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软弱结构面塑性程度高、强度低,在地下水长期作用下,很易导致岩体产生变形、形成集中渗漏通道及渗透破坏。软弱结构面的渗透稳定性,一直是水利水电工程的重要工程地质及水文地质问题之一,目前对其渗透破坏机理的认识还存在不少尚未解决的问题。针对已有对基岩软弱结构形成集中渗漏通道研究的不足,本文在软弱结构面内讨论渗透变形问题,主要探讨了软弱结构面受水流冲刷发展的机制,以及土粒起动处于不同位置时的临界流速及相应隙宽。最后介绍了在适当地质等条件下,基岩软弱结构面可形成集中渗漏通道的实例。  相似文献   

正确快速的探测水库堤坝渗漏在保证防洪工程安全上具有重要意义,而查明渗漏入口和渗漏途径又是难点中的重点,本文简述了伪随机流场法的基本原理,重点探讨了当水库坝体中存在诸多金属管,且渗漏水为承压水形式时,传统流场法难以解决实际问题时,作者首先采用流场法对水库大坝进行电流场分布的检测后,再结合双频激电法,详细的分析和对比检测的数据,从得到的探测曲线分析表明,通过流场法与双频激电法的结合,极大地提高了流场法区分金属管和地层渗漏通道的能力,为以后的相关工程应用提供了很好的范例.  相似文献   

目的:电阻率影像法以其观测密度大、分辨率高等优点得到了广泛的应用。在解决堤坝渗漏方面,也有着很好的应用前景。方法:通过分析常见的堤坝渗漏模型,给出了电阻率影像法在解决堤坝渗漏上的工作和解释方法。结果:最后,以土石坝为例,用三维有限元法对堤坝渗漏模型进行了模拟。结论:对结果进行了解释,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

近年来,水库渗漏问题一直困扰着我们,虽然目前已开展应用的渗漏探测技术较多,但是当渗漏条件较复杂的情况下,探测效果往往不尽如意,且鲜有渗漏三维探测技术.本文,笔者介绍了一种新型的水库渗漏探测技术——磁电阻率法,该技术能够快速、无损、有效地探测渗漏通道.首先,介绍了该方法的技术原理、工作模式与技术优势;然后,结合实际工程,依托具有典型渗漏特点的平原水库开展了现场试验研究,介绍包括了现场工作布置、数据处理、成果分析、现场验证等内容;最后,对该方法进行了总结与展望.  相似文献   

瞬变电磁法中最常用矩形或圆形回线,但有时由于地形限制,只能使用不规则回线发射和接收.如果仍用现有的常规回线理论进行处理解释,得到的结果会存在很大的偏差.本文首先进行了不规则回线瞬变电磁法一维正演理论研究,基于电偶极子源的频率域响应公式,通过沿回线积分和时频转换,推导出不规则回线源在水平层状介质中的时间域响应公式.采用欧拉算法、高斯积分和快速汉克尔变换,计算不规则回线内任意一点处的磁场响应.利用改进的二分搜索法计算全区视电阻率,并在此基础上利用烟圈法反演电阻率和深度.通过四个典型地电模型的正反演计算,表明烟圈法反演能够有效反映地电模型的大致形态,可以用于不规则回线瞬变电磁数据的快速反演解释.  相似文献   

The response of an elastic circular wedge on a flexible foundation embedded into a half-space is investigated in the frequency domain for incident pane SH-waves. The problem is solved by expansion of the motion in all three media (wedge, foundation and half-space) in cylindrical wave functions (Fourier-Bessel series). The structural model is simple, but accounts for both differential motions of the base and for the effects of soil-structure interaction. Usually, structural models in earthquake engineering consider either differential ground motion, but ignore soil-structure interaction, or consider soil-structure interaction, but for a rigid foundation, thus ignoring differential ground motion. The purpose of the study is to find how stiff the foundation should be relative to the soil so that the rigid foundation assumption in soil-structure interaction models is valid. The shortest wavelength of the incident waves considered in this study is one equal to the width of the base of the wedge. It is concluded that, for this model, a foundation with same mass density as the soil but 50 times larger shear modulus behaves as ‘rigid’. For ratio of shear moduli less than 16, the rigid foundation assumption is not valid. Considering differential motions is important because of additional stresses in structures that are not predicted by fixed-base and rigid foundation models.  相似文献   

Studies of the effects of differential ground motions on structural response generally do not consider the effects of the soil-structure interaction. On the other end, studies of soil-structure interaction commonly assume that the foundation of the structure (surface or embedded) is rigid. The former ignore the scattering of waves from the foundation and radiation of energy from the structure back to the soil, while the latter ignore quasi-static forces in the foundations and lower part of the structure deforming due to the wave passage. This paper studies a simple model of a dike but considers both the soil-structure interaction and the flexibility of the foundation. The structure is represented by a wedge resting on a half-space and excited by incident plane SH-waves. The structural ‘foundation’ is a flexible surface that can deform during the passage of seismic waves. The wave function expansion method is used to solve for the motions in the half-pace and in the structure. The displacements and stresses in the structure are compared with those for a fixed-base model shaken by the free-field motion. The results show large displacements near the base of the structure due to the differential motion of the base caused by the wave passage.  相似文献   

