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利用ERA_interim再分析资料以及OISST高分辨率海面温度(Sea surface temperature,SST)卫星观测数据,通过小波分析、二维模态相关(Pattern correlation)等方法系统地分析了黑潮延伸体区域涡旋尺度SST信号的季节内变化特征。发现涡旋尺度SST季节内变化信号在冬季最强、夏季最弱。该信号主要分布在黑潮-亲潮海洋锋面区域,在日本沿岸振幅最强、并沿黑潮、亲潮锋面向东延伸,其标准差高达1℃,是该海域冬季SST的重要变化信号。涡旋尺度SST的季节内变化周期以40~100 d周期为主,会引起大气边界层的响应,激发海气界面湍流热通量、海面气温、边界层高度等同位相的季节内变化。在该区域涡旋信号较强个数较多的时间段SST异常的季节内变化信号更明显,边界层大气与涡旋尺度SST季节内变化信号的相关程度更大。  相似文献   

本文基于卫星遥感资料和高分辨率ROMS(Regional Ocean Modeling System)数值模拟结果, 对黑潮延伸体海域典型中尺度涡旋的次中尺度特征进行了探讨。卫星观测和模拟结果显示, 黑潮延伸体涡旋海域伴随着活跃的次中尺度现象。涡旋演变与多尺度能量分析结果表明, 涡旋海域次中尺度动能的强弱与涡旋海域地转流动能有着密切联系, 锋生可能是涡旋边缘次中尺度动能增强的重要机制。次中尺度现象在中尺度涡旋海域具有沿地转流方向的复杂涡丝状结构特征, 意味着涡旋边缘较强的水平浮力梯度和地转流侧向剪切为次中尺度过程形成与发展提供了有利条件。此外, 垂向结构分析表明, 次中尺度过程能引起较大的垂向速度, 最大可达100m·day-1, 该垂向速度可以影响至混合层下200m深度处, 对海洋内部的垂向物质能量交换、海—气相互作用等有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

吕宋海峡黑潮脱落涡旋的特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
涡旋脱落在西太平洋和南海的海水属性交换中起到重要作用。为研究吕宋海峡附近海域由黑潮脱落并进入南海的涡旋特征,本文采用1993—2014年法国空间局(AVISO)多卫星融合海面高度距平(SLA)和绝对动力地形(ADT)全球网格化延时数据,美国国家海洋数据中心(NODC)的WOA13年平均温盐剖面气候数据,以及1993—2010年SODA2.2.4月平均海洋同化数据集,并分析了黑潮脱落涡旋与大尺度环流的关系。结果表明:(1)暖涡脱落数量远多于冷涡数量,且脱落的冷涡绝大部分在黑潮西侧边缘生成,而脱落的暖涡则大部分在黑潮控制区生成。(2)冷涡、暖涡脱落时的平均半径、平均振幅相近,但是冷涡的平均生命、平均迁移距离约为暖涡的一半。(3)冷涡不是每年都有脱落,主要在冬季脱落;暖涡则每年均有脱落,主要发生在秋季。(4)脱落涡旋数量与脱落时的黑潮路径类型相关。(5)脱落涡旋的平均西行速度为5.8cm/s,与斜压第一模态长Rossby波波速及大尺度环流的西向平流流速之和相近。  相似文献   

黑潮延伸体邻近区域中尺度涡特征统计分析   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:4  
本文利用20年的卫星高度计资料,对黑潮延伸体邻近海区(25°—45°N,135°E—175°W)中尺度涡的统计特征以及季节变化进行了统计研究。基于涡旋自动识别方法,共识别出本区域3006个气旋涡轨迹和2887个反气旋涡轨迹,其平均周期分别为9.99周和11.00周,平均半径分别为69.5km和71.8km。长生命周期涡旋的平均半径、涡度、涡动能(EKE)和涡旋能量密度(EI)在生命周期内大致都经历了增大-基本保持不变-减小这三个阶段。绝大多数涡旋沿纬线向西移动,经向移动距离较小,气旋涡和反气旋涡在西向传播过程中都具有明显的向南(赤道)偏离趋势。涡旋的生成数量与总数量均在春夏季达到最多,且这一时期涡旋的平均涡度、EKE、EI处于较高水平。  相似文献   

