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We present three improved and five new mutual orbits of transneptunian binary systems (58534) Logos-Zoe, (66652) Borasisi-Pabu, (88611) Teharonhiawako-Sawiskera, (123509) 2000 WK183, (149780) Altjira, 2001 QY297, 2003 QW111, and 2003 QY90 based on Hubble Space Telescope and Keck II laser guide star adaptive optics observations. Combining the five new orbit solutions with 17 previously known orbits yields a sample of 22 mutual orbits for which the period P, semimajor axis a, and eccentricity e have been determined. These orbits have mutual periods ranging from 5 to over 800 days, semimajor axes ranging from 1600 to 37,000 km, eccentricities ranging from 0 to 0.8, and system masses ranging from 2 × 1017 to 2 × 1022 kg. Based on the relative brightnesses of primaries and secondaries, most of these systems consist of near equal-sized pairs, although a few of the most massive systems are more lopsided. The observed distribution of orbital properties suggests that the most loosely-bound transneptunian binary systems are only found on dynamically cold heliocentric orbits. Of the 22 known binary mutual orbits, orientation ambiguities are now resolved for 9, of which 7 are prograde and 2 are retrograde, consistent with a random distribution of orbital orientations, but not with models predicting a strong preference for retrograde orbits. To the extent that other perturbations are not dominant, the binary systems undergo Kozai oscillations of their eccentricities and inclinations with periods of the order of tens of thousands to millions of years, some with strikingly high amplitudes.  相似文献   

We have observed (66652) 1999 RZ253 with the Hubble Space Telescope at seven separate epochs and have fit an orbit to the observed relative positions of this binary. Two orbital solutions have been identified that differ primarily in the inclination of the orbit plane. The best fit corresponds to an orbital period, days, semimajor axis a=4660±170 km and orbital eccentricity e=0.460±0.013 corresponding to a system mass m=3.7±0.4×1018 kg. For a density of the albedo at 477 nm is p477=0.12±0.01, significantly higher than has been commonly assumed for objects in the Kuiper belt. Multicolor, multiepoch photometry shows this pair to have colors typical for the Kuiper belt with a spectral gradient of 0.35 per 100 nm in the range between 475 and 775 nm. Photometric variations at the four epochs we observed were as large as 12±3% but the sampling is insufficient to confirm the existence of a lightcurve.  相似文献   

Transneptunian objects (TNOs) orbit beyond Neptune and do offer important clues about the formation of our solar system. Although observations have been increasing the number of discovered TNOs and improving their orbital elements, very little is known about elementary physical properties such as sizes, albedos and compositions. Due to TNOs large distances (>40 AU) and observational limitations, reliable physical information can be obtained only from brighter objects (supposedly larger bodies). According to size and albedo measurements available, it is evident the traditionally assumed albedo p=0.04 cannot hold for all TNOs, especially those with approximately absolute magnitudes H?5.5. That is, the largest TNOs possess higher albedos (generally >0.04) that strongly appear to increase as a function of size. Using a compilation of published data, we derived empirical relations which can provide estimations of diameters and albedos as a function of absolute magnitude. Calculations result in more accurate size/albedo estimations for TNOs with H?5.5 than just assuming p=0.04. Nevertheless, considering low statistics, the value p=0.04 sounds still convenient for H>5.5 non-binary TNOs as a group. We also discuss about physical processes (e.g., collisions, intrinsic activity and the presence of tenuous atmospheres) responsible for the increase of albedo among large bodies. Currently, all big TNOs (>700 km) would be capable to sustain thin atmospheres or icy frosts composed of CH4, CO or N2 even for body bulk densities as low as 0.5 g cm−3. A size-dependent albedo has important consequences for the TNOs size distribution, cumulative luminosity function and total mass estimations. According to our analysis, the latter can be reduced up to 50% if higher albedos are common among large bodies.Lastly, by analyzing orbital properties of classical TNOs (), we confirm that cold and hot classical TNOs have different concentration of large bodies. For both populations, distinct absolute magnitude distributions are maximized for an inclination threshold equal to 4.5° at >99.63% confidence level. Furthermore, more massive classical bodies are anomalously present at , a result statistically significant and apparently not caused by observational biases. This feature would provide a new constraint for transneptunian belt formation models.  相似文献   