地埋电缆普遍被应用于通讯等诸多领域,地埋电缆漏电现象普遍存在,查找解决的方法也不尽相同,本文所探讨的是利用接地电阻测试仪,查找确定中卫大地电场台地埋电缆漏电位置的方法,简单易行,能够快速准确的排除故障,从而使观测系统正常工作。尽可能减少因漏电产生的非地震异常数据量。  相似文献   

任意形状线电流源三维地电场研究   总被引:2,自引:8,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用套管供电,通过地表观测视电阻率研究油田注水分布和剩余油分布近来在油田开发中得到了应用.由于现在的油井和水井有很多是倾斜的,因此,研究倾斜线电流源三维地电场是必要的.本文针对任意形状线电流源,从异常电位所满足的微分方程出发,利用有限差分方法实现了任意形状线电流源三维地电场正演.正演结果表明相同模型使用倾斜线源和直线源其地表响应有较大的差别,实际应用中不能将井斜较大的井当作垂直线源,而应以倾斜线源处理.  相似文献   

应用自然电场法检测土坝渗漏隐患的技术   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
笔者根据在全国各地进行的数十座水利工程的原位测试资料,概括归纳出一套较为系统的应用自然电场法检测土坝渗漏隐患的技术,该技术将集中渗流在自电电位曲线上的反映归结为窄幅异常、宽幅异常、宽幅双峰异常、多峰异常和塔式异常五种基本形态,并可正确地判断正常渗漏和异常渗漏,解释推断出集中渗漏带的宽度、埋深、走向以及渗流的时空动态,为工程除险加固提供可靠的技术资料.  相似文献   

文中针对单层偏心框架结构,利用正弦行波激励研究了质量偏心率和激励频率对偏心框架结构行波扭转响应的影响规律.建立了行波激励下单层偏心框架结构的振动方程,采用相对运动法求解给出了正弦行波激励下单层偏心框架结构楼板的质心平动位移和转角位移以及楼板扭矩和柱剪力的解析解.计算了一个钢筋混凝凝土单层偏心框架结构的峰值楼板扭矩和峰值...  相似文献   

在当前多种地磁日常数据处理方法基础上,探讨提高地磁观测数据精度的问题.通过使用一种改进的地磁观测基线值计算方法,能有效减小外磁场变化对观测结果的影响,考虑到基线值日变化等因素,使用高阶多项式拟合基线值日变化曲线.利用该方法处理的地磁数据与实测数据进行结果比对后,发现此方法能有效提高地磁观测数据的精度和质量.  相似文献   

The extended finite element (XFEM) is applied to the problem of transient leakage from abandoned or free-flowing artesian wells in perforated aquifer-aquitard systems. To more accurately capture the singularities in potentiometric head at the wells, the standard linear finite element basis is locally augmented with asymptotic analytical solutions which enable more accurate calculations of leakage rates between aquifers. Highly accurate flux estimates are obtained without the need for higher mesh resolution near wells. Simulations are carried out to test both the accuracy and convergence properties of the XFEM implementation, and the XFEM results are compared to those of a high-resolution standard finite element model. It is seen that for the type of singularity-driven problem posed here, the standard FEM is unable to resolve leakage rates without very fine discretization, but that the XFEM performs robustly with fewer degrees of freedom. The impact of aquifer geometric heterogeneity on leakage rates is assessed and seen to be an important factor in determining total leakage. It is demonstrated that the XFEM may be a valuable tool in many water resources applications where small-scale effects can impact global system behavior.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the issue of flow in heterogeneous leaky confined aquifers subject to leakage. The leakage into the confined aquifer is driven by spatial and periodic fluctuations of water table in an overlying phreatic aquifer. The introduction of leakage leads to non-uniformity in the mean head gradient and results in nonstationarity in hydraulic head and velocity fields. Therefore, a nonstationary spectral approach based on Fourier–Stieltjes representations for the perturbed quantities is adopted to account for the spatial variability of nonstationary head fields. Closed-form expressions for the variances of hydraulic head and specific discharge are developed in terms of statistical properties of hydraulic parameters. The results indicate that the spatiotemporal variations in leakage leads to enhanced variability of the hydraulic head and of the specific discharge, which increase with distance from any arbitrary reference point. The coefficient of leakage and the spatial structure of log transmissivity field and of the amplitude of water table fluctuation are critical in quantifying the variability of the hydraulic head and of the specific discharge.  相似文献   

地震时、 空分布均匀度研究探讨   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
强震在孕育过程中, 在一定的时空范围内多数伴随大量的地震时空集中活动。 在前人研究的基础上, 提出了含义明确、 适用性好的刻画地震时、 空分布均匀程度的定量参数Ct和Cd。 研究了宁夏及邻区的5个MS≥5.5地震, 以及我国华北的4个MS≥6.0的地震, 发现震前几个月或1年左右, Ct和Cd值有一明显的异常上升过程, 表明震前地震在时间、 空间分布上有明显的集中过程。  相似文献   

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