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New topographic maps of six large central volcanoes on Mars are presented and discussed. These features are Olympus Mons, Elysium Mons, Albor Tholus, Ceraunius Tholus, Uranius Tholus, and Uranius Patera. Olympus Mons has the general form of a terrestrial basaltic shield constructed almost entirely from lava flows; but with 20 to 23 km of relief it is far larger. Flank slopes average about 4°. A nominal density calculated from the shield volume and the local free-air gravity anomaly is so high that anomalously dense lithosphere probably underlies the shield. Uranius Patera is a similar feature of much lower present relief, about 2 km, but its lower flanks have been buried by later lava flood deposits. Elysium Mons has about 13 km of local relief and average slopes of 4.4°, not significantly steeper than those of Olympus Mons. Its upper flank slopes are significantly steeper than those of Olympus Mons. We suggest Elysium Mons is a shield volcano modified and steepened by a terminal phase of mixed volcanic activity. Alternatively, the volcano may be a composite cone. Albor Tholus is a partially buried 3-km-tall shield-like construct. Ceranius and Uranius Tholus are steeper cone-like features with relief of about 6 and 2 km, respectively. Slopes are within the normal range for terrestrial basaltic shields, however, and topographic and morphologic data indicate burial of lower flanks by plains forming lavas. These cones may be lava shield constructs modified by a terminal stage of explosive activity which created striking radial patterns of flank channels. Differences among these six volcanoes in flank slopes and surface morphology may be primarily consequences of different terminal phases of volcanic activity, which added little to the volume of any construct, and burial of shallow lower flanks by later geologic events. Additional topographic data for Olympus Mons, Arsia Mons, and Hadriaca Patera are described. The digital techniques used to extract topographiv data from Viking Orbiter stereo images are also described.  相似文献   

The Alba Patera main graben zone is radial to the Tharsis bulge, indicating the importance of the Tharsis bulge-related peripheral rift tectonics. The concentric grabens around the Alba Patera area are also partly caused by crustal bending due to the central load of the Alba Patera volcano. These two graben sets partly coincide forming composite structures. Both tectonic systems were still active after the last major volcanic lava extrusions took place. After this, the crater chain grabens, radial to the northernmost part of the Tharsis bulge were formed. These collapse craters were evidently caused by the late-tectonic forces due to the northern Tharsis and adjoining lava loads, resulting in flexural tension and activating previous faults.  相似文献   

Caleb I. Fassett 《Icarus》2007,189(1):118-135
Ceraunius Tholus, a Hesperian-aged volcano in the Tharsis region, is characterized by small radial valleys on its flanks, and several larger valleys originating near its summit caldera. All of these large valleys drain from near the lowest present portion of the caldera rim and down the flanks of the volcano. The largest valley debauches into Rahe Crater (an oblique impact crater), forming a depositional fan. Recent study of climate change on Mars suggests that many low-latitude regions (especially large volcanic edifices) were periodically the sites of snow accumulation, likely triggered by variations in spin orbital parameters. We apply a conductive heat flow model to Ceraunius Tholus that suggests that following magmatic intrusion, sufficient heating would be available to cause basal melting of any accumulated summit snowpack and produce sufficient meltwater to cause the radial valleys. The geometry of the volcano summit caldera suggests that meltwater would also accumulate in a volumetrically significant caldera lake. Analysis of the morphology and volumes of the largest valley, as well as depositional features at its base, suggest that fluvial erosion due to drainage of this summit caldera lake formed the large valleys, in a manner analogous to how valleys were formed catastrophically from a lake in Aniakchak caldera in Alaska. Moreover, the event which carved the largest valley on Ceraunius Tholus appears to have led to the formation of a temporary lake within Rahe Crater, at its base. The more abundant, small valleys on the flanks are interpreted to form by radial drainage of melted ice or snow from the outside of the caldera rim. Comparison of Ceraunius Tholus with the volcano-capping Icelandic ice sheet Myrdalsjokull provides insight into the detailed mechanisms of summit heating, ice-cap accumulation and melting, and meltwater drainage. These observations further underline the importance of a combination of circumstances (i.e., climate change to produce summit snowpack and an active period of magmatism to produce melting) to form the valley systems on some martian volcanoes and not on others.  相似文献   

