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Availability of reliable, timely and accurate rainfall data is constraining the establishment of flood forecasting and early warning systems in many parts of Africa. We evaluated the potential of satellite and weather forecast data as input to a parsimonious flood forecasting model to provide information for flood early warning in the central part of Nigeria. We calibrated the HEC-HMS rainfall-runoff model using rainfall data from post real time Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Multi satellite Precipitation Analysis product (TMPA). Real time TMPA satellite rainfall estimates and European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) rainfall products were tested for flood forecasting. The implication of removing the systematic errors of the satellite rainfall estimates (SREs) was explored. Performance of the rainfall-runoff model was assessed using visual inspection of simulated and observed hydrographs and a set of performance indicators. The forecast skill was assessed for 1–6 days lead time using categorical verification statistics such as Probability Of Detection (POD), Frequency Of Hit (FOH) and Frequency Of Miss (FOM). The model performance satisfactorily reproduced the pattern and volume of the observed stream flow hydrograph of Benue River. Overall, our results show that SREs and rainfall forecasts from weather models have great potential to serve as model inputs for real-time flood forecasting in data scarce areas. For these data to receive application in African transboundary basins, we suggest (i) removing their systematic error to further improve flood forecast skill; (ii) improving rainfall forecasts; and (iii) improving data sharing between riparian countries.  相似文献   

闪电河流域农牧交错带微波遥感土壤水分产品评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
空间网格分辨率为9 km 的 SMAP(Soil Moisture Active and Passive)、0.1D(Degree)的 ASCAT(The Advanced Scatterometer)、25 km 的 FY-3B 以及25 km ESA-CCI(European Space Agency-Climat...  相似文献   

This study focuses on the calibration of the effective vegetation scattering albedo (ω) and surface soil roughness parameters (HR, and NRp, p = H,V) in the Soil Moisture (SM) retrieval from L-band passive microwave observations using the L-band Microwave Emission of the Biosphere (L-MEB) model. In the current Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Level 2 (L2), v620, and Level 3 (L3), v300, SM retrieval algorithms, low vegetated areas are parameterized by ω = 0 and HR = 0.1, whereas values of ω = 0.06 − 0.08 and HR = 0.3 are used for forests. Several parameterizations of the vegetation and soil roughness parameters (ω, HR and NRp, p = H,V) were tested in this study, treating SMOS SM retrievals as homogeneous over each pixel instead of retrieving SM over a representative fraction of the pixel, as implemented in the operational SMOS L2 and L3 algorithms. Globally-constant values of ω = 0.10, HR = 0.4 and NRp = −1 (p = H,V) were found to yield SM retrievals that compared best with in situ SM data measured at many sites worldwide from the International Soil Moisture Network (ISMN). The calibration was repeated for collections of in situ sites classified in different land cover categories based on the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP) scheme. Depending on the IGBP land cover class, values of ω and HR varied, respectively, in the range 0.08–0.12 and 0.1–0.5. A validation exercise based on in situ measurements confirmed that using either a global or an IGBP-based calibration, there was an improvement in the accuracy of the SM retrievals compared to the SMOS L3 SM product considering all statistical metrics (R = 0.61, bias = −0.019 m3 m−3, ubRMSE = 0.062 m3 m−3 for the IGBP-based calibration; against R = 0.54, bias = −0.034 m3 m−3 and ubRMSE = 0.070 m3 m−3 for the SMOS L3 SM product). This result is a key step in the calibration of the roughness and vegetation parameters in the operational SMOS retrieval algorithm. The approach presented here is the core of a new forthcoming SMOS optimized SM product.  相似文献   

The climate of the United States Northern Great Plains region is highly variable. Modelling of agriculture in this region and similar locations depends on the availability and quality of satellite and ground data for agro-climate variables. We evaluated tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) multi-satellite preparation analysis (TMPA) precipitation, atmospheric infrared sounder (AIRS) surface air temperature, and AIRS relative air humidity (RH). A significant bias was found within the temperature and RH products and no bias but an insufficient rain event detection skill in the precipitation product (probability of detection ~0.3). A linear correction of the temperature product removed the bias as well as lowered the root mean square deviation (RMSD). The bias-corrections for RH led to increased RMSD or worse correlation. For precipitation, the correlation between the satellite product and ground data improved if cumulative precipitation or only precipitation during the growing season was used.  相似文献   

