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We have investigated non‐Darcian flow to a vertical fracture represented as an extended well using a linearization procedure and a finite difference method in this study. Approximate analytical solutions have been obtained with and without the consideration of fracture storage based on the linearization procedure. A numerical solution for such a non‐Darcian flow case has also been obtained with a finite difference method. We have compared the numerical solution with the approximate analytical solutions obtained by the linearization method and the Boltzmann transform. The results indicate that the linearized solution agrees generally well with the numerical solution at late times, and underestimates the dimensionless drawdown at early times, no matter if the fracture storage is considered or not. When the fracture storage is excluded, the Boltzmann transform solution overestimates the dimensionless drawdown during the entire pumping period. The dimensionless drawdowns in the fracture with fracture storage for different values of dimensionless non‐Darcian hydraulic conductivity β approach the same asymptotic value at early times. A larger β value results in a smaller dimensionless drawdown in both the fracture and the aquifer when the fracture storage is included. The dimensionless drawdown is approximately proportional to the square root of the dimensionless time at late times.  相似文献   

The impact of nonlinear flow phenomena on well response tests is still not completely understood today. With the present paper, a set of 10 well response tests is investigated. The tests were conducted in a fractured Devonian limestone formation close to the western national border of Germany. The test design incorporates a packer as well as different solid cylinders to initiate a series of slug‐injection and slug‐withdrawal tests by various initial displacements. Nonlinear response characteristics were observed in the course of the tests, which cannot be explained by tubing‐controlled flow inside the cased well. The analysis shows that the nonlinear response characteristics are likely to be either formation controlled according to non‐Darcian flow developing in a high‐conductivity fracture compartment of the tested limestone formation or a consequence of a severe well inefficiency caused by some sort of screen clogging. This inference is obtained from analyzing the data by a nonlinear well response test model, which differentiates between wellbore internal hydraulic head losses and a generalized rate‐dependent skin effect accounting for nonlinear flow processes in the vicinity of the well. The potential of identifying near‐well nonlinear flow by various displacement well response testing may indicate this methodology to be a valuable complement to modern high‐resolution borehole imaging techniques used when characterizing fractured reservoirs and the tightness of fractured reservoir cap rocks.  相似文献   

A simple non‐linear control law is proposed for reducing structural responses against seismic excitations. This law defines control force dynamics by one differential equation involving a non‐linear term that restrains the control force amplitude. If non‐linearity is neglected, the control force becomes the force in a Maxwell element, so it is called the non‐linear‐Maxwell‐element‐type (NMW) control force. The NMW control force vs. deformation relation plots hysteretic curves. The basic performance of an SDOF model with the NMW control force is examined for various conditions by numerical analyses. Furthermore, the control law is extended to fit an MDOF structural model, and an application example is shown. The computational results show that the NMW control force efficiently reduces structural responses. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The method of common reflection surface (CRS) extends conventional stacking of seismic traces over offset to multidimensional stacking over offset‐midpoint surfaces. We propose a new form of the stacking surface, derived from the analytical solution for reflection traveltime from a hyperbolic reflector. Both analytical comparisons and numerical tests show that the new approximation can be significantly more accurate than the conventional CRS approximation at large offsets or at large midpoint separations while using essentially the same parameters.  相似文献   

Changes in effective stress due to water pressure variations modify the intrinsic hydrodynamic properties of aquifers and aquitards. Overexploited groundwater systems, such as basins with heavy pumping, are subject to nonrecoverable modifications. This results in loss of permeability, porosity, and specific storage due to system consolidation. This paper presents (1) the analytical development of model functions relating effective stress to hydrodynamic parameters for aquifers and aquitards constituted of unconsolidated granular sediments, and (2) a modeling approach for the analysis of aquifer systems affected by effective stress variations, taking into account the aforementioned dependency. The stress‐dependent functions were fit to laboratory data, and used in the suggested modeling approach. Based on only few unknowns, this approach is computationally simple, efficiently captures the hydromechanical processes that are active in regional aquifer systems under stress, and readily provides an estimate of their consolidation.  相似文献   

