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应新疆地震局邀请 ,哈萨克斯坦共和国科教部地震研究所所长努西波夫、高级工程师阿不都拉耶夫、乌兹别克夫于 2 0 0 3年 7月 2 5日至 8月 1日对新疆维吾尔自治区地震局进行了为期 7天的工作访问。访问期间 ,哈专家在有关人员陪同下参观并考察了库尔勒地震台及地震观测山洞。地震观测山洞先进的地震观测仪器、理想的观测环境给哈专家留下了深刻印象。哈专家对考察结果非常满意并希望今后双方加强联系与交流 ,开展更广领域、更深层次的合作。考察结束后双方专家召开讨论会 ,就阿拉木图地震形势交换了意见。此外 ,哈专家还介绍了哈萨克斯坦共和…  相似文献   

鲁娜 《内陆地震》2004,18(2):112-112
应新疆维吾尔自治区地震局邀请,哈萨克斯坦共和国科教部地震研究所副所长乌兹别克夫、预报中心主任库尔斯柯耶夫院士、抗震中心主任阿巴卡诺夫、研究员别拉斯留采夫、卡扎科夫五人组成的哈地震研究所地震专家组于2 0 0 4年4月1 9—2 4日对新疆维吾尔自治区地震局进行了为期一周的工作访问。访问期间,双方专家共同分析了2 0 0 4年哈萨克斯坦和中国新疆地区地震形势,共同讨论了2 0 0 3年9月2 7日发生的阿勒泰地震、2 0 0 3年1 2月1日发生的中哈边界地震以及有关合作开展天山深部构造研究及城市活断层研究等问题。之后,双方专家召开学术报告会,…  相似文献   

魏若平 《内陆地震》2004,18(4):381-381
20 0 4年 10月 2 7日 17时 2 3分 ,在温泉西北中哈边境地区 (北纬 4 5 .2 0°,东经 80 .2 0°)发生了5 .1级地震。温泉县及博州地区有震感。地震发生后 ,新疆维吾尔自治区地震局及时启动地震应急预案 ,立即向新疆维吾尔自治区党委、政府及中国地震局有关领导通报了情况。18点 10分用电话通知离灾区较近的博州地震局派工作人员先赴震区 ,了解灾情。而由新疆地震局应急管理部门和地震灾评专家组成的现场工作队 ,于 2 1点 30分连夜出发赶赴震区 ,开展地震应急工作。新疆维吾尔自治区地震局及时启动地震应急预案$新疆维吾尔自治区地震局@魏若平…  相似文献   

根据中国地震局和哈萨克斯坦科学与教育部地震科技合作协议及中国新疆维吾尔自治区地震局与哈萨克斯坦共和国科教部地震研究所的地震科技合作协议,《第六届天山地震国际学术研讨会》于2006年9月19—21日在中国新疆乌鲁木齐召开。此次研讨会是自1992年以来,中国和哈萨克斯坦成功  相似文献   

柏美祥  王克元 《内陆地震》1993,7(4):393-399,T001
0 引言 1990年6月14日哈萨克斯坦斋桑州发生7.3级地震,8月3日发生6.7级强余震,9月28日又发生5.5级余震。斋桑地震使哈萨克斋桑以东地区、中国新疆阿勒泰地区5个县和塔城地区2个县受到严重破坏与损失。为了了解新疆境内地震破坏情况,新疆维吾尔自治区地震局先后4次派人赴新疆境内受灾地区进行考察,并对新疆境内受灾情况与经济损失作出评估。对哈萨克、斋桑州地震破坏与损失情况,哈方也先后2次派人进行了考察,中方、哈方在此次地 震中人员伤亡、房屋破坏、经济损失总的情况见结论。  相似文献   

