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黄真理  王鲁海 《湖泊科学》2020,32(5):1320-1332
长江水生生物保护面临巨大挑战,加强长江水生生物保护是当前国家的战略需求.中华鲟(Acipenser sinensis)是长江的旗舰物种,也是1980s葛洲坝救鱼的唯一物种.经过近40年努力和数以亿计的投入,中华鲟的种群数量持续衰退,走到濒临灭绝的边缘.如果不能很好汲取中华鲟保护的教训,长江水生生物保护将难以走出困境.本文回顾了葛洲坝救鱼以来中华鲟保护的历程并进行评价,我们认为:回避或轻视长江梯级水坝的影响,就难以准确认识中华鲟种群衰退的定量影响机制,也不可能采取针对性措施.因此,要避免重蹈中华鲟的覆辙,对中华鲟保护工作进行全面反思、改革和创新,是长江水生生物保护面临的重大战略问题.  相似文献   

供给侧改革与科技创新耦合助推西藏渔业资源养护   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于西藏生态环境脆弱、生态系统结构简单、生产力低下以及高原鱼类生长缓慢、资源补充周期长、对生境高度适应和依赖等特点,高原水域水生生态更容易受到外界的影响.尤其近几十年以来,外来鱼类入侵、水电水利设施的兴建、过度捕捞、水质环境恶化,导致162种青藏高原鱼类中,处于极危、濒危、易危或野外绝灭鱼类就有35种,超过了20%,在雅鲁藏布江中游,常见的6种裂腹鱼类中,有3种鱼类处于濒危状态,因此推动西藏渔业资源养护刻不容缓.供给侧改革和科技创新,将为西藏渔业资源养护注入新的活力.通过科学引导放生行为,规范和加强增殖放流行为,积累和推广本土鱼类繁育技术,密切关注西藏水生态系统,将会推动西藏渔业资源养护工作迈上一个新台阶,也会助推西藏"精准扶贫"进程.  相似文献   

三十多年来,人们对水生野生动物保护中的保护地建设、迁地保护、人工保种、人工驯养、人工繁育、人工养殖、增殖放流、生态修复等保护方式一直存在着激烈的争论.这反映了人们对水生野生动物保护目标、保护方式认识不一致甚至对立的问题,而其根本在于缺乏一个能够适应水生野生动物保护需求和特征的理论话语体系.本文基于对水生野生动物保护目标认知和设置的差异,基于对水生野生动物保护中人工干预方式的差异,尝试以“物种保护与生态保护”、“主动保护与被动保护”两个维度为框架建立水生野生动物保护的理论话语体系,然后着重分析水生野生动物物种保护中的主动保护与被动保护的状况与成效,指出部分水生野生动物保护地由于其整体生态格局已被改变或依然处于恶化的趋势中,并且无法避免人类活动的干扰和影响,导致了相应水生野生动物的就地保护效果不理想,而获得足够主动保护努力介入的物种在获得人工保种、人工繁育、人工养殖之后,其物种灭绝的风险已基本解除,甚至部分已野外绝迹物种还存在野外种群重建的机会.而后,以长江三种鲟鱼的保护和效果为例,对比展示了主动保护对于水生野生动物保护的必要性.建议就水生野生动物保护而言,在不遗余力抓保护地建设等被动保护的同时,更要积极地推动人工繁育、人工养殖等主动保护来对物种兜底.  相似文献   

淡水蚌类是全球最受威胁的动物群之一.加强淡水蚌类灭绝机制的研究,对促进野生淡水蚌类生物多样性的保护和管理具有重要的意义.淡水蚌类具有独特的生活史,发育过程中的钩介幼虫必须依赖于宿主鱼才能完成变态发育.淡水蚌局部种群之间的交流是通过宿主鱼的迁移和幼虫漂流来实现的.通过对鄱阳湖12个采样地点调查,计算了39种淡水蚌的局部定居率和灭绝率,利用一般线性模型,通过比较最低赤池信息准则和许瓦兹贝叶斯准则来评估淡水蚌类的8个生物学特征对预测种群局部定居率和灭绝率的可行性.结果表明:淡水蚌类的生物学特征与局部定居率和灭绝率存在相关性,可以用来预测种群局部定居和灭绝,其中种群结构和繁殖时期这两个生物学特征是预测局部定居率的最佳组合模型,分布密度、繁殖能力、保护现状和运动能力是预测局部灭绝率的最佳结合模型.就鄱阳湖淡水蚌类而言,局部灭绝率显著超过局部定居率,表明局部种群隔离程度正在加重,面临着严重的种群灭绝危机.  相似文献   

