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It is shown that the acceleration of the universe can be understood by considering a f(T) gravity models. Modified teleparallel gravity theory with the torsion scalar has recently gained a lot of attention as a possible explanation of dark energy. For these f(T) gravity models, a variant of the accelerating cosmology reconstruction program is developed. We consider spatially homogenous and anisotropic Bianchi type I universe in the context of f(T) gravity. The de Sitter, power-law and general exponential solutions are assumed for the scale factor in each spatial direction and the corresponding cosmological models are reconstructed. We reconstruct f(T) theories from two different holographic dark energy models in different time durations. For the holographic dark energy model, the dark energy dominated era with new setting up is chosen for reconstruction, and the Ricci dark energy model, radiation, matter and dark energy dominated time durations are all investigated. Finally we have obtained a modified gravity action consistent with the holographic dark energy scenario.  相似文献   

Dark energy models inspired by the cosmological holographic principle are studied in homogeneous isotropic spacetime with a general choice for the dark energy density \(\rho_{d}=3(\alpha H^{2}+\beta\dot{H})\) . Special choices of the parameters enable us to obtain three different holographic models, including the holographic Ricci dark energy (RDE) model. Effect of interaction between dark matter and dark energy on the dynamics of those models are investigated for different popular forms of interaction. It is found that crossing of phantom divide can be avoided in RDE models for β>0.5 irrespective of the presence of interaction. A choice of α=1 and β=2/3 leads to a varying Λ-like model introducing an IR cutoff length Λ ?1/2. It is concluded that among the popular choices an interaction of the form Q m suits the best in avoiding the coincidence problem in this model.  相似文献   

A solution to the coincidence and Big Rip problems on the bases of an anisotropic space-time is proposed. To do so, we study the interaction between viscous dark energy and dark matter in the scope of the Bianchi type-I Universe. We parameterize the viscosity and the interaction between the two fluids by constants ζ 0 and σ respectively. A detailed investigation on the cosmological implications of this parametrization has been made. We have also performed a geometrical diagnostic by using the statefinder pairs {s,r} and {q,r} in order to differentiate between different dark energy models. Moreover, we fit the coupling parameter σ as well as the Hubble’s parameter H 0 of our model by minimizing the χ 2 through the age differential method, involving a direct measurement of H.  相似文献   

In this paper we study the chameleon Jordan-Brans-Dicke (JBD) cosmological models under the hypothesis of self-similarity. Since there are several ways to define the matter Lagrangian for a perfect fluid: L m =?ρ and L m =γρ, we show that they bring us to obtain two completely different cosmological models. In the first approach, L m =?ρ, there is ordinary matter conservation, while in the second approach, L m =γρ, we get matter creation processes. We deduce for each approach the behaviour of each physical quantity, under the self-similar hypothesis, by employing the Lie group method. The results are quite general and valid for any homogeneous geometry (FRW, Bianchi types, etc.). As example, we calculate exact solutions for each approach by considering the case of a Bianchi II geometry. In this way we can determine the exact behaviour of each physical quantity and in particular of G eff and U (the potential that mimics the cosmological constant).We compare the solutions with the obtained ones in the framework of the usual JBD models.  相似文献   

We look for cosmologies with a scalar field (dark energy without cosmological constant), which mimic the standard ΛCDM cosmological model yielding exactly the same large-scale geometry described by the evolution of the Hubble parameter (i.e. photometric distance and angular diameter distance as functions on z). Asymptotic behavior of the field solutions is studied in the case of spatially flat Universe with pressureless matter and separable scalar field Lagrangians; the cases of power-law kinetic term and power-law potential are considered. Exact analytic solutions are found in some special cases. A number of models have the field solutions with infinite behavior in the past or even singular behavior at finite redshifts. We point out that introduction of the cosmological scalar field involves some degeneracy leading to lower precision in determination of Ω m . To remove this degeneracy additional information is needed besides the data on large-scale geometry. The article is published in the original.  相似文献   

