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The development of the bora in case of strong southeastern wind in the area of Novaya Zemlya in the winter-spring of 2016 is simulated using the WRF-ARW numerical atmosphere circulation model with high spatial resolution. The features of wind speed and air temperature fields are considered which define the formation of the intensive near-surface flow, the bora, over the lee western slope of the mountain range. It is demonstrated that the bora development leads to the air temperature rise over the eastern part of the Barents Sea, to the increased surface heat fluxes, and to the formation of the cloudless zone over the sea westward of Novaya Zemlya. It was found that the main reason for the bora development is the high stability of the atmospheric boundary layer over the Kara Sea. It is shown that in case of western wind the Novaya Zemlya archipelago does not exert considerable influence on the air exchange in the Kara Sea area.  相似文献   

新疆克拉玛依强下坡风暴的机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
卢冰  史永强  王光辉  岳斌 《气象学报》2014,72(6):1218-1230
利用美国中尺度数值模式 WRF 对2013年3月7—8日克拉玛依强风进行了模拟,对下坡风发生、发展和结束3个阶段的三维结构特征进行了分析,并由此提出克拉玛依强下坡风的形成机制模型:上游地区出现中高层西南风、低层西北风并伴有强冷平流的配置,当风速不断增大时,气流能够翻越加依尔山在背风坡侧形成重力波,重力波相位向气流上游方向倾斜产生非线性效应,促进了波不稳定区域的形成并导致波破碎,形成湍流活跃层,不断把上层的能量向下传播;克拉玛依中低层形成三层夹心的大气层结稳定度分布,出现明显的过渡气流带从而导致强下坡风的形成;南北风分量在低层和中层符号相反,形成了临界层,不断吸收上层波能量并向地面传送,强下坡风暴不断维持发展。最后利用2006—2012年克拉玛依33个强下坡风过程中的探空观测资料对提出的形成机制进行了验证。  相似文献   

Summary This paper presents a state-of-the-art account of valley wind research, with a bias towards a typical large Alpine valley and towards weak-gradient synoptic conditions. At the center of our attention is the quasiperiodic thermal forcing mechanism which drives the local wind system, in particular the role of slope winds and of topographic relief.Slope winds are at the small-scale end of a whole spectrum of thermally direct circulations which act to transmit the sensible heat input along the slopes to the valley atmosphere via compensating vertical motions. We surmise that the dynamics of slope winds, which react instantly to changes of the insolation or radiation balance, is characterized by local, instantaneous equilibria, rather than by conventional entrainment and boundary layer concepts.As described by Steinacker, the area-height distribution of a valley segment is a fundamental geometric factor which affords a quantitative measure of the slope area available for heat exchange, and of the air volume which must be heated or cooled. Using this concept, one can easily explain why the daily range of the valley mean temperature is, on average, more than twice as large as that of the atmosphere over the adjacent plain. This horizontal temperature contrast between plain and valley, reversing sign twice daily, builds up a corresponding pressure contrast hydrostatically, thereby causing up- and downvalley winds.
Berg- und Tal- bzw. Hangwinde — Beobachtungen und grundsätzliche Überlegungen
Zusammenfassung Wir berichten über den aktuellen Stand der Talwindforschung mit besonderer Betonung der Verhältnisse in den Alpen und vorzugsweise gradientschwache Wetterlagen betreffend. Einen Schwerpunkt unserer Darstellung bilden die quasiperiodischen thermischen Antriebskräfte der lokalen Windsysteme, vor allem die Rolle der Hangwinde und des Reliefs.Am kleinräumigen Ende eines Spektrums thermisch getriebener direkter Zirkulationsformen stehen die Hangwinde. Sie vermitteln der Talatmosphäre die an den Hängen umgesetzte fühlbare Wärme mittels kompensierender vertikaler Strömungen. Es wird vermutet, daß die Dynamik der Hangwinde eher durch lokale und spontane Gleichgewichtszustände beschrieben werden kann als durch die üblichen Entrainment- und Grenzschichtkonzepte.Steinacker hat gezeigt, daß die Flächen-Höhen-Verteilung von Talabschnitten ein quantitatives Maß der für die Wärmeumsätze zur Verfügung stehenden Hangflächen liefert, und gleichzeitig der abzukühlenden oder zu erwärmenden Luftvolumina. Die in einem Tal im Vergleich zum Vorland mehr als doppelt so große Tagesschwankung der vertikalen Mitteltemperatur kann damit leicht erklärt werden. Dieser horizontale Temperaturunterschied zwischen Ebene und Gebirge mit seinem täglich zweimaligen Vorzeichenwechsel baut hydrostatisch die entsprechenden Druckunterschiede auf, welche die Talein- und Talauswinde antreiben.

