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1GeneralsituationofstudyChina is one of the oldest civilized countries in the world. Human activities and the practice of agriculture date back nearly 10 thousands years when people began gaining an understanding and knowledge about soils. Records of these activities can be found in ancient or current Chinese references (Gong etal., 1999), and in non-Chinese literatures like those in English and Russian (Thorp, 1936; Kovda, 1960; Needham, 1986; Li and Cao, 1990; Gong etal., 2003). Soil cl…  相似文献   

文章以详细的1981年土壤分区资料为基础,将以发生分类(GSCC)为基础的土壤类型名称分别参比成中国土壤系统分类(CST)名称和美国土壤系统分类(ST)名称。同时利用G IS空间分析技术,确定了中国8个土壤大区在地级市(盟)和各县、区、旗(市)的行政归属,并以江南低山丘陵和台湾北部地区为例,探讨了二级分区的行政归属。  相似文献   

1992-2017年基于荟萃分析的中国耕地撂荒时空特征   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
当前耕地撂荒已成为一种日益普遍的土地利用变化现象,对粮食安全和生态环境具有重要影响。为揭示1992-2017年中国耕地撂荒的时空特征及驱动机制,采用集成分析的思路,对县(市)域尺度撂荒的研究成果进行了汇总梳理,从中提取撂荒时间、位置、规模(程度)、成因等信息,并进行了荟萃分析。结果发现:1992-2017年全国范围内有撂荒记录的县(市)共165个,主要分布于南方,集中分布区呈逆时针旋转90°的“T”字型,纵轴自北至南贯穿甘肃东南部、四川东部、重庆境内,直至贵州西部和云南北部;横轴位于长江中下游地区,自西向东贯穿湖北、湖南、安徽、江西。其中,湖南、四川、安徽有撂荒记录的县(市)数量较多,分别为24个、23个、21个,其次是湖北、重庆、福建、甘肃、云南,均超过10个。“T”字型结构的形成经历两个阶段,大致以2010年为界,此前有撂荒记录的县(市)为102个,集中分布于沿长江中下游的东西向带状区域,形成横轴;此后新增63个县(市),集中分布于自甘肃东南部至贵州西部和云南北部地区的南北向带状区域,形成纵轴。撂荒格局的形成过程与区域经济发展和产业结构调整背景下的农业劳动力析出基本同步。农业收益低和劳动力不足分别是86%和78%的县(市)撂荒形成的共性因素。  相似文献   

刘前进  于兴修 《地理研究》2010,29(8):1471-1483
以具北方土石山区典型特征的沂蒙山区为例,在分析土壤侵蚀过程的基础上,选取具生态学意义的侵蚀强度景观格局指数,从垂直维度上分析侵蚀景观格局变化特征。结果表明:土壤侵蚀景观格局具有显著垂直分带性。50~200带为低侵蚀稳定区,人类活动影响大,缀块成片分布,连通性强,形状较规则;400~800带为高侵蚀稳定区,自然因素起主导作用,缀块密度大且分散,形状较复杂;200~400带为侵蚀景观急剧变化区,侵蚀程度随高程增加而增大,自然因素作用增强。微度与轻度侵蚀景观、强烈与极强烈侵蚀景观具相同垂直变化趋势,此两组侵蚀景观变化趋势的差异主要分布于低于300带和高于500带处;中度侵蚀景观变化趋势可视为前两组侵蚀景观变化趋势的过渡。  相似文献   

Regionalization of soil and water conservation is a base for the planning of soil and water conservation in China. It can provide scientific basis for constructing healthy eco-environment and regional management and development. It makes a brief review of related regionalization of study and makes clear the concept of regionalization of soil and water conservation. In this paper, based on synthetical analysis of the characteristics of eco-environments of China, the principles, indices and nomenclature of the regionalization of soil and water conservation are proposed. Through the construction of the regionalization of soil and water conservation collaboration platform and data reporting system, combined with existing soil and water conservation research, this paper uses the top-down and bottom-up and the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods to build soil and water conservation regionalization preliminary scheme, with 8 regions, 41 sub-regions and 117 sections divided in China.  相似文献   

