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J. Warell  D.T. Blewett 《Icarus》2004,168(2):257-276
We present new optical (0.4-0.65 μm) spectra of Mercury and lunar pure anorthosite locations, obtained quasi-simultaneously with the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT) in 2002. A comparative study is performed with the model of Lucey et al. (2000, J. Geophys. Res. 105, 20297-20305, and references therein) between iron-poor, mature, pure anorthosite (>90% plagioclase feldspar) Clementine spectra from the lunar farside and a combined 0.4-1.0 μm mercurian spectrum, obtained with the NOT, calculated for standard photometric geometry. Mercury is located at more extreme locations in the Lucey ratio-reflectance diagrams than any known lunar soil, specifically with respect to the extremely iron-poor mature anorthosites. Though quantitative prediction of FeO and TiO2 abundances cannot be made without a more generally applicable model, we find qualitatively that the abundances of both these oxides must be near zero for Mercury. We utilize the theory of Hapke (2002, Icarus 157, 523-534, and references therein), with realistic photometric parameters, to model laboratory spectra of matured mineral powders and lunar soils, and remotely sensed spectra of lunar anorthosites and Mercury. An important difference between fabricated and natural powders is the high value for the internal scattering parameter necessary to interpret the spectra for the former, and the requirement of rough and non-isotropically scattering surfaces in the modelling of the latter. The mature lunar anorthosite spectra were well modelled with binary mixtures of calcic feldspars and olivines, grain sizes of 25-30 μm and a concentration of submicroscopic metallic iron (SMFe) of 0.12-0.15% in grain coatings. The mercurian spectrum is not possible to interpret from terrestrial mineral powder spectra without introducing an average particle scattering function for the bulk soil that increases in backscattering efficiency with wavelength. The observed spectrum is somewhat better predicted with binary mixture models of feldspars and pyroxenes, than with single-component regoliths consisting of either albite or diopside. Correct spectral reflectance values were predicted with a concentration of 0.1 wt% SMFe in coatings of 15-30 μm sized grains. Since reasonable cosmogonical formation scenarios for Mercury, or meteoritic infall, predict iron concentrations at least this high, we draw the conclusion that the average grain size of Mercury is about a factor of two smaller than for average returned lunar soil samples. The 0.6-2.5 μm spectrum of McCord and Clark (1979, J. Geophys. Res. 178, 745-747) is used to further limit the possible range of mineralogical composition of Mercury. It is found that an intimately mixed and matured 3:1 labradorite-to-enstatite regolith composition best matches both the optical and near-infrared spectra, yielding an abundance of ∼1.2 wt% FeO and ∼0 wt% TiO2.  相似文献   

We present infrared spectra of Mercury and the Moon in the wavelength range 0.7-5.3 μm obtained with the SpeX spectrograph at the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility. The spectra were acquired from pole and terminator locations of Mercury's surface and of Mersenius C and the Copernicus central peak on the Moon. Spectra of both bodies were measured in close temporal succession and were reduced in the same manner with identical calibration stars to minimize differences in the reduction process. The Copernicus spectra display the expected absorption features due to mafic minerals in the near infrared and show spectral features in the SiO combination/overtone vibrational band region above 4 μm. The spectra of Mercury from longitude 170° and north and south mid-latitudes display a 1-μm absorption band indicative of high-Ca clinopyroxene, while a spectrum from longitude 260° and northern mid-latitudes does not. The Mercury spectra show a broad feature of low emittance over the full 3-5 μm thermal infrared region, but no narrow features in this spectral range. The longitude 260° spectrum shows excess thermal emission around 5 μm attributable to the existence of a thermal gradient in the insolated dayside regolith. The thermal-IR spectra suggest a significant difference in the compositional and/or structural properties of Mercury and the Moon that may be due to grain size, absorption coefficient, or the magnitude of near-surface thermal gradients. The results indicate that the composition of Mercury's surface is heterogeneous on regional scales, and that the near infrared wavelength range provides more discriminative information on the surface composition than the 2-4 μm region, where the solar reflected and thermally emitted radiation contribute approximately equally to the observed flux of these bodies.  相似文献   