Geological mapping of Elysium Planitia has led to the recognition of five major surface units, in addition to the three volcanic constructs Elysium Mons, Hecates Tholus, and Albor Tholus. These units are interpreted to be both volcanic and sedimentary or erosional in origin. The volcano Elysium Mons is seen to have dominated constructional activity within the whole region, erupting lava flows which extend up to 600km from the summit. A major vent system, covering an area in excess of 75 000 km2, is identified within the Elysium Fossae area. Forty-one sinuous channels are visible within Elysium Planitia; these channels are thought to be analogous to lunar sinuous rilles and their formation in this region of Mars is attributed to unusually high regional topographic slopes (up to ~ 1.7). Numerous circumferential graben are centered upon Elysium Mons. These graben, located at radial distances of 175, 205–225, and 330km from the summit, evidently post-dated the emplacement of the Elysium Mons lava flows but pre-dated the eruption of extensive flood lavas to the west of the volcano. A great diversity of channel types is observed within Elysium Fossae. The occurrences of streamlined islands and multiple floor-levels within some channels suggests a fluvial origin. Conversely, the sinuosity and enlarged source craters of other channels suggests a volcanic origin. Impact crater morphology, the occurrence of chaotic terrain, probable pyroclastic deposits upon Hecates Tholus and fluvial channels all suggest extensive volcano-ground ice interactions within this area.NASA Summer Intern.  相似文献   

We have tested the polar wander paths recently proposed for Mars by Schultz and Lutz-Garihan and for the Moon by Runcorn through a comparison of the lithospheric stress field predicted for rapid global reorientations against observed tectonic features. We have employed the theory of Vening Meinesz and of Melosh to calculate the reorientation stresses, and we argue that the formation of normal faults or graben in broad regions surrounding the former rotation poles should be the minimum tectonic signature of a reorientation that generates lithospheric stresses in excess of the extensional strength of near-surface material. Such regions of normal faults are not present in the vicinity of the most recent proposed paleopoles for Mars, despite the large magnitude of the predicted shear stress (1–2 kbar). The minimum tectonic criterion would not be relaxed by invoking gradual polar wander or by considering the superposition of stresses associated with the global lithospheric response to the Tharsis rise. We conclude that polar wander of the magnitude and timing proposed by Schultz and Kutz-Garihan did not occur. It follows either that Tharsis has always been located near the Martian equator or that Tharsis began to dominate the nonhydrostatic figure prior to the end of heavy bombardment so that any tectonic signature of reorientation has since been obliterated by cratering. The predicted directions of stresses that would result from the most recent episode of proposed polar wander on the Moon, including stresses produced by reorientation of both the rotational and tidal figures, show little or no correspondence to observed tectonic features in the vicinity of the postulated nearside paleopole. The magnitude of the predicted reorientation stress is at most a few tens of bars, however, so that the tectonic test of polar wander on the Moon is inconclusive.  相似文献   

