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We present results from a suite of N-body simulations that follow the formation and accretion history of the terrestrial planets using a new parallel treecode that we have developed. We initially place 2000 equal size planetesimals between 0.5 and 4.0 AU and the collisional growth is followed until the completion of planetary accretion (>100 Myr). A total of 64 simulations were carried out to explore sensitivity to the key parameters and initial conditions. All the important effect of gas in laminar disks are taken into account: the aerodynamic gas drag, the disk-planet interaction including Type I migration, and the global disk potential which causes inward migration of secular resonances as the gas dissipates. We vary the initial total mass and spatial distribution of the planetesimals, the time scale of dissipation of nebular gas (which dissipates uniformly in space and exponentially in time), and orbits of Jupiter and Saturn. We end up with 1-5 planets in the terrestrial region. In order to maintain sufficient mass in this region in the presence of Type I migration, the time scale of gas dissipation needs to be 1-2 Myr. The final configurations and collisional histories strongly depend on the orbital eccentricity of Jupiter. If today’s eccentricity of Jupiter is used, then most of bodies in the asteroidal region are swept up within the terrestrial region owing to the inward migration of the secular resonance, and giant impacts between protoplanets occur most commonly around 10 Myr. If the orbital eccentricity of Jupiter is close to zero, as suggested in the Nice model, the effect of the secular resonance is negligible and a large amount of mass stays for a long period of time in the asteroidal region. With a circular orbit for Jupiter, giant impacts usually occur around 100 Myr, consistent with the accretion time scale indicated from isotope records. However, we inevitably have an Earth size planet at around 2 AU in this case. It is very difficult to obtain spatially concentrated terrestrial planets together with very late giant impacts, as long as we include all the above effects of gas and assume initial disks similar to the minimum mass solar nebular.  相似文献   

We calculate the amount of methane that may form via reactions catalyzed by metal-rich dust that condenses in the wake of large cometary impacts. Previous models of the gas-phase chemistry of impacts predicted that the terrestrial planets' atmospheres should be initially dominated by CO/CO2, N2, and H2O. CH4 was not predicted to form in impacts because gas-phase reactions in the explosion quench at temperatures ∼2000 K, at which point all of the carbon is locked in CO. We argue that the dust that condenses out in the wake of a large comet impact is likely to have very effective catalytic properties, opening up reaction pathways to convert CO and H2 to CH4 and CO2, at temperatures of a few hundred K. Together with CO2, CH4 is an important greenhouse gas that has been invoked to compensate for the lower luminosity of the Sun ∼4 Gyr ago. Here, we show that heterogeneous (gas-solid) reactions on freshly-recondensed dust in the impact cloud may provide a plausible nonbiological mechanism for reducing CO to CH4 before and during the emergence of life on Earth, and perhaps Mars as well. These encouraging results emphasize the importance of future research into the kinetics and catalytic properties of astrophysical condensates or “smokes” and also more detailed models to determine the conditions in impact-generated dust clouds.  相似文献   

We have performed 8 numerical simulations of the final stages of accretion of the terrestrial planets, each starting with over 5× more gravitationally interacting bodies than in any previous simulations. We use a bimodal initial population spanning the region from 0.3 to 4 AU with 25 roughly Mars-mass embryos and an equal mass of material in a population of ∼1000 smaller planetesimals, consistent with models of the oligarchic growth of protoplanetary embryos. Given the large number of small planetesimals in our simulations, we are able to more accurately treat the effects of dynamical friction during the accretion process. We find that dynamical friction can significantly lower the timescales for accretion of the terrestrial planets and leads to systems of terrestrial planets that are much less dynamically excited than in previous simulations with fewer initial bodies. In addition, we study the effects of the orbits of Jupiter and Saturn on the final planetary systems by running 4 of our simulations with the present, eccentric orbits of Jupiter and Saturn (the EJS simulations) and the other 4 using a nearly circular and co-planar Jupiter and Saturn as predicted in the Nice Model of the evolution of the outer Solar System [Gomes, R., Levison, H.F., Tsiganis, K., Morbidelli, A., 2005. Nature 435, 466-469; Tsiganis, K., Gomes, R., Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., 2005. Nature 435, 459-461; Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., Tsiganis, K., Gomes, R., 2005. Nature 435, 462-465] (the CJS simulations). Our EJS simulations provide a better match to our Solar System in terms of the number and average mass of the final planets and the mass-weighted mean semi-major axis of the final planetary systems, although increased dynamical friction can potentially improve the fit of the CJS simulations as well. However, we find that in our EJS simulations, essentially no water-bearing material from the outer asteroid belt ends up in the final terrestrial planets, while a large amount is delivered in the CJS simulations. In addition, the terrestrial planets in the EJS simulations receive a late veneer of material after the last giant impact event that is likely too massive to reconcile with the siderophile abundances in the Earth's mantle, while the late veneer in the CJS simulations is much more consistent with geochemical evidence.  相似文献   

