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A plot of δ13C against δ15N for all lunar soils and breccias for which both values are available indicates that the 30% change in δ15N previously observed is accompanied by a change in δ13C about one-tenth as large. The correlation remains when the data are broken down into sub-sets according to soil maturity. The correlation therefore is not due to maturation effects or non-selective sample contamination and must represent concurrent changes in the isotope ratios of both elements at their source. A rough calculation of the relative production rates of13C and15N indicates that spallation reactions in the sun could lead to the observed ratio of the δ13C to δ15N variations.  相似文献   

A yearly cycle of carbon and oxygen isotope composition of shells of the Israeli land snailXeropicta vestalis is presented. The18O/16O values indicate that the snails use water from the land-air boundary zone. The18O/16O ratio of the shells is in isotopic equilibrium with the water condensate from the vapour during the winter months. During the summer months a contribution to the above water from soil water migrating upwards due to evaporation is noticeable. The δ13C values indicate that as in marine molluscs, the carbon isotopic composition in land snails is controlled mainly by the aqueous carbonate compound which is in equilibrium with the land-air boundary CO2.  相似文献   

Carbon and oxygen isotope analyses on shells of freshwater molluscs and their habitat are presented. The data obtained reconfirm the usefulness of such 18O analyses for paleoenvironmental and paleohydrological studies.The 13C analyses on freshwater molluscs from lakes in southwestern Ontario, specimens grown under laboratory conditions and a comparison with the 13C contents of the dissolved inorganic carbon in their habitat show that the 13C contents in mollusc shells are primarily controlled by the aqueous carbonate species. Vital effects and food control appear to have only minor importance. The significance of this observation on the usufulness of mollusc shells for 14C dating is discussed.  相似文献   

δ13C values are presented for cellulose samples prepared from two dendrochronologically dated Pinus longaeva (bristlecone pine) trees which grew during the last 1000 years. δ13C variations for these lower forest border trees are similar to upper tree line ring-width variations for the same species and English high summer temperature variations for the same time period. However, the δ13C variations appear to be unrelated to lower forest border ring-width variations and cellulose δ D variations for the same specimens.  相似文献   

3He/4He ratios in dissolved helium at GEOSECS stations 115, 117, 30, and 120 provide an east-west section across the Mid-Atlantic Ridge at 30°N. Below 1500 m depth, the3He/4He profiles show little structure and have values within a few percent of the atmospheric ratio, indicating that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge is not a significant source of injected3He at this latitude. Mean3He/4He ratios calculated for the deep water at each station show that the3He/4He ratio in the western Atlantic at 30°N is 2–3% higher than in the eastern basin, probably due to mixing between a3He-rich boundary current in the western basin and low-3He deep water to the east.  相似文献   

18O/16O ratios have been measured for Luna 20 and Apollo 15 fines and Apollo 15 rocks.Isotopic composition and fractionation between minerals are compared with previous results.Partial fluorination experiments on Luna 20 soil and Apollo 15021 extreme fines show large18O enrichments in grain surfaces. These results are discussed.  相似文献   

We analyzed, U, Th and230Th/232Th activity ratios for a few tholeiites from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge FAMOUS zone at 36°50′N. The results show a fairly wide scatter for both Th/U and (230Th/232Th) ratios. Seawater contamination appears to be responsible for this scatter and, for the uranium, produces an increase in content yielding a (234U/238U) ratio greater than 1 and, for the Th, an increase of the (230Th/232Th) ratio which is a very sensitive indicator for contamination. Also, the latter often is selective: U, Th and Sr are not affected in the same manner.When discarding all data for contaminated samples, the FAMOUS zone appears to be very homogeneous with aTh/U ratio value of 3.05 and a (230Th/232Th) ratio value of 1.24. Comparison with other active volcanic areas reveals a negative correlation between (230Th/232Th) and87Sr/86Sr ratios for present lavas which is indicative of a consistency in Th-U and Rb-Sr fractionation in the source regions of these magmas. The Th isotopic geochemistry can thus provide useful information for the study of present volcanism, information as valuable as that from Sr, Pb or Nd isotopes.  相似文献   

Examples of positive correlations between initial 87Sr/86Sr and δ18O have now been shown to be very common in igneous rock series. These data in general require some type of mixing of mantle-derived igneous rocks with high-18O, high-87Sr crustal metamorphic rocks that once resided on or near the Earth's surface, such as sedimentary rocks or hydrothermally altered volcanic rocks. Mixing that involves assimilation of country rocks by magmas, however, is not a simple two-end-member process; heat balance requires appreciable crystallization of cumulates. In such cases, the isotopic compositions may strongly reflect this open-system behavior and indicate the process of assimilation, whereas the major element chemical compositions of the contaminated magmas will be largely controlled by crystal-melt equilibria and crystallization paths fixed by multicomponent cotectics. A variety of oxygen and strontium isotope “mixing” curves were therefore calculated for this process of combined assimilation-fractional crystallization. The positions and characteristics of the resultant curves on δ18O-87Sr/86Sr diagrams markedly diverge from simple two end-member mixing relationships. Based on the above, model calculations can be crudely fitted to two igneous rock suites (Adamello and Roccamonfina in Italy), but the shapes of the calculated curves appear to rule out magmatic assimilation as an explanation for most δ18O-87Sr/86Sr correlations discovered so far, including all of those involving calc-alkaline granitic batholiths and andesitic volcanic rocks. The isotopic relationships in such magma types must be inherited from their source regions, presumably reflecting patterns that existed in the parent rocks (or magmas) prior to or during melting.  相似文献   

