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广西岩溶石山地区地下水开发利用建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解决广西岩溶石山区人畜饮和水农田用水问题,需对丰富的地下水资源进行详细勘查和合理开发,采取有效措施,就能实现岩溶石山区人民的脱贫目标。  相似文献   

范爽秋  陈伟海 《中国岩溶》1995,14(4):330-335
来宾县多年来主要依靠地表水治理干旱,但地表水灌溉不到的地区,其干旱问题一直得不到解决。本文详细分析了来宾岩溶地下水富集的控制因素和分布特征,认为来宾蕴藏着丰富的岩溶地下水资源,且在地域上恰好弥补了无地表水资源的空缺。并根据岩溶地下水的赋有特征提出了开发岩溶地下水的几种方式。   相似文献   

中国北方岩溶地下水系统和开发利用中的几个问题   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:12  
本文从水资源系统的观点出发,在深入研究分析我国北方岩溶地下水系统的内外联系及其结构,类型和基本特征的基础上,着重就岩溶水人工调蓄与资源评价,扩泉与保泉问题和强径流带集中取水前景进行了探讨。   相似文献   

李晓东  李晓燕 《地下水》1997,19(3):116-120,132
本文对黑龙洞泉域封闭式地质含水体的水文地质条件进行了论述,用总补给量法和总排泄量法对泉域的地下水资源量进行了计算,预测了在单元内多处水源地集中开采地下水所造成的环境影响,同时提出了建立多目标水资源管理模型。  相似文献   

陈萍  巴特尔 《贵州地质》2008,25(1):11-15
贵州省岩溶发育强烈,导致地表水严重漏失和石漠化加剧,岩溶石山区可供开发利用地表水资源严重短缺,工程性缺水尤为明显.本文分析表明,贵州地下蕴藏较丰富的地下水资源,可供开发利用的资源有保障,开发潜力大,前景好,特别是对解决省内分散性居住的广大农村缺水问题.地下水的开发具有投资省、水量稳定、水质好、投资回收快、改善生态环境等优点,是对地表水供水不足的有效补充,从社会效益、经济效益、还是环境效益上,岩溶地下水的开发均有着显著的优势.  相似文献   

通过地面调查、地球物理勘探、水文地质钻探及采样测试等手段,研究赣南青塘盆地岩溶水特征。研究表明,盆地内岩溶水主要赋存于岩溶地下河及岩溶管道-裂隙含水层中,水资源较为丰富,局部以地下河及岩溶上升泉形式溢出地表,地下水开发以地下河及岩溶上升泉为主。综合分析认为:青塘岩溶盆地内岩溶分布在侵蚀基准面以上,沿层面发育并受断裂及构造裂隙控制;水化学类型以HCO3-Ca型、HCO3·SO4-Ca型为主,分别占总水样的58.33%、20.83%;地下水水质以较好(Ⅲ类)为主,占盆地内总水样的50.00%;青塘岩溶盆地外来地表水汇入流量为117 094.5 m3/d,汇出流量为416 007.8 m3/d,内部基础径流量为298 913.3 m3/d。在综合分析盆地内岩溶地下水和地表水富集程度、地下水开发条件和环境承载力等因素基础上,结合地貌和流域特点、盆地内岩溶塌陷易发性分区,对区内岩溶地下水资源开发利用进行了区划,为该区合理利用岩溶水资源提供依据。  相似文献   

依据碳酸盐岩的出露形式、岩性和层组类型、大地构造等,将南方岩溶环境系统划分为裸露型、埋藏型、覆盖型和断陷盆地型,其中裸露型又可分为连续型和间互型.简要叙述了连续性、间互型、埋藏型和覆盖型岩溶区的大地构造、岩性和岩层组合方面的特征,结合多个典型点最新的研究成果,重点介绍了连续型岩溶区的地表水缺乏、污染、内涝和石漠化问题,提出修建水窖、封山育林等措施缓解缺水和治理石漠化;同时介绍了间互型岩溶区的地表、地下水污染、缺水、石漠化问题,提出依托高位隔水层溶洼成库、寻找蓄水构造打井、封山育林等治理措施;最后介绍了埋藏型岩溶区的缺水、石漠化和塌陷问题,指出打井、恢复植被等治理措施.  相似文献   