We examine possible locations for the primordial disk of the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt (EKB), using several subsets of the known objects as markers of the total mass distribution. Using a secular perturbation theory, we find that the primordial plane of the EKB could have remained thin enough to escape detection only if it is clustered very closely about the invariable plane of the Solar System.  相似文献   

We present Hubble Space Telescope observations of six binary transneptunian systems: 2000 QL251, 2003 TJ58, 2001 XR254, 1999 OJ4, (134860) 2000 OJ67, and 2004 PB108. The mutual orbits of these systems are found to have periods ranging from 22 to 137 days, semimajor axes ranging from 2360 to 10500 km, and eccentricities ranging from 0.09 to 0.55. These orbital parameters enable estimation of system masses ranging from 0.2 to 9.7×1018 kg. For reasonable assumptions of bulk density (0.5 to 2.0 g cm−3), the masses can be combined with visible photometry to constrain sizes and albedos. The resulting albedos are consistent with an emerging picture of the dynamically “Cold” Classical sub-population having relatively high albedos, compared with comparably-sized objects on more dynamically excited orbits.  相似文献   

In the transneptunian classical region (), an unexpected orbital excitation in eccentricity and inclination, dynamically distinct populations and the presence of chaotic regions are observed. For instance, the 7:4 mean motion resonance () appears to have been causing unique dynamical excitation according to observational evidences, namely, an apparent shallow gap in number density and anomalies in the colour distribution, both features enhanced near the 7:4 mean motion resonance location. In order to investigate the resonance dynamics, we present extensive computer simulation results totalizing almost 10,000 test particles under the effect of the four giant planets for the age of the solar system. A chaotic diffusion experiment was also performed to follow tracks in phase space over 4-5 Gyr. The 7:4 mean motion resonance is weakly chaotic causing irregular eccentricity and inclination evolution for billions of years. Most 7:4 resonant particles suffered significant eccentricities and/or inclinations excitation, an outcome shared even by those located in the vicinity of the resonance. Particles in stable resonance locking are rare and usually had 0.25<e<0.3. For other regions, 7:4 resonants had quite large mobility in phase space typically leaving the resonance (and being scattered) after reaching a critical e∼0.2. The escape happened in 108-109 yr time scales. Concerning the inclination dependence for 7:4 resonants, we found strong instability islands for approximately i>10°. Taking into account those particles still locked in the resonance at the end of the simulations, we determined a retainability of 12-15% for real 7:4 resonant transneptunian objects (TNOs). Lastly, our results demonstrate that classical TNOs associated with the 7:4 mean motion resonance have been evolving continuously until present with non-negligible mixing of populations.  相似文献   

We have searched 101 Classical transneptunian objects for companions with the Hubble Space Telescope. Of these, at least 21 are binary. The heliocentric inclinations of the objects we observed range from 0.6°-34°. We find a very strong anticorrelation of binaries with inclination. Of the 58 targets that have inclinations of less than 5.5°, 17 are binary, a binary fraction of . All 17 are similar-brightness systems. On the contrary, only 4 of the 42 objects with inclinations greater than 5.5° have satellites and only 1 of these is a similar-brightness binary. This striking dichotomy appears to agree with other indications that the low eccentricity, non-resonant Classical transneptunian objects include two overlapping populations with significantly different physical properties and dynamical histories.  相似文献   

