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Vesicomyid bivalves have a substantial biomass in deep-sea chemosynthetic biological communities in the Pacific. Using a novel multiplex-PCR (mPCR) method to identify the co-occurring vesicomyids in Sagami Bay, we analyzed the distribution of Calyptogena okutanii and Calyptogena soyoae along environmental gradients. All the known distributions of C. okutanii indicated the different preferences in salinity and temperature to those of C. soyoae, and in Sagami Bay, depth seemed to be an important environmental factor, too. Although the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in sediment was not examined, our results showed that the distributions of these two Calyptogena clams were affected by salinity and temperature.  相似文献   

Pelagic chaetognaths in Sagami Bay and Suruga Bay, Central Japan, were studied. Their community structure was very similar in both of these bays. Four genera and 26 species were identified. In Sagami Bay the habitat segregation by depths was clearly obtained. The population and species number of epipelagic (0–200 m) chaetognaths were larger in summer than in winter. The populations of meso- (200–500 m) and bathypelagic (500–1,000 m) species were smaller than that of epipelagic ones and fairly stable seasonally.  相似文献   

The life history ofEuphausia similis G.O. Sars in Sagami Bay, central Japan, has been studied by examining the abundance, size distribution, and occurrence of each growing stage from egg to adult. Three cohorts were laid within the period from July 1979 to July 1980. Individuals of cohort I of 1980 were laid in November and December 1979, and matured and spawned in March and April of the following year. Those of cohort II of 1980 laid in January and February 1980 should mature in November and spawn after December, by analogy with cohort II of 1979. Cohort III of 1980 was laid in April 1980, but decreased in number in July. Cohort II was the dominant cohort in Sagami Bay throughout the period studied. From December 1979 to April 1980 when the mixing layer was present, many eggs ofE. similis were in the epipelagic zone. It is suggested that the spawning season ofE. similis roughly coincided with the season of active feeding, indicated by high fullness of stomachs in individuals. The production of juveniles and adults was about 1.33 mg C m–2 day–1, and the production to bio mass (P/B) ratio was estimated to be 4.78 between July 1979 and July 1980.  相似文献   

Concentrations of cobalt (Co) in surface waters from the Sagami River to northern Sagami Bay and from the Yura River to southwestern Wakasa Bay in Japan were determined in order to investigate the factors governing the distribution of this metal during estuarine mixing. Dissolved (<0.2 μm) and particulate (>0.2 μm) Co showed non-conservative mixing behavior with low or mid-salinity maxima within those two estuarine regions, indicating benthic remobilization and/or sewage input apart from riverine input during the estuarine mixing. These results are supported by a suite of complementary measurements of other parameters, such as manganese, phosphate, and suspended particulate matter concentrations. In addition, the concentration ratio of dissolved Co to total Co (dissolved plus particulate) increased along the salinity gradient, implying the potential for desorption of this metal from suspended particulate matter on estuarine mixing.  相似文献   

The species composition, seasonal abundance, and vertical distribution of mesopelagic fish larvae are described based on discrete depth sampling from the surface down to 1000 m depth during four cruises at a fixed sampling station in Sagami Bay. The abundances of total mesopelagic fish larvae in April, July, September, and December were 65.7, 13.6, 118.9, and 17.2 individuals per 10 m2 sea surface, respectively. Twenty species or types of mesopelagic fish larvae belonging to 10 families were collected. Diaphus garmani, Lipolagus ochotensis, Diogenichthys atlanticus, Sigmops gracile, and Maurolicus japonicus were the five most abundant larvae and accounted for 43.1, 14.5, 7.4, 6.3, and 5.9% of the total mesopelagic fish larvae, respectively. These five species showed clear seasonal changes in abundance, i.e. L. ochotensis, D. atlanticus, and S. gracile larvae mainly occurred during winter— spring; D. garmani and M. japonicus were collected during summer—autumn. No obvious diel vertical migration was found in these larvae. The larvae of D. garmani and M. japonicus were concentrated in the 25–50 and 50–100 m depth layers, respectively. The transforming stage of L. ochotensis, S. gracile, and D. atlanticus occurred at 400–1000 m depth, while their larvae (<8 mm standard length) occurred in the upper 100 m layer, indicating that metamorphosis of these species takes place in the 400–1000 m layer. Based on the occurrence of mesopelagic fish larvae and oceanographic processes in Sagami Bay, with the exception of D. garmani and M. japonicus, most larvae are considered to originate from the Kuroshio region where their main spawning grounds are formed.  相似文献   