汉江上游是丹江口水库的水源区,其生态环境状况对保障汉江全流域及南水北调中线生态安全起着举足轻重的作用.本研究于2017年11月和2018年4月对汉江上游干流及源于秦岭南麓的5条典型支流开展了系统调查,旨在摸清汉江上游干支流的底栖动物群落特征,以及评价其水质状况.共采集到大型底栖动物240种,其中水生昆虫209种,软体动物13种,环节动物9种,其他类群9种.其中四节蜉Baetis sp.在各条河流中均为优势种,此外其他优势种还有拟细裳蜉Paraleptophlebia sp.、细蜉Caenis sp.、扁蜉Heptagenia sp.、花翅蜉Baetiella sp.、直突摇蚊Orthocladius sp.、纹石蛾Hydropsyche sp.、蜉蝣Ephemera sp.、带肋蜉Cincticostella sp.、高翔蜉Epeorus sp.、似波摇蚊Sympotthastia sp.和真开摇蚊Eukiefferiella sp..从各类群的密度来看,水生昆虫在汉江及五条支流中均占有绝对优势,占总密度的90.8%~98.9%,而在生物量上,除汉江干流中软体动物占绝对优势外,水生昆虫在各支流中均占绝对优势,占总生物量的47.0%~98.9%.就功能摄食类群的密度而言,直接收集者在汉江干支流中均为最主要功能摄食类群,而从生物量方面来看则表现出差异性,捕食者是金水河和旬河中最主要功能摄食类群,刮食者为汉江干流和月河中最主要功能摄食类群,直接收集者是金钱河中最主要功能摄食类群,滤食者为湑水河中最主要功能摄食类群.冗余分析结果表明,流速、总磷和电导率为影响汉江干支流底栖动物分布的关键环境因子.采用底栖动物生物指数(BI)和Shannon-Wiener指数进行水质生物评价,结果显示除汉江的极个别断面、湑水河和月河下游及旬河的中下游河段处于轻-中度污染状态外,其他调查河段均处于清洁状态.本研究结果可为汉江上游流域生态管理和科学保护提供依据.  相似文献   

Europe is one of the global hotspots of freshwater amphipod diversity with a number of endemic species, yet many of European freshwater ecosystems are under extreme anthropogenic pressure. Studying the biology and ecology of endemic species may substantially help to assess risk of extinction and define proxies for their conservation. Laurogammarus scutarensis is a Balkan endemic and the only species within the genus Laurogammarus G. Karaman 1984. Its distribution is restricted to temperature-stable, cool waters of the springs, streams and lower sections of a few rivers emptying to the north-western part of the Skadar Lake in Montenegro – an area under heavy anthropogenic pressure in recent years. We examined life history of the species in a limnocrene spring with year-round stable temperature (10 °C ± 0.5) by estimating its population structure over a year, fecundity, reproductive period and relationship between photoperiod and reproduction. These parameters were compared to those of other gammarids, including invasive species, in order to estimate the role of photoperiod in shaping life history of L. scutarensis, and to give insight into the possible conservation needs for that species. Our results show that the species is univoltine and its reproduction continues round the year. However, its intensity is synchronised with seasonal day length changes with the highest share of females breeding in spring and early summer. The population sex structure is strongly female biased in most of the year. Number of eggs laid depends positively on the female body length; however the mean brood size (15.53 eggs) of L. scutarensis is rather low when compared to other species. Also partial fecundity and mean body length at which individuals start to reproduce indicate that its reproductive potential is much lower than that of many other gammarid species, including those colonising many European water bodies in recent years. Concluding, the studied life history traits of L. scutarensis combined with its very narrow distribution range and peculiar thermal requirements reported in the literature provide as with the hint to define the species as vulnerable to threats posed by the habitat degradation and competition with other species. Taking into account the risk of invasion by alien species and progressive habitat loss, we are of the opinion that L. scutarensis should be recognised as an endangered species and that a conservation plan should be implemented to prevent its possible extinction.  相似文献   

