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Air temperature was monitored at 13 sites across the urban perimeter of a Brazilian midsize city in winter 2011. In this study, we show that the urban heat island (UHI) develops only at night and under certain weather conditions, and its intensity depends not only on the site's land cover but also on the meteorological setting. The urban heat island intensity was largest (6.6 °C) under lingering high-pressure conditions, milder (3.0 °C) under cold anticyclones and almost vanished (1.0 °C) during the passage of cold fronts. The cooling rates were calculated to monitor the growth and decay of the UHI over each specific synoptic setting. Over four contiguous days under the effect of a lingering high-pressure event, we observed that the onset of cooling was always at about 2 h before sunset. The reference site attained mean cooling rate of ?2.6 °C h?1 at sunset, whilst the maximum urban rate was ?1.2 °C h?1. Under a 3-day cold anticyclone episode, cooling also started about 2 h before sunset, and the difference between maximum rural (?2.0 °C h?1) and urban (?1.0 °C h?1) cooling rates diminished. Under cold-front conditions, the cooling rate was homogeneous for all sites and swang about zero throughout the day. The air temperature has a memory effect under lingering high-pressure conditions which intensified the UHI, in addition to the larger heat storage in the urban area. Cold anticyclone conditions promoted the development of the UHI; however, the cold air pool and relatively light winds smoothed out its intensity. Under the influence of cold fronts, the urban fabric had little effect on the city's air temperature field, and the UHI was imperceptible.  相似文献   

A detailed climatic study of the Antarctic Peninsula from 1850 to 1980 has been carried out through the analysis of deuterium content in the snow layers of Dalinger Dome (James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula). It is based on the high correlation found between mean deuterium contents at this site and temperature data from stations within this region going back as far as April 1903 for the Argentine Orcadas station.The strong correlation between isotopes and temperatures first reveals a 1956 isotope reference for the region considered. Secondly, the isotope-temperature gradient is estimated at 4.5%. °C–1 for deuterium.After checking that the major temperature anomalies on the Antarctic Peninsula recorded since 1904 (according to available data) correspond to annual mean stable isotope peaks at Dalinger Dome, the amplitude of four prior anomalies are estimated in °C. Finally, a cooling of about 2 °C since 1850 is suggested for the region.  相似文献   

Dry-bulb temperature, dew-point, wind speed, and wind direction were measured in and around an isolated vegetative canopy in Davis CA from 12 to 25 October 1986. These meteorological variables were measured 1.5 m above ground along a transect of 7 weather stations set up across the canopy and the upwind/downwind open fields. These variables were averaged every 15 minutes for a period of two weeks so we could analyze their diurnal cycles as well as their spatial variability. The results indicate significant nocturnal heat islands and daytime oases within the vegetation stand, especially in clear weather. Inside the canopy within 5 m of its upwind edge, daytime temperature fell by as much as 4.5 °C, whereas the nighttime temperature rose by 1 °C. Deeper into the canopy and downwind, the daytime drop in temperature reached 6 °C, and the nighttime increase reached 2 °C. Wind speed was reduced by ~ 2 ms–1 in mild conditions and by as much as 6.7 ms–1 during cyclonic weather when open-field wind speed was in the neighborhood of 8 ms–1. Data from this project were used to construct correlations between temperature and wind speed within the canopy and their corresponding ambient, open-field values.With 10 Figures  相似文献   

