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D. Studd  C. Samson 《Icarus》2011,215(1):279-291
Radiating graben-fissure systems are common on Venus. Most are thought to be underlain by mafic dykes, fed by centrally-located magmatic centres. From previous work it has been shown that these magmatic plumbing systems can extend out up to 2000 km or more and that interaction between neighbouring systems can provide insight into the relative chronology of their magmatic centres. Systematic mapping of graben-fissure systems has potential as a tool for regional magmatic chronology and correlation on Venus.This methodology is applied to the Ulfrun Regio area (200-240°E, 0-25°N) where we mapped 47,000 graben and fissures. From these, 66 radiating systems comprised of 13,000 individual graben and fissures, and having radii of up to 2000 km have been identified, and are interpreted to be underlain by dyke swarms focussed on magmatic centres. Cross-cutting relationships among these systems and with the Hecate Chasma rift zone have been examined to provide a relative chronology for the magmatic centres. Two trends emerged: (a) an apparent younging from the southwest to northeast of the study area and (b) a cluster of older ages in the southwest, linked to the Atla Regio mantle plume.  相似文献   

Magellan radar data from western Vinmara Planitia on Venus reveal a system of radiating lineaments extending 450 km from a small central annulus. Spatial variations in lineament density, orientation, and morphology, as well as structural and volcanic correlations, provide strong evidence that formation of the lineaments was related to subsurface dike emplacement. We infer from the observed surface deformation that the dikes were emplaced laterally, at shallow depth, from a large central magma reservoir. This configuration is analogous to that of radiating dike swarms found on Earth. Because dikes inject normal to the least compressive stress direction, swarm plan view geometry will reveal the greatest horizontal compressive stress trajectories. We interpret strongly radial orientations near the swarm center to represent radial stresses linked to pressurization of the magma reservoir. Increasingly non-radial behavior dominating at greater distances is interpreted to reflect a N60E±20° regional maximum horizontal compressive stress. Contrary to previous inferences that a persistent E–W compressive stress dominated throughout, analysis of the arachnoid indicates that a N60E compressive stress must have existed across western Vinmara Planitia during a portion of its deformation. This and the absence of distributed shear within the adjacent deformation belts indicates that the regional maximum horizontal compression orientation has varied over time. Comparison between the regional stress orientations inferred from the arachnoid and several nearby ridge belts illustrates that stress orientations may potentially be useful for determining relative belt ages in areas where the timing of ridge belt formation is difficult to assess by more direct means. This demonstrates one way that identification and analysis of giant radiating dike swarms can provide new information critical for regional stress interpretations on Venus.  相似文献   

The article presents a new tectonic scheme of Venus and gives the following interpretation of the planet's main structural units: (1) plains — areas of flood volcanism over stretched crust; (2) dome-like uplifts — areas of uplifting and volcanic activity above the mantle hot-spots; (3) coronae —former dome-like uplifts, partially subsided and diffused by gravity; (4) ridge belts — fold zones; (5) tesserae — fragments of ductile compression and shortening of crust; (6) supercoronae — coronae formed in the course of further evolution and relaxation of Beta-type uplifts. Ishtar Terra is considered to be a fragment of an ancient tessera paleocontinent, on the edge of which the Lakshmi supercorona is superimposed. Aphrodite Terra is considered as a belt of mantle hot-spot structures (dome-like uplifts, coronae, supercoronae, volcanoes, rifts).Three types of planetary belts have been distinguished on Venus: uplifted 'weakened' belts with an abundance of mantle hot-spot structures; a northern fan of ridge belts; and belts of low basalt plains. The center of the planetary system of uplifted weakened belts is situated in Atla Regio.The present tectonic structure of Venus is inferred to have formed during two stages of evolution characterized by different tectonic regimes. Stage I is a regime of soft ductile plates (formation of tessera uplifts and volcanic plains). Stage II is a formation of 'weakened' uplifted planetary belts, various tectonic regimes of mantle hot-spots, and plains-forming volcanism.'Geology and Tectonics of Venus', special issue edited by Alexander T. Basilevsky (USSR Acad. of Sci. Moscow), James W. Head (Brown University, Providence), Gordon H. Pettengill (MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts) and R. S. Saunders (J.P.L., Pasadena).  相似文献   

