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Summary The estimate of the tidal long-term decrease in the angular velocity of the Earth's rotation due to the Sun is given as –(0.8±0.3)×10 –22 rad s –2. It was computed on the basis of the observed total long-term decrease in , of the observed tidal deceleration of the Moon and the observed decrease in the second-degree zonal Stokes geopotential harmonic term. Adopting the estimate given, the product of the Love number and the tidal phase lag angle due to the Sun (in degrees) comes out as 0.53±0.20.
am a z nuuu u z mu au u, az : –(0,8±0,3) 10 –22 a¶rt; –2 . ¶rt; ua n a¶rt;a u , n a¶rt;a nuu u ¶rt;z ¶rt;uu u n a¶rt;a u mz az znmuaz naama ma. u num n au, m nu¶rt;u ua a a z u ( za¶rt;a) a z nuua a (0,53±0,20).

This paper mainly discusses the correlations of the occurrence time of the generalized preshock sequence earthquakes and the lunar and solar local hour angles over a period of time in the seismogenic zone of strong earthquake prior to a mainshock. Their group characteristics indicate that the occurrence time of earthquakes above a certain scale is modulated by the lunar and solar local hour angles. Statistical results show that the significant correlations exist between these two things, which is of some physical significance. At the same time, the differences of actions of the Sun and Moon are analyzed and the possible active mechanism is discussed from the point of earthquake-restrained as well.  相似文献   

The results for three-dimensional (3D) winter and summer tidal flows in the homogeneous Arctic Ocean, obtained with the use of a modified version of the 3D finite-element hydrothermodynamic model QUODDY-4, are presented. It is shown that seasonal variability of the M2 tidal constants (amplitudes and phases of tidal sea surface level elevations) in the Central and Canadian parts of the Arctic Ocean is less than the error in the predicted tidal sea surface level elevations. This means that the seasonal variability can be neglected at least as a first approximation. A different situation is encountered in the Siberian continental shelf, where seasonal changes of tidal amplitude are ±5 cm, while those of tidal phase vary from 15° to several tens of degrees.  相似文献   

Summary It has been proved that orbital elements of perturbing bodies should be taken into account when 10–10 accuracy is required for zero-frequency tidal distortion in the second zonal Stokes parameter of the geopotential. A solution at the 10–15 level of magnitude has been presented. The zero-frequency tidal distortion in the fourth zonal Stokes parameter has been derived as 1·3×10–10 if the secular Love number is unity. It should be reflected in the geopotential models respecting the 10–10 level of magnitude.  相似文献   

Summary The total decrease in the mechanical energy of the Solar System due to the tidal friction during its whole history has been estimated at 1·7 × 1033 kg m2 s–2 which is about 0·85% of its present energy integral. The main contributions come from Sun-Jupiter (63·4%), Sun-Saturn (26·6%), Sun-Neptune (5·9%), Sun-Uranus (3·7%), all satellite systems (0·2%), Sun-Venus (0·1%).  相似文献   

基于ISC地震记录,利用天体动力学中二体问题的轨道方程和摄动理论,确定发震时刻太阳在地面的投影点位置,并进一步计算出太阳相对震中的地心天顶距,将地震按天顶距的大小进行统计,得到地震的太阳天顶距地震频度分布。同样的方法,可得地震的月球天顶距地震频度分布。统计发现:地震的太阳天顶距地震频度和月球天顶距地震频度分布表现出一致的规律性,且较大地震和小地震的活动规律不同,较大地震丛集发生在太阳(月球)天顶距0°和180°附近,与地面引潮力的绝对值分布有较好的一致性;而小地震多丛集在太阳(月球)天顶距60°和120°附近。在此基础上,我们对地震的日月天顶距同时进行统计,建立了日月天顶距地震概率密度分布,结果表明,日月投影点及其对蹠点周围,较大地震发生的概率较高。  相似文献   