中国水土保持研究回顾   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The preservation and sustainable development of soil and water resources is one of the basic principles for the development of China. Throughout the course of history, all the social improvement and economic development are deeply concerned with soil loss and ecological environmental protection. It is now a common sense that soil and water conservation is the safety insurance for national ecology and its development. For the past long period of time, soil and water loss has been recognized as “the No. 1 killer“ to the ecological environment. The nation is on the stage of the critical conditions for its development. China has massive mountain and upland area with complicated geological conditions and accelerated human destruction and serious soil and water loss.Based on rich historical documents, renovating experience and detailed analysis of the data collected in field experiments and field surveys for soil and water conservation, this paper aims to review the general characteristics of soil and water loss, to explore the relationship between soil and water conservation and sustainable economic development, and to provide relevant strategies for soil and water conservation in China.  相似文献   

The preservation and sustainable development of soil and water resources is one of the basic principles for the development of China. Throughout the course of history, all the social improvement and economic development are deeply concerned with soil loss and ecological environmental protection. It is now a common sense that soil and water conservation is the safety insurance for national ecology and its development. For the past long period of time, soil and water loss has been recognized as "the No.1 killer" to the ecological environment. The nation is on the stage of the critical conditions for its development. China has massive mountain and upland area with complicated geological conditions and accelerated human destruction and serious soil and water loss. Based on rich historical documents, renovating experience and detailed analysis of the data collected in field experiments and field surveys for soil and water conservation, this paper aims to review the general characteristics of soil and water loss, to explore the relationship between soil and water conservation and sustainable economic development, and to provide relevant strategies for soil and water conservation in China.  相似文献   

在Mann-Kendall方法基础上对1978年以来中国经济发展进行突变点分析。结合传统数理统计方法及空间分析模型,在Arc GIS、Geo DA等软件支持下,以省级行政区为研究单元,以人均GDP为测度指标,从时间、空间、关联性、驱动因子等视角对改革开放以来我国经济发展状况进行深入分析。结果表明:我国经济总体呈快速发展趋势,东中西部发展差异显著,但总体差异逐步减小;我国经济空间分布呈现出东北-西南格局,主半轴方向上表现为收缩趋势,辅半轴方向上则为波动扩张格局;我国经济发展高水平区不断增多,低水平区不断减少,最终消失,总体经济水平得到显著提高;根据关联性分析得出扩散型主要集中于东部地区,坍塌型主要分布于中部地区,东西差异依旧明显;改革开放以来推动我国经济发展主要是以消费为主、投资为辅的"双轮驱动"逐步转向由投资、出口、消费协调推动,区域协调发展势头良好。  相似文献   

东北黑土区土壤剖面地温和水分变化规律   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
东北黑土区土壤侵蚀的结果使土壤在坡面上发生再分配,土壤腐殖质层厚度的空间变异增大。腐殖质层厚度的变化又引起地温和土壤水分等土壤物理性质的变化,地温和水分是影响和反映冻融侵蚀作用的重要因子,也是影响地表和土壤剖面物质运移的重要因素。本文通过实测不同厚度腐殖质层剖面的地温和土壤水分,分析了地温和水分随时间和土壤剖面深度的变化规律。结果显示腐殖质层厚度对土壤温度和含水量有显著影响,腐殖质层较厚的剖面解冻速度比薄层黑土区要慢,不同深度土层温度到达0℃的日期也不相同,腐殖质层较厚的剖面冻结时间要滞后1周左右。同时,腐殖质层较厚的黑土区土壤含水量明显大于薄层黑土区,土壤水分运移的深度范围也大。  相似文献   

中国黄土高原地区干旱特征   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
利用黄土高原51站40年气象观测资料及修正palmer干旱指数,主要采用EEOF(扩展经验正交分解函数)等分解方法,研究黄土高原土壤干旱演变。结果表明:40年来干旱趋于加重;1973年、1989年为Petitt变点,1973年之前旱年相对较少,1989年之后干旱年份明显增多干旱加重;干旱最敏感区(变化大值区)在高原腹地,高原周边地区干旱变幅较小;干旱变化振荡周期以2~4年为主;干旱准2年振荡的空间演变清晰,干旱移动方向和强度变化比较明显,在5个月之内强度、范围加大,大值区数值增大并向周围扩展旱情加重,再经过5个月后干旱大值区的数值下降快于周围,从敏感区向高原四周扩散;干旱变化强度、位相等具有区域差异,主要存在高原西部、晋中盆地、高原东北部、关中平原、渭河上游区等5个次区域。  相似文献   

