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Results of the first polarimetric observations of Centaurs (5145) Pholus and (10199) Chariklo, and new observations of (2060) Chiron are presented together with the estimates of their absolute magnitudes. Observations were carried out at the 8 m ESO Very Large Telescope in 2007-2008. They revealed noticeable negative polarization in the phase-angle range 0.5-4.4° with a minimum varying from −1% to −2.1% in the R band. All three objects show diverse polarization phase-angle behaviour, each distinctly different from that of transneptunian objects. We found evidence of surface heterogeneity for Chariklo while Chiron and Pholus appear to have rather homogeneous surfaces. Polarization phase behaviours of Chiron and Pholus are significantly different from any other Solar System bodies studied so far. A shift of negative polarization minima toward small phase angles seems to be a characteristic feature of polarization properties of Centaurs. Presence of a small amount of water frost on a dark surface is considered as one of the possible ways to explain these properties. 相似文献
Temporal variations in the visible/near-infrared reflectance spectra of the radiometric calibration targets on the Mars Pathfinder (MPF) lander obtained by the Imager for Mars Pathfinder (IMP) camera reveal the effects of aeolian dust deposition at the MPF site throughout the mission. Sky brightness models in combination with two-layer radiative transfer models were used with these data to track changes in dust opacity on the radiometric calibration targets (RCTs) to constrain the dust deposition rate and the spectral properties of the deposited dust. Two-layer models were run assuming both linear and nonlinear dust accumulation rates, and suggest that RCT dust optical depth at the end of the 83-sol mission was 0.08 to 0.16, or on the order of 5- to 10-μm thickness for plausible values for dust porosity and grain size. These values correspond to dust fall rates of about 20-45 μm per Earth year, consistent with previous studies of dust deposition on Mars. The single scattering albedos of the dust derived from the models fall between those previously determined for atmospheric dust and bright soils. Comparisons of relative reflectance spectra calibrated using observed RCT radiances from late in the mission versus using radiances from modeled (dust-free) RCTs also reveal distinct spectral differences consistent with dust on the RCTs. Temporal variations in RCT dust opacity are not clearly linked to known passages of vortices at the MPF site, but overall suggest that deposition of dust onto the targets by local dust devils may be favored over erosion. Analyses of temporal changes in visible/near-infrared spectra will provide valuable information for future missions by constraining how dust deposition affects landed spacecraft operability (e.g., solar power availability), instrument calibration, and interpretations of surface mineralogy and composition. 相似文献
Radio observations from decimetric to submillimetric wavelengths are now a basic tool for the investigation of comets. Spectroscopic observations allow us: (i) to monitor the gas production rate of the comets, by directly observing the water molecule, or by observing secondary products (e.g., the OH radical) or minor species (e.g., HCN); (ii) to investigate the chemical composition of comets; (iii) to probe the physical conditions of cometary atmospheres: kinetic temperature and expansion velocity. Continuum observations probe large-size dust particles and (for the largest objects) cometary nuclei.Comets are classified from their orbital characteristics into two separate classes: (i) nearly isotropic, mainly long-period comets and (ii) ecliptic, short-period comets, the so-called Jupiter-family comets (JFCs). These two classes apparently come from two different reservoirs, respectively, the Oort cloud and the trans-Neptunian scattered disc. Due to their different history and—possibly—their different origin, they may have different chemical and physical properties that are worth being investigated.The present article reviews the contribution of radio observations to our knowledge of the JFCs. The difficulty of such a study is the commonly low gas and dust productions of these comets. Long-period, nearly isotropic comets from the Oort cloud are better known from Earth-based observations. On the other hand, JFCs are more easily accessed by space missions. However, unique opportunities to observe JFCs are offered when these objects come by chance close to the Earth (like 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 in 2006), or when they exhibit unexpected outbursts (as did 17P/Holmes in 2007).About a dozen JFCs were successfully observed by radio techniques up to now. Four to ten molecules were detected in five of them. No obvious evidence for different properties between JFCs and other families of comets is found, as far as radio observations are concerned. 相似文献