With 14 Figures  相似文献   

基于动态自适应网格的开源软件Gerris受到越来越多海洋和水文研究者的关注.概述了Gerris开发背景、研究现状和特点,详细阐述了Gerris数值方案,包括动态自适应网格、动态负载平衡技术原理、广义正交曲线坐标系、内嵌复杂固体边界和地形数据的处理方法,并探讨了Gerris在海洋数值模拟中的初步应用.结果表明,Gerris动态自适应网格在多尺度问题模拟中的优势独特,在海洋数值模拟应用中可通过自适应网格提高地理特征的精度,通过GTS(或KDT)格式的数据来处理地形和网格,达到同时兼顾精确性和易用性的目的,使得Gerris与其他海洋模式进行有机结合成为重要发展方向.  相似文献   

A depth-integrated numerical model is used to calculate the behavior of heavy and cold gas clouds subjected to the diluting influence of a water spray curtain. The model includes the physics of a cold cloud heated by the ground which entrains moist air. Entrainment velocities are influenced by cloud stratification. Laboratory water-curtain trials are predicted accurately. The model reveals the influence of curtain placement, width of spray, spray strength and thermal effects on the efficacy of the water curtain to mitigate potential hazards.Professor, Civil Engineering.Research Associate, Civil Engineering.  相似文献   

This paper describes a one-level variational adjustment process for producing mass-consistent surface winds in the Barrow Strait area, N.W.T. To achieve this result, the continuity equation is employed as a physical constraint. The variational technique adjusts mean winds (vertically averaged through the planetary boundary layer); therefore, a relationship is required between surface and mean winds. Use is made of existing velocity profiles, but interpolation may be used between surface and geostrophic winds. The model was found to be strongly dependent upon specification of boundary-layer height. Channeling effects are not readily seen until topography begins to protrude through the boundary layer. The model might thus be better suited to areas where shallow inversion layers are well defined. By application of the variational adjustment, errors in continuity are reduced by six orders of magnitude. Upon comparison of the variational technique with a diagnostic, one-level, primitive equation model, median errors between computed and observed surface winds were found to be comparable.  相似文献   

QuikSCAT卫星遥感与MM5模拟海表面风场的综合分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用2000—2009年中国近海海域(105~135°E,0°~45°N)Quik SCAT卫星遥感风场资料和2007年MM5模拟风速结果,运用对比验证、经验正交函数(empirical orthogonal functions,EOF)和奇异值分解(singular value decomposition,SVD)方法,分析了Quik SCAT卫星遥感风场资料和MM5数值模拟风速结果的特征。结果表明:两者风速的空间分布形态相似,且风速变化密切相关;QuikSCAT卫星遥感风场的空间分布形态更加接近实测结果,而模拟风速结果的量值更加接近实测结果。采用PS(Pattern-Scaling)方法分别提取了Quik SCAT卫星遥感风场的空间分布形态和模拟结果的量值,得到的风速空间分布形态与Quik SCAT卫星遥感风场一致,且风速量值与模拟风速结果相同。通过初步检验发现,PS方法改善了卫星遥感风速在中国近海海域风速偏大的问题。  相似文献   

NumericalModellingoftheEffectsofOzoneontheSummerAtmosphericCirculationWangQianqian(王谦谦);WangYinhui(汪迎辉);SongYu(宋煜)(Naminginst...  相似文献   

Summary This paper will introduce the Baltex research programme and summarize associated numerical modelling work which has been undertaken during the last five years. The research has broadly managed to clarify the main mechanisms determining the water and energy cycle in the Baltic region, such as the strong dependence upon the large scale atmospheric circulation. It has further been shown that the Baltic Sea has a positive water balance, albeit with large interannual variations. The focus on the modelling studies has been the use of limited area models at ultra-high resolution driven by boundary conditions from global models or from reanalysis data sets. The programme has further initiated a comprehensive integration of atmospheric, land surface and hydrological modelling incorporating snow, sea ice and special lake models. Other aspects of the programme include process studies such as the role of deep convection, air sea interaction and the handling of land surface moisture. Studies have also been undertaken to investigate synoptic and sub-synoptic events over the Baltic region, thus exploring the role of transient weather systems for the hydrological cycle. A special aspect has been the strong interests and commitments of the meteorological and hydrological services because of the potentially large societal interests of operational applications of the research. As a result of this interests special attention has been put on data-assimilation aspects and the use of new types of data such as SSM/I, GPS-measurements and digital radar. A series of high resolution data sets are being produced. One of those, a 1/6 degree daily precipitation climatology for the years 1996–1999, is such a unique contribution. The specific research achievements to be presented in this volume of Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics is the result of a cooperative venture between 11 European research groups supported under the EU-Framework programmes. Received December 15, 2000 Revised March 28, 2001  相似文献   