Magellan radar image data of Sapas Mons, a 600 km diameter volcano located on the flanks of the Arla Rise, permit the distinction of widespread volcanic units on the basis of radar properties, morphology, and spatial and inferred temporal relations, each representing a stage or phase in the evolution of the volcano. Six flow units were identified and are arranged asymmetrically about the volcano. Although there is some evidence for overlapping of units, the stratigraphy clearly indicates a younging upwards sequence. The estimated volume of this 2.4 km high volcano is 3.1 × 104 km3, which is comparable to the largest Hawaiian shield (Mauna Loa, 4.25 × 104 km3), but it is significantly less than an estimated volume for the entire Hawaiian-Emperor chain (1.08 × 106 km3) and less than the lower diameter (100 × 150 km) island of Hawaii (11.3 × 104 km3). Although it is difficult to clearly identify a single lava flow, estimates of apparent single flow volumes range from 4 km3 (for an average unit 5 flow of 3.4 km width, 10 m thickness, and 121 km length) to almost 59 km3 (for a 17.8 km wide, l0 m thick, 330 km long unit 1 flow). Estimates of total volumes for the units show that four of the six flow units have volumes that are within a factor of 1.2 of each other, one unit is approximately three times more voluminous, and the latest unit has a very small volume. Flows within a given unit are very distinct relative to flows in other units with respect to average lengths, aspect ratio, radar brightness, and planimetric outline. There is a weak distinction in rms slope between units and emissivity is correlated with altitude, not unit boundaries. A pair of 25 km diameter scalloped-margin domes occur at the summit and are the source of the last stage of eruptions on Sapas; steep fronts and high aspect ratios suggest that associated flows may have had a high viscosity. Graben form a circumferential structure 75–100 km in diameter surrounding the summit domes and are interpreted to be indicative of subsidence over a central magma reservoir. Radial fractures with associated small edifices cut the lower flanks of the edifice but are not observed within the summit ring of graben; these are interpreted to be the expression of near-surface dykes and may have been emplaced during a period of enhanced activity that correlates with the most voluminous flow unit. Unlike at Hawaii, however, these dykes and small edifices do not seem to be the source of significant flank eruptions. Although some effusive activity may have accompanied their emplacement, the majority of lava flows at Sapas appear to be radial to a single, near-summit point located between the two summit domes.Calculated effusion rates range from 1.5 × 103 m3/s to 3.1 × 105 m3/s; these values suggest that rates were high compared with the Earth and decreased with time. These rates, and the volumes calculated, give eruption durations for the various units that range from 18 days to over 20 years. If eruption is caused by the influx of magma from depth and rupture of an overpressurized chamber, this suggests a variable flux over the history of the volcano. The late-stage eruptions which formed the summit domes are interpreted to be the result of fractional crystallization and/or volatile build-up in the chamber, following a period of decreased supply from depth.Local topography and gravity, as well as regional geology support the presence of a mantle plume at Sapas. The similar properties of large volumes of magma over the total history of the volcano, as well as the prolonged period of magma supply and gradual waning, are consistent with a plume origin. These inferences and the observations allow us to characterise the history of the volcano as follows: arrival of the mantle plume caused uplift of topography and surrounding plains formation: continued supply of smaller volumes of material permitted construction of the edifice; development of a magma reservoir (predicted by theory to form at shallow depths) modified eruption characteristics by permitting storage and homogenization of magma; unbuffered conditions prevailed for the majority of eruptions, producing flows of similar volumes but decreasing flow lengths; a period early on of enhanced supply led to buffered chamber conditions, resulting in the eruption of the voluminous flow unit and the emplacement of many lateral dykes; evacuations from the chamber and cooling towards the last stages caused distributed summit collapse and formation of the ring graben; and finally the gradual waning of supply allowed evolution of the magma which produced the late-stage, possibly viscous flows and dome construction. Preliminary observation of Sapas and two other volcanoes at different elevations suggests that altitude-dependent chamber development and growth may influence the complexity of lava flows and determine the existence of collapse calderas. Many features at Sapas are representative of large volcanoes on Venus and thus Sapas Mons is a good example of a typical plume-associated edifice. Sapas differs in many ways from Kilauea, a terrestrial type shield volcano, but these differences can be understood in the context of the Venus environment.  相似文献   

