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Sea water basalt interaction in spilites from the Iberian Pyrite Belt   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Low grade hydrothermally metamorphosed mafic rocks from the Iberian Pyrite Belt are enriched in 18O relative to the oxygen isotopic ratio of fresh basalt (+6.5±1). The observed 18O whole rock values range from +0.87 to +15.71 corresponding to positive isotopic shifts of +5 to +10, thus requiring isotopic exchange with fluids under conditions of high water:rock ratios at low temperatures. The lowest 18O observed corresponds to an albitized dolerite still and is compatible with independent geochemical data suggesting lower water: rock ratios for the alteration of these rocks.The isotope data are consistent with the hypothesis that the spilites from the Pyrite Belt were produced by interaction of basaltic material with sea water.Significant leaching of transition metals from the mafic rocks during alteration coupled with available sulphur isotopic data for the sulphide ores also suggest that sea water may have played an important role in the formation of ore deposits in the Iberian Pyrite Belt.  相似文献   

In closed magma systems SiO2 approximately measures differentiation progress and oxygen isotopes can seem to obey Rayleigh fractionation only as a consequence of the behaviour of SiO2. The main role of 18O is as a sensitive indicator of contamination, either at the start of differentiation ( 18Oinit) or as a proportion of fractionation in AFC. Plots of 18O vs SiO2-allow to determine initial 18O values for different sequences for source comparison. For NBS-28=9.60, the 18O at 48% SiO2-varies between a high 6.4 for Kiglapait (Kalamarides 1984), 5.9 for Transhimalaya, 5.8 for Hachijo-Jima (Matsuhisa 1979), 5.6 for Koloula (Chivas et al. 1982) and a low 5.3 for the Darran Complex, New Zealand. The Transhimalayan batholiths (Gangdese belt) were emplaced in the Ladakh-Lhasa terrane, between the present-day Banggong-Nujiang, and Indus-Yarlung Tsangbo suture zones, after its accretion to Eurasia. The gradient of the least contaminated continuous ( 18O vs SiO2-igneous trend line is similar to that of Koloula, and AFC calculations suggest a low secondary assimilation rate of less than 0.05 times the rate of crystallisation. Outliers enriched in 18O are frequent in the Lhasa, and apparently rare in the Ladakh transsect. Low- 18O (5.0–0) granitoids and andesites on the Lhasa-Yangbajain axis are the result of present day or recent near-surface geothermal activity; their quartzes still trace the granitoids to the Transhimalaya 18O trend line, but the distribution of low total rock or feldspar 18O values could be a guide to more recent heat flow and thermally marked tectonic lineaments. Two ignimbrites from Maqiang show hardly any 18O-contamination by crustal material.  相似文献   

Stibnite mineralisation in the antimony province of New England can be divided into Central type ores (veins of stibnite + quartz ± berthierite) and Peripheral type ores of stibnite + quartz + native antimony ± berthierite. The Central stibnites have 34SCDT values of –5±2 (1) which may represent equilibrium precipitation from mantle sulfur at about 200°C. Peripheral stibnites have 34S values between 0 and –25, with a large group at 0±2. They represent precipitation from a limited supply of mantle sulfur and the acquisition of sedimentary sulfur. We consider that the different ore types were produced from distinct ore solutions derived from two immiscible melts. These originated in the deep mantle, were mobilised by tectonic activity and supplied the antimony and most of the sulfur to the ores.  相似文献   