巢湖流域水生植物多样性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
水生植物在浅水湖泊或河流生态系统中具有非常重要的作用.通过2次野外实地调查,对巢湖流域水生植物物种的区系组成和多样性进行初步分析.结果表明:巢湖流域水生植物共有43科85属123种(含种下分类单位,下同),其中蕨类植物有5科6属6种,被子植物38科77属117种,在被子植物中双子叶植物25科39属63种,单子叶植物13科40属54种.水禾(Hygroryza aristata)为安徽省首次记录;以禾本科(Gramineae)、蓼科(Polygonaceae)和莎草科(Cyperaceae)等为优势科;以蓼属(Polygonum)、眼子菜属(Potamogeton)和菱属(Trapa)等为优势属,属的组成比较分散,寡种属和单种属占总属数的96.5%;以喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)、芦苇(Phragmites australis)、菹草(Potamogeton crispus)、菱(Trapa sp.)、金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)和黑藻(Hydrilla verticillata)等为优势种;从分布区类型看,在科级水平上有6个类型,科的分布区类型以世界广布最多,达55.81%,热带分布的科(11科)多于温带分布的科(8科);在属级水平上有13个类型,属的分布区类型以世界广布最多(36.47%),其次是泛热带分布(20.0%);从不同流域来看,水生植物物种多样性以白石天河流域最高,店埠河南淝河流域最低,这可能与南淝河水质污染比较严重有一定的关系.  相似文献   

Water agreements between Mexico and the United States have been crucial to preserving and restoring the Colorado River Delta's wetlands. Nowadays, increased water demand and climate change in the Colorado River Basin could threaten the conservation of the Ciénega de Santa Clara, a 4709 ha coastal wetland at the Sonoran Desert's edge. The international Ramsar convention recognizes the Ciénega de Santa Clara ecosystem for providing vital ecological services, including habitat for endemic, endangered, and migratory species. The hydrology of this wetland has not been completely understood since the 2010–2011 trial run of the Yuma Desalting Plant. Therefore, this study was conducted to identify and quantify the hydrological elements essential for the conservation of this wetland, under three scenarios: (a) normal inflow conditions of the water source – the Wellton-Mohawk canal; (b) inflow reductions, and; (c) an increase of temperature due to global warming. Water and mass balances estimates were conducted every month during 2014–2015; in situ measurements of inflows were carried out on Southern International Boundary in Wellton-Mohawk canal, the Riíto Drain, groundwater, and precipitation: evapotranspiration outputs were estimated using local weather stations and Penman-Monteith formulations. Temperature increases were based on the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change projections for the next 100 years. Results showed disconnection in the surface flow of water from the wetland to the adjacent Gulf of California. This behaviour was observed mainly in the summer months in the three scenarios. The disconnections reduced the wetland area and water storage. The hydrological functionality of the Ciénega de Santa Clara wetland depends on the water supply from the Wellton-Mohawk canal, with a minimum continuous discharge of 5.10 m3 s−1 during the summer months.  相似文献   

长江江豚(Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis)是一种小型齿鲸,仅分布在长江中下游干流和洞庭湖及鄱阳湖中,其种群数量仅约1000头,极度濒危.鄱阳湖是长江江豚最重要的栖息地之一,估算种群数量约450头,是长江江豚最后的避难所.本文系统地总结了鄱阳湖长江江豚种群生态学、保护遗传学和保护生物学的研究进展,着重探讨了各种人类活动对其种群迁移活动的影响,并对鄱阳湖长江江豚种群面临的威胁、保护对策和未来研究方向等进行了总结和展望,以期为今后的保护工作提供借鉴.  相似文献   

Seasonal Occurrence of Species of Saprolegniales and Leptomitales in Lake Aue and the River Fulda in Kassel (Hesse) with Special Consideration of Fish Pathogenic Species In this study, we examined the occurrence of species of aquatic Oomycetes of Saprolegniales und Leptomitales in Lake Aue and the river Fulda in Kassel (Hesse, Germany) with special consideration of fish pathogenic species. We monthly collected water samples of both water bodies from July 2003 to June 2004. The baiting method was used to gain an insight into the specific seasonal occurrence of aquatic Oomycetes. Some species show a seasonal periodicity. Nine of 11 species of Saprolegniales isolated from the two water bodies, and Leptomitus lacteus (Roth) C. Agardh, one of the two species of Leptomitales, were already documented on fish according to references. Additionally, 7 of 10 species could according to references already be detected on fish species present in the two water bodies. Simultaneous measurements of limnological‐chemical parameters were done during the sampling of water for the isolation of aquatic Oomycetes. The results of some measurements, concerning the river Fulda, were additionally compared with the predetermined guideline values and limit values of water bodies of fish of the “Cyprinid region”.  相似文献   