Gaseous components of gas inclusions in deep carbonate rocks (>5700 m) from the Tacan 1 well were analyzed by online mass spectrometry by means of either the stepwise heating technique or vacuum electromagnetism crushing. The carbon isotopic compositions of gases released by vacuum electromagnetism crushing were also measured. Although the molecular compositions of gas inclusions show differences between the two methods, the overall characteristics are that gas inclusions mainly contain CO2, whilst hydrocarbon gases, such as CH4, C2H6 and C3H8, are less abundant. The content of CO is higher in the stepwise heating experiment than that in the method of vacuum electromagnetism crushing, and there are only minor amounts of N2, H2 and O2 in gas inclusions. Methane δ13C values of gas inclusions in Lower Ordovician and Upper Cambrian rocks (from 5713.7 to 6422 m; -52‰-63‰) are similar to those of bacterial methane, but their chemical compositions do not exhibit the dry character in comparison with biogenic gases. These characteristics of deep gas inclusions may be related to the migration fractionation. Some deep natural gases with light carbon isotopic characteristics in the Tazhong Uplift may have a similar origin. The δ13C1 values of gas inclusions in Lower Cambrian rocks (7117-7124 m) are heavier (-39‰), consistent with highly mature natural gases. Carbon isotopic compositions of CO2 in the gas inclusions of deep carbonate rocks are similar (from -4‰ to -13‰) to those of deep natural gases, indicating predominantly an inorganic origin.  相似文献   

New data from three Tasman Sea cores support Keigwin's [1] observation that the δ13C of Pacific benthic foraminifera (and by inference bottom-water TCO2) decreased by 0.7‰ at about 6.5 Myr B.P. Simple box models are developed and used to test several hypotheses about the cause of the δ13C decrease. We favor the idea that the δ13C shift was due to a rapid change in TCO2 cycling within the oceans (such as would result from either a decrease in upwelling rate, or an increase in the fraction of PO43? reaching the deep oceans in particulate organic matter and a corresponding drop in the preformed PO43? concentration). The δ13C decrease across the shift might reflect either a global decrease in upwelling rate, or a different abyssal circulation pattern before the shift.  相似文献   

Initial87Sr/86Sr ratios have been determined for 34 plutonic and volcanic rocks covering the entire age span of magmatic events associated with the Andean orogeny between latitudes 26° and 29° south. The igneous rocks, the majority dated by K/Ar mineral techniques, range in age from Lower Jurassic (190 m.y.) to Quaternary (0.89 m.y.). In addition, initial ratios were determined for three granitoid plutons and one metasediment from the pre-Mesozoic basement which underlies the entire Andean orogen in this transect at shallow depth. The compositions vary from basalt to rhyolite, and from quartz diorite to granodiorite or trondjemite, for the extrusives and intrusives, respectively.Mid-Cretaceous to Quaternary rocks exhibit a systematic west to east increase in mean strontium isotope ratio from 0.7022 to 0.7077, whereas the initial ratios of Jurassic plutons vary from 0.7043 to 0.7059, and do not correlate with age.The existence of unusually low initial ratios (e.g. 0.7022, 0.7023) for several Mesozoic plutonic rocks strongly implies a sub-crustal source for at least some of the Andean magmas. The time-dependent post-Jurassic increase in initial ratio is considered to reflect a systematic change in the composition of partial melts generated in response to the progressive subduction of a lithospheric slab. It is suggested that a systematic change in the locus of melting takes place from along or close to the upper surface of the subduction slab into hanging-wall mantle peridotite as subduction continues.  相似文献   

D/H ratios of fluid inclusion waters extracted from230Th/234U-dated speleothems that were originally deposited under conditions of isotopic equilibrium should provide a direct estimate of the hydrogen isotopic composition of ancient meteoric waters. We present here D/H ratios for 47 fluid inclusion samples from thirteen speleothems deposited over the past 250,000 years at cave sites in Iowa, West Virginia, Kentucky and Missouri. At each site glacial-age waters are depleted in deuterium relative to those of interglacial age. The average interglacial/glacial shift in the hydrogen isotopic composition of meteoric precipitation over ice-free areas of east-central North America is estimated to be ?12‰. This shift is consistent with the present climatic models and can be explained in terms of the prevailing pattern of atmospheric circulation and an increased ocean-continent temperature gradient during glacial times which more than compensated for the increase in deuterium content of the world ocean.  相似文献   