Summary Based on Chinas fifth population survey (2000) data and homogenized annual mean surface air temperature data, the urban heat island (UHI) effect on the warming during the last 50 years in China was analyzed in this study. In most cities with population over 104, where there are national reference stations and principal stations, most of the temperature series are inevitably affected by the UHI effect. To detect the UHI effect, the annual mean surface air temperature (SAT) time series were firstly classified into 5 subregions by using Rotated Principal Components Analysis (RPCA) according to its high and low frequency climatic change features. Then the average UHI effect on each subregions regional annual mean STA was studied. Results indicate that the UHI effect on the annual mean temperatures includes three aspects: increase of the average values, decrease of variances and change of the climatic trends. The effect on the climatic trends is different from region to region. In the Yangtze River Valley and South China, the UHI effect enhances the warming trends by about 0.011°C/decade. In the other areas, such as Northeast, North-China, and Northwest, UHI has little impact on the warming trends of the regional annual temperature; while in the Southwest of China, introducing UHI stations slows down the warming trend by –0.006°C/decade. But no matter what subregion it is, the total warming/cooling of these effects is much smaller than the background change in regional temperature. The average UHI effect for the entire country, during the last 50 years is less than 0.06°C, which agrees well with the IPCC (2001). This suggests that we cannot conclude that urbanization during the last 50 years has had much obvious effect on the observed warming in China.  相似文献   

Data for this study were collected by the instruments mounted on the NCAR King Air and rawinsonde during the First ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) Regional Experiment (FIRE) on 19 October, 1986. The main purpose of this study is to understand the basic concept of evaporative cooling in a dry layer below a cirrus generating cell. Relative humidity with respect to liquid water RHW and temperature lapse rate γe below the cirrus base at about 6.7 km were about 40% and 3.7°C km−1, respectively. Evaporative cooling rate (ECR) in the 1.5 km thick subcloud layer was estimated to be approximately 0.1 to 2°C h−1 and it was found to be comparable with the infrared heating rate calculated from radiation measurements. Because of ice crystal evaporation, RHW in the same layer may reach saturation with respect to ice in 1.5 hours.  相似文献   

To project potential habitat changes of 57 fish species under global warming, their suitable thermal habitat at 764 stream gaging stations in the contiguous United States was studied. Global warming was specified by air temperature increases projected by the Canadian Centre of Climate Modelling General Circulation Model for a doubling of atmospheric CO2. The aquatic thermal regime at each gaging station was related to air temperature using a nonlinear stream temperature/air temperature relationship.Suitable fish thermal habitat was assumed to be constrained by both maximum temperature and minimum temperature tolerances. For cold water fishes with a 0 °C lower temperature constraint, the number of stations with suitable thermal habitat under a 2×CO2 climate scenario is projected to decrease by 36%, and for cool water fishes by 15%. These changes are associated with a northward shift of the range. For warm water fishes with a 2 °C lower temperature constraint, the potential number of stations with suitable thermal habitat is projected to increase by 31%.  相似文献   

The Eryuan palynoflora from the Late Pliocene of western Yunnan, China is described in this paper, and is compared with two contemporary palynofloras from Yangyi and Longling. The palynological data of the three locations are analyzed to reconstruct the climatic parameters of these areas at that time by using the Coexistence Approach. The Late Pliocene climatic parameters of Eryuan are estimated, i.e., the mean annual temperature ranged from 13.3 to 18.6C, the mean temperature of the warmest month from 24.6 to 27.5C, the mean temperature of the coldest month from 1.9 to 12.1C, the difference in temperatures of coldest and warmest month from 14.2 to 16.6C, the mean annual precipitation from 619.9 to 1484.3 mm, the mean maximum monthly precipitation from 143.8 to 245.6 mm, and the mean minimum monthly precipitation from 12.7 to 16.4 mm. Both paleovegetation and paleoclimate of the three localities are compared with the modern data at each location. The present study suggests a MAT decrease accompanied by a doubling of the MAP in the Longling area between the Late Pliocene and the present. This seems to be related to the uplift of Gaoligong Mountain in Longling which is now part of the eastern portion (Western Yunnan) of the Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   

