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We present a mineralogical assessment of near-Earth Asteroid, (1036) Ganymed, using data obtained May 18, 2006 UT combined with 24 Color Asteroid Survey data to cover the spectral interval of 0.3-2.45 μm. Results of the analysis indicate (1036) Ganymed is an S (VI) asteroid with a surface silicate assemblage consisting primarily of orthopyroxene, (Fs23(±5)Wo3(±3)), consistent with calculated band centers and band area ratios (BAR). (1036) Ganymed appears to be once part of a large mesosiderite containing howardite, eucrite, and diogenite (HED) pyroxenes mixed with metal that was broken apart and dispersed. The calculated composition of the average pyroxenes in the surface material of (1036) Ganymed is consistent with mesosiderite pyroxenes, in particular the diogenites. A second possibility could be (1036) Ganymed is not yet represented in the meteorite collection. Our investigation has confirmed Ganymed is not a parent body of the ordinary chondrites and is not genetically related to (433) Eros.  相似文献   

Photometric data on 17 binary near-Earth asteroids (15 of them are certain detections, two are probables) were analysed and characteristic properties of the near-Earth asteroid (NEA) binary population were inferred. We have found that binary systems with a secondary-to-primary mean diameter ratio Ds/Dp?0.18 concentrate among NEAs smaller than 2 km in diameter; the abundance of such binaries decreases significantly among larger NEAs. Secondaries show an upper size limit of Ds=0.5-1 km. Systems with Ds/Dp?0.5 are abundant but larger satellites are significantly less common. Primaries have spheroidal shapes and they rotate rapidly, with periods concentrating between 2.2 to 2.8 h and with a tail of the distribution up to ∼4 h. The fast rotators are close to the critical spin for rubble piles with bulk densities about 2 g/cm3. Orbital periods show an apparent cut-off at Porb∼11 h; closer systems with shorter orbital periods have not been discovered, which is consistent with the Roche limit for strengthless bodies. Secondaries are more elongated on average than primaries. Most, but not all, of their rotations appear to be synchronized with the orbital motion; nonsynchronous secondary rotations may occur especially among wider systems with Porb>20 h. The specific total angular momentum of most of the binary systems is similar to within ±20% and close to the angular momentum of a sphere with the same total mass and density, rotating at the disruption limit; this suggests that the binaries were created by mechanism(s) related to rotation near the critical limit and that they neither gained nor lost significant amounts of angular momentum during or since formation. A comparison with six small asynchronous binaries detected in the main belt of asteroids suggests that the population extends beyond the region of terrestrial planets, but with characteristics shifted to larger sizes and longer periods. The estimated mean proportion of binaries with Ds/Dp?0.18 among NEAs larger than 0.3 km is 15±4%. Among fastest rotating NEAs larger than 0.3 km with periods between 2.2 and 2.8 h, the mean proportion of such binaries is (66+10−12)%.  相似文献   

We present thermal infrared photometry and spectrophotometry of six Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) using the 3.8 m United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) together with quasi-simultaneous optical observations of five NEAs taken at the 1.0 m Jacobus Kapteyn Telescope (JKT). For Asteroid (6455) 1992 HE we derive a rotational period P=2.736±0.002 h, and an absolute visual magnitude H=14.32±0.24. For Asteroid 2002 HK12 we derive . The Standard Thermal Model (STM), the Fast Rotating Model (FRM) and the Near-Earth Asteroid Thermal Model (NEATM) have been fitted to the measured fluxes to derive albedos and effective diameters. The derived geometric albedos and effective diameters are (6455) 1992 HE: pv=0.26±0.08, Deff=3.55±0.5 km; 1999 HF1: pv=0.18±0.07, ; 2000 ED104: pv=0.18±0.05, Deff=1.21±0.2 km; 2002 HK12: , Deff=0.62±0.2 km; 2002 NX18: pv=0.031±0.009, Deff=2.24±0.3 km; 2002 QE15: , Deff=1.94±0.4 km. The limitations of using the NEATM to observe NEAs at high phase angles are discussed.  相似文献   

