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The clothing industry is widely cited as an industrial sector that is embedded primarily in buyer-driven structures of global commodity chains in which retailers and brand-name companies, rather than manufacturers, are the key driving forces. Analysis of clothing production systems within the commodity chain literature, however, has been predominantly Western-centric, with little emphasis on similarities and/or differences between competitors in different institutional and societal contexts. Therefore, this paper explores the ways in which international and domestic clothing brand-owners compete for market shares within Indonesia. The analytical focus includes important issues such as the influence of the regulatory policy framework on firm-specific behaviour as well as applied marketing strategies within individual fashion segments.  相似文献   

The northern uplands of Vietnam are witness to rapidly developing commodity markets for a range of forest and agricultural products. Since the early 1990s the cultivation of black cardamom (Amomum aromaticum) has become a source of cash income for a growing number of ethnic minority households in these uplands. Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork, and utilizing a commodity chain and livelihoods approach, this article investigates the contemporary dynamics surrounding the cultivation, harvesting and trade of dried cardamom fruit from Hmong cultivators in Lao Cai province to consumers elsewhere in Vietnam and beyond to China and the global market. We analyse the spatial and social structures of these commodity chains, drawing attention to a range of mechanisms of access. We find that these mechanisms are reliant upon specific ethnic relations as well as different forms of capital that together sustain economic advantages for particular actors. While focusing on the ethnic minority cultivators active in these commodity chains, we also call for more nuanced understandings of how the trade in forest products fits within local agricultural systems and household livelihood decision making processes in the Vietnam uplands.  相似文献   

This paper explores the changing relationship of a region (Hawkes Bay, New Zealand), its industries and enterprises to Asia-Pacific industrial complexes. Land-based industries in Hawkes Bay provide examples of new connections and local adaptations of production to emerging agro-food and forestry complexes, centred upon East Asia. Integration into these complexes, which has only been possible in the context of the gradual relaxation of regulatory regimes that has occurred over the past two decades, has facilitated access to new markets. In some cases, integration is an outcome of East Asian ownership of New Zealand-based nodes along the commodity chain. In others, it is an outcome of New Zealand actors producing to meet 'site of consumption' demand. The paper concludes that new dynamics in the spheres of trade, production and investment are instituted by and feed into new geographic links and interactions, referred to in the paper as a rescaling of the region.  相似文献   

This paper draws on trade data to examine the degree of upgrading of China’s trade structure with the world as a whole and in particular with the European Union (EU). More specifically it examines the evolution of the industrial structure of China’s trade with the world and with the EU between 1996 and 2008 and of the underlying dynamic indicators of revealed comparative advantage. This method of analysing China’s industrial structure provides clear evidence of upgrading into more advanced industries without at present losing significant competitive advantage in industries employing unskilled workers. The examination of revealed comparative advantage indices for world and Sino-EU trade also indicates an increasingly high degree of interdependence between the EU and China between 1996 and 2008. The EU (especially Germany, the UK, and France) is China’s most important export market, though it is also much more important as a market for China’s exports than the EU is as a supplier for China. China’s consequent trade surplus with the EU has gradually shifted from textiles and clothing to machinery and furniture. Further investigation reveals that the complementary Sino-EU bilateral trade is moving towards intra-industry trade at the 4-digit level of HS (Harmonization System) commodity classification. Although China is still a ‘global sweatshop’ with a strong specialization in labour-intensive commodities produced for economically developed countries (by importing machinery, raw materials and exporting processed goods), there are signs of technological upgrading in number of selected sectors in China, noticeably electronics, computers and telecommunications equipment. China’s reliance of imports of minerals indicates however that energy and resource security could be an important constraint on China’s long-term economic development.  相似文献   

