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Side-scan sonar coverage of a 1.5 km by 1.5 km area of the inner shelf depicts the morphology of part of a submarine ridge field. The presence of megaripples indicates that ridge sediments are presently reworked by currents. Megaripples occur in the coarser sands of the north-facing ridge flanks. Distribution of megaripples and the ridge asymmetry support the hypothesis that sand ridges respond as large-scale bedforms to south-setting flows. Megaripple crests were observed to be aligned shore-parallel which indicates a pre-survey episode of shore-normal bedload transport.  相似文献   

We have experimented with digital processing of side scan sonar data taken in a 14 sq-km area of continental shelf offshore Southern California. The data were FM tape recorded during the survey and digitized and processed later in the laboratory. The digital image processing included both image correction and image enhancement. Geometric corrections were applied to correct for image distortions due to variable ship position and speed and sonar slant range. Enhancements that were tried included contrast stretching, band-pass filtering, image restoration (inverse filtering), and various edge enhancements such as density slicing and standard deviation filters. Interpretive procedures were also attempted and included digital mosaicking, stereoscopic viewing, and falsecolor display. The most effective processing was geometric correction combined with contrast stretching. Mosaicking proved difficult due to imprecise navigation (±50 m), but was very effective in increasing the understanding of the geologic structure in the survey area.  相似文献   

The Incremental Differential Quadrature Method (IDQM) was applied to a tidal and surge model of the Bristol Channel, UK. The method is considered as an alternative new numerical technique in the field of marine hydraulics and its performance was examined through this case study. For validation of the simulated results, tide gauge data along the Bristol Channel was used. Another well known 1D model (MIKE11) and a quasi-3D model (POLCOMS) provided more insight into the flow pattern of the estuary and additional validation data. Similar to MIKE11, IDQM is unconditionally stable and so time steps of around 45 min achieved good results for the Bristol Channel, whereas for methods which are restricted to the CFL criterion (e.g. explicit finite differencing schemes), the time step is limited to around 3 min. Since there is no stability constraint in IDQM, the time step must be selected with reference to accuracy rather than stability. The usefulness of IDQM was also demonstrated by using a small number of grid points (11 along the 110 km length of the Bristol Channel) to produce accurate results. Based on the results of this case study, it is concluded that IDQM can be successfully implemented for 1D modelling of tidal elevations and surges in non-prismatic irregular channels.  相似文献   

C.M. Davies 《Marine Geology》1974,16(2):M31-M38
Two separate current systems have been identified in Swansea Bay — a rotatory current system, located in the northern part of the embayment, and a rectilinear current system, offshore. The amount of fine-grained sediment suspended in the rotatory currents varies with both direction during a tide cycle and tidal range. Measurements of suspended sediment indicate that the suspended load is higher on neap tides than spring tides. This is due to a change in axial orientation of the rectilinear system, which directs ebb-tide currents towards the northern part of the embayment on neap tides, but “deflects” ebb-tide currents from the northern area on spring tides.  相似文献   

Hepatic concentrations of metallothionein [MT] and three metals (Cu, Zn, Cd) were determined in 242 European flounders (Pleuronectes flesus) collected from power stations at Oldbury-upon-Severn and Hinkley Point, located in Severn Estuary and Bristol Channel, UK, respectively, between March 1996 and February 1998. A model involving three-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to examine variation in MT and metal concentrations with respect to season, year and site; with age-class included as a covariate in the analysis. Hepatic concentrations of MT and Cd (and to some degree, Cu, but not Zn) increased significantly with age. The model explained 38, 25, 17 and 26% of the variation in MT, Cu, Zn and Cd, respectively, with significant effects due to season, and to a lesser extent, to year. Site was only a significant factor for Cd which was higher in fish from Hinkley. Correlation between the individual concentration of MT and each metal alone, or in combination, was poor, and explained only an additional 3.0% of the residual variation in MT, most of which was attributable to Cu (2.7%). Compared to other industrialised estuaries, Cd concentrations were high (>20 micro g-1 in some individuals). The study emphasises the importance of seasonal variation and other factors in biomonitoring programmes and highlights the limitations of using [MT] as a biomarker for metal contamination in flounders from the Severn Estuary.  相似文献   