The outer Solar System object (29981) 1999 TD10 was observed simultaneously in the R, and J and H bands in September 2001, and in B, V, R, and I in October 2002. We derive B−V=0.80±0.05 mag, V−R=0.48±0.05 mag, R−I=0.44±0.05 mag, R−J=1.24±0.05 mag, and J−H=0.61±0.07 mag. Combining our data with the data from Rousselot et al. (2003, Astron. Astrophys. 407, 1139) we derive a synodic period of 15.382±0.001 hr in agreement with the period from Rousselot et al. Our observations at the same time, with better S/N and seeing, show no evidence of a coma, contrary to the claim by Choi et al. (2003, Icarus 165, 101). 相似文献
Near-infrared observations of Europa's disk-integrated opposition surge by Cassini VIMS, first published in Fig. 4 of Brown et al. (2003, Icarus, 164, 461), have now been modeled with the commonly used Hapke photometric function. The VIMS data set emphasizes observations at 16 solar phase angles from 0.4° to 0.6°—the first time the <1° phase “heart” of Europa's opposition surge has been observed this well in the near-IR. This data set also provides a unique opportunity to examine how the surge is affected by changes in wavelength and albedo: at VIMS wavelengths of 0.91, 1.73, and 2.25 μm, the geometric albedo of Europa is 0.81, 0.33, and 0.18, respectively. Despite this factor-of-four albedo range, however, the slope of Europa's phase curve at <1° phase is similar at all three wavelengths (to within the error bars) and this common slope is similar to the phase coefficient seen in visible-light observations of Europa. The two components of the opposition surge—involving different models of the physical cause of the surge—are the Shadow Hiding Opposition Effect (SHOE) and the Coherent Backscatter Opposition Effect (CBOE). Because of sparse VIMS phase coverage, it is not possible to constrain all the surge parameters at once in a Hapke function that has both SHOE and CBOE; accordingly, we performed separate Hapke fits for SHOE-only and CBOE-only surges. At 2.25 μm, where VIMS data are somewhat noisy, both types of surges can mimic the slope of the VIMS phase curve at <1° phase. At 0.91 and 1.73 μm, however—where VIMS data are “cleaner”—CBOE does a noticeably poorer job than SHOE of matching the VIMS phase coefficient at <1° phase; in particular, the best CBOE fit insists on having a steeper phase-curve slope than the data. This discrepancy suggests that Europa's near-IR opposition surge cannot be explained by CBOE alone and must have a significant SHOE component, even at wavelengths where Europa is bright. 相似文献
Due to the distance, faintness, and very recent discovery ofKuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) and Centaurs, very little is knownabout the physical characteristics of these basic buildingblocks of the solar system. New intermediate-band photometryobservations of KBOs and Centaurs suggest that absorption bandsexist in the visible portion of their spectra, which could offerinsights into the surface composition of these objects. 相似文献
We acquired high spectral and spatial resolution hyperspectral imaging spectrometer observations of Mars from near-UV to near-IR wavelengths (∼300 to 1020 nm) using the STIS instrument on the Hubble Space Telescope during the 1999, 2001, and 2003 oppositions. The data sets have been calibrated to radiance factor (I/F) and map-projected for comparison to each other and to other Mars remote sensing measurements. We searched for and (where detected) mapped a variety of iron-bearing mineral signatures within the data. The strong and smooth increase in I/F from the near-UV to the visible that gives Mars its distinctive reddish color indicates that poorly crystalline ferric oxides dominate the spectral properties of the high albedo regions (as well as many intermediate and low albedo regions), a result consistent with previous remote sensing studies of Mars at these wavelengths. In the near-IR, low albedo regions with a negative spectral slope and/or a distinctive ∼900 nm absorption feature are consistent with, but not unique indicators of, the presence of high-Ca pyroxene or possibly olivine. Mixed ferric-ferrous minerals could also be responsible for the ∼900 nm feature, especially in higher albedo regions with a stronger visible spectral slope. We searched for the presence of several known diagnostic absorption features from the hydrated ferric sulfate mineral jarosite, but did not find any unique evidence for its occurrence at the spatial scale of our observations. We identified a UV contrast reversal in some dark region spectra: at wavelengths shorter than about 340 nm these regions are actually brighter than classical bright regions. This contrast reversal may be indicative of extremely “clean” low albedo surfaces having very little ferric dust contamination. Ratios between the same regions observed during the planet-encircling dust storm of 2001 and during much clearer atmospheric conditions in 2003 provide a good direct estimate of the UV to visible spectral characteristics of airborne dust aerosols. These HST observations can help support the calibration of current and future Mars orbital UV to near-IR spectrometers, and they also provide a dramatic demonstration that even at the highest spatial resolution possible to achieve from the Earth, spectral variations on Mars at these wavelengths are subtle at best. 相似文献