To date, no accretion model has succeeded in reproducing all observed constraints in the inner Solar System. These constraints include: (1) the orbits, in particular the small eccentricities, and (2) the masses of the terrestrial planets - Mars’ relatively small mass in particular has not been adequately reproduced in previous simulations; (3) the formation timescales of Earth and Mars, as interpreted from Hf/W isotopes; (4) the bulk structure of the asteroid belt, in particular the lack of an imprint of planetary embryo-sized objects; and (5) Earth’s relatively large water content, assuming that it was delivered in the form of water-rich primitive asteroidal material. Here we present results of 40 high-resolution (N = 1000-2000) dynamical simulations of late-stage planetary accretion with the goal of reproducing these constraints, although neglecting the planet Mercury. We assume that Jupiter and Saturn are fully-formed at the start of each simulation, and test orbital configurations that are both consistent with and contrary to the “Nice model”. We find that a configuration with Jupiter and Saturn on circular orbits forms low-eccentricity terrestrial planets and a water-rich Earth on the correct timescale, but Mars’ mass is too large by a factor of 5-10 and embryos are often stranded in the asteroid belt. A configuration with Jupiter and Saturn in their current locations but with slightly higher initial eccentricities (e = 0.07-0.1) produces a small Mars, an embryo-free asteroid belt, and a reasonable Earth analog but rarely allows water delivery to Earth. None of the configurations we tested reproduced all the observed constraints. Our simulations leave us with a problem: we can reasonably satisfy the observed constraints (except for Earth’s water) with a configuration of Jupiter and Saturn that is at best marginally consistent with models of the outer Solar System, as it does not allow for any outer planet migration after a few Myr. Alternately, giant planet configurations which are consistent with the Nice model fail to reproduce Mars’ small size.  相似文献   

E.W. Thommes  M.J. Duncan 《Icarus》2003,161(2):431-455
Runaway growth ends when the largest protoplanets dominate the dynamics of the planetesimal disk; the subsequent self-limiting accretion mode is referred to as “oligarchic growth.” Here, we begin by expanding on the existing analytic model of the oligarchic growth regime. From this, we derive global estimates of the planet formation rate throughout a protoplanetary disk. We find that a relatively high-mass protoplanetary disk (∼10 × minimum-mass) is required to produce giant planet core-sized bodies (∼10 M) within the lifetime of the nebular gas (?10 million years). However, an implausibly massive disk is needed to produce even an Earth mass at the orbit of Uranus by 10 Myrs. Subsequent accretion without the dissipational effect of gas is even slower and less efficient. In the limit of noninteracting planetesimals, a reasonable-mass disk is unable to produce bodies the size of the Solar System’s two outer giant planets at their current locations on any timescale; if collisional damping of planetesimal random velocities is sufficiently effective, though, it may be possible for a Uranus/Neptune to form in situ in less than the age of the Solar System. We perform numerical simulations of oligarchic growth with gas and find that protoplanet growth rates agree reasonably well with the analytic model as long as protoplanet masses are well below their estimated final masses. However, accretion stalls earlier than predicted, so that the largest final protoplanet masses are smaller than those given by the model. Thus the oligarchic growth model, in the form developed here, appears to provide an upper limit for the efficiency of giant planet formation.  相似文献   

