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ABSTRACT. This article examines the formation of social capital—defined as the norms of trust and reciprocity integral to social relations—and the ways in which it may help rural people's organizations gain access to rights and resources. The formation of social capital must be viewed within the context of the symbolic systems, or cultural capital, that imbues social relations with meaning. The concept of social capital provides a valuable conceptual framework for analyzing the multiscale processes of environmental management, rural development, and resource conflicts with which many rural social movements are involved. The role played by social capital is illustrated through a detailed case study of an indigenous political and cultural organization in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The organizational history of a lowland Quichua federation and the successes and problems it has had in managing development projects and achieving political objectives provide insight into the importance of social capital in the development of the region.  相似文献   

In this article I reexamine Alexander Hamilton Rice's seventh expedition to Amazonia (1924–1925) in order to highlight the ways in which the image of the modern explorer was constructed through various technologies of visualization, including maps, still photography, and film. The Rice expedition was equipped with the latest surveying instruments, among them a hydroplane especially adapted for taking aerial photographs, and it was the first to attempt shortwave radio communication in the Tropics. However, the expedition's efforts to reach the headwaters of the Rio Branco ended in failure. I investigate Rice's heavy investment in making a visual record of the expedition in the context of his academic ambitions. Despite his influence in learned societies in the United States and Europe, his questionable reputation within academic circles was difficult to overcome: His reliance on publicity to enhance his academic career had adverse consequences. The retelling of Rice's tale here also sheds light on the role of indigenous local knowledge and agency in the history of exploration. All the modern surveying technology employed notwithstanding, local support remained crucial for Amazonian exploration.  相似文献   

In this article I attempt to shed light on the relationships between indigenous communities and bird populations through research on hunting in five neighboring villages in western Panama. Over eight months, 59 households captured 1,584 birds using rifles, sling‐shots, traps, and other methods, resulting in a total yield of 252 kilograms. Although hunters captured more than 125 avian species, just four species account for more than half of the total harvest. The most important game bird is the great curassow (Crax rubra), followed by the great tinamou (Tinamus major) and crested guan (Penelope purpurascens). The type and quantity of avifauna captured varies significantly according to habitat and hunting strategy. The spatial distribution of bird kill sites is highly concentrated, with 62 percent of the harvest by weight captured within just 1 kilometer of the participating households. Even the more vulnerable species are encountered close to home, suggesting that overhunting has not occurred.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The anthropogenic nature of Andean ecosystems is discussed in the framework of tree‐line dynamics in selected sites in Ecuador. Indicators of human impact are evidence of the need for a scientific understanding of neotropical mountains that is better in tune with the special conditions of tropical Andean environments. Tropandean systems are neither tropical ecosystems nor midlatitude regions, and lessons from ecologically damaging activities in those ecosystems cannot be transferred readily to Tropandean systems. Better research from the ethnobiological and ecological fronts is needed if we are to comprehend the intricate functions of neotropical mountains, particularly the cloud‐forest belt, which is regarded as the most threatened ecosystem when considering sustainability scenarios.  相似文献   

The Andean lapwing (Vanellus resplendens Tschudi) prompts rethinking of ethnoecology in neotropical cloud forests and páramos and challenges notions about conservation in mountain protected areas. Using archaeological, historical, and current evidence, I argue that the role of humans in shaping viable high‐mountain bird populations is an important factor in the conservation priorities of tropandean landscapes, particularly in the mountains. The presence of the Andean lapwing demonstrates the intricate linkages between culture and nature in the Andean region. I highlight a paradox of conservation, using the Andean lapwing as the avian indicator of global environmental change as an example of the contest between landscape change, biodiversity, and ethnoecological insights. Landscape stewardship, conservation easements, and cultural landscapes are options for inclusion in the repertoire of scenarios for the survival of healthy avifaunal assemblages in high‐mountain environments that have evolved in synchrony with humans, such as in páramos, cultural landscapes worth protecting in the tropical Andes.  相似文献   

ThemostprominentsignoflandscapeinirrigationoasesandnaturaloasesonriverbanksandalluvialfansindesertzoneofwesternChinaisthelushcultivatedornaturalwoodsinvividlygreencolor,whichisinremarkablecontrastwithyelloworgraycolorinotherdesertzones.Besidesshowingt…  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Latin America's lowland indigenous groups have been characterized in contradictory ways. Are populations shrinking or growing? Do groups face cultural extinction, or are they increasingly asserting their ethnic identities? This article uses a case study of the Tawahka Amerindians of Honduras to show how basic demographic techniques can shed light on these issues. A multimethod approach resolves conflicting reports of population growth and ethnic admixture within the 1,000‐strong population. Household surveys indicate a contemporary growth rate in excess of 4 percent; a review of historical sources suggests that this rapid growth has been building for more than fifty years. Although genealogical evidence shows high levels of interethnic mixing since 1900, the Tawahka retain their language and identity. The potentially negative effects of rapid population growth on local resources are likely to be mitigated as the Tawahka translate their renewed ethnic identity into political gains, which in turn have increased educational and economic opportunities. Closer attention to microdemographic processes is recommended for those involved in the long‐term management of Latin America's indigenous homelands.  相似文献   