Temperature differences among days of the week and their long-term trends were evaluated using 29 years of hourly data from the Automated Meteorological Data Acquisition System network of Japan. Stations were categorized with respect to the population density around each site, and an urban temperature anomaly (δT*) was defined as a departure from the spatial average of nearby rural stations. On Saturdays and holidays (Sundays and national holidays), δT* was lower than on weekdays by 0.2–0.25°C at Tokyo, by 0.1–0.2°C at Osaka, and by about 0.02°C at stations where the population density was 300 to 1,000 km–2. Moreover, δT* showed a relative decreasing trend over the long term on Mondays and an increasing trend on Fridays, at a rate of about 0.05–0.1°C decade–1 at Tokyo and about 0.02°C decade–1 at stations where the population density was 100 to 1,000 km–2, but no significant difference in δT* trends was observed between weekdays and weekend days.  相似文献   

On February 8, 1993, the NASA DC-8 aircraft profiled from 10,000 to 37,000 feet (3.1–11.3 km) pressure altitude in a stratified section of tropical cyclone “Oliver” over the Coral Sea northeast of Australia. Size, shape and phase of cloud and precipitation particles were measured with a 2-D Greyscale probe. Cloud/ precipitation particles changed from liquid to ice as soon as the freezing level was reached near 17,000 feet (5.2 km) pressure altitude. The cloud was completely glaciated at −5°C. There was no correlation between ice particle habit and ambient temperature. In the liquid phase, the precipitation-cloud drop concentration was 4.0 × 103 m−3, the geometric mean diameter Dg=0.5−0.7 mm, and the liquid water content 0.7−1.9 g m−3. The largest particles anywhere in the cloud, dominated by fused dendrites at concentrations similar to that of raindrops (2.5 × 103 m−3) but a higher condensed water content (5.4 g m−3 estimated) were found in the mixed phase; condensed water is removed very effectively from the mixed layer due to high settling velocities of the large mixed particles. The highest number concentration (4.9 × 104 m−3), smallest size (Dg=0.3−0.4 mm), largest surface area (up to 2.6 × 102 cm2 m−3 at 0.4−1.0 g m−3 of condensate) existed in the ice phase at the coldest temperature (−40°C) at 35,000 feet (10.7 km). Each cloud contained aerosol (haze particles) in addition to cloud particles. The aerosol total surface area exceeded that of the cirrus particles at the coldest temperature. Thus, aerosols must play a significant role in the upscattering of solar radiation. Light extinction (6.2 km−1) and backscatter (0.8 sr−1 km−1) was highest in the coldest portion of the cirrus cloud at the highest altitude.  相似文献   

Summary The vertical thermal structure of the troposphere and the vorticity patterns at the 300 hPa level were examined for days with high concentrations of NO2 in Athens. Twenty days with maximum daily concentrations exceeding 300 µg/m3 were selected at two stations near the center of the city from the years 1989, 1991 and 1992. It was found from soundings of 02.00 LST that the vertical thermal structure was warmer than normal on these days and that at the 850 hPa level the temperature exceeded the normal values by at least 5 °C on half of the days. A nocturnal surface inversion also existed on all days and the increase in potential temperature () between the surface and 1000 hPa was at least 4°C. One or two days before the occurrence of the episodes, one or more negative vorticity centers were found at the 300 hPa level, approaching Greece from the north or northwest. The negative vorticity advection caused by the approach of these centers produced the warming of the troposphere by subsidence.With 10 Figures  相似文献   

Temperature trends in Libya over the second half of the 20th century   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper investigates spatial variability of temperature trends over Libya in the second half of the 20th century. The study is based on complete and homogeneous time series of minimum, maximum, and mean temperature for ten observatories. During the investigated period (1951–1999), temperature trend analyses have experienced a downward trend in the maximum surface temperature (about –0.06°C decade–1) and an upward trend in the minimum surface temperature (about 0.23°C decade–1). Cooling tendency in maximum temperature is spatially more pronounced in inland stations compared to coastal stations. At the seasonal scale, maximum temperature cooling is more obvious in winter and spring, meanwhile minimum temperature warming is more pronounced in summer and fall. In accordance with global trends, the surface mean temperature has moderately risen at an average rate of 0.09°C decade–1. However, this trend has shown considerable temporal variability considering a more pronounced upward trend in summer and fall. In conjunction with other regional and global investigations, clear trends towards smaller diurnal range are presented (–0.28°C decade–1).  相似文献   