The Tallberg deposit is situated in the Skellefte District in northern Sweden. It is a Palaeoproterozoic equivalent of Phanerozoic poryphyry-type deposits. The mineralization is situated within the Jörn granitoid complex and is associated with intrusive quartz-feldspar porphyries. The granitoids are coeval with mainly felsic volcanic rocks hosting several massive sulphide deposits. The alteration is generally of a mixed phyllic-propylitic type, but areas or zones associated with high gold grades exhibit phyllic alteration. Ore minerals are pyrite, chalcopyrite, sphalerite, magnetite, and trace amounts of molybdenite. In this stable isotope study, quartz, sericite, and chlorite from the alteration zones were sampled. The magmatic quartz has a 18O composition of + 6.2 to +6.7 whereas the quartz in the hydrothermal alteration zones have values ranging from +7.5 to +10.6. The calculated temperatures for this fractionation range from 430° to 520°C. The sericites have 18O ranging from +4.6 to +8.2 (average +6.6) and D -31 to -54 (average -41). Chlorites range from 18O +4.2 to +7.7 and D from –34 to –44. The range of 34S of 11 pyrite samples is +3.8 to +5.5 with an average of +4.6 ± 0.5, suggesting a relatively homogeneous sulphur source, probably of magmatic origin. Modelling waters in equilibrium with the minerals indicates early magmatic fluids with 18O of 6.5. This fluid mixed with a low 18O and high D fluid, which is tentatively identified as seawater. The 18O signature of sericite and chlorite also indicates significant water-rock exchange, explaining the positive 18O values for the waters in equilibrium with the hydrated minerals.  相似文献   

Preliminary studies have been made on the distributions of oxygen and sulphur isotopes in the Rosebery, Mount Farrell, and Mount Lyell ores. These ores lie in Cambrian geosynclinal volcanic rocks in West Tasmania. At each locality the sulphur of the sulphide minerals has a distinctive degree of enrichment in 34S in relation to sulphur in meteorites and a narrow range of 34S values. The dominant ore at Mount Lyell (mainly pyrite-chalcopyrite) has an average 34S value of +7.0, the main lode at Rosebery (pyrite-sphalerite-galenachalcopyrite) averages +10.9, and the Mount Farrell ore (galena-sphalerite) averages +14.1. The degree of enrichment does not appear to be related to local, near-surface geological factors. Other ores of geosynclinal volcanic type with similar mineralogy also show narrow ranges in 34S and varying enrichments in 34S. Barite from a concordant sulphide-barite-carbonate lode at Rosebery has an average 34S of +38.1 and an average 18O of +10.7. Barite from veins at Mount Lyell has an average 34S of +25.3 and an average 18O of +10.6.
Die Verteilung von Sauerstoff- und Schwefel-Isotopen in den Erzkörpern von Rosebery, Mount Farrell und Mount Lyell wurde untersucht. Die Erzkörper sind in kambrische, geosynklinale vulkanische Gesteine Westtasmaniens eingebettet. An jeder dieser Lagerstätten zeigt der Schwefel der Sulfiderze einen charakteristischen Anreicherungsgrad an 34S im Verhältnis zum Meteoritenschwefel und einen eng begrenzten Bereich der 34S-Werte. Die Erze des Mount Lyell-Lagers (hauptsächlich Pyrit-Chalkopyrit) zeigen überwiegend einen 34S-Durchschnittswert von +7.0, das Hauptlager von Rosebery (Pyrit-Sphalerit-Galenit-Chalkopyrit) +10.9, und des Mount Farrell-Erz (Galenit-Sphalerit) +14.1. Der Anreicherungsgrad scheint nicht mit den lokalen geologischen Faktoren verbunden zu sein. Auch andere Erzkörper geosynklinaler vulkanischer Art von ähnlicher mineralogischer Struktur zeigen eng begrenzte 34S-Werte und 34S-Anreicherungsvariationen. Der Baryt des konkordant aufgebauten Sulfid-Baryt-Carbonat-Lagers bei Rosebery hat einen 34S-Durchschnitt von +38.1 und einen 18O-Durchschnitt von +10.7. Der Baryt aus den Erzgängen von Mount Lyell ist durch einen 34S-Durchschnitt von +25.3 und einen 18O-Durchschnitt von +10.6 charakterisiert.