20 0 2年 2月 6日新疆维吾尔自治区召开了科技进步奖颁奖大会。新疆地震局冯先岳等同志申报的《中国、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦三国天山地区地震区划》项目荣获了 2 0 0 0年度新疆维吾尔自治区科技进步二等奖。2 0 0 2年 3月 7日新疆地震局学术委员会对 2 0 0 2年度新疆地震局防震减灾优秀成果奖的项目进行评审 ,共有 2项获得一等奖 ,4项获得三等奖。被评为一等奖的项目是新疆地震测绘研究院推荐的《伽师强震群区及帕米尔东北侧现代构造运动和地形变的 GPS监测研究》和地震监测中心推荐的《乌鲁木齐区域数字遥测地震台网》。被评为三等奖…  相似文献   

根据中国新疆维吾尔自治区地震局与哈萨克斯坦地震研究所地震科技协议,双方商定于1992年9月24日—30日在哈萨克斯坦首府阿拉木图,联合召开第一届天山地震预报国际讨论会。 这次会议将着重交流有关天山地区的地震预报、地球物理、地震地质、工程地震、地下水化学和水动态、地震形变测量以及地震观测技术等方面的研究成果,并将出版会议论文集。另外会议还将组织对阿拉木图等几个大震的考察。  相似文献   

1991年5月3日至17日,以新疆维吾尔自治区地震局副局长李大贵同志为团长的中华人民共和国新疆维吾尔自治区地震科技代表团一行6人应邀分别访问了苏联乌兹别克加盟共和国科学院地震研究所和土库曼加盟共和国科学院地震研究所,受到了两地震研究所的热烈欢迎。 新疆与苏联中亚地区的地震科技合作开始于1989年。此次新疆地震科技代表团访问乌兹别克和土库曼两加盟共和国地震研究部门,进一步扩展了中苏地区间的地震科技合作,加深了双方之间的了解和友谊。新疆与苏联中亚地区具有相似的地质构造特征和地震活动特征。双方都具有长期地震研究的历史和经验,同时又具有各自的优势。加强和不断发展这一交流与合作将会大大提高两地区地震研究水平和地震预报水平。  相似文献   

20 0 3年度新疆维吾尔自治区地震趋势会商会于 2 0 0 2年 11月 12— 14日在乌鲁木齐市召开。新疆地方地震局、新疆地震局有关业务部门以及地震台站的 6 5名代表参加了大会。大会收到震情分析报告 46份 ,有 41位代表在大会上发言。专家们从资料应用、研究方法、地震异常论证、综  相似文献   

由中国新疆维吾尔自治区地震局和哈萨克斯坦共和国科学院地震研究所共同发起、联合主办的第一届天山地震预报国际讨论会,于1992年9月24日至27日在哈萨克斯坦首都阿拉木图召开。参加会议的除主办单位的代表外,中国国家地震局分析预报中心、地壳应力研究所、兰州地震研究所及山东、江苏、陕西、青海等地震局代表以及吉尔吉斯斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦、塔吉克斯坦、土库曼斯坦各共和国科学院地震研究所、俄罗斯科学院大地物理研究所、高温物理研究所和有关研究机构的代表出席了会议。正在阿拉木图访问的中国国家地震局代表团也列席了会议。  相似文献   

Aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were studied in water, filtration and separation particulate matter, seston, and bottom sediments with the aim to determine their concentrations and origin and compare them with the concentrations of lipids and Corg (August 2006). The effect of anthropogenic hydrocarbons was identified mostly in the Northern Dvina mouth area and in the apex of Dvina Bay. In other parts of the sea, natural compounds dominate in all examined objects, since anthropogenic hydrocarbon cannot pass through the Northern Dvina-the White Sea geochemical barrier. The low temperatures in the high-latitude water areas are shown not to reduce the rate of diagenetic processes in the sedimentary strata.  相似文献   

Laboratory measurements for compressional and shear wave velocities (Vp and Vs, respectively) and porosity were conducted with core samples from the Nobeoka Thrust Drilling Project (NOBELL) under controlled effective pressure (5–65 MPa at 5 MPa intervals) and wet conditions. Samples were classified according to deformation texture as phyllite, foliated cataclasite, or non‐foliated cataclasite. Measured values of Vp, Vs, and porosity are within a range of 5.17–5.57 km/s, 2.60–2.71 km/s, and 2.75–3.10 %, respectively, for phyllite; 4.89–5.23 km/s, 2.46–2.57 km/s, and 3.58–4.53 %, respectively, for foliated cataclasite; and 4.90–5.32 km/s, 2.51–2.63 km/s, and 3.79–4.60 %, respectively, for non‐foliated cataclasite, which are all consistent with the previous laboratory experiments conducted with outcrop samples under dry conditions. However, our results also indicate higher Vp and Vs and lower porosity than those measured by the previous studies that adopted the wire‐line logging methods. The variations in Vp, Vs, and porosity are controlled by deformation structure and are greater for phyllite and foliated cataclasite than for non‐foliated cataclasite.  相似文献   

