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随着啁啾脉冲放大技术(Chirped Pulse Amplification,CPA)的飞速发展,激光功率密度实现了飞跃式的提升,利用短脉冲激光开展实验室天体物理研究的条件日趋成熟.短脉冲激光与靶相互作用可以产生相对论粒子(正负电子、质子、中子等)和高能电磁辐射(X射线、γ射线),这些粒子和辐射的产生过程与天体中的某些...  相似文献   

近年,随着兆焦耳级激光器装置的发展人们可以在实验室中创造出与极端天体环境类似的物理条件,这使科学家有机会对某些重要天体物理过程或物理现象在实验室中进行研究。简单介绍由美国国家点火装置驱动高能量密度实验室天体物理方面实验的若干进展,包括超新星遗迹中的瑞利-泰勒不稳定性、激光惯性约束聚变探测恒星核心环境下的热核反应、无碰撞冲击波、行星内部状态研究、恒星形成研究等,这将为我国在建的神光Ⅳ激光装置开展实验室天体物理方面的科学实验提供借鉴。最后对将来利用神光Ⅳ可能开展的实验室天体物理学方向相关的科学问题研究进行简单的展望。  相似文献   

In recent years, with the development of megajoule-class laser, to create the physical conditions similar to those of extreme celestial environments in the laboratory has become possible. This makes scientists able to study some important astrophysical processes and physical phenomena in the laboratory. This paper briefly introduces several advances in the high energy density laboratory astrophysics driven by the National Ignition Facility (NIF), including the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in supernova remnants, the collisionless shock wave, the laser inertially-confined fusion detection of the thermonuclear reaction under the stellar core condition, the study of planetary interior state, the study of star formation, etc., which will provide a reference for the scientific experiments in the field of laboratory astrophysics performed by using the Shenguang IV laser facility under construction in China. Finally, the possible scientific issues relevant to the direction of laboratory astrophysics by using the Shenguang IV laser facility in the future are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the variations in radiative shock behavior originating from the properties of the system containing the shock. Specifically, the optical depth of the upstream region and the downstream region both affect the behavior of radiative shocks. Optically thick systems such as stellar interiors or supernovae permit only limited shock-induced increases in density. At the other limit, the radiation and shock dynamics in optically thin systems permits the post-shock density to reach arbitrarily large values. The theory of the shock structure is summarized for systems in which the upstream region is optically thin, common to some astrophysical systems and a number of experiments.  相似文献   

This paper analyses two height energy astrophysics missions, MAX and SIMBOL-X, which have been studied in CNES in the frame of a large formation flying study program. It is particularly interesting to notice that the scientific specifications of two different missions lead to the same engineering solutions for the whole mission aspects and then advocate for a similar space segment architecture and re-use of common elements, thus allowing potential cost reductions for a second mission.In deed, the same level of data to download and a similar signal-to-noise ratio requirements leads to the same orbit and communications system, the same level of pointing precision and distance inter satellites lead to the same formation flying Guidance Navigation and Command (GNC) architecture. At the end, the same level of mass and thermal constraints leads to the same range of platform and the same propulsion systems and finally to the same launcher.  相似文献   

黑洞旋转能量的电磁提取及其在天体物理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪定雄 《天文学进展》2007,25(3):193-205
该文着重介绍了两种大尺度磁场提取黑洞旋转能量的机制,即BZ机制和MC机制,以及BZMC共存模型在天体物理中的应用。BZ机制对应于连接黑洞与遥远天体物理负载的"开放"磁力线,而MC机制对应于连接黑洞与吸积盘的"闭合"磁力线。在BZ过程中大尺度磁场把黑洞的旋转能量以Poynting能流的形式输送到天体物理负载,成为驱动黑洞系统的喷流和伽马射线暴的中心发动机。在MC过程中能量和角动量通过大尺度磁场在黑洞与吸积盘之间转移。BZMC共存模型在高能天体物理中的应用包括以下几个方面:1)对活动星系核与黑洞双星的陡发射指数的拟合;2)对黑洞X射线双星的高频QPO与喷流的相关性的解释;3)对伽马射线暴的能量、时标的拟合以及对伽马射线暴与超新星成协的解释。最后对另外两种大尺度磁场提能机制,即BP机制和PC机制也作了简略介绍。  相似文献   