A framework formula for performance‐based earthquake engineering, advocated and used by researchers at the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research (PEER) Center, is closely examined. The formula was originally intended for computing the mean annual rate of a performance measure exceeding a specified threshold. However, it has also been used for computing the probability that a performance measure will exceed a specified threshold during a given period of time. It is shown that the use of the formula to compute such probabilities could lead to errors when non‐ergodic variables (aleatory or epistemic) are present. Assuming a Poisson model for the occurrence of earthquakes in time, an exact expression is derived for the probability distribution of the maximum of a performance measure over a given period of time, properly accounting for non‐ergodic uncertainties. This result is used to assess the approximation involved in the PEER formula for computing probabilities. It is found that the PEER approximation of the probability has a negligible error for probabilities less than about 0.01. For larger probabilities, the error depends on the magnitude of non‐ergodic uncertainties and the duration of time considered and can be as much as 20% for probabilities around 0.05 and 30% for probabilities around 0.10. The error is always on the conservative side. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Past severe earthquakes indicate that structural pounding may cause considerable damage or even lead to collapse of colliding structures if the separation distance between them is not sufficient. Because of its complexity, modelling of impact is an extremely difficult task, however, the precise numerical model of pounding is essential if an accurate structural response is to be simulated. The aim of this paper is to analyse a non‐linear viscoelastic model of collisions which allows more precise simulation of the structural pounding during earthquakes. The effectiveness of the model is verified by comparing the results of numerical analyses with the results of experiments conducted on pounding between different types of structures. The results of the study indicate that, compared to other models, the proposed non‐linear viscoelastic model is the most precise one in simulating the pounding‐involved structural response. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Non‐uniqueness occurs with the 1D parametrization of refraction traveltime graphs in the vertical dimension and with the 2D lateral resolution of individual layers in the horizontal dimension. The most common source of non‐uniqueness is the inversion algorithm used to generate the starting model. This study applies 1D, 1.5D and 2D inversion algorithms to traveltime data for a syncline (2D) model, in order to generate starting models for wave path eikonal traveltime tomography. The 1D tau‐p algorithm produced a tomogram with an anticline rather than a syncline and an artefact with a high seismic velocity. The 2D generalized reciprocal method generated tomograms that accurately reproduced the syncline, together with narrow regions at the thalweg with seismic velocities that are less than and greater than the true seismic velocities as well as the true values. It is concluded that 2D inversion algorithms, which explicitly identify forward and reverse traveltime data, are required to generate useful starting models in the near‐surface where irregular refractors are common. The most likely tomogram can be selected as either the simplest model or with a priori information, such as head wave amplitudes. The determination of vertical velocity functions within individual layers is also subject to non‐uniqueness. Depths computed with vertical velocity gradients, which are the default with many tomography programs, are generally 50% greater than those computed with constant velocities for the same traveltime data. The average vertical velocity provides a more accurate measure of depth estimates, where it can be derived. Non‐uniqueness is a fundamental reality with the inversion of all near‐surface seismic refraction data. Unless specific measures are taken to explicitly address non‐uniqueness, then the production of a single refraction tomogram, which fits the traveltime data to sufficient accuracy, does not necessarily demonstrate that the result is either ‘correct’ or the most probable.  相似文献   