We have investigated the final accretion stage of terrestrial planets from Mars-mass protoplanets that formed through oligarchic growth in a disk comparable to the minimum mass solar nebula (MMSN), through N-body simulation including random torques exerted by disk turbulence due to Magneto-Rotational Instability. For the torques, we used the semi-analytical formula developed by Laughlin et al. [Laughlin, G., Steinacker, A., Adams, F.C., 2004. Astrophys. J. 608, 489-496]. The damping of orbital eccentricities (in all runs) and type-I migration (in some runs) due to the tidal interactions with disk gas is also included. Without any effect of disk gas, Earth-mass planets are formed in terrestrial planet regions in a disk comparable to MMSN but with too large orbital eccentricities to be consistent with the present eccentricities of Earth and Venus in our Solar System. With the eccentricity damping caused by the tidal interaction with a remnant gas disk, Earth-mass planets with eccentricities consistent with those of Earth and Venus are formed in a limited range of disk gas surface density (∼10−4 times MMSN). However, in this case, on average, too many (?6) planets remain in terrestrial planet regions, because the damping leads to isolation between the planets. We have carried out a series of N-body simulations including the random torques with different disk surface density and strength of turbulence. We found that the orbital eccentricities pumped up by the turbulent torques and associated random walks in semimajor axes tend to delay isolation of planets, resulting in more coagulation of planets. The eccentricities are still damped after planets become isolated. As a result, the number of final planets decreases with increase in strength of the turbulence, while Earth-mass planets with small eccentricities are still formed. In the case of relatively strong turbulence, the number of final planets are 4-5 at 0.5-2 AU, which is more consistent with Solar System, for relatively wide range of disk gas surface density (∼10−4-10−2 times MMSN).  相似文献   

The core-accretion mechanism for gas giant formation may be too slow to create all observed gas giant planets during reasonable gas disk lifetimes, but it has yet to be firmly established that the disk instability model can produce permanent bound gaseous protoplanets under realistic conditions. Based on our recent simulations of gravitational instabilities in disks around young stars, we suggest that, even if instabilities due to disk self-gravity do not produce gaseous protoplanets directly, they may create persistent dense rings that are conducive to accelerated growth of gas giants through core accretion. The rings occur at and near the boundary between stable and unstable regions of the disk and appear to be produced by resonances with discrete spiral modes on the unstable side.  相似文献   

S. Inaba  G.W. Wetherill 《Icarus》2003,166(1):46-62
We have calculated formation of gas giant planets based on the standard core accretion model including effects of fragmentation and planetary envelope. The accretion process is found to proceed as follows. As a result of runaway growth of planetesimals with initial radii of ∼10 km, planetary embryos with a mass of ∼1027 g (∼ Mars mass) are found to form in ∼105 years at Jupiter's position (5.2 AU), assuming a large enough value of the surface density of solid material (25 g/cm2) in the accretion disk at that distance. Strong gravitational perturbations between the runaway planetary embryos and the remaining planetesimals cause the random velocities of the planetesimals to become large enough for collisions between small planetesimals to lead to their catastrophic disruption. This produces a large number of fragments. At the same time, the planetary embryos have envelopes, that reduce energies of fragments by gas drag and capture them. The large radius of the envelope increases the collision rate between them, resulting in rapid growth of the planetary embryos. By the combined effects of fragmentation and planetary envelope, the largest planetary embryo with 21M forms at 5.2 AU in 3.8×106 years. The planetary embryo is massive enough to start a rapid gas accretion and forms a gas giant planet.  相似文献   

