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采用2000—2014年肇庆地区的降水和大风资料,以及登陆粤闽琼3地的热带气旋资料,统计分析对肇庆有影响的热带气旋,结果表明:1影响的台风共52个,年平均3.5个,最多7个,最少1个,大部年份3~5个,总体上呈微弱的上升趋势。2影响时间主要集中在7—9月,最早出现在6月23日,最晚为10月7日。3登陆时强度主要为强热带风暴级和台风级,共36个,占69.2%。4对肇庆有影响的热带气旋有3种情况:热带气旋在福建或粤东沿海附近登陆后向西北或偏西、偏西南方向移动,且强度在10级以上;热带气旋在珠江口附近或电白到珠江口之间沿海地区登陆;热带气旋在海南文昌或湛江登陆后向西北到偏北方向移动,且登陆时强度在8级以上。  相似文献   

1979—2012年西北太平洋存在70个形成于0°~5°N的低纬度地区的热带气旋(TC),占TC总量的8%,其中达到台风等级的个数占64%。而针对此类缺少一定科氏力作用而形成的罕见TC生成的研究相对较少。本文利用JTWC的TC最佳观测资料、ERA-Interim再分析资料,以及NOAA-OISST海温资料,以西北太平洋近赤道TC为研究对象,统计诊断了其年际、年代际、季节分布特征,分析了其大尺度环境背景场,重点探讨了近赤道TC生成的影响因子。研究结果表明,近赤道TC具有明显的年际与年代际变化,并且近赤道TC具有与西北太平洋总TC恰好相反的季节变化。近赤道TC生成的大尺度环境背景场是东北冬季风与其在近赤道地区偏转形成的西北风之间的气旋性环流。对流层低层的绝对涡度动力项与对流层中层的湿度热量项是近赤道TC生成的主要贡献因子,并且相对于5°~10°N生成的TC,近赤道TC对对流层低层的正涡度与对流层中层的湿度条件的要求更高。  相似文献   

本文利用数值预报式来研究可能造成南海热带气旋异常路径的一个因子,即多个热带气旋之间的相互作用。这里所说的热带气旋相互作用不是指通常所说的两个热带气旋很靠近时的相互吸引(排斥)或旋转这一类涡旋间的直接相互作用,而是指相隔远距离的热带气旋门,通过改变环境流场而造成的间接影响。所选的例子是位于南海的9009号热带气旋(Tasha)。与它同时存在的热带气旋中9008(Steve)与9010(Vernon)。先作了这次多个活动的数值预报试验,以判断模式的预报能力,然后通过有控制地改变9008与9010号热带气旋的参数,来考察这两个热带气旋活动对9009号热带气旋的路径的影响,并对这种影响的机理作一定的诊断分析。  相似文献   

海洋飞沫对热带气旋影响的数值试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将最新版的Andreas海洋飞沫通量参数化方案与中尺度大气模式MM5V3耦合,对0514号热带气旋Nabi进行数值模拟,探讨海洋飞沫蒸发对热带气旋发展和演变的影响.模拟结果表明,考虑海洋飞沫的作用后,热带气旋范围内(气旋中心附近600 km左右范围内)的潜热和感热通量明显增强,尤其是潜热通量,最大值可提高35%~80%,潜热通量的大值区对应热带气旋眼墙处的最大风速区.无论是否考虑海洋飞沫作用,模式均能较好地模拟出热带气旋Nabi的移动路径,但考虑飞沫作用后,由于飞沫对海气界面通量交换的贡献,使得模拟热带气旋中心的最低海平面气压降低,最大风速增强,暖心结构更加明显.  相似文献   

曾智华  陈联寿 《高原气象》2011,30(6):1584-1593
利用高分辨率大气模式WRF(Weather Research Forecast)耦合了简单的海洋混合层模式,设计了不同海洋初始混合层厚度条件下的数值试验,研究了不同混合层厚度对热带气旋(TC)结构和强度的影响。结果表明,当TC经过海洋混合层厚度较浅海域时,TC对应的海洋底层的冷水更易上翻,最冷中心区出现在TC大风中心右...  相似文献   