A method was developed to estimate a synthetic precipitation record for ungauged sites using irregular coarse observations. The proposed synthetic precipitation data were produced with ultrahigh hourly resolution on a regular 1 × 1 km grid. The proposed method was used to analyze selected real-time observational data collected in South Korea from 2010 to the end of 2014. The observed precipitation data were measured using the Automatic Weather System and Automated Synoptic Observing System. The principal objective of the proposed method was to estimate the additional effects of orography on precipitation introduced by ultrahigh- resolution (1 × 1 km) topography provided by a digital elevation model. The Global Forecast System analysis of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction was used for the upper-atmospheric conditions, necessary for estimating the orographic effects. Precipitation data from 48 of the more than 600 observation sites used in the study, which matched the grid points of the synthetic data, were not included in the synthetic data estimation. Instead, these data were used to evaluate the proposed method by direct comparison with the real observations at these sites. A bias score was investigated by comparison of the synthetic precipitation data with the observations. In this comparison, the number of Hit, False, Miss, and Correct results for 2010-2014 was 74738, 25778, 7544, and 367981, respectively. In the Hit cases, the bias score was 1.22 and the correlation coefficient was 0.74. The means of the differences between the synthetic data and the observations were 0.3, -3.9, -14.4, and -34.9 mm h-1 and the root mean square errors (RMSEs) were 2.7, 8.3, 19.3, and 39.6 mm h-1 for the categories of 0.5-10.0, 10.0-30.0, 30.0-50.0, and 50.0-100.0 mm h-1, respectively. In addition, in each range, the 60% difference between the synthetic precipitation data and the observation data was -1.5 to +1.5, -5.0 to +5.0, -17.0 to +17.0, and -33.0 to +33.0 mm h-1, respectively. Overall, the correlation coefficient of the synthetic precipitation data was > 0.7 for 43 of the 48 test stations and the RMSE was < 4 mm h-1 at 31 stations. The results are significant at all evaluation stations at the 0.05 significance level.  相似文献   

A long-term set of deep soil temperature data collected over a 64-year period beginning in 1889 in a rural Illinois area provide a rare opportunity to assess the natural shifts in temperatures in a pristine environment without any urban or instrument bias. Temperatures from 1901 to 1951 increased 0.4 °C, and this was 0.2 °C less than nearby values from two high quality surface temperature data sets that supposedly are without any influence of urban heat islands, shifts in station locations or instrumentation, or other changes with time. Comparison of the soil values with surface air temperatures from a nearby weather station in a growing university community revealed a heat island effect of 0.6 °C. This value is larger than the adjustment based on population that has been recommended to eliminate the urban bias in long-term temperature trends in the U.S. Collectively, the results suggest that additional efforts may be needed to eliminate the urban influence on air temperatures, beyond techniques that simply use population as the basis. Population is only an approximation of urban factors affecting surface temperatures, and the heat island influences inherent in the values from weather stations in smaller communities which have been used as control, or data assumed to be unaffected by their urban environment in the adjustment procedures, have not been adequately accounted for.  相似文献   