Tritium is measured as a function of depth in a Surveyor 3 sample. The upper limit for solar-wind-implanted tritium gives a3H/1H limit for the solar wind of 1 × 10?11. The temperature release patterns of14C from lunar soils are measured. The14C release patterns from surface soils differ from a trench bottom soil and gives evidence for the presence of14C in the solar wind with a14C/1H ratio of approximately 4 × 10?11. The implications of these radio nuclide abundances in the solar wind are discussed.  相似文献   

40Ar/39Ar dating results on seven volcanic rocks from four areas of the Deccan Traps, India, suggest that volcanic activity more than 70 Ma ago might have occurred at least in limited areas.In the Igat Puri area, the uppermost flow shows an40Ar/39Ar age of 63 Ma, whereas a lower flow has an age of around 82–84 Ma.40Ar/39Ar ages of samples from the Bombay area also seem to favor the occurrence of volcanic activity more than 70 Ma ago. One rhyolite dyke from the Osam Hill in the Girnar Hill area shows a well-defined plateau age of 68 Ma, whereas two tholeiitic basalts from the Mahabaleshwar area indicate a total40Ar/39Ar age of around 63–64 Ma, though they show the effect of secondary disturbance in the age spectra.The volcanic activity(ies) more than 70 Ma ago may correspond to precursory one(s) for the main volcanic activity around 65 Ma ago in the Deccan Traps.  相似文献   

The isotopic composition of lutetium has been measured in a range of terrestrial and meteoritic materials using solid-source mass spectrometric techniques. The meteoritic and terrestrial isotopic abundances are identical within experimental errors. The absolute 175Lu/176Lu ratio as determined in this work is 37.36 ± 0.07 at the 95% confidence level. On the basis of this measurement the atomic weight of lutetium has been calculated to be 174.967 ± 0.002, which is in good agreement with the currently accepted figure of 174.97 ± 0.01.Using the stable isotope dilution technique the abundance of lutetium has been determined in 25 stone, 1 stony-iron and 8 iron meteorites, and in 12 standard rocks, with an accuracy of ±5% at the 95% confidence level. In general, there is good agreement between this work and other published data.The 176Lu-176Hf pair has been proposed as an s process nucleocosmochronometer, because of the long half-life of 176Lu and the unique fact that both are s process isobars. The isotopic and elemental abundances of lutetium as measured in this work have been used with published nuclear data to estimate the mean age of s process nucleosynthesis for this isobaric pair, using the Schramm-Wasserburg formalism. The mean age cannot be accurately determined at the present time because of the lack of 30 keV neutron capture cross-section data for s only process nuclides and an accurate measurement of the branching ratio of 175Lu + n. However, it is possible to place constraints on the nuclear parameters in this mass region using a reasonable s process chronology based on the decay of 176Lu.  相似文献   

The Cenozoic volcanic rocks of the southern Andes are characterized by low 87Sr/86Sr ratios (0.7040–0.7045), which are consistent with an origin in the downgoing slab of oceanic lithosphere or the overlying mantle. These values are distinctly lower than those from corresponding rocks of the central Andes.The calc-alkaline rocks of the central Andes exhibit higher Sr isotopic values (0.705–0.713) and variable Rb/Sr ratios. Different explanations are possible for this behaviour as well as for the positive correlation between 87Sr/86Sr and Rb/Sr expressed in an apparent isochron of 380 ± 50 m.y. It is postulated that these magmas result from a mixing process between a primary magma with basaltic affinities and crustal material of relatively young age.A model is proposed for the generation of the “andesitic” magmas of the central Andes by which crustal rocks of the upper part of the crust are added to the base of the crust by an accretionary process at the margin of the continent. Melts from these upper crustal rocks act as contaminants in “andesitic” magmas.The role of crustal material is still more significant in the generation of the ignimbritic magmas; they are considered to result from a two-stage melting process by which igneous rocks, belonging to a former stage of development of the Andes, are engulfed in the subduction zone, where they melt.  相似文献   

兹格塘错是青藏高原中部一个典型的半混合型咸水湖泊。本文在~(210)Pb和~(137)Cs定年的基础上,研究了兹格塘错重力岩芯(ZGTC A-1)小于38.5μm细颗粒组分碳酸盐稳定碳同位素1950年以来的变化及其影响因素。对冬夏季湖水水化学特征的分析表明,夏季湖水溶解CO_2呈逸出状态,冬季湖水钙离子浓度是夏季湖水的10倍,据此可以得出兹格塘错碳酸盐矿物主要在夏季沉淀。通过与那曲气象站气象记录对比发现,1950年以来A-1岩芯碳酸盐碳同位素变化与年均温度有很好的相关性,表现出年均温度高时碳同位素偏重,而年均温度低时碳同位素偏轻的特征。兹格塘错1950年以来自生碳酸盐碳同位素的变化是由湖区及水体碳循环(如碳酸盐沉淀,有机质的沉淀与分解,有机碳和无机碳的转化等)的变化引起的,但各种因素的相互作用非常复杂。碳酸盐含量也与温度有关,温度越高,碳酸盐含量越高,同时降水量与碳酸盐含量也存在明显的相关关系。1950年以来有机质含量与温度呈反相关,可能与湖泊生产力的下降有关。  相似文献   

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