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Previous laser ablation‐ICP‐MS bulk analyses have been confined to volcanic glasses and glass disks or powder pellets similar to those used for XRF analysis. This study proposes a method to determine twenty trace elements (fourteen rare earth elements, Sc, Y, Zr, Nb, Hf and Ta) by LA‐ICP‐MS directly from polished thick sections and rock slabs of six fine‐grained crystalline and aphanitic rocks (five volcanic rocks and one pelitic tillite). Laser scanning of eight to ten 20 mm long linear tracks using a spot size of 160 μm, with a total ablated area of 26–32 mm2, was performed. Quantification was carried out by (a) internal standardisation using Si and (b) without applying internal standardisation. In the latter method, external determination of one element in conventional LA‐ICP‐MS quantification is no longer needed. Although the fine‐grained rocks studied contained variable amounts of volatiles (up to 4%), this method gave results that agree within 10% relative with those obtained by internal standardisation using Si. Two USGS basalt glass reference materials (BCR‐2G and BHVO‐2G) were used for external calibration. The results and the associated trace element patterns and ratios of elemental pairs obtained from both methods of quantification showed good agreement with the results from solution nebulisation ICP‐MS within 20% (mostly within 10%) relative. Fine‐grained rocks are common and include volcanic, sedimentary and low‐grade metamorphic rocks (e.g., basalt, andesite, rhyolite, shale, mudstone, tillite, loess, pelite and slate) and their trace element contents and associated ratios are important geochemical tracers in studies focusing on the composition and evolution of the crust and mantle. Our method provides a simple and quantitative way to determine trace elements in fine‐grained rocks even with those displaying complex textures.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the determination of low‐level rare earth elements (REEs) and thorium in ultramafic samples by inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry. The conventional method for the digestion of ultramafic rocks using HNO3 and HF results in considerable amounts of insoluble fluorides because of the high contents of Mg (generally up to 24% m/m) in these rocks. In this study, we used H3BO3 as a complexing agent to break down the insoluble fluorides, and then separated the REEs from Fe and Mg major and Ba, Ca, Cr minor matrices by anion exchange and co‐precipitation, respectively. The whole procedural blanks estimated from sample‐free analyses ranged from 0.232 ng for Ce to 0.006 ng for Tm and Lu. Limits of detection for this method, defined as three times the standard deviation of these blank analyses, varied from 0.51 ng g?1 for Ce to 0.03 ng g?1 for Lu. The recovery of REEs using this technique, as determined using the standard addition method, ranged from 92.9% for Y to 102.0% for Er with 3% (RSD) variation. The method was validated using GAS (GeoPT‐12), JP‐1 and PCC‐1, and the results were comparable to literature values, elucidating the applicability to the determination of ultra trace REEs in ultramafic rocks.  相似文献   

Gold and copper concentrations were determined in natural pyrite by near‐infrared femtosecond LA‐ICP‐QMS, using both sulfide reference materials (pyrrhotite Po‐726 and in‐house natural chalcopyrite Cpy‐RM) and NIST SRM 610 as external calibrators. Firstly, using NIST SRM 610 as the external calibrator, we calculated the Au concentration in Po‐726 and the Cu concentration in Cpy‐RM. The calculated concentration averages for Au and Cu were similar to the values published for Po‐726 and Cpy‐RM, respectively. Secondly, we calculated Au and Cu concentrations taking NIST SRM 610 as an unknown sample and using Po‐726 and Cpy‐RM as external calibrators. Again, the average values obtained closely reflected the preferred concentrations for NIST SRM 610. Finally, we calculated Au and Cu concentrations in natural pyrite using sulfide and silicate reference materials as external calibrators. In both cases, calculated concentrations were very similar, independent of the external calibrator used. The aforementioned data, plus the fact that we obtained very small differences in relative sensitivity values (percentage differences are between 5% and 17% for 57Fe, 63Cu and 197Au) on analyses of silicate and sulfide RMs, indicate that there were no matrix effects related to the differences in material composition. Thus, it is possible to determine Au and Cu in natural sulfides using NIST silicate glasses as an external calibrator.  相似文献   