中国地区间经济联系与区域发展驱动力分析   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:20  
区域间投入产出分析最能精确刻画区域间经济发展的彼此关联关系和经济增长的驱动力源泉。依据我国宏观区域间的投入产出资料,对20世纪末各个地区产业增长的驱动力进行了判别。结果表明,经过1978年改革开放以来的发展,不同地区产业发展与增长的动力源泉和市场驱动力发生了巨大变化,沿海地区大部分产业已经形成了以非本地市场为动力的发展格局,60%以上的产业对非本地市场的依存度在50%以上,而内陆广大地区,其产业发展的驱动力主要来自于其本地市场。这种巨大的差异导致了产业发展潜力的差异和地理集中度的变化,导致许多产业向沿海集中。这种态势也预示着在市场经济的环境中,西部大开发、东北老工业基地振兴和中部崛起,在产业竞争力培育与市场拓展方面面临较大挑战,也是必须给予政策扶持的重点。此外,从国际贸易角度看,沿海地区产业的国际化程度已经达到相对水平,国际市场的变动将直接冲击这一地区产业的发展,或从中获益。  相似文献   

石忆邵  张雪伍 《地理学报》2008,63(4):386-394
随着中国市场经济的快速发展, 商品交易市场的空间集中化和专业化格局均发生了显 著变化。通过对2000-2005 年中国各地区亿元市场的数据分析, 发现亿元市场的空间集中度 与市场类型有关, 在特殊地理环境和资源基础上发育起来的亿元市场具有较高的空间集中度, 且集中度在不同空间尺度下相对稳定; 依靠高新技术和先进的工业基础发育起来的亿元市场 在地带性层面上具有较低的集中度, 而在省区层面上集中度有所升高; 具有普遍性消费需求 的亿元市场在各种空间尺度下的集中度均较小。亿元市场存在向东部沿海地区和大城市集中 的趋向。各省区亿元市场的专业化指数较高, 但总体上呈下降态势。统计分析表明: 城市化 水平、恩格尔系数、市场化水平对亿元市场专业化有较显著的影响, 工业行业集中水平、个 私经济发展水平和城镇居民可支配收入的影响不明显, 而贸易竞争力指数的影响甚微。  相似文献   

The long-established role of foreign interests in Latin America, and specifically Brazil, has been perpetuated since 1945 by multinational corporations. This article analyzes five industries where foreign direct investment has been especially important. These industries tend toward spatial concentration, particulary in metropolitan locations and at growth poles offering special attractions. A comparative study of private Brazilian enterprises suggests that these may offer greater opportunities for regional development than do the MNC's but that such concerns are dependent to some extent upon both MNC's and governmental assistance for their growth.  相似文献   

中国西部地区高新技术产业发展战略及空间组织形式   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
张晓平  陆大道 《地理科学》2004,24(2):129-135
在经济全球化背景下,科学技术的发展水平和能力成为国家和地区经济竞争能力的决定性因素。中国西部地区的发展,必须实现科技与经济的紧密结合。只有依靠发展高新技术产业并尽快利用高新技术改造传统产业,西部地区的发展才可能突破传统生产要素的地理局限,为实现跨越式发展提供新的可能性。中国西部重点经济带具有较强的科技实力和较好的技术创新基础,形成了一批独具特色的高科技产业和品牌,在全国具有一定的比较优势。未来西部重点经济带高新技术产业应采取“发展与地区优势相结合的高科技产业群、以高新技术武装的传统产业和以高科技为支撑的现代服务业”相结合的发展战略;在空间组织形式上,应采取高新技术产业带、重点城市和重点园区相结合的模式,形成网络化的空间组织形态。  相似文献   

引入技术机会理论,解释大城市内部不同行业创新活动的空间分布差异,以北京市为例进行实证检验。研究发现:不同技术层次产业的创新活动在城市内部表现出不同的区位选择。除汽车制造业外的大多数高技术产业的创新活动高度集聚在中心城区;中技术产业的创新活动开始由中心城区向近郊区扩散,低技术产业的创新活动主要分布在远郊区。 行业间创新活动空间分布的差异主要由技术机会来源差异造成。大部分高技术产业的技术源于基础研究、产业间知识溢出、高技术劳动力,往往靠近大学或中心城区;对中技术产业来说,基础研究的影响并不像对高技术产业那样显著;对低技术产业来说,技术机会主要源于本产业的技术反馈,创新部门更倾向于分布在郊区的制造业集群中。  相似文献   