The isotopic composition of oxygen and carbon was studied in accessory carbonates and quartz separated from salts in Upper Devonian halogenous formations of the Pripyat Trough (Belorus). It is established that isotopic characteristics vary in a wide range. Values of 18O vary in the following range (SMOW): from 18.2 to 29.2 in calcites, from 15.7 to 32.5 in dolomites, and from 17.4 to 27.2 in quartz. Values of 13C range from –13.4 to 1.4 in calcites and from –11.1 to 1.7 in dolomites (PDB). Results obtained indicate highly variable isotope-geochemical conditions of sedimentation and early diagenesis during the formation of evaporitic sediments. Accessory minerals were repeatedly formed in a wide temperature range and probably at various stages of the lithogenesis.  相似文献   

Zusmmenfassung Die Ergebnisse der Schwefelisotopenanalysen von sechs Sulfid- und vier Sulfatmineralproben von Bleiberg/Kreuth (Österreich) variieren von –6,9 bis –25,9 34S in den Sulfiden und von +14,8 bis +18,9 34S in den Sulfaten. Die große Variationsbreite der Schwefelisotopen und die Bevorzugung des leichten Schwefels deutet vermutlich auf bakterielle Prozesse der Sulfidfällung. Die Sulfatschwefel fallen in den Bereich der Schwefelisotopenzusammensetzung des mesozoischen (postskytischen) Meerwassers.
Determination of the sulfur isotopic composition in some sulfide and sulfate minerals of the lead zinc deposit, Bleiberg/Kreuth, Carinthia
Summary Results of sulfur isotope analyses on 6 sulfides and 4 sulfates from Bleiberg/Kreuth (Austria) range from –6.9 to –25.9 34S (in sulfides) and from +14.8 to +18.9 34S (in sulfates). A large range of sulfide sulfur isotope fractionation with appreciable light sulfur probably indicates a bacterial sulfur source in sulfide precipiation. The sulfate sulfur plots in the range of Mesozoic (post-Skytian) seawater sulfur isotopic composition.

Dalradian metamorphic rocks, Lower Ordovician meta-igneous rocks (MGS) and Caledonian granites of the Connemara complex in SW Connemara all show intense retrograde alteration. Alteration primarily involves sericitization and saussuritization of plagioclase, the alteration of biotite and hornblende to chlorite and the formation of secondary epidote. The alteration is associated with sealed microcracks in all rocks and planes of secondary fluid inclusions in quartz where it occurs, and was the result of a phase of fluid influx into these rocks. In hand specimen K-feldspar becomes progressively reddened with increasing alteration. Mineralogical alteration in the MGS and Caledonian granites took place at temperatures 275±15°C and in the MGS Pfluid is estimated to be 1.5 kbar during alteration. The °D values of alteration phases are:-18 to-29 (fluid inclusions),-47 to-61 (chlorites) and-11 to-31 (epidotes). Chlorite 18O values are +0.2 to +4.3, while 18O values for quartz-K-feldspar pairs show both positively sloped (MGS) and highly unusual negatively sloped (Caledonian granites) arrays, diverging from the normal magmatic field on a - plot. The stable isotope data show that the fluid that caused retrogression continued to be present in most rocks until temperatures fell to 200–140°C. The retrograde fluid had D -20 to-30 in all lithologies, but the fluid 18O varied both spatially and temporally within the range-4 to +7. The fO2 of the fluid that deposited the epidotes in the MGS varied with its 18O value, with the most 18O-depleted fluid being the most oxidizing. The D values, together with low (<0) 18O values for the retrograde fluid in some lithologies indicate that this fluid was of meteoric origin. This meteoric fluid was probably responsible for the alteration in all lithologies during a single phase of fluid infiltration. The variation in retrograde fluid 18O values is attributed to the effects of variable oxygen isotope shifting of this meteoric fluid by fluid-rock interaction. Infiltration of meteoric fluid into this area was most likely accomplished by convection of pore fluids around the heat anomaly of the Galway granite soon after intrusion at 400 Ma. However convective circulation of meteoric water and mineralogical alteration could possible have occurred considerably later.  相似文献   