S.D. Benecchi  K.S. Noll  W.M. Grundy 《Icarus》2011,213(2):693-709
We present optical colors of 72 transneptunian objects (TNOs), and infrared colors of 80 TNOs obtained with the WFPC2 and NICMOS instruments, respectively, on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). Both optical and infrared colors are available for 32 objects that overlap between the datasets. This dataset adds an especially uniform, consistent and large contribution to the overall sample of colors, particularly in the infrared. The range of our measured colors is consistent with other colors reported in the literature at both optical and infrared wavelengths. We find generally good agreement for objects measured by both us and others; 88.1% have better than 2 sigma agreement. The median absolute magnitude, HV, magnitude of our optical sample is 7.2, modestly smaller (∼0.5 mag) than for previous samples. The median HV in our infrared sample is 6.7. We find no new correlations between color and dynamical properties (semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination and perihelion). We do find that colors of Classical objects with i < 6° come from a different distribution than either the Resonant or excited populations in the visible at the >99.99% level with a K-S test. The same conclusion is found in the infrared at a slightly lower significance level, 99.72%. Two Haumea collision fragments with strong near infrared ice bands are easily identified with broad HST infrared filters and point to an efficient search strategy for identifying more such objects. We find evidence for variability in (19255) 1999 VK8, 1999 OE4, 2000 CE105, 1998 KG62 and 1998 WX31.  相似文献   

Utilizing the largest available data sets for the observed taxonomic (Binzel et al., 2004, Icarus 170, 259-294) and albedo (Delbo et al., 2003, Icarus 166, 116-130) distributions of the near-Earth object population, we model the bias-corrected population. Diameter-limited fractional abundances of the taxonomic complexes are A-0.2%; C-10%, D-17%, O-0.5%, Q-14%, R-0.1%, S-22%, U-0.4%, V-1%, X-34%. In a diameter-limited sample, ∼30% of the NEO population has jovian Tisserand parameter less than 3, where the D-types and X-types dominate. The large contribution from the X-types is surprising and highlights the need to better understand this group with more albedo measurements. Combining the C, D, and X complexes into a “dark” group and the others into a “bright” group yields a debiased dark-to-bright ratio of ∼1.6. Overall, the bias-corrected mean albedo for the NEO population is 0.14±0.02, for which an H magnitude of 17.8±0.1 translates to a diameter of 1 km, in close agreement with Morbidelli et al. (2002, Icarus 158 (2), 329-342). Coupling this bias corrected taxonomic and albedo model with the H magnitude dependent size distribution of (Stuart, 2001, Science 294, 1691-1693) yields a diameter distribution with 1090±180 NEOs with diameters larger than 1 km. As of 2004 June, the Spaceguard Survey has discovered 56% of the NEOs larger than 1 km. Using our size distribution model, and orbital distribution of (Stuart, 2001, Science 294, 1691-1693) we calculate the frequency of impacts into the Earth and the Moon. Globally destructive collisions (∼1021 J) of asteroids 1 km or larger strike the Earth once every 0.60±0.1 Myr on average. Regionally destructive collisions with impact energy greater than 4×1018 J (∼200 m diameter) strike the Earth every 56,000±6000 yr. Collisions in the range of the Tunguska event (4-8×1016 J) occur every 2000-3000 yr. These values represent the average time between randomly spaced impacts; actual impacts could occur more or less closely spaced solely by chance. As a verification of these impact rates, the crater production function of Shoemaker et al. (1990, Geological Society of American Special Paper 247) has been updated by combining this new population model with a crater formation model to find that the observed crater production function on both the Earth and Moon agrees with the rate of crater production expected from the current population of NEOs.  相似文献   

We present new observations and models of the shapes and rotational states of the eight near-Earth Asteroids (1580) Betulia, (1627) Ivar, (1980) Tezcatlipoca, (2100) Ra-Shalom, (3199) Nefertiti, (3908) Nyx, (4957) Brucemurray, and (5587) 1990 SB. We also outline some of their solar phase curves, corrected to common reference geometry with the models. Some of the targets may feature sizable global nonconvexities, but the observable solar phase angles were not sufficiently high for confirming these. None is likely to have a very densely cratered surface. We discuss the role of the intermediate topographic scale range in photometry, and surmise that this scale range is less important than large or small scale lengths.  相似文献   