Intermediate intrusion of low salinity water (LSW) into Sagami Bay was investigated on the basis of CTD data taken in Sagami Bay and off the Boso Peninsula in 1993–1994. In October 1993, water of low temperature (<7.0°C), low salinity (<34.20 psu) and high dissolved oxygen concentration (>3.5 ml I−1) intruded along the isopycnal surface of {ie29-1} at depths of 320–500 m from the Oshima East Channel to the center of the bay. On the other hand, the LSW was absent in Sagami Bay in the period of September–November 1994, though it was always found to the south off the Boso Peninsula. Salinity and dissolved oxygen distributions on relevant isopycnal surfaces and water characteristics of LSW cores revealed that the LSW intruded from the south off the Boso Peninsula to Sagami Bay through the Oshima East Channel. The LSW cores were distributed on the continental slope along 500–1000 m isobaths and its onshore-offshore scales were two to three times the internal deformation radius. Initial phosphate concentrations in the LSW revealed its origin in the northern seas. These facts suggest that the observed LSW is the submerged Oyashio Water and it flows southwestward along the continental slope as a density current in the rotating fluid. The variation of the LSW near the center of Sagami Bay is closely related to the Kuroshio flow path. The duration of LSW in Sagami Bay is 0.5 to 1.5 months.  相似文献   

Profiles of the radioisotopes 210Pb and 137Cs were determined in 15 sediment cores collected from Sagami Bay, Japan. The activities of 210Pbex (unsupported) in core top sediments increased with water depth from 25 dpm g−1 on the upper continental slope off the mouth of Tokyo Bay to an average of 283 dpm g−1 at the deep-sea station SB. The high 210Pb trapping efficiency of settling particles expected from the results of the sediment trap experiment near the SB site suggests that effective 210Pb enrichment in surface sediments may occur during resuspension and lateral transportation of particles via the benthic nepheloid layer on the continental slope. In several cores, 137Cs profiles showed an increase, a distinct peak, and then a decrease to an undetectable level downcore. These profiles can be compared with the temporal change of bomb-produced 137Cs fallout.The mean sedimentation rates estimated by the 210Pbex inventory method, rather than using 210Pbex profiles, ranged from 0.06 g cm−2 y−1 to 0.14 g cm−2 y−1. The average value of the rates in SB cores was calculated to be 0.11 g cm−2 y−1, which was similar to that calculated under the assumption that the age of the 137Cs peak corresponds to its maximum fallout year in 1963.Although 137Cs inventories represented one tenth of the anthropogenic fallout of 137Cs until 1997, they correlated with the increase in 210Pbex inventory. This suggests that the scavenging of refractory 137Cs as well as 210Pb by settling particles in the water column can lead to the formation of a time marker layer even in deep-sea sediment core, such as at the SB site.  相似文献   

The larvae ofEuphausia similis G. O. Sars in Sagami Bay, Central Japan, are described. Nauplius, metanauplius, calyptopis and furcilia stages are included. In the furcilia stage, six forms are identified on the basis of the form of the pleopods and the number of terminal telson spines. Furcilia I: a pair of non-setose pleopods and seven terminal telson spines. Furcilia II: a pair of setose and three pairs of non-setose pleopods and seven terminal spines. Furcilia III: four pairs of setose and a pair of non-setose pleopods and seven terminal spines. Furcilia IV: five pairs of setose pleopods and five terminal telson spines. Furcilia V: five pairs of setose pleopods and three terminal telson spines. Furcilia VI: five pairs of setose pleopods and one terminal telson spine. On the basis of the developmental pathway of the larvae,E. similis is suggested to be related toE. spinifera, E. longirostris, E. hanseni and theE. gibboides group species. The size ofE. similis larvae, expressed as total length, in Sagami Bay varied according to month. The sizes of calyptopis III and furcilia I–V stages were smallest in November and March and largest in May.  相似文献   

