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The surface reflectance properties of the irregular outer planets satellites are probed for evidence for the presence of aqueous alteration products on their surfaces using the strong correlation between the 3.0-μm water of hydration absorption feature and the 0.7-μm Fe2+ → Fe3+ oxidized iron feature seen in low-albedo asteroid reflectances, in an effort to expand our understanding of the composition of the precursor bodies from which the dynamical satellite clusters are derived. Equations converting Johnson V and Kron-Cousins RI photometry to Eight Color Asteroid Survey v (0.550 μm), w (0.701 μm), and x (0.853 μm) photometry are derived from relationships defined by Howell (1995, Ph.D. thesis), and coupled with an algorithm previously defined to detect the presence of the 0.7-μm absorption feature in ECAS asteroid photometry [Vilas, F., 1994. Icarus 111, 456-467]. Broadband VRI photometry of Ch-class Asteroid 19 Fortuna acquired during 2004 confirms the efficacy of this method of identifying the presence of the 0.7-μm feature. Photometric observations of many recently discovered irregular outer jovian, saturnian, uranian, and neptunian satellites, coupled with limited asteroid spectroscopy, were examined for the presence of aqueous alteration. The dynamical clusters of outer irregular jovian satellites are mixed between objects that do and do not show this absorption feature. Multiple observations of some objects test both positively and negatively, similar to the surface variegation that has been observed among many C-class asteroids in the main asteroid belt. Evidence for aqueous alteration on these jovian satellites augers for an origin in or near the same location as the asteroids now occupying the aqueous alteration zone (2.6-3.5 AU), at heliocentric distances internal to Jupiter's orbit. Among the saturnian irregular satellites, only S IX Phoebe shows limited evidence of aqueous alteration from ground-based observations. The other satellites show no sign of this feature, and have general reflectance properties very similar to the D-class asteroids, supporting an origin for their precursor bodies in the outer Solar System, perhaps the Centaur region. Only two uranian satellites were tested: U XVII Caliban tests positively for the feature. The differences in surface reflectance properties support the idea that Caliban and U XVI Sycorax derive from separate parent bodies. One observation of neptunian satellite N II Nereid shows no sign of this absorption feature.  相似文献   

We report the discovery of four new uranian irregular satellites in our deep, mR∼25.4, optical search around that planet. The orbital properties of these satellites are diverse. There is some grouping of inclinations and one of the satellites appears to be inside the Kozai resonant zone of Uranus. Further, we find that the differential size distribution of satellites is rather shallow compared to objects in the asteroid and Kuiper belts, going as ∼r−2.4. We also report a strong coupling between semi-major axis and orbital eccentricity. We comment on the apparent paradox between the inclination grouping, shallow size distribution, and orbital correlation as they relate to the likelihood of a collisional origin for the uranian irregulars. The currently observed irregulars appear to be consistent with a disruptive formation process and a collisional origin for Uranus' obliquity.  相似文献   

Matija ?uk  Brett J. Gladman 《Icarus》2006,183(2):362-372
The passage of Jupiter and Saturn through mutual 1:2 mean-motion resonance has recently been put forward as explanation for their relatively high eccentricities [Tsiganis, K., Gomes, R., Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., 2005. Nature 435, 459-461] and the origin of Jupiter's Trojans [Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., Tsiganis, K., Gomes, R., 2005. Nature 435, 462-465]. Additional constraints on this event based on other small-body populations would be highly desirable. Since some outer satellite orbits are known to be strongly affected by the near-resonance of Jupiter and Saturn (“the Great Inequality”; ?uk, M., Burns, J.A., 2004b. Astron. J. 128, 2518-2541), the irregular satellites are natural candidates for such a connection. In order to explore this scenario, we have integrated 9200 test particles around both Jupiter and Saturn while they went through a resonance-crossing event similar to that described by Tsiganis et al. [Tsiganis, K., Gomes, R., Morbidelli, A., Levison, H.F., 2005. Nature 435, 459-461]. The test particles were positioned on a grid in semimajor axes and inclinations, while their initial pericenters were put at just 0.01 AU from their parent planets. The goal of the experiment was to find out if short-lived bodies, spiraling into the planet due to gas drag (or alternatively on orbits crossing those of the regular satellites), could have their pericenters raised by the resonant perturbations. We found that about 3% of the particles had their pericenters raised above 0.03 AU (i.e. beyond Iapetus) at Saturn, but the same happened for only 0.1% of the particles at Jupiter. The distribution of surviving particles at Saturn has strong similarities to that of the known irregular satellites. If saturnian irregular satellites had their origin during the 1:2 resonance crossing, they present an excellent probe into the early Solar System's evolution. We also explore the applicability of this mechanism for Uranus, and find that only some of the uranian irregular satellites have orbits consistent with resonant pericenter lifting. In particular, the more distant and eccentric satellites like Sycorax could be stabilized by this process, while closer-in moons with lower eccentricity orbits like Caliban probably did not evolve by this process alone.  相似文献   

