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The existence and development of the Chinese nation have been severely challenged by a sharp increase in population, a shortage of natural resources and damage to ecological system, since China began to industrialize in the 1950s. Based on long-term and in-depth research on the ecology and environment of China, this paper presents the background, basic status, characteristics, causes and remedial strategies. countermeasures.  相似文献   

西北地区水资源短缺,生态环境相当脆弱。随着西北地区大规模生态环境建设的实施,原来水资源的供需矛盾更为明显,处理好西北地区有限水资源中经济用水和生态用水的比例关系具有重要的意义。就西北地区的生态环境建设中水资源可持续开发和利用提出几点认识。  相似文献   

生态多样性(ecological diversity)是诸如物种和景观元等研究对象丰富性和空间分布均一性的综合,其多尺度测算与模拟已经成为生态学界研究的热点之一。其与传统多样性模型相比,Scaling生态多样性模型能够综合反映均一性和丰富性两个方面的多样性信息,同时考虑了空间尺度因素的作用,是一个理论上完美的生态多样性模型。利用Scaling生态多样性模型对中国西部地区三期遥感数据进行模拟,结果表明:①20世纪80年代末期-90年代末期,中国西部地区景观元多样性先减少后增加,其内部明显具有东高西低的空间分布规律;②省级行政区尺度上模拟结果说明陕西省景观元多样性最高,新疆维吾尔族自治区和西藏自治区最低;西藏自治区景观元多样性变化最显著,而甘肃省和重庆市变化最小;③县级行政区尺度上模拟结果发现中国西部地区存在11个景观元多样性的关键地区;④对比各尺度模拟结果,发现中国西部地区整体景观元多样性大于各省级行政区,各省级行政区大于省内县级行政区,说明Scaling多样性模型能够反映空间尺度因素与生态多样性间存在的正向相关关系。  相似文献   

Policy and Practice Progress of Watershed Eco-compensation in China   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ecological protection of the watersheds in China is being confronted with a lot of problems such as soil and water erosion, water pollution at present. Therefore watershed eco-compensation is becoming a question of common interest. Based on the analyses of the major problems and their origins in the watershed protection in China, the paper discusses the concerned policies including relative rules and laws, financial policies and water right transaction policies. Simultaneously the paper reviews the practices carried out in China, including the ecological construction project in the western China, the trans-provincial eco-compensation practice and the small watershed eco-compensation practice. According to the present situation of eco-compensation practices and the future policy requirement, this paper finally puts forward four key problems to be solved in the watershed eco-compensation of China in the future.  相似文献   

The protection, restoration and sustainable use are key issues of all the wetlands worldwide. Ecological, agronomic, and engineering techniques have been integrated in the development of a structurally sound, ecologically beneficial engineering restoration method for restoring and utilizing a degraded saline wetland in the western Songnen Plain of China. Hydrological restoration was performed by developing a system of biannual irrigation and drainage using civil engineering measures to bring wetlands into contact with river water and improve the irrigation and drainage system in the wetlands. Agronomic measures such as plowing the reed fields, reed rhizome transplantation, and fertilization were used to restore the reed vegetation. Biological measures, including the release of crab and fish fry and natural proliferation, were used to restore the aquatic communities. The results of the restoration were clear and positive. By the year 2009, the reed yield had increased by 20.9 times. Remarkable ecological benefits occurred simultaneously. Vegetation primary-production capacity increased, local climate regulation and water purification enhanced, and biodiversity increased. This demonstration of engineering techniques illustrates the basic route for the restoration of degraded wetlands, that the biodiversity should be reconstructed by the comprehensive application of engineering, biological, and agronomic measures based on habitat restoration under the guidance of process-oriented strategies. The complex ecological system including reeds, fish and crabs is based on the biological principles of coexistence and material recycling and provides a reasonable ecological engineering model suitable for the sustainable utilization of degraded saline reed wetlands.  相似文献   

The evolvement of a vulnerable ecological region is a dynamic process, which is affected by various factors. During the evolvement process, human activities have a decisive effect. The purpose of studying vulnerable ecological region is to control human economic activities and to develop a negative feedback modulation mechanism.This paper established a model of vulnerable ecological region‘s evolvement by considering four synthetic variables.These synthetic variables are ecological carrying capacity, ecological resilience, economic development intensity, and economic development velocity. Finally, Ongniud Banner and Aohan Banner in North China were taken as study cases to simulate the evolvement processes of vulnerable ecological regions under different conditions of economic development. The results show that human activities have an important influence on the evolvement trend of vulnerable ecological region.  相似文献   