The growing of tobacco was one of the most tightly regulated industries in Australia, until deregulation in 1995. Commonwealth regulations controlled the area cultivated with tobacco, the number of growers (i.e. quota holders) and marketing arrangements for tobacco leaf. This paper begins by outlining the nature and historical development of controls in the tobacco-growing industry, and discusses how the Commonwealth government removed the industry's regulatory and protective framework in 1995. The third part of the paper examines how deregulation has impacted upon the Mareeba-Dimbulah Irrigation Area, Far North Queensland, where small farmers produced 60 per cent of Australia's tobacco in 1995. The discussion will show that the agricultural landscape once dominated by tobacco has been transformed, as local farmers abandoned growing tobacco in favour of sugar cane, avocadoes, mangoes, macadamia nuts and other small vegetable crops (e.g. navy beans, pumpkins). Tobacco, once promoted by the Queensland government as a crop to facilitate closer settlement in the Mareeba-Dimbulah Irrigation Area, will have almost vanished from the landscape by 2002.  相似文献   

中国区域发展的新因素与新格局   总被引:106,自引:22,他引:84  
陆大道 《地理研究》2003,22(3):261-271
本文阐述了国民经济战略性结构调整在区域层面上的反应,分析了影响我国区域发展的新因素及所形成的新格局。自20世纪90年代初期起,影响我国区域发展的矿产资源、水资源、交通等传统因素的作用就逐渐下降。经济国际化在促进我国经济持续快速发展的同时,也在明显改变着我国的区域发展格局。信息、科技、生态环境、体制创新等都成为影响我国区域发展的新因素。在上述因素的综合作用下,近年来,我国地区间的经济发展差距全面扩大,工业化水平的地区性和地带性差异更为明显。几十年在计划经济体制下形成的我国产业布局特别是工业布局,近年来发生了较大尺度的空间转移。在区域发展新格局形成过程中,我国区域发展也出现了值得注意的严重倾向:大多数地区应该重视基础产业的发展及其现代化,一些地区不适宜大规模发展高新技术产业,部分高速增长地区的环境状况严重恶化  相似文献   

区域产业链的理论基础、形成因素与动力机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈朝隆  陈烈 《热带地理》2007,27(2):126-131
探讨了区域产业链的理论基础、形成因素与动力机制,指出构建区域产业链符合区域经济系统理论、劳动地域分工理论的思想和产业组织优化的要求,有利于建立区域之间及企业之间的新型关系,优化资源配置,提高产业效率;区域产业链的形成与发展受到自然资源、区位条件、产业基础、地域文化、产业技术、政策与制度、历史事件与机遇等因素的综合影响;强调区域产业链是一个自组织系统,区域产业链的构建应遵循产业自身发展的规律和市场机制运行的要求。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the mobility of highly skilled labour, using doctors in public hospitals in Denmark as an example. From the perspective of regional development, the concentration of human capital is one of the contributors to regional growth and consequently to inequality between places, being associated most often with differences in economic growth between regions. The decentralisation of highly skilled public jobs to even out the concentration of human capital could be one way to stimulate growth outside city regions. However, such initiatives are somewhat dependent upon the cooperation of the highly skilled public employees, whose preferences have been little studied thus far. Based on data from a survey of 1600 publicly employed doctors, PLUM regression modelling was applied to test the relative significance of four professional preferences influencing choice of workplace. It was found that professional preferences have different influences on doctors’ choices, depending on their place of residence measured in terms of a location’s population density. The paper concludes that opportunities in employment depend on one’s stage in life and can serve to explain choices and mobility among highly skilled public employees.  相似文献   

科学评估重大突发公共卫生事件的经济系统影响,调控其负效应,提升经济系统韧性,是国家重要战略需求.目前,新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情在中国得以有效遏制,而外源性输入与局部风险仍存,系统辨识其影响路径与作用强度,对经济系统恢复具有指导意义.基于改进的中国多区域一般均衡分析模型,测度了中国不同疫情风险等级区的经济...  相似文献   