This paper deals with barite from stratiform, karst, and vein deposits hosted within Lower Paleozoic rocks of the Iglesiente-Sulcis mining district in southwestern Sardinia. For comparison sulfates from mine waters are studied. Stratiform barite displays 34S=28.8–32.1, 18O=12.7–15.6, and 87Sr/86Sr=0.7087, in keeping with an essentially Cambrian marine origin of both sulfate and strontium. Epigenetic barite from post-Hercynian karst and vein deposits is indistinguishable for both sulfur and oxygen isotopes with 34S=15.3–26.4 and 18O=6.6–12.5; 87Sr/86Sr ratios vary 0.7094–0.7140. These results and the microthermometric and salinity data from fluid inclusions concur in suggesting that barite formed at the site of mineralization by oxidation of reduced sulfur from Cambrian-Ordovician sulfide ores in warm, sometimes hot solutions consisting of dilute water and saline brine with different 18O values. The relative proportion of the two types of water may have largely varied within a given deposit during the mineralization. In the karst barite Sr was essentially provided by carbonate host rocks, whereas both carbonate and Lower Paleozoic shale host rocks should have been important sources for Sr of the vein barite. Finally, 34S data of dissolved sulfate provide further support for the mixed seawater-meteoric water composition of mine waters from the Iglesiente area.  相似文献   

Sulfur isotope abundance data for minerals of the historically important alunite deposits of the Tolfa district indicate (1) compositional similarity between sulfates and sulfides (mean S34 values of +5.54 and +6.34 permil respectively), (2) negligible fractionation factors (0.995 to 1.004) for sulfate-sulfide mineral pairs, (3) two distinct sulfide isotopic populations characterized by pyrite (+8.34 permil) and marcasite (–1.05 permil) and with associated alunite displaying a covariant isotopic shift, and (4) possible contamination of the hydrothermal system by evaporite sulfate (+25.1 permil) because hypogene pyrite, galena, and cinnabar are enriched in S34 (+6.1 to +10.3 permil). We suggest that alunite, barite, and possibly marcasite are of supergene origin and that the sulfate-sulfur was derived from the surficial oxidation of sulfides. Our conclusion is compatible with the geologic evidence and confirms the supergene hypothesis for the genesis of Tolfa alunites proposed by Fuchs and De Launay (1893) and De Launay (1906; 1913).
Zusammenfassung Die Schwefel-Isotopen-Häufigkeiten von Mineralen der historisch wichtigen Alunit-Vorkommen des Gebietes um Tolfa zeigen (1) eine große Ähnlichkeit der Isotopen-Zusammensetzungen zwischen Sulfaten und Sulfiden (Mittelwerte für S34 von +5,54 bzw. +6,34), (2) höchstens sehr geringe Fraktionierungs-Faktoren (0,995 bis 1,004) für Mineralpaare von Sulfat und Sulfid, (3) zwei verschiedene Gruppen von Isotopenverhältnissen bei den Sulfiden, und zwar für Pyrit (+8,34) und Markasit (–1,05), wobei der jeweils begleitende Alunit ähnliche Unterschiede aufweist, und (4) eine mögliche Beeinflussung des hydrothermalen Systems durch Sulfat aus Salzlagerstätten (+25,1), weil hypogener Pyrit, Galenit und Zinnober eine Anreicherung von S34 zeigen (+6,1 bis +10,3). Wir nehmen an, daß Alunit, Baryt und möglicherweise auch Markasit supergen gebildet wurden, und daß der Sulfat-Schwefel durch die Oxydation von Sulfiden an der Erdoberfläche entstand. Unsere Schlußfolgerung ist mit den geologischen Befunden vereinbar und bestätigt die supergene Hypothese für die Bildung der Alunitvorkommen von Tolfa, wie sie von Fuchs und De Launay (1893) und De Launay (1906; 1913) vertreten wurde.

