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A data driven multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS) based algorithm for system reliability analysis of earth slopes having random soil properties under the framework of limit equilibrium method of slices is considered. The theoretical formulation is developed based on Spencer method (valid for general slip surfaces) satisfying all conditions of static equilibrium coupled with a nonlinear programming technique of optimization. Simulated noise is used to take account of inevitable modeling inaccuracies and epistemic uncertainties. The proposed MARS based algorithm is capable of achieving high level of computational efficiency in the system reliability analysis without significantly compromising the accuracy of results.  相似文献   

This study aims to extend the multivariate adaptive regression splines(MARS)-Monte Carlo simulation(MCS) method for reliability analysis of slopes in spatially variable soils. This approach is used to explore the influences of the multiscale spatial variability of soil properties on the probability of failure(P_f) of the slopes. In the proposed approach, the relationship between the factor of safety and the soil strength parameters characterized with spatial variability is approximated by the MARS, with the aid of Karhunen-Loeve expansion. MCS is subsequently performed on the established MARS model to evaluate Pf.Finally, a nominally homogeneous cohesive-frictional slope and a heterogeneous cohesive slope, which are both characterized with different spatial variabilities, are utilized to illustrate the proposed approach.Results showed that the proposed approach can estimate the P_f of the slopes efficiently in spatially variable soils with sufficient accuracy. Moreover, the approach is relatively robust to the influence of different statistics of soil properties, thereby making it an effective and practical tool for addressing slope reliability problems concerning time-consuming deterministic stability models with low levels of P_f.Furthermore, disregarding the multiscale spatial variability of soil properties can overestimate or underestimate the P_f. Although the difference is small in general, the multiscale spatial variability of the soil properties must still be considered in the reliability analysis of heterogeneous slopes, especially for those highly related to cost effective and accurate designs.  相似文献   

Although a slope may have numerous potential slip surfaces, its failure probability is often governed by several representative slip surfaces (RSSs). Previous efforts mainly focus on the identification of circular RSSs based on limit equilibrium methods. In this paper, a method is suggested to identify RSSs of arbitrary shape based on the shear strength reduction method. Monte Carlo simulation is used to generate a large number potential slip surfaces. The RSSs are identified through analyzing the failure domains represented by these samples. A kriging-based response surface model is employed to enhance the computational efficiency. These examples shows that the RSSs may not always be circular, and that the suggested method can effectively locate the RSSs without making prior assumptions about the shape of the slip surfaces. For the examples investigated, the system failure probabilities computed based on the shear strength reduction method are comparable to, but not the same as those computed based on the limit equilibrium methods. The suggested method significantly extends our capability for identifying non-circular RSSs and hence probabilistic slope stability analysis involving non-circular slip surfaces.  相似文献   

张颖 《吉林地质》2011,30(4):99-102
传统上常以安全系数作为边坡稳定性的评价指标,但是安全系数只是由一种确定的方法计算所得的一个定值,没有考虑设计参数的变异性,因此安全系数很难表征边坡的安全程度,为此本文引入了可靠度的概念,并运用基于概率论和数理统计学的蒙特卡洛法(Monte Carlo)和Rosenblueth法进行边坡可靠性分析,有效的弥补了边坡传统评...  相似文献   

This paper presents a system reliability analysis method for soil slopes on the basis of artificial neural networks with computer experiments. Two types of artificial neural networks, multilayer perceptrop (MLP) and radial basis function networks (RBFNs), are tested on the studied problems. Computer experiments are adopted to generate samples for constructing the response surfaces. On the basis of the samples, MLP and RBFN are used for establishing the response surface to approximate the limit state function, and Monte Carlo simulation is performed via the MLP and RBFN response surfaces to estimate the system failure probability of slopes. Experimental results on 3 examples show the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   