An experimental study about the effects of initial conditions of soil and geotextile reinforcement on the mechanical behavior of reinforced sand is presented in this paper. A series of direct shear tests are conducted on reconstituted specimens of dry and moist natural sand prepared with different initial water content (w?=?0, 1.5, 3, and 5%) and including the two arrangements of geotextile layers (one and two layers, respectively). Both S41 and PEC55types of non-woven geotextile were used and placed at different heights of the specimens to investigate the effect of geotextile reinforcement on the behavior of sand. Test specimens were prepared at Dr =80% of relative density and were subjected to three different normal stresses of 100, 200, and 300?kPa. The experimental results showed that the deposition mode (wet and dry) and the geotextile reinforcement have significant effects on the behavior of reinforced sand. The increase in shear strength is relatively more significant for specimens prepared with dry deposition mode as compared to those prepared with wet deposition mode and it increases with the number of geotextile layers, this effect becomes less significant for wet specimens. The experimental results also demonstrated that (PEC55) non-woven geotextile shows a better performance than the (S41) of geotextile. These results can be explained by the effective tensile strength property of polyester yarns of the (PEC55) non-woven geotextile that it has led to a significant increase in the shear strength.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of the meiobenthic-hyperbenthic copepods of Lake Pontchartrain (a large, 1630 km2, shallow, mean depth of 3·7m, brackish, 0·3–5‰, lake in Southeastern Louisiana) were characterized monthly from August 1978 to August 1979. Ten stations, all with water depth > 2m, were established and sampled quantitatively by removing four benthic subsamples (containing as much as 25 cm overlying water) from replicated box cores. Averaged across stations over time, total copepod densities ranged from 31–89 × 10 cm?2. A total of only 15 copepod species were identified from benthic samples; 8 harpacticoids, 4 cyclopoids and 3 calanoids. The copepod assemblage in Pontchartrain differs from all other known benthic assemblages in that the species composition is dominated by species which are often associated with the water column; true infaunal species are rare or found in reduced abundance. Four species comprised 90% of all individuals collected. All four are epibenthic or commonly collected as zooplankton and include Scottolana canadensis which comprised 47% of all individuals collected, Halicyclops fosteri which dominated fall collections, Acartia tonsa and Pseudobradya sp. Burrowing species were largely restricted to the more saline eastern stations. The rarity of burrowing species might be related to low salinity, however the highly unstable bottom in Pontchartrain with silty-clayey sediments commonly resuspended into the water column, may also influence burrowers. Cluster analysis reveals diffuse seasonal grouping of stations for all seasons except fall, with spatial groupings from the central and western sides. Physical processes appear to dictate the community structure of benthic-hyperbenthic copepods in Lake Pontchartrain.  相似文献   

The computer model for near shore wave propagation,SWAN,was used to study wave climates in Liverpool Bay,northwest England with various input parameters,including bottom friction factor,white capping,wind drag formulation and effects of tidal modulations.Results were compared with in-situ measurements and reveal the impacts from these inputs on the predictions of wave height and propagation distributions.In particular,the model results were found very sensitive to different input formulations,and tend to underestimate the wave parameters under storm conditions in comparison with the observations.It is therefore important to further validate the model against detailed field measurements,particularly under large storms that are often of the primary concern.  相似文献   

Morphologic and sedimentologic studies of a single sand wave within a sand wave field in the lower Chesapeake Bay suggest that the bedform was originally formed by ebb currents, and is presently in static equilibrium with the circulation pattern. In this report, the concept of solitary sand wave is introduced to describe the state of a sand wave when further evolution of the sedimentary structure is mostly independent of adjacent bedforms. This concept can be applied to several bedforms in the area that are isolated from others by flats. A particular sand wave that is included in this category is discussed.Contribution number 79, Instituto Argentino de Oceanografia.  相似文献   

A shallow suction bucket is a new foundation type for offshore wind turbines. Due to its large size and bulky shape, the bucket and the soil within the bucket do not necessarily deform as a whole. Moreover, limited research has been conducted on the hydrodynamic wave influence on the shallow bucket bearing response. These factors pose great challenges to the shallow bucket foundation design. This paper presents a set of centrifuge tests of a shallow bucket model subjected to monotonic and dynamic lateral loads to study the lateral bearing response of shallow bucket foundations in the field under combined loads induced by wind, waves, etc. In addition to the routine measurements (e.g., load-displacement), the soil pressures on the bucket and the distribution and evolution of the excess pore pressures in the surrounding soils are also obtained. The deformation pattern of the bucket (e.g., rotation center) is revealed through displacement measurements. Finally, the proposed easy-to-use analytical equations using the limit equilibrium to assess the bearing capacity of bucket foundations, taking into account the influence of the soil strength degradation caused by hydrodynamic wave loadings, are found to yield good results upon comparison with the centrifuge data, providing useful guidelines for the design of shallow bucket foundations.  相似文献   