Compared with solution ICP‐MS, LA‐ICP‐MS studies have thus far reported comparatively few external reference data for accuracy estimates of experiments. This is largely the result of a paucity of available reference materials of natural composition. Here, we report an evaluation of natural glass (obsidian) as an inexpensive and widely available external reference material. The homogeneity of over forty elements in six different obsidian samples was assessed by LA‐ICP‐MS. Accuracy was tested with two obsidian samples that were fully characterised by electron probe microanalysis and solution ICP‐MS. Laser ablation experiments were performed with a variety of ablation parameters (fluence, spot sizes, ablation repetition rates) and calibration approaches (natural vs. synthetic reference materials, and different internal standard elements) to determine the best practice for obsidian analysis. Furthermore, the samples were analysed using two different laser wavelengths (193 nm and 213 nm) to compare the effect of potential ablation‐related phenomena (e.g., fractionation). Our data indicate that ablation with fluences larger than 6 J cm?2 and repetition rates of 5 or 10 Hz resulted in the most accurate results. Furthermore, synthetic NIST SRM 611 and 612 glasses worked better as reference materials compared with lower SiO2 content reference materials (e.g., BHVO‐2G or GOR128‐G). The very similar SiO2 content of the NIST SRM glasses and obsidian (i.e., matrix and compositional match) seems to be the first‐order control on the ablation behaviour and, hence, the accuracy of the data. The use of different internal standard elements for the quantification of the obsidian data showed that Si and Na yielded accurate results for most elements. Nevertheless, for the analysis of samples with high SiO2 concentrations, it is recommended to use Si as the internal standard because it can be more precisely determined by electron probe microanalysis. At the scale of typical LA analyses, the six obsidian samples proved to be surprisingly homogenous. Analyses with a spot size of 80 μm resulted in relative standard deviations (% RSD) better than 8% for all but the most depleted elements (e.g., Sc, V, Ni, Cr, Cu, Cd) in these evolved glasses. The combined characteristics render obsidian a suitable, inexpensive and widely available, external quality‐control material in LA‐ICP‐MS analysis for many applications. Moreover, obsidian glass is suited for tuning purposes, and well‐characterised obsidian could even be used as a matrix‐matched reference material for a considerable number of elements in studies of samples with high SiO2 contents.  相似文献   

With implications for the origin of ore deposits, redox state of the atmosphere, and effects of volcanic outgassing, understanding the sulfur cycle is vital to our investigation of Earth processes. However, the paucity of sulfur concentration measurements in silicate rocks and the lack of well‐calibrated reference materials with concentrations relevant to the rocks of interest have hindered such investigations. To aid in this endeavour, this study details a new method to determine sulfur concentration via high mass resolution solution inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (ICP‐MS). The method is based on an aqua regia leach, involving relatively rapid sample preparation and analysis, and uses small test portion masses (< 50 mg). We utilised two independently prepared standard solutions to calibrate the analyses, resulting in 4% accuracy, and applied the method to eight geochemical reference materials. Measurements were reproducible to within ~ 10%. Sulfur concentrations and isotopes of six reference materials were measured additionally by elemental analyser‐combustion‐isotope ratio mass spectrometry to independently evaluate the accuracy of the ICP‐MS method. Reference materials that yielded reproducible measurements identical to published values from other laboratories (JGb‐1, JGb‐2 and MAG‐1) are considered useful materials for the measurement of sulfur. Reference materials that varied between studies but were reproducible for a given test portion perhaps suffer from sample heterogeneity and are not recommended as sulfur reference materials.  相似文献   