Recent research has demonstrated the use of in‐well heat tracer tests monitored by a fiber optic distributed temperature sensing (DTS) system to characterize borehole flow conditions in open bedrock boreholes. However, the accuracy of borehole flow rates determined from in‐well heat tracer tests has not been evaluated. The purpose of the research presented here is to determine whether borehole flow rates obtained using DTS‐monitored in‐well heat tracer tests are reasonable, and to evaluate the range of flow rates measureable with this method. To accomplish this, borehole flow rates measured using in‐well heat tracer tests are compared to borehole flow rates measured in the same boreholes using an impeller or heat pulse flowmeter. A comparison of flow rates measured using in‐well heat tracer tests to flow rates measured with an impeller flowmeter under the same conditions showed good agreement. A comparison of in‐well heat tracer test flow rate measurements to previously‐collected heat pulse flowmeter measurements indicates that the heat tracer test results produced borehole flow rates and flow profiles similar to those measured with the heat pulse flowmeter. The results of this study indicate that borehole flow rates determined from DTS‐monitored in‐well heat tracer tests are reasonable estimates of actual borehole flow rates. In addition, the range of borehole flow rates measurable by in‐well heat tracer tests spans from less than 10?1 m/min to approximately 101 m/min, overlapping the ranges typically measurable with an impeller flowmeter or a heat pulse flowmeter, making in‐well heat tracer testing a versatile borehole flow logging tool.  相似文献   

Estimating elastic parameters from prestack seismic data remains a subject of interest for the exploration and development of hydrocarbon reservoirs. In geophysical inverse problems, data and models are in general non‐linearly related. Linearized inversion methods often have the disadvantage of strong dependence on the initial model. When the initial model is far from the global minimum, inversion iteration is likely to converge to the local minimum. This problem can be avoided by using global optimization methods. In this paper, we implemented and tested a prestack seismic inversion scheme based on a quantum‐behaved particle swarm optimization (QPSO) algorithm aided by an edge‐preserving smoothing ( EPS) operator. We applied the algorithm to estimate elastic parameters from prestack seismic data. Its performance on both synthetic data and real seismic data indicates that QPSO optimization with the EPS operator yields an accurate solution.  相似文献   

The tau‐p inversion algorithm is widely employed to generate starting models with many computer programs that implement refraction tomography. However, this algorithm can frequently fail to detect even major lateral variations in seismic velocities, such as a 50 m wide shear zone, which is the subject of this study. By contrast, the shear zone is successfully defined with the inversion algorithms of the generalized reciprocal method. The shear zone is confirmed with a 2D analysis of the head wave amplitudes, a spectral analysis of the refraction convolution section and with numerous closely spaced orthogonal seismic profiles recorded for a later 3D refraction investigation. Further improvements in resolution, which facilitate the recognition of additional zones with moderate reductions in seismic velocity, are achieved with a novel application of the Hilbert transform to the refractor velocity analysis algorithm. However, the improved resolution also requires the use of a lower average vertical seismic velocity, which accommodates a velocity reversal in the weathering. The lower seismic velocity is derived with the generalized reciprocal method, whereas most refraction tomography programs assume vertical velocity gradients as the default. Although all of the tomograms are consistent with the traveltime data, the resolution of each tomogram is comparable only with that of the starting model. Therefore, it is essential to employ inversion algorithms that can generate detailed starting models, where detailed lateral resolution is the objective. Non‐uniqueness can often be readily resolved with head wave amplitudes, attribute processing of the refraction convolution section and additional seismic traverses, prior to the acquisition of any borehole data. It is concluded that, unless specific measures are taken to address non‐uniqueness, the production of a single refraction tomogram that fits the traveltime data to sufficient accuracy does not necessarily demonstrate that the result is either correct, or even the most probable.  相似文献   