Late Hercynian U-bearing carbonate veins within the metamorphic complex of La Lauzière are characterized by two parageneses. The first is dominated by dolomite or ankerite and the second by calcite and pitchblende. Fluids trapped in the dolomites and ankerites at 350–400° C are saline waters (20 to 15 wt % eq. NaCl) with D –34 to –49. In the calcite they are less saline (17 to 8 wt % eq. NaCl) and trapped at 300–350° C with D –50 to –65. All fluids contain trace N2, CO2 and probably CH4. The carbonates have 13C –8 to –14. and derived their carbon from organic matter. Evolution of the physico-chemical conditions from dolomite (ankerite) to calcite deposition was progressive.H and O-isotope studies indicate the involvement of two externally derived fluids during vein development. A D-rich ( –35) low fO2, saline fluid is interpreted to have come from underlying sediments and entered the hotter overlying metamorphic slab and mixed with more oxidizing and less saline U bearing meteoric waters during regional uplift. This evidence for a sedimentary formation water source for the deep fluid implies that the metamorphic complex overthrusted sedimentary formations during the Late-Hercynian.  相似文献   

Summary The stable isotope geochemistry of native gold-bearing quartz veins contained within low-grade metasedimentary strata in the central Canadian Rocky Mountains, British Columbia is examined. The data augment previous geological and geochemical studies.Vein pyrite 34S values cluster between + 14.2 and + 16.3 (CDT). Coeval galenas exhibit 34S values between + 11.4 and 13.3. Pyrite-galena geothermometry reveals a mean temperature of mineralization of 300 ± 43°C. Comparison of 34S values for the vein pyrites, with values for pyrite porphyroblasts in country rocks suggests that vein sulfur was probably derived from the host rocks.18O(SMOW) values of host quartzites and pelites cluster between + 12.0 and + 13.5, and + 9.5 and + 10.5, respectively. Auriferous vein quartz exhibits 18O values between + 13.0 and + 15.0. Veins were likely deposited from fluids undergoing post-peak metamorphic cooling.Vein inclusion fluids exhibit values between –105 and –124 (SMOW). Combined O-H-isotope data are most compatible with a source fluid involving chemically- and isotopically-evolved meteoric waters.The critical role of H-isotope data in the evaluation of source fluids for such mesothermal gold lodes is stressed. The paucity of H-isotope data pertaining to the study of lode gold deposits in similar low-grade metasedimentary domains suggests that the involvement of meteoric waters may at times be overlooked.
Der Ursprung metamorphogener Gold-Ganglagerstätten: Bedeutung stabiler Isotopendaten aus den zentralen Rocky Mountains, Kanada
Zusammenfassung Die vorliegende Arbeit befaßt sich mit der Untersuchung der Geochemie stabiler Isotope goldführender Quarzgänge in schwach metamorphen Sedimenten der zentralen Rocky Mountains in Britisch Kolumbien, Kanada. Die Resultate ergänzen früher publizierte geologische und geochemische Daten.Die 34S-Werte von Gang-Pyrit liegen zwischen + 14.2 und + 16.3 (CDT); gleichzeitig gebildeter Bleiglanz hat 34S-Werte von + 11.4 bis + 13.3. Die Isotopengeothermo metrie des Pyrits und Bleiglanzes ergibt eine mittlere Mineralisationstemperatur von 300°C + 43° für diese beiden Minerale. Vergleiche der 8345-Werte des Gang-Pyrits mit denen von Pyrit-Porphyroblasten des Nebengesteins lassen für die Gang-Pyrite eine Herkunft des Schwefels aus dem Nebengestein als wahrscheinlich erscheinen.Die 18O-Werte von Quarziten und Peliten, die als Nebengesteine auftreten, streuen von + 12.0 bis + 13.5 (SMOW), beziehungweise von +9.5 bis + 10.5 Quarz goldführender Gänge hat 18O-Werte, die zwischen + 13.0 und + 15.0 (SMOW) liegen. Er wurde als Gangfüllung wahrscheinlich bei sinkenden Temperaturen aus post metamorphen wäßrigen Lösungen abgesetzt.Flüssigkeitseinschlüsse von Gangmineralien zeigen D-Werte von -105 bis -124 (SMOW). Die H-O-Isotope sind deshalb ein Hinweis dafür, daß als mineralisierende Lösungen isotopisch veränderte meteorische Wässer in Betracht zu ziehen sind. Bei der Deutung der Herkunft der mineralisierenden wäßrigen Lösungen von mesothermalen Goldgängen muß die Kenntnis der H-Isotope als kritisch betrachtet werden. Die Seltenheit mit der H-Isotopendaten dieses Lagerstättentyps in der Literatur diskutiert werden, dürfte ein wesentlicher Grund dafür sein, daß die Rolle meteorischer Wässer bei der Genese mesothermaler, in Metasedimenten liegender Goldgänge, vielfach übersehen wurde.