We have quantitatively assessed the resurfacing sources and styles in eighteen mapped venusian quadrangles, about 30% of the venusian surface. Each quadrangle was split into 0.5° by 0.5° boxes, which were then identified as corona materials, large volcano materials (>100 km diameter), intermediate volcano materials (10-100 km), small edifice materials (<10 km), flow materials from rifts or fractures, plains without an identifiable source, impact crater materials and highly deformed materials, or data gaps. We find that coronae resurface approximately 21%, small edifices 22% and large volcanoes about 6% of the surfaces analyzed. Plains with no identifiable source account for an average of 35% of the surface assessed. Small edifices resurface on a scale of 10-100 s of km2; large edifices resurface areas of 104-105 km2. Coronae have greatly varying amounts of associated volcanism, with some coronae producing negligible flow deposits and others producing deposits of 104-106 km2. The areas identified as plains with no visible source occur on small scales (102 km2) to large scales (> 105 km2). Our results indicate that the majority of plains resurfacing by volcanism can be tied to an identifiable source, that fields of small edifices contribute more to resurfacing than we had anticipated, and that resurfacing styles do not appear to have evolved over the time period represented by the surface geology in the mapped quadrangles. All of the units that we quantified occur throughout the histories of the regions mapped. We favor plains resurfacing to have occurred over at least 100 myr, which implies terrestrially reasonable resurfacing rates.  相似文献   

Ridge belts, composed of closely spaced individual ridges 5–20 km wide, form sinuous patterns 30–400 km wide and 200–2000 km long in the plains of northern Venus. They are not homogeneously distributed, but occur primarily in two regions: between 0 ° E and 90 ° E ridge belts are associated with large blocks of tessera, and have a cumulative length of about 13,200 km; and between 150 ° E and 250 ° E, the ridge belts form a fan-shaped pattern and have a total cumulative length of about 25,800 km. Most ridge belts trend within 10 ° of N-S. Five morphologic components exist within the ridge belts: (1) broad ridges, which have no sharp crest and usually occur individually in the plains: (2) discontinuous ridges, with short ridge segments less than 20 km long; (3) paired ridges, with closely spaced ridges (less than 10 km apart) that never merge; (4) parallel ridges, with widely spaced (10–50 km), less prominent ridges; and (5) anastomosing ridges, in which ridges splay at angles up to 30 °. Subtle cross-strike lineaments cut the ridge belts at angles of 30–90 ° to the ridge belt, and augen-shaped plains are often present in anastomosing ridges. We examine the relationships between the components, plains, cross-strike lineaments, and augen-shaped plains in five ridge belts. Broad arches similar to the arches associated with wrinkle ridges on the Moon, Mars and Mercury appear in all of the ridge belts examined. Through studying each of these components individually and in the context of five specific ridge belts, we conclude that these ridge belts formed by compressional forces. The ridge belts form a continuum of deformation, from the simple broad arches (Nephele Dorsa), representing small amounts of shortening, through asymmetric ridge belts in the plains (Pandrosa Dorsa) and adjacent to tessera (Kamari Dorsa), to ridge belts in troughs representing underthrusting (Ausra and Lukelong Dorsa). Underthrusting is also observed along the borders of Lakshmi Planum, associated with Freyja and Danu Montes.The interpreted compressional origins for the ridge belt components suggests that many of the other ridge belts are of compressional origin, although complex origins (involving a combination of extension, shear, and/or compression) for some ridge belts cannot be ruled out. Global high resolution data from the Magellan mission will permit global mapping of the characteristics and distribution of ridge belts and allow further tests for their origin and evolution.'Geology and Tectonics of Venus', special issue edited by Alexander T. Basilevsky (USSR Acad. of Sci., Moscow), James W. Head (Brown University, Providence). Gordon H. Pettengill (MIT. Cambridge, Massachusetts) and R. S. Saunders (J.P.L., Pasadena).  相似文献   