The energy densities of dark matter (DM) and dark energy (DE) are of the same order at the present epoch despite the fact that both these quantities have contrasting characteristics and are presumed to have evolved distinctively with cosmic evolution. This is a major issue in standard ΛCDM cosmology and is termed “The Coincidence Problem” which hitherto cannot be explained by any fundamental theory. In this spirit, Bisabr (2010) reported a cosmological scenario in f(R) gravity where DM and DE interact and exchange energy with each other and therefore evolve dependently. We investigate the efficiency and model independancy of the technique reported in Bisabr (2010) in addressing the Coincidence problem with the help of two f(R) gravity models with model parameters constrained from various observations. Our result confirm the idea that not all scalar-tensor gravity theories and models can circumvent the Coincidence Problem and any cosmological scenario with interacting fluids is highly model dependent and hence alternate model independent theories and ideas should be nominated to solve this mystery.  相似文献   

A sample of 11 thousand galaxies with radial velocities V LG < 3500 km/s is used to study the features of the local distribution of luminous (stellar) and dark matter within a sphere of radius of around 50 Mpc around us. The average density of matter in this volume, ?? m,loc = 0.08 ± 0.02, turns out to be much lower than the global cosmic density ?? m,glob = 0.28 ± 0.03. We discuss three possible explanations of this paradox: 1) galaxy groups and clusters are surrounded by extended dark halos, the major part of the mass of which is located outside their virial radii; 2) the considered local volume of the Universe is not representative, being situated inside a giant void; and 3) the bulk of matter in the Universe is not related to clusters and groups, but is rather distributed between them in the form of massive dark clumps. Some arguments in favor of the latter assumption are presented. Besides the two well-known inconsistencies of modern cosmological models with the observational data: the problem of missing satellites of normal galaxies and the problem of missing baryons, there arises another one??the issue of missing dark matter.  相似文献   

In the context of cold dark matter (CDM) cosmological models, we have simulated images of the brightness temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) sky owing to the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich (S–Z) effect in a cosmological distribution of clusters. We compare the image statistics with recent ATCA limits on arcmin-scale CMB anisotropy. The S–Z effect produces a generically non-Gaussian field and we compute the variance in the simulated temperature-anisotropy images, after convolution with the ATCA beam pattern, for different cosmological models. All the models are normalized to the 4-yr COBE data. We find an increase in the simulated-sky temperature variance with increase in the cosmological density parameter Ω0. A comparison with the upper limits on the sky variance set by the ATCA appears to rule out our closed-universe model: low-Ω0 open-universe models are preferred. The result is independent of any present day observations of σ 8.  相似文献   

A new model of dark energy namely “ghost dark energy model” has recently been suggested to interpret the positive acceleration of cosmic expansion. The energy density of ghost dark energy is proportional to the hubble parameter. In this paper we perform the statefinder diagnostic tool for this model both in flat and non-flat universe. We discuss the dependency of the evolutionary trajectories in sr and qr planes on the interaction parameter between dark matter and dark energy as well as the spatial curvature parameter of the universe. Eventually, in the light of SNe+BAO+OHD+CMB observational data, we plot the evolutionary trajectories in sr and qr planes for the best fit values of the cosmological parameters and compare the interacting ghost model with other dynamical dark energy models. We show that the evolutionary trajectory of ghost dark energy in statefinder diagram is similar to holographic dark energy model. Finally, it has been shown that from the viewpoint of statefinder analysis, the ghost dark energy model has a better agreement with observations compare with holographic and new holographic dark energy models.  相似文献   