With 4 Figures  相似文献   

New sulphur and sulphate-oxygen isotope measurements for the main discordant and stratiform lead-zinc-barite orebodies at Silvermines Co. Tipperary, allow reappraisal of previously offered differing interpretations (Graham, 1970; Greig et al., 1971) of the bearing of sulphur isotopes on the genesis of this important Irish deposit. The following aspects of the data are confirmed: barite 34 S-values range from 17–21, similar to lower Carboniferous seawater sulphate: stratiform sulphide lens pyrites have 34 S-values ranging from –13 to –36; vein sulphide 34 S-values range from –8 to 4; sulphide 34 S-values increase upwards and outwards respectively in the related discordant and stratiform G orebodies; galena-sphalerite isotope palaeotemperatures are not too consistent, ranging from 40 to 430°C (using the calibration of Czamanske and Rye (1974). New facts are as follows: barite 18O-values range from –13 to –17, stratiform barites ranging from 13 to 14.5; sulphides separated from a single stratiform ore lens hand specimen usually have 34 Ssl > 34 Sga > 34 Spy; the outward decrease in 34 S-values in the stratiform G orebody is confined to the first few hundred feet only; pyrite 34 S-values progressively increase downwards through one stratiform sulphide orebody; yet variations of 13 occur within a single colloform pyrite structure from another stratiform orebody. It is concluded that there were at least two sources of sulphur, seawater sulphate and deep-seated sulphur. The former was the dominant source of all sulphate and, via biogenic reduction, of the sulphur in the bulk of the stratiform sulphide. The latter was the source of the sulphur in the vein sulphides. There was minimal isotopic interaction between the cool seawater sulphate and the warm unwelling ore fluid sulphur species, even though the latter precipitated under near isotopic equilibrium conditions when the temperature dropped and/or the pH and Eh increased. The lack of isotopic equilibrium between pyrite and ore sulphides in the stratiform ore lenses may result from the latter having precipitated slightly later than the former because of solubility relationships. Overall the present isotopic evidence supports considerable geological evidence favoring a syngenetic origin for the stratiform Silvermines orebodies.  相似文献   

Sulfur isotope analyses were made on 14 alunites from volcanic and sedimentary rocks widely different in chemistry and age from southern Tuscany and northern Latium, central Italy. The 34S values range from +0.7 to +9.6, and appear not to be related to the nature of the host rock. Geological and isotopic evidence suggests that all the alunites formed by supergenic oxidation of sulfides. Sulfides occurring with alunites in the volcanic rocks of Latium can be divided into an isotopically light group of probably magmatic origin (34S=–1.5 to +3.4) and a heavy one with 34S=+6.0 to +10.3, tentatively interpreted as deposited by hydrothermal fluids that leached sulfides of similar 34S/32S from the deep basement. Such an interpretation is consistent with recent studies indicating that in the perityrrhenian belt of Latium exists a continuation, at depth, of the Tuscan stratigraphic series, rich in sulfides with 34 from +6 to +12.  相似文献   