Tidal sand bars and tidal sand ridges are extensively developed in the macrotidal Gulf of Khambhat, offshore western India. The inner and outer regions of the gulf are characterised by the development distinct tidal sand bodies with discrete geometries and dimensions. The outer gulf ridges are long, narrow, curvilinear and several metres high (∼20 m). They are asymmetric in cross-section and migratory in nature, forming ‘ribbon’ like sand bodies separated by tidal channels. Active dunes on these ridges indicate the presence of sand and their orientation parallel to palaeo-shorelines supports a tidal origin. In contrast to the outer gulf tidal sand ridges, sand bars associated with macrotidal estuaries flanking the Gulf of Khambhat typically have an elongate to diamond shape and are only hundreds of metres in width and a few kilometres length. These tidal sand bars occur in the estuary mouths and within the tidally influenced fluvial reaches of the rivers flowing into the gulf. The height of these sand bars is in the range ∼1–3 m. Due to high tidal ranges and bi-directional flow the sand bars do not develop significant height and are formed between the mutually evasive ebb and flow channels. Their bi-directional foresets and the presence of abundant mud drapes associated with the dunes within in-channel sand bars indicate a tidal origin.The Gulf of Khambhat acquired the present configuration in the last few thousand years since the Pleistocene sea-level lowstand (last glacial maximum, ∼18 ka) when the entire continental shelf was subaerially exposed and rivers down-cut into the coastal plain. With increasing sea-level rise, the exposed shelf was drowned, flooding parts of the Modern western Indian peninsula, and large tidal sand ridges formed in the outer gulf. After the fall of sea-level at 2 ka the gulf acquired the Modern configuration with multiple estuaries on both coastlines, rivers supplied the embayment with sandy sediment, and tidal sand bars formed in the Modern estuaries.Quantitative data gathered from the Modern Gulf of Khambhat indicates that for the P50 case, a vertical drill hole will encounter tidal sand bodies (ridges and bars combined) of approximate dimensions 1700 m long, 470 m wide and 1.5 m high, with a spacing of 400 m. In subsurface hydrocarbon reservoirs, where data is sparse and only limited amount of core is available, this quantitative dataset can be useful to constrain subsurface geocellular models. Also, the overall geometry, distribution and aspect ratio of the tidal sand ridges and tidal sand bars can be used to identify ancient counterparts through seismic geomorphology or in core.  相似文献   

On the basis of newly collected multibeam bathymetric data, chirp profiles and existing seismic data, we presented a detailed morphological interpretation of a series of slope-confined canyons in water depths of 300–2000 m in the Baiyun deep-water area, northern margin of the South China Sea. Although these canyons are commonly characterized by regular spacing and a straight-line shape, they vary in their lengths, starting and ending water depths, canyon relief, slope gradients, wall slope gradients and depth profiles along the axis. The eastern canyons (C1–C8) have complex surface features, low values in their slope gradient, canyon relief and wall slope gradient and high values in their length and starting and ending depth contrasting to the western ones (C9–C17). From the bathymetric data and chirp profiles, we interpret two main processes that have controlled the morphology and evolution of the canyons: axial incision and landsliding. The western part of the shelf margin where there were at least four stages of submerged reefs differs from the eastern part of the shelf margin where sedimentary undulations occurred at a water depth of ~650 m. We consider that the variation in morphology of submarine canyons in the study area is the result of multiple causes, with the leading cause being the difference in stability of the upper slope which is related to the submerged reefs and sedimentary undulations.  相似文献   

Cd, Zn and Cu levels were determined in sediments and Crangon crangon from 9 sites in the Severn Estuary/Bristol Channel during winter 1999. Metal levels in both shrimp and sediments varied significantly between sites and were related to proximity of input and/or sediment type. In the upper Estuary, Cd levels in shrimp were 100x higher than other reported values whereas sediment Cd contamination was comparable. It is suggested that high Cd levels in shrimp are due to the high inputs and enhanced bioavailability of metal during winter.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the factors structuring demersal fish community in a tropical bay in southeastern Brazil. The results were used to quantify the partitioning of ecological variation among the environmental, spatial and temporal components molding the fish community. Three bay zones (inner, middle and outer) were defined according to depth and salinity gradient. Monthly samplings were conducted by bottom trawl tows during daylight hours, between October 1998 and September 1999. In each zone, three replicate samples were taken. Ninety-three fish species from 73 genera and 37 families were recorded in the 108 samples. Two demersal fish assemblages were evidenced, one in the inner and the other in the outer zone. These assemblages were characterized by changes in species composition and relative abundance. Depth, followed by transparency and salinity, influenced spatial pattern of fish assemblages. The largest part of the explained variation occurred as a result of the spatial structure of environmental variables, which means that both species and environmental variables presented similar spatial structure. The spatial effect, not the seasonal, explained the highest part of species variations. The amount of unexplained variation was relatively high (76%), even assuming that part of it is due to nondeterministic fluctuation, which could be due to local effects of unmeasured (biotic and abiotic) controlling variables. Knowing the relative importance of these factors can be of decisive importance when applying casual hypotheses in the framework of some precise ecological theory and should facilitate management, planning, and usage of bay resources.  相似文献   