谢平 《湖泊科学》2017,29(6):1279-1299
长江是我国第一大河流,全长达6300 km.长江是一条生命之河,它的活力来自于干流、支流、湖泊和湿地的血脉沟通形成的独特生命系统.长江流域是世界生物多样性的热点区域,分布有鱼类400余种,其中纯淡水鱼类350种左右,特有鱼类多达156种.长江中下游是东亚季风气候下形成的洪泛平原区域,湖泊星罗棋布,并与江河相连,生活有珍稀水生哺乳动物——白鱀豚和江豚.1980s初中下游湖泊面积约有23123 km~2.1950—1970年间,沿江大建闸节制,除鄱阳湖(2933 km~2)和洞庭湖(2625 km~2)等外,绝大多数湖泊失去了与长江的自然联系,江湖阻隔使支撑长江鱼类的有效湖泊面积减少了76%.1981年,长江上建成了第一个大坝——葛洲坝;2003年,三峡大坝开始蓄水.长江干流的渔业捕捞量从1954年的43万t下降到1980s的20万t,最后到2011年的8万t(降幅为81%).与此完全不同的是,1950s以来,洞庭湖和鄱阳湖的渔产量分别在2~4万t之间徘徊.长江干流的饵料生物丰度不足两湖的1/7,因此干流对物种的承载力十分有限,以鱼为生的白鱀豚和江豚种群的衰退属于情理之中,加上酷捕误杀,白鱀豚已经灭绝,江豚也危在旦夕.葛洲坝的建设阻挡了鲟鱼和胭脂鱼等的生殖洄游通道,中华鲟和白鲟的灭绝已近在咫尺.长江上游建有1万多座水坝,大部分鱼类的生存受到威胁.根据对长江生物多样性危机成因的粗略估算,节制闸和水电站等水利工程"贡献"了70%,酷渔乱捕等其它因素"贡献"了30%.所谓的生态调度、鱼道或人工放流等也难以拯救膏肓之疾,即使在长江干流十年禁渔也难有根本改观.如果鄱阳湖和洞庭湖相继建闸,将使长江中下游的渔业资源量进一步衰退,江豚的灭绝在所难免,其它物种的灭绝将难以预料.长江在哭泣,众多的物种需要生态文明的呵护!  相似文献   

鲍思敏  张凯  丁城志  陶捐  王军 《湖泊科学》2024,36(2):536-547
自然流淌的支流在维持建坝河流水生生物多样性中起着重要作用。补远江是澜沧江下游的重要一级支流,保持了较为天然的河流状态,人类活动干扰相对较少,是流域土著鱼类保护区和水生生物重要栖息地。在澜沧江流域水电开发的背景下,掌握补远江大型底栖动物群落结构的时空分布及其影响因素,对澜沧江乃至西南河流的水生生物多样性保护和恢复具有重要参考意义。于2019年4月(旱季)和2019年10月(雨季)对补远江的大型底栖动物进行了详细调查,共检出大型底栖动物150个分类单元,隶属于5门7纲68科,其中水生昆虫121种,软体动物20种,蛭类3种,寡毛类2种,甲壳类2种,涡虫、线虫各1种。毛翅目和蜉蝣目为全流域优势类群。补远江底栖动物密度和生物量在旱季和雨季均表现为上游大于中下游,物种丰富度和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数在雨季显著高于旱季。功能摄食类群中,滤食者(41.09%)和收集者(31.81%)占绝对优势,其次为刮食者(11.00%)、捕食者(11.21%),撕食者(4.89%)较少。Mantel检验分析表明,河宽(RW)、硝态氮(NO3--N)、化学需氧量(CODMn)是影响补远江大型底栖动物群落结构的主要环境因子;不同功能摄食类群所受到的环境影响因素不同。生物指数(BI)和生物监测工作组记分(BMWP)系统评价显示,补远江大部分样点处于良好及以上水平,少数样点处于中等及以下水平,总体水生态状况良好。  相似文献   