How to efficiently assess the system reliability of rock slopes is still challenging. This is because when the probability of failure is low, a large number of deterministic slope stability analyses are required. Based on Subset simulation, this paper proposes an efficient approach for the system reliability analysis of rock slopes. The correlations among multiple potential failure modes are properly accounted for with the aid of the “max” and “min” functions. A benchmark rock slope and a real engineered rock slope with multiple correlated failure modes are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Spatial probabilistic modeling of slope failure using a combined Geographic Information System (GIS), infinite-slope stability model and Monte Carlo simulation approach is proposed and applied in the landslide-prone area of Sasebo city, southern Japan. A digital elevation model (DEM) for the study area has been created at a scale of 1/2500. Calculated results of slope angle and slope aspect derived from the DEM are discussed. Through the spatial interpolation of the identified stream network, the thickness distribution of the colluvium above Tertiary strata is determined with precision. Finally, by integrating an infinite-slope stability model and Monte Carlo simulation with GIS, and applying spatial processing, a slope failure probability distribution map is obtained for the case of both low and high water levels.  相似文献   

Although first-order reliability method is a common procedure for estimating failure probability, the formulas derived for bimodal bounds of system failure probability have not been widely used as expected in present reliability analyses. The reluctance for applying these formulas in practice may be partly due to the impression that the procedures to implement the system reliability theory are tedious. Among the methods for system reliability analysis, the approach suggested in Ditlevsen 1979 is considered here because it is a natural extension of the first-order reliability method commonly used for failure probability estimation corresponding to a single failure mode, and it can often provide reasonably narrow failure probability bounds. To facilitate wider practical application, this paper provides a short program code in the ubiquitous Excel spreadsheet platform for efficiently calculating the bounds for system failure probability. The procedure is illustrated for a semi-gravity retaining wall with two failure modes, a soil slope with two and eight failure modes, and a loaded beam with three failure modes. In addition, simple equations are provided to relate the correlated but unrotated equivalent standard normals of the Low and Tang 2007 FORM procedure with the uncorrelated but rotated equivalent standard normals of the classical FORM procedure. Also demonstrated are the need for investigating different permutations of failure modes in order to get the narrowest bounds for system failure probability, and the use of SORM reliability index for system reliability bounds in a case where the curvature of the limit state surface cannot be neglected.  相似文献   

Problems in geotechnical engineering inevitably involve many uncertainties in the analysis. Reliability methods are important for evaluating slope stability and can take the uncertainties into consideration. In this paper, a novel intelligent response surface method is proposed in which a machine learning algorithm, namely Gaussian process regression, is used to approximate the high-dimensional and highly nonlinear response hypersurface. An iterative algorithm is also proposed for updating the response surface dynamically by adding the new training point nearest to the limit state surface to the initial training database at each step. The proposed Gaussian process response surface method is used to analyze three different case studies to assess its validity and efficiency. Direct Monte Carlo simulation is also carried out in each case to serve as the benchmark. Comparing with other methods confirms the accuracy and efficiency of the novel intelligent response surface method, which requires fewer performance function calls and avoids the need to normalize the correlative non-normal variables.  相似文献   

基于蒙特卡罗边坡稳定二元体系的建立与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
桂勇  邓通发  罗嗣海  周军平 《岩土力学》2014,35(7):1979-1986
边坡是一个具有明显不确定性、模糊性和时变性的系统,安全系数及可靠度理论在边坡稳定评价上各有优缺点。二元体系是基于确定性指标(安全系数)和不确定指标(可靠度)建立的边坡稳定综合评价指标体系,兼有二者的优点,具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。考虑到边坡材料指标具有区间分布及稳定边坡的安全系数不能小于其临界值的特点,对纯数学理论模型进行修正,提出了一种更加符合工程实际的边坡稳定二元评价体系,同时选取蒙特卡罗模拟法,将该二元评价体系融入GeoStudio软件,借助GeoStudio软件强大的计算能力,形成一套完整而高效的边坡稳定二元指标分析方法。采用该方法进行了降雨条件下花岗岩残坡积土边坡稳定性分析,得出了有益的结论,验证了该方法的可行和高效。  相似文献   