The twisting of magnetic fields threading an accretion system can lead to the generation on axis of toroidal field loops. As the magnetic pressure increases, the toroidal field inflates, producing a flow. Collimation is due to a background corona, which radially confines this axially growing “magnetic tower”. We investigate the possibility of studying in the laboratory the dynamics, confinement and stability of magnetic tower jets. We present two-dimensional resistive magnetohydrodynamic simulations of radial arrays, which consist of two concentric electrodes connected radially by thin metallic wires. In the laboratory, a radial wire array is driven by a 1 MA current which produces a hot, low density background plasma. During the current discharge a low plasma beta (β < 1), magnetic cavity develops in the background plasma (β is the ratio of thermal to magnetic pressure). This laboratory magnetic tower is driven by the magnetic pressure of the toroidal field and it is surrounded by a shock envelope. On axis, a high density column is produced by the pinch effect. The background plasma has >rsim1, and in the radial direction the magnetic tower is confined mostly by the thermal pressure. In contrast, in the axial direction the pressure rapidly decays and an elongated, well collimated magnetic-jet develops. This is later disrupted by the development of m = 0 instabilities arising in the axial column.  相似文献   

Presented are interferometric results of the interaction of two plasmas without and with a magnetic field. This study is based on the collision-free interaction of two millimetre-scale, counter-streaming plasmas – a proposed experimental simulation of shock production in a supernova remnant. This collision-free interaction is compared with a separate set of experiments with an external 7.5 T magnetic field applied. The interaction dynamics are inferred from spatially and temporally resolved electron density measurements, and the effect of the magnetic field on the plasma interaction is discussed.  相似文献   

In recent years, we have carried out experiments at the University of Rochester’s Omega laser in which supersonic, dense-plasma jets are formed by the interaction of strong shocks in a complex target assembly (Foster et al., Phys. Plasmas 9 (2002) 2251). We describe recent, significant extensions to this work, in which we consider scaling of the experiment, the transition to turbulence, and astrophysical analogues. In new work at the Omega laser, we are developing an experiment in which a jet is formed by laser ablation of a titanium foil mounted over a titanium washer with a central, cylindrical hole. Some of the resulting shocked titanium expands, cools, and accelerates through the vacuum region (the hole in the washer) and then enters a cylinder of low-density foam as a jet. We discuss the design of this new experiment and present preliminary experimental data and results of simulations using AWE hydrocodes. In each case, the high Reynolds number of the jet suggests that turbulence should develop, although this behaviour cannot be reliably modelled by present, resolution-limited simulations (because of their low-numerical Reynolds number).  相似文献   

太阳剩余磁场是指形成于太阳主序星阶段之前,深藏在太阳辐射核内部的原始磁场。由于太阳内部高电导率和准静态等因素,其剩余磁场耗散相当缓慢,而得以保留至今。太阳剩余磁场的存在不仅能够解释太阳活动的很多不对称性现象,如南北不对称性、活动经度与活动穴、低纬度冕洞和Maunder极小期等,还能通过改变自激发发电机模型的边值条件而影响整个太阳表面磁场的分布与演化。从观测结果和理论模型两方面评述了太阳剩余磁场的研究成果及最新进展,并简单讨论了进一步努力的方向。  相似文献   

We have designed an experimental technique to use on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) laser to achieve very high pressure (P max > 10 Mbar = 1000 GPa), dense states of matter at moderate temperatures (T < 0.5 eV = 6000 K), relevant to the core conditions of the giant planets. A discussion of the conditions in the interiors of the giant planets is given, and an experimental design that can approach those conditions is described.  相似文献   

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