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中国东部沿海滩涂资源不同空间尺度下的生态开发模式   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
沿海滩涂资源生态开发研究,是近年我国沿海滩涂研究的热点之一,但现有研究均很少考虑尺度问题。作者在探讨沿海滩涂资源开发利用的尺度问题的基础上,分析了我国当前不同空间尺度下沿海滩涂资源开发利用面临的主要问题,初步探讨了区域、农场与地块尺度下我国沿海滩涂资源生态开发模式的主要特征,并对沿海滩涂梯级开发、基塘系统、盐田综合利用和虾池立体养殖等主要生态开发模式进行了具体分析。  相似文献   

山东中景观生态特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阎传海  宋永昌 《地理科学》1998,18(2):183-189
以地貌和基质为基本线索,以植被为标志,建立了山东南部的景观生态分类系统。该系统为二级分类系统,包括7个景观型、17个景观亚型。以景观亚型或景观亚型的组合为基本制图单位,以:100万土壤图为基础底图,参考多种比例尺的卫星照片、植被图、土地利用图、地貌图等,编制了山东南商1:100万景观生态类型图;在景观生态类型图上量算了各景观亚型的面积,并且分析了山东南部主要景观型的生态问题,据此提出了相应的生态对  相似文献   

江苏沿海滩涂围垦耕地质量演变趋势分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
淤涨型沿海滩涂作为中国重要湿地和耕地后备资源,承担着生态保护、社会保障、经济发展等多重服务功能。选取江苏中部淤涨型滨海滩涂开展实证分析,分析围垦年限为0~40年滩涂垦区耕地质量因子空间差异,采用“时空代换”方法揭示滨海滩涂围垦后耕地质量的演变趋势,为沿海滩涂围垦区耕地资源可持续利用提供决策参考。结果表明:江苏中部沿海滩涂土壤总体呈现盐碱度高、养分贫瘠等特征且土壤理化性质变异程度高,土壤质地呈现显著南北和陆海梯度特征。滩涂垦区围垦初期地形、植被状态和围垦后滨海滩涂转变为耕地路径对耕地质量演变趋势均具有重要影响。沿海滩涂转为耕地路径由垦区自然条件、开发主体、开发规模等因素共同作用,江苏中部沿海滩涂转为耕地路径已从“盐生植被→养殖水体→耕地”转变为“盐生植被→耕地”,该转变缩短了滩涂转为耕地的周期,但同时也带来围垦滩涂撂荒闲置现象。围垦后沿海滩涂土壤逐步向耕地土壤转变,耕地质量因子演变趋势可分为四种:上升型,如土壤全磷、有效磷、粘粒含量;下降型,如土壤砂粒含量;下降—上升型,如有机质、全氮、碱解氮和CEC;上升—下降型,如土壤盐分和pH。围垦初期,滩涂土壤脱离海水环境,土壤有机质发生矿化过程呈现下降趋势,土壤盐分和pH受到蒸发和蒸腾作用急剧上升;围垦中期,受到人类耕作作物秸秆等有机物输入以及施肥的影响,土壤有机质、养分等呈现上升趋势,土壤盐分和pH呈现下降趋势;围垦后期,耕地质量因子受到耕作管理影响存在一定幅度的波动,由于沿海滩涂垦区耕地形成时间短,耕地质量对耕作管理等因素敏感度高。  相似文献   

城乡交错带旅游景观生态设计初步研究   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
将城乡交错带划分为近城区,近郊区和远郊区三个旅游功能区。动用旅游景观的异质性,多样性和边缘效应等基本原理,探讨了在城乡交错带进行旅游景观生态设计的要求。  相似文献   

三江平原湿地景观生态制图分类系统研究   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
刘红玉  吕宪国 《地理科学》1999,19(5):432-436
湿地景观生态制图分类系统的研究是景观制图的关键。以三江平原为研究区域,在研究湿地景观生态制图分类原则的基础上,系统地分析了引起该区域景观分异的主导因素,得出人文因素,水文因素,地貌和植被因素为其主志因素,从而建立了一套完整的景观生态制图分类系统,第一级按人类活动影响程度划分为:自然湿地景观,半自然湿地景观,人工湿地景观,第二级按地貌划分为:河漫滩,阶地,湖滨,洼地,谷地;第三级对沼泽湿地植被25种  相似文献   