Multiple response surfaces for slope reliability analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
This paper develops a multiple response surfaces approach to approximate the limit state function for slope failure by second‐order polynomial functions, to incorporate the variation of the most probable slip surfaces, and to evaluate the slope failure probability pf. The proposed methodology was illustrated through a cohesive soil slope example. It is shown that the pf values estimated from multiple response surfaces agree well with those pf values that have been obtained by searching a large number of potential slip surfaces in each Monte Carlo simulation (MCS) sample. The variation of number of the most probable slip surfaces is studied at different scale of fluctuation (λ) values. It is found that when full correlation assumed for each of random fields (i.e., spatial variability is ignored), the number of the most probable slip surfaces is equal to the number of random fields (in this study, it is 3). When the spatial variability grows significantly, the number of the most probable slip surfaces or number of multiple response surfaces firstly increases evidently to a higher value and then varies slightly. In addition, the contribution of a specific most probable slip surface varies dramatically at different spatial variability level, and therefore, the variation of the most probable slip surfaces should be accounted for in the reliability analysis. The multiple response surfaces approach developed in this paper provides a limit equilibrium method and MCS‐based means to incorporate such a variation of the most probable slip surfaces in slope reliability analysis. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper develops a risk de-aggregation and system reliability approach to evaluate the slope failure probability, pf, using representative slip surfaces together with MCS. An efficient procedure is developed to strategically select the candidate representative slip surfaces, and a risk de-aggregation approach is proposed to quantify contribution of each candidate representative slip surface to the pf, identify the representative slip surfaces, and determine how many representative slip surfaces are needed for estimating the pf with reasonable accuracy. Risk de-aggregation is performed by collecting the failure samples generated in MCS and analyzing them statistically. The proposed methodology is illustrated through a cohesive soil slope example and validated against results from previous studies. When compared with the previous studies, the proposed approach substantially improves the computational efficiency in probabilistic slope stability analysis. The proposed approach is used to explore the effect of spatial variability on the pf. It is found that, when spatial variability is ignored or perfect correlation assumed, the pf of the whole slope system can be solely attributed to a single representative slip surface. In this case, it is theoretically appropriate to use only one slip surface in the reliability analysis. As the spatial variability becomes growingly significant, the number of representative slip surfaces increases, and all representative slip surfaces (i.e., failure modes) contribute more equally to the overall system risk. The variation of failure modes has substantial effect on the pf, and all representative surfaces have to be incorporated properly in the reliability analysis. The risk de-aggregation and system reliability approach developed in this paper provides a practical and efficient means to incorporate such a variation of failure modes in probabilistic slope stability analysis.  相似文献   

Probabilistic stability analyses of constructed wrapped-face reinforced slopes (or embankments) using frictional soils were carried out using the random finite element method (RFEM). Soil properties reported in the literature for unsaturated frictional fills compacted to different densities were used in the simulations. Bar elements were added to the RFEM code to simulate extensible geosynthetic reinforcement layers and the Davis approach was used to improve numerical stability for purely frictional soil slopes at collapse. The influence of isotropic and anisotropic spatially variable soil strength was investigated and shown to have a large influence on the variation of maximum mobilised tensile forces in reinforcement layers for the steep 5 m-high slopes in the study. The influence of fill placed at different layer thickness and compacted to different levels was simulated by adjusting the soil strength and unit weight, and the vertical strength correlation length in the anisotropic spatially variable strength field used in each slope realisation. Numerical results showed that vertical strength correlation lengths approaching the magnitude of fill lift heights can control the probability of failure for reinforced slopes constructed with weak fills placed in lift heights close to but less than the wrapped reinforcement spacing used in the study.  相似文献   

Slope stability analysis is a geotechnical engineering problem characterized by many sources of uncertainty. Some of these sources are connected to the uncertainties of soil properties involved in the analysis. In this paper, a numerical procedure for integrating a commercial finite difference method into a probabilistic analysis of slope stability is presented. Given that the limit state function cannot be expressed in an explicit form, an artificial neural network (ANN)-based response surface is adopted to approximate the limit state function, thereby reducing the number of stability analysis calculations. A trained ANN model is used to calculate the probability of failure through the first- and second-order reliability methods and a Monte Carlo simulation technique. Probabilistic stability assessments for a hypothetical two-layer slope as well as for the Cannon Dam in Missouri, USA are performed to verify the application potential of the proposed method.  相似文献   