Althea V. Moorhead 《Icarus》2005,178(2):517-539
This paper presents a parametric study of giant planet migration through the combined action of disk torques and planet-planet scattering. The torques exerted on planets during Type II migration in circumstellar disks readily decrease the semi-major axes a, whereas scattering between planets increases the orbital eccentricities ?. This paper presents a parametric exploration of the possible parameter space for this migration scenario using two (initial) planetary mass distributions and a range of values for the time scale of eccentricity damping (due to the disk). For each class of systems, many realizations of the simulations are performed in order to determine the distributions of the resulting orbital elements of the surviving planets; this paper presents the results of ∼8500 numerical experiments. Our goal is to study the physics of this particular migration mechanism and to test it against observations of extrasolar planets. The action of disk torques and planet-planet scattering results in a distribution of final orbital elements that fills the a-? plane, in rough agreement with the orbital elements of observed extrasolar planets. In addition to specifying the orbital elements, we characterize this migration mechanism by finding the percentages of ejected and accreted planets, the number of collisions, the dependence of outcomes on planetary masses, the time spent in 2:1 and 3:1 resonances, and the effects of the planetary IMF. We also determine the distribution of inclination angles of surviving planets and the distribution of ejection speeds for exiled planets.  相似文献   

Jade C. Bond  Dante S. Lauretta 《Icarus》2010,205(2):321-19170
No terrestrial planet formation simulation completed to date has considered the detailed chemical composition of the planets produced. While many have considered possible water contents and late veneer compositions, none have examined the bulk elemental abundances of the planets produced as an important check of formation models. Here we report on the first study of this type. Bulk elemental abundances based on disk equilibrium studies have been determined for the simulated terrestrial planets of O’Brien et al. [O’Brien, D.P., Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., 2006. Icarus 184, 39-58]. These abundances are in excellent agreement with observed planetary values, indicating that the models of O’Brien et al. [O’Brien, D.P., Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., 2006. Icarus 184, 39-58] are successfully producing planets comparable to those of the Solar System in terms of both their dynamical and chemical properties. Significant amounts of water are accreted in the present simulations, implying that the terrestrial planets form “wet” and do not need significant water delivery from other sources. Under the assumption of equilibrium controlled chemistry, the biogenic species N and C still need to be delivered to the Earth as they are not accreted in significant proportions during the formation process. Negligible solar photospheric pollution is produced by the planetary formation process. Assuming similar levels of pollution in other planetary systems, this in turn implies that the high metallicity trend observed in extrasolar planetary systems is in fact primordial.  相似文献   

P. Thébault  F. Marzari 《Icarus》2006,183(1):193-206
We investigate classical planetesimal accretion in a binary star system of separation ab?50 AU by numerical simulations, with particular focus on the region at a distance of 1 AU from the primary. The planetesimals orbit the primary, are perturbed by the companion and are in addition subjected to a gas drag force. We concentrate on the problem of relative velocities Δv among planetesimals of different sizes. For various stellar mass ratios and binary orbital parameters we determine regions where Δv exceed planetesimal escape velocities vesc (thus preventing runaway accretion) or even the threshold velocity vero for which erosion dominates accretion. Gaseous friction has two crucial effects on the velocity distribution: it damps secular perturbations by forcing periastron alignment of orbits, but at the same time the size-dependence of this orbital alignment induces a significant Δv increase between bodies of different sizes. This differential phasing effect proves very efficient and almost always increases Δv to values preventing runaway accretion, except in a narrow eb?0 domain. The erosion threshold Δv>vero is reached in a wide (ab,eb) space for small <10-km planetesimals, but in a much more limited region for bigger ?50-km objects. In the intermediate vesc<Δv<vero domain, a possible growth mode would be the type II runaway growth identified by Kortenkamp et al. [Kortenkamp, S., Wetherill, G., Inaba, S., 2001. Science 293, 1127-1129].  相似文献   