The response of erosion and sediment export to past land-use change has been studied in four agricultural areas of Europe. Three of these areas were subject to land abandonment or de-intensification and one to intensification of land-use practices. Erosion and sediment yield were modeled using the WaTEM/SEDEM model, which combines the RUSLE equation with a sediment routing algorithm. Spatial relationships between the RUSLE C-factor (i.e. land-use) and other erosion and sediment export-determining factors (slope, soil erodibility and distance to rivers) were investigated, as these account for non-linearity in the response of erosion and sediment export to land-use change.Erosion and sediment export have decreased enormously in the de-intensified areas, but slightly increased in the intensively cultivated area. The spatial pattern of land-use change in relation to other erosion and sediment export-determining factors appears to have a large impact on the response of soil erosion and sediment export to land-use change. That the drivers of abandonment of arable land and erosion coincide indicates that de-intensification leads to a more favourable landscape pattern with respect to reduction of erosion and sediment export. This mechanism applies not only within the study areas, but also among the European study areas where the process of intensification of some areas and de-intensification of others might result in an overall decrease of erosion and sediment yield through time.  相似文献   

The available soil water capacity (ASWC) is important for studying crop production, agro-ecological zoning, irrigation planning, and land cover changes. Laboratory determined data of ASWC are often not available for most of soil profiles and the nationwide ASWC largely remains lacking in relevant soil data in China. This work was to estimate ASWC based on physical and chemical properties and analyze the spatial distribution of ASWC in China. The pedo-transfer functions (PTFs), derived from 220 survey data of ASWC, and the empirical data of ASWC based on soil texture were applied to quantify the ASWC. GIS technology was used to develop a spatial file of ASWC in China and the spatial distribution of ASWC was also analyzed. The results showed the value of ASWC ranges from 15 × 10-2 cm3·cm-3 to 22 × 10-2 cm3·cm-3 for most soil types, and few soil types are lower than 15 × 10-2 cm3·cm-3 or higher than 22 × 10-2 cm3·cm-3. The ASWC is different according to the complex soil types and their distribution. It is higher in the east than that in the west, and the values reduce from south to north except the northeastern part of China. The "high" values of ASWC appear in southeast, northeastern mountain regions and Northeast China Plain. The relatively "high" values of ASWC appear in Sichuan basin, Huang-Huai-Hai plain and the east of Inner Mongolia. The relatively "low" values are distributed in the west and the Loess Plateau of China. The "very low" value regions are the northern Tibetan Plateau and the desertified areas in northern China. In some regions, the ASWC changes according to the complex topography and different types of soils. Though there remains precision limitation, the spatial data of ASWC derived from this study are improved on current data files of soil water retention properties for Chinese soils. This study presents basic data and analysis methods for estimation and evaluation of ASWC in China.  相似文献   

庄慧敏  张朝  程飞  张亮亮  何邦科 《地理学报》2022,77(9):2308-2321
土壤湿度作为影响陆气水热交换的重要变量,指示了干旱的演变特征。为揭示中国旱作农田土壤湿度的变化特征及其气象驱动要素,本文利用站点数据研究了1992—2018年中国旱作农田土壤湿度变化趋势的时间和空间特征,采用相关性、敏感性分析等方法探究了土壤湿度的驱动机制。结果表明:2001年中国旱作农田土壤湿度的变化趋势发生转折,土壤湿度年际变化普遍由下降趋势变为上升趋势,主要由夏季和秋季土壤湿度主导。而且土壤湿度的变化存在空间异质性,2001年后东北地区的土壤湿度在显著增加,而西南地区在显著下降。降水量和蒸散发的时空变化是土壤湿度趋势发生时空变化的主要原因,二者存在协同作用,北方地区由降水主导,南方地区由蒸散发主导。  相似文献   

中国土壤有效含水量分布   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1IntroductionAvailable soil water capacity (ASWC) is the volume of soil water that should be available to plants. It is commonly estimated as the amount of water held between field capacity (FC) and permanent wilting point (PWP) with corrections for salin…  相似文献   

中国失踪人口的时空格局演变与形成机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人口失踪作为一种复杂的社会问题,给家庭和社会造成了严重危害.在尊重生命与保障人权的现实背景下,对失踪人口开展深入研究具有重要意义.利用"中国儿童失踪预警平台(CCSER)"数据,综合运用文本分析、数理统计、空间分析等方法,管窥了2015-2019年中国失踪人口的基本特征、时空格局演变与形成机制.结果表明:①失踪人口中男...  相似文献   