作为一种高效且准确的代理模型,克里金方法近年来被广泛用于边坡高效可靠度分析。然而,传统方法一般直接将克里金模型与蒙特卡洛模拟耦合进行可靠度分析,导致其在高维小失效概率的边坡可靠度计算中容易出现内存占用过大甚至溢出而无法求解的问题。为此,提出一种基于克里金代理模型的子集模拟方法,以高效解决小概率水平的边坡可靠度分析问题。该方法首先采用一定数量的样本校准克里金模型并进行精度验证,然后基于构建的模型开展子集模拟边坡可靠度计算。最后,采用一个单层粘性土坡与一个工程实例土坡验证所提方法的有效性,并研究回归模型、相关函数模型以及训练样本对该方法精度的影响。结果表明:(1)该方法可以有效计算边坡的失效概率,并且比传统方法更高效;(2)构建克里金模型时,采用10倍随机变量数的训练样本即可得到满足计算精度需求的模型,而额外增加训练样本对计算结果影响较小。  相似文献   

In the present study, reliability analysis of near surface disposal facility is performed, by assessing the probability of sequential failure of the multi barrier system using the contaminant transport model. The concentration and dose rate of the radionuclide evolve with time hence there is a need for time dependent reliability analysis. Due to the low values of expected probabilities of failure, an enhanced Monte Carlo (EMC) method and Subset simulation is employed. The Result of the analysis show that, the EMC method is useful to evaluate the probability of failure associated with the barrier system which has low probability of failure.  相似文献   

Based on the assumption of the plain-strain problem, various optimization or random search methods have been developed for locating the critical slip surfaces in slope-stability analysis, but none of such methods is applicable to the 3D case. In this paper, a simple Monte Carlo random simulation method is proposed to identify the 3D critical slip surface. Assuming the initial slip to be the lower part of a slip ellipsoid, the 3D critical slip surface is located by means of a minimized 3D safety factor. A column-based 3D slope stability analysis model is used to calculate this factor. In this study, some practical cases of known minimum safety factors and critical slip surfaces in 2D analysis are extended to 3D slope problems to locate the critical slip surfaces. Compared with the 2D result, the resulting 3D critical slip surface has no apparent difference in terms of only cross section, but the associated 3D safety factor is definitely higher.  相似文献   

A recently developed Bayesian Monte Carlo (BMC) method and its application to safety assessment of structures are described in this paper. We use a one-dimensional BMC method that was proposed in 2009 by Rajabalinejad in order to develop a weighted logical dependence between successive Monte Carlo simulations. Our main objective in this research is to show that the extended BMC can dramatically improve simulation efficiency by using prior information from modelling and outcomes of preceding simulations. We provide theory and numerical algorithms for an extended BMC method for multi-dimensional problems, integrate it with a probabilistic finite element model and apply these coupled models to assessment of reliability of a flood defence for the 17th Street Flood Wall system in New Orleans. This is the first successful demonstration of the BMC method to a complex system. We provide a comparison of the numerical efficiency for the BMC, Monte Carlo (MC) and Dynamic Bounds methods that are used in reliability assessment of complex infrastructures.  相似文献   

基于MCMC法的非饱和土渗流参数随机反分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
左自波  张璐璐  程演  王建华  何晔 《岩土力学》2013,34(8):2393-2400
基于贝叶斯理论,以马尔可夫链蒙特卡罗方法(Markov chain Monte Carlo Simulation, MCMC法)的自适应差分演化Metropolis算法为参数后验分布抽样计算方法,建立利用时变测试数据的参数随机反分析及模型预测方法。以香港东涌某天然坡地降雨入渗测试为算例,采用自适应差分演化Metropolis算法对时变降雨条件下非饱和土一维渗流模型参数进行随机反分析,研究参数后验分布的统计特性,并分别对校准期和验证期内模型预测孔压和实测值进行比较。研究结果表明,DREAM算法得到的各随机变量后验分布标准差较先验分布均显著减小;经过实测孔压数据的校准,模型计算精度很高,校准期内95%总置信区间的覆盖率达到0.964;验证期第2~4个阶段95%总置信区间的覆盖率分别为0.52、0.79和0.79,模型预测结果与实测值吻合程度较高。  相似文献   

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