The International GNSS Service (IGS) provides Ultra-rapid GPS & GLONASS orbits every 6 h. Each product is composed of 24 h of observed orbits with predicted orbits for the next 24 h. We have studied how the orbit prediction performance varies as a function of the arc length of the fitted observed orbits and the parameterization strategy used to estimate the empirical solar radiation pressure (SRP) effects. To focus on the dynamical aspects of the problem, nearly ideal conditions have been adopted by using IGS Rapid orbits and known earth rotation parameters (ERPs) as observations. Performance was gauged by comparison with Rapid orbits as truth by examining WRMS and median orbit differences over the first 6-h and the full 24-h prediction intervals, as well as the stability of the Helmert frame alignment parameters. Two versions of the extended SRP orbit model developed by the Centre for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) were tested. Adjusting all nine SRPs (offsets plus once-per-revolution sines and cosines in each satellite-centered frame direction) for each satellite shows smaller mean sub-daily, scale, and origin translation differences. On the other hand, eliminating the four once-per-revolution SRP parameters in the sun-ward and the solar panel axis directions yields orbit predictions that are much more rotationally stable. We found that observed arc lengths of 40–45 h produce the most stable and accurate predictions during 2010. A combined strategy of rotationally aligning the 9 SRP results to the 5 SRP frame should give optimal predictions with about 13 mm mean WRMS residuals over the first 6 h and 50 mm over 24 h. Actual Ultra-rapid performance will be degraded due to the unavoidable rotational errors from ERP predictions.  相似文献   

Forest canopy height is an important indicator of forest carbon storage, productivity, and biodiversity. The present study showed the first attempt to develop a machine-learning workflow to map the spatial pattern of the forest canopy height in a mountainous region in the northeast China by coupling the recently available canopy height (Hcanopy) footprint product from ICESat-2 with the Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite data. The ICESat-2 Hcanopy was initially validated by the high-resolution canopy height from airborne LiDAR data at different spatial scales. Performance comparisons were conducted between two machine-learning models – deep learning (DL) model and random forest (RF) model, and between the Sentinel and Landsat-8 satellites. Results showed that the ICESat-2 Hcanopy showed the highest correlation with the airborne LiDAR canopy height at a spatial scale of 250 m with a Pearson’s correlation coefficient (R) of 0.82 and a mean bias of -1.46 m, providing important evidence on the reliability of the ICESat-2 vegetation height product from the case in China’s forest. Both DL and RF models obtained satisfactory accuracy on the upscaling of ICESat-2 Hcanopy assisted by Sentinel satellite co-variables with an R-value between the observed and predicted Hcanopy equalling 0.78 and 0.68, respectively. Compared to Sentinel satellites, Landsat-8 showed relatively weaker performance in Hcanopy prediction, suggesting that the addition of the backscattering coefficients from Sentinel-1 and the red-edge related variables from Sentinel-2 could positively contribute to the prediction of forest canopy height. To our knowledge, few studies have demonstrated large-scale vegetation height mapping in a resolution ≤ 250 m based on the newly available satellites (ICESat-2, Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2) and DL regression model, particularly in the forest areas in China. Thus, the present work provided a timely and important supplementary to the applications of these new earth observation tools.  相似文献   

It has been noted that the satellite laser ranging (SLR) residuals of the Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) Michibiki satellite orbits show very marked dependence on the elevation angle of the Sun above the orbital plane (i.e., the \(\beta \) angle). It is well recognized that the systematic error is caused by mismodeling of the solar radiation pressure (SRP). Although the error can be reduced by the updated ECOM SRP model, the orbit error is still very large when the satellite switches to orbit-normal (ON) orientation. In this study, an a priori SRP model was established for the QZSS Michibiki satellite to enhance the ECOM model. This model is expressed in ECOM’s D, Y, and B axes (DYB) using seven parameters for the yaw-steering (YS) mode, and additional three parameters are used to compensate the remaining modeling deficiencies, particularly the perturbations in the Y axis, based on a redefined DYB for the ON mode. With the proposed a priori model, QZSS Michibiki’s precise orbits over 21 months were determined. SLR validation indicated that the systematic \(\beta \)-angle-dependent error was reduced when the satellite was in the YS mode, and better than an 8-cm root mean square (RMS) was achieved. More importantly, the orbit quality was also improved significantly when the satellite was in the ON mode. Relative to ECOM and adjustable box-wing model, the proposed SRP model showed the best performance in the ON mode, and the RMS of the SLR residuals was better than 15 cm, which was a two times improvement over the ECOM without a priori model used, but was still two times worse than the YS mode.  相似文献   