Seasonal and interannual variations in physicochemical properties were investigated in the neritic area of Sagami Bay, Kanagawa, Japan, from December 2000 to December 2005. Physicochemical properties (i.e. temperature, salinity, density, dissolved oxygen and dissolved inorganic nutrient concentration) revealed clear seasonal variations, which were similar to each other during all 5 years. Temperature, salinity and dissolved inorganic nutrients showed rapid, drastic variations within a few days and/or weeks. These variations are related to sea levels, principally due to the shifting effects of the Kuroshio Current axis: they were strongly affected by the Kuroshio Water and other waters, when sea level difference was greater than ca. 35 cm and lower than ca. 15 cm, respectively. Temperature difference (DF T ) increased with sea level difference, and the difference of salinity and dissolved inorganic nutrients (NH4 +-N, NO3 +NO2 -N, NH4 ++NO3 +NO2 -N, PO4 3−-P and SiO2-Si) increased and decreased with DF T , respectively. All these correlations are significant. Total dissolved inorganic nitrogen (N), phosphate (P) and silicate (Si) revealed seasonal variations in the ranges of 0.57–16.08, 0.0070–0.91 and 0.22–46.38 μM, respectively. From the regression equations between these elements allowed the following relation to be obtained; Si:N:P = 14.8:13.4:1. Dissolved inorganic nutrients were characterized by Si and/or P deficiency, especially in the upper layer (0–20 m depth) during summer. Single and/or combined elements are discussed on the basis of potential and stoichiometric nutrient limitations, which could restrict phytoplankton (diatom) growth as a limiting factor.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in the picoplankton community were investigated from June 2002 to March 2004 within the photic zone of Sagami Bay, Japan. The study area was mostly dominated by coastal waters during the warm period (mixed layer water temperature ≥ 18°C). During the cold period (mixed layer water temperature ≤ 18°C), the water mass was characterized by low temperature and high saline waters indicative of the North Pacific Subtropical Mode Water (NPSTMW). Occasionally, a third type of water mass characterized by high temperature and low saline properties was observed, which could be evidence of the intrusion of warm Kuroshio waters. Synechococcus was the dominant picophytoplankton (5−28 × 1011 cells m−2) followed by Prochlorococcus (1−5 × 1011 cells m−2) and picoeukaryotes during the warm period. Heterotrophic bacteria dominated the picoplankton community throughout the year, especially in the warm period. During the Kuroshio Current advection, cyanobacterial abundance was high whereas that of picoeukaryotes and heterotrophic bacteria was low. During the cold period, homogeneously distributed, lower picophytoplankton cell densities were observed. The dominance of Synechococcus in the warm period reflects the importance of high temperature, low salinity and high Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) on its distribution. Cyanobacterial and heterotrophic bacterial abundance showed a positive correlation with temperature. Prochlorococcus and picoeukaryotes showed a positive correlation with nutrients. Picoeukaryotes were the major contributors to the picophytoplankton carbon biomass. The annual picophytoplankton contribution to the photosynthetic biomass was 32 ± 4%. These observations suggest that the environmental conditions, combined with the seasonal variability in the source of the water mass, determines the community structure of picoplankton, which contributes substantially to the phytoplankton biomass and can play a very important role in the food web dynamics of Sagami Bay.  相似文献   

The Vertically Generalized Production Model (VGPM) was verified by the primary production data of the Sagami Bay, Japan. The VGPM with open ocean parameters including P B opt , maximum primary production per unit of chlorophyll a in the water column, explained only 40% of the variability of integrated primary production. Formulations of the open ocean P B opt showed no correlation with in situ P B opt . Adjustment of the parameters of chlorophyll a and temperature dependent P B opt improved the estimation of integrated primary production to 47% of the variation. Vertical integration parameters of VGPM also have to be adjusted to improve the estimation. Integrated primary production calculated with a stronger light dependency and with the adjusted P B opt model can explain 74% of the variation. This model was used to estimate primary production of the Sagami Bay during 2003 with satellite data. In situ measurements on cloudy days indicate that the use of satellite data from sunny days only overestimates primary production.  相似文献   

This study aimed to clarify the vertical differences in bacterial growth and grazing pressure on bacteria by heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) and to identify the controlling factors of bacterial growth in temperate coastal waters of Sagami Bay, Japan. In addition to environmental factors, the annual monthly variations in bacterial growth rate (BGR) and the relative abundance of bacteria to HNF (BA/HNFA) were investigated in the euphotic and disphotic layers between May 2012 and May 2013. Significant vertical differences in BGR and BA/HNFA were evident between the two layers during the thermal stratification times of May to October 2012 and April to May 2013. BGR indicated significantly stronger limitation of bacterial growth in the euphotic layer compared to the disphotic layer. In contrast, significantly lower BA/HNFA was observed in the euphotic layer, suggesting significantly higher grazing pressure on bacteria by HNF. However, significant differences in BGR and BA/HNFA were not observed between the two layers from November 2012 to Match 2013, when the water column was well-mixed vertically due to the cooling and wind-induced mixing of surface water. This study indicates that bacteria in the euphotic layer grow less actively and are more vulnerable to predatory grazing by HNF relative to the disphotic layer during the stratification period. Further, multiple regression analyses indicate that bacterial growth was most controlled by the concentrations of chlorophyll a and dissolved organic carbon in the euphotic and disphotic layers, respectively.  相似文献   