H.J. Melosh 《Icarus》1980,44(3):745-751
Both geologic and free-air-gravity data suggest that the positive mass anomaly associated with the Tharsis volcanoes may have reoriented Mars' lithosphere by as much as 25°. Since Mars is oblate (with flattening ? ?0.005), rotation of the lithosphere over the equatorial bulge by 25° produces membrane stresses of several kilobars, large enough to initiate faulting. These stresses were first evaluated by F.A. Vening-Meinesz (1947, Trans. Amer. Geophys. Union28, 1–61) who treated the lithosphere as a thin elastic shell. The fracture patterns which result from these stresses are determined by the relation between stress and faulting proposed by E.M. Anderson (1951, The Dynamics of Faulting, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh). Plots of the magnitude and direction of stresses in a reoriented planet show that near Tharsis the dominant fault type should be north-south- trending normal faults. This normal fault province is centered about 30°N latitude and extends about 45° east and west in longitude. Similar faults should occur at the antipodes, north of Hellas Planitia. The polar regions should be occupied by roughly north-south-trending thrust faults which extend close to the equator south of Tharsis and north of Hellas. The regions between Tharsis and Hellas are subject to compression on a NE-trending axis and extension along a NW axis east of Tharsis (west of Tharsis the directions are NW compression and NE extension), thus predicting a zone of NNW and ENE strike slip faults east of Tharsis (NNE and WNW west of Tharsis). Although these patterns, except for the north-south normal faults north of Tharsis, have not yet been recognized, the discovery of such a tectonic system of the same age as Tharsis would provide strong support for the reorientation idea. Stresses due to reorientation appear to have little to do with Valles Marineris, since the stress normal to the axis of the Valles is predicted to be compressive, whereas geologic evidence suggests extension.  相似文献   

L.S. Crumpler  J.C. Aubele 《Icarus》1978,34(3):496-511
Analysis of Viking Orbiter data suggests that Arsia Mons, Pavonis Mons, and Ascreus Mons, three large shield volcanoes of the Tharsis volcanoes of Mars, have had similar evolutionary trends. Arsia Mons appears to have developed in the following sequence: (1) construction of a main shield volcano, (2) outbreak of parasitic eruption centers on the northeast and southwest flanks, (3) volcano-tectonic subsidence of the summit and formation of concentric fractures and grabens, possibly by evacuation of an underlying magma chamber during eruption of copious lavas from parasitic eruption centers on the northeast and southwest flanks, and (4) continued volcanism along a fissure or rift bisecting the main shield, resulting in flooding of the floor of the volcano-tectonic depression and inundation of the northeast and southwest flanks by voluminous lavas locally forming parasitic shields. In terms of this sequence Pavonis Mons has developed to stage (3) and Ascreus Mons has evolved to stage (2). This interpretation is supported by crater frequency-diameter distributions in the 0.1? to 3.0 km-diameter range.  相似文献   

Morphological and structural data from the whole Tharsis province suggest that a number of shallow grabens radially oriented about the Tharsis bulge on Mars are underlain by dykes, which define giant radiating swarms similar to, e.g. the Mackenzie dyke swarm of the Canadian shield. Mechanisms for graben formation are proposed, and the depth, width, and height of the associated dykes are estimated. Structural mapping leads to define successive stages of dyke emplacement, and provide stress-trajectory maps that indicate a steady source of the regional stress during the whole history of the Tharsis province. A new tectonic model of Tharsis is presented, based on an analogy with dyke swarms on the Earth that form inside hot spots. This model successfully matches the following features: (1) the geometry of the South Tharsis Ridge Belt, which may have been a consequence of the compressional stress field at the boundary between the uplifted and non-uplifted areas in the upper part of the lithosphere at the onset of hot spot activity; (2) extensive lava flooding, interpreted as a consequence of the high thermal anomaly at the onset of plume (hot spot) activity; (3) wrinkle ridge geometry in the Tharsis hemisphere, the formation of which is interpreted as a consequence of buoyant subsidence of the brittle crust in response to the lava load; (4) Valles Marineris limited stretching by preliminary passive rifting, and uplift, viewed as a necessary consequence of adiabatic mantle decompression induced by stretching. The geometrical analysis of dyke swarms suggests the existence of a large, Tharsis-independent extensional state of stress during all the period of tectonic activity, in which the minimum compressive stress is roughly N---S oriented. Although magmatism must have loaded the lithosphere significantly after the plume activity ceased and be responsible for additional surface deformations, there is no requirement for further loading stress to explain surficial features. Comparison with succession of magmatic and tectonic events related to hot spots on the Earth suggests that the total time required to produce all the surface deformation observed in the Tharsis province over the last 3.8 Ga does probably not exceed 10 or 15 Ma.  相似文献   