A wavelet‐based random vibration theory has been developed for the non‐stationary seismic response of liquid storage tanks including soil interaction. The ground motion process has been characterized via estimates of statistical functionals of wavelet coefficients obtained from a single time history of ground accelerations. The tank–liquid–soil system has been modelled as a two‐degree‐of‐freedom (2‐DOF) system. The wavelet domain equations have been formulated and the wavelet coefficients of the required response state are obtained by solving two linear simultaneous algebraic equations. The explicit expression for the instantaneous power spectral density function (PSDF) in terms of the functionals of the input wavelet coefficients has been obtained. The moments of this PSDF are used to estimate the expected pseudo‐spectral acceleration (PSA) response of the tank. Parametric variations are carried out to study the effects of tank height, foundation natural frequency, shear wave velocity of soil and ratio of the mass of tank (including liquid) to the mass of foundation on the PSA responses of tanks. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Numerical transport models based on the advection‐dispersion equation (ADE) are built on the assumption that sub‐grid cell transport is Fickian such that dispersive spreading around the average velocity is symmetric and without significant tailing on the front edge of a solute plume. However, anomalous diffusion in the form of super‐diffusion due to preferential pathways in an aquifer has been observed in field data, challenging the assumption of Fickian dispersion at the local scale. This study develops a fully Lagrangian method to simulate sub‐grid super‐diffusion in a multidimensional regional‐scale transport model by using a recent mathematical model allowing super‐diffusion along the flow direction given by the regional model. Here, the time randomizing procedure known as subordination is applied to flow field output from MODFLOW simulations. Numerical tests check the applicability of the novel method in mapping regional‐scale super‐diffusive transport conditioned on local properties of multidimensional heterogeneous media.  相似文献   