J Warell 《Icarus》2004,167(2):271-286
A comparison of the photometric properties of Mercury and the Moon is performed, based on their integral phase curves and disk-resolved image data of Mercury obtained with the Swedish Vacuum Solar Telescope. Proper absolute calibration of integral V-band magnitude observations reveals that the near-side of the Moon is 10-15% brighter than average Mercury, and 0-5% brighter for the “bolometric” wavelength range 400-1000 nm. As shown, this is supported by recent estimates of their geometric albedos. Hapke photometric parameters of their surfaces are derived from identical approaches, allowing a contrasting study between their surface properties to be performed. Compared to the average near-side Moon, Mercury has a slightly lower single-scattering albedo, an opposition surge with smaller width and of marginally smaller amplitude, and a somewhat smoother surface with similar porosity. The width of the lobes of the single-particle scattering function are smaller for Mercury, and the backward scattering anisotropy is stronger. In terms of the double Henyey-Greenstein b-c parameter plot, the scattering properties of an average particle on Mercury is closer to the properties of lunar maria than highlands, indicating a higher density of internal scatterers than that of lunar particles. The photometric roughness of Mercury is well constrained by the recent study of Mallama et al. (2002, Icarus 155, 253-264) to a value of about 8°, suggesting that the surfaces sampled by the highest phase angle observations (Borealis, Susei, and Sobkou Planitia) are lunar mare-like in their textural properties. However, Mariner 10 disk brightness profiles obtained at intermediate phase angles indicate a surface roughness of about twice this value. The photometric parameters of the Moon are more difficult to constrain due to limited phase angle coverage, but the best Hapke fits are provided by rather small surface roughnesses. Better-calibrated, multiple-wavelength observations of the integral and disk-resolved brightnesses of both bodies, and obtained at higher phase angle values in the case of the Moon, are urgently needed to arrive at a more consistent picture of the contrasting light scattering properties of their surfaces.  相似文献   

In this work we analyze the bias-corrected taxonomic distribution of asteroids in the Main Belt based on the results of two large spectroscopic surveys with a total of 2026 objects. With the goal of minimizing selection effects that could affect our results, analyses were also performed on a sample from which the dynamical families and the small objects were removed.Our results differ significantly from the majority of previous work. The most notable difference concerns the distribution in semi-major axis of the S class (and its subtypes), found to compose a significant fraction of the asteroid population out to 3.0 AU.Also, we found differences in the distribution of the classes as we considered varying ranges of eccentricities and inclinations.  相似文献   

Space weathering and the interpretation of asteroid reflectance spectra   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Michael J. Gaffey 《Icarus》2010,209(2):564-574
Lunar-style space weathering is well understood, but cannot be extended to asteroids in general. The two best studied Asteroids (433 Eros and 243 Ida) exhibit quite different space weathering styles, and neither exhibits lunar-style space weathering. It must be concluded that at this time the diversity and mechanisms of asteroid space weathering are poorly understood. This introduces a significant unconstrained variable into the problem of analyzing asteroid spectral data. The sensitivity of asteroid surface material characterizations to space weathering effects - whatever their nature - is strongly dependent upon the choice of remote sensing methodology. The effects of space weathering on some methodologies such as curve matching are potentially devastating and at the present time essentially unmitigated. On other methodologies such as parametric analysis (e.g., analyses based on band centers and band area ratios) the effects are minimal. By choosing the appropriate methodology(ies) applied to high quality spectral data, robust characterizations of asteroid surface mineralogy can be obtained almost irrespective of space weathering. This permits sophisticated assessments of the geologic history of the asteroid parent bodies and of their relationships to the meteorites. Investigations of the diversity of space weathering processes on asteroid surfaces should be a fruitful area for future efforts.  相似文献   

J. Warell  B.J.R. Davidsson 《Icarus》2010,209(1):164-178
An implementation of Hapke’s radiative transfer-based photometric model for light scattering in semi-transparent porous media is presented with special emphasis on the analysis of reflectance spectra of Mercury. The model allows intimate mixing of an arbitrary number of regolith components with varying modal abundances, modal chemistries and grain sizes, matured by microphase iron. Reflectance spectra of suites of silicates of varying grain sizes and chemistries are used to calculate the imaginary coefficient of the complex index of refraction as a function of chemistry, thus limiting the modeling effects of chemically atypical laboratory samples, and allowing controlled modeling of minerals with varying chemical compositions. The performance of the model in the visual to near-infrared wavelength range is evaluated for a range of chemically characterized silicate mixtures of terrestrial powders, meteorite powders, matured lunar return samples, and remotely sensed lunar spectra.  相似文献   

