. one instantaneous measurement every eight days). Preliminary real data results demonstrate a clear increase in the R2 correlation coefficient with ground-based root-zone observations (from 0.51 to 0.73) upon assimilation of actual surface soil moisture and tower-based thermal infrared temperature observations made at the OPE3 study site.  相似文献   

Soil moisture data, obtained from four AmeriFlux sites in the US, were examined using an ecohydrological framework. Sites were selected for the analysis to provide a range of plant functional type, climate, soil particle size distribution, and time series of data spanning a minimum of two growing seasons. Soil moisture trends revealed the importance of measuring water content at several depths throughout the rooting zone; soil moisture at the surface (0–10 cm) was approximately 20–30% less than that at 50–60 cm. A modified soil moisture dynamics model was used to generate soil moisture probability density functions at each site. Model calibration results demonstrated that the commonly used soil matric potential values for finding the vegetation stress point and field content may not be appropriate, particularly for vegetation adapted to a water-controlled environment. Projections of future soil moisture patterns suggest that two of the four sites will become severely stressed by climate change induced alterations to the precipitation regime.  相似文献   

何文英  陈洪滨  李军 《地球物理学报》2020,63(10):3573-3584



何文英  陈洪滨  李军 《地球物理学报》1954,63(10):3573-3584
复杂多变的陆地表微波比辐射率,造成陆面上星载微波观测反演大气参数较为困难,也使得许多卫星微波资料不易同化应用到数值模式,因此迫切需要提供准确可靠的陆面微波地表比辐射率信息.随着卫星观测技术的迅速发展,利用丰富的星载被动微波观测直接反演陆面微波比辐射率成为一种主要手段.国外针对星载微波成像仪和微波垂直探测器开展较为系统的陆面微波比辐射率研究,建立不同类型的地表比辐射率反演方法,开发地表比辐射率参数化方法并应用于辐射资料同化.对于卫星观测反演陆面微波比辐射率存在的问题,开展了评估分析和方法订正.国内利用卫星观测也开展了一些陆面微波比辐射率研究工作,尚需要系统、综合的提炼.对于地表特征复杂的中国地区,还需要评估认识不同陆面微波比辐射率反演方法在我国适用情况,需要增强陆面微波比辐射率数据质量的认识以及业务应用.  相似文献   

We present a method for real-time forecasting of water table depth and soil moisture profiles. The method combines a simple form of data-assimilation with a moving window calibration of a deterministic model describing flow in the unsaturated zone and local as well as regional drainage. The local drainage level is calibrated on-line using a moving window calibration. Assigning more weight to the last available measurements then yields a form of model adaptation that is in between on-line calibration and data-assimilation (i.e. a simplified form of Newtonian nudging). Five-day hydrological forecasts are performed based on 5-day weather forecasts, while on-line observations of phreatic level and soil moisture content are assimilated on a daily basis. Advantages of the proposed method are that it improves the real-time forecasts compared to off-line calibration and ordinary moving window calibration and that it yields physically consistent soil moisture profiles.  相似文献   

Using remotely-sensed data, various soil moisture estimation models have been developed for bare soil areas. Previous studies have shown that the brightness temperature (BT) measured by passive microwave sensors were affected by characteristics of the land surface parameters including soil moisture, vegetation cover and soil roughness. Therefore knowledge of vegetation cover and soil roughness is important for obtaining frequent and global estimations of land surface parameters especially soil moisture.In this study, a model called Simultaneous Land Parameters Retrieval Model (SLPRM) that is an iterative least-squares minimization method is proposed. The algorithm estimates surface soil moisture, land surface temperature and canopy temperature simultaneously in vegetated areas using AMSR-E (Advance Microwave Scanning Radiometer-EOS) brightness temperature data. The simultaneous estimations of the three parameters are based on a multi-parameter inversion algorithm which includes model construction, calibration and validation using observations carried out for the SMEX03 (Soil Moisture Experiment, 2003) region in the South and North of Oklahoma.Roughness parameter has also been included in the algorithm to increase the soil parameters retrieval accuracy. Unlike other methods, the SLPRM method works efficiently in all land covers types.The study focuses on soil parameters estimation by comparing three different scenarios with the inclusion of roughness data and selects the most appropriate one. The difference between the resulted accuracies of scenarios is due to the roughness calculation approach.The analysis on the retrieval model shows a meaningful and acceptable accuracy on soil moisture estimation according to the three scenarios.The SLPRM method has shown better performance when the SAR (Synthetic Aperture RADAR) data are used for roughness calculation.  相似文献   