Abstract— Impact craters are not always circular; sometimes their rims are composed of several straight segments. Such polygonal impact craters (PICs) are controlled by pre‐existing target structures, mainly faults or other similar planes of weakness. In the Argyre region, Mars, PICs comprise ? 17% of the total impact crater population (>7 km in diameter), and PICs are relatively more common in older geologic units. Their formation is mainly controlled by radial fractures induced by the Argyre and Ladon impact basins, and to a lesser extent by the basin‐concentric fractures. Also basin‐induced conjugate shear fractures may play a role. Unlike the PICs, ridges and graben in the Argyre region are mostly controlled by Tharsis‐induced tectonism, with the ridges being concentric and graben radial to Tharsis. Therefore, the PICs primarily reflect an old impact basin‐centered tectonic pattern, whereas Tharsis‐centered tectonism responsible for the graben and the ridges has only minor influence on the PIC rim orientations. According to current models of PIC formation, complex PICs should form through a different mechanism than simple PICs, leading to different orientations of straight rim segments. However, when simple and complex PICs from same areas are studied, no statistically significant difference can be observed. Hence, in addition to enhanced excavation parallel to the strike of fractures (simple craters) and slumping along the fracture planes (complex craters), we propose a third mechanism involving thrusting along the fracture planes. This model is applicable to both simple and small complex craters in targets with some dominating orientations of structural weakness.  相似文献   

The concept of block tectonics provides a framework for understanding many aspects of Tharsis and adjoining structures. This Tharsis block tectonics on Mars is manifested partly by mantle-related doming and partly by response to loading by subsequent volcanic construction. Although the origin of the volcanism from beneath Tharsis is a subject of controversy explanations have to include inhomogenities in Martian internal structure, energy distribution, magma accumulation and motion below the lithosphere. Thermal convection can be seen as a necessary consequence for transient initial phase of Martian cooling. This produced part of the elevated topography with tensional stresses and graben systems radial to the main bulge. The linear grabens, radial to the Tharsis center, can be interpreted to indicate rift zones that define the crustal block boundaries. The load-induced stresses may then have contributed on further graben and ridge formation over an extended period of time.On leave from Dept. of Astronomy University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland.  相似文献   

HiRISE has imaged a graben wall on the western flank of Arsia Mons volcano, Mars. This graben is ∼3×16 km in plan-view size and is oriented almost perpendicular to the general volcano slope. We have identified 1318 individual sub-horizontal layers, which we interpret to be lava flows, in the 885 m high, nearly vertical, eastern wall of this graben. The average and median outcrop widths of each layer are 149 and 85 m, respectively. No layers extend >1.72 km across the width of the section, arguing against these being either areally-extensive ash or paleo-glacial deposits, which has implications for the reoccurrence interval of glacial events and/or the long-term magma production rate of the volcano. Measurements (N=118) made at a 100-m spacing across the width of the section reveal that there are, on average, 17.3 layers at each location. This implies an average layer thickness of ∼51 m. Locally, however, as many as 7 layers can be counted within a 70 m-high part of the section, implying, if these layers are indeed lava flows, that Arsia Mons occasionally erupted flows that were only ∼10 m thick.  相似文献   

Review of morphologic, morphometric and compositional data from Mars suggests that volcanism in the early Hesperian Syrtis Major edifice was predominantly ultramafic, in contrast to the abundant basaltic volcanism of the Hesperian to Amazonian Tharsis and Elysium provinces. Comparisons of edifice characteristics between Syrtis Major and the large, circum-Hellas Noachian to Hesperian volcanoes suggest that these structures may also be formed by ultramafic volcanic activity. The data suggest that a global scale magma compositional change occurred on Mars during the late Hesperian. The occurrence of widespread ultramafic volcanism suggests that a high degree of partial melting in a relatively hot mantle characterized Mars?? early thermal history, conditions that may be analogous to those that prevailed in the Archean Earth.  相似文献   