Pioneer Venus radar data has provided images (resolution 20- to 40-km) of approximately 50% of the total surface of Venus in a band between 45 ° N to 15 ° S. These data are used to map the broad radar characteristics of the equatorial region on the basis of radar brightness and texture. Seven radar units are defined and are used to assess the geologic character of the equatorial region. These units fall into two distinct classes, those that are radar-bright (35% of the equatorial region) which correspond to highlands and zones of intense tectonic deformation, and radar-dark units, corresponding primarily to plains (65% of the equatorial region). The correspondence between features in the 15 ° region of overlap between the Pioneer Venus and Venera 15/16 images is examined and used to extend units mapped in the northern high latitudes into the equatorial region. On the basis of the distribution of the radar units, properties of RMS slope, reflectivity, the scattering behavior of the surface, and topographic signature, seven physiographic units are mapped in the equatorial region and are identified by increasing complexity as plains (undivided), dark halo plains, upland rises, upland plateaus, interhighland tectonic zones, tectonically segmented linear highlands, and tectonic junctions. The physiographic units are distributed in a nearly continuous interconnecting zone of volcanic rises and tectonic features that extends for nearly 360 ° around the equator of the planet. The distribution of large circular structures interpreted as coronae is also examined and it is concluded that the abundances of the largest structures, diameters greater than 500 km, is less than in the northern high latitudes with a notable absence of smaller coronae. The absence of small coronae may be due to the resolution limit of the Pioneer Venus data since analyses of higher resolution Arecibo and Goldstone imagery suggests that a number of corona-like features not identified in the PV data are present.'Geology and Tectonics of Venus', special issue edited by Alexander T. Basilevsky (USSR Acad. of Sci. Moscow), James W. Head (Brown University, Providence), Gordon H. Pettengill (MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts) and R. S. Saunders (J.P.L., Pasadena).  相似文献   

The age relations between 36 impact craters with dark paraboloids and other geologic units and structures at these localities have been studied through photogeologic analysis of Magellan SAR images of the surface of Venus. Geologic settings in all 36 sites, about 1000 × 1000 km each, could be characterized using only 10 different terrain units and six types of structures. These units and structures form a major stratigraphic and geologic sequence (from oldest to youngest): 1) tessera terrain; 2) densely fractured terrains associated with coronae and in the form of remnants among plains; 3) fractured and ridged plains and ridge belts; 4) plains with wrinkle ridges; 5) ridges associated with coronae annulae and ridges of arachnoid annulae which are contemporary with wrinkle ridges of the ridged plains; 6) smooth and lobate plains; 7) fractures of coronae annulae, and fractures not related to coronae annulae, which disrupt ridged and smooth plains; 8) rift-associated fractures; 9) craters with associated dark paraboloids, which represent the youngest 10% of the Venus impact crater population (Campbellet al., 1992), and are on top of all volcanic and tectonic units except the youngest episodes of rift-associated fracturing and volcanism; surficial streaks and patches are approximately contemporary with dark-paraboloid craters.Mapping of such units and structures in 36 randomly distributed large regions (each 106 km2) shows evidence for a distinctive regional and global stratigraphic and geologic sequence. On the basis of this sequence we have developed a model that illustrates several major themes in the history of Venus. Most of the history of Venus (that of its first 80% or so) is not preserved in the surface geomorphological record. The major deformation associated with tessera formation in the period sometime between 0.5–1.0 b.y. ago (Ivanov and Basilevsky, 1993) is the earliest event detected. In the terminal stages of tessera formation, extensive parallel linear graben swarms representing a change in the style of deformation from shortening to extension were formed on the tessera and on some volcanic plains that were emplaced just after (and perhaps also during the latter stages of the major compressional phase of tessera emplacement. Our stratigraphic analyses suggest that following tessera formation, extensive volcanic flooding resurfaced at least 85% of the planet in the form of the presently-ridged and fractured plains. Several lines of evidence favor a high flux in the post-tessera period but we have no independent evidence for the absolute duration of ridged plains emplacement. During this time, the net state of stress in the lithosphere apparently changed from extensional to compressional, first in the form of extensive ridge belt development, followed by the formation of extensive wrinkle ridges on the flow units. Subsequently, there occurred local emplacement of smooth and lobate plains units which are presently essentially undeformed. The major events in the latest 10% of the presently preserved history of Venus (less than 50 m.y. ago) are continued rifting and some associated volcanism, and the redistribution of eolian material largely derived from impact crater deposits.Detailed geologic mapping and stratigraphic synthesis are necessary to test this sequence and to address many of the outstanding problems raised by this analysis. For example, we are uncertain whether this stratigraphic sequence corresponds to geologic events which were generally synchronous in all the sites and all around the planet, or whether the sequence is simply a typical sequence of events which occurred in different places at different times. In addition, it is currently unknown whether the present state represents a normal consequence of the general thermal evolution of Venus (and is thus representative of the level of geological activity predicted for the future), or if Venus, has been characterized by a sequence of periodic global changes in the composition and thermal state of its crust and upper mantle (in which case, Venus could in the future return to levels of deformation and resurfacing typical of the period of tessera formation).  相似文献   