The vesicomyid Calyptogena kilmeri is one of the most abundant bivalves inhabiting chemosynthetic environments shallower than c. 1500 m along central California. We estimated the population size structure, biomass, rates of individual growth, somatic production, and mortality for C. kilmeri, based on sampling of seep habitats and tag–recapture studies at chemosynthetic communities in Monterey Bay, California. The composite growth rate of C. kilmeri over all sites was relatively high (K = 0.25), reaching c. 80% of asymptotic length (104.7 mm) in 6.6 years. The density of C. kilmeri was estimated as 938.5 ind. m−2 and biomass density varied from 704 to 2059 g ash free dry mass (AFDM) m−2. Somatic production was also high (294–297 g·AFDM·m−2 year−1), and production/biomass ratios for C. kilmeri varied from 0.14 to 0.42 among sites, related to variation in size–frequency distributions among sites. Instantaneous mortality rates estimated from size distributions ranged from 0.17 to 0.24 year−1. Growth and somatic production by C. kilmeri are in the range reported for chemosynthetic bivalves from hydrothermal vent and seep habitats, as well as photosynthetic‐based assemblages of inshore or intertidal bivalves, and greatly exceed rates reported for heterotrophic deep‐sea benthos.  相似文献   

Phytoplankton dynamics in the lower euphotic zone were observed by tracking a subsurface water released at 20-m depth from Takumi, an artificial upwelling device. Takumi continually discharged seawater pumped up from a depth of 205 m: this water was mixed with 5-m depth water to adjust the density to that of 20-m depth water of Sagami Bay, Japan. The discharged water was pulse-labeled at Takumi with uranine and tracked for 63.9 h with a drifting buoy equipped with a drogue at 20-m depth. We present a simple model to estimate in situ phytoplankton net growth rates from temporal changes in phytoplankton abundance in the discharged water with correction for the influence of water exchange between the discharged water and neighboring layers. Lagrangian observation showed active growth of pico- and nanophytoplankton, especially cryptophytes and Synechococcus (Cyanobacteria), in the subsurface layer. In contrast, diatoms grew little in spite of micromolar concentrations of nutrients. The active growth of pico- and nanophytoplankton was in good agreement with shipboard serial dilution culture experiments. The low growth activity of diatoms was suggested to be related to low light availability in the subsurface layer.  相似文献   

Sinking particles were collected using time-series sediment traps deployed at 350 and 20 mab at Site SB (34° 58.5’N, 139° 20.9’E, 1544 m depth) near the center of Sagami Bay, off Japan with high time resolutions of 5-8 days (March 1997 to August 1998) and 3-4.5 days (March 1998 to August 1998), respectively. The major components (CaCO3, OM, opal, and clay) of these sinking particles and surface bottom sediments were determined using a stepwise leaching method combined with gravimetry. Average total mass fluxes were 1480, 5560 and 3068 mg/m2/year at 350 mab, at 20 mab, and in the surface sediments, respectively, indicating an enhanced collection of sinking particles at 20 mab. Clay was the dominant component and biogenic components (opal+OM+CaCO3) were dominated mainly by opal and secondly by OM. On average, opal and CaCO3 contents decreased gradually as clay content increased with increasing depth from 350 mab-20 mab and in the surface sediments, indicating dissolution of opal and CaCO3 through sinking, rebound, resuspension or sedimentation processes. Thirteen total mass flux peaks at 17--40-day intervals were observed at 350 mab during the period from March 1997 to August 1998 except for winter, while eight peaks were observed at 20 mab for the period from March 1998 to August 1998. Two types of total mass peaks can be distinguished: one with a clear increase in biogenic flux (opal+OM+CaCO3) and little or no increase in clay flux and termed a bloom type (B-type), and the other with a clear increase in clay flux, little increase in biogenic flux and termed a resuspension type (R-type). Some R-type peaks, but not all, coincided with total mass flux peaks observed at the mouth of Tokyo Bay and suggested the possibility of the effect of particulate materials transported from Tokyo Bay to site SB. The enormously large peak observed at 20 mab in late May 1998 and that at 350 mab in early June 1998 were considered to be due to some physical perturbations from an earthquake swarm near site SB during the period from April to June 1998. The 17--40-day periodicity was associated clearly with the change in biogenic flux dominated by opal flux and is thought to reflect the periodicity of biological productivity dominated by diatoms in the euphotic zone of Sagami Bay.  相似文献   