The effect of temporal variation in growth rate on per-recruit model outputs was investigated by comparing biological reference points obtained using growth curves derived for Umbrina robinsoni populations from False Bay, on the south coast of South Africa, sampled 10 years apart (1991–1993 and 2001–2003), and applying the two different age–length keys to length frequency data collected over the period 1991–1993 (n = 1 389) for the estimation of total mortality (Z), fishing mortality (F) and spawner biomass per recruit (SB/R). The SB/R and yield per-recruit (Y/R) curves constructed using biological data collected during the two different time periods were very similar, with target and threshold reference points differing only moderately (11%). This suggests that for long-lived species, the frequency of age and growth studies can be at least the lifespan of a cohort if they are to be assessed with a per-recruit approach. The use of the more recent length-at-age data, however, resulted in lower estimates of F (0.61 y?1 vs 1.05 y?1) and a slightly higher spawner biomass per-recruit ratio (19.5% vs 14.5%) for the earlier period. The reduced estimate of F when using the more recent dataset was likely due to a bias towards older fish caused by small sample size, the philopatric nature of U. robinsoni, and possible recruitment collapse. This highlights the importance of having a large, representative sample of length-at-age data for construction of age–length keys.  相似文献   

We present the results of a marine geophysical investigation of the northern Prince Gustav Channel. By comparative analysis of multibeam bathymetric data, single channel seismic reflection profiles, underway chirp sonar data, ADCP current data and sediment coring, we define the main morphological elements of the area. In particular we define the glacial morphogenesis in relation to the excavation of inner shelf basins and troughs along structural discontinuities and lithologic boundaries. We identify streamlined surfaces that testify to the grounding of ice and past ice flow directions. These glacial forms are found only on glacial tills preserved in the deepest part of the basins, while net erosion to bedrock has occurred elsewhere. Since the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the relict glacial morphology has been draped by hemipelagic and diatomaceous mud, and bottom currents have played a major role in focusing sedimentation within small depocentres, that we define as contouritic drifts. Based on shallow sediment architecture and supported by direct measurements, we propose that the direction of bottom water flow is from the outer shelf into the Prince Gustav channel as a result of a combination of tidal currents and ice shelf-related thermohaline circulation.  相似文献   

The Mozambique Channel plays a key role in the exchange of surface water masses between the Indian and Atlantic Oceans and forms a topographic barrier for meridional deep and bottom water circulation due to its northward shoaling water depths. New high-resolution bathymetry and sub-bottom profiler data show that due to these topographic constraints a peculiar seafloor morphology has evolved, which exhibits a large variety of current-controlled bedforms. The most spectacular bedforms are giant erosional scours in the southwest, where northward spreading Antarctic Bottom Water is topographically blocked to the north and deflected to the east forming furrows, channels and steep sediment waves along its flow path. Farther north, in the water depth range of North Atlantic Deep Water, the seafloor is strongly shaped by deep-reaching eddies. Steep, upslope migrating sediment waves in the west have formed beneath the southward flow of anticyclonic Mozambique Channel eddies (MCEs). Arcuate bedforms in the middle evolved through an interaction of the northward flow of MCEs with crevasse splays from a breach in the western Zambezi Channel levee. Hummocky bedforms in the east result from an interplay of East Madagascar Current eddies with overspill deposits of the crevasse and Zambezi Channel. All bedforms are draped with sediments indicating that the present-day current velocities are not strong enough to erode sediments. Hence, it can be concluded that the seafloor morphology developed during earlier times, when bottom-current velocities were stronger. Assuming a sedimentation rate of 20 m/Ma and a drape of at least 50 m thickness the bedforms may have developed during the Pliocene Epoch or earlier.  相似文献   

A reconnaissance sidescan sonar survey in Bristol Bay, Alaska revealed extensive areas of seafloor with features related to walrus foraging. They are similar to those seen in areas such as the outer Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea. Two types of feature were observed: (a) small (≪1 m diameter) shallow pits, often in clusters ranging in density from 5 pits per hectare to 35 pits per hectare; and, (b) more abundant, narrow, sinuous furrows, typically 5 to 10 m long with some reaching 20 m or more. Most foraging marks were in less than 60 m water depth in areas of sandy seafloor that were smooth, hummocky or characterized by degraded bedforms; the absence of foraging marks in other areas may be related, in part, to their more dynamic nature. The distribution of foraging marks was consistent in a general way with walrus locations from satellite telemetry studies.  相似文献   

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