Zircon crystals in the age range of ca. 10–300 ka can be dated by 230Th/238U (U‐Th) disequilibrium methods because of the strong fractionation between Th and U during crystallisation of zircon from melts. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS) analysis of nine commonly used reference zircons (at secular equilibrium) and a synthetic zircon indicates that corrections for abundance sensitivity and dizirconium trioxide molecular ions (Zr2O3+) are critical for reliable determination of 230Th abundances in zircon. When corrected for abundance sensitivity and interferences, mean activity ratios of (230Th)/(238U) for nine reference zircons analysed on five different days averaged 0.995 ± 0.023 (95% confidence weighted by data‐point uncertainty only, MSWD = 1.6; = 9), consistent with their U‐Pb ages > 4 Ma that imply equilibrium for all intermediate daughter isotopes (including 230Th) within the 238U decay chain. U‐Th zircon ages generated by LA‐ICP‐MS without mitigating (e.g., by high mass resolution) or correcting for abundance sensitivity and molecular interferences on 230Th are potentially unreliable. To validate the applicability of LA‐ICP‐MS to this dating method, we acquired data from three late Quaternary volcanic units: the 41 ka Campanian Ignimbrite (plutonic clasts), the 161 ka Kos Plateau Tuff (juvenile clasts) and the 12 ka Puy de Dôme trachyte lava (all eruption ages by Ar/Ar, with zircon U‐Th ages being of equal or slightly older). A comparison of the corrected LA‐ICP‐MS results with previously published secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) data for these rocks shows comparable ages with equivalent precision for LA‐ICP‐MS and SIMS, but much shorter analysis durations (~ 2 min vs. ~ 15 min) per spot with LA‐ICP‐MS and much simpler sample preparation. Previously undated zircons from the Yali eruption (Kos‐Nisyros volcanic centre, Greece) were analysed using this method. This yielded a large age spread (~ 45 to > 300 ka), suggesting significant antecryst recycling. The youngest zircon age (~ 45 ± 10 ka) provides a reasonable maximum estimate for the eruption age, in agreement with the previously published age using oxygen isotope stratigraphy (~ 31 ka).  相似文献   

The natural river water certified reference material SLRS‐5 (NRC‐CNRC) was routinely analysed in this study for major and trace elements by ten French laboratories. Most of the measurements were made using ICP‐MS. Because no certified values are assigned by NRC‐CNRC for silicon and 35 trace element concentrations (rare earth elements, Ag, B, Bi, Cs, Ga, Ge, Li, Nb, P, Rb, Rh, Re, S, Sc, Sn, Th, Ti, Tl, W, Y and Zr), or for isotopic ratios, we provide a compilation of the concentrations and related uncertainties obtained by the participating laboratories. Strontium isotopic ratios are also given.  相似文献   

Trace elements from samples of bauxite deposits can provide useful information relevant to the exploration of the ore‐forming process. Sample digestion is a fundamental and critical stage in the process of geochemical analysis, which enables the acquisition of accurate trace element data by ICP‐MS. However, the conventional bomb digestion method with HF/HNO3 results in a significant loss of rare earth elements (REEs) due to the formation of insoluble AlF3 precipitates during the digestion of bauxite samples. In this study, the digestion capability of the following methods was investigated: (a) ‘Mg‐addition’ bomb digestion, (b) NH4HF2 open vessel digestion and (c) NH4F open vessel digestion. ‘Mg‐addition’ bomb digestion can effectively suppress the formation of AlF3 and simultaneously ensure the complete decomposition of resistant minerals in bauxite samples. The addition of MgO to the bauxite samples resulted in (Mg + Ca)/Al ratios ≥ 1. However, adding a large amount of MgO leads to significant blank contamination for some transition elements (V, Cr, Ni and Zn). The NH4HF2 or NH4F open vessel digestion methods can also completely digest resistant minerals in bauxite samples in a short period of time (5 hr). Unlike conventional bomb digestion with HF/HNO3, the white precipitates and the semi‐transparent gels present in the NH4HF2 and NH4F digestion methods could be efficiently dissolved by evaporation with HClO4. Based on these three optimised digestion methods, thirty‐seven trace elements including REEs in ten bauxite reference materials (RMs) were determined by ICP‐MS. The data obtained showed excellent inter‐method reproducibility (agreement within 5% for REEs). The relative standard deviation (% RSD) for most elements was < 6%. The concentrations of trace elements in the ten bauxite RMs showed agreement with the limited certified (Li, V, Cr, Cu, Zn, Ga, Sr, Zr and Pb) and information values (Co, Ba, Ce and Hf) available. New trace element data for the ten RMs are provided, some of which for the first time.  相似文献   