贵州省南部裸露型岩溶石山地区分布着较多封闭条件良好的背斜构造.其核部大面积分布碳酸盐岩,岩溶极为发育,受翼部隔水性良好的相对隔水层阻隔,形成汇流型背斜储水构造.平塘县卡罗背斜为该类背斜储水构造的典型代表之一.该流域系统中地下水资源丰富,但脆弱的岩溶环境导致了岩溶干旱、岩溶洪涝及石漠化等生态环境问题.本文通过分析卡罗背斜的地质成因,从岩溶地下水开发利用的角度,探索以地下水开发为龙头改善生态地质环境的途径,提出了相应的地下水开发利用方案.  相似文献   

安徽淮北地区地下水资源开发利用潜力分析评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王振龙  柏菊  刘猛 《地下水》2008,30(4):34-37
采用1956~2006年新资料系列,在对安徽淮北地区地下水资源及开发利用进行全面分析评价的基础上,考虑地下水系统的脆弱性及基于可持续发展的理念,提出地下水开采区的划分标准及划分等级,提出不同规划水平年、不同年型分区浅层地下水、中深层孔隙水和岩溶水资源的剩余量、剩余程度及开发利用潜力,为该区未来更长时期水资源的合理配置和以水资源的可持续利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

High alpine karst plateaus are recharge areas for major drinking water resources in the Alps and many other regions. Well-established methods for the vulnerability mapping of groundwater to contamination have not been applied to such areas yet. The paper characterises this karst type and shows that two common vulnerability assessment methods (COP and PI) classify most of the areas with high vulnerability classes. In the test site on the Hochschwab plateau (Northern Calcareous Alps, Austria), overlying layers are mostly absent, not protective or even enhance point recharge, where they have aquiclude character. The COP method classifies 82% of the area as highly or extremely vulnerable. The resulting maps are reasonable, but do not differentiate vulnerabilities to the extent that the results can be used for protective measures. An extension for the upper end of the vulnerability scale is presented that allows identifying ultra vulnerable areas. The proposed enhancement of the conventional approach points out that infiltration conditions are of key importance for vulnerability. The method accounts for karst genetical and hydrologic processes using qualitative and quantitative properties of karst depressions and sinking streams including parameters calculated from digital elevations models. The method is tested on the Hochschwab plateau where 1.7% of the area is delineated as ultra vulnerable. This differentiation could not be reached by the COP and PI methods. The resulting vulnerability map highlights spots of maximum vulnerability and the combination with a hazard map enables protective measures for a manageable area and number of sites.  相似文献   

建立地下水的合理开发利用模式,对能源基地建设及缓解其水资源紧缺状况十分重要。在分析南梁白豹地区的地下水开采条件的基础上,选择了典型地区建立了三维地下水流概念模型和数值模型。通过模拟计算不同单井开采量、不同井间距开采方案作用下的降落漏斗形态,对该区内地下水资源的合理开发利用方式进行了分析研究,结果表明,在该区内地下水开采井应布设在较大的河谷区,以线状井排方式开采,以截取河流排泄量为开采量,地下水线状开采强度以不超过(0.02~0.03)×104m3/(d·km)为宜。  相似文献   

Environmental tracers sampled from the carbonate Madison aquifer on the eastern flank of the Black Hills, South Dakota, USA indicated the approximate locations of four major karst conduits. Contamination issues are a major concern because these conduits are characterized by direct connections to sinking streams, high groundwater velocities, and proximity to public water supplies. Objectives of the study were to estimate approximate conduit locations and assess possible anthropogenic influences associated with conduits. Anomalies of young groundwater based on chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), tritium, and electrical conductivity (EC) indicated fast moving, focused flow and thus the likely presence of conduits. δ18O was useful for determining sources of recharge for each conduit, and nitrate was a useful tracer for assessing flow paths for anthropogenic influences. Two of the four conduits terminate at or near a large spring complex. CFC apparent ages ranged from 15 years near conduits to >50 years in other areas. Nitrate-N concentrations >0.4 mg/L in groundwater were associated with each of the four conduits compared with concentrations ranging from <0.1 to 0.4 mg/L in other areas. These higher nitrate-N concentrations probably do not result from sinking streams but rather from other areas of infiltration.  相似文献   

Groundwater regime and mineralization process in moraine sandy loam and peat soils of the active sulphatic karst zone (karst processes develop in the Upper Devonian gypsum–dolomites) in Lithuania and the dependence of chemical compounds concentrations on water level fluctuations are reviewed. According to ion sum, groundwater mineralization in peat soil is 1.1–1.3 times higher than in loam soil. Based on this result, lower levels of groundwater predetermine a more intensive mineralization process. A stronger correlation was determined between groundwater levels and concentrations of chemical compounds (Ca2+, Mg2+, SO4 2− and HCO3 ) enhancing groundwater mineralization. In mineral soil (sandy loam) nitrate (NO3