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淮北芦岭煤矿为高瓦斯突出矿井,煤层碎软低渗,瓦斯抽采困难。应用“十二五”期间开发的紧邻煤层顶板水平井分段压裂煤层气高效抽采技术,试验井已取得产气突破。为了深入分析评价地面煤层气抽采对煤矿瓦斯灾害的防治效果,基于目标煤层特征,分析煤层顶板水平井的产气规律,利用产能数值模拟技术,对生产井数据进行了历史拟合,在此基础上,进行水平井产能预测,分析水平井抽采过程中煤层气含量和储层压力变化趋势。结果表明:水平井抽采影响范围主要为裂缝和近井筒区域,井筒-裂缝系统外部区域受影响较小;水平井影响范围随抽采时间的延长逐渐增大,预测1、3、5、8、10 a的影响面积分别为0.113、0.193、0.242、0.311、0.350 km2;随着水平井抽采时间的延长,剩余含气量和储层压力逐渐降低,预测水平井抽采5 a,水平井控制范围内瓦斯含量最低可降至2.86 m3/t,平均可降至4.2 m3/t,降低50.6%。储层压力最低可降至0.85 MPa,平均可降至2.30 MPa,降低66.2%。煤层顶板水平井技术对煤层气开发和瓦斯灾害防治效果显著,是实现碎软低渗煤层瓦斯地面预抽的有效手段。 相似文献
介绍了M-700型煤层气抽放钻机的性能特点及使用情况,并在同一使用条件下和进口钻机进行了比较。 相似文献
淮北煤田煤层气勘探与开发工作尚处于起步阶段。应用层序地层学原理,评价煤田的生、储、盖组合条件,对于指导煤层气的勘探与开发具有实际意义。本文在原来常规的沉积相分析基础上,利用钻孔测井资料,重点对3号煤段的层序地层格架进行了研究,指出K3砂岩为好的储气层,具有煤层气开发前景。 相似文献
目前,在波兰41对主要生产矿井中,有23对高瓦斯矿井进行了瓦斯抽放。2004年瓦斯平均抽放率为30%,平均利用率为39%。根据瓦斯地质条件、瓦斯涌出特点和采区通风方式,着重介绍了波兰煤矿强化煤层、围岩和采空区瓦斯抽放,提高矿井瓦斯抽放效率的工艺技术特点。在工作面的瓦斯排放中,注重开采、通风与瓦斯抽放一体化,通过优化抽放钻孔布置,取得钻孔瓦斯抽放的最佳效果,是波兰煤矿瓦斯治理的一项成功经验,成为煤矿持续安全高效生产的重要技术保障。 相似文献
陕西省煤层气资源相当丰富,埋深2000 m以浅的煤层气资源量为25624.88亿m3。通过对五大煤田煤储层展布、煤层气含量、煤层渗透率、煤变质特征、煤的吸附性能等条件的综合分析以及煤层气资源量的计算,认为陕西省煤层气开发储层条件比较优越,煤层气勘探开发条件最好的地区为渭北和陕北石炭二叠纪煤田,韩城矿区可作为煤层气勘探开发的靶区。 相似文献
Coalbed methane: From hazard to resource 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Coalbed gas, which mainly consists of methane, has remained a major hazard affecting safety and productivity in underground coal mines for more than 100 years. Coalbed gas emissions have resulted in outbursts and explosions where ignited by open lights, smoking or improper use of black blasting powder, and machinery operations. Investigations of coal gas outbursts and explosions during the past century were aimed at predicting and preventing this mine hazard. During this time, gas emissions were diluted with ventilation by airways (e.g., tunnels, vertical and horizontal drillholes, shafts) and by drainage boreholes. The 1970's ‘energy crisis' led to studies of the feasibility of producing the gas for commercial use. Subsequent research on the origin, accumulation, distribution, availability, and recoverability has been pursued vigorously during the past two decades. Since the 1970's research investigations on the causes and effects of coal mine outbursts and gas emissions have led to major advances towards the recovery and development of coalbed methane for commercial use. Thus, coalbed methane as a mining hazard was harnessed as a conventional gas resource. 相似文献
煤层含气量模拟试验方法及应用 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
利用IS-100等温吸附仪的高压吸附罐、精确的控温系统,配备气体电子流量计,并编制了控制程序,建立了煤层气含气量模拟试验方法。模拟试验方法的建立,可以全程模拟煤层气从提钻取心到解吸结束,了解含气量测试过程中煤层气的解吸规律,求取任意时间对应的逸散气量,为多种方法求取逸散气量的对比研究提供了方便。 相似文献
我国煤储层煤层气解吸特征 总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10
通过大量煤层气勘探井试验测试,对我国各时代不同煤级煤在储层温度和常压条件下气体解吸试验结果进行了系统研究,分析了解吸过程中气体析出的变化规律及煤层气解吸参数的变化态势,探讨了我国煤层气解吸特征的变化,为煤层气采收率研究提供理论依据。 相似文献
Around the globe underground hard coal mining leads to a release of methane into the atmosphere. About 7% of the global annual methane emissions originate from coal mining. In the year 2002, 16 countries used coal gas to generate heat and electricity. In many cases, the exact size of coalbed methane reservoirs is not identified. The possibility of a long-term gas production and its profitability at single sites are unknown. To clarify these points, the processes of gas generation as well as the gas-in-place volume have to be determined. Both issues are tackled here for the Ruhr basin. Within this basin, coal gas samples were taken at 13 gas production sites, spread over three samplings within 14 months. There were virtually no changes in the concentrations of gas components at single sites within this period. The isotope composition of methane (δ13C-methane: −40.0 to −57.3‰ vs. PDB) revealed that the produced methane is a mixture of gases of thermogenic and microbial origin. The microbial contribution of methane seems to be more pronounced at sites of active and especially abandoned coal mining than at unmined places. Ethane and propane are of thermogenic origin, with ethane's isotopic composition tending to heavier values (richer in 13C) with time. This time-dependent phenomenon is interpreted as being caused by desorption. In addition, living methanogenic archaea were detected in mine water samples from depths down to 1200 m. 相似文献
天然气能源在地下储气库的存储及利用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
地下储气库对调节冬夏季节天然气供需矛盾,保障用户需求、优化集输系统功能有重要作用。在对地下储气库概念及原理进行阐述的基础上,系统地给出了地下储气库的研究设计模式,提出了建立地下储气库应具备的首要条件,同时对地下储气库设计过程中应重点解决的问题及指标设计进行了详细论述。通过大港油区地下储气库地质方案设计的探索实践,证实了所提出的设计及评价方法的可行性。 相似文献