A previously published mixing length (ML) model for evaluating the Darcy–Weisbach friction factor for a large‐scale roughness condition (depth to sediment height ratio ranging from 1 to 4) is brie?y reviewed and modi?ed (MML). Then the MML model and a modi?ed drag (MD) model are experimentally tested using laboratory measurements carried out for gravel‐bed channels and large‐scale roughness condition. This analysis showed that the MML gives accurate estimates of the Darcy–Weisbach coef?cient and for Froude number values greater than 0·5 the MML model coincides with the ML one. Testing of the MD model shows limited accuracy in estimating ?ow resistance. Finally, the MML and MD models are compared with the performance of a quasi‐theoretical (QT) model deduced applying the P‐theorem of the dimensional analysis and the incomplete self‐similarity condition for the depth/sediment ratio and the Froude number. Using the experimental gravel‐bed data to calibrate the QT model, a constant value of the exponent of the Froude number is determined while two relationships are proposed for estimating the scale factor and the exponent of the depth/sediment ratio. This indirect estimate procedure of the coef?cients (b0, b1 and b2) of the QT model can produce a negligible overestimation or underestimation of the friction factor. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a non‐iterative time integration (NITI) scheme for non‐linear dynamic FEM analysis. The NITI scheme is constructed by combining explicit and implicit schemes, taking advantage of their merits, and enables stable computation without an iteration process for convergence even when used for non‐linear dynamic problems. Formulation of the NITI scheme is presented and its stability is studied. Although the NITI scheme is not unconditionally stable when applied to non‐linear problems, it is stable in most cases unless stiffness hardening occurs or the problem has a large velocity‐dependent term. The NITI scheme is applied to dynamic analysis of the non‐linear soil–structure system and computation results are compared with those by the central difference method (CDM). Comparison shows that the stability of the NITI scheme is superior to that of the CDM. Accuracy of the NITI scheme is verified because its results are identical with those by the CDM in which the time step is set as 1/10 of that for the NITI scheme. The application of the NITI scheme to the mesh‐partitioned FEM is also proposed. It is applied to dynamic analysis of the linear soil–structure system. It yields the same results as a conventional single‐domain FEM analysis using the Newmark β method. This result verifies the usability of mesh‐partitioned FEM analysis using the NITI scheme. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley& Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The application of stationary parameters in conceptual hydrological models, even under changing boundary conditions, is a common yet unproven practice. This study investigates the impact of non‐stationary model parameters on model performance for different flow indices and time scales. Therefore, a Self‐Organizing Map based optimization approach, which links non‐stationary model parameters with climate indices, is presented and tested on seven meso‐scale catchments in northern Germany. The algorithm automatically groups sub‐periods with similar climate characteristics and allocates them to similar model parameter sets. The climate indices used for the classification of sub‐periods are based on (a) yearly means and (b) a moving average over the previous 61 days. Classification b supports the estimation of continuous non‐stationary parameters. The results show that (i) non‐stationary model parameters can improve the performance of hydrological models with an acceptable growth in parameter uncertainty; (ii) some model parameters are highly correlated to some climate indices; (iii) the model performance improves more for monthly means than yearly means; and (iv) in general low to medium flows improve more than high flows. It was further shown how the gained knowledge can be used to identify insufficiencies in the model structure. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the effects of long‐period pulse of near‐fault ground motions on the structural damage potential. Two sets of near‐fault ground motion records from Chi‐Chi, Taiwan earthquake and Northridge earthquake with and without distinct pulse are selected as the input, and the correlation analysis between 30 non‐structure‐specific intensity measure parameters and maximum inelastic displacements and energy responses (input energy and hysteretic energy) of bilinear single degree of freedom systems are conducted. Based on the frequency characteristic of near‐fault ground motions with remarkable long‐period components, two intensity indices are proposed, namely, the improved effective peak acceleration (IEPA) and improved effective peak velocity (IEPV). In addition a new characteristic period of these ground motions is defined based on IEPA and IEPV. Numerical results illustrate that the intensity measure parameters related to ground acceleration present the best correlation with the seismic responses for rigid systems; the velocity‐related and displacement‐related parameters are better for medium‐frequency systems and flexible systems, respectively. The correlation curves of near‐fault ground motions with velocity pulse differ from those of ground motions without pulse. Moreover, the improved parameters IEPA and IEPV of near‐fault impulsive ground motions enhance the performance of intensity measure of corresponding conventional parameters, i.e. EPA and EPV. The new characteristic period based on IEPA and IEPV can better reflect the frequency content of near‐fault ground motions. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A previously published regional groundwater‐flow model in north‐central Nebraska was sequentially linked with the recently developed soil‐water‐balance (SWB) model to analyze effects to groundwater‐flow model parameters and calibration results. The linked models provided a more detailed spatial and temporal distribution of simulated recharge based on hydrologic processes, improvement of simulated groundwater‐level changes and base flows at specific sites in agricultural areas, and a physically based assessment of the relative magnitude of recharge for grassland, nonirrigated cropland, and irrigated cropland areas. Root‐mean‐squared (RMS) differences between the simulated and estimated or measured target values for the previously published model and linked models were relatively similar and did not improve for all types of calibration targets. However, without any adjustment to the SWB‐generated recharge, the RMS difference between simulated and estimated base‐flow target values for the groundwater‐flow model was slightly smaller than for the previously published model, possibly indicating that the volume of recharge simulated by the SWB code was closer to actual hydrogeologic conditions than the previously published model provided. Groundwater‐level and base‐flow hydrographs showed that temporal patterns of simulated groundwater levels and base flows were more accurate for the linked models than for the previously published model at several sites, particularly in agricultural areas.  相似文献   

Non‐point source (NPS) pollution from agricultural land is increasing exponentially in many countries of the world, including India. A modified approach based on the conservation of mass and reaction kinetics has been derived to estimate the inflow of non‐point source pollutants from a river reach. Two water quality variables, namely, nitrate (NO3) and ortho‐phosphate (o‐PO4), which are main contributors as non‐point source pollution, were monitored at four locations of River Kali, western Uttar Pradesh, India, and used for calibration and validation of the model. Extensive water quality sampling was done with a total of 576 field data sets collected during the period from March 1999 to February 2000. Remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) techniques were used to obtain land use/land cover of the region, digital elevation model (DEM), delineation of basin area contributing to non‐point source pollution at each sampling location and drainage map. The results obtained from a modified approach were compared with the existing mass‐balance equations and distributed modelling, and the performances of different equations were evaluated using error estimation viz. standard error, normal mean error, mean multiplicative error and correlation statistics. The developed model for the River Kali minimizes error estimates and improves correlation between observed and computed NPS loads. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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