Latent heat release associated with tropical deep convective activity is investigated as a source for migrating (sun-synchronous) diurnal and semidiurnal tidal oscillations in the 80–150-km height region. Satellite-based cloud brightness temperature measurements made between 1988 and 1994 and averaged into 3–h bins are used to determine the annual- and longitude-average local-time distribution of rainfall rate, and hence latent heating, between ±40° latitude. Regional average rainfall rates are shown to be in good agreement with climatological values derived from surface rain gauge data. A global linearized wave model is used to estimate the corresponding atmospheric perturbations in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere (80–150 km) resulting from upward-propagating tidal components excited by the latent heating. The annual-average migrating diurnal and semidiurnal components achieve velocity and temperature amplitudes of order 10–20 m s–1 and 5–10 K, respectively, which represent substantial contributions to the dynamics of the region. The latent heat forcing also shifts the phase (local solar time of maximum) of the semidiurnal surface pressure oscillation from 0912 to 0936 h, much closer to the observed value of 0944 h.  相似文献   

Summary The thermo-elastic deformations due to the annual temperature variation are computed. The time variation of these deformations is compared with the variation of the slow deformations observed at the tidal station in Vyhne.
u mnu ¶rt;auu, a¶rt; auau mnam nmu a nnmama. ¶rt; mu ¶rt;au a ¶rt; ¶rt; ¶rt;au, u a nuu mauu ().

Dedicated to RNDr Jan Pícha, CSc on his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Ocean Dynamics - The role of the Coriolis effect in the initial formation of bottom patterns in a tidal channel is studied by means of a linear stability analysis. The key finding is that the...  相似文献   

The freshwater budget of a tidal flat area is evaluated from long-term hydrographic time series from an observation pole positioned in a tidal channel in the Hörnum Basin (Germany). For each tidal cycle, the freshwater budget is calculated from the total imported and exported water volumes and the corresponding mean densities. The variability of the budget on a tidal scale is characterised by a period of twice the tidal period, exhibiting a minimum when the tidal flats are dry around daylight hours during the foregoing low tide, and a maximum when low tide occurs at night; enhanced evaporation on the flats at daylight hours is identified as the driving process. On the average over one year, while winter observations are missing, the freshwater budget is negative for the years 2002–2005 and positive only for 2006. The interannual mean is negative and amounts to a freshwater loss of about 2 mm day−1, although the large-scale climate in this region is humid. The results demonstrate that the bulk parametrisations for the latent and sensible heat flux between the ocean and the atmosphere must not be applied for the tidelands.  相似文献   

The effect of horizontal grid resolution on the horizontal relative dispersion of particle pairs has been investigated on a short time scale, i.e. one tidal M 2 cycle. Of particular interest is the tidal effect on dispersion and transports in coastal waters where small-scale flow features are important. A three-dimensional ocean model has been applied to simulate the tidal flow through the Moskstraumen Maelstrom outside Lofoten in northern Norway, well known for its strong current and whirlpools (Gjevik et al., Nature 388(6645):837–838, 1997; Moe et al., Cont Shelf Res 22(3):485–504, 2002). Simulations with spatial resolution down to 50 m have been carried out. Lagrangian tracers were passively advected with the flow, and Lyapunov exponents and power law exponents have been calculated to analyse the separation statistics. It is found that the relative dispersion of particles on a short time scale (12–24 h) is very sensitive to the grid size and that the spatial variability is also very large, ranging from 0 to 100 km2 over a distance of 100 m. This means that models for prediction of transport and dispersion of oil spills, fish eggs, sea lice etc. using a single diffusion coefficient will be of limited value, unless the models actually resolves the small-scale eddies of the tidal current.  相似文献   

An idealized morphodynamic model is used to gain further understanding about the formation and characteristics of shoreface-connected sand ridges and tidal sand banks on the continental shelf. The model consists of the 2D shallow water equations, supplemented with a sediment transport formulation and describes the initial feedback between currents and small amplitude bed forms. The behaviour of bed forms during both storm and fair weather conditions is analyzed. This is relevant in case of coastal seas characterized by tidal motion, where the latter causes continuous transport of sediment as bed load.The new aspects of this work are the incorporation of both steady and tidal currents (represented by an M2 and M4 component) in the external forcing, in combination with dominant suspended sediment transport during storms. The results indicate that the dynamics during storms and fair weather strongly differ, causing different types of bed forms to develop. Shoreface-connected sand ridges mainly form during storm conditions, whereas if fair weather conditions prevail the more offshore located tidal sand banks develop. Including the M4 tide changes the properties of the bed forms, such as growth rates and migration speeds, due to tidal asymmetry. Finally a probabilistic formulation of the storm and fair weather realization of the model is used to find conditions for which both types of large-scale bed forms occur simultaneously. These conditions turn out to be a low storm fraction and the presence strong tidal currents in combination with strong steady currents during storms.  相似文献   