A method was developed for the determination of platinum‐group elements (PGE) in geological samples by isotope dilution‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry combined with sulfide fire assay preconcentration. Samples were fused and PGE analytes were concentrated in sulfide buttons. The buttons were dissolved using HCl leaving PGE analytes in insoluble residues, which were digested in HNO3 and simultaneously processed for the distillation of Os. The remaining solutions were further prepared for the purification of Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir and Pt using a tandem assembly of cation and Ln resin columns. The eluents were directly analysed by membrane desolvation‐ICP‐MS. Ruthenium, Pd, Os, Ir and Pt were determined by isotope dilution, whereas Rh was determined by conventional reference material calibration combined with 193Ir as the internal standard element. The method was validated using a series of PGE reference materials, and the measurement data were consistent with the recommended and the literature values. The measurement precision was better than 10% RSD. The procedural blanks were 0.121 ng for Ru, 0.204 for Rh, 0.960 ng for Pd, 0.111 ng for Os, 0.045 ng for Ir and 0.661 ng for Pt, and the limits of detection (3s) were 0.011 ng g?1 for Ru, 0.008 ng g?1 for Rh, 0.045 ng g?1 for Pd, 0.009 ng g?1 for Os, 0.006 ng g?1 for Ir and 0.016 ng g?1 for Pt when a test portion mass of 10 g was used. This indicates that the proposed method can be used for the determination of trace amounts of PGE in geological samples.  相似文献   

Rare earth elements (REEs) are very important to technological development as well as to geochemical and environmental studies. In this work, hydrofluoric acid (HF) was replaced by condensed phosphoric acid (CPA) in the digestion of geological samples, and the quantification of REEs was performed by inductively coupled plasma‐optical emission spectrometry (ICP‐OES). Six international reference materials (RMs), named DC86318, CGL 111, CGL 124, CGL 126, OKA‐2 and COQ‐1 and three Brazilian ore samples, named Araxá, Catalão and Pitinga were analysed. Only zircon and xenotime, which are potential REE‐bearing minerals, were not completely dissolved. Nevertheless, no REE associated with zircon was detected. The investigated digestion method presented many advantages: It was relatively fast (3 h), avoided fluoride precipitation, it was less hazardous because handling diluted H3PO4 is safer than HF, NH4F or NH4HF2 aqueous solutions, it preserved the quartz fittings of the measurement equipment and the final solution contained lower levels of total dissolved solids than those produced by the fusion method.  相似文献   

Olivine offers huge, largely untapped, potential for improving our understanding of magmatic and metasomatic processes. In particular, a wealth of information is contained in rare earth element (REE) mass fractions, which are well studied in other minerals. However, REE data for olivine are scarce, reflecting the difficulty associated with determining mass fractions in the low ng g?1 range and with controlling the effects of LREE contamination. We report an analytical procedure for measuring REEs in olivine using laser ablation quadrupole‐ICP‐MS that achieved limits of determination (LOD) at sub‐ng g?1 levels and biases of ~ 5–10%. Empirical partition coefficients (D values) calculated using the new olivine compositions agree with experimental values, indicating that the measured REEs are structurally bound in the olivine crystal lattice, rather than residing in micro‐inclusions. We conducted an initial survey of REE contents of olivine from mantle, metamorphic, magmatic and meteorite samples. REE mass fractions vary from 0.1 to double‐digit ng g?1 levels. Heavy REEs vary from low mass fractions in meteoritic samples, through variably enriched peridotitic olivine to high mass fractions in magmatic olivines, with fayalitic olivines showing the highest levels. The variable enrichment in HREEs demonstrates that olivine REE patterns have petrological utility.  相似文献   