For more than six years, the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission has provided multi angular and full-polarization brightness temperature (TB) measurements at L-band. Geophysical products such as soil moisture (SM) and vegetation optical depth at nadir (τnad) are retrieved by an operational algorithm using TB observations at different angles of incidence and polarizations. However, the quality of the retrievals depends on several surface effects, such as vegetation, soil roughness and texture, etc. In the microwave forward emission model used in the retrievals (L-band Microwave Emission Model, L-MEB), soil roughness is modelled with a semi-empirical equation using four main parameters (Qr, Hr, Nrp, with p = H or V polarizations). At present, these parameters are calibrated with data provided by airborne studies and in situ measurements made at a local scale that is not necessarily representative of the large SMOS footprints (43 km on average) at global scale. In this study, we evaluate the impact of the calibrated values of Nrp and Hr on the SM and τnad retrievals based on SMOS TB measurements (SMOS Level 3 product) over the Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN) network located in North America over five years (2011–2015). In this study, Qr was set equal to zero and we assumed that NrH = NrV. The retrievals were performed by varying Nrp from −1 to 2 by steps of 1 and Hr from 0 to 0.6 by steps of 0.1. At satellite scale, the results show that combining vegetation and roughness effects in a single parameter provides the best results in terms of soil moisture retrievals, as evaluated against the in situ SM data. Even though our retrieval approach was very simplified, as we did not account for pixel heterogeneity, the accuracy we obtained in the SM retrievals was almost systematically better than those of the Level 3 product. Improved results were also obtained in terms of optical depth retrievals. These new results may have key consequences in terms of calibration of roughness effects within the algorithms of the SMOS (ESA) and the SMAP (NASA) space missions.  相似文献   

Soil respiration (Rs) is of great importance to the global carbon balance. Remote sensing of Rs is challenging because of (1) the lack of long-term Rs data for model development and (2) limited knowledge of using satellite-based products to estimate Rs. Using 8-years (2002–2009) of continuous Rs measurements with nonsteady-state automated chamber systems at a Canadian boreal black spruce stand (SK-OBS), we found that Rs was strongly correlated with the product of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the nighttime land surface temperature (LSTn) derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) imagery. The coefficients of the linear regression equation of this correlation between Rs and NDVI × LSTn could be further calibrated using the MODIS leaf area index (LAI) product, resulting in an algorithm that is driven solely by remote sensing observations. Modeled Rs closely tracked the seasonal patterns of measured Rs and explained 74–92% of the variance in Rs with a root mean square error (RMSE) less than 1.0 g C/m2/d. Further validation of the model from SK-OBS site at another two independent sites (SK-OA and SK-OJP, old aspen and old jack pine, respectively) showed that the algorithm can produce good estimates of Rs with an overall R2 of 0.78 (p < 0.001) for data of these two sites. Consequently, we mapped Rs of forest landscapes of Saskatchewan using entirely MODIS observations for 2003 and spatial and temporal patterns of Rs were well modeled. These results point to a strong relationship between the soil respiratory process and canopy photosynthesis as indicated from the greenness index (i.e., NDVI), thereby implying the potential of remote sensing data for detecting variations in Rs. A combination of both biological and environmental variables estimated from remote sensing in this analysis may be valuable in future investigations of spatial and temporal characteristics of Rs.  相似文献   

Geomorphic and curve number-based run-off estimation approaches are proposed in this study for Olidih watershed, India. Cartosat Digital Elevation Model derived morphometry parameters were used for the computation of run-off. The observed and predicted run-off are uniformly scattered around 1:1 line and coefficient of correlation (R2) is found to be around 0.94 in case of NRCS-CN method. Run-off assessment computed using geomorphological parameters and NRCS-CN approach has improved with the introduction of rainfall correction factor. The improved R2 from 0.3 to 0.86 in this case was attributed to rainfall correction factor computed based on the long-term rainfall average of the study area. Run-off assessment made using composite parameter approach shows R2 values of 0.98 and 0.82 for different initial abstraction losses 0.2 and 0.3, respectively, and has indicated better prediction. Therefore, proposed morphometry-based approaches can be explored as an alternative for simulating the hydrological response of the watersheds.  相似文献   