Summary Trends of monthly air temperature extremes were investigated in five meteorological stations of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg during the period 1949–1998. The application of an innovative homogenization method based on the concept of relative homogeneity to climatic time series allows identifying multiple break points, as well as correcting data series in an objective and robust statistical way. The rise of maximum temperature (Tmax) has occurred at a rate of 1.5 times that of the minimum temperature (Tmin) in winter (+1.4°C versus +0.9°C) and summer (+1.4°C versus +0.8°C). No trend in temperature extremes was found in autumn, while spring was affected by a small warming (+0.3°C) of Tmin and no change in Tmax resulting in a decrease of the diurnal temperature range (DTR) (–0.3°C). In spring, a strong positive linear relationship between Tmin warming and local terrain slope could be found. Comparison to new-gridded large-scale climatologies indicates generally close agreement to temperature trends during the 1949–1998 period, while a lower local warming was observed in summer during the post-1975 period following the changing-point year of atmospheric circulation over North-western Europe. This study shows that the question of data homogeneity is not trivial and should receive careful attention before quantifying historical temperature trends and identifying their spatial patterns at regional scale.  相似文献   

Release and uptake of carbonyl sulfide (OCS) were measured at 25°C in samples of three forest soils (BL, BW, PBE) and one soil from a rape field (RA). The soil samples were flushed with a constant flow of either air (oxic conditions) or nitrogen (anoxic conditions) containing defined concentrations of OCS. A cryogenic trapping technique with liquid argon (-186 °C) was used to collect gas samples for analysis in a gas chromatograph equipped with a flame-photometric detector. The dependence of net OCS fluxes between soil and atmosphere could be described by a simple model of simultaneous OCS production and OCS uptake. By using this model, production rates (P), uptake rate constants (k) and compensation concentrations (m c ) of OCS could be determined as function of the soil type and the incubation conditions. Under oxic conditions, OCS production (P) and uptake were observed in all soils tested. However, the compensation concentrations (<166 ng l-1; 1 ng OCS l-1=0.41 ppbv) that were calculated from the model were high relative to the ambient OCS concentration (ca. 0.5 ppbv). The production rates (0.16–1.9 ng h-1 g-1 dw) that were actually measured when flushing the soil samples with air containing zero OCS were smaller than those (17–114 ng h-1 g-1 dw) calculated from the model. This observation was explained by two different concepts: one assuming the existence of a threshold concentration (m t ) below which OCS was no longer consumed in the soil; the other assuming the existence of two different OCS consumption processes, of which only the process active at elevated OCS concentrations was covered by the experiments. The latter concept allowed the estimation of OCS compensation concentrations that were partially low enough to allow the uptake of atmospheric OCS by soil. Both OCS production and uptake in PBE soil were dependent on soil temperature (optimum 20 °C) indicating a microbial process. However, both production and consumption of OCS were not consistently inhibited by sterilization of the soil, suggesting that they were not exclusively due to microbiological processes. Under anoxic conditions, OCS was also produced, but was not consumed except in one soil (RA). Production of OCS in the soils was stimulated after addition of thiocyanate, but not thiourea, thiosulfate, thioglycolate, tetrathionate, sulfate, elemental sulfur, cysteine and methionine.  相似文献   

Summary  Circulation types were identified by means of zonal and meridional indices calculated separately over ten different regions of 20°×20° over the Mediterranean and Europe. Seasonal temperature trends in 22 grid boxes of 5°×5° covering the entire Mediterranean, and at six stations Lisbon, Madrid, Florence, Luqa (Malta), Athens and Jerusalem, were calculated. A warming trend in the period 1873–1989 was detected. The warming is more evident in the western Mediterranean with an average rate of about 0.4 [°C/100 yr], than in the eastern Mediterranean with an increase of only 0.2 [°C/100 yr]. A cooling trend in autumn in the eastern Mediterranean with an average rate of −0.5 [°C/100 yr] was detected and attributed to an increase in northerly meridional circulation in that region. Warming trends at Lisbon, Madrid, Florence, Athens and Jerusalem, were more important than the trends in the grid boxes containing these stations. This rapid warming was attributed to urban effects. No such effects were found in Luqa due to its location and the lack of urban effects there. Temperatures at Luqa, Athens and Jerusalem are highly positively correlated. Likewise, temperatures at Lisbon and Madrid. Temperatures at Florence are either correlated with Madrid or with Luqa. Negative or no correlations were found between Lisbon or Madrid with Athens or Jerusalem, except during the winter. This was attributed to the fact that favourable circulation for high temperatures in the eastern stations was opposite to the favourable circulation for high temperatures in the western stations and vice versa. Finally, the above reinforces the concept of a Mediterranean Oscillation between the western and eastern basins. Received November 14, 1997 Revised June 2, 1998  相似文献   