The measurement of atmospheric winds using a cup anemometer to measure speed and a wind vane to measure direction, recording the data on paper charts is commonplace. Standard Meteorological Service criteria stipulate that the wind charts so recorded are read (averaged over one hour) by taking the dominant wind direction over an hour and the wind run then gives the speed over that hour. However, fluctuations of wind direction can lead to erroneous results. A vector average wind obtained using two orthogonally mounted propeller anemometers is described here, and comparisons are drawn between this and the first-mentioned technique. Prevailing winds are shown to be approximately the same for the two systems, but minor components can differ considerably. It is also shown that the integration time of the wind will have a marked effect on results.  相似文献   

Using data collected during 1975–1976 from a meteorological network operating in the vicinity of the Columbia Generating Site approximately 8 km south of Portage, Wis., the influence of the Baraboo Hills on the surface wind field is determined. Half-hour means of wind speed and direction measured at 9 m at three sites were used to compute divergence and vorticity using Bellamy's method. The data were grouped into 18 sectors each 20 deg wide and averages computed for each quantity. Results indicate that for wind directions perpendicular to the eastern edge of the Baraboo Hills, the surface (9m) wind field is significantly perturbed up to 4 km from the bluffs. The largest convergence of 2.1 × 10–4 s–1 occurs with 160 deg wind direction and the largest divergence of 1.2 × 10–4 s–1 with 290 deg wind direction. The maximum anticyclonic vorticity was 1.6 × 10–4 s–1 at 210 deg and the maximum cyclonic vorticity was 1.6 × 10–4 s–1 at 330 deg.  相似文献   


Cloud‐motion winds measured from organized and disorganized cumulus cloud fields are compared with winds measured at collocated buoys in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Findings suggest that an automated tracking algorithm using GOES satellite imagery can measure cloud‐level winds at these latitudes. Comparisons with buoy wind measurements show that the influence of boundary‐layer stability should be included in estimates of surface winds from cloud‐motion data.  相似文献   

The genetic and synoptic classifications of the Novorossiysk Bora are created using the data of daily observations at the Novorossiysk meteorological station and other available synoptic information. Obtained are the quantitative criteria of these classifications, and on this base worked out are the basic scenarios of the generation and evolution of this dangerous phenomenon on the Black Sea coast of Russia. According to the genetic classification, the Bora was divided into four types: frontal, air-mass, monsoon, and gravity. Quantitative criteria worked out for each type can be used for the more accurate forecast of this destructive phenomenon near Novorossiysk. According to the synoptic classification, four classes were distinguished: Azores, North Atlantic, Siberian, and Arctic.  相似文献   

The persistence of light surface winds (less than or equal to 3 m s?1 or 7 mi h?1) is one meteorological factor in air pollution potential. Surface wind data were obtained from 111 Canadian synoptic and aviation weather stations for the period 1957–66. Generally speaking, persistent light winds occur most frequently in British Columbia, the Yukon and northern Alberta. In the ten provinces of Canada, the frequency of occurrence of light winds is a minimum in the spring and a maximum in the winter. In the Yukon and the Northwest Territories it is a minimum in the summer and a maximum in the winter. The seasonal variation is least in the mountain valleys and greatest elsewhere. The spatial and seasonal variations in persistent light winds suggest that, in the mountain valleys, topography is the major factor, while in other regions synoptic weather patterns are relatively important.  相似文献   

The statistical structure of hurricane winds is studied using the data of observation at 50 meteorological stations in Georgia for the period of 1961–2008. Determined are the number of days and the duration of hurricane winds in different regions of the country. Studied are the empirical functions of their distribution and the areal limits.  相似文献   

This research provides a study of the behavior of vertically integrated boundary-layer winds (IBLWs). This information should be helpful for both theoretical and practical applications, e.g., boundary-layer parameterization in general circulation models, air pollution models, and low-level parachuting operations. The study concerned itself with winds integrated up to a height of 300 m in the United States. The only data suitable for studying the behavior of IBLWs for such heights were measurements taken on tall towers. An extensive search indicated that data were readily available from only four towers instrumented to or above 300 m. These were located in rural locations in Texas, Oklahoma, Nevada, and South Carolina. At each location, means and coefficients of variation of IBLWs were computed, plotted as a function of time since sunrise/sunset, and compared. The research shows that IBLWs may differ appreciably in magnitude at different locations; may have considerable universality in behavior, and may also be ‘regionally’ dependent; and that IBLWs have a pronounced diurnal variation linked to sunrise/sunset time.  相似文献   

Boundary-Layer Meteorology - Unique data from a 100-m meteorological mast located on the windward side of the Dinaric Alps, Croatia, are compared to high-resolution Weather Research and Forecasting...  相似文献   

A quasi-one-dimensional numerical model containing a prognostic turbulent kinetic energy parameterization and simplified approximations to horizontal gradients is used to study interactions of thermally induced nocturnal slope flows with following and opposing ambient winds. It is found that a following ambient wind causes the peak perturbation wind to be weaker and to be realized at a greater height, while an opposing ambient wind leads to a stronger perturbation wind at a lower height. The reason for this response lies in the interactions of the shears of the thermal and ambient components through the mechanical production of turbulent kinetic energy.  相似文献   

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