Plans to send orbiter missions to Mercury (e.g., NASA's Messenger and ESA's BepiColombo) have prompted renewed efforts to investigate the surface of Mercury using ground-based remote sensing. While the highest resolution instrumentation optical telescopes (e.g. HST) cannot be used at small angular distances (<45°) from the Sun (Mercury's elongation never exceeds 28° seen from Earth), advanced ground-based astronomical techniques and modern processing software can be used to construct resolved images of the poorly known part of Mercury. Our observations of the planet presented here were carried out mainly in April and May, 2002, at evening elongation of the planet, at the Skinakas astrophysical observatory of Heraklion University (Crete, Greece). A synthesis of the acquired images of the hemisphere of Mercury, which was not observed by the Mariner 10 mission (1974-1975), is presented. A double rim basin with an internal diameter of about 1000 km and an external rim about 2000 km is suggested by the data. We present the observational method, the data analysis approach, and the resulting images.  相似文献   

Models of the emplacement of lateral dikes from magma chambers under constant (buffered) driving pressure conditions and declining (unbuffered) driving pressure conditions indicate that the two pressure scenarios lead to distinctly different styles of dike emplacement. In the unbuffered case, the lengths and widths of laterally emplaced dikes will be severely limited and the dike lengths will be highly dependent on chamber size; this dependence suggests that average dike length can be used to infer the dimensions of the source magma reservoir. Probable examples on Earth of the unbuffered case are flanking rift zones on shield volcanoes such as the Hawaiian Kilauea East Rift Zone, in which the dikes of average widths of less than a meter extend for several km from the central part of the edifice. In contrast, emplacement of lateral dikes in the constant driving pressure (buffered) case can produce dikes which have sizes and widths which are very large, and are independent of chamber size. For relatively shallow magma chambers, buffered emplacement is expected to produce graben of relatively fixed length which are associated with eruptive fissures and long, large volume lava flows. A decline in magma supply rate and loss of pressure buffering during the later stages of such eruptions may give rise to caldera formation/collapse events. Deeper dikes are not likely to erupt but will produce surface graben of variable length. Therefore, edifices or dike swarms which show an extremely wide variation in fracture or dike lengths are likely to have been formed in buffered conditions. On Earth, the characteristics of many mafic-dike swarms suggest that they were emplaced in buffered conditions (e.g., the Mackenzie dike swarm in Canada and some dikes within the Scottish Tertiary). On Venus, the distinctive radial fractures and graben surrounding circular to oval features and edifices on many size scales and extending for hundreds to over a thousand km are candidates for dike emplacement in buffered conditions.  相似文献   