In this paper, Kalpana-1 derived INSAT Multispectral Rainfall Algorithm (IMSRA) rainfall estimates are compared with two multisatellite rainfall products namely, TRMM Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA)-3B42 and Global Satellite Mapping of Precipitation (GSMaP), and India Meteorological Department (IMD) surface rain gauge (SRG)-based rainfall at meteorological sub-divisional scale over India. The performance of the summer monsoon rainfall of 2013 over Indian meteorological sub-divisions is assessed at different temporal scales. Comparison of daily accumulated rainfall over India from IMSRA shows a linear correlation of 0.72 with TMPA-3B42 and 0.70 with GSMaP estimates. IMSRA is capable to pick up daily rainfall variability over the monsoon trough region as compared to TMPA-3B42 and GSMaP products, but underestimates moderate to heavy rainfall events. Satellite-derived rainfall maps at meteorological sub-divisional scales are in reasonably good agreement with IMD-SRG based rainfall maps with some exceptions. However, IMSRA performs better than GSMaP product at meteorological sub-divisional scale and comparable with TMPA data. All the satellite-derived rainfall products underestimate orographic rainfall along the west coast, the Himalayan foothills and over the northeast India and overestimate rainfall over the southeast peninsular India. Overall results suggest that IMSRA estimates have potential for monsoon rainfall monitoring over the Indian meteorological sub-divisions and can be used for various hydro-meteorological applications.  相似文献   

Significant advances have been achieved in generating soil moisture (SM) products from satellite remote sensing and/or land surface modeling with reasonably good accuracy in recent years. However, the discrepancies among the different SM data products can be considerably large, which hampers their usage in various applications. The bias of one SM product from another is well recognized in the literature. Bias estimation and spatial correction methods have been documented for assimilating satellite SM product into land surface and hydrologic models. Nevertheless, understanding the characteristics of each of these SM data products is required for many applications where the most accurate data products are desirable. This study inter-compares five SM data products from three different sources with each other, and evaluates them against in situ SM measurements over 14-year period from 2000 to 2013. Specifically, three microwave (MW) satellite based data sets provided by ESA's Climate Change Initiative (CCI) (CCI-merged, -active and -passive products), one thermal infrared (TIR) satellite based product (ALEXI), and the Noah land surface model (LSM) simulations. The in-situ SM measurements are collected from the North American Soil Moisture Database (NASMD), which involves more than 600 ground sites from a variety of networks. They are used to evaluate the accuracies of these five SM data products. In general, each of the five SM products is capable of capturing the dry/wet patterns over the study period. However, the absolute SM values among the five products vary significantly. SM simulations from Noah LSM are more stable relative to the satellite-based products. All TIR and MW satellite based products are relatively noisier than the Noah LSM simulations. Even though MW satellite based SM retrievals have been predominantly used in the past years, SM retrievals of the ALEXI model based on TIR satellite observations demonstrate skills equivalent to all the MW satellite retrievals and even slightly better over certain regions. Compared to the individual active and passive MW products, the merged CCI product exhibits higher anomaly correlation with both Noah LSM simulations and in-situ SM measurements.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach to estimate spatial Sun-Induced Fluorescence (SIF) using the empirical relationship between simulated Canopy Chlorophyll Concentration (CCC) and simulated SIF. PROSAIL model [PROpriétésSPECTrales (PROSPECT) and Scattering by Arbitrarily Inclined Leaves (SAIL) models] was used to simulate CCC. CCC maps were generated through an Automated Radiative Transfer Model Operator (ARTMO) using the PROSAIL model and Sentinel-2 Multi-Spectral Imager (MSI) imagery. The Soil Canopy Observation, Photochemistry, and Energy fluxes (SCOPE) model was used to simulate SIF emitted at 740 nm (SIF740), at 760 nm (SIF760), and top of canopy (SIFTOC) (640-850 nm). The SCOPE model, configured with the specification of the Sentinel-2 sensor, simulates SIF within the spectrum range of 640-850 nm. A non-linear logarithmic relationship (R2>0.9, p < 0.05) was observed between simulated SIF and simulated CCC. Simulated CCC was linearly related to observed CCC with R2 0.88, 0.92 and 0.89 and RMSE = 0.04, 0.17 and 0.09 gm/m2 at p < 0.05 for summer, post-monsoon and early winter respectively. Whereas, the simulated CCC did not capture the full range of CCC variability for the post-monsoon season. Simulated SIF (SIF760) was well correlated with SIF from Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) satellite with R2 0.68, 0.73 and 0.73 (RMSE = <1 W/m2/sr/μm, p < 0.05) for the month of summer (April), pre-monsoon (May) and early winter season (November) respectively. Temporal SIFTOC effectively captured the seasonal variability associated with the phenology of deciduous tree species. Among various Sentinel-2 MSI derived VIs, Red Edge NDVI (RENDVI) exhibited maximum sensitivity with SIF (highest monthly average R2> 0.6, p < 0.05). The spatial SIF would serve as an useful link between airborne /satellite derived SIF and in-situ fluorescence measurements to understand multiscale SIF variability of terrestrial vegetation.  相似文献   