The plankton food web structure and trophodynamics in the neritic area of Sagami Bay were investigated from January 2003 to December 2005, based on abundance, biomass, production rate and nutritional requirements of pico- (0.2–2 μm), nano- (2–20 μm), micro- (20–200 μm) and mesoplankton (>200 μm: mainly copepods CI-CVI) at 0–10 m depth. The average carbon biomass of the total plankton community was higher in spring and summer (1.452 and 1.466 g C m−2, respectively) than in winter and autumn (0.676 and 0.686 g C m−2, respectively). The average values of primary production and of production rate and food requirement of heterotrophic organisms were higher in summer than in other seasons. During the study period the biomass, production rate and food requirement of small heterotrophs (i.e. bacteria: BA; heterotrophic nanoflagellates: HNF; microzooplankton: MZ) were much higher than those of copepod secondary (CSP) and tertiary producers (CTP), indicating that the microbial food web was the main route of carbon flow from phytoplankton (PP) to CSP and CTP, rather than the grazing food chain. In particular, during summer and autumn the biomass of pico- and nano-size PP plus BA was greater than that of micro-size PP, suggesting the high prevalence of the microbial food web (pico-/nanophytoplankton/BA-HNF/MZ-copepods). During winter and spring, the biomass of micro-size PP was greater than that of pico- and nano-size PP plus BA, suggesting that the indirect route (microphytoplankton-MZ-copepods) probably prevailed, while the microbial food web might be important.  相似文献   

Direct current measurements of the branch current of the Kuroshio intruding into Sagani Bay were carried out during 1989–1990 in order to clarify the frequency characteristics of the eddies in the lee of Izu-Oshima Island, which are well recognized as cold water mass produced by upwelling. Satellite and ADCP (Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler) data indicated that current velocity in the eddy fluctuates with periods of 2–4 days and 6–8 days.When the Kuroshio branch current intruding into Sagami Bay from the western channel is weak and its velocity at the depth of 400 m is approximately 10 cm s–1, the 6–8 day period fluctuation is dominant. On the other hand, when the branch current strongly intrudes from the western channel with a velocity of approximately 20 cm s–1, the 2–4 day period fluctuation dominates. The relationship between the periods and velocities agrees well with theory based on laboratory experiments for a flow of a homogeneous fluid past a circular obstacle. These periods correspond to the time scale of appearance of the eddy caused by the intrusion of the Kuroshio branch current into Sagami Bay and Izu-Oshima Island.  相似文献   

The thermodynamics and kinetics of the H2S system in natural waters have been critically reviewed. Equations have been derived for the solubility and ionization of H2S in water and seawater as a function of salinity, temperature and pressure. Pitzer parameters for the interaction of the major cations (Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+) with HS have been determined to allow one to calculate values of pK1* in various ionic media. The limited data available for the interaction of trace metals for HS are summarized and future work is suggested.The kinetics of oxidation of H2S have also been examined as a function of pH, temperature, and salinity. The discrepancies in the available data are largely due to the different [O2]/[HS−] ratios used in various studies. Over a limited pH range (6–8) the pseudo first order rate constant for the oxidation is shown to be directly proportional to the activity of HS. Further studies are suggested to examine the effect of ionic media and temperature on the rate of oxidation.  相似文献   

To examine the population development of the dinoflagellates, Ceratium furca and Ceratium fusus, daily field monitoring was conducted between April and July 2003 in the temperate coastal water of Sagami Bay, Japan. During the study period, the concentrations of C. furca were always lower than those of C. fusus. A sharp increase in the densities of both species was recorded on 5 May showing the maximum cell concentrations (C. furca = 14,800 cells L-1, C. fusus = 49,600 cells L-1). In the 7 days prior to the May bloom of the Ceratium species (29 April to 1 May), the highest density of the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Noctiluca scintillans was observed. Additionally, a second bloom of C. fusus occurred on 22 July. Here, two causes of the significant increases in the Ceratium populations during the two blooming periods (first time; 1 to 8 May, second time; 15 to 22 July) are presented. First, an increase in the nutrients of the surface layer regenerated by the breakdown of blooms by N.scintillans could be considered as a major cause of the population increase of the two Ceratium species. Second, a decrease in salinity (to 27 psu) was correlated with the later bloom ofC. fusus. These results suggest that the population development of the two Ceratium species requires nutrients regenerated after the reduction of the diatom population byN. scintillans and, forC. fusus, continuous low salinity conditions, compared to other environmental factors during the rainy season. Key words: Ceratium furca; Ceratium fusus; Noctiluca scintillans; Bloom process; Environmental factor  相似文献   

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