We assess the potential of updating soil moisture states of a distributed hydrologic model by assimilating streamflow and in situ soil moisture data for high-resolution analysis and prediction of streamflow and soil moisture. The model used is the gridded Sacramento (SAC) and kinematic-wave routing models of the National Weather Service (NWS) Hydrology Laboratory’s Research Distributed Hydrologic Model (HL-RDHM) operating at an hourly time step. The data assimilation (DA) technique used is variational assimilation (VAR). Assimilating streamflow and soil moisture data into distributed hydrologic models is new and particularly challenging due to the large degrees of freedom associated with the inverse problem. This paper reports findings from the first phase of the research in which we assume, among others, perfectly known hydrometeorological forcing. The motivation for the simplification is to reduce the complexity of the problem in favour of improved understanding and easier interpretation even if it may compromise the goodness of the results. To assess the potential, two types of experiments, synthetic and real-world, were carried out for Eldon (ELDO2), a 795-km2 headwater catchment located near the Oklahoma (OK) and Arkansas (AR) border in the U.S. The synthetic experiment assesses the upper bound of the performance of the assimilation procedure under the idealized conditions of no structural or parametric errors in the models, a full dynamic range and no microscale variability in the in situ observations of soil moisture, and perfectly known univariate statistics of the observational errors. The results show that assimilating in situ soil moisture data in addition to streamflow data significantly improves analysis and prediction of soil moisture and streamflow, and that assimilating streamflow observations at interior locations in addition to those at the outlet improves analysis and prediction of soil moisture within the drainage areas of the interior stream gauges and of streamflow at downstream cells along the channel network. To assess performance under more realistic conditions, but still under the assumption of perfectly known hydrometeorological forcing to allow comparisons with the synthetic experiment, an exploratory real-world experiment was carried out in which all other assumptions were lifted. The results show that, expectedly, assimilating interior flows in addition to outlet flow improves analysis as well as prediction of streamflow at stream gauge locations, but that assimilating in situ soil moisture data in addition to streamflow data provides little improvement in streamflow analysis and prediction though it reduces systematic biases in soil moisture simulation.  相似文献   

This study combines a variably-saturated groundwater flow model and a mesoscale atmospheric model to examine the effects of soil moisture heterogeneity on atmospheric boundary layer processes. This parallel, integrated model can simulate spatial variations in land-surface forcing driven by three-dimensional (3D) atmospheric and subsurface components. The development of atmospheric flow is studied in a series of idealized test cases with different initial soil moisture distributions generated by an offline spin-up procedure or interpolated from a coarse-resolution dataset. These test cases are performed with both the fully-coupled model (which includes 3D groundwater flow and surface water routing) and the uncoupled atmospheric model. The effects of the different soil moisture initializations and lateral subsurface and surface water flow are seen in the differences in atmospheric evolution over a 36-h period. The fully-coupled model maintains a realistic topographically-driven soil moisture distribution, while the uncoupled atmospheric model does not. Furthermore, the coupled model shows spatial and temporal correlations between surface and lower atmospheric variables and water table depth. These correlations are particularly strong during times when the land-surface temperatures trigger shifts in wind behavior, such as during early morning surface heating.  相似文献   