Terrestrial vertebrates in the western United States are functionally linked to environmental settings, as revealed by principal components analyses. Species number in five major vertebrate feeding guilds increases as vegetation structure becomes more complex and environmental conditions become more varied, and as evolutionary history has promoted species richness. Two other major vertebrate feeding guilds increase with temperature and evolutionary factors. Results support the view of animals as adapted parts of deterministic environmental systems, although complete explanations of species distributions require consideration of evolutionary history and stochastic processes.  相似文献   

While news media play a major role in shaping public opinion and government policy, existing literature suggests that coverage of both the third world and environmental issues is superficial and crisis-oriented. This study uses the example of Amazonian deforestation to explore the quantity and content of coverage in influential American newspapers. We found that coverage included a wide range of (sometimes) contradictory theories regarding the causes of deforestation, and that the amount, but not the nature, of the coverage changed in response to a “crisis.”  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Together, urbanization and the search for sustainable development present a dilemma in the Brazilian Amazon: how to accommodate an expanding urban population while creating and maintaining sustainable production systems that feed the people and manage the forest. A unique peri‐urban agroforestry project, implemented by a municipal government in western Amazonia and concerned with a citywide influx of rural agriculturalists and former forest‐dwelling extractive producers, is examined as a source of food and self‐determination. Peri‐urban agroforestry seems to be a viable option for other Amazonian cities that are experiencing increasing urbanization and its associated problems.  相似文献   

This article encapsulates my thoughts about how to look, through landscape aesthetics, at an ordinary residential landscape in order to understand the ways in which people make sense of, draw on, and attempt to secure particular landscape visions and dispositions. More precisely, it deals with the articulation of a specific bungalow landscape aesthetic and a specific proprietary sense of property ownership in the Kenwick neighborhood of Lexington, Kentucky. The framework adopted calls for a broadening of the purview of landscape aesthetics beyond the domains of “high culture,” elites, and the visual in order to interrogate the workings of ordinary landscapes at the interface of landscape epistemology (a way of seeing) and the tangible, visible scene.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Lawrence, Kansas, survived a tumultuous beginning. The young town endured attacks twice, in 1856 and 1863. The second raid, by the guerrilla William Quantrill's troop of more than 400 men, resulted in the deaths of 143 citizens. Lawrence serves as an example of how Americans memorialize unconventional warfare, targeted at citizens, in a material and permanent fashion on the landscape. Small and obscurely placed memorials fill the town, to the point that they have become ordinary. The memorialized landscapes of these tragedies thus display ambivalence toward the past and symbolically reject the loss of lives despite this era's high position in the literature and archival history of the town. Additionally, Lawrence has found alternative sources for its historical identity that do not reflect these tragedies but instead celebrate the city's pioneer establishment. In this article I use a set of methods for reading the memorialized landscape that includes archival and landscape analysis and uncovers the processes that have led to this town's understated and ambivalent memorialization and identity.  相似文献   

基于TM影像的喀斯特山地景观变化研究   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
针对以往喀斯特山地土地退化研究中对景观整体功能重视不够、缺乏中小尺度上的区域案例研究等问题 ,以 1 :5万TM影像为主要信息源 ,借助GIS技术 ,以景观生态学为主要的理论与方法依托 ,对贵州高原西部喀斯特山地的景观变化进行了系统研究  相似文献   

近年来,古镇旅游发展迅猛.这一现象吸引了大批学者从不同角度对其进行了充分的研究,但关于古村镇文化景观变迁方面的研究不多,有必要弥补这一不足.利用文献分析、实地调研、遥感影像等研究方法,从文化学、历史学、地理学等角度深入探讨了周庄古镇的旅游景点的类型和分布,民居的功能和结构以及土地利用的总体特征和类型的变迁过程,指出周庄古镇文化景观的变迁受到旅游发展、经济发展、人口变动、政府干预、科技发展5种因素的影响.  相似文献   

中国热带,亚热带西部地区热量带的划分   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
庞庭颐 《地理学报》1996,51(3):224-229
我国热带,亚热带西部地区山多,高原广,垂直地带性的影响,给热量带的划分带来了困难,因为垂直气候都具有在该地区纬向气候带的基础上衍生而生的,因此,亚热带西部地区热量带的划分也应以纬向地带性为主,基带气候为中亚热带的云贵高原和金沙江河谷仍应归属于中亚热带,青藏高原破坏了纬向地带性规律,其东侧应有一条亚热带西界,这一界线应是北、中、南亚热带遇到青藏高原后的中断界线,而不是北、中、南亚热带与青藏高原寒气候  相似文献   