The Etendeka Formation volcanics consist of a bimodal association of basalts and quartz latites. Forty three new whole rock oxygen isotope analyses are reported for all the major magma types. All the rocks except a minor suite of dolerites have higher 18O values than normal mantle. The basic rocks (average of 29=8.8) have significantly different 18O to the acid rocks (average of 10=14.4) These data are apparently consistent with previously published petrogenetic models, which propose that the basalts were affected by crustal contamination and that the quartz latites are crustally derived. However, mineral oxygen data show that there is significant oxygen isotopic disequilibrium between phenocryst and whole rock, the latter being significantly higher in most cases. One of the basic magma types (the Tafelberg basalts) shows mutual positive correlations between 18O, SiO2 and Sr. If these correlations are due to crustal contamination, then as much as 45% contamination is required by material having a 18O value of 15 which is the maximum observed value in the Damaran basement rocks. In the absence of pyroxene phenocryst 18O data for the high Sr Tafelberg basalts (they are aphyric), it is not possible to confirm that contamination has taken place. An alternative explanation is that the correlation between Sr and SiO2 resulted from assimilation coupled with fractional crystallization (AFC) (before emplacement). Post-eruption alteration resulted in a correlation between SiO2 18O because the material with the most Si-O bonds was able to concentrate 18O more effectively. The limited mineral data for the quartz latites suggests that there is some source heterogeneity. A pyroxene 18O value of 10% for a southern Etendeka quartz latite is consistent with a crustal source.  相似文献   

The S-isotopic compositions of sulfide deposits from Steinmann, granitoid and felsic volcanic associations have been examined. Ores of Steinmann association have 34S values close to zero per mil (34S=+0.3±3.1) it appears they are of mantle origin. Isotopically, ores of granitoid association regularly show a variable enrichment in 32S relative to meteoritic (34S=–2.7±3.3). The composition is in accord with an upper mantle/lower crustal source. Two stratiform accumulations of felsic volcanic association show a narrow spread of 34S values (+0.2 to 2.4); a mantle origin for the sulfur in these deposits is favored. In contrast, vein, stockwork and cement ores are moderately enriched in 32S relative to meteoritic (34S=–4.0±6.4). These ores are polygenetic; sulfur and metals appear to have been leached from local country rocks where volcanogenic and biogenic sulfur predominate.  相似文献   

The Mount Lofty Ranges comprises interlayered marbles, metapsammites, and metapelites that underwent regional metamorphism during the Delamarian Orogeny at 470–515 Ma. Peak metamorphic conditions increased from lowermost biotite grade (350–400°C) to migmatite grade (700°C) over 50–55 km parallel to the lithological strike of the rocks. With increasing metamorphic grade, 18O values of normal metapelites decrease from 14–16 to as low as 9.0, while 18O values of calcite in normal marbles decrease from 22–24 to as low as 13.2 These isotopic changes are far greater than can be accounted for by devolatilisation, implying widespread fluid-rock interaction. Contact metamorphism appears not to have affected the terrain, suggesting that fluid flow occurred during regional metamorphism. Down-temperature fluid flow from synmetamorphic granite plutons (18O=8.4–8.6) that occur at the highest metamorphic grades is unlikely to explain the resetting of oxygen isotopes because: (a) there is a paucity of skarns at granite-metasediment contacts; (b) the marbles generally do not contain low-XCO2 mineral assemblages; (c) there is insufficient granite to provide the required volumes of water; (d) the marbles and metapelites retain a several permil difference in 18O values, even at high metamorphic grades. The oxygen isotope resetting may be accounted for by along-strike up-temperature fluid flow during regional metamorphism with time-integrated fluid fluxes of up to 5x109 moles/m2 (105 m3/m2). If fluid flow occurred over 105–106 years, estimated intrinsic permeabilities are 10-20 to 10-16m2. Variations in 18O at individual outcrops suggest that time-integrated fluid fluxes and intrinsic permeabilities may locally have varied by at least an order of magnitude. A general increase in XCO2 values of marble assemblages with metamorphic grade is also consistent with the up-temperature fluid-flow model. Fluids in the metapelites may have been derived from these rocks by devolatilisation at low metamorphic grades; however, fluids in the marbles were probably derived in part from the surrounding siliceous rocks. The marble-metapelite boundaries preserve steep gradients in both 18O and XCO2 values, suggesting that across-strike fluid fluxes were much lower than those parallel to strike. Up-temperature fluid flow may also have formed orthoamphibole rocks and caused melting of the metapelites at high grades.This paper is a contribution to IGCP Project 304 Lower Crustal Processes  相似文献   