Field investigations in 1999 confirmed that the tsunami that struck the Aitape coast of Papua New Guinea on 17 July, 1998 caused damage at points as far as 230 km to the west-northwest, particularly at locations where the coast is indented. Eyewitnesses saw the sea withdraw (in most cases), then surge to levels around 2 m higher than normal in a series of three waves. In some cases the time of arrival of the waves is known approximately by reference to the onset of darkness and to felt earthquakes. Seiche waves followed in some bays, notably in Yos Sudarso Bay, Indonesia, where waves persisted for 3–5 days. Damage was caused by the backwash from the waves. Bodies presumed to be those of Aitape victims were seen floating at sea off Jayapura five days after the tsunami. We record the recollections of people in the Yos Sudarso Bay area who experienced a number of tsunamis in the past 60 years; people that we interviewed on the Papua New Guinea side of the border recollected few or none.  相似文献   

There is an aggregate outcrop of 12,000 square miles of Permian-Triassic acid igneous rocks inland from Cairns and Townsville, North Queensland. The rocks consist of ignimbrite and rhyolite, which are structurally and magmatically related to three high-level intrusions the Herbert River, Esmeralda, and Elizabeth Creek Granites. Most of the igneous rocks intrude the Precambrian Georgetown Inlier, but some of them intrude along a fractured zone on the junction of the Inlier and the shelf zone of the adjacent Palaeozoic Tasman Geosyncline. The Upper Palaeozoic — Triassic igneous period consists of two main epochs, both consisting of granite, ignimbrite, and rhyolite. In both epochs granite intrudes the comagmatic and coeval ignimbrite and rhyolite. Rapid horizontal movement of granitic magma through the epizone and major fracturing of the crust are postulated to explain the widespread intrusion of the granite. The granitic magma was probably initially generated 5 miles below the surface of the crust by partial melting of the sediments at the base of the Tasman Geosyncline. Epeirogenic movement in the Precambrian Inlier area formed sheet-like fractures, which provided channels for rapid horizontal movement of the granitic magma. This magma was emplaced along the fractured marginal zone of the Inlier to form a thick sill-like body of granite — the Herbert River Granite — in the first epoch. Magma for the second epoch was derived from melting of the lower part of the granite of the first epoch. Renewed fracturing of the Inlier area formed cauldron subsidence areas and rift, which were quicly filled with rhyolite and ignimbrite. In these collapsed areas the granitic magma crystallized as the Elizabeth Creek and Esmeralda Granites under an insulating cover of about 1,000 feet of rhyolite and ignimbrite.  相似文献   

Concentrations of total hydrocarbons within the boiling point range of the alkanes n-C14 and n-C32 were determined in oysters, Pinctada margaratifera, from coastal waters of Kuwait. Levels of petroleum-derived hydrocarbons were highest in an area adjacent to the major oil loading facilities. Whether the use of dispersants to treat minor spills increases levels of incorporation of petroleum compounds into the food webs could not be concluded from the data of this study. Levels of total petroleum-type hydrocarbons in the oysters at this site were equivalent to those in mussels, Mytilus sp., from harbours, bays and urban coastal areas of California. The Kuwaiti oysters lacked a C28 pentacyclic triterpane that was present in extracts of mussels from southern California that had been recently exposed to a minor spill or to a natural seepage. Levels of DDE and PCB were comparable to those in relatively unpolluted areas of North America.  相似文献   

Savenko  A. V.  Arkhipkin  V. S. 《Water Resources》2004,31(5):573-580
The distribution of dissolved Sr, Ca, F, and B in the mouths of small streams and the coastal areas of Golubaya and Gelendzhic bays is studied.  相似文献   