Mike Lockwood and Mike Hapgood rough out essential physics for the astronaut intending to arrive alive.  相似文献   

Summary From measurements made with an Askania tidal apparatus at a reference station it is possible to derive the correction parameters k and , if required, for reducing the gravimetric factors and phase lags to a unified system, Eq. (2). It is suggested that several tidal waves be used to determine k and and to take the weighted mean as the resultant value. Suitable weights have also been derived, Eq. (7).Dedicated to RNDr Jan Pícha, CSc., on his 60th Birthday  相似文献   


Broad band secondary instability of elliptical vortex motion has been proposed as a principal source of shear-flow turbulence. Here experiments on such instability in an elliptical flow with no shear boundary layer are described. This is made possible by the mechanical distortion in the laboratory frame of a rotating fluid-filled elastic cylinder. One percent ellipticity of a 10 cm diameter cylinder rotating once each second can give rise to an exponentially-growing mode stationary in the laboratory frame. In first order this mode is a sub-harmonic parametric Faraday instability. The finite-amplitude equations represent angular momentum transfer on an inertial time scale due to Reynolds stresses. The growth of this mode is not limited by boundary friction but by detuning and centrifugal stabilization. On average, a generalized Richardson number achieves a marginal value through much of the evolved flow. However, the characteristic flow is intermittent with the cycle: rapid growth, stabilizing momentum transfer from the mean flow, interior re-spin up, and then again. Data is presented in which, at large Reynolds numbers, seven percent ellipticity causes a fifty percent reduction in the kinetic energy of the rotating fluid. In the geophysical setting, this tidal instability in the earth's interior could be inhibited by sub-adiabatic temperature gradients. A near adiabatic region greater than 10 km in height would permit the growth of tidally destabilized modes and the release of energy to three-dimensional disturbances. Such disturbances might play a central role in the geodynamo and add significantly to overall tidal dissipation.  相似文献   

2001年印度布季7.8级大震与日月同纬效应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
2001年1月26日位于印度西海岩的布季发生了7.8级大震,根据天文资料可知,2001年是日月同纬或近于日月同纬之年,用日月同纬效应讨论了布季地震的发震时间。许多震例表明日月同纬之年在北回归线上有发生大震的可能,而且发震时间多在夏季和冬季。  相似文献   

Several results about the long period (LP) tidal waves are obtained by the analysis of series of superconducting gravity data, provided by the Global Geodynamics Project (GGP). The most important result is the determination of a single group called LPMF, composed by all LP tides but representing accurately the parameters of the Mf wave. As the LP tidal generating potential is vanishing at latitudes ±35°15′52″ we cannot determine accurate tidal amplitude factors for the stations located between ±40° and ±30°. However, it is still possible to obtain tidal residual vectors and compare them with oceanic tidal loading computations. For 15 stations the NAO99 oceanic model is giving a coherent picture. For nine stations with Mf amplitude larger than 3 μgal (1 μgal = 10 nm s−2) a global analysis is obtained by introducing the loading effect of the ocean directly in the observation equations. The mean amplitude factor obtained for LPMF is larger than expected from the models and there is a significant phase lag, showing the imperfection of the tidal oceanic models for Mf. Other new result is the first separate estimation of the parameters of the LP tides, generated by the tidal potential of third degree, dominated by a Lunar declinational monthly wave, called here 3Mmd. Due to their small amplitudes (under 1 μgal) these waves are practically hidden by the noise. Nevertheless, the quality of the data and the flexibility of the VAV analysis method [Venedikov, A.P., Arnoso, J., Vieira, R., 2001. Program VAV/2000 for tidal analysis of unequally spaced data with irregular drift and colored noise. J. Geodetic Soc. Jpn. 47 (1), 281–286; Venedikov, A.P., Arnoso, J., Vieira, R., 2003. VAV: a program for tidal data processing. Comput. Geosci. 29, 487–502.] allow getting significant results, in agreement with the theory of the Earth deformation by the tidal potential of third degree.  相似文献   

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