The gross primary production (GPP) at individual CO2 eddy covariance flux tower sites (GPPTower) in Dali (DL), Wenjiang (WJ) and Linzhi (LZ) around the southeastern Tibetan Plateau were determined by the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (NEE) and ecosystem respiration (Re). The satellite remote sensing-VPM model estimates of GPP values (GPPMODIS) used the satellite-derived 8-day surface reflectance product (MOD09A1), including satellite-derived enhanced vegetation index (EVI) and land surface water index (LSWI). In this paper, we assembled a subset of flux tower data at these three sites to calibrate and test satellite-VPM model estimated GPPMODIS, and introduced the satellite data and site-level environmental factors to develop four new assimilation models. The new assimilation models’ estimates of GPP values were compared with GPPMODIS and GPPTower, and the final optimum model among the four assimilation models was determined and used to calibrate GPPMODIS. The results showed that GPPMODIS had similar temporal variations to the GPPTower, but GPPMODlS were commonly higher in absolute magnitude than GPPTower with relative error (RE) about 58.85%. While, the assimilation models’ estimates of GPP values (GPPMODEL) were much more closer to GPPTower with RE approximately 6.98%, indicating that the capacity of the simulation in the new assimilation model was greatly improved, the R2 and root mean square error (RMSE) of the new assimilation model were 0.57–4.90% higher and 0.74–2.47 g C m−2 s−1 lower than those of the GPPMODIS, respectively. The assimilation model was used to predicted GPP dynamics around the Tibetan Plateau and showed a reliable result compared with other researches. This study demonstrated the potential of the new assimilation model for estimating GPP around the Tibetan Plateau and the performances of site-level biophysical parameters in related to satellite-VPM model GPP.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates the use of NRCS-CN technique for rainfall-induced run-off estimation using high-resolution satellite data for small watershed of Palamu district, Jharkhand. The CN model was applied to the daily rainfall data of 15 years (1986–2000) along with use of large-scale thematic maps (1:10,000) pertaining to land use/land cover using IRS-P6 LISS-IV satellite data. The LU/LC map was spatially intersected with the hydrological soil group map to calculate the watershed area under different hydrological similar units for assigning CN values to compute discharge. The study showed that Daltonganj watershed exhibits an average run-off volume of 7,881,019 m3 from an average cumulative monsoon rainfall of 821 mm and the average actual direct run-off generated during the southwest monsoon season was 203 mm. The strong correlation between rainfall and run-off as well as between observed run-off and estimated run-off indicated high accuracy of run-off estimation by NRCS-CN technique.  相似文献   

The effects of climate change on hydrological regimes have become a priority area for water and catchment management strategies. The terrestrial hydrology driven by monsoon rainfall plays a crucial role in shaping the agriculture, surface and ground water scenario in India. Thus, it is imperative to assess the impact of the changing climatic scenario projected under various climate change scenario towards the hydrological aspects for India. Runoff is one of the key parameters used as an indicator of hydrological process. A study was taken up to analyse the climate change impact on the runoff of river basins of India. The global circulation model output of Hadley centre (HADCM3) projected climate change data was used. Scenario for 2080 (A2 scenario indicating more industrial growth) was selected. The runoff was modeled using the curve number method in spatial domain using satellite derived current landuse/cover map. The derived runoff was compared with the runoff using normal climatic data (1951–1980). The results showed that there is a decline in the future climatic runoff in most of the river basins of India compared to normal climatic runoff. However, significant reduction was observed for the river basins in the eastern region viz: lower part of Ganga, Bahamani-Baitrani, Subarnrekha and upper parts of the Mahanadi. The mean projected runoff reduction during monsoon season (June–September) were 18 Billion Cubic Meter (BCM), 3.2 BCM, 3.5 BCM and 5.9 BCM for Brahmaputra-Barak Subarnrekha, Subarnarekha and Brahmini-Baitrani basin, respectively in comparison to normal climatic runoff. Overall reduction in seasonal runoff was high for Subarnrekha basin (54.1%). Rainfall to runoff conversion was high for Brahmaputra-Barak basin (72%), whereas coefficient of variation for runoff was more for Mahanadi basin (1.88) considering the monsoon season. Study indicates that eastern India agriculture may be affected due to shortage of surface water availability.  相似文献   

