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异常气候和环境对刺参养殖业的影响及应对策略   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
胡炜  李成林  韩莎  赵斌  徐涛 《海洋科学》2018,42(2):159-166
为有效化解或降低异常气候和环境对我国刺参(Apostichopus japonicas)养殖生产造成的不良影响,进一步增强产业抵御风险能力,概述了近10年来"厄尔尼诺"和"拉尼娜"等世界性气候变化不同程度引发的持续高温、集中强降雨、长期大范围冰封等极端天气现象,以及海洋生态持续恶化导致的有害藻华泛滥、围海造礁等环境突变现象对我国刺参养殖产量、产品质量造成的直接影响,调查研究了灾害发生对刺参养殖业发展造成的次生影响,结合产业现状,分别从基础设施、苗种质量、技术集成创新、风险意识、产业链结构以及保障机制等方面系统分析了当前刺参养殖应对异常气候和环境影响的短板问题,有针对性的提出了应对措施与防范策略建议,以期为保障我国刺参养殖产业持续、高效、健康发展提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

大连的海水贝类养殖历史悠久,品种繁多,养殖的主要海水贝类为贻贝、扇贝、鲍鱼、魁蚶、牡蛎,文章主要探讨大连市这五种海水贝类从20世纪70~80年代到2000年间的养殖状况及产量变化,并根据产量变化总结出大连市海水贝类养殖的特点,并提出相应对策与建议。  相似文献   

The food sources of aquacultured Apostichopus japonicus and the trophic levels of organisms in a sea cucumber(A. japonicus) and prawn(Penaeus japonica) polyculture system in a saltwater pond in Zhuanghe, Liaoning Province were examined using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes. Across organisms, δ13C ranged from(–25.47±0.20)‰ to(–16.48±0.17)‰(mean±SD), and δ15N ranged from(4.23±0.49)‰ to(12.44±0.09)‰. The δ13C and δ15N contents of A. japonicus, P. japonica and Fenneropenaeus chinensis were comparatively higher than those of other organisms. Values of δ13C and δ15N revealed that P. japonica, Hemigrapsus sanguineus and Neomysis japonica comprised the largest component of the diet of A. japonicus. The mean trophic level of the organisms in this saltwater pond polyculture system was(2.75±0.08). P. japonica, A. japonicus, F. chinensis,Synechogobius hasta and Neomysis japonica were in the 3rd trophic level(2–3); jellyfish, H. sanguineus and zooplankton were in the 2nd trophic level(1–2); and Enteromorpha prolifera, benthic microalgae, periphyton and suspended matter primarily consisting of phytoplankton, bacteria and humus were in the primary trophic level(0–1).  相似文献   

<正>海参(sea cucumber,holothurian)属无脊椎动物棘皮动物门,是世界上少有的高蛋白、低脂肪、低糖、无胆固醇的营养保健食品,以其较高的营养价值和药学价值而被列为"八珍"之一。近年来,随着海参消费需求的逐步扩大,各国对海参的研究力度不断加大。目前关于海参的研究  相似文献   

刺参体腔液几种免疫指标的周年变化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
为了调查刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)免疫机能的周年变化,初步探索刺参免疫的规律,于2006年7月至2007年6月对刺参体腔液几种免疫指标进行了周年测定.结果显示,周年内刺参体腔液内几种酶类显著变化的转折点为9月、10月,1月,2月、4月和5月.刺参体腔液几种酶类活性变化与温度和盐度等环境因素并不存在相关关系,因此推测这些显著变化并不是单一的温度、盐度等环境因素作用的结果,综合分析,其变化原因可能与刺参的夏眠、生理及繁殖等因素的作用有关.  相似文献   

人工参礁在中国刺参(Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka))养殖业中被广泛应用,本文调查了2008年春、秋季刺参池塘中一种塑料人工礁表面的生物群落结构.采用沉积物捕捉器的方法调查了刺参池塘人工礁表面碳、氮、磷的循环及参礁的生态特征.结果表明,春季礁体底栖动物生物量及生物多样性高于秋季,底栖动物均集中在礁体外表面的缝隙内,4月礁体表面颗粒物,底泥沉积物总有机碳(TOC)平均含量分别为41.9 mg/g 和2.45 mg/g;总氮(TN)平均含量分别为4.1 mg/g 和0.2 mg/g.10月礁体表面颗粒物,底泥沉积物 TOC 含量分别为27.5 mg/g 和3.1 mg/g; TN 平均含量分别3.1 mg/g 和0.3 mg/g.4月 TOC, TN 沉积量分别达到711.2 mg/(m2·d)和70.7 mg/(m2·d);10月 TOC, TN 沉积量分别为804.9 mg/(m2·d)和87.3 mg/(m2·d).4月人工礁表面叶绿素/脱镁叶绿素(Chl a/Pheophytin)>1,表明礁体活体藻类较多.10月人工礁表面 Chl a/Pheophytin<1表明礁体表面降解颗粒物质较多.人工礁为刺参提供遮蔽场所,其表面生物膜为刺参提供优质食物,同时可增加池塘底面积,增强养殖系统稳定性.  相似文献   