A survey of 62 small near-Earth asteroids was conducted to determine the rotation state of these objects and to search for rapid rotation. Since results for 9 of the asteroids were previously published (Pravec, P., Hergenrother, C.W., Whiteley, R.J., Šarounová, L., Kušnirák, P., Wolf, M. [2000]. Icarus 147, 477-486; Pravec, P. et al. [2005] Icarus 173, 108-131; Whiteley, R.J., Tholen, D.J., Hergenrother, C.W. [2002a]. Icarus 157, 139-154; Hergenrother, C.W., Whiteley, R.J., Christensen, E.J. [2009]. Minor Planet Bull. 36, 16-18.), this paper will present results for the remaining 53 objects. Rotation periods significantly less than 2 h are indicative of intrinsic strength in the asteroids, while periods longer than 2 h are typically associated with gravitationally bound aggregates. Asteroids with absolute magnitude (H) values ranging from 20.4 to 27.4 were characterized. The slowest rotator with a definite period is 2004 BW18 with a period of 8.3 h, while 2000 DO8 and 2000 WH10 are the fastest with periods of 1.3 min. A minimum of two-thirds of asteroids with H > 20 are fast rotating and have periods significantly faster than 2.0 h. The percentage of rapid rotators increases with decreasing size and a minimum of 79% of H ? 24 objects are rapid rotators. Slowly-rotating objects, some with periods as long as 10-20 h, make up a small though significant fraction of the small asteroid population. There are three fast rotators with relatively large possible diameters (D): 2001 OE84 with 470 ? D ? 820 m (Pravec, P., Kušnirák, P., Šarounová, L., Harris, A.W., Binzel, R.P., Rivkin, A.S. [2002b]. Large coherent Asteroid 2001 OE84. In: Warmbein, B. (Eds.), Proceedings of Asteroids, Comets, Meteors - ACM 2002. Springer, Berlin, pp. 743-745), 2001 FE90 with 265 ? D ? 594 m (Hicks, M., Lawrence, K., Rhoades, H., Somers, J., McAuley, A., Barajas, T. [2009]. The Astronomer’s Telegrams, # 2116), and 2001 VF2 with a possible D of 145 ? D ? 665 m. Using the diameters derived from nominal absolute magnitudes and albedos, the remainder of the fast rotating population is completely consistent with D ? 200 m. Even when taking into account the largest possible uncertainties in the determination of diameters, the remainder must all have D ? 400 m. With the exceptions of 2001 OE84, this result agrees with previous upper diameter limits for fast rotators in Pravec and Harris (Pravec, P., Harris, A.W. [2000]. Icarus 148, 589-593) and Whiteley et al. (Whiteley, R.J, Tholen, D.J., Hergenrother, C.W. [2002a]. Icarus 157, 139-154.  相似文献   

We observed the near-Earth ASTEROID 2008 EV5 with the Arecibo and Goldstone planetary radars and the Very Long Baseline Array during December 2008. EV5 rotates retrograde and its overall shape is a 400 ± 50 m oblate spheroid. The most prominent surface feature is a ridge parallel to the asteroid’s equator that is broken by a concavity about 150 m in diameter. Otherwise the asteroid’s surface is notably smooth on decameter scales. EV5’s radar and optical albedos are consistent with either rocky or stony-iron composition. The equatorial ridge is similar to structure seen on the rubble-pile near-Earth asteroid (66391) 1999 KW4 and is consistent with YORP spin-up reconfiguring the asteroid in the past. We interpret the concavity as an impact crater. Shaking during the impact and later regolith redistribution may have erased smaller features, explaining the general lack of decameter-scale surface structure.  相似文献   