本文使用基于热成风速度的涡旋识别拓展方法,通过海表面温度数据对黑潮延伸体区域50-100公里涡旋进行研究,发现50-100公里涡旋主要分布在黑潮延伸体流轴两侧,气旋涡和反气旋涡的寿命、半径分布具有一致性。气旋涡多出现在35°N以北,反气旋涡在35°N以南比较集中,与尺度较小的中尺度涡旋分布特征较为相似。冬夏两季涡旋地理分布存在一定差异,主要与不同季节该区域海表温度梯度及风应力旋度的变化有关。35°N以南50-100公里涡旋数量的季节性变化与风速大小的季节性变化存在明显的正相关性。35°N以南50-100公里涡旋三倍半径内风速异常和风应力旋度归一化表明,气旋涡对应风速负异常而反气旋涡对应风速正异常,反气旋涡的产生依赖于风应力负旋度,气旋涡的生成与风应力正旋度有关。  相似文献   

钱思佳  于方杰  陈戈 《海洋科学》2021,45(11):10-19
本文使用基于热成风速度的涡旋识别拓展方法,通过海表面温度数据对黑潮延伸体区域50~100 km涡旋进行研究,发现50~100 km涡旋主要分布在黑潮延伸体流轴两侧,气旋涡和反气旋涡的寿命、半径分布具有一致性。气旋涡多出现在35°N以北,反气旋涡在35°N以南比较集中,与尺度较小的中尺度涡旋分布特征较为相似。冬夏两季涡旋地理分布存在一定差异,主要与不同季节该区域海表温度梯度及风应力旋度的变化有关。35°N以南50~100 km涡旋数量的季节性变化与风速大小的季节性变化存在明显的正相关性。35°N以南50~100 km涡旋三倍半径内风速异常和风应力旋度归一化表明,气旋涡对应风速负异常而反气旋涡对应风速正异常,反气旋涡的产生依赖于风应力负旋度,气旋涡的生成与风应力正旋度有关。  相似文献   

黑潮延伸体海域海平面变化及其与比容变化的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用AVISO高度计海面高度异常、SODA的温、盐和混合层深度资料,研究黑潮延伸体(KE)海域海平面变化及其与海水比容变化的关系.1993-2007年KE上游区海平面上升,而比容海平面则微弱下降;两者均具有年代际和年际变化,在年际尺度上的差异显著.KE下游区海平面年代际变化明显,而比容海平面表现出显著的年际变化特征.海...  相似文献   

利用卫星观测的海面高度资料、海表温度资料和再分析大气资料,考察了冬季黑潮延伸体海域云水含量的年际变化。结果表明:尽管大气环流有明显的年际变化,海洋锋对其上云水含量的"锚定"作用(锋面南侧云水含量多,北侧少)始终存在,同时云水量值有明显的年际变化,该变化主要受背景大气环流的影响,当西北风加强(减弱)带来偏冷(暖)偏干(湿)的空气团时,锋面南侧云水少(多)。按照云水含量多少进行合成分析的结果表明:来自大陆的冬季西北风南下,在遇到海洋锋锋南侧的暖水面时,空气抬升导致的大气跨锋面的次级环流和对应锋面南(北)辐合(辐散)在一定程度上(约25%)受背景大气环流变化的影响。在背景大尺度的西北风强(弱)时,大气中水汽含量较少(多),凝结放热较弱(强),黑潮延伸体海洋锋南侧南侧上升,北侧下沉的次级环流偏弱(强)。  相似文献   

本文首次利用海面温度、海面高度异常和表面漂流浮标数据等多元观测资料定量比较了获取的涡旋特征要素。结果表明:虽然不同数据源得出的涡旋统计特征具有一定的差异,但具有相似的分布特征。在此基础上,还发现该研究区域存在异常涡旋(逆时针旋转的暖涡和顺时针旋转的冷涡)。  相似文献   