Drawing on ethnographic case studies from Madagascar, this research shows that multiple marine conservation projects have institutionalized inequitable access to marine recourses along gendered lines. Despite discursive and institutional shifts toward more “collaborative” and “community-based” conservation programing, there is a deficiency of women’s nominal as well as effective participation in community management organizations. This research shows that conservation organizations’ focus on proximate drivers of marine resource use, or a politics of picking the “low-hanging fruit,” over ultimate drivers such as global commodity chains, places disproportionate emphasis on marine spatial enclosures and restricting specific, and gendered, harvest methods. To address gender bias concerning access to and control over natural resources, we must go beyond the rhetoric of “community involvement” to address gendered inequalities in conservation decision making, and whose interests are served by conservation projects.  相似文献   

郑州市主导产业的选择及其发展措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
一个地区主导产业的选择,应该根据产业结构演变的一般规律和区域经济发展的实际情况而定。基于这种理由,我们依据市场需求、产业关联度、产业技术的先进性与实用性和产业对GDP的贡献等选择标准,确定材料、食品、机械、高新技术产业和商品流通业作为郑州市的主导产业。最后,提出了鼓励和扶持这些主导产业发展的若干政策措施。  相似文献   

Associations between place and wine are historically deep. Past and current narratives of wine production are wedded to environment attributes of particular places, and in both the European and Australasian settings this has been codified by way of formal labelling requirements for the place of origin for wines. In this paper we explore the role of place references on the front labels of Australian and New Zealand wines through a small initial survey. The results reveal that the importance of place references is stronger for New Zealand wines. We argue that this reflects strongly the very different structures of the industries in the two countries, with the emphasis for New Zealand producers on high-quality wines for which origin statements are expected as opposed to the Australian focus on the production of bulk, value-driven wines dependent on the blending of wines across regions and places. This in turn has implications for the future development and marketing trajectories of the two industries.  相似文献   

Abstract:   The growth of the global wine trade has focused attention on regional origin in the production, marketing and consumption of wine. This paper presents a case study of the regulatory processes around the development of one particular South Australian wine region: Coonawarra. The process of the delineation of the Coonawarra region illustrates the tensions between treating wine regions as biophysical entities, and the realities of the economic, political, legal and cultural forces that shape regions. The paper highlights how ambiguities in the physical and social criteria that frame regional definition legislation can lead to boundaries that form through a process of judicial accretion rather than relating directly to any of the criteria themselves.  相似文献   

This paper examines the differing modes of insertion of the Australian and New Zealand apple industries into world apple markets, part of the evolving global fresh fruit complex. It is argued that the mix and behaviours of key actors in the global apple industry are realigning market links and production systems. Industry actors in Australia and New Zealand are confronting issues of quality and sustainability as a result of pressures from consumers, regulatory measures in traditional and emerging markets, and new technologies of production and distribution. Governments are laying the foundations of national, regional and industry sustainability policies. An examination of the detailed structure and adjustments of the apple industry in Hawkes Bay and Tasmania reveals considerable differences in local responses, institutions and degree of restructuring of markets. The preferences and quality control requirements of export markets are increasingly important, to the extent that cultural dimensions appear to be altering the commodification process.  相似文献   

The tropical fruit durian in Southeast and East Asia has witnessed a surge in popularity in the past two decades to assume the rank of a fetishized commodity. This research investigates the construction of the multidimensional concept of terroir as applied to the durian economy of Penang, Malaysia based on personal interviews with orchard owners and state government officials to strategically embed the local in the global through the promotion of agritourism. While environmental terroir is a contingent dimension, the construction of a place bound cultural terror is anchored in a strong cultivation tradition, cultivar diversity, and a historical sense of community. This research deepens the cultural terroir dimension in two ways. First, it injects the otherwise aspatial concept of refinement to the cultural terroir narratives of orchard owners allowing the on-farm tourist consumption experience to be more geographically rooted. Second, it conceptually links cultural terroir to the marketing terroir instrument of the Balik Pulau geographical indication; while functioning as a governance tool to prevent fraud and to construct a place bound product valorization and differentiation within an expanding and larger scale durian economy, it also indirectly assists in preserving agro-diversity and local identity.  相似文献   

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