A Large Program (LP) has been carried out at ESO-VLT using almost simultaneously the UT1, UT2 and UT4 telescopes (Cerro Paranal, Chile). The aim of this Large Program was to obtain simultaneous visible and near-IR spectroscopic measurements (using FORS, ISAAC and SINFONI instruments) with a S/N ratio as high as possible for almost all objects among different dynamical groups observable within the VLT capability.In this paper we present results on the second half of the Large Program which includes new near-infrared spectroscopy data of 20 objects. For 12 of them for which we had obtained the complete spectral range (V + J + H + K bands), we apply a radiative transfer model to the entire spectral range to constrain their surface composition.We also present an analysis of all near-IR spectral data available on TNOs and Centaurs from both the complete LP and the literature. An overview for a total sample of 75 objects is thus carried out analyzing the ice content with respect to the physical and dynamical characteristics. The major new results are: (i) all objects classified as BB class seem to have icy surfaces; (ii) the possible presence of CH3OH has primarily been detected on very red surfaces (RR class objects) and (iii) the majority of Centaurs observed multiple times have an heterogeneous composition.  相似文献   

Results of the first polarimetric observations of Centaurs (5145) Pholus and (10199) Chariklo, and new observations of (2060) Chiron are presented together with the estimates of their absolute magnitudes. Observations were carried out at the 8 m ESO Very Large Telescope in 2007-2008. They revealed noticeable negative polarization in the phase-angle range 0.5-4.4° with a minimum varying from −1% to −2.1% in the R band. All three objects show diverse polarization phase-angle behaviour, each distinctly different from that of transneptunian objects. We found evidence of surface heterogeneity for Chariklo while Chiron and Pholus appear to have rather homogeneous surfaces. Polarization phase behaviours of Chiron and Pholus are significantly different from any other Solar System bodies studied so far. A shift of negative polarization minima toward small phase angles seems to be a characteristic feature of polarization properties of Centaurs. Presence of a small amount of water frost on a dark surface is considered as one of the possible ways to explain these properties.  相似文献   

中高轨卫星广播星历精度分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
GPS广播星历参数具有物理意义明确、参数少、精度高等优点,可以考虑将它应用于其他卫星导航系统。但是GPS系统的卫星构成比较单一,而其他卫星导航系统可能包含中地球轨道 (MEO)、倾斜地球同步轨道(IGSO)和地球静止轨道(GEO)等多种不同类型的中高轨卫星。分析了采用GPS广播星历参数时,MEO、IGSO和GEO卫星的广播星历拟合精度,特别讨论了轨道倾角接近于0的GEO卫星的广播星历拟合精度,并给出了相应的改进措施。计算表明,对于 MEO卫星,2 h的广播星历拟合精度(三维位置)可达厘米级;对于IGSO卫星和轨道倾角较大的GEO卫星,4 h的广播星历拟合精度约为0.1 m,径向位置误差在厘米量级;而对于轨道倾角接近于0的GEO卫星,若不采取特殊措施,由于轨道倾角和升交点经度统计相关,其广播星历拟合精度很差,为此提出了一种坐标转换方法。采用此方法后的广播星历拟合精度可达0.1 m,径向位置误差为厘米量级。  相似文献   

It is shown that gravitational theory allows stable equilibrium configurations of the degenerated Fermi gas, whose masses MM and sizes are less than α = 2GM/c. They have no events horizon at the distance r = α from the center. Orbits of test particles near the above objects are considered.  相似文献   

W. Romanishin  S.C. Tegler 《Icarus》2005,179(2):523-526
Accurate absolute optical magnitude values (HV and HR) for Kuiper belt objects (KBOs) and Centaurs are becoming increasingly important as observations in other wavelengths, particularly SIRTF thermal infrared measurements, become available for large samples of objects. We present accurate HV and HR values for 90 KBOs and Centaurs, based on our published optical photometry. We find that our HV values are in good agreement with those available from the European photometric survey of minor bodies in the outer Solar System. Comparison with HV values from the JPL Horizons database and the Minor Planet Center database shows that these sources are systematically brighter than ours by about 0.3 mag.  相似文献   