During the rapid industrialization and urbanization of China,urban agglomeration in river basin areas raises the problems of over-use of water resources and pollution of the water environment.Related research in China has mainly focused on the conflicts among economic growth,urban expansion and water resource shortages within admin-istrative boundaries.However,water environments are much more dependent on their physical boundaries than their administrative boundaries.Consistent with the nature of water environment,this study aims at analyzing coordination relationships between urban development and water environment changes within physical river basin boundaries.We chose the Shayinghe River Basin,China,as our case study area which is facing serious challenges related to water en-vironment protection.Then we classified 35 county-level administrative units into upstream,midstream and down-stream regions based on their physical characteristics;analyzed the coordination degree of urban agglomeration using the Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) method;and constructed cooperative models using the Linear Programming (LP function) to simulate four scenarios of the coordination relationship be-tween urban population increase and water environment protection based on existing water resources and water pollu-tion data.The results show that the present coordinative situation in Shayinghe River Basin is not sustainable.In gen-eral,more than 50% administrative units are in the bad coordinative situation.In particular,the downstream region is under worse condition than the upstream and midstream regions.Cooperative models in scenario analyses indicate that the population scale set in existing urban master plannings is not coordinated with the water environment protection.To reach the goal of regional sustainable development,the total population needs to be controlled such that it will re-main at 4.5×10 7 or below by 2020 given the capacity of water environment.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION~ntially,environmentalproblemisaneconomicproblem.Atpresent,variousenvironmentalpoblernswhichmanarebeingconfrontedisadirectandindirectman-effectedrestilt.Meanwhile,environmentalproblemsareclOSelyrelatedto~ialproblems,eSpeciallyrapidgr'OwthofPOpulation(on,1994).So,whenenvironmentalproblemsforoneregionareanalyzed,itisnec~toconsiderits~ialandeconomicdevelOPmentlevel.2~Y~2.IbeaveralBasicconceptions2.1.1Environmentalcomprehensioni~(ECI)ECIexpressesthechangeOftotalenvironment…  相似文献   

This paper researches the ecological sustainability of Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, China, using the ecological footprint model. According to the study we find that Zhangjiakou City was in the situation of ecological deficit from 1990 to 2000 and the deficit had the enlarging tendency. In 1990 the per capita ecological footprint was 0.964 and the per capita ecological capacity was 0.518, thus it can be calculated that the per capita ecological deficit was –0.446. However in 2000, the per capita ecological footprint increased to 1.068, at the same time the per capita eco- logical capacity decreased to 0.471, then the per capita ecological deficit in 2000 was –0.597. Furthermore, this paper studies the ecological sustainability of the city from the changes of the ecological footprint of per 10,000 yuan GDP and the productivity of ecological system. Finally the authors point out the shortage of the model and the way to improve it.  相似文献   

Formulation of different ecological zone plans according to the corresponding protection targets and the necessity of proper conservation policy is one of the measures to achieve the goal of ecological conservation in China.In order to clarify the interrelation among key ecological zone plans,this paper carried out the research on spatial relation of priority areas of biodiversity conservation and three key ecological areas(key ecological function areas,key regions of ecological service function,national nature reserves) and the research on ecological conditions,based on multi-scale ecological spatial theme information,which incorporates elements like ecologi-cal quality and type,and by the aid of spatial information analysis and GIS modeling.The results showed a contrastively fine spatial consistency with 68.8% of priority areas of biodiversity conservation overlapping with three key ecological areas.Although the envi-ronment in priority areas of biodiversity conservation were in good conditions,protection pressure is also increasing,powerful supervi-sion and protection should not be ignored.The environmental conditions in the overlapping areas,as a whole,were superior to those in the non-overlapping areas.Since two areas have different characteristics,targeted protection measures should be formulated based on this difference,which will be very important for biodiversity conservation in priority areas of biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

A fundamental element of sustainable development is that humans live within nature's biological capacity. Quantifying this, however, remains a significant challenge for which there are many emerging tools. The concept of the Ecological Footprint is one such accounting tool for comprehensive assessment of the status of sustainable development, based on integration of resource consumption and land capacity, reflecting the human impact on the environment. A region's development is defined as unsustainable when the Ecological Footprint surpasses the biological capacity. In this paper, the Ecological Footprint concept Was applied in assessing the development of Yunnan Province, China in a period between 1988 and 2006. The results showed that the Ecological Footprint per capita in Yunnan rose from 0.854 gha in 1988 to 2.11 gha in 2006. Ecological deficit, defined as when the human demand on the land surpasses the regions biological productive capacity, emerged in 1991 and quickly increased from 0.02 gha in 1991 to 1.05 gha in 2006. The increase in the ecological deficit is primarily a result of the rapid increase in population and consumption level. To achieve sustainable development in Yunnan, production and consumption rates need to be modified.  相似文献   