Apostolos A. Christou 《Icarus》2005,178(1):171-178
The upcoming crossing of the Sun and the Earth through the equatorial plane of the planet Uranus presents an opportunity to observe mutual eclipses and occultations of the uranian satellites. We present predictions for 321 such events from 2006 to 2010. 230 of these events are “nominal” i.e. they are predicted to occur based on the currently available ephemeris while a further 91 “grazing” events are allowable given the positional uncertainties of the satellites. Taking into account the statistical frequency of events that occur too close to the planet, during solar conjunction or are too “shallow” to observe, we conclude that about 150 events should be detectable from different longitudes around the world. We argue that a worldwide campaign of photometric observations of these events will yield, as in the case of the jovian and saturnian systems, high-precision astrometric information on the satellites toward improving their ephemerides as well as the system constants (satellite masses, uranian zonal harmonics, etc.). In addition, mathematical inversion of the lightcurves should permit, subject to the photometric quality and number of observed events, mapping of albedo variegations over the satellite hemispheres that were in darkness during the Voyager 2 encounter with the uranian system in 1985/1986.  相似文献   

W.M Grundy  L.A Young  E.F Young 《Icarus》2003,162(1):222-229
New 0.8- to 2.4-μm spectral observations of the leading and trailing hemispheres of the uranian satellite Ariel were obtained at IRTF/SpeX during 2002 July 16 and 17 UT. The new spectra reveal contrasts between Ariel’s leading and trailing hemispheres, with the leading hemisphere presenting deeper H2O ice absorption bands. The observed dichotomy is comparable to leading-trailing spectral asymmetries observed among jovian and saturnian icy satellites. More remarkably, the trailing hemisphere spectrum exhibits three narrow CO2 ice absorption bands near 2 μm. This discovery of CO2 ice on one hemisphere of Ariel is its first reported detection in the uranian system.  相似文献   

Apostolos A. Christou 《Icarus》2005,174(1):215-229
We test the hypothesis that gravitational scattering within the Himalia prograde irregular satellite group is responsible for the large velocity dispersion identified by Nesvorný et al. (2003, Astron. J. 126, 398-429). We carry out numerical simulations of the dynamical evolution of this group under several scenarios for Himalia's mass for 108 yr. We find that modification of the satellite orbits is significant, 10-15% of their semimajor axes differences but <5% of the eccentricities. Additionally, the inclination of the satellite Lysithea may have been modified by a secular resonance with Himalia. We scale the observed orbital element diffusion to the age of the Solar System using a power law approximation. The projected changes in a and e can reduce the observable ejection speeds of Elara and Lysithea with respect to Himalia under the 100 m s−1 mark, rendering them consistent with hydrocode simulation results (Michel et al., 2002, Icarus 160, 10-23). The dispersion magnitude required to migrate Elara to its present orbit implies that Himalia's size has been underestimated by Cassini (Porco et al., 2003, Science 299, 1541-1547) and/or that its density is significantly higher than that of extensively fractured or “rubble-pile” bodies. In addition, Lysithea could have been created as recently as the last 500 Myr of the Solar System's history. Simple calculations indicate that such diffusion would also be evident in groups of satellites genetically related to Phoebe at Saturn, Caliban and Sycorax at Uranus and Nereid at Neptune.  相似文献   

Tommy Grav  James Bauer 《Icarus》2007,191(1):267-285
We have performed broadband color photometry of the twelve brightest irregular satellites of Saturn with the goal of understanding their surface composition, as well as their physical relationship. We find that the satellites have a wide variety of different surface colors, from the negative spectral slopes of the two retrograde satellites S IX Phoebe (S=−2.5±0.4) and S XXV Mundilfari (S=−5.0±1.9) to the fairly red slope of S XXII Ijiraq (S=19.5±0.9). We further find that there exist a correlation between dynamical families and spectral slope, with the prograde clusters, the Gallic and Inuit, showing tight clustering in colors among most of their members. The retrograde objects are dynamically and physically more dispersed, but some internal structure is apparent.  相似文献   