We obtained near-infrared spectra of Uranus at NASA’s Infrared Telescope Facility during the planet’s September 2006 and September 2007 oppositions. Ratios between the spectra indicate that in 2006, Uranus’ methane windows appeared much brighter in the south than in the north, and that between 2006 and 2007 they grew dimmer in the south and brighter in the north; we interpret these variations to be primarily caused by changing brightness in Uranus’ upper cloud layer near 2 bars. 相似文献
A Large Program (LP) has been carried out at ESO-VLT using almost simultaneously the UT1, UT2 and UT4 telescopes (Cerro Paranal, Chile). The aim of this Large Program was to obtain simultaneous visible and near-IR spectroscopic measurements (using FORS, ISAAC and SINFONI instruments) with a S/N ratio as high as possible for almost all objects among different dynamical groups observable within the VLT capability.In this paper we present results on the second half of the Large Program which includes new near-infrared spectroscopy data of 20 objects. For 12 of them for which we had obtained the complete spectral range (V + J + H + K bands), we apply a radiative transfer model to the entire spectral range to constrain their surface composition.We also present an analysis of all near-IR spectral data available on TNOs and Centaurs from both the complete LP and the literature. An overview for a total sample of 75 objects is thus carried out analyzing the ice content with respect to the physical and dynamical characteristics. The major new results are: (i) all objects classified as BB class seem to have icy surfaces; (ii) the possible presence of CH3OH has primarily been detected on very red surfaces (RR class objects) and (iii) the majority of Centaurs observed multiple times have an heterogeneous composition. 相似文献
Spectro-imaging of Venus' nightside in the 2.3-μm window provides a powerful means of probing the lower atmosphere in the 25-40 km altitude range. We present observations recorded at the NASA/IRTF in February 2003 and August 2004, using the SpeX spectro-imager in the 2.1-2.5-μm region. Abundances of CO and OCS have been derived as a function of latitude for different longitudes. The CO abundance increases by about 15% between the equatorial region and higher latitudes (±40°). No longitudinal or temporal variations are observed. The OCS abundance shows the opposite variation in observational sets with sufficient S/N. These variations and anticorrelation are consistent with upwelling motions in the equatorial region and downwelling at higher latitudes. 相似文献
We have analyzed the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (UVIS) observations of the Jupiter aurora with an auroral atmosphere two-stream electron transport code. The observations of Jupiter by UVIS took place during the Cassini Campaign. The Cassini Campaign included support spectral and imaging observations by the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). A major result for the UVIS observations was the identification of a large color variation between the far ultraviolet (FUV: 1100-1700 Å) and extreme ultraviolet (EUV: 800-1100 Å) spectral regions. This change probably occurs because of a large variation in the ratio of the soft electron flux (10-3000 eV) responsible for the EUV aurora to the hard electron flux (∼15-22 keV) responsible for the FUV aurora. On the basis of this result a new color ratio for integrated intensities for EUV and FUV was defined (4πI1550-1620 Å/4πI1030-1150 Å) which varied by approximately a factor of 6. The FUV color ratio (4πI1550-1620 Å/4πI1230-1300 Å) was more stable with a variation of less than 50% for the observations studied. The medium resolution (0.9 Å FWHM, G140M grating) FUV observations (1295-1345 Å and 1495-1540 Å) by STIS on 13 January 2001, on the other hand, were analyzed by a spectral modeling technique using a recently developed high-spectral resolution model for the electron-excited H2 rotational lines. The STIS FUV data were analyzed with a model that considered the Lyman band spectrum (B ) as composed of an allowed direct excitation component (X ) and an optically forbidden component (X followed by the cascade transition ). The medium-resolution spectral regions for the Jupiter aurora were carefully chosen to emphasize the cascade component. The ratio of the two components is a direct measurement of the mean secondary electron energy of the aurora. The mean secondary electron energy of the aurora varies between 50 and 200 eV for the polar cap, limb and auroral oval observations. We examine a long time base of Galileo Ultraviolet Spectrometer color ratios from the standard mission (1996-1998) and compare them to Cassini UVIS, HST, and International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) observations. 相似文献