Numerical simulations, based on the core-nucleated accretion model, are presented for the formation of Jupiter at 5.2 AU in three primordial disks with three different assumed values of the surface density of solid particles. The grain opacities in the envelope of the protoplanet are computed using a detailed model that includes settling and coagulation of grains and that incorporates a recalculation of the grain size distribution at each point in time and space. We generally find lower opacities than the 2% of interstellar values used in previous calculations (Hubickyj, O., Bodenheimer, P., Lissauer, J.J. [2005]. Icarus 179, 415-431; Lissauer, J.J., Hubickyj, O., D’Angelo, G., Bodenheimer, P. [2009]. Icarus 199, 338-350). These lower opacities result in more rapid heat loss from and more rapid contraction of the protoplanetary envelope. For a given surface density of solids, the new calculations result in a substantial speedup in formation time as compared with those previous calculations. Formation times are calculated to be 1.0, 1.9, and 4.0 Myr, and solid core masses are found to be 16.8, 8.9, and 4.7 M, for solid surface densities, σ, of 10, 6, and 4 g cm−2, respectively. For σ = 10 and σ = 6 g cm−2, respectively, these formation times are reduced by more than 50% and more than 80% compared with those in a previously published calculation with the old approximation to the opacity.  相似文献   

Since our technological civilisation depends on our planet's properties, anthropic selection can explain the close match between the high 26Al/27Al ratios in the earliest Solar System solids, which are difficult to produce in models of star-formation, and the limiting value required to cause (the widely observed) thermal processing of planetesimals. We suggest that volatile loss on heating of planetesimals favours future development of technological civilisations in Solar Systems with elevated concentrations of 26Al.  相似文献   

Observations of the H2 S(0) and S(1) quadrupole lines in the four giant planets by the short-wavelength spectrometer of the Infrared Space Observatory are analyzed. These lines probe pressure levels located between 10 and 1 mbar and allow us to determine the stratospheric hydrogen para fraction for the first time. In Jupiter and Saturn, the stratospheric para fraction is close to its tropopause value. In the stratosphere of these planets as well as in Neptune’s, the para fraction presents a significant departure from thermodynamic equilibrium. This situation results from a lagged conversion between the ortho and the para states as molecular hydrogen is transported upward under the influence of turbulent eddy diffusion. In contrast, the uranian stratosphere lies close to thermodynamic equilibrium. The magnitude of the departure from thermodynamic equilibrium appears to be anti-correlated with the amount of stratospheric aerosols. To validate this assumption, we estimate the hydrogen equilibration time with a one-dimensional diffusion model for different conversion processes in the gas phase or on aerosols. The comparison between our results and the tropospheric estimates from Conrath et al. (1998, Icarus,135, 501-517) shows that paramagnetic conversion on aerosols matches the estimated tropospheric and stratospheric relaxation times in the four giant planets. In contrast, paramagnetic conversion in the gas phase can only explain the relaxation times measured in Jupiter and Saturn atmospheres. This situation provides quantitative evidence for an equilibration mechanism dominated by conversion on aerosols.  相似文献   