B.J. Buratti  M.D. Hicks  A. Davies 《Icarus》2005,175(2):490-495
We have obtained broadband spectrophotometric observations of four of the recently discovered small satellites of Saturn (Gladman et al., 2001, Nature 412, 163-166). The new data enable an understanding of the provenance, composition, and interrelationships among these satellites and the other satellites of Saturn, particularly Iapetus, Phoebe, and Hyperion. Temporal coverage of one satellite (S21 Tarvos) was sufficient to determine a partial rotational lightcurve. Our major findings include: (1) the satellites are red and similar in color, comparable to D-type asteroids, some KBOs, Iapetus, and Hyperion; (2) none of the satellites, including those from the “Phoebe Group” has any spectrophotometric relationship to Phoebe; and (3) S21 Tarvos exhibits a rotational lightcurve, although the data are not well-constrained and more observations are required to fit a definitive period. Dust created by meteoritic impacts and ejected from these satellites and additional undiscovered ones may be the source of the exogenous material deposited on the low-albedo side of Iapetus. Recent work which states that the small irregular satellites of Saturn have impacted Phoebe at least 6-7 times in the age of the Solar System (Nesvorny et al., 2003, Astron. J. 126, 398-429), suggests that such collisions may have propelled additional material from both Phoebe and the small irregular satellites toward Iapetus. The accretion of material from outer retrograde satellites may be a process that also occurs on Callisto and the uranian satellites.  相似文献   

Irregular satellites—moons that occupy large orbits of significant eccentricity e and/or inclination I—circle each of the giant planets. The irregulars often extend close to the orbital stability limit, about 1/3-1/2 of the way to the edge of their planet's Hill sphere. The distant, elongated, and inclined orbits suggest capture, which presumably would give a random distribution of inclinations. Yet, no known irregulars have inclinations (relative to the ecliptic) between 47 and 141°.This paper shows that many high-I orbits are unstable due to secular solar perturbations. High-inclination orbits suffer appreciable periodic changes in eccentricity; large eccentricities can either drive particles with ∼70°<I<110° deep into the realm of the regular satellites (where collisions and scatterings are likely to remove them from planetocentric orbits on a timescale of 107-109 years) or expel them from the Hill sphere of the planet.By carrying out long-term (109 years) orbital integrations for a variety of hypothetical satellites, we demonstrate that solar and planetary perturbations, by causing particles to strike (or to escape) their planet, considerably broaden this zone of avoidance. It grows to at least 55°<I<130° for orbits whose pericenters freely oscillate from 0 to 360°, while particles whose pericenters are locked at ±90° (Kozai mechanism) can remain for longer times.We estimate that the stable phase space (over 10 Myr) for satellites trapped in the Kozai resonance contains ∼10% of all stable orbits, suggesting the possible existence of a family of undiscovered objects at higher inclinations than those currently known.  相似文献   

Assuming that an unknown mechanism (e.g., gas turbulence) removes most of the subnebula gas disk in a timescale shorter than that for satellite formation, we develop a model for the formation of regular (and possibly at least some of the irregular) satellites around giant planets in a gas-poor environment. In this model, which follows along the lines of the work of Safronov et al. [1986. Satellites. Univ. of Arizona Press, Tucson, pp. 89-116], heliocentric planetesimals collide within the planet's Hill sphere and generate a circumplanetary disk of prograde and retrograde satellitesimals extending as far out as ∼RH/2. At first, the net angular momentum of this proto-satellite swarm is small, and collisions among satellitesimals leads to loss of mass from the outer disk, and delivers mass to the inner disk (where regular satellites form) in a timescale ?105 years. This mass loss may be offset by continued collisional capture of sufficiently small <1 km interlopers resulting from the disruption of planetesimals in the feeding zone of the giant planet. As the planet's feeding zone is cleared in a timescale ?105 years, enough angular momentum may be delivered to the proto-satellite swarm to account for the angular momentum of the regular satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. This feeding timescale is also roughly consistent with the independent constraint that the Galilean satellites formed in a timescale of 105-106 years, which may be long enough to accommodate Callisto's partially differentiated state [Anderson et al., 1998. Science 280, 1573; Anderson et al., 2001. Icarus 153, 157-161]. In turn, this formation timescale can be used to provide plausible constraints on the surface density of solids in the satellitesimal disk (excluding satellite embryos for satellitesimals of size ∼1 km), which yields a total disk mass smaller than the mass of the regular satellites, and means that the satellites must form in several ∼10 collisional cycles. However, much more work will need to be conducted concerning the collisional evolution both of the circumplanetary satellitesimals and of the heliocentric planetesimals following giant planet formation before one can assess the significance of this agreement. Furthermore, for enough mass to be delivered to form the regular satellites in the required timescale one may need to rely on (unproven) mechanisms to replenish the feeding zone of the giant planet. We compare this model to the solids-enhanced minimum mass (SEMM) model of Mosqueira and Estrada [2003a. Icarus 163, 198-231; 2003b. Icarus 163, 232-255], and discuss its main consequences for Cassini observations of the saturnian satellite system.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of N-body simulations of moonlets embedded in broad rings, focusing specifically on the saturnian A ring. This work adds to previous efforts by including particle self-gravity and particle size distributions. The discussion here focuses primarily on the features that form in the background particles as a result of the moonlet. Particle self-gravity tends to damp out features produced by embedded moonlets and this damping is enhanced if the moonlet is simply the largest member of a continuous size distribution. Observable features around an embedded moonlet appear to require that the largest ring particles be no more massive than 1/30 the mass of the moonlet. These results, compared with current and future Cassini observations, will provide insight into the nature of the particle population in the saturnian rings. Some time is also spent analyzing the way in which the background particles cluster around the moonlet. The accretion of small particles onto the moonlet can be limited by disruptive collisions with the largest ring particles in the particle size distribution.  相似文献   