Patrick Michel  Marco Delbo 《Icarus》2010,209(2):520-534
In this paper, we present our study of the orbital and thermal evolutions, due to solar radiative heating, of four near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) considered as potential target candidates for sample return space missions to primitive asteroids. We used a dynamical model of the NEA population to estimate the most likely source region and orbital history of these objects. Then, for each asteroid, we integrated numerically over their entire lifetime a set of 14 initially indistinguishable orbit (clones), obtained by small variations of the nominal initial conditions. Using a thermal model, we then computed surface and sub-surface temperatures of these bodies during their dynamical history. Our aim is to determine whether these bodies are likely to have experienced high temperature level, and whether great temperature changes can be expected due to the orbital changes as well as their maximum and minimum values. Such information is important in the framework of sample return space missions whose goal is to bring back pristine materials. The knowledge of the temperature range of materials at different depth over the orbital evolution of potential targets can help defining sampling strategies that ensure the likelihood that unaltered material will be brought back. Our results suggest that for all the considered potential targets, the surface has experienced for some time temperatures greater than 400 K and at most 500 K with 50% probability. This probability drops rapidly with increasing temperature. Sub-surface materials at a depth of only 3 cm are much more protected from high temperature and generally do not reach temperatures exceeding 450 K (with 50% probability). They should thus be unaltered at this depth at least from a Sun-driven heating point of view. On the other hand, surface material for some of the considered objects can have a range of temperature which can make them less reliable as pristine materials. However, it is assumed here that the same material is constantly exposed to solar heat, while regolith turnover may occur. The latter can be caused by different processes such as seismic shaking and/or impact cratering. This would reduce the total time that materials are exposed to a certain temperature. Thus, it is very likely that a sample collected from any of the four considered targets, or any primitive NEA with similar dynamical properties, will have components that will be thermally unaltered as long as some of it comes from only 3 to 5 cm depth. Such a depth is not considered difficult to reach with some of the current designs of sampling devices.  相似文献   

We present the results of thermal-infrared observations of 20 near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) obtained in the period March 2000-February 2002 with the 10-m Keck-I telescope on Mauna Kea, Hawaii. The measured fluxes have been fitted with thermal-model emission continua to determine sizes and albedos. This work increases the number of NEAs having measured albedos by 35%. The spread of albedos derived is very large (pv=0.02−0.55); the mean value is 0.25, which is much higher than that of observed main-belt asteroids. In most cases the albedos are in the ranges expected for the spectral types, although some exceptions are evident. Our results are consistent with a trend of increasing albedo with decreasing size for S-type asteroids with diameters below 20 km. A number of objects are found to have unexpectedly low apparent color temperatures, which may reflect unusual thermal properties. However, the results from our limited sample suggest that high thermal-inertia, regolith-free objects may be uncommon, even amongst NEAs with diameters of less than 1 km. We discuss the significance of our results in the light of information on these NEAs taken from the literature and the uncertainties inherent in applying thermal models to near-Earth asteroids.  相似文献   

We observed near-Earth Asteroid (8567) 1996 HW1 at the Arecibo Observatory on six dates in September 2008, obtaining radar images and spectra. By combining these data with an extensive set of new lightcurves taken during 2008-2009 and with previously published lightcurves from 2005, we were able to reconstruct the object’s shape and spin state. 1996 HW1 is an elongated, bifurcated object with maximum diameters of 3.8 × 1.6 × 1.5 km and a contact-binary shape. It is the most bifurcated near-Earth asteroid yet studied and one of the most elongated as well. The sidereal rotation period is 8.76243 ± 0.00004 h and the pole direction is within 5° of ecliptic longitude and latitude (281°, −31°). Radar astrometry has reduced the orbital element uncertainties by 27% relative to the a priori orbit solution that was based on a half-century of optical data. Simple dynamical arguments are used to demonstrate that this asteroid could have originated as a binary system that tidally decayed and merged.  相似文献   

We present a mineralogical assessment of 12 Maria family asteroids, using near-infrared spectral data obtained over the years 2000-2009 combined with visible spectral data (when available) to cover the spectral interval of 0.4-2.5 μm. Our analysis indicates the Maria asteroid family, which is located adjacent to the chaotic region of the 3:1 Kirkwood Gap, appears to be a true genetic family composed of assemblages analogous to mesosiderite-type meteorites. Dynamical models by Farinella et al. (Farinella, P., Gunczi, R., Froeschlé, Ch., Froeschlé, C., [1993]. Icarus 101, 174-187) predict this region should supply meteoroids into Earth-crossing orbits. Thus, the Maria family is a plausible source of some or all of the mesosiderites in our meteorite collections. These individual asteroids were most likely once part of a larger parent object that was broken apart and dispersed. One of the Maria dynamical family members investigated, ((695) Bella), was found to be unrelated to the genetic Maria family members. The parameters of (695) Bella indicate an H-chondrite assemblage, and that Bella may be a sister or daughter of Asteroid (6) Hebe.  相似文献   