We have performed N-body simulations on the stage of protoplanet formation from planetesimals, taking into account so-called “type-I migration,” and damping of orbital eccentricities and inclinations, as a result of tidal interaction with a gas disk without gap formation. One of the most serious problems in formation of terrestrial planets and jovian planet cores is that the migration time scale predicted by the linear theory is shorter than the disk lifetime (106-107 years). In this paper, we investigate retardation of type-I migration of a protoplanet due to a torque from a planetesimal disk in which a gap is opened up by the protoplanet, and torques from other protoplanets which are formed in inner and outer regions. In the first series of runs, we carried out N-body simulations of the planetesimal disk, which ranges from 0.9 to 1.1 AU, with a protoplanet seed in order to clarify how much retardation can be induced by the planetesimal disk and how long such retardation can last. We simulated six cases with different migration speeds. We found that in all of our simulations, a clear gap is not maintained for more than 105 years in the planetesimal disk. For very fast migration, a gap cannot be created in the planetesimal disk. For migration slower than some critical speed, a gap does form. However, because of the growth of the surrounding planetesimals, gravitational perturbation of the planetesimals eventually becomes so strong that the planetesimals diffuse into the vicinity of the protoplanets, resulting in destruction of the gap. After the gap is destroyed, close encounters with the planetesimals rather accelerate the protoplanet migration. In this way, the migration cannot be retarded by the torque from the planetesimal disk, regardless of the migration speed. In the second series of runs, we simulated accretion of planetesimals in wide range of semimajor axis, 0.5 to 2-5 AU, starting with equal mass planetesimals without a protoplanet seed. Since formation of comparable-mass multiple protoplanets (“oligarchic growth”) is expected, the interactions with other protoplanets have a potential to alter the migration speed. However, inner protoplanets migrate before outer ones are formed, so that the migration and the accretion process of a runaway protoplanet are not affected by the other protoplanets placed inner and outer regions of its orbit. From the results of these two series of simulations, we conclude that the existence of planetesimals and multiple protoplanets do not affect type-I migration and therefore the migration shall proceed as the linear theory has suggested.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the surface density evolution of a planetesimal disk due to the effect of type-I migration by carrying out N-body simulation and through analytical method, focusing on terrestrial planet formation. The coagulation and the growth of the planetesimals take place in the abundant gas disk except for a final stage. A protoplanet excites density waves in the gas disk, which causes the torque on the protoplanet. The torque imbalance makes the protoplanet suffer radial migration, which is known as type-I migration. Type-I migration time scale derived by the linear theory may be too short for the terrestrial planets to survive, which is one of the major problems in the planet formation scenario. Although the linear theory assumes a protoplanet being in a gas disk alone, Kominami et al. [Kominami, J., Tanaka, H., Ida, S., 2005. Icarus 167, 231-243] showed that the effect of the interaction with the planetesimal disk and the neighboring protoplanets on type-I migration is negligible. The migration becomes pronounced before the planet's mass reaches the isolation mass, and decreases the solid component in the disk. Runaway protoplanets form again in the planetesimal disk with decreased surface density. In this paper, we present the analytical formulas that describe the evolution of the solid surface density of the disk as a function of gas-to-dust ratio, gas depletion time scale and semimajor axis, which agree well with our results of N-body simulations. In general, significant depletion of solid material is likely to take place in inner regions of disks. This might be responsible for the fact that there is no planet inside Mercury's orbit in our Solar System. Our most important result is that the final surface density of solid components (Σd) and mass of surviving planets depend on gas surface density (Σg) and its depletion time scale (τdep) but not on initial Σd; they decrease with increase in Σg and τdep. For a fixed gas-to-dust ratio and τdep, larger initial Σd results in smaller final Σd and smaller surviving planets, because of larger Σg. To retain a specific amount of Σd, the efficient disk condition is not an initially large Σd but the initial Σd as small as the specified final one and a smaller gas-to-dust ratio. To retain Σd comparable to that of the minimum mass solar nebula (MMSN), a disk must have the same Σd and a gas-to-dust ratio that is smaller than that of MMSN by a factor of 1.3×(τdep/1 Myr) at ∼1 AU. (Equivalently, type-I migration speed is slower than that predicted by the linear theory by the same factor.) The surviving planets are Mars-sized ones in this case; in order to form Earth-sized planets, their eccentricities must be pumped up to start orbit crossing and coagulation among them. At ∼5 AU, Σd of MMSN is retained under the same condition, but to form a core massive enough to start runaway gas accretion, a gas-to-dust ratio must be smaller than that of MMSN by a factor of 3×τdep/1 Myr.  相似文献   