In this study we explore the idea that coronae have formed on Venus as a result of gravitational (Rayleigh-Taylor) instability of the lithosphere. The lithosphere is represented by a system of stratified homogeneous viscous layers (low-density crust over high density mantle, over lower density layer beneath the lithosphere). A small harmonic perturbation imposed on the base of the lithosphere is observed to result in gravitational instability under the constraint of assumed axisymmetry. Topography develops with time under the influence of dynamic stress associated with downwelling or upwelling, and spatially variable crustal thickening or thinning. Topography may therefore be elevated or depressed above a mantle downwelling, but the computed gravity anomaly is always negative above a mantle downwelling in a homogeneous asthenosphere. The ratio of peak gravity to topography anomaly depends primarily on the ratio of crust to lithospheric viscosity. Average observed ratios are well resolved for two groups of coronae (∼40 mgal km−1), consistent with models in which the crust is perhaps 5 times stronger than the lithosphere. Group 3a (rim surrounding elevated central region) coronae are inferred to arise from a central upwelling model, whereas Group 8 (depression) coronae are inferred to arise from central downwelling. Observed average coronae radii are consistent with a lithospheric thickness of only 50 km. An upper low-density crustal layer is 10-20 km thick, as inferred from the amplitude of gravity and topography anomalies.  相似文献   

Theoretical calculations of extrusive volcanic degassing on Venus yield atmospheric pressure-related rock density profiles consistent with the formation of magma neutral buoyancy zones and magma reservoirs at different depths as a function of altitude (Head and Wilson, J. geophys. Res. 97, 3877, 1992). Global analysis of radiating dike swarms interpreted to originate at magma reservoirs show that their distribution matches these predictions across approximately 90% of the planet's surface; only those highland regions whose elevations exceed 6053 km appear anomalous. The distribution of the large volcano population (extrusive reservoir products) (Keddie and Head, Planet. Space Sci. 42, 455, 1994) has yielded similar results. Comparison between the dike swarm (intrusive) and large volcano (extrusive) populations suggests that neutral buoyancy plays an important role in governing volcanic processes near the venusian surface and that the depth to the level of neutral buoyancy increases systematically at altitudes above 6051 km.  相似文献   

The geologic/morphologic map of the northern mid-to-high latitudes of Venus prepared by a Soviet science team on the basis of Venera 15/16 mission radar image coverage is analyzed and used to define six discrete assemblages of geologic/morphologic units that have well-defined geographic distributions. These assemblages have distinctive and differing geological and tectonic expressions and include: Plains Assemblage - which is dominated by lowland smooth plains and lowland rolling plains interpreted to be of volcanic origin, and a high concentration of small volcanic domes; Plains-Corona Assemblage - which is dominated by lowland smooth plains and lowland rolling plains interpreted to be of volcanic origin, at least ten coronae structures concentrated in the northern half of the region, and at least five large volcanoes, generally concentrated in the southern and western half of the region; Plains-Ridge Belt Assemblage - which is dominated by lowland smooth plains and lesser amounts of lowland rolling plains, major occurrences of ridge belts in a distinctive fan-shaped pattern, and very minor and patchy occurrences of tessera; Plains-Corona-Tessera Assemblage - which is dominated by approximately equal amounts of lowland smooth plains and lowland rolling plains, at least five coronae concentrated in the northern part of the region, a small number of large volcanoes, also in the northern part of the region, and numerous small patches of tesserae scattered throughout, and the highest abundance of small volcanic domes observed in the northern hemisphere; Tessera-Ridge Belt Assemblage — which is dominated by a few large areas (Fortuna, Laima, Tellus) and several smaller areas (Dekla, Meni) of tesserae, ridge belts generally arrayed in an angular and often orthogonal pattern different from the fan-shaped pattern of the Plains-Ridge Belt Assemblage, lowland rolling plains and lesser amounts of lowland smooth plains, and an upland rise (Bell Regio); Tessera-Mountain Belt Assemblage - which is centered on the two volcanoes Colette and Sacajawea in Lakshmi Planum, and characterized by the peripheral mountain belt/tessera pairs, with the tessera on the outboard side: Danu/Clotho (S), Akna/Atropos (W), Freyja/ltzpapalotl (N), and Maxwell/Fortuna (E).The distribution and characteristics of assemblages demonstrate that vertical and horizontal tectonic forces are operating on the crust and lithosphere of Venus in different ways in specific localized areas. Alternative models are outlined for the origin of each assemblage and the relationship between assemblages, and important unresolved questions are identified. A key to the further understanding of these assemblages is the origin of ridge belts and tessera terrain.'Geology and Tectonics of Venus', special issue edited by Alexander T. Basilevsky (USSR Acad. of Sci., Moscow), James W. Head (Brown University, Providence), Gordon H. Pettengill (MIT. Cambridge, Massachusetts) and R. S. Saunders (J.P.L., Pasadena).  相似文献   