实验采用平板分离及16S r DNA序列分析法研究池塘养殖和海上吊笼养殖仿刺参(Apostichopus japonicus)的前肠、中肠和后肠菌群结构并进行对比分析.结果显示,从海上吊笼养殖的仿刺参的肠道内分离鉴定的240株菌株分属于3个门、11个属和34个种.从池塘养殖仿刺参的肠道内分离鉴定的211株菌株分属于3个门、11个属和49个种.两种养殖模式仿刺参肠道菌群结构存在较大差异,且同一仿刺参肠道各部分之间的菌群结构也存在较大的差异.海上养殖仿刺参的肠道优势菌群为弧菌属(Vibrio)、Formosa属、希瓦氏菌属(Shewanella),池塘养殖仿刺参的肠道内优势菌群为弧菌属(Vibrio)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)、喜盐芽孢杆菌属(Halobacillus).两个菌群共有菌株有7个种,存在于在不同的肠道部位.两种养殖模式比较发现池塘养殖仿刺参的肠道菌群的丰富度大于海上吊笼养殖的仿刺参,且池塘养殖仿刺参肠道内芽孢杆菌(Bacillus)等益生菌的占比较高,海上吊笼养殖仿刺参分离得到较多的弧菌属(Vibrio)细菌.本研究可为南方仿刺参人工养殖中潜在益生菌的筛选提供基础资料.  相似文献   

The sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus plays important roles in marine benthic ecosystem as environmental cleaners, and it is the important aquaculture species in China. High water temperature poses critical threat for the survival of A. japonicus, which has resulted in extensive death in summer. To explore the genes expression profiles under different levels of heat stress, the high-throughput RNA-seq was applied in this study. Our results revealed a total of 1 371, 1 225 and 1 408 differentia...  相似文献   

Good governance is paramount to the sustainability of fisheries, and inclusiveness of stakeholder groups has become the centerpiece in the ethos of managing small-scale fisheries. Understanding the effect of governance network structures on fishery sustainability can help guide governance to achieve desired outcomes. Data on resource users, fishing methods, governance networks and classifications of stock health were compiled for 17 sea cucumber fisheries in the Indian Ocean. The subjective influence of the actors and the complexity of governance networks on the health of wild stocks were analyzed. The fisheries differed widely in their resource users, fishing methods and governance networks. Little correspondence was found between the number of nodes in the governance networks and the health (exploitation status) of wild stocks. Government entities dominated the networks but neither their relative influence in the networks nor their proportionate contribution to the number of entities in the networks greatly affected stock health. These findings do not refute the benefits of inclusive governance, but rather suggest that multiple other factors (e.g. inadequate regulations, weak enforcement, high number of fishers) are also likely to play a role in influencing sea cucumber fishery sustainability. These factors must be tackled in tandem with good governance.  相似文献   

附着基粗糙度等因素与海藻密度的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
施超  梁振林  梅俊学 《海洋学报》2016,38(10):105-112
海藻附着基表面粗糙度与孢子附着密度有密切的相关性;已经由许多研究证实。但是海藻苗的密度是否仍然受到附着基粗糙度的影响;还缺乏明确的结论。本文以尼龙和亚克力两种材料作为海藻附着基;悬挂于自然海区中使海藻孢子附着并萌发生长;用以研究附着基表面粗糙度对4种海藻密度的影响。结果显示;多管藻、尾孢藻、点叶藻、硬毛藻这4种海藻;在不具沟槽的光滑面;密度显著低于任何有沟槽的粗糙面;但粗糙度不同的附着基之间比较;对海藻密度的影响并不显著。室内培育的海带苗;在尼龙上的密度与粗糙度成正相关;但是将海带苗移至海上培育后;不再与粗糙度有相关性;可能与其假根状固着器下海后的发育有关。本文还试验了海泥、灭活海泥和低栖硅藻3种沉积物与附着基粗糙度对海藻密度的影响;结果表明;沉积物和附着基粗糙度;以及它们的交互作用对海藻密度的影响;因附着基的材料和海藻种类而有差别。  相似文献   

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