测区沉积物和间隙水小的氟含量(分别为200~395μg/g和1.18~1.92μg/ml)均远低于所报道的大洋区域平均值(分别约为540μg/g和2.7μg/ml)。研究结果表明,测区沉积物中氟含量分布主要受周围岛屿风化基岩的化学成分制约;沉积物中主要含氟矿物:萤石/磷灰石、黄玉、黑云母等含量极低,氟在沉积物中赋存的矿物相主要与角闪石[AX_2Y_5Z_8O_(22)(OH·F)_2]有关。氟含量与碎屑矿物中角闪石的体积比间的关系式可大致表示为:氟含量=217+361nV_H;间隙水中的低氟主要由测区化学风化不发育及氟的钙盐沉积所致。此外,沉积物中强阴离子(HCO_3~-)可交换态含量仅约为太平洋(亦道附近)的1/10、中国南海的1/4和浙江东部沿海的1/2,也反映了测区沉积物中易参与固-液相交换的氟离子含量较低,由此也必将导致间隙水中的低氟。沉积有机质的分解对间隙水的氟含量有一定的贡献,但这种氟易于为沉积物固相所捕获。测区沉积体系中氟的固-液相转换与分配机制可初步描述为: 有机质(氟)垆苎些苎苎苎蟹间隙,k苎苎苎些苎竺些鱼坚固相 (氧化物) 还原 一”—— ,一”  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. This article examines how peasant farmers build and maintain agrobiodiversity in home gardens found in two traditional peasant communities along the Marañón River in the Peruvian Amazon. Data were gathered through household and garden surveys as well as in‐depth interviews with garden tenders in an upland mixed agricultural village and a lowland fishing village. Substantial variations in cultivated plant diversity were encountered in gardens between and within the villages, which are found to be related to differential exchange of seeds, cuttings, suckers, and other planting material as well as to specific garden and household characteristics. Planting material flows along multiple pathways—from gift giving and purchase to inheritance and scavenging—to the gardens, reflecting a complex and often extensive network of exchange that enables the establishment and maintenance of home garden plant diversity in seemingly isolated and small communities. Further research is needed to identify broader geographical and sociocultural patterns of agrobiodiversity in Amazonia.  相似文献   

郊区化是城市化发展到一定阶段的产物。中国与西方发达国家的国情不同,因而在对郊区化研究的过程中出现了众多的争议。利用比较的方法,在对国内学者郊区化研究成果综述的基础上,从郊区化出现的时间与背景、发展的阶段、特点、动力机制、影响及对策等若干方面,对中国与西方国家的郊区化进行了较为系统的比较,以期为中国的城市建设提供某些方面的参考。  相似文献   

对北冰洋西部79个表层沉积物样品进行了全岩X射线衍射矿物组成分析,结合洋流和地质背景,探讨各矿物分区的物质来源。矿物组合分区表明研究区物质来源变化较为复杂:(1)在楚科奇海的中部靠近白令海峡处长石含量很高,主要是阿纳德尔流携带的来自阿纳德尔河的沉积物;在楚科奇海的西侧的长石含量也较高,且与其他矿物组合分区相比,角闪石含量较高,这是因为受阿纳德尔流和东西伯利亚沿岸流的双重影响,沉积物来自西伯利亚陆地的一些高含长石的火山岩及沉积岩等。在楚科奇海的东侧,石英含量很高,来源为阿拉斯加沿岸流携带的育空河及卡斯奎姆河的沉积物。在阿拉斯加北部,碳酸盐岩和石英含量高,这与马更些河搬运的沉积物有关;(2)北冰洋西部深水区中加拿大海盆的南端和中部方解石和白云石的含量较低,说明受波弗特环流携带的加拿大北极群岛的碳酸盐影响相对较小,且与其他矿物组合分区相比,云母含量最高,说明沉积物主要来源为来自拉普捷夫海的海冰沉积物;此外,一些黏土级细粒物质可能由大西洋中层水携带而来。深水区的其他海域以方解石和白云石含量高为特点,主要受波弗特环流的影响,来源主要为加拿大北极群岛的班克斯岛和维多利亚岛;此外,还受来自西伯利亚陆架,主要是拉普捷夫海沉积物的影响。  相似文献   

福州地区土地景观格局动态变化及多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用1985年与2000年数据计算了福州地区景观格局变化的若干指标。结果表明,整体上福州地区土地景观多样性指数、破碎度指数有所上升,优势度指数下降,景观格局趋于稳定,系统趋于优化。同时,借助ArcGIS8.3软件平台对福州地区2000年土地利用数据进行处理,计算景观多样性指数,然后进行聚类分析,在区域内部划分出多样性程度不同的3类子区:闽侯县景观多样性程度最高,长乐、福清、福州、罗源、闽清、永泰次之,连江、平潭景观多样性程度最低。  相似文献   

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