Limb spectra recorded by the Composite InfraRed Spectrometer (CIRS) on Cassini provide information on abundance vertical profiles of C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, CH3C2H, C3H8, C4H2, C6H6 and HCN, along with the temperature profiles in Titan's atmosphere. We analyzed two sets of spectra, one at 15° S (Tb flyby) and the other one at 80° N (T3 flyby). The spectral range 600-1400 cm−1, recorded at a resolution of 0.5 cm−1, was used to determine molecular abundances and temperatures in the stratosphere in the altitude range 100-460 km for Tb and 170-495 km for T3. Both temperature profiles show a well defined stratopause, at around 310 km (0.07 mbar) and 183 K at 13° S, and 380 km (0.01 mbar) with 207 K at 80° N. Near the north pole, stratospheric temperatures are colder and mesospheric temperatures are warmer than near the equator. C2H2, C2H6, C3H8 and HCN display vertical mixing ratio profiles that increase with height at 15° S and 80° N, consistent with their formation in the upper atmosphere, diffusion downwards and condensation in the lower stratosphere, as expected from photochemical models. The CH3C2H and C4H2 mixing ratios also increase with height at 15° S. But near the north pole, their profiles present an unexpected minimum around 300 km, observed for the first time thanks to the high vertical resolution of the CIRS limb data. C2H4 is the only molecule having a vertical abundance profile that decreases with height at 15° S. At 80° N, it also displays a minimum of its mixing ratio around the 0.1-mbar level. For C6H6, an upper limit of 1.1 ppb (in the 0.3-10 mbar range) is derived at 15° S, whereas a constant mixing ratio profile of is inferred near the north pole. At 15° S, the vertical profile of HCN exhibits a steeper gradient than other molecules, which suggests that a sink for this molecule exists in the stratosphere, possibly due to haze formation. All molecules display a more or less pronounced enrichment towards the north pole, probably due, in part, to subsidence of air at the north (winter) pole that brings air enriched in photochemical compounds from the upper atmosphere to lower levels.  相似文献   

The details of stratigraphic units and structures making up six coronae and their regional surroundings on Venus were examined using full resolution Magellan images and stereoscopic coverage. Altimetry and stereoscopic coverage were essential in establishing the local stratigraphic relationships and the timing of corona-related topography. The degree of preservation of signatures of earlier corona-related activities and the scale of later corona-related activities vary significantly from corona to corona. We compared the geologic sequence in each corona to regional and global stratigraphic units, placing the coronae in the broader context of the geologic history of Venus. The results of this study were compared with earlier analyses bringing the total number of corona considered to about 15% of the total corona population. We found that corona started forming soon after tessera formation and largely spanned a significant part of the subsequent geologic history of Venus, over about 200–400 million years. Topographic annulae were initiated in early post-tessera time but were largely completely formed by the time of emplacement of regional plains with wrinkle ridges. Some coronae ceased activity by this time, while others continued until closer to the present, although showing evidence of waning activity. Coronae-associated volcanism dominated many coronae during this later stage. Convincing evidence of pre-regional plains corona- related volcanism was not found in the population examined here. We conclude that coronae formed in a two stage process; the first stage (tectonic phase) involved the annular warping of early extensive stratigraphic units of volcanic origin and the second (volcanic phase) involved coronae-related lava flow activity and local fracturing. For the vast majority of coronae, the first tectonic phase was largely complete prior to the emplacement of the regional plains (Pwr, plains with wrinkle ridges). The vast majority of corona-related volcanic activity (emplacement of Pl, lobate flows) occurred subsequent to the emplacement of regional plains. We found no evidence of coronae initiation in substantially later periods of the observed history of Venus. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