Junko Kominami  Shigeru Ida 《Icarus》2004,167(2):231-243
We have performed N-body simulations on final accretion stage of terrestrial planets, including the eccentricity and inclination damping effect due to tidal interaction with a gas disk. We investigated the dependence on a depletion time scale of the disk, and the effect of secular perturbations by Jupiter and Saturn. In the final stage, terrestrial planets are formed through coagulation of protoplanets of about the size of Mars. They would collide and grow in a decaying gas disk. Kominami and Ida [Icarus 157 (2002) 43-56] showed that it is plausible that Earth-sized, low-eccentricity planets are formed in a mostly depleted gas disk. In this paper, we investigate the formation of planets in a decaying gas disk with various depletion time scales, assuming disk surface density of gas component decays exponentially with time scale of τgas. Fifteen protoplanets with are initially distributed in the terrestrial planet regions. We found that Earth-sized planets with low eccentricities are formed, independent of initial gas surface density, when the condition (τcross+τgrowth)/2?τgas?τcross is satisfied, where τcross is the time scale for initial protoplanets to start orbit crossing in a gas-free case and τgrowth is the time scale for Earth-sized planets to accrete during the orbit crossing stage. In the cases satisfying the above condition, the final masses and eccentricities of the largest planets are consistent with those of Earth and Venus. However, four or five protoplanets with the initial mass remain. In the final stage of terrestrial planetary formation, it is likely that Jupiter and Saturn have already been formed. When Jupiter and Saturn are included, their secular perturbations pump up eccentricities of protoplanets and tend to reduce the number of final planets in the terrestrial planet regions. However, we found that the reduction is not significant. The perturbations also shorten τcross. If the eccentricities of Jupiter and Saturn are comparable to or larger than present values (∼0.05), τcross become too short to satisfy the above condition. As a result, eccentricities of the planets cannot be damped to the observed value of Earth and Venus. Hence, for the formation of terrestrial planets, it is preferable that the secular perturbations from Jupiter and Saturn do not have significant effect upon the evolution. Such situation may be reproduced by Jupiter and Saturn not being fully grown, or their eccentricities being smaller than the present values during the terrestrial planets' formation. However, in such cases, we need some other mechanism to eliminate the problem that numerous Mars-sized planets remain uncollided.  相似文献   



Current planet search programs are detecting extrasolar planets at a rate of 60 planets per year. These planets show more diverse properties than was expected.


We try to get an overview of possible gas giant (proto-) planets for a full range of orbital periods and stellar masses. This allows the prediction of the full range of possible planetary properties which might be discovered in the near future.


We calculate the purely hydrostatic structure of the envelopes of proto-planets that are embedded in protoplanetary disks for all conceivable locations: combinations of different planetesimal accretion rates, host star masses, and orbital separations. At each location all hydrostatic equilibrium solutions to the planetary structure equations are determined by variation of core mass and pressure over many orders of magnitude. For each location we analyze the distribution of planetary masses.


We get a wide spectrum of core-envelope structures. However, practically all calculated proto-planets are in the planetary mass range. Furthermore, the planet masses show a characteristic bimodal, sometimes trimodal, distribution. For the first time, we identify three physical processes that are responsible for the three characteristic planet masses: self-gravity in the Hill sphere, compact objects, and a region of very low adiabatic pressure gradient in the hydrogen equation of state. Using these processes, we can explain the dependence of the characteristic masses on the planet’s location: orbital period, host star mass, and planetesimal accretion rate (luminosity). The characteristic mass caused by the self-gravity effect at close proximity to the host star is typically one Neptune mass, thus producing the so-called hot Neptunes.


Our results suggest that hot Jupiters with orbital period less than 64 days (the exact location of the boundary depends on stellar type and accretion rate) have quite distinct properties which we expect to be reflected in a different mass distribution of these planets when compared to the “normal” planetary population. We use our theoretical survey to produce an upper mass limit for embedded planets: the maximum embedded equilibrium mass (MEEM). This naturally explains the lack of high mass planets between 3 and 64 days orbital period.  相似文献   

We used chemical equilibrium calculations to model thermal outgassing of ordinary chondritic material as a function of temperature, pressure, and bulk composition and use our results to discuss outgassing on asteroids and the early Earth. The calculations include ∼1000 solids and gases of the elements Al, C, Ca, Cl, Co, Cr, F, Fe, H, K, Mg, Mn, N, Na, Ni, O, P, S, Si, and Ti. The major outgassed volatiles from ordinary chondritic material are CH4, H2, H2O, N2, and NH3 (the latter at conditions where hydrous minerals form). Contrary to widely held assumptions, CO is never the major C-bearing gas during ordinary chondrite metamorphism. The calculated oxygen fugacity (partial pressure) of ordinary chondritic material is close to that of the quartz-fayalite-iron (QFI) buffer. Our results are insensitive to variable total pressure, variable volatile element abundances, and kinetic inhibition of C and N dissolution in Fe metal. Our results predict that Earth's early atmosphere contained CH4, H2, H2O, N2, and NH3; similar to that used in Miller—Urey synthesis of organic compounds.  相似文献   

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