We present the first observational measurement of the orbit and size distribution of small Solar System objects whose orbits are wholly interior to the Earth's (Inner Earth Objects, IEOs, with aphelion <0.983 AU). We show that we are able to model the detections of near-Earth objects (NEO) by the Catalina Sky Survey (CSS) using a detailed parameterization of the CSS survey cadence and detection efficiencies as implemented within the Jedicke et al. [Jedicke, R., Morbidelli, A., Spahr, T., Petit, J.M., Bottke, W.F., 2003. Icarus 161, 17-33] survey simulator and utilizing the Bottke et al. [Bottke, W.F., Morbidelli, A., Jedicke, R., Petit, J.-M., Levison, H.F., Michel, P., Metcalfe, T.S., 2002. Icarus 156, 399-433] model of the NEO population's size and orbit distribution. We then show that the CSS detections of 4 IEOs are consistent with the Bottke et al. [Bottke, W.F., Morbidelli, A., Jedicke, R., Petit, J.-M., Levison, H.F., Michel, P., Metcalfe, T.S., 2002. Icarus 156, 399-433] IEO model. Observational selection effects for the IEOs discovered by the CSS were then determined using the survey simulator in order to calculate the corrected number and H distribution of the IEOs. The actual number of IEOs with H<18 (21) is 36±26 (530±240) and the slope of the H magnitude distribution (∝10αH) for the IEOs is . The slope is consistent with previous measurements for the NEO population of αNEO=0.35±0.02 [Bottke, W.F., Morbidelli, A., Jedicke, R., Petit, J.-M., Levison, H.F., Michel, P., Metcalfe, T.S., 2002. Icarus 156, 399-433] and αNEO=0.39±0.013 [Stuart, J.S., Binzel, R.P., 2004. Icarus 170, 295-311]. Based on the agreement between the predicted and observed IEO orbit and absolute magnitude distributions there is no indication of any non-gravitational effects (e.g. Yarkovsky, tidal disruption) affecting the known IEO population.  相似文献   

Thermal inertia determines the temperature distribution over the surface of an asteroid and therefore governs the magnitude the Yarkovsky effect. The latter causes gradual drifting of the orbits of km-sized asteroids and plays an important role in the delivery of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) from the main belt and in the dynamical spreading of asteroid families. At present, very little is known about the thermal inertia of asteroids in the km size range. Here we show that the average thermal inertia of a sample of NEAs in the km-size range is . Furthermore, we identify a trend of increasing thermal inertia with decreasing asteroid diameter, D. This indicates that the dependence of the drift rate of the orbital semimajor axis on the size of asteroids due to the Yarkovsky effect is a more complex function than the generally adopted D−1 dependence, and that the size distribution of objects injected by Yarkovsky-driven orbital mobility into the NEA source regions is less skewed to smaller sizes than generally assumed. We discuss how this fact may help to explain the small difference in the slope of the size distribution of km-sized NEAs and main-belt asteroids.  相似文献   