New radar images obtained from the Arecibo Observatory (resolution 1.5–4.0 km) for portions of the southern hemisphere of Venus show that: the upland of Phoebe Regio contains the southern extension of Devana Chasma, a rift zone extending 4200 km south from Theia Mons and interpreted as a zone of extension; Alpha Regio, the only large region of tessera within the imaged area, is similar to tessera mapped elsewhere on the planet and covers a smaller percentage of the surface than that observed in the northern high latitudes; the upland made of Ushas, Innini and Hathor Montes consists of three distinct volcanic constructs; Themis Regio is mapped as an ovoid chain of radar-bright arcuate single and double ring structures, edifices and bright lineaments. This area is interpreted as a region of mantle upwelling and on the basis of apparent split and separated features, a zone of localized faulting and extension. Linear zones of deformation in Lavinia Planitia are characterized by lineament belts that are often locally elevated, are similar to ridge belts mapped in the northern high latitudes and are interpreted to be characterized mainly by compression; radar-bright lava complexes within Lavinia Planitia are unique to this part of the planet and are interpreted to represent areas of eruption of high volumes of extremely fluid lava; the upland of Lada Terra is bound to the north by a linear deformation zone interpreted as extensional, is characterized by large ovoids and coronae, is interpreted to be associated with an area of mantle upwelling, and is in contrast to the northern high latitude highland of Ishtar Terra. Regions of plains in the southern hemisphere cover about 78%; of the mapped area and are interpreted to be volcanic in origin. Located within the area imaged (10–78 S) are 52 craters interpreted to be of impact origin ranging from 8 to 157 km in diameter. On the basis of an overall crater density of 0.94 craters/106 km2, it is determined that the age of this part of the Venus surface is similar to the 0.3 to 1.0 billion year age calculated for the equatorial region and northern high latitudes. The geologic characteristics of the portion of the Venus southern hemisphere imaged by Arecibo are generally similar to those mapped elsewhere on the planet. This part of the planet is characterized by widespread volcanic plains, large volcanic edifices, and zones of linear belt deformation. The southern hemisphere of Venus differs from northern high latitudes in that tessera makes up only a small percentage of the surface area and the ovoid chain in Themis Regio is unique to this part of the planet. On the basis of the analysis presented here, the southern hemisphere of Venus is interpreted to be characterized by regions of mantle upwelling on a variety of scales (ovoids, region made up of Ushas, Innini and Hathor Montes), upwelling and extension (Themis Regio) and localized compression (lineament belts in Lavinia Planitia).  相似文献   

Stereogrammetric measurement of the shape of Eros using images obtained by NEAR's Multispectral Imager provides a survey of the major topographic features and slope processes on this asteroid. This curved asteroid has radii ranging from 3.1 to 17.7 km and a volume of 2535±20 km3. The center of figure is within 52 m of the center of mass provided by the Navigation team; this minimal difference suggests that there are only modest variations in density or porosity within the asteroid. Three large depressions 10, 8, and 5.3 km across represent different stages of degradation of large impact craters. Slopes on horizontal scales of ∼300 m are nearly all less than 35°, although locally scarps are much steeper. The area distribution of slopes is similar to those on Ida, Phobos, and Deimos. Regions that have slopes greater than 25° have distinct brighter markings and have fewer large ejecta blocks than do flatter areas. The albedo patterns that suggest downslope transport of regolith have sharper boundaries than those on Phobos, Deimos, and Gaspra. The morphology of the albedo patterns, their lack of discrete sources, and their concentration on steeper slopes suggest transport mechanisms different from those on the previously well-observed small bodies, perhaps due to a reduced relative effectiveness of impact gardening on Eros. Regolith is also transported in talus cones and in connected, sinuous paths extending as much as 2 km, with some evident as relatively darker material. Talus material in at least one area is a discrete superposed unit, a feature not resolved on other small bodies. Flat-floored craters that apparently contain ponded material also suggest discrete units that are not well mixed by impacts.  相似文献   