We describe a powerful signal processing method, the continuous wavelet transform, and use it to analyze radial structure in Cassini ISS images of Saturn's rings. Wavelet analysis locally separates signal components in frequency space, causing many structures to become evident that are difficult to observe with the naked eye. Density waves, generated at resonances with saturnian satellites orbiting outside (or within) the rings, are particularly amenable to such analysis. We identify a number of previously unobserved weak waves, and demonstrate the wavelet transform's ability to isolate multiple waves superimposed on top of one another. We also present two wave-like structures that we are unable to conclusively identify. In a multi-step semi-automated process, we recover four parameters from clearly observed weak spiral density waves: the local ring surface density, the local ring viscosity, the precise resonance location (useful for pointing images, and potentially for refining saturnian astrometry), and the wave amplitude (potentially providing new constraints upon the masses of the perturbing moons). Our derived surface densities have less scatter than previous measurements that were derived from stronger non-linear waves, and suggest a gentle linear increase in surface density from the inner to the mid-A Ring. We show that ring viscosity consistently increases from the Cassini Division outward to the Encke Gap. Meaningful upper limits on ring thickness can be placed on the Cassini Division (3.0 m at r∼118,800 km, 4.5 m at r∼120,700 km) and the inner A Ring (10-15 m for r<127,000 km).  相似文献   

We present a sample of 20 massive galaxy clusters with total virial masses in the range of 6 × 1014 M ? Mvir ? 2 × 1015 M, re-simulated with a customized version of the 1.5. ENZO code employing adaptive mesh refinement. This technique allowed us to obtain unprecedented high spatial resolution (≈25 kpc/h) up to the distance of ~3 virial radii from the clusters center, and makes it possible to focus with the same level of detail on the physical properties of the innermost and of the outermost cluster regions, providing new clues on the role of shock waves and turbulent motions in the ICM, across a wide range of scales.In this paper, a first exploratory study of this data set is presented. We report on the thermal properties of galaxy clusters at z = 0. Integrated and morphological properties of gas density, gas temperature, gas entropy and baryon fraction distributions are discussed, and compared with existing outcomes both from the observational and from the numerical literature. Our cluster sample shows an overall good consistency with the results obtained adopting other numerical techniques (e.g. Smoothed Particles Hydrodynamics), yet it provides a more accurate representation of the accretion patterns far outside the cluster cores. We also reconstruct the properties of shock waves within the sample by means of a velocity-based approach, and we study Mach numbers and energy distributions for the various dynamical states in clusters, giving estimates for the injection of Cosmic Rays particles at shocks. The present sample is rather unique in the panorama of cosmological simulations of massive galaxy clusters, due to its dynamical range, statistics of objects and number of time outputs. For this reason, we deploy a public repository of the available data, accessible via web portal at http://data.cineca.it.  相似文献   