Cristian Carli  Maria Sgavetti 《Icarus》2011,211(2):1034-1048
In spectroscopic remote sensing for the exploration of the surface compositions of Earth and terrestrial planets, reflectance spectra with very low spectral contrast and even devoid of diagnostic absorption bands can be observed, which make the interpretation of the component minerals ambiguous. Using selected examples of terrestrial rock samples from intrusive and effusive geologic systems, we discuss compositional and textural properties related to these particular spectral shapes. We show that: (1) this spectral behaviour is common for coarse grains of multimineral rocks, where the optical coupling is expected to occur between welded mineral particles; (2) it is emphasised by the presence of opaque minerals with various compositions, such as ulvospinel, magnetite and chromite in effusive rock groundmass and in intrusive rocks; (3) it is controlled by the number of silicate phases within which the FeO is distributed, irrespective of the total iron content in the rock: a rock composition with a high number of iron-bearing minerals producing this kind of low contrast, almost featureless spectra is indicated here as “critical mode”; (4) it is also strongly intensified by aqueous alteration of silicates.These observations suggest unpredictable combinations of several different petrographic variables affecting the spectra of some compact rocks, and stimulate both targeted studies to quantitatively relate spectral and petrographic parameters, and the development of appropriate methods of spectral decomposition. Our ongoing work is at present focused on the spectroscopic effects of the FeO concentration in transparent neutral plagioclase, the different compositions of the opaque neutral minerals, and the iron bearing amorphous phases.We also discuss the analogy between the rocks used in the analysis reported here and the crustal rock compositions observed on Mars and inferred for Mercury as well as the compatibility of the factors responsible for the low spectral contrast of terrestrial rock samples with the factors expected for the two planets. We observe that a coarse-grained surface and a composition approaching a critical mode could explain the featureless Acidalia spectra on Mars, and suggest that the still open questions about Mercury’s surface regolith characteristics and composition do not exclude a priori the contribution of some of the factors examined in this paper to the peculiar surface properties of this planet.  相似文献   

The Speckle camera of the 3.5 m Telescopio Nazionale Galileo (TNG) has been used to measure apparent sizes and shapes of a number of main belt asteroids. The average size measurements are in a generally good agreement with the results of indirect IRAS-based radiometric techniques. The measured shapes are compared with predictions based on previously derived spin axis directions and lightcurve photometry of some of the observed objects. Also in this case the agreement is reasonable and the speckle observations allow us to discriminate in some cases between the two pole solutions usually found for each object. No clear evidence of binaries was found. The results show that the TNG speckle camera can be a powerful tool to resolve relatively large main belt asteroids and to calibrate the results of the IRAS survey.  相似文献   

The apparent strength of absorptions due to H2O near 1.9 and 3 μm in reflectance spectra is strongly affected by sample albedo. This study uses experimental and analytical approaches to quantify the effects of albedo on estimating the water content of hydrated minerals using various band parameters. We compare spectral band parameters for a series of low-albedo physical and numerical mixtures to measured water contents. Physical experiments consist of montmorillonite, clinoptilolite, and palagonite mixed with lesser amounts of carbon black and ilmenite, whereas numerical mixtures are composed of these host minerals mixed with a material of constant, low albedo. We find the effective single-particle absorption-thickness parameter provides the best correlation to water content, independent of composition and albedo, when derived from continuum-removed single scattering albedo spectra. Uncertainties in estimated water content are on the order of ±1 wt% using this method. The normalized optical path length parameter provides the best correlation to water content when using reflectance spectra, yielding estimates within ±1.6 wt% H2O. The accuracy of these models is related to the physical nature of the darkening material. Scattering and absorption efficiencies are easier to model for intimate mixtures containing relatively large, dark grains than mixtures dominated by coatings of a fine-grained, strongly absorbing material. This suggests the physical properties that give rise to the albedo of a material are an important factor for accurate estimates of absolute water content.  相似文献   