A new approach to estimate soil moisture (SM) based on evaporative fraction (EF) retrieved from optical/thermal infrared MODIS data is presented for Canadian Prairies in parts of Saskatchewan and Alberta. An EF model using the remotely sensed land surface temperature (Ts)/vegetation index concept was modified by incorporating North American Regional Reanalysis (NAAR) Ta data and used for SM estimation. Two different combinations of temperature and vegetation fraction using the difference between Ts from MODIS Aqua and Terra images and Ta from NARR data (Ts−Ta Aqua-day and Ts−Ta Terra-day, respectively) were proposed and the results were compared with those obtained from a previously improved model (ΔTs Aqua-DayNight) as a reference. For the estimation of SM from EF, two empirical models were tested and discussed to find the most appropriate model for converting MODIS-derived EF data to SM values. Estimated SM values were then correlated with in situ SM measurements and their relationships were statistically analyzed. Results indicated statistically significant correlations between SM estimated from all three EF estimation approaches and field measured SM values (R2 = 0.42–0.77, p values < 0.04) exhibiting the possibility to estimate SM from remotely sensed EF models. The proposed Ts−Ta MODIS Aqua-day and Terra-day approaches resulted in better estimations of SM (on average higher R2 values and similar RMSEs) as compared with the ΔTs reference approach indicating that the concept of incorporating NARR Ta data into Ts/Vegetation index model improved soil moisture estimation accuracy based on evaporative fraction. The accuracies of the predictions were found to be considerably better for intermediate SM values (from 12 to 22 vol/vol%) with square errors averaging below 11 (vol/vol%)2. This indicates that the model needs further improvements to account for extreme soil moisture conditions. The findings of this research can be potentially used to downscale SM estimations obtained from passive microwave remote sensing techniques.  相似文献   

The validation of satellite ocean-color products is an important task of ocean-color missions. The uncertainties of these products are poorly quantified in the Yellow Sea (YS) and East China Sea (ECS), which are well known for their optical complexity and turbidity in terms of both oceanic and atmospheric optical properties. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the primary ocean-color products from three major ocean-color satellites, namely the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MERIS), and Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS). Through match-up analysis with in situ data, it is found that satellite retrievals of the spectral remote sensing reflectance Rrs(λ) at the blue-green and green bands from MERIS, MODIS and SeaWiFS have the lowest uncertainties with a median of the absolute percentage of difference (APDm) of 15–27% and root-mean-square-error (RMS) of 0.0021–0.0039 sr−1, whereas the Rrs(λ) uncertainty at 412 nm is the highest (APDm 47–62%, RMS 0.0027–0.0041 sr−1). The uncertainties of the aerosol optical thickness (AOT) τa, diffuse attenuation coefficient for downward irradiance at 490 nm Kd(490), concentrations of suspended particulate sediment concentration (SPM) and Chlorophyll a (Chl-a) were also quantified. It is demonstrated that with appropriate in-water algorithms specifically developed for turbid waters rather than the standard ones adopted in the operational satellite data processing chain, the uncertainties of satellite-derived properties of Kd(490), SPM, and Chl-a may decrease significantly to the level of 20–30%, which is true for the majority of the study area. This validation activity advocates for (1) the improvement of the atmosphere correction algorithms with the regional aerosol optical model, (2) switching to regional in-water algorithms over turbid coastal waters, and (3) continuous support of the dedicated in situ data collection effort for the validation task.  相似文献   

Based on in situ water sampling and field spectral measurements in Dianshan Lake, a semi-analytical three-band algorithm was used to estimate Chlorophylla (Chla) content in case II waters. The three bands selected to estimate Chla for high concentrations included 653, 691 and 748 nm. An equation, based on the difference in reciprocal reflectance between 653 and 691 nm, multiplied by reflectance at 748 nm as [Rrs−1(653) − Rrs−1 (691)] Rrs(748), explained 85.57% of variance in Chla concentration with a root mean square error (RMSE) of <6.56 mg/m3. In order to test the utility of this model with satellite data, HJ-1A Hyperspectral Imager (HSI) data were analyzed using comparable wavelengths selected from the in situ data [B67−1(656) − B80−1(716)] B87(753). This model accounted for 84.3% of Chla variation, estimating Chla concentrations with an RMSE of <4.23 mg/m3. The results illustrate that, based on the determined wavelengths, the spectrum-based model can achieve a high estimation accuracy and can be applied to hyperspectral satellite imagery especially for higher Chla concentration waters.  相似文献   

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