We present here the latest BV, VR, and RI color measurements obtained with the CFH12K mosaic camera of the 3.6-m Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). This work is the latest extension of the Meudon Multicolor Survey (2MS) and extends the total number of Centaurs and trans-neptunian objects (TNOs) in the dataset to 71. With this large and homogeneous dataset, we performed relevant statistical analyses to search for correlations with physical and orbital parameters and interrelations with related populations (cometary nuclei and irregular satellites). With a larger dataset, we confirm the correlations found for the Classical TNOs in our previous survey: some colors are significantly correlated with perihelion distance and inclination. The only exception is with the eccentricity. However, results strongly depend on which objects are considered Classicals, and with a dynamically more restricted definition these correlations are no longer present. We also find that strongly significant trends with orbital parameters are not detected for Centaurs, Plutinos or scattered disk objects (SDOs). We also make for the first time reliable statistical comparison between TNOs and related populations (e.g., Centaurs, irregular satellites, short period comets—i.e., SPCs). We find that (1) the colors of SPCs do not match either their TNO or Centaur precursors, and this suggests that some process modifies the surface of SPCs at entry into the inner Solar System. The only exception concerns colors of SDOs from which we could statistically assess that SPCs and SDOs could be drawn from a same single parent distribution. (2) Not surprisingly, Centaurs are compatible with each of the Edgeworth-Kuiper belt dynamical groups at a highly significant level except with the SDOs. (3) Centaurs' colors still present a strong dichotomy between a neutral/slightly red group (e.g., Chiron) and a very red group (e.g., Pholus). (4) The irregular satellite population is not compatible with any of the Centaur, Plutino or Classical populations; however, the similarity of their color properties with SDOs suggests that both groups can be extracted from the same parent distribution. However, due to the small number of Centaurs and SDOs these conclusions cannot be taken as definitive.  相似文献   

Cratering rates in the outer Solar System   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Kevin Zahnle  Paul Schenk  Luke Dones 《Icarus》2003,163(2):263-289
This paper is a compilation by table, graph, and equation of impact cratering rates from Jupiter to Pluto. We use several independent constraints on the number of ecliptic comets. Together they imply that the impact rate on Jupiter by 1.5-km-diameter comets is currently ?(d > 1.5 km) = 0.005−0.003+0.006 per annum. Other kinds of impactors are currently unimportant on most worlds at most sizes. The size-number distribution of impactors smaller than 20 km is inferred from size-number distributions of impact craters on Europa, Ganymede, and Triton; while the size-number distribution of impacting bodies larger than 50 km is equated to the size-number distribution of Kuiper Belt objects. The gap is bridged by interpolation. It is notable that small craters on Jupiter’s moons indicate a pronounced paucity of small impactors, while small craters on Triton imply a collisional population rich in small bodies. However it is unclear whether the craters on Triton are of heliocentric or planetocentric origin. We therefore consider two cases for Saturn and beyond: a Case A in which the size-number distribution is like that inferred at Jupiter, and a Case B in which small objects obey a more nearly collisional distribution. Known craters on saturnian and uranian satellites are consistent with either case, although surface ages are much younger in Case B, especially at Saturn and Uranus. At Neptune and especially at Saturn our cratering rates are much higher than rates estimated by Shoemaker and colleagues, presumably because Shoemaker’s estimates mostly predate discovery of the Kuiper Belt. We also estimate collisional disruption rates of moons and compare these to estimates in the literature.  相似文献   

VLT images in BVI are used to identify globular clusters in the central region of NGC5128. Based on the sizes, optical magnitudes and colors, a hundred candidate globular clusters are identified with projected galactocentric distances 1 kpc < R G < 5 kpc. These clusters have magnitudes 18 < V < 20.5 or ?10.3 < M V < ?7.8 at the distance of this galaxy, and colors 0.8 < V?I < 1.5 and 0.5 < B?V < 1.5. These identifications allow us to compare the properties of the X-ray globular cluster population discovered recently in this galaxy.  相似文献   

We present CCD photometry in the Washington system C and T1 passbands down to T1  19.5 magnitudes in the fields of Czernik 26, Czernik 30, and Haffner 11, three poorly studied open clusters located in the third Galactic quadrant. We measured T1 magnitudes and C ? T1 colors for a total of 6472 stars distributed throughout cluster areas of 13.6′ × 13.6′ each. Cluster radii were estimated from star counts in appropriate-sized boxes distributed throughout the entire observed fields. Based on the best fits of isochrones computed by the Padova group to the (C ? T1, T1) color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs), we derived color excesses, heliocentric distances and ages for the three clusters. These are characterized by a relatively small angular size and by a high field star contamination. We performed a firm analysis of the field star contamination of the CMDs and examined different relationships between the position in the Galaxy of known open clusters located within 1 kpc around the three studied ones, their age and their interstellar visual absorption. We confirm previous results in the sense that the closer the cluster birthplace to the Galactic plane, the higher the interstellar visual absorption. We also found that the space velocity dispersion perpendicular to the Galactic plane diminishes as the clusters are younger. The positions, interstellar visual absorptions, ages, and metallicities of the three studied clusters favor the hypothesis that they were not born in the recently discovered Canis major (CMa) dwarf galaxy before it was accreted by the Milky Way.  相似文献   