Valley networks observed on the martian surface are found mostly on Noachian-aged highlands units, but a few occur on younger volcanic edifices. Enigmatically, they do not occur on all younger volcanoes of similar age or location. Using new data, we reanalyze the radially arrayed valleys on the flanks of Hecates Tholus, a Hesperian-aged shield volcano, and test the hypothesis that these valleys might have formed via basal melting of summit snowpack. We find that magmatic intrusions with reasonable geometries provide sufficient heat flux to cause basal melting of snowpack, with the resulting meltwater interpreted to be responsible for incision of the observed valleys. Valley morphology is similar to valleys observed adjacent to seasonally melting Antarctic Dry Valley glaciers formed on comparable slopes, supporting the hypothesis of a snowmelt origin. These relatively young valley networks are thus plausibly interpreted to form under circumstances in which summit snow accumulation was melted during one or more episodes of high localized heat flux.  相似文献   

This paper aims to aid understanding of the complicated interplay between construction and destruction of volcanoes, with an emphasis on the role of substrate tectonic heritage in controlling magma conduit geometry, lateral collapse, landslides, and preferential erosion pathways. The influence of basement structure on the development of six composite volcanoes located in different geodynamic/geological environments is described: Stromboli (Italy), in an island arc extensional tectonic setting, Ollagüe (Bolivia–Chile) in a cordilleran extensional setting, Kizimen (Russia) in a transtensional setting, Pinatubo (Philippines) in a transcurrent setting, Planchon (Chile) in a compressional cordilleran setting, and Mt. Etna (Italy) in a complex tectonic boundary setting. Analogue and numerical modelling results are used to enhance understanding of processes exemplified by these volcanic centres. We provide a comprehensive overview of this topic by considering a great deal of relevant, recently published studies and combine these with the presentation of new results, in order to contribute to the discussion on substrate tectonics and its control on volcano evolution. The results show that magma conduits in volcanic rift zones can be geometrically controlled by the regional tectonic stress field. Rift zones produce a lateral magma push that controls the direction of lateral collapse and can also trigger collapse. Once lateral collapse occurs, the resulting debuttressing produces a reorganization of the shallow-level magma migration pathways towards the collapse depression. Subsequent landslides and erosion tend to localize along rift zones. If a zone of weakness underlies a volcano, long-term creep can occur, deforming a large sector of the cone. This deformation can trigger landslides that propagate along the destabilized flank axis. In the absence of a rift zone, normal and transcurrent faults propagating from the substrate through the volcano can induce flank instability in directions respectively perpendicular and oblique to fault strike. This destabilization can evolve to lateral collapse with triggering mechanisms such as seismic activity or magmatic intrusion.  相似文献   

The Tharsis region is an 8000-km-wide structural dome that incorporates a concentration of the main volcanic and tectonic activity on the Planet Mars. The area of structural doming is characterised by giant radial graben-dike systems. Nested on a set of these giant dikes to the northern side of Tharsis, is Alba Patera, one of the largest volcanoes in the planetary system. The regional dikes there are in arcuate arrangement and imply an E-W to NW-SE regional extension at Alba Patera. To assess the influence of regional and local tectonics, we studied the dike orientations on the volcano with Viking mosaic data and simulated plausible stress fields with finite element modelling. We found that the influence of a NW-SE regional extension was strong near the volcano centre but decreased rapidly in importance towards the northern pole, i.e., far from the Tharsis centre. By combining this regional stress with a broad uplift that is due to a buoyancy zone of about 1400 km in lateral extent and centred under Alba Patera, we reproduced the radial pattern of dike swarms that diverge from the Tharsis trend. Regional tectonics may have dominated the early stages of dike injection. During the evolution of Alba Patera, however, local updoming controlled the dike pattern, supporting the idea of a hotspot under Alba Patera. The well-expressed dike geometry and characteristics of Alba Patera provide an ideal example for comparative study with analogue hotspots on Earth where plate tectonics and active erosion may complicate the reconstruction of volcanic and tectonic history and the understanding of involved geodynamic processes.  相似文献   