The main major ridge belts of Ganiki Planitia on Venus (Lama, Ahsonnutli and Pandrosos Dorsa) are part of the fan-shaped ridge belt complex along the 200 parallel of longitude. These ridge belts with evidence of crustal shortening support the idea of a large-scale E-W compression. The ridge belt patterns indicate a N-S shear component. These forces are explained by a triangular planitia area which compressed by surrounding terrains. The crustal shortening and ridge belt formation indicates compressional plate movement stresses in the uppermost lithosphere.Three sizes of ridge belt structure are to be found within Ganiki Planitia. (1) The ridge belt spacing of 200–400 km can be used to estimate the depth of the major uppermost homogeneous layer of Venus. There are numerous volcanic coronae, paterae and montes located along the main ridge belts or at their junctions. (2) Mid-size ridge groups or subbelts are to be found within the major ridge belts. These are formed by more local responses to tectonic stresses in the stratified uppermost crust. A wavelength of 40–70 km can be seen as a result of bending of the crustal strata and may relate to its thickness. (3) Small individual ridges are connected with most local stresses, defining places where the surface layers broke along the crests of large ridge belts or mid-scale subbelts. Radial and concentric mare ridge-like structures around coronae indicate that corona formation was effective at a sufficiently close vicinity to fault the surface.  相似文献   

A digital terrain model (1000-m effective spatial resolution) of the Caloris basin, the largest well-characterized impact basin on Mercury, was produced from 208 stereo images obtained by the MESSENGER narrow-angle camera. The basin rim is far from uniform and is characterized by rugged terrain or knobby plains, often disrupted by craters and radial troughs. In some sectors, the rim is represented by a single marked elevation step, where height levels drop from the surroundings toward the basin interior by approximately 2 km. Two concentric rings, with radii of 690 km and 850 km, can be discerned in the topography. Several pre-Caloris basins and craters can be identified from the terrain model, suggesting that rugged pre-impact topography may have contributed to the varying characteristics of the Caloris rim. The basin interior is relatively smooth and shallow, comparable to typical lunar mascon mare basins, supporting the idea that Caloris was partially filled with lava after formation. The model displays long-wavelength undulations in topography across the basin interior, but these undulations cannot readily be related to pre-impact topography, volcanic construction, or post-volcanic uplift. Because errors in the long-wavelength topography of the model cannot be excluded, confirmation of these undulations must await data from MESSENGER’s orbital mission phase.  相似文献   

Analysis of seismic signals from man-made impacts, moonquakes, and meteoroid impacts has established the presence of a lunar crust, approximately 60 km thick in the region of the Apollo seismic network; an underlying zone of nearly constant seismic velocity extending to a depth of about 1000 km, referred to as the mantle; and a lunar core, beginning at a depth of about 1000 km, in which shear waves are highly attenuated suggesting the presence of appreciable melting. Seismic velocitites in the crust reach 7 km s–1 beneath the lower-velocity surface zone. This velocity corresponds to that expected for the gabbroic anorthosites found to predominate in the highlands, suggesting that rock of this composition is the major constituent of the lunar crust. The upper mantle velocity of about 8 km s–1 for compressional waves corresponds to those of terrestrial olivines, pyroxenites and peridotites. The deep zone of melting may simply represent the depth at which solidus temperatures are exceeded in the lower mantle. If a silicate interior is assumed, as seems most plausible, minimum temperatures of between 1450°C and 1600°C at a depth of 1000 km are implied. The generation of deep moonquakes, which appear to be concentrated in a zone between 600 km and 1000 km deep, may now be explained as a consequence of the presence of fluids which facilitate dislocation. The preliminary estimate of meteoroid flux, based upon the statistics of seismic signals recorded from lunar impacts, is between one and three orders of magnitude lower than previous estimates from Earth-based measurements.Paper dedicated to Professor Harold C. Urey on the occasion of his 80th birthday on 29 April, 1973.  相似文献   

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