In many of the world’s river basins, the water resources are over-allocated and/or highly modified, access to good quality water is limited or competitive and aquatic ecosystems are degraded. The decline in aquatic ecosystems can impact on human well-being by reducing the ecosystem services provided by healthy rivers, wetlands and floodplains. Basin water resources management requires the determination of water allocation among competing stakeholders including the environment, social needs and economic development. Traditionally, this determination occurred on a volumetric basis to meet basin productivity goals. However, it is difficult to address environmental goals in such a framework, because environmental condition is rarely considered in productivity goals, and short-term variations in river flow may be the most important driver of aquatic ecosystem health. Manipulation of flows to achieve desired outcomes for public supply, food and energy has been implemented for many years. More recently, manipulating flows to achieve ecological outcomes has been proposed. However, the complexity of determining the required flow regimes and the interdependencies between stakeholder outcomes has restricted the implementation of environmental flows as a core component of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). We demonstrate through case studies of the Rhône and Thames river basins in Europe, the Colorado River basin in North America and the Murray-Darling basin in Australia the limitations of traditional environmental flow strategies in integrated water resources management. An alternative ecosystem approach can provide a framework for implementation of environmental flows in basin water resources management, as demonstrated by management of the Pangani River basin in Africa. An ecosystem approach in IWRM leads to management for agreed triple-bottom-line outcomes, rather than productivity or ecological outcomes alone. We recommend that environmental flow management should take on the principles of an ecosystem approach and form an integral part of IWRM.

Editor D. Koutsoyiannis

Citation Overton, I.C., Smith, D.M., Dalton J., Barchiesi S., Acreman M.C., Stromberg, J.C., and Kirby, J.M., 2014. Implementing environmental flows in integrated water resources management and the ecosystem approach. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 860–877.  相似文献   

The Colorado River system in southern Utah and northern Arizona is continuing to adjust to the baselevel fall responsible for the carving of the Grand Canyon. Estimates of bedrock incision rates in this area vary widely, hinting at the transient state of the Colorado and its tributaries. In conjunction with these data, we use longitudinal profiles of the Colorado and tributaries between Marble Canyon and Cataract Canyon to investigate the incision history of the Colorado in this region. We find that almost all of the tributaries in this region steepen as they enter the Colorado River. The consistent presence of oversteepened reaches with similar elevation drops in the lower section of these channels, and their coincidence within a corridor of high local relief along the Colorado, suggest that the tributaries are steepening in response to an episode of increased incision rate on the mainstem. This analysis makes testable predictions about spatial variations in incision rates; these predictions are consistent with existing rate estimates and can be used to guide further studies. We also present cosmogenic nuclide data from the Henry Mountains of southern Utah. We measured in situ 10Be concentrations on four gravel‐covered strath surfaces elevated from 1 m to 110 m above Trachyte Creek. The surfaces yield exposure ages that range from approximately 2·5 ka to 267 ka and suggest incision rates that vary between 350 and 600 m/my. These incision rates are similar to other rates determined within the high‐relief corridor. Available data thus support the interpretation that tributaries of the Colorado River upstream of the Grand Canyon are responding to a recent pulse of rapid incision on the Colorado. Numerical modeling of detachment‐limited bedrock incision suggests that this incision pulse is likely related to the upstream‐dipping lithologic boundary at the northern edge of the Kaibab upwarp. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The authors investigated aquatic fungi growing on the carapaces of 29 species of dead crustaceans (13 species of Copepoda, 13 species of Cladocera and 3 species of Ostracoda) in the water from six limnological and trophical different water bodies (two springs, one river, one lake and two ponds). All of these waterbodies are strongly loaded. 146 species of aquatic fungi were found on the carapaces: 40 Chytridiomycetes, 1 Hyphochytriomycete and 105 Oomycetes. The most common fungus species were Karlingia chitinophila, Myzocytium microsporum, Myzocytium zoophthorum, Pythium acanthicum, Pythium butleri and Pythium myriotylum. Most zoosporic fungus species were observed on the specimens of Daphnia pulex (50 fungus species), Daphnia magna (48) and Cyclocypris laevis (44), fewest on Cyclops fuscus and Cyclops vicinus (each 10).The most fungi were growing in the water from River Supraśl (86), the fewest in the water from Pond Fosa (53). Cluster analysis of the investigated parameters carried out in water bodies during the experiment on zoosporic fungus species has revealed that in the water from springs and Pond Fosa the number of fungus species is closely associated with the concentration of sulphates, in water from River Supraśl and Lake Komosa with calcium and in the water from Pond Dojlidy with chlorides. Out of these 146 species, 21 are known as parasites or necrotrophs of fish. Some dead specimens of crustacean species are a new substrate for some fungus species.  相似文献   