钟莉娜  王军  赵文武 《地理学报》2017,72(3):432-443
土壤侵蚀是制约黄土高原可持续发展的瓶颈因素,为分析不同面积流域降雨和土地利用格局对土壤侵蚀影响的变化趋势,本文基于土壤侵蚀评价指数,发展了降雨和土地利用格局对土壤侵蚀影响的表征方法,探讨了多流域降雨和土地利用格局对土壤侵蚀的影响。结果表明:① 2006-2012年,研究区降雨侵蚀力因子R总体上呈现上升的趋势,植被覆盖与管理因子C呈现下降趋势;② 随流域面积的增加,研究区内降雨格局对土壤侵蚀的影响逐渐降低,而土地利用格局对土壤侵蚀的影响变大;③ 在流域面积较小时,降雨格局对土壤侵蚀的影响要大于土地利用格局对土壤侵蚀的影响,而在流域面积较大时,土地利用格局对土壤侵蚀的影响大于降雨格局对土壤侵蚀的影响;④ 随着流域面积的增加,研究区的林地比例有所下降,陡坡植被覆盖类型趋于单一,这是在流域面积增大时土地利用格局对土壤侵蚀影响增加的主要原因。同时,流域面积较小时,降雨对土壤侵蚀的影响较大,但随着流域面积的增加,松软的土壤性质和沟壑纵横的地形增大了发生重力侵蚀的可能性,土壤和地形对土壤侵蚀的影响增大。  相似文献   

中国水土保持区划方案初步研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:22  
水土保持区划是水土保持规划的基础,可为生态环境建设和区域管理与发展提供科学的依据.简要回顾了相关区划工作,明确了水土保持区划的概念,结合我国水土流失等生态环境特点,提出了水土保持区划原则、指标体系和命名规则;通过构建全国水土保持区划协作平台和数据上报系统,结合我国已有相关水土保持研究成果,采用自上而下与自下而上的演绎归纳途径和定性与定量相结合的方法,构建了我国水土保持区划初步方案,将全国划分为8个一级区,41 个二级区,117 个三级区.  相似文献   

China is a disaster prone country, and a comprehensive understanding of change of disasters is very important for China’s agricultural development. In this study, statistical techniques and geographic information system tools are employed to quantify the main agriculture disasters changes and effects on grain production in China during the period of 1990-2011. The results show that China’s grain production was severely affected by disasters including drought, flood, hail, frost and typhoon. The annual area covered by these disasters reached up to 48.7×106 ha during the study period, which accounted for 44.8% of the total sown area, and about 55.1% of the per unit area grain yield change was caused by disasters. In addition, all of the disasters showed high variability, different changing trends, and spatial distribution. Drought, flood, and hail showed significantly decreasing trends, while frost and typhoon showed increasing trends. Drought and flood showed gradual changes and were distributed across the country, and disasters became more diversified from north to south. Drought was the dominated disaster type in northern China, while flood was the most important disaster type in the southern part. Hail was mainly observed in central and northern China, and frost was mainly distributed in southern China. Typhoon was greatly limited to the southeast coast. Furthermore, the resilience of grain production of each province was quite different, especially in several major grain producing areas, such as Shandong, Liaoning, Jilin and Jiangsu, where grain production was seriously affected by disasters. One reason for the difference of resilience of grain production was that grain production was marginalized in developed provinces when the economy underwent rapid development. For China’s agricultural development and grain security, we suggest that governments should place more emphasis on grain production, and invest more money in disaster prevention and mitigation, especially in the major grain producing provinces.  相似文献   

中国粮食供需的区域格局研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
胡甜  鞠正山  周伟 《地理学报》2016,71(8):1372-1383
粮食安全问题在世界范围内一直被高度关注。本文主要以中国333个地级市为基本研究单元,在粮食供需现状分析的基础上,借助GIS和Geoda空间分析工具,从区域的空间差异和时空变化两个角度,建立粮食供需模型,研究中国粮食供需的结构特征和空间分布规律。结果表明:① 2012年中国粮食供需结构为净余粮,仅有约52%的地级市能通过粮食生产保障基本粮食需求。② 粮食供需的空间分布具有区域差异性,基本呈现西缺粮东余粮,南缺粮北余粮的特点;③ 在省域和地级市两种空间单元尺度上,粮食供需有一定的规律,表现出明显相关性,呈集聚状态。④ 2008-2012年,中国的净余粮量增加,高余粮和高缺粮是主要的变化类型,其中高余粮区对余粮量增长的贡献率达到75.24%。  相似文献   

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