In this third paper in a series presenting observations by the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (UVIS) of the Io plasma torus, we show remarkable, though subtle, spatio-temporal variations in torus properties. The Io torus is found to exhibit significant, near-sinusoidal variations in ion composition as a function of azimuthal position. The azimuthal variation in composition is such that the mixing ratio of S II is strongly correlated with the mixing ratio of S III and the equatorial electron density and strongly anti-correlated with the mixing ratios of both S IV and O II and the equatorial electron temperature. Surprisingly, the azimuthal variation in ion composition is observed to have a period of 10.07 h—1.5% longer than the System III rotation period of Jupiter, yet 1.3% shorter than the System IV period defined by [Brown, M.E., 1995. J. Geophys. Res. 100, 21683-21696]. Although the amplitude of the azimuthal variation of S III and O II remained in the range of 2-5%, the amplitude of the S II and S IV compositional variation ranged between 5 and 25% during the UVIS observations. Furthermore, the amplitude of the azimuthal variations of S II and S IV appears to be modulated by its location in System III longitude, such that when the region of maximum S II mixing ratio (minimum S IV mixing ratio) is aligned with a System III longitude of ∼200°±15°, the amplitude is a factor of ∼4 greater than when the variation is anti-aligned. This behavior can explain numerous, often apparently contradictory, observations of variations in the properties of the Io plasma torus with the System III and System IV coordinate systems. 相似文献
We present the first spectra of Neptune taken with the Spitzer Space Telescope, highlighting the high-sensitivity, moderate-resolution 10-20 μm (500-1000 cm−1) spectra. We report the discovery of methylacetylene (CH3C2H) and diacetylene (C4H2) with derived 0.1-mbar volume mixing ratios of (1.2±0.1)×10−10 and (3±1)×10−12 respectively. 相似文献
During the Cassini spacecraft's flyby of Jupiter (October, 2000-March, 2001), the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) produced an extensive dataset consisting of 3349 spectrally dispersed images of the Io plasma torus. Here we present an example of the raw data and representative EUV spectra (561-1181 Å) of the torus, obtained on October 1, 2000 and November 14, 2000. For most of the flyby period, the entire Io torus fit within the UVIS field-of-view, enabling the measurement of the total power radiated from the torus in the extreme ultraviolet. A typical value for the total power radiated in the wavelength range of 580-1181 Å is 1.7×1012 W, with observed variations of up to 25%. Several brightening events were observed. These events lasted for roughly 20 hours, during which time the emitted power increased rapidly by ∼20% before slowly returning to the pre-event level. Observed variations in the relative intensities of torus spectral features provide strong evidence for compositional changes in the torus plasma with time. Spatial profiles of the EUV emission show no evidence for a sharply peaked “ribbon” feature. The ratio of the brightness of the dusk ansa to the brightness of the dawn ansa is observed to be highly variable, with an average value of 1.30. Weak longitudinal variations in the brightness of the torus ansae were observed at the 2% level. 相似文献
In this fourth paper in a series, we present a model of the remarkable temporal and azimuthal variability of the Io plasma torus observed during the Cassini encounter with Jupiter. Over a period of three months, the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) observed a dramatic variation in the average torus composition. Superimposed on this long-term variation, is a 10.07-h periodicity caused by an azimuthal variation in plasma composition subcorotating relative to System III longitude. Quite surprisingly, the amplitude of the azimuthal variation appears to be modulated at the beat frequency between the System III period and the observed 10.07-h period. Previously, we have successfully modeled the months-long compositional change by supposing a factor of three increase in the amount of material supplied to Io's extended neutral clouds. Here, we extend our torus chemistry model to include an azimuthal dimension. We postulate the existence of two azimuthal variations in the number of superthermal electrons in the torus: a primary variation that subcorotates with a period of 10.07 h and a secondary variation that remains fixed in System III longitude. Using these two hot electron variations, our model can reproduce the observed temporal and azimuthal variations observed by Cassini UVIS. 相似文献