黑潮延伸体海表温度锋位置的变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
High spatial resolution sea surface temperature(SST) data from 1993 to 2013 are used to detect the position of the Kuroshio Extension sea surface temperature front(KEF) from 141°E to 158°E,and the seasonal,monthly and interannual-to-decadal variations of the KEF position are investigated.The latitudinal position of the KEF varies with longitudes:the westernmost part of the KEF from 141°E to 144°E is relatively stable,whereas the easternmost part from 153°E to 158°E exhibits the largest amplitude of its north-south displacement.In the light of the magnitudes of the standard deviations at longitudes,then the KEF is divided into three sections:western part of the KEF(KEFw,141°–144°E),central part of the KEF(KEFc,144°–153°E) and eastern part of the KEF(KEFe,153°–158°E).Further analysis reveals that the KEFw position is dominated by the decadal variability,while the KEFc and KEFe positions change significantly both on interannual and decadal time scales.In addition,the KEFw position is well correlated with the KEF path length.The possible mode leading to the decadal oscillation of the KEFw is further discussed.The KEFw position exhibits significant connections with the Pacific decadal oscillation(PDO) index and the north Pacific gyre oscillation(NPGO) index with a time lag of 40 and 33 months,respectively.  相似文献   

Using AVISO satellite altimeter observations during 1993–2015 and a manual eddy detection method, a total of 276 anticyclonic rings and 242 cyclonic rings shed from the Kuroshio Extension(KE) were identified, and their three-dimensional(3D) anomaly structures were further reconstructd based on the Argo float data and the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology(JAMSTEC) cruise and buoy data through an interpolation method. It is found that the cyclonic(anticyclonic) rings presented consistent negative(positive) anomalies of potential temperature;meanwhile the relevant maximum anomaly center became increasingly shallow for the cyclonic rings whereas it went deeper for the anticyclonic rings as the potential temperature anomaly decreased from the west to the east. The above deepening or shoaling trend is associated with the zonal change of the depth of the main thermocline. Moreover, the composite cold ring between 140° and 150°E was found to exhibit a double-core vertical structure due to the existence of mode water with low potential vorticity. Specifically, a relatively large negative(positive) salinity anomaly and a small positive(negative) one appeared for the composite cyclonic(anticyclonic) ring at the depth above and below 600 m, respectively. The underlying driving force for the temperature and salinity anomaly of the composite rings was also attempted, which varies depending on the intensity of the background current and the temperature and salinity fields in different areas of the KE region, and the rings’ influences on the temperature and salinity could reach deeper than 1 000 m on average.  相似文献   

近年来的现场观测和理论研究发现, 次中尺度现象广泛存在于上层海洋, 其产生与锋生作用及混合层斜压不稳定存在密切联系。本文利用高分辨率的数值模拟结果并结合动力学及能量诊断分析, 对黑潮延伸体海域次中尺度过程的季节变化进行了探讨。探讨结果表明, 黑潮延伸体海域次中尺度过程具有冬季最强, 春季和秋季次之, 夏季最弱的显著季节变化特征。基于冬、夏季次中尺度能量源的诊断可以看到, 这些季节变化特征主要与上层海洋的斜压不稳定和锋生作用有关。冬季, 黑潮延伸体海域的中尺度能量较弱, 但次中尺度过程在季节尺度上表现最为活跃, 这主要与混合层斜压不稳定的作用有关; 夏季, 黑潮延伸体海域的混合层较浅, 次中尺度过程较弱, 但中尺度涡旋活跃, 中尺度流场变形引起的锋生作用对夏季次中尺度现象的产生具有重要影响。在次中尺度能量的季节变化方面, 冬季次中尺度过程从中尺度过程汲取能量的速率远高于夏季, 这是冬季次中尺度过程比夏季更为活跃的主要原因。本文研究结果有助于加深对黑潮延伸体海域次中尺度过程季节性变化及其动力机制的理解。  相似文献   

通过对WOA13多年(1955—2012年)季节平均数据的分析,利用绝对梯度最大值连线的方法,得到日本东海岸黑潮延续体温盐锋轴的空间信息,对锋轴线上的锋强度的季节变化特征进行了分析,并利用BELLHOP模型初步讨论了锋区内的声场特点。认为黑潮延续体锋轴线的位置随深度增加逐渐南移,其温盐强度随季节随深度都有明显变化,1—3月份混合层现象明显,此时水下声道受到声源深度的影响明显。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONBeing a current of high temperature and high salinity, the Kuroshio carries a large amount ofheat from low latitude tropical ocean to high latitude ocean, and plays an imPOrtant role in theheat balance in East Asia. The variability of the Kurosl,io can affect the climate of East Asia, aswell as the ocean environment and the fishery resources. A lot of studies showed that the variabilitiies of the Kuroshio were related to the global changes especially to the onset of ENSO.…  相似文献   