 As the use of space-based sensors to observe soil moisture is becoming more plausible, it is becoming necessary to validate the remotely sensed soil moisture retrieval algorithms. In this paper, measurements of point gauges on the ground are analyzed as a possible ground-truth source for the comparison with remotely sensed data. The design compares a sequence of measurements taken on the ground and from space. The authors review the mean square error of expected differences between the two systems by Ha and North (1994), which is applied to the Little Washita watershed using the soil moisture dynamics model developed by Entekhabi and Rodriguez-Iturbe (1994). The model parameters estimated by Yoo and Shin (1998) for the Washita `92 (relative) soil moisture data are used in this study. By considering about 20 pairs of ground- and space-based measure-ments (especially, for the same case as the Washita `92 that the space-based sensor visits the FOV once a day), the expected error was able to be reduced to approximately 10 of the standard deviation of the fluctuations of the system alone. This seems to be an acceptable level of tolerance for identifying biases in the retrieval algorithms.  相似文献   

Soil moisture is an important variable in hydrological studies, but has been little used for model evaluation due to its high sensitivity to local conditions. We explore the possibility to derive hydrological signatures from soil moisture data that could overcome this limitation and be helpful for model evaluation. A set of eight hydrological signatures was built, encompassing long-term to short-term time scales. These signatures were tested according to robustness, representativeness and discriminatory power, using in situ data sets from New Zealand, including national network and experimental watershed data. Field capacity, type of soil moisture distribution, and starting dates of seasonal transitions typically meet the criteria, subject to uniform sensor depths and homogeneous land uses. Durations of seasonal transitions and event-based signatures showed higher variability and lower discriminatory power. In general, long-term signatures are more robust, more representative of large areas, and have a high discriminatory power, thus showing a good potential for use in diagnostic evaluation of regional models.  相似文献   

The delicate equilibrium of soil moisture and biomass may become unstable under water scarcity conditions causing banded vegetation patterns to form on hillsides of semi-arid catchments. Soil related processes that induce instability (namely: soil moisture advection and diffusion), have been evaluated numerically for different rainfall regimes. This study addresses the combined influence of some relevant soil characteristics, and the effect of seasonal precipitation on vegetation patterns, advancing the comprehension of those mechanisms that cause shifts toward banded vegetation patterns or bare states.  相似文献   

This paper studies the statistics of the soil moisture condition and its monthly variation for the purpose of evaluating drought vulnerability. A zero-dimensional soil moisture dynamics model with the rainfall forcing by the rectangular pulses Poisson process model are used to simulate the soil moisture time series for three sites in Korea: Seoul, Daegu, and Jeonju. These sites are located in the central, south-eastern, and south-western parts of the Korean Peninsular, respectively. The model parameters are estimated on a monthly basis using hourly rainfall data and monthly potential evaporation rates obtained by the Penmann method. The resulting soil moisture simulations are summarized on a monthly basis. In brief, the conclusions of our study are as follows. (1) Strong seasonality is observed in the simulations of soil moisture. The soil moisture mean is less than 0.5 during the dry spring season (March, April, and June), but other months exceed the 0.5 value. (2) The spring season is characterized by a low mean value, a high standard deviation and a positive skewness of the soil moisture content. On the other hand, the wet season is characterized by a high mean value, low standard deviation, and negative skewness of the soil moisture content. Thus, in the spring season, much drier soil moisture conditions are apparent due to the higher variability and positive skewness of the soil moisture probability density function (PDF), which also indicates more vulnerability to severe drought occurrence. (3) Seoul, Daegue, and Jeonju show very similar overall trends of soil moisture variation; however, Daegue shows the least soil moisture contents all through the year, which implies that the south-eastern part of the Korean Peninsula is most vulnerable to drought. On the other hand, the central part and the south-western part of the Korean peninsula are found to be less vulnerable to the risk of drought. The conclusions of the study are in agreement with the climatology of the Korean Peninsula.  相似文献   

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