This study set out to examine the effect of anisotropy on the various dark energy models by using the observational data, including the Sandage-Loeb test, Strongly gravitationally lensing, observational Hubble data, and Baryon Acoustic Oscillations data. In particular, we consider three cases of dark energy models: the cosmological constant model, which is most favored by current observations, the wCDM model where dark energy is introduced with constant w equation of state parameter and in Chevalier-Polarski-Linder parametrization where ω is allowed to evolve with redshift. With an anisotropy framework, a maximum likelihood method to constrain the cosmological parameters was implemented. With an anisotropic universe, we also study the behavior of different cosmological parameters such as Hubble parameter, EoS parameter, and deceleration parameter of dark energy models mentioned. The results indicate that the Bianchi type I model for the dark energy models are consistent with the combined observational data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have investigated Bianchi type VI h , II and III cosmological model with wet dark fluid in scale invariant theory of gravity, where the matter field is in the form of perfect fluid and with a time dependent gauge function (Dirac gauge). A non-singular model for the universe filled with disorder radiation is constructed and some physical behaviors of the model are studied for the feasible VI h (h=1) space-time.  相似文献   

We prove here that Newton’s universal gravitation and momentum conservation laws together reproduce Weinberg’s relation. It is shown that the Hubble parameter H must be built in this relation, or equivalently the age of the Universe t. Using a wave-to-particle interaction technique we then prove that the speed of light c decreases with cosmological time, and that c is proportional to the Hubble parameter H. We see the expansion of the Universe as a local effect due to the LAB value of the speed of light c 0 taken as constant. We present a generalized red shift law and find a predicted acceleration for photons that agrees well with the result from Pioneer 10/11 anomalous acceleration. We finally present a cosmological model coherent with the above results that we call the Mass-Boom. It has a linear increase of mass m with time as a result of the speed of light c linear decrease with time, and the conservation of momentum mc. We obtain the baryonic mass parameter equal to the curvature parameter, Ω m k , so that the model is of the type of the Einstein static, closed, finite, spherical, unlimited, with zero cosmological constant. This model is the cosmological view as seen by photons, neutrinos, tachyons etc. in contrast with the local view, the LAB reference. Neither dark matter nor dark energy is required by this model. With an initial constant speed of light during a short time we get inflation (an exponential expansion). This converts, during the inflation time, the Planck’s fluctuation length of 10?33 cm to the present size of the Universe (about 1028 cm, constant from then on). Thereafter the Mass-Boom takes care to bring the initial values of the Universe (about 1015 gr) to the value at the present time of about 1055 gr.  相似文献   

Om diagnostic is a useful geometric method to differentiate between different cosmological models without the accurate current value of matter density. We investigate the Om diagnostic for viscous Cardassian universe and find that the model can be easily distinguished from LCDM. We also investigate the influence of the bulk viscosity coefficient τ on the evolutive behavior of Om with respect to redshift z. According to the value of Om(z=0) for viscous Cardassian models, we obtain the current value of equation of state w k0.  相似文献   

We consider a generalization of the Standard Model whose action displays conformal invariance in d dimensions. The model contains a strongly coupled dark matter sector which breaks conformal symmetry dynamically. The model evades conformal anomaly and leads to identically zero vacuum energy in flat space-time. Hence it does not suffer from the problem of fine tuning of the cosmological constant. We determine the contribution of non-relativistic matter to the energy-momentum tensor and determine a parameter regime in which it approximately reduces to the standard result. We show how dark energy and dark matter arises in this model. We discuss the parameter range for which the model reduces to the ΛCDM model and hence is consistent with observations.  相似文献   

We consider density fluctuations of a two-fluid model consisting of hydrogen plasma and radiation prior to the cosmic hydrogen recombination. As investigation method that of the dispersion relations is applied, which have been derived from the general-relativistic sound-wave equations taking into account the coupling between plasma and radiation carefully. We obtain growing unstable acoustic modes within the mass range 2 · 106 M < M < 6 · 10 12 M . In a second step the coupled differential equations for the amplitudes of the unstable modes are integrated numerically with respect to time where the integration extends from the initial time prior to the hydrogen recombination up to the present time. We find a significant increase of the amplitudes up to 4 orders of magnitude, if the Universe is described by a cosmological model with a positive cosmological constant (Λ ? 2,2 · 10-56 cm-2) and a positive curvature (Lemaître-Universe) without an essential amount of cold dark matter. We conclude that the existence of galaxies confirm these statements.  相似文献   