热带气旋运动的动力学研究进展   总被引:23,自引:7,他引:23  
热带气旋运动是由各种形式的外部强迫、内部过程及其相互作用所决定的。特别是环境气流与气旋环流以及β效应之间的相互作用可以产生次级的非对称气流,使热带气旋偏离大尺度环境气流的引导。这种偏差,被称为广义的β漂移。本文讨论了控制β漂移的物理因子和物理过程,尤其是涡旋结构与环境气流切变对它的影响,以及β漂移在热带气旋路径预报上的应用。另外,还总结了双台风相互作用、热带气旋摆动和与下垫面强迫有关的物理过程的影响。  相似文献   

人造热带气旋垂直结构问题初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
龚龑  陆维松 《气象科学》2005,25(5):459-464
在人造热带气旋中引入了倾斜垂直结构,并将其用于西折后9806号热带气旋登陆路径的数值模拟。结果表明:应用该方案所得到的模拟结果优于应用正压结构的人造热带气旋方案的模拟结果要准确。因此,此类热带气旋的预报中,其初始涡旋可采用倾斜垂直结构,从而提出改进热带气旋初始涡旋的一种新思路。若对其作进一步研究、推广,则具有广阔的业务应用前景。  相似文献   

热带气旋移动的数值试验和非线性特色的某些现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The daily FY2 E Sea Surface Temperature(SST) data from China National Satellite Meteorological Center(NSMC) was evaluated and compared with the Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature(OISST) data from US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA) over Northwest Pacific Ocean(NPO) in this study. The results show that the distribution of FY2 E SST is close to OISST in tropical region over NPO, especially in typhoon active season, but the value of FY2 E SST is a little lower than that of OISST in tropical ocean, with the absolute deviation 1℃ lower and the relative deviation about 6% lower. The correlation coefficient between monthly FY2 E SST and monthly OISST is as high as 0.7, which passes the t-test at a significance level of 0.01. Based on the evaluation result, the merged SST_(FY)over NPO is calculated using a weighting function. Besides, Tropical Cyclone Heat Potential(TCHP_(FY)) is calculated and combined with the simulated sea temperature profile. From three years operational tests in NSMC, the merged SST_(FY)and TCHP_(FY)are shown to be good indexes in monitoring and predicting the intensity of tropical cyclones(TCs) over NPO.  相似文献   

登陆广东省热带气旋的奇异谱分析   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
利用奇异谱方法(SSA方法)分析登陆广东省的热带气旋的演变规律,发现年登陆的热带气旋数存在明显的8年、准3年的周期振荡;登陆珠江口以西的热带气旋数存在12年、准2年的周期振荡。把产生热带气旋的源地——西北太平洋划分为8个海区,对每个海区的海表温度进行奇异谱分析,结果显示NIN0西区和暖池海区分别存在8年和3年的准周期振荡及12年和2年的周期振荡,这很可能是登陆广东的热带气旋产生的物理原因。最后结合最大炳谱方法(SSA—MEM)做出登陆广东省的全年和登陆珠江口以西的热带气旋趋势预报,其效果较理想,在短期气候预测业务中有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

In this work,an index of tropical 20-90 d oscillation(intra-seasonal oscillation;ISO)in the western North Pacific(WNP)was determined via the combined empirical orthogonal function(EOF)method using daily outgoing longwave radiation(OLR)field data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration(NOAA),daily wind field data(at 850 hPa)from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts(ECMWF)and referencing the Madden-Julian oscillation(MJO)index proposed by Wheeler and Hendon.An in-depth investigation was conducted to examine the impact of the ISO on changes in tropical cyclone(TC)tracks in the WNP during different ISO phases.The research results indicate that during the easterly phase of the ISO,under the impact of the northeastern airflow of anti-cyclonic ISO circulation,the easterly airflow south of the western Pacific subtropical high is relatively weak,and TCs generated in the subtropical high tend to change their tracks east of 140°E;during the westerly phase,there is a relatively high probability that TCs change their tracks west of 140°E.This work also analyzed the ISO flow field situation in cases of typhoons and determined that the track of a tropical cyclone will experience a sudden right turn when the center of the ISO cyclonic(anti-cyclonic)circulation coincides with that of the cyclone.  相似文献   

The energy dispersion of a typhoon vortex and its effect on the typhoon motion are studied using an analyticalmethod of double-Fourier expansion as well as a numerical model in a β-plane nondivergent barotropic framework.The analytic model and the linear version of the numerical model give essentially the same result:the energy dispersionfrom a tropical cyclone can creat an L-H-L wave train to the east of the tropical cyclone.Three numerical experiments,integrated for 7 model days by the nonlinear model,indicate that the closed high in the wave train produces obvious in-fluence on the structure and movement of the tropical cyclone.  相似文献   