L.A. Sromovsky  P.M. Fry  K.H. Baines 《Icarus》2003,163(1):256-261
Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations in August 2002 show that Neptune’s disk-averaged reflectivity increased significantly since 1996, by 3.2 ± 0.3% at 467 nm, 5.6 ± 0.6% at 673 nm, and 40 ± 4% in the 850-1000 nm band, which mainly results from dramatic brightness increases in restricted latitude bands. When 467-nm HST observations from 1994 to 2002 are added to the 472-nm ground-based results of Lockwood and Thompson (2002, Icarus 56, 37-51), the combined disk-averaged variation from 1972 to 2002 is consistent with a simple seasonal model having a hemispheric response delay relative to solar forcing of ∼30 years (∼73% of a full season).  相似文献   

We report near-infrared observations of Prometheus and Janus taken on 9 and 13 November 2000 (UT) with the Palomar Adaptive Optics System on the 5-m Hale telescope at Palomar Observatory. Dione, Rhea, and Tethys were used as guide “stars” for the adaptive optics system, and, though they were outside the isoplanatic patch of the region of interest, they allowed significant correction of the atmospheric turbulence.Prometheus, which is usually impossible to observe from the ground due to scattered light from the A ring, was imaged at superior conjunction with Saturn. At the time of the observations, the rings of Saturn were blocked by the southern limb of the planet while the moon passed just 0.35″ below the planet’s south pole. A K filter, in a methane absorption band, was used to suppress light from the disk of the planet, and template subtraction removed much of the scattered light from the A ring. Prometheus was found to be 21.9 ± 0.1° of mean longitude behind the position predicted by Voyager-era ephemerides, consistent with the orbital lag discovered during the 1995 ring-plane crossing.  相似文献   

We present 1.25-19 μm infrared spectra of pure solid CH4 and H2O/CH4=87, 20, and 3 solid mixtures at temperatures from 15 to 150 K. We compare and contrast the absorptions of CH4 in solid H2O with those of pure CH4. Changes in selected peak positions, profiles, and relative strength with temperature are presented, and absolute strengths for absorptions of CH4 in solid H2O are estimated. Using the two largest (ν3+ν4) and (ν1+ν4) near-IR absorptions of CH4 at 2.324 and 2.377 μm (4303 and 4207 cm−1), respectively, as examples, we show that peaks of CH4 in solid H2O are at slightly shorter wavelength (higher frequency) and broader than those of pure solid CH4. With increasing temperature, these peaks shift to higher frequency and become increasingly broad, but this trend is reversible on re-cooling, even though the phase transitions of H2O are irreversible. It is to be hoped that these observations of changes in the positions, profiles, and relative intensities of CH4 absorptions with concentration and temperature will be of use in understanding spectra of icy outer Solar System bodies.  相似文献   

Bruce Hapke 《Icarus》2008,195(2):918-926
It is well known that the bidirectional reflectance of a particulate medium such as a planetary regolith depends on the porosity, in contrast to predictions of models based on the equation of radiative transfer as usually formulated. It is shown that this failure to predict porosity dependence arises from an incorrect treatment of the light that passes between the particles. In this paper a more physically correct treatment that takes account of the necessity of preventing particles from interpenetrating is used together with the two-stream approximation to solve the radiative transfer equation and derive improved expressions for the bidirectional and directional-hemispherical reflectances. It is found that increasing the filling factor (decreasing the porosity) increases the reflectance of low and medium albedo powders, but decreases it for ones with very high albedos. The model agrees qualitatively with measured data.  相似文献   