《 中国典型地区沿海滩涂资源开发 》评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐志康 《地理学报》2005,60(5):879-879
《中国典型地区沿海滩涂资源开发》是由科学出版社出版的一本全面系统地反映我国沿海滩涂土地资源综合开发利用的专著。它是在总结分析国内外翔实的沿海滩涂资源开发利用资料和实地调查研究的基础上,对我国沿海滩涂土地资源的不同类型、数量、分布、利用结构、利用水平、利用潜力、存在问题以及战略对策等进行了系统的论述;同时,根据人口、资源、环境条件的发展变化预测与土地利用约束条件分析,提出了滩涂土地资源利用结构的优化配置方案,展示了发展利用前景。为充分合理利用我国沿海滩涂土地资源提供了科学依据。概括起来该书具有以下主要…  相似文献   

山东南部景观生态特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以地貌和基质为基本线索,以植被为标志,建立了山东南部的景观生态分类系统。该系统为二级分类系统,包括7个景观型、17个景观亚型。以景观亚型或景观亚型的组合为基本制图单位,以1:100万土壤图为基础底图,参考多种比例尺的卫星照片、植被图、土地利用图、地貌图等,编制了山东南部1:100万景观生态类型图;在景观生态类型图上量算了各景观亚型的面积,并且分析了山东南部主要景观型的生态问题,据此提出了相应的生态对策。  相似文献   

中国海岸带滩涂资源开发利用生态经济综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章成逸 《自然资源》1991,(3):10-13,9

论景观生态保护区   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:12  
郑达贤 《地理科学》1997,17(1):70-75
提出景观生态保护区的概念,阐述了同生态保护区不同于纯自然保护区的性质和特点,根据功能分其为4种类型:阻生、连通性、资源性和缓冲性保护区。讨论了天然来源的景观生态保护区和人工建设的景观生态保护区不同特点和演化趋势,以平潭岛为例提出应把景观生态保护区规划纳入国土规划中进行建设。  相似文献   

邱彭华  俞鸣同 《热带地理》2004,24(3):221-225
综合分析了影响旅游地景观的主要因子,以人为干扰为基础,以地貌为基本线索,以植被为标志,以土壤为参照,结合实地考察和景观生态制图技术,建立研究区的三级景观生态分类体系.结论认为:旅游地景观类型的划分应强调整体的综合,而不是对个别组分进行分类;多要素综合的分级分类体系,既能反映控制景观形成过程的主要因子,又可体现景观的综合性,能较好地反映客观实际;旅游地景观生态类型的划分,应根据景观异质性、图形比例尺和图斑的需要,明确分类单元的等级,确定分类的基础单元.  相似文献   

马礼  唐冲 《地理研究》2008,27(2):266-274
依据尚义县地貌、气候、土壤与植被等自然要素与土地利用等人文要素相互作用和变化表现出的整体分异,选取地貌与土地利用类型为主导标志,划分出了不同的景观生态类型。将全县的景观生态分类系统分为两个级别,第一级分为8类,分别为:Ⅰ河、湖滩地牧农景观、Ⅱ低缓丘陵农牧林景观、Ⅲ高原平地牧农林景观、Ⅳ坝缘山地牧林农景观、Ⅴ河川沟谷农牧林景观、Ⅵ石质低山牧林农景观、Ⅶ黄土台地牧农景观、Ⅷ浅切割中山林牧农景观;第二级对应分为23个亚类。针对各景观生态类的自然条件与生态环境问题,以景观生态学和景观规划的理论与方法为指导,为退化生态环境的恢复与重建寻求切实可行的生态工程途径,并对各景观生态类提出了相应的生态建设方略。  相似文献   