We present a theoretical study of an early dark energy (EDE) model. The equation of state ω(z) evolves during the thermal history in a framework of a Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker Universe, following an effective parametrization that is a function of redshift z. We explore the evolution of the system from the radiation domination era to the late times, allowing the EDE model to have a non-negligible contribution at high redshift (as opposed to the cosmological constant that only plays a role once the structure is formed) with a very little input to the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis, and to do so, the equation of state mimics the radiation behaviour, but being subdominant in terms of its energy density. At late times, the equation of state of the dark energy model asymptotically tends to the fiducial value of the De Sitter domination epoch, providing an explanation for the accelerated expansion of the Universe at late times, emulating the effect of the cosmological constant. The proposed model has three free parameters, that we constrain using SNIa luminosity distances, along with the CMB shift parameter and the deceleration parameter calculated at the time of dark energy - matter equality. With full knowledge of the best fit for our model, we calculate different observables and compare these predictions with the standardΛCDM model. Besides the general consent of the community with the cosmological constant, there is no fundamental reason to choose that particular candidate as dark energy. Here, we open the opportunity to consider a more dynamical model, that also accounts for the late accelerated expansion of the Universe.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate a cosmological model with the sign-changeable interaction between new agegraphic dark energy (NADE) and dark matter. By analysis it is shown that the equation of state (EoS) of NADE can cross the phantom divide under the condition of the model parameter β<0. In addition, we plot the trajectories of the interacting NADE model for different values of the parameters n and β in the statefinder plane. It is found that the statefinder trajectories can be distinguished by both n and β. Furthermore, we study the interacting NADE model by means of the w?w′ analysis.  相似文献   

We present the cosmological parameters constraints obtained from the combination of galaxy cluster mass function measurements (Vikhlinin et al. 2009a, 2009b) with new cosmological data obtained during last three years: updated measurements of cosmic microwave background anisotropy with Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) observatory, and at smaller angular scales with South Pole Telescope (SPT), new Hubble constant measurements, baryon acoustic oscillations and supernovae Type Ia observations. New constraints on total neutrino mass ??m ?? and effective number of neutrino species are obtained. In models with free number of massive neutrinos the constraints on these parameters are notably less strong, and all considered cosmological data are consistent with non-zero total neutrino mass ??m ?? ?? 0.4 eV and larger than standard effective number of neutrino species, N eff ?? 4. These constraints are compared to the results of neutrino oscillations searches at short baselines. The updated dark energy equation of state parameter constraints are presented. We show that taking in account systematic uncertanties, current cluster mass funstion data provide similarly powerful constraints on dark energy equation of state, as compared to the constraints from supernovae Type Ia observations.  相似文献   

The brightnesses of supernovae are commonly understood to indicate that cosmological expansion is accelerating due to dark energy. However the entire discussion presumes a perfectly transparent universe because no effects of reddening associated with the interstellar extinction law are seen. We note that with two kinds of dark matter (baryonic and nonbaryonic) strongly dominating the known mass of the universe, it is seriously premature to assume that these dark matter components have not reduced the transmission of the universe for cosmological sources. We show that the long‐known Lyα clouds, if nucleated by the population of baryonic dark matter primordial planetoids indicated by quasar microlensing, would act as spherical lenses and achromatically fade cosmologically distant sources. We attempt to estimate the amount of this cosmological fading, but ultimately the calculation is limited by lack of a satisfactory model for the tenuous outer parts of a primordial planetoid. We also consider the effects of such cosmological fading on the light of quasars. (© 2006 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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