We present near-IR spectra of solid CO2 in H2O and CH3OH, and find they are significantly different from that of pure solid CO2. Peaks not present in either pure H2O or pure CO2 spectra become evident when the two are mixed. First, the putative theoretically forbidden CO2 (2ν3) overtone near 2.134 μm (4685 cm−1), that is absent from our spectrum of pure solid CO2, is prominent in the spectra of H2O/CO2=5 and 25 mixtures. Second, a 2.74-μm (3650 cm−1) dangling OH feature of H2O (and a potentially related peak at 1.89 μm) appear in the spectra of CO2-H2O ice mixtures, but are probably not diagnostic of the presence of CO2. Other CO2 peaks display shifts in position and increased width because of intermolecular interactions with H2O. Warming causes some peak positions and profiles in the spectrum of a H2O/CO2=5 mixture to take on the appearance of pure CO2. Absolute strengths for absorptions of CO2 in solid H2O are estimated. Similar results are observed for CO2 in solid CH3OH. Since the CO2 (2ν3) overtone near 2.134 μm (4685 cm−1) is not present in pure CO2 but prominent in mixtures, it may be a good observational (spectral) indicator of whether solid CO2 is a pure material or intimately mixed with other molecules. These observations may be applicable to Mars polar caps as well as outer Solar System bodies.  相似文献   

Lunar olivines typically contain inclusions of Cr-spinel (chromite) that influence their measured optical properties. These altered optical properties complicate modeled predictions of olivine composition from reflectance spectra. Approaches developed for inclusion-free terrestrial olivine spectra must be modified to be applied to chromite-bearing lunar olivine spectra. We present a revised approach for predicting the compositions of chromite-bearing lunar olivines using the Modified Gaussian Model (MGM). The results of this revised approach for chromite-bearing lunar olivines are consistent with previous results for terrestrial olivine reflectance spectra, and successfully predict the olivine’s composition. These results are an important step in compositional assessment of remotely-sensed olivine spectra, and are essential to ongoing investigations of that topic. Our results are based on a limited set of available lunar olivine separates, and would be strengthened by the inclusion of additional compositions.  相似文献   

E.A. Cloutis  T. Hiroi 《Icarus》2011,212(1):180-209
Existing reflectance spectra of CI chondrites (18 spectra of 3 CIs) have been augmented with new (18 spectra of 2 CIs) reflectance spectra to ascertain the spectral variability of this meteorite class and provide insights into their spectral properties as a function of grain size, composition, particle packing, and viewing geometry. Particle packing and viewing geometry effects have not previously been examined for CI chondrites. The current analysis is focused on the 0.3-2.5 μm interval, as this region is available for the largest number of CI spectra. Reflectance spectra of powdered CI1 chondrites are uniformly dark (<10% maximum reflectance) but otherwise exhibit a high degree of spectral variability. Overall spectral slopes range from red (increasing reflectance with increasing wavelength) to blue (decreasing reflectance with increasing wavelength). A number of the CI spectra exhibit weak (<5% deep) absorption bands that can be attributed to both phyllosilicates and magnetite. Very weak absorption bands attributable to other CI phases, such as carbonates, sulfates, and organic matter may be present in one or a few spectra, but their identification is not robust. We found that darker spectra are generally correlated with bluer spectral slopes: a behavior most consistent with an increasing abundance of fine-grained magnetite and/or insoluble organic material (IOM), as no other CI opaque phase appears able to produce concurrent darkening and bluing. Magnetite can also explain the presence of an absorption feature near 1 μm in some CI spectra. The most blue-sloped spectra are generally associated with the larger grain size samples. For incidence and emission angles <60°, increasing phase angle results in darker and redder spectra, particularly below ∼1 μm. At high incidence angles (60°), increasing emission angle results in brighter and redder spectra. More densely packed samples and underdense (fluffed) samples show lower overall reflectance than normally packed and flat-surface powdered samples. Some B-class asteroids exhibit selected spectral properties consistent with CI chondrites, although perfect spectral matches have not been found. Because many CI chondrite spectra exhibit absorption features that can be related to specific mineral phases, the search for CI parent bodies can fruitfully be conducted using such parameters.  相似文献   

Narrowband reflectance spectra (0.53-1.0 μm) of Iapetus' leading and trailing sides were obtained in 2000 to test the presence of an absorption feature located near 0.67 μm seen in reflectance spectra of Iapetus' dark material and Hyperion's surface material. No feature was observed. The difference in reflectance across the UV/VIS/NIR spectral region, and the dependence of the presence or absence of this absorption feature on angular separation from the apex of Iapetus in its orbit, phase angle, and heliocentric distance (affecting temperature), were examined. A trend of increased reddening, and the presence of the absorption feature, correlate with an angular separation from the apex of ? approximately 10°. Spectral information is lost when the contribution of the bright water ice signal to the reflectance spectrum increases sufficiently. In order to optimize compositional studies of Iapetus, we encourage future ground-based and space-based spectral observations to maximize the concentration of dark material in the instrumental field of view.  相似文献   