In this paper, we present boron isotope analyses of variably degassed rhyolitic glasses from Long Valley, California. The following results indicate that pre-eruptive boron isotopic signatures were preserved in degassed glasses: (1) averaged secondary ionization mass spectrometry (SIMS) measurements of H2O-rich (~3 wt%) melt inclusions from late erupted Bishop Tuff pumice are indistinguishable from positive thermal ionization mass spectrometry (PTIMS) analysis of vesiculated groundmass glass (11B=+5.0±0.9 and +5.4±5, respectively); (2) SIMS spot-analyses on H2O-poor obsidian (~0.15 wt% H2O) from younger Glass Mountain Dome YA (average 11B=+5.2±1.0) overlap with compositionally similar late Bishop Tuff melt inclusions; and (3) four variably degassed obsidian samples from the 0.6 ka Mono Craters (H2O between 0.74 and 0.10 wt%) are homogeneous with regard to boron (average 11B=+3.2±0.8, MSWD=0.4). Insignificant variations in 11B between early and late Bishop Tuff melt inclusion glasses agree with published experimental data that predict minor 11B depletion in hydrous melts undergoing gas-saturated fractional crystallization. Melt inclusions from two crystal-rich post-caldera lavas (Deer Mountain and South Deadman Dome) are comparatively boron-rich (max. 90 ppm B) and have lower 11B values (average 11B=+2.2±0.8 and –0.4±1.0 ) that are in strong contrast to the boron isotopic composition of post-caldera crystal-poor rhyolites (27 ppm B; 11B=+5.7±0.8). These variations in 11B are too large to be caused by pre-eruptive degassing. Instead, we favor assimilation of 11B depleted low-temperature hydrothermally altered intrusive rocks subsequent to fresh rhyolite recharge.Editorial responsibility: J. HoefsAn erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Sulfur isotope ratios have been determined in 27 selected volcanic rocks from Iceland together with their whole rock chemistry. The 34S of analyzed basalts ranges from –2.0 to +0.4 with an average value of –0.8 Tholeiitic and alkaline rocks exhibit little difference in 34S values but the intermediate and acid rocks analyzed have higher 34S values up to +4.2 It is suggested that the overall variation in sulfur isotope composition of the basalts is caused by degassing. The small range of the 34S values and its similarity to other oceanic and continental basalts, suggest that the depleted mantle is homogeneous in its sulfur isotope composition. The 34S of the depleted mantle is estimated to be within the range for undegassed oceanic basalts, –0.5 to +1.0  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope geochemistry and chemical composition of clinopyroxene crystals from Alban Hills pyroclastic deposits constrain the petrological evolution of ultrapotassic Roman-type rocks. Volcanic eruptions in the 560–35 ka time interval produced thick pyroclastic deposits bearing clinopyroxene phenocrysts with recurrent chemical characteristics. Clinopyroxenes vary from Si–Mg-rich to Al–Fe-rich with no compositional break, indicating that they were derived from a continuous process of crystal fractionation. Based on the 18O and trace element data no primitive samples were recovered: monomineralic clinopyroxene cumulates set the oxygen isotope composition of primary magmas in the range of uncontaminated mantle rocks (5.5), but their REE composition resulted from extensive crystal fractionation. Departing from these mantle-like 18OCpx values the effects of crustal contamination of clinopyroxene O-isotope composition were identified and used to monitor chemical variations in the parental magma. 18O values in Si–Mg-rich clinopyroxene are slightly higher than typical mantle values (5.9–6.2), and the low REE contents are representative of early stages of magmatic differentiation. 18O values as high as 8.2 are associated with Al–Fe3+-rich clinopyroxene showing high REE contents. These 18O values are characteristic of crystals formed during the late magmatic stages of each main eruptive phase. Geochemical modelling of 18O values vs. trace element contents indicates that these ultrapotassic magmas were derived from fractional crystallization plus assimilation of limited amounts of carbonate wall rocks starting from a primary melt, and from interaction with CO2 derived from country rocks during crystal fractionation.  相似文献   

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