We report homogeneity tests on large natural apatite crystals to evaluate their potential as U reference materials for apatite fission‐track (AFT) thermochronology by laser ablation‐inductively coupled plasma‐mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS). The homogeneity tests include the measurements of major element concentrations by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA), whereas for U concentration, isotope dilution (ID) ICP‐MS and laser ablation (LA) ICP‐MS were employed. Two apatite crystals are potential reference materials for LA‐ICP‐MS analysis: a 1 cm3 fraction of a Durango crystal (7.5 μg g?1 U) and a 1 cm3 Mud Tank crystal (6.9 μg g?1 U). The relative standard deviation (1 RSD) of the U concentration determined by ID‐ICP‐MS of both apatite crystals was ≤ 1.5%, whereas 1 RSD for the LA‐ICP‐MS results was better than 4%, providing sufficient homogeneity for fission‐track dating. The results on the U homogeneity for two different apatite samples are an important step towards establishing in situ dating routines for AFT analysis by LA‐ICP‐MS.  相似文献   

Sphalerite (ZnS) is an abundant ore mineral and an important carrier of elements such as Ge, Ga and In used in high‐technology applications. In situ measurements of trace elements in natural sphalerite samples using LA‐ICP‐MS are hampered by a lack of homogenous matrix‐matched sulfide reference materials available for calibration. The preparation of the MUL‐ZnS1 calibration material containing the trace elements V, Cr, Mn, Co, Ni, Cu, Ga, Ge, As, Se, Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Tl and Pb besides Zn, Fe and S is reported. Commercially available ZnS, FeS, CdS products were used as the major components, whereas the trace elements were added by doping with single‐element ICP‐MS standard solutions and natural mineral powders. The resulting powder mixture was pressed to pellets and sintered at 400 °C for 100 h using argon as an inert gas. To confirm the homogeneity of major and trace element distributions within the MUL‐ZnS1 calibration material, measurements were performed using EPMA, solution ICP‐MS, ICP‐OES and LA‐ICP‐MS. The results show that MUL‐ZnS‐1 is an appropriate material for calibrating trace element determination in sphalerite using LA‐ICP‐MS.  相似文献   

A specific method for the determination of bromine and iodine species in drinking water was developed by using high performance liquid chromatography‐ICP‐MS. An ICS‐A23 ion chromatography column was chosen for the separation of species, with the mobile phase being 0.03 mol l?1 ammonium carbonate at a flow rate of 0.8 ml min?1. The detection limits for BrO3?, Br?, IO3? and I? were 0.032, 0.063, 0.008 and 0.012 μg l?1, respectively. Spectroscopic interferences were only observed in blank samples and mainly resulted from the argon‐potassium polyatomic ion (40Ar39K+). However, this interference was negligible because of the elution and complete separation from that of iodinate under optimised conditions. The method developed was successfully applied to twenty‐two samples of drinking water obtained from a supermarket. Results indicated that 36.4% of the samples had BrO3? concentrations exceeding the Chinese national limit for drinking water of 10 μg l?1.  相似文献   