The vertical and horizontal temperature structure of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) were studied using aircraft observations made in the lowest 2.4 km above ground level during the summer monsoon.The vertical temperature structure of the ABL in the region may be classified into the following four categories.Category The ABL consisted of two layers of thickness 700–900 m separated by a thin transition layer. The lapse rates in the former two layers were dry adiabatic.Category The lowest layer of the ABL of thickness 400–600 m was adiabatically stratified and the overlying layer was stable with gradients of potential temperature 4–5°C km–1. The stable layer contained a thin adiabatic stratified layer of 200–300 m thickness at a height of 1.5 km.Category The lowest 200–400 m layer of the ABL was adiabatically stratified and the overlying layer was stable with potential temperature gradients of 5–6 °C km1.Category The ABL was mainly stable with potential temperature gradients of 6 °C km–1 or greater. Occasionally thin layers with adiabatic stratification were found embedded in the ABL.The temperature distribution of the horizontal temperature at 900 m was mainly normal. The high-frequency portion of the spectra lying between 0.05 and 0.16 Hz (corresponding to wave length 1 km to 300 m) oscillated around the –\2/3 power law line. The spectral curve showed a significant peak at 0.011 Hz having a wave-length of 5 km.Department of Geoscience, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 27650, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Based on homogenized land surface air temperature (SAT) data (derived from China Homogenized Historical Temperature (CHHT) 1.0), the warming trends over Northeast China are detected in this paper, and the impacts of urban heat islands (UHIs) evaluated. Results show that this region is undergoing rapid warming: the trends of annual mean minimum temperature (MMIT), mean temperature (MT), and mean maximum temperature (MMAT) are 0.40 C decade?1, 0.32 C decade?1, and 0.23 C decade?1, respectively. Regional average temperature series built with these networks including and excluding “typical urban stations” are compared for the periods of 1954–2005. Although impacts of UHIs on the absolute annual and seasonal temperature are identified, UHI contributions to the long-term trends are less than 10% of the regional total warming during the period. The large warming trend during the period is due to a regime shift in around 1988, which accounted for about 51% of the regional warming.  相似文献   

The response of the climate at high northern latitudes to slowly changing external forcings was studied in a 9,000-year long simulation with the coupled atmosphere-sea ice-ocean-vegetation model ECBilt-CLIO-VECODE. Only long-term changes in insolation and atmospheric CO2 and CH4 content were prescribed. The experiment reveals an early optimum (9–8 kyr BP) in most regions, followed by a 1–3°C decrease in mean annual temperatures, a reduction in summer precipitation and an expansion of sea-ice cover. These results are in general agreement with proxy data. Over the continents, the timing of the largest temperature response in summer coincides with the maximum insolation difference, while over the oceans, the maximum response is delayed by a few months due to the thermal inertia of the oceans, placing the strongest cooling in the winter half year. Sea ice is involved in two positive feedbacks (ice-albedo and sea-ice insulation) that lead regionally to an amplification of the thermal response in our model (7°C cooling in Canadian Arctic). In some areas, the tundra-taiga feedback results in intensified cooling during summer, most notably in northern North America. The simulated sea-ice expansion leads in the Nordic Seas to less deep convection and local weakening of the overturning circulation, producing a maximum winter temperature reduction of 7°C. The enhanced interaction between sea ice and deep convection is accompanied by increasing interannual variability, including two marked decadal-scale cooling events. Deep convection intensifies in the Labrador Sea, keeping the overall strength of the thermohaline circulation stable throughout the experiment.  相似文献   

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