We present new visible and near-infrared spectroscopic measurements for 252 near-Earth (NEO) and Mars-crossing (MC) objects observed from 1994 through 2002 as a complement to the Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey (SMASS, http://smass.mit.edu/). Combined with previously published SMASS results, we have an internally consistent data set of more than 400 of these objects for investigating trends related to size, orbits, and dynamical history. These data also provide the basis for producing a bias-corrected estimate for the total NEO population (Stuart and Binzel, 2004, Icarus 170, 295-311). We find 25 of the 26 Bus (1999, PhD thesis) taxonomic types are represented, with nearly 90% of the objects falling within the broad S-, Q-, X-, and C-complexes. Rare A- and E-types are more common in the MC than NEO population (about 5% compared to <1%) and may be direct evidence of slow diffusion into MC orbits from the Flora and Hungaria regions, respectively. A possible family of MC objects (C-types) may reside at the edge of the 5:2 jovian resonance. Distinct signatures are revealed for the relative contributions of different taxonomic types to the NEO population through different source regions. E-types show an origin signature from the inner belt, C-types from the mid to outer belt, and P-types from the outer belt. S- and Q-types have effectively identical main-belt source region profiles, as would be expected if they have related origins. A lack of V-types among Mars-crossers suggests entry into NEO space via rapid transport through the ν6 and 3:1 resonances from low eccentricity main-belt orbits, consistent with a Vesta origin. D-types show the strongest signature from Jupiter family comets (JFC), with a strong JFC component also seen among the X-types. A distinct taxonomic difference is found with respect to the jovian Tisserand parameter T, where C-, D-, and X-type (most likely low albedo P-class) objects predominate for T?3. These objects, which may be extinct comets, comprise 4% of our observed sample, but their low albedos makes this magnitude limited fraction under-representative of the true value. With our taxonomy statistics providing a strong component to the diameter limited bias correction analysis of Stuart (2003, PhD thesis), we estimate 10-18% of the NEO population above any given diameter may be extinct comets, taking into account asteroids scattered into T<3 orbits and comets scattered into T>3 orbits. In terms of possible space weathering effects, we see a size-dependent transition from ordinary chondrite-like (Q-type) objects to S-type asteroids over the size range of 0.1 to 5 km, where the transition is effectively complete at 5 km. A match between the average surface age of 5 km asteroids and the rate of space weathering could constrain models for both processes. However, space weathering may proceed at a very rapid rate compared with collisional timescales. In this case, the presence or absence of a regolith may be the determining factor for whether or not an object appears “space weathered.” Thus 0.1 to 5 km appears to be a critical size range for understanding the processes, timescales, and conditions under which a regolith conducive to space weathering is generated, retained, and refreshed.  相似文献   

M. Lazzarin  S. Marchi  M. Di Martino 《Icarus》2004,169(2):373-384
Near-Earth objects (NEOs) represent one of the most intriguing populations of Solar System bodies. These objects appear heterogeneous in all aspects of their physical properties, like shapes, sizes, spin rates, compositions etc. Moreover, as these objects represent also a real threat to the Earth, a good knowledge of their properties and composition is the necessary first step to evaluate mitigation techniques and to understand their origin and evolution. In the last few years we have started a long-term spectroscopic investigation in the visible and near-infrared (NIR) region of near-Earth objects. The observations have been performed with the 3.5 m NTT of the European Southern Observatory of La Silla (Chile). The data presented here are a set of 24 spectra, 14 of which are both visible and NIR. We discuss the taxonomic classification of the observed NEOs, resulting in 13 S-type objects, 1 Q-type, 2 K-types, 3 C-types, 5 Xe-types (two of these, (3103) Eger and (4660) Nereus, are already known as E-types). Moreover, we discuss their links with meteorites and the possible influences of space weathering.  相似文献   

R. Gil-Hutton  J. Licandro 《Icarus》2010,206(2):729-734
In this paper we search for photometric data of asteroids in the outer region of the Hecuba gap in the Moving Object Catalogue of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to find the spectrophotometric characteristics of small members of this group. We found that the correlation between size and spectral slope previously identified for Cybele asteroids is correct only for large objects (HV<12) but it is not supported by data obtained for the small ones. This result argues against the scenario suggesting that D-type objects are more fragile than P-types, favoring disruptive collisions of precursors of the first type and resulting in a larger fraction of the smaller body population being collisional fragments from a few large D-type precursors. A statistical comparison of the spectral slope histograms of Cybeles and Hildas showed that it is not possible to reject the hypothesis that both samples were obtained from the same population at a confident limit of 90%. This result could be indicative of certain homogeneity in the taxonomic distributions of the outer belt populations due to a similar original composition and/or a similar resurfacing processes of these distant bodies. Despite the intrinsic limitations of the five band photometry of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, the analysis presented is based mainly in the detection of spectral slopes thus providing sufficient indication of the taxonomic type of these asteroids and making us confident about our conclusions.  相似文献   