1 THE STRATEGY OF ECOLOGICAL CONSTRUCTION1.1 Active Ecological BalanceThe guidelines of current ecology are changing from balance, stability, homogeneity and small scale into imbalance, instability, heterogeneity, multi-scale, and hierarchy characteristics. The so-called ecological balance means that in the relatively stable status of an ecosystem in a specific time period, material and energy input equals to their output. Also by self-adjusting, the ecosystem can rehabilita…  相似文献   


2008年1月中下旬至2月上旬,我国南方地区出现了大范围、长时间的强降雪及冰冻灾害。这次冰冻雨雪灾害,不仅对广大人民群众的生活和社会经济运行造成了极大破坏,而且对当地生态环境也产生了深刻影响。本文以湖南省资兴市为例,运用遥感技术和地面野外调查相结合的方法,监测了本次冰雪过程对当地生态环境的影响。监测发现:本次冰雪过程对植被覆盖破坏显著,植被指数呈较大范围降低趋势,降低区域的总面积占资兴市土地总面积的54.12%;森林生态系统受损严重,除灌木林外302.2万亩森林全部受灾,其中,针叶林比阔叶林严重,幼龄林比成熟林严重,外来种比乡土树种严重,人工林比天然林严重;冰雪过程后土壤含水量增加、边坡失稳,地质灾害危险程度明显增高,工程建设区和林缘陡坡地带以滑坡(崩塌)为主的地质灾害频频发生。  相似文献   

THECHINESEECOLOGICALRESEARCHNETWORKZhaoJianping(赵剑平)(BureauofResourcesandEnvironmentalSciences,theChineseAcademyofSciences,Be...  相似文献   

本文分析了早寒武世单板类Yerhelcionella在世界上几个国家和地区的产出层位及形态特征,认为中国河南的Y.chinensis产出层位最低,形态结构原始,是世界上发现的最古老的Yochelcionella,提出Y.chinensis在河南前次出现,并迁移到澳大利亚Flinders地区生存。西伯利亚的Y.stylifera和北美的Y.americana也可能与河南的Y.chinensis有一定联系。澳大利亚新南威尔士所产Y.cyrano.Y.daleki.Y.ostentata三个高级种与Y.chinensis有着密切的演化关系。此外对Yochelcionella的起源与进化提出见解。  相似文献   

通过对黑河流域地质资源基础、水文景观特色及气候生物优势等三方面的现状考察,重点论述了黑河流域独特的地质、水文旅游资源的开发与利用,并阐述了开展生态旅游及生态保护的重要意义.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONEcosystem services can be divided into two major cat-egories, one is system function, and the other is sys-tem services and goods provision, which provide not only materials such as food and medicine, but also support and maintenance of whole system. Ecological services contribute to the whole economic system, both directly and indirectly, and consequently repre-sent parts of the total value of our economy system (COSTANZA etal., 1997; GUO etal., 2001). Sustainable d…  相似文献   

The environmental impact caused by local people (ecological footprint of consumption, EFc) and the actual environmental impact that the ecosystem burdens (ecological footprint of production, EFp) in West Jilin Province, Northeast China from 1986 to 2006 were evaluated by using ecological footprint (EF) method. And the major driving forces of EFc and EFp were analyzed by STIRPAT model. Both EFc and EFp showed increasing trends in 1986-2006, accompanied by decreasing ecological deficits but expanding ecologic...  相似文献   

The nature heritages are the precious legacy of nature with outstanding scientific and aesthetic value. They are quite different from other common ecotourism areas, because of its original and unique system, sensitive and vulnerable landscape, and peripheral cultural features. Therefore, the tourism development in the nature heritage sites should be on the premise of ecological security. The evaluation index system of tourism ecological security in nature heritage sites was constructed in this article by AHP and Delphi methods, including nature ecological security, landscape visual security and local culture ecological security, and the security thresholds of indices were also established. In the indices’ weights of the evaluation model, the nature ecological security ranked the highest, followed by tourist landscape visual security and culture ecological security, which reflected the influence degree of the limited factor to tourism ecological security. Then, this paper carried out an empirical study of Kanas of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, which has the potential to be the World Nature Heritage. On the basis of the data attained from survey and observation on the spot, as well as questionnaire answered by tourists and local communities, the ecological security status in Kanas was evaluated. The result showed that the status of Kanas tourism ecological security was better, but there had some limiting factors. Lastly, effective measures were put forward to ensure its ecological security. Foundation item: Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 40671057), Knowledge Innovation Programs of Chinese Academy of Sciences (No. KZCX3-SW-355)  相似文献   

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