高吉喜  刘晓曼  王超  王勇  付卓  侯鹏  吕娜 《地理学报》2021,76(7):1708-1721
定量分析重要生态空间建立前后的生态保护成效,对于保障国家生态安全具有重要意义。本文以生态用地为切入点,从时间和空间双重角度,评估了中国重要生态空间构建的生态保护效果,以期能为国土空间分类分区管控提供科学依据。结果表明:① 2018年重要生态空间以生态用地为主导,具有良好的生态本底,体现了重要生态空间的发展定位和重要地位; ② 1980—2018年,重要生态空间内生态用地呈收缩趋势,但面积减少率低于全国平均水平,定量反映了重要生态空间的构建对生态的积极保护成效,总体来说生态用地变化基本处于稳定状态,扩大区域主要分布在退耕还林还草生态保护工程实施区,缩小区域集中在东北平原的粮食主产区和新疆绿洲农业地区,今后要重点加强管控;③ 3类重要生态空间内部生态保护成效有差异,国家级自然保护区生态用地面积比例最高,生态用地面积减少率最小、减少趋势最不明显、变化最为稳定,生态保护效果最好;④ 重要生态空间内生态用地面积比例高于周边外部区域,面积减少率低于外部区域,内、外保护成效具有明显梯度差异,说明重要生态空间的构建对生态保护的意义重大。  相似文献   

It is important to quantitatively analyze the effects of protection of important eco-logical spaces in China to ensure national ecological security.By considering changes in the ecological land,this study examines the effects of protecting three types of important natural ecological spaces in China from 1980 to 2018.Moreover,considering important ecological spaces and their surroundings yields differences in the effects of protection between internal and external spaces,where this can provide a scientific basis for the categorization and zoning of China's land.The results show the following:(1)In 2018,the ratio of ecological land to important natural ecological spaces accounted for 92.64%.This land had a good ecological background that reflects the developmental orientation of important ecological spaces.(2)From 1980 to 2018,the area of ecological land in important ecological spaces shrank but the rate of reduction was lower than the national average,which shows the positive effect of regulating construction in natural ecological spaces.The restorative effects of ecological projects to convert farmland into forests and grasslands have been prominent.The expanded ecological land is mainly distributed in areas where such projects have been implemented,and the reduced area is concentrated in grain-producing areas of the Northeast China Plain and agricultural oases of Xinjiang.In the future,the government should focus on strength-ening the management and control of these areas.(3)The area ratio of ecological land was the highest in national nature reserves.The rate of reduction in its area was the lowest and the trend of reduction was the smallest in national nature reserves,which reflects differences in the status of ecological protection among different spaces.(4)The ratio of ecological land to important ecological spaces was higher than that in the surrounding external space,and the rate of reduction in it was lower.Thus,the effects of internal and external protection had clear differences in terms of gradient.  相似文献   

In this study, we attempt to put forward a conception of landscape ecological niche, enlightened by international scholars on extending the ecological niche theory from spatial niche to functional niche. That is helpful for comprehensively appraising landscape spatial patterns and ecological functions, also, presents a new method for analyzing landscape features from multidimensional aspects. The practice process is demonstrated by taking Yan’an region in northwestern China as a case. Firstly, the indices system including spatial attribute and functional attribute is established for assessing landscape ecological niche. Additionally, two-dimensional figures are drawn for comparing the spatio-temporal features of landscape ecological niche in 1987 and 2000 among the 13 administrative counties. The results show that from 1987 to 2000, towards Yan’an region, spatial attribute value of landscape ecological niche changes from 1.000 to 1.178 with an obvious increment, and functional attribute value changes from 0.989 to 1.069 with a little increment, both of which enhance the regional landscape ecological niche. Towards each county, spatial attribute value of landscape ecological niche increases to different extent while functional attribute value changes dissimilarly with an increment or a decrement.  相似文献   

With the socio-economic development associated with urbanization, the urban-rural relationship has changed across the world. In China, due to the urban-rural dual structure, these changes turn out to be more complicated. Spatial restructuring are suggested as the main strategies and spatial supporting platforms for urban-rural development. However, the theory still lacks solid methodology and support from systematic empirical studies. This study seeks an adequate scientific methodology and discusses the difference of urban-rural transformation in plains and mountainous areas. A case in Shanghang County, China, demonstrates: 1) The compound ecological niche model can be a suitable approach in urban-rural restructuring, especially in mountainous areas. 2) The urban-rural development area with highly inappropriate, slightly appropriate, moderately appropriate, and highly appropriate areas are 1273.2 km2 (44.69%); 906.1 km2 (31.80%); 509.4 km2 (17.88%); and 160.1 km2 (5.62%), respectively. 3) The “deserting villages” in mountainous areas play positive synergistic roles in urbanization, in contrast to the “hollowing villages” common in plain areas. 4) The central town-village will become the most important settlement in mountainous areas. Therefore, we suggest more attention should be paid to environmental capacity in the construction of central town-villages. This study significantly extends the understanding of “hollowing village” theory and regional planning.  相似文献   