The crustal dichotomy of Mars describes the topographic division between the young plains in the northern hemisphere and the old terrain in the southern hemisphere. The highland-lowland boundary separates the younger plains from the older, high-standing terrain and consists of three geologically-distinct regions: the Tharsis Province, the chaotic terrain, and the fretted terrain (which includes gradational boundary types)-all are characterised by tensional tectonics. This paper presents new geological evidence that shows the topographic division at the fretted terrain formed in the late Noachian-early Hesperian time period: the same time period in which the Tharsis Province and chaotic terrain formed, and fracturing of a southern-hemisphere-type surface beneath the northern plains occurred. These are inherent features of the crustal dichotomy, indicating it must have also formed during the late Noachian-early Hesperian time period. An analogy is made between the northern lowlands and sedimentary basins on Earth: both are basin like and are surrounded by provinces that have been subjected to pronounced tensional tectonics. This paper uses the White and McKenzie model (1989a) to propose that a lithospheric-stretching event on Mars, in the late Noachian-early Hesperian time period, produced the crustal dichotomy; the Tharsis Province formed by uplift (over a sub-surface hotspot) and gave rise to lithospheric stretching, and the northern lowlands formed by subsidence (over normal asthenospheric temperatures). Detachment faults, operating from the Tharsis Province and around northern lowlands, allowed structural equilibrium and large lithospheric extensions to be attained during this period: they also defined the geometry of the lowlands. The proposal is supported with calculations used to estimate the amount of subsidence that can be achieved in this way.  相似文献   

Mars surface characteristics at and near the Viking Chryse and Tritonis Lacus landing areas were determined by radio scatter using the new 12.6 cm radar at the Arecibo Observatory during 1975–1976. Interpretation of each power spectrum suggests rms surface tilts of 4° at the final A1WNW (47.9°W, 22.5°N) site, 5° near the original A1 site, and 6° between the two. At the back-up site (A2) surface roughness estimates were about 4°. Striking changes in surface texture have been found near the eastern bases of Tharsis Montes and Albor Tholus, each volcanic feature marking the western boundary of very smooth surface units. The roughness sensed at 1 to 100 m scales by radar appears to be relatively independent of the surface units defined at large scale lengths by photogeologists. Radar properties thus provide an additional means by which planetary surfaces may be characterized.  相似文献   

A remarkable set of albedo changes has been uncovered by Mariner 9 photography of the upper slopes of the shield volcano Pavonis Mons, near its summit caldera. The most likely explanation of the event is aeolian transport of fine-grained particles. Since the atmospheric pressure in this locality is ~ 1.5 mb, minimum wind velocities above the surface boundary layer of about 110 m/s are necessary, corresponding to 0.51 of the speed of sound. Slope winds in this velocity range are expected near the upper flanks of major Martian volcanic constructs.  相似文献   

The Mangala Valles is a 900-km long outflow channel system in the highlands adjacent to the south-eastern flank of the Tharsis bulge. This work was intended to answer the following two questions unresolved in previous studies: (1) Was there only one source of water (Mangala Fossa at the valley head which is one of the Medusae Fossae troughs or graben) or were other sources also involved in the valley-carving water supply, and (2) Was there only one episode of flooding (maybe with phases) or were there several episodes significantly separated in time. The geologic analysis of HRSC image 0286 and mapping supported by analysis of MOC and THEMIS images show that Mangala Valles was carved by water released from several sources. The major source was Mangala Fossa, which probably formed in response to magmatic dike intrusion. The graben cracked the cryosphere and permitted the release of groundwater held under hydrostatic pressure. This major source was augmented by a few smaller-scale sources at localities in (1) two mapped heads of magmatic dikes, (2) heads of two clusters of sinuous channels, and (3) probably several large knob terrain locals. The analysis of results of crater counts at more than 60 localities showed that the first episode of formation of Mangala Valles occurred ~3.5 Ga ago and was followed by three more episodes, one occurred ~1 Ga ago, another one ~0.5 Ga ago, and the last one ~0.2 Ga ago. East of the mapped area there are extended and thick lava flows whose source may be the eastern continuation of the Mangala source graben. Crater counts in 10 localities on these lava flows correlate with those taken on the Mangala valley elements supporting the idea that the valley head graben was caused by dike intrusions. Our observations suggest that the waning stage of the latest flooding episode (~0.2 Ga ago) led to the formation at the valley head of meander-like features sharing some characteristics with meanders of terrestrial rivers. If this analogy is correct this could suggest a short episode of global warming in Late Amazonian time.  相似文献   

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