We have developed new analytical procedures to measure precise and accurate 238U–206Pb and 235U–207Pb ages for young (~ 1 Ma) zircons using laser ablation‐ICP‐mass spectrometry. For young zircons, both careful correction for the background counts and analysis of very small Pb/U ratios (i.e., 206Pb/238U < 0.00016 and 207Pb/235U < 0.0001 for 1 Ma zircons) are highly desired. For the correction of the background, the contribution of the background signal intensities for the analytes, especially for the residual signal intensities for 206Pb and 207Pb, was defined through laser ablation of synthesised zircons (ablation blank) containing negligible Pb. The measured signal intensities for 202Hg, 206Pb and 207Pb signals obtained by the ablation blank were slightly higher than those obtained by data acquisition without laser ablation (gas blank). For the wider dynamic range measurements on Pb/U ratios, an attenuator device for the ion detection system was employed to extend the capability to monitor high‐intensity signals (i.e., > 3 Mcps). Through the attenuator device, the ion currents were reduced to 1/450 of the signal intensity without the attenuator. Because the switching time for the attenuator was shorter than 1 ms, signal intensities for only specific isotopes could be reduced. With attenuation of the 238U signal, counting statistics on 206Pb and 207Pb isotopes could be improved and counting loss on the 238U signal could be minimised. To demonstrate the reliability of this new analytical technique, 238U–206Pb and 235U–207Pb ages for three young zircon samples (collected from Osaka Group Pink Volcanic Ash, Kirigamine and Bishop Tuff) were measured. The data presented here demonstrate clearly that the present technique could become a major analytical tool for in situ U–Pb age determination of young zircons (~ 1 Ma).  相似文献   

We report on an improved method for determining trace element abundances in seawater and other natural waters. The analytical procedure involves co‐precipitation on iron hydroxides after addition of a Tm spike, and measurement by inductively coupled plasma‐sector field mass spectrometry (ICP‐SFMS). The validity of the method was assessed through a series of co‐precipitation experiments, using ultra‐diluted solutions of a certified rock reference material (BIR‐1). Results obtained for four natural water reference materials (NASS‐5, CASS‐4, SLEW‐3, SLRS‐4) are in agreement with published working values for rare earth elements, yttrium, vanadium and, when available, for hafnium, zirconium, thorium and scandium. A set of proposed values with uncertainties typically better than 8% RSD is proposed for Hf, Zr and Th.  相似文献   

采用酸溶一敞开溶矿技术,等离子体质谱法测定地质样品中的稀土元素。该方法选用高氯酸和硫酸,试验发现,硫酸的溶矿效果明显优于高氯酸,且硫酸的存在有利于消除Ba对稀土元素的质谱影响。用该方法对地质样品三类国家一级标样(GBW07401、GBW07103、GBW07309):进行验证,准确率达95%~105%,结果令人满意。  相似文献   

A method for the determination of total sulfur in geological materials by inductively coupled plasma‐optical emission spectrometry (ICP‐OES) is described. We show that good results were obtained using this method even for sample types with very low (< 20 μg g?1) sulfur concentration (e.g., peridotite). Sulfur was determined in fifteen geological reference materials with different sulfur contents. For reference materials with certified sulfur contents, the ICP‐OES method gave results in excellent agreement with certified values, and uncertainties better than 4% RSD. ICP‐OES results for sulfur in other reference materials yielded RSDs better than 10%, where S concentrations were > 100 μg g?1 (except for diabase W‐2a, 16% RSD). Reference materials with lower sulfur contents (< 40 μg g?1) showed much higher RSDs (17–18%). Except for RMs with certified values for sulfur, most data obtained by the combustion infrared detection method generally showed higher concentrations than those measured by ICP‐OES and a better RSD (≤ 8% for all materials except DTS‐2b).  相似文献   

We present a revised alkali fusion method for the determination of trace elements in geological samples. Our procedure is based on simple acid digestion of powdered low‐dilution (flux : sample ≈ 2 : 1) glass beads where large sample dilution demanded by high total dissolved solids, a main drawback of conventional alkali fusion, could be circumvented. Three geological reference materials (G‐3 granite, GSP‐2 granodiorite and SGD‐1a gabbro) decomposed by this technique and routine tabletop acid digestion were analysed for thirty trace elements using a quadrupole ICP‐MS. Results by conventional acid digestion distinctly showed poor recoveries of Zr, Hf and rare earth elements due to incomplete dissolution of resistant minerals. On the other hand, results obtained by our method were in reasonable agreement with reference data for most analytes, indicating that refractory minerals were efficiently dissolved and volatile loss was insignificant.  相似文献   

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