On the basis of tidal despinning timescale arguments, Peale showed in 1977 that the majority of irregular satellites (with unknown rotation states) are expected to reside close to their initial (fast) rotation states. Here we investigate the problem of the current typical rotation states among all known satellites from a viewpoint of dynamical stability. We explore location of the known planetary satellites on the (ω0e) stability diagram, where ω0 is an inertial parameter of a satellite and e is its orbital eccentricity. We show that most of the satellites with unknown rotation states cannot rotate synchronously, because no stable synchronous 1:1 spin-orbit state exists for them. They rotate either much faster than synchronously (those tidally unevolved) or, what is much less probable, chaotically (tidally-evolved objects or captured slow rotators).  相似文献   

C.A. Hibbitts  J. Szanyi 《Icarus》2007,191(1):371-380
CO2 is known to adsorb onto clay and other minerals when a significant atmospheric pressure is present. We have found that CO2 can also adsorb onto some clays when the CO2 partial pressure is effectively zero under ultra-high vacuum (UHV) if cooled to the surface temperatures of the icy satellites of Jupiter and Saturn. The strength of adsorption and the spectral characteristics of the adsorbed CO2 infrared (IR) ν3 absorption band near 4.25 μm depend on the composition and temperature of the adsorbent. CO2 remains adsorbed onto the clay mineral montmorillonite for >10 s of min when exposed to a vacuum of ∼1×10−8 Torr at ∼125 K. CO2 does not adsorb onto serpentine, goethite, or palagonite under these conditions. A small amount may adsorb onto kaolinite. When heated above 150 K under vacuum, the CO2 desorbs from the montmorillonite within a few minutes. The ν3 absorption band of CO2 adsorbed onto montmorillonite at 125 K is similar to that of the CO2 detected on the saturnian and Galilean satellites and is markedly different from CO2 adsorbed onto montmorillonite at room temperature. We infer the adsorption process is physisorption and postulate that this mechanism may explain the presence and spectral characteristics of the CO2 detected in the surfaces of these outer satellites.  相似文献   

Ejecta from Saturn's moon Hyperion are subject to powerful perturbations from nearby Titan, which control their ultimate fate. We have performed numerical integrations to simulate a simplified system consisting of Saturn (including optical flattening as well as dynamical oblateness), its main ring system (treated as a massless flat annulus), the moons Tethys, Dione, Titan, Hyperion, and Iapetus, and the Sun (treated simply as a massive satellite). At several different points in Hyperion's orbit, 1050 massless particles, more or less evenly distributed over latitude and longitude, were ejected radially outward from 1 km above Hyperion's mean radius at speeds 10% faster than escape speed from Hyperion. Most of these particles were removed within the first few thousand years, but ∼3% of them survived the entire 100,000-year duration of the simulations. Ejecta from Hyperion are much more widely scattered than previously thought, and can cross the orbits of all of Saturn's satellites. About 9% of all the particles escaped from the saturnian system, but Titan accreted ∼78% of the total, while Hyperion reaccreted only ∼5%. This low efficiency of reaccretion may help to account for Hyperion's small size and rugged shape. Only ∼1% of all the particles hit other satellites, and another ∼1% impacted Saturn itself, while ∼3% of them struck its main rings. The high proportion of impacts into Saturn's rings is surprising; these collisions show a broad decline in impact speed with time, suggesting that Hyperion ejecta gradually spread inwards. Additional simulations were used to investigate the dependence of ejecta evolution on launch speed, the mass of Hyperion, and the presence of the Sun. In general, the wide distribution of ejecta from Hyperion suggests that it does contribute to “Population II” craters on the inner satellites of Saturn. Ejecta which escape from a satellite into temporary orbit about its planet, but later reimpact into the same moon or another one produce “poltorary” impacts, intermediate in character between primary and secondary impacts. It may be possible to distinguish poltorary craters from primary and secondary craters on the basis of morphology.  相似文献   

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