Near-Earth objects (NEOs) represent one of the most intriguing populations of Solar System bodies. These objects appear heterogeneous in all aspects of their physical properties, like shapes, sizes, spin rates, compositions etc. Moreover, as these objects represent also a real threat to the Earth, a good knowledge of their properties and composition is the necessary first step to evaluate mitigation techniques and to understand their origin and evolution. In the last few years we have started a long-term spectroscopic investigation in the visible and near-infrared (NIR) region of near-Earth objects. The observations have been performed with the 3.5 m NTT of the European Southern Observatory of La Silla (Chile). The data presented here are a set of 24 spectra, 14 of which are both visible and NIR. We discuss the taxonomic classification of the observed NEOs, resulting in 13 S-type objects, 1 Q-type, 2 K-types, 3 C-types, 5 Xe-types (two of these, (3103) Eger and (4660) Nereus, are already known as E-types). Moreover, we discuss their links with meteorites and the possible influences of space weathering. 相似文献
Observations of Saturn's distant moon Phoebe were made at far-ultraviolet (FUV) (1100-1900 Å) and extreme-ultraviolet (EUV) (600-1100 Å) wavelengths by the Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) during the Cassini spacecraft flyby on June 11, 2004. These are the first UV spectra of Phoebe and the first detection of water ice on a Solar System surface using FUV wavelengths. The characteristics of water ice in the FUV are presented, and Hapke models are used to interpret the spectra in terms of composition and grain size; the use of both areal and intimate mixing models is explored. Non-ice species used in these models include carbon, ice tholin, Triton tholin, poly-HCN and kerogen. Satisfactory disk-integrated fits are obtained for intimate mixtures of ∼10% H2O plus a non-ice species. Spatially resolved regions of higher (∼20%) and lower (∼5%) H2O ice concentrations are also detected. Phoebe does not display any evidence of volatile activity. Upper limits on atomic oxygen and carbon are 5×1011 and 2×1012 atoms/cm2, respectively, for solar photon scattering. The UVIS detection of water ice on Phoebe, and the ice amounts detected, are consistent with IR measurements and contribute to the evidence for a Phoebe origin in the outer Solar System rather than in the main asteroid belt. 相似文献
The gray crystalline hematite at Meridiani Planum first discovered by the Mars Global Surveyor Thermal Emission Spectrometer (MGS-TES) instrument occurs as spherules that have been interpreted as concretions. Analysis of the TES and mini-TES spectra shows that no 390 cm−1 feature is present in the characteristic martian hematite spectrum. Here, we incorporate the mid-IR optical constants of hematite into a simple Fresnel reflectance model to understand the effect of emission angle and crystal morphology on the presence or absence of the 390 cm−1 feature in an IR hematite spectrum. Based on the results we offer two models for the internal structure of the martian hematite spherules. 相似文献
Aurélie Guilbert Alvaro Alvarez-Candal Maria Antonietta Barucci Catherine de Bergh 《Icarus》2009,201(1):272-283
We present in this work the observations performed with SINFONI in the framework of a new ESO-Large Program (2006-2008) on Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) and Centaurs. We obtained 21 near-infrared (1.49 to 2.4 microns) spectra of high quality, including 4 spectra of objects never observed before. We search for the presence of features due to ices, particularly water ice. Eris is the only object showing deep methane ice absorption bands. The spectra of 4 objects are featureless, and 6 others show clearly the presence of water ice. For 7 objects, the detections are more ambiguous, but absorption bands could be embedded in the noise. The 3 remaining spectra are too noisy to draw any reliable conclusion. The possible amount of water ice on each object's surface has been computed. The analysis shows that some objects present strong compositional heterogeneities over the surface (e.g. Chariklo), while some others are completely homogeneous (e.g. Quaoar). 相似文献