S.D. Benecchi  K.S. Noll  W.M. Grundy 《Icarus》2011,213(2):693-709
We present optical colors of 72 transneptunian objects (TNOs), and infrared colors of 80 TNOs obtained with the WFPC2 and NICMOS instruments, respectively, on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Both optical and infrared colors are available for 32 objects that overlap between the datasets. This dataset adds an especially uniform, consistent and large contribution to the overall sample of colors, particularly in the infrared. The range of our measured colors is consistent with other colors reported in the literature at both optical and infrared wavelengths. We find generally good agreement for objects measured by both us and others; 88.1% have better than 2 sigma agreement. The median absolute magnitude, HV, magnitude of our optical sample is 7.2, modestly smaller (∼0.5 mag) than for previous samples. The median HV in our infrared sample is 6.7. We find no new correlations between color and dynamical properties (semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination and perihelion). We do find that colors of Classical objects with i < 6° come from a different distribution than either the Resonant or excited populations in the visible at the >99.99% level with a K-S test. The same conclusion is found in the infrared at a slightly lower significance level, 99.72%. Two Haumea collision fragments with strong near infrared ice bands are easily identified with broad HST infrared filters and point to an efficient search strategy for identifying more such objects. We find evidence for variability in (19255) 1999 VK8, 1999 OE4, 2000 CE105, 1998 KG62 and 1998 WX31.  相似文献   

Proceeded from the gravitation equations proposed by one of authors it was argued in a previous paper that there can exist supermassive compact configurations of degenerated Fermi‐gas without events horizon. In the present paper we consider the stability of these objects by a method like the one used in the theory of stellar structure. It is shown that the configurations are stable.  相似文献   

W.M. Grundy 《Icarus》2009,199(2):560-563
The extremely red colors of some transneptunian objects and Centaurs are not seen among the Jupiter family comets which supposedly derive from them. Could this mismatch result from sublimation loss of colorless ice? Radiative transfer models show that mixtures of volatile ice and non-volatile organics could be extremely red, but become progressively darker and less red as the ice sublimates away.  相似文献   

W.M. Grundy  K.S. Noll 《Icarus》2005,176(1):184-191
Discovery of trans-neptunian object (TNO) satellites and determination of their orbits has recently enabled estimation of the size and albedo of several small TNOs, extending the size range of objects having known size and albedo down into the sub-100 km range. In this paper we compute albedo and size estimates or limits for 20 TNOs, using a consistent method for all binary objects and a consistent method for all objects having reported thermal fluxes. As is true for larger TNOs, the small objects show a remarkable diversity of albedos. Although the sample is limited, there do not yet appear to be any trends relating albedo to other observable properties or to dynamical class, with the possible exception of inclination. The observed albedo diversity of TNOs has important implications for computing the size-frequency distribution, the mass, and other global properties of the Kuiper belt derived from observations of objects' apparent magnitudes and may also point the way toward an improved compositional taxonomy based on albedo in addition to color.  相似文献   

We investigate the influence of a stellar fly-by encounter on the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt objects through numerical orbital calculations, in order to explain both mass depletion and high orbital inclinations of the classical Edgeworth-Kuiper belt (CEKB) objects, which have semimajor axis of 42-48 AU and perihelia beyond 35 AU. The observationally inferred total mass of the CEKB is ∼1/10 Earth masses, which is only ∼0.02 of that extrapolated from the minimum-mass solar nebula model. The CEKB consists of bimodal population: “hot population” with inclinations i?0.2-0.6 radians and “cold population” with i?0.1. The observationally suggested difference in size and color of objects between the two populations may imply different origins of the two populations. We find that both the depletion of solid materials in the CEKB and the formation of the hot population are accounted for by a single close stellar encounter with pericenter distance of 80-100 AU and inclination relative to the initial protoplanetary disk ?50°-70°. Such a stellar encounter highly pumps up eccentricities of most objects in the CEKB and then their perihelia migrate within 35 AU. These objects would be removed by Neptune's perturbations after Neptune is formed at or migrates to the current position (30 AU). Less than 10% of the original objects remain in stable orbits with small eccentricities and perihelion distances larger than 35 AU, in the CEKB, which is consistent with the observation. We find that i of the remaining objects are as large as that of the observed hot population. The only problem is how to stop Neptune's migration at ∼30 AU, which is addressed in a separate paper. The depletion by the stellar encounter extends deeply into ∼30-35 AU, which provides the basis of the formation model for the cold population through Neptune's outward migration by Levison and Morbidelli (2003, Nature, 426, 419-421). The combination of our model with Levison and Morbidelli's model could consistently explain the mass depletion, truncation at 50 AU, bimodal distribution in i, and differences in size and color between the hot and the cold populations in the CEKB.  相似文献   