Intensity variation of tropical cyclones(TCs),especially that of coastal or landfalling TCs,is of great concern in current research.Most of the research papers,however,focus on intensification processes of TCs;only a few discuss decay processes in the lifetime of a TC.In the daily weather operation related to TCs,it is challenging when a TC weakens and/or disappears suddenly,because it brings more difficulties than the forecast of intensifying TCs does.Overestimation of a decaying landfalling TC would lead to over-preparation of defensive measures and result in"crying wolf"mentality with adverse effects.This study summarized physical mechanisms that dominate the decaying process of TCs and listed several possible dynamical factors:reduced level of air temperature,too large or too small speed,contraction of TC size amplification of TC’s core,and lightning number in a TC.  相似文献   

桂东南热带气旋大风的统计特征及典型个例研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用1981-2000年热带气旋(以下简记1℃)年鉴资料、广西东南部大风实况资料和NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,对桂东南TC大风及TC特征进行统计分析,并通过个例普查和典型个例的研究对造成桂东南严重风灾的原因进行初步探讨。研究表明:造成桂东南大风TC发生在6~10月,主要源地是西北太平洋,但造成严重风灾的TC为登陆后中心经过桂东南的南海台风。桂东南大风以局地瞬时大风为主,大风发生时间与TC距离有关。强度大、移速快造成变压梯度大,与气压梯度共同作用是0307号1℃过程大风的原因;移速慢,登陆后中心在桂东南逗留时间长则是8517号1℃过程严重风灾的原因,并对两个1℃运动特点不同的大尺度环境特征进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

研究热带气旋影响下广东省深圳地区的闪电特征及规律。利用2012—2019年西北太平洋热带气旋历史数据,筛选出2012—2019年距离深圳市国家气象基本站1 000 km内的热带气旋,按热带气旋强度等级进行分组。并利用同时期深圳地区闪电、温度观测数据,研究不同等级热带气旋在不同距离、方位角情况下,深圳地区的闪电特征。发现热带气旋影响下深圳地区闪电年际差异很大,一年中7月和8月深圳地区闪电活动最活跃。热带气旋对深圳地区闪电活动影响大的距离大多为400 km以外,即深圳处于热带气旋的外围雨带。总体上在台风季,TD、TS、STS较易引发深圳地区的闪电,尤其是当TS位于福建地区,距离深圳400~600 km时,极易给深圳地区带来闪电影响。研究结果可为深圳地区的防台减灾工作提供科技参考。  相似文献   

An objective prediction approach to the 6 h-144 h track and intensity of tropical cyclones over the northwestern Pacific is proposed. On the basis of both analog deviation technique and completed historical sample curve library, the track or intensity prediction for each forecast period are determined respectively through the optimum weighted superposition of displacement or intensity change of the cases, with different number and weighted coefficient corresponding to minimal analog deviation, from different tropical cyclone or different stage of the same cyclone. so that the prediction results for both forecast period and entire process are optimal. The verification suggests that the approach exhibits better forecast performance than other previous forecast methods by having remarkable decreasing forecast errors in short-and medium-range forecast of both track and intensity,and that the approach can also be used to predict effectively the decay process of tropical cyclone and is able to predict anomalous track and tropical depression.  相似文献   

The intensity, landing time, track trend and intensity variation of tropical cyclones (TCs) after landfall are analyzed using the TCs data (of best track from the China Meteorological Administration) between 1949 and 2006 for the western North Pacific and South China Sea. The trend differences of track and intensity between the TCs that directly land in East China and those making the second landfall in East China after landing in Taiwan Island are categorically discussed. The results show that the first kind of landing TCs are more likely to go northward or turn while the second kind of TCs have a larger tendency to keep going northwest. The intensity of the first kind of TCs is more persistent than the second one. There is a higher percentage for the intensity to be weakened significantly if the TCs keep going west to northwest or southwest after landing.  相似文献   

2008年西北太平洋热带气旋活动异常特征及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2008年西北太平洋热带气旋活动的特点:(1)初台异常偏早;(2)生成热带气旋异常偏少,但登陆热带气旋异常偏多,登陆热带气旋与生成热带气旋比例高;(3)从热带气旋的生成源地来看,2008年的热带气旋生成位置明显偏西.2008年热带气旋生成年频数异常偏少的主要原因:2008年仍处在生成热带气旋偏少的气候背景下,对流层低层...  相似文献   

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