Drought and summer drying can be important disturbance events in many small streams leading to intermittent or isolated habitats. We examined what habitats act as refuges for fishes during summer drying, hypothesizing that pools would act as refuge habitats. We predicted that during drying fish would show directional movement into pools from riffle habitats, survival rates would be greater in pools than in riffles, and fish abundance would increase in pool habitats. We examined movement, survival and abundance of three minnow species, bigeye shiner (Notropis boops), highland stoneroller (Campostoma spadiceum) and creek chub (Semotilus atromaculatus), during seasonal stream drying in an Ozark stream using a closed robust multi-strata mark-recapture sampling. Population parameters were estimated using plausible models within program MARK, where a priori models are ranked using Akaike’s Information Criterion. Creek chub showed directional movement into pools and increased survival and abundance in pools during drying. Highland stonerollers showed strong directional movement into pools and abundance increased in pools during drying, but survival rates were not significantly greater in pools than riffles. Bigeye shiners showed high movement rates during drying, but the movement was non-directional, and survival rates were greater in riffles than pools. Therefore, creek chub supported our hypothesis and pools appear to act as refuge habitats for this species, whereas highland stonerollers partly supported the hypothesis and bigeye shiners did not support the pool refuge hypothesis. Refuge habitats during drying are species dependent. An urgent need exists to further understand refuge habitats in streams given projected changes in climate and continued alteration of hydrological regimes.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and Ecology of Species of Aquatic Oomycetes in the Aue Lake and the River Fulda in Kassel (Hessen) In this study, we record diversity and ecology of aquatic Oomycetes in the Aue Lake and the river Fulda in Kassel (Hesse, Germany). We monthly collected water samples of both water bodies from July 2003 to June 2004. The baiting method was used to gain an insight into the occurrence of aquatic Oomycetes. A total of 14 species of aquatic Oomycetes belonging to the orders Saprolegniales, Leptomitales and Olpidiopsidales could be isolated of both water bodies. Numerous saprophytic isolates of Rhizophydium Schenk (Chytridiomycetes), Rhizophydium carpophilum (Zopf) Fischer, parasitic on Oomycetes, and additionally one species of Plasmodiophoromycetes, Woronina polycystis Cornu could be isolated. Many isolates of Saprolegniales attributable to the genera Achlya Nees, Dictyuchus Leitgeb, Saprolegnia Nees and Pythium Pringsheim (Pythiales), which could only be identified on generic level, could be isolated as well. The species were examined and discussed with respect to their occurrence in the stagnant water Aue Lake and/or in the running water of the river Fulda. Half of the isolated species only occurred in one of the water bodies. In this study the occurrence of Achlya proliferoides Coker could be documented for Germany for the first time. The trophic status of the Aue Lake and of the classification of water quality of the river Fulda were determined by limnological‐chemical parameters obtained by simultaneous investigations of both water bodies.  相似文献   

Floristic surveys, vegetation mapping, and detailed transect analyses rendered a macrophyte flora of 14 native and five alien taxa of flowering plants in the River Erft, a contributory of the River Rhine in Northrhine-Westphalia. Water temperatures of this river do not fall below 10 °C all the year round, for reasons of geothermically heated water discharged from nearby opencast mining areas. Macrophyte stand structures, composed of the neophytes Azolla filiculoides and Lemna minuta (floating) and Myriophyllum aquaticum, Egeria densa, and Vallisneria spiralis (rooted in the muddy or sandy ground of the river) are described and the ecological requirements of these taxa are characterized. The alien species can be seen as elements that increase the α-diversity of the aquatic vegetation of the River Erft. They do not replace any of the native species, even if shifts in the competition dynamics occur. The colonization by neophytes of the abnormally warmed River Erft can be appreciated as paradigmatic for trends in the macrophyte vegetation of medium-sized rivers in Central Europe when climate-related or discharge-based heating of the waterbody occurs and propagules of alien plants imported by waterfowl or – more important – plants from aquarium waste will find suitable places of existence and spread.  相似文献   

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