In the course of studying the Deccan Trap Hows around Igatpuri (latitudes 19°38′ and 19°45′: longitudes 73°30′ and 73°42′), picrite-basalts, not hitherto reported from this area, have been found occurring associated with basaltic flows. Thirty-eight flows, of a total thickness of 2200 feet, have been delimited. Of these, 8 flows may be termed picrite-basalts with a thickness varying from 25 to 75 feet. A feature of these basic flows is the abundance of olivine phenocrysts, with a complete absence of pyroxene phenocrysts in two of the flows. Two flows may be termed oceanite, two ankaramite, while four flows have phenocrysts of olivine, pyroxene and lelspar of An 65–70 %. In the oceanite flows the olivine phenocrysts constitute 20 to 30 per cent of the rock. They are mostly fresh, but some are altered to iddingsite. As regards the basaltic flows, about half have scanty olivine phenocrysts, the remainder being devoid of olivine. Eight are coarse enough to be termed olivine-dolerites. In the picrite-basalts the pyroxene phenocrysts have an optic axial angle of from 55° to 60°. In the basaltic flows the angle varies from 45° to 52°. The olivine phenocrysts of the picrite-basalts are highly magnesian, whereas those of the basalts are more ferruginous, as determined by optical methods. West’s view that the origin of these picrite-basalts is due to differentiation by crystal settling followed by freezing and extrusion, seems to be supported by this study.  相似文献   

The application of the CN algorithm to a new earthquake catalogue, for the period from 1932 to 1993, obtained by merging Romanian and U.S.S.R. data, allows us to monitor, on the intermediate time scale, the preparation of strong, intermediate-depth earthquakes in the Vrancea region. Four of the five strong earthquakes with a magnitude above 6.4 are predicted, the total duration of the Time of Increased Probability of the occurrence of an earthquake (TIP) occupies 21.7% of the time interval under consideration, i.e., about 2.5 years for each strong earthquake.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb were determined in filtered water, suspended particulate matter, and bottom sediments from a 2000 km section of the Ob and Irtysh Rivers. Dissolved Cd, Cr, Cu and Ni concentrations are similar to, or higher than, results from other Russian Arctic and large world river-estuaries. Concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni and Pb in suspended particulate matter are generally comparable to results from other Russian Arctic and large world rivers and estuaries. Comparison of trace metal ratios in crustal material and suspended particulate matter and bottom sediment suggests that the source of Cr, Cu and Ni is continental weathering. Particulate Cd and Pb are elevated relative to their crustal abundance, suggesting a source of these metals to the Ob-Irtysh in addition to continental weathering.  相似文献   

The devastating earthquake on 26 January 2001 at Bhuj, India, resulted in large-scale death and destruction of properties of several million US dollars. The moment magnitude of the earthquake was 7.7 and its maximum focal intensity exceeded X in MM scale. The rate of aftershocks of this earthquake, recorded at Gauribidanur seismic array station (GBA), shows a monotonic decay with time superposed with oscillations. For the Indian continent the Lg phase is a prominent arrival at regional distances. The estimate of Lg amplitude is obtained by optimally fitting the Lg wave train to a exponential decay curve. The logarithm of these amplitudes and logarithm of root mean square (rms) value of actual amplitudes of the Lg are calibrated with USGS mb to create a local mbLg magnitude scale. The energy released from these aftershocks is calculated from the rms value of Lg phase. The plot of cumulative energy release with time follows the power law of the form tp, superposed with oscillations. The exponent of the power law, p, is estimated both by a time-window scanning method and by an interpolation method. The value of p is 0.434 for time-window scanning method and 0.432 for the interpolation method. The predominant periods found in the oscillatory part of the cumulative energy, obtained by differencing the observed from the power law fit, are 10.6, 7.9, 5.4, 4.6 and 3.5 h for time-window scanning method. The corresponding periods for interpolation method are 13.4, 11.5, 7.4, 4.2, 3.5, 2.6 and 2.4 h.  相似文献   

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