Circulation could be generated over bottom topography by vertical shrinking or stretching of a water parcel, in which potential vorticity is conserved. The water parcel moves up or down over the bottom topography yielding shrinking or stretching. In addition to a prevailing current which advects the water parcel in one direction, an oscillatory motion can also induce shrinking and stretching, and circulation is consequently generated over the bottom topography, once it is averaged in time. A two-layer quasi-geostrophic model has been used to reproduce mesoscale variabilities both in and under the Kuroshio Extension around the Shatsky Rise. A combination of TOPEX and ERS altimeters provided information on an eddy field near the sea surface, while a data assimilation method was used to reconstruct the flow field below the main thermocline. Among various mesoscale processes associated with the Kuroshio, it is remarkable that topographic Rossby waves trapped over the Shatsky Rise are generated by the upper-layer mesoscale variability. A persistent anticyclonic circulation is produced on the Shatsky Rise through a water parcel moving up and down over the bottom slope, and is consistent with the observed density anomaly in the WOA94.  相似文献   

日本南部黑潮存在多种路径模态:近岸非大弯曲路径、离岸非大弯曲路径和大弯曲路径。黑潮延伸体的路径存在两种典型模态:收缩态和伸展态。从地理位置看, 日本南部黑潮和黑潮延伸体是相邻的, 但它们的路径状态是否存在关联一直存在争议。本文基于卫星观测的海表高度资料和长期的海洋高分辨率再分析资料, 对日本南部黑潮和黑潮延伸体路径状态之间的关联性进行定量分析, 结果表明:日本南部黑潮和黑潮延伸体的路径状态存在一定的关联。当日本南部黑潮处于近岸非大弯曲和大弯曲路径时, 黑潮延伸体主要处于伸展态; 当日本南部黑潮处于离岸非大弯曲时, 黑潮延伸体处于伸展态和收缩态的比例相当。进一步分析表明, 黑潮流轴处于伊豆海脊的位置部分决定了上述关系, 可能存在其他因素调制了两者的关联性。  相似文献   

By utilizing multiple datasets from various sources available for the last 100 years, the existence for the interdecadal change of the winter sea surface temperature(SST) variability in the Kuroshio Extension(KE) region is investigated. And its linkage with the Aleutian Low(AL) activity changes is also discussed. The results find that the KE SST variability exhibits the significant ~6 a and ~10 a oscillations with obvious interdecadal change. The ~6 a oscillation is mainly detected during 1930–1950, which is largely impacted by the anomalous surface heat flux forcing and Ekman heat transport associated with the AL intensity variation. The ~10 a oscillation is most evident after the 1980s, which is predominantly triggered by the AL north-south shift through the bridge of oceanic Rossby waves.  相似文献   

A spread of warm water from the first crest of the Kuroshio Extension is periodically enhanced by northward warm water intrusions from the main current. The water type in the spread area was previously found to be the same as that in the Kuroshio front at depth. In looking for the possible mechanism responsible for the northward warm water intrusions, a dynamic analysis in the Kuroshio front was carried out by using CTD, ADCP, AVHRR and ARGOS buoy data, obtained in 1996 by the R.V. Hakuho Maru. Downstream, cross-stream and vertical velocities in the Kuroshio Extension were found by using a "stream coordinate system". The velocity field in the Kuroshio front at the first crest showed a double structure with two surface velocity maxima. In the inner part of the front, relatively high cross-stream (northward) and vertical (upward) velocities were found. Thus, this study suggests that while water particles flow downstream along the first stationary meander of the Kuroshio Extension, they also experience lateral and vertical movements which allow the deeper water from an upstream location to rise to the surface layer, and in certain locations to deflect northward. By assuming isopycnal movement and conservation of potential vorticity, it was found that in those locations where anticyclonic curvature of the meander increases, warm water is more likely to deflect northward. High ageostrophic components observed in the first 300 m of the water column are probably related to the relatively high cross-stream and vertical velocities in the inner part of the front.  相似文献   

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