A mineralogical assessment of 3:1 Kirkwood Gap Asteroids (3760) Poutanen and (974) Lioba, has been carried out from spectral data obtained May 21, 2008 (974) and May 25, 2009 (3760) UT using the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility. Results indicate (3760) Poutanen as a spinel-bearing asteroid. The spinel contained within this asteroid appears to be embedded in calcium aluminum inclusions (CAIs) much like that of the CV3 chondrite Allende. The preservation of the CAIs implies a lack of igneous processing and places further constraints on the heating that occurred within the early Solar System. This analysis suggests (3760) Poutanen originated in the general formation zone of the CV3 meteorites, but in a sub-region depleted in iron-rich matrix material and enriched in pyroxene-bearing clasts. Analysis of (974) Lioba indicates it is an S(IV) asteroid with a surface silicate assemblage consisting of olivine and orthopyroxene, (Fs21(±5)Wo8(±3)), consistent with measured band centers, (0.96 ± 0.01 μm; 1.95 ± 0.02 μm), and the band area ratio (0.59 ± 0.15). The location, delivery efficiency ((24.5%) Farinella, P., Gunczi, R., Froeschlé, Ch., Froeschlé, C. [1993]. Icarus 101, 174-187), calculated mineralogy, and BAR strongly suggest (974) Lioba is a plausible parent body for the LL- or L-ordinary chondrites.  相似文献   

The results of V-band polarimetric observations of the potentially hazardous near-Earth Asteroid (23187) 2000 PN9 at large phase angles are presented as well as its photometric observations in BVRI bands. Observations were made in March-April 2006 during its close approach to the Earth using the 1.82-m Asiago telescope (Italy) and the 0.7-m telescope at the Chuguevskaya Observational Station (Ukraine). We obtained polarimetric measurements at the phase angle of 115°, the largest phase angle ever observed in asteroid polarimetry. Our data show that the maximum value of the polarization phase curve reached 7.7% and occurred in the phase angle range of 90-115°. The measured values of linear polarization degree, BVRI colors and magnitude-phase dependence correspond to the S-type composition of this asteroid. Based on our observations the following characteristics of the Asteroid (23187) 2000 PN9 were obtained: a rotation period of 2.5325±0.0004 h, a lightcurve amplitude of 0.13 mag, an albedo of 0.24±0.06 and a diameter of 1.6±0.3 km.  相似文献   

A. Parker  ?. Ivezi?  R. Lupton  A. Kowalski 《Icarus》2008,198(1):138-155
Asteroid families, traditionally defined as clusters of objects in orbital parameter space, often have distinctive optical colors. We show that the separation of family members from background interlopers can be improved with the aid of SDSS colors as a qualifier for family membership. Based on an ∼88,000 object subset of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Moving Object Catalog 4 with available proper orbital elements, we define 37 statistically robust asteroid families with at least 100 members (12 families have over 1000 members) using a simple Gaussian distribution model in both orbital and color space. The interloper rejection rate based on colors is typically ∼10% for a given orbital family definition, with four families that can be reliably isolated only with the aid of colors. About 50% of all objects in this data set belong to families, and this fraction varies from about 35% for objects brighter than an H magnitude of 13 and rises to 60% for objects fainter than this. The fraction of C-type objects in families decreases with increasing H magnitude for H>13, while the fraction of S-type objects above this limit remains effectively constant. This suggests that S-type objects require a shorter timescale for equilibrating the background and family size distributions via collisional processing. The size distribution varies significantly among families, and is typically different from size distributions for background populations. The size distributions for 15 families display a well-defined change of slope and can be modeled as a “broken” double power-law. Such “broken” size distributions are twice as likely for S-type familes than for C-type families (73% vs. 36%), and are dominated by dynamically old families. The remaining families with size distributions that can be modeled as a single power law are dominated by young families (<1 Gyr). When size distribution requires a double power-law model, the two slopes are correlated and are steeper for S-type families. No such slope-color correlation is discernible for families whose size distribution follows a single power law. For several very populous families, we find that the size distribution varies with the distance from the core in orbital-color space, such that small objects are more prevalent in the family outskirts. This “size sorting” is consistent with predictions based on the Yarkovsky effect.  相似文献   

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