To form the Hubble diagram for quasi-stellar objects (QSOs),we have made use of the recently published data on X-ray fluxes of 159 QSOs observed from the Einstein Observatory. The scatter in the Hubble diagram and the lack of an obvious redshift-flux density correlation for these QSOs have been attributed to the observational selection effect that the intrinsically less luminous QSOs can be detected only in the nearby region of space. When the optical, radio and X-ray selection effects are removed, keeping only the intrinsically brighter sources, we obtain a sample of 16 QSOs having a small dispersion in X-ray luminosities (〈 logL x〉) = 46.12 ± 0.28), a statistically significant linear correlation between (logf x, logcz) pairs and a slopeA =-1.906 ± 0.061 of the linear regression oflog f x on logcz. This slope is consistent, at a confidence level of 95 per cent or greater, with the slope of-2.0 expected theoretically based on the assumption that the redshifts of QSOs are cosmological in nature.  相似文献   

When the observational data are not enough to compute a meaningful orbit for an asteroid/comet we can represent the data with an attributable, i.e., two angles and their time derivatives. The undetermined variables range and range rate span an admissible region of Solar System orbits, which can be sampled by a set of Virtual Asteroids (VAs) selected by means of an optimal triangulation [Milani, A., Gronchi, G.F., de' Michieli Vitturi, M., Kne?evi?, Z., 2004. Celest. Mech. Dyn. Astron. 90, 59-87]. The attributable 4 coordinates are the result of a fit and they have an uncertainty, represented by a covariance matrix. Two short arcs of observations, represented by two attributables, can be linked by considering for each VA (in the admissible region of the first arc) the covariance matrix for the prediction at the time of the second arc, and by comparing it with the attributable of the second arc with its own covariance. By defining an identification penalty we can select the VAs allowing to fit together both arcs and compute a preliminary orbit. Two attributables may not be enough to compute an orbit with convergent differential corrections. Thus the preliminary orbit is used in a constrained differential correction, providing solutions along the Line Of Variation which can be used as second generation VAs to further predict the observations at the time of a third arc. In general the identification with a third arc will ensure a well determined orbit, to which additional sets of observations can be attributed. To test these algorithms we use a large scale simulation and measure the completeness, the reliability and the efficiency of the overall procedure to build up orbits by accumulating identifications. Under the conditions expected for the next generation asteroid surveys, the methods developed in this and in the preceding papers are efficient enough to be used as primary identification methods, with very good results. One important property is that the completeness in finding the possible identifications is as good for comparatively rare orbits, such as the ones of Near-Earth Objects, as for main belt orbits.  相似文献   

In a search for infrared excess objects near the galactic plane, a star field of 28.5 square degrees in Vela has been measured on UK Schmidt plates R4272 and 14183 with the Cosmos machine at Royal Observatory, Edinburgh. The magnitude limit is around 20 in R and around 19 in I. 131 infrared excess objects with colour index R-I > 2.5 are discovered in the field, and 3 red stellar objects have been identified as the optical counterparts of IRAS point sources.  相似文献   

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