在快速城市化过程中,高强度人为活动对生态系统结构和服务功能造成极大扰动,进而产生一定生态风险。近年来,景观生态风险评价的兴起为景观格局—生态过程互馈研究提供了新的视角,可有效支持生态系统管理。本文在探讨生态风险、区域生态风险与景观生态风险联系与区别的基础上,重点评述了景观指数法和风险“源—汇”法等主要景观生态风险评价方法,归纳了基于生态系统服务的景观生态风险研究进展。进一步地,以生态系统服务退化为损失表征,从地形、人为胁迫、生态恢复力、景观脆弱性等维度构建概率表征指标体系,提出了基于生态系统服务的景观生态风险评价(ESRISK)框架,以期为景观生态风险研究提供一个更为完善、综合的评价方法参考,并辅助支持风险减缓策略制定和有限资源的高效分配。最后,从生态系统服务权衡与协同关系、评价结果不确定性分析、景观生态风险与景观格局多尺度关联关系、脆弱性研究深化等方面做出展望。  相似文献   

Land consolidation has a profound impact on landscape patterns and ecological functions at various scales through engineering and biological measures. In recent years, China invests more than 100 billion RMB yuan on land consolidation each year. To understand how land consolidation affects landscape patterns and ecosystems, we investigated the ecosystem service value and the ecological connectivity in a consolidated area of Da’an city from 2008 to 2014 using a revised ecological connectivity index. The results indicated that land consolidation has certain negative influences on the ecosystem services in this area. The total ecosystem service value will decrease by nearly 30% in the late stage of consolidation. This decrease is caused by the loss of ecosystem service of the wetland and grassland, despite a sensible increase of cultivated land. In addition, land consolidation could change the ecological connectivity as well as the land use structure. Up to 85% of the entire area will be in low connectivity in the late stage of consolidation, representing a 6.23% increase in the total coverage compared to pre-consolidation. Finally, the different connectivity landscape and their key areas can be identified by the revised ecological connectivity index effectively. This study is helpful to trace out the relationships between landscape pattern and ecological process, and provides insights for ecological planning and designing of land consolidation in this area. We suggest that more attentions should be paid to improve the quality and ecosystem service value per unit area of the landscape, to establish ecological compensation mechanism of wetland losses, and to create the ecological corridors along the least accumulated impendence surface in the key areas during land consolidation.  相似文献   

城市生态用地需求测算研究进展与展望   总被引:16,自引:5,他引:16  
作为城市地域自然生态系统服务供给的基本载体,生态用地基于土地利用/土地覆被的内在关联将人类社会发展与自然生态演替耦合关联在一起,已成为统筹解决城市建设扩展与自然生态保护矛盾的重要综合途径;城市生态用地的需求测算直接决定供需均衡分析结果,是城乡统筹生态用地规划与管理的关键环节。本文在系统梳理生态用地概念内涵的基础上,对比分析了生态需求与生态用地需求的概念异同;提出基于空间与功能的城市生态用地需求测算概念框架,并据此将已有测算方法归并为经验判定法、生态系统服务法、空间格局法3大类,从综合性、代表性、阈值与规模、位置等方面对比分析了法定定额法、历史趋势预判法、生态足迹法、碳氧平衡法、生态安全格局法等具体方法的基本特征及其优缺点;最后将下一步研究的重点趋向概括为基于土地生态功能的城市生态用地分类、基于土地生态格局的城市生态用地效益综合测算、基于多目标情景的城市生态用地功能综合权衡、基于生态用地供需平衡分析的城市生态腹地识别4个方面。  相似文献   

Journal of Geographical Sciences - Land ecological security (LES) is an important part of China’s ecological civilization construction, which plays a vital role in ensuring the sustainable...  相似文献   

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