The primary objectives of this paper are to determine the modal mineralogy of selected low albedo terrains of different ages ranging from Noachian to Amazonian exposed on the surface of Mars. This analysis is conducted using the spectral modeling of the Observatoire pour la Minéralogie, l'Eau, les Glaces, et l'Activité (OMEGA) reflectance data. Results from this work are consistent with the major results of previous spectroscopic studies: plagioclase (40-60% in volume) and high calcium pyroxene (20-40%, HCP) are the dominant minerals of the most regions. Low calcium pyroxene (10-15%, LCP) and minor amounts of olivine are also present. The oldest terrains are characterized by the largest amount of LCP and the lowest concentration of plagioclase. These overall compositions are consistent with two-pyroxene basalts. The particle sizes are in the range of a few hundreds of micrometers, which is in good agreement with the thermal inertia of the martian low albedo regions. In the region around the Nili Fossae, localized concentrations of olivine up to 40% with millimeter particle size similar to picritic basalts observed in situ by the Spirit rover in the Gusev crater are inferred. Chemical compositions are calculated for the first time from OMEGA spectra. They are quite consistent with Gusev rocks and shergottite compositions but they appear to be significantly SiO2-poorer than Thermal Emission Spectrometer data. A decreasing low calcium pyroxene abundance with the decreasing age of the low albedo regions is reported. This may be indicative of decreasing degree of partial melting as thermal flux decreases with time. We propose that the ancient Noachian-aged, LCP-rich terrains could have been formed from H2O-bearing melts. Then, dry, basaltic volcanism occurred leading to decreasing LCP abundance with time due to decreasing degree of partial melting. The olivine-bearing material modeled in Nili Fossae resembles the composition of ALH77005 and Chassigny meteorites consistent with prior studies. Implications on the formation of the basaltic Shergottites are discussed.  相似文献   

Saturn's icy satellites are among the main scientific objectives of the Cassini-VIMS (Visual and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer) experiment. This paper contains a first systematic and comparative analysis of the full-disk spectral properties of Dione, Enceladus, Epimetheus, Hyperion, Iapetus, Mimas, Phoebe, Rhea and Tethys as observed by VIMS from July 2004 to June 2005. The disk integrated properties (350-5100 nm reflectance spectra and phase curves at 550-2232 nm) and images of satellites are reported and discussed in detail together with the observed geometry. In general, the spectra in the visible spectral range are almost featureless and can be classified according to the spectral slopes: from the bluish Enceladus and Phoebe to the redder Iapetus, Hyperion and Epimetheus. In the 1000-1300 nm range the spectra of Enceladus, Tethys, Mimas and Rhea are characterized by a negative slope, consistent with a surface largely dominated by water ice, while the spectra of Iapetus, Hyperion and Phoebe show a considerable reddening pointing out the relevant role played by darkening materials present on the surface. In between these two classes are Dione and Epimetheus, which have a flat spectrum in this range. The main absorption bands identified in the infrared are the 1520, 2020, 3000 nm H2O/OH bands (for all satellites), although Iapetus dark terrains show mostly a deep 3000 nm band while the 1520 and 2020 nm bands are very faint. In this spectral range, the Iapetus spectrum is characterized by a strong reddening. The CO2 band at 4260 nm and the Fresnel ice peak around 3100 nm are evident only on Hyperion, Phoebe and Iapetus. The phase curves at 550 and at 2232 nm are reported for all the available observations in the 0°-144° range; Rhea shows an opposition surge at visible wavelengths in the 0.5°-1.17° interval. The improvement on the retrieval of the full-disk reflectance spectra can be appreciated by a direct comparison with ground-based telescopic data available from literature. Finally, data processing strategies and recent upgrades introduced in the VIMS-V calibration pipeline (flat-field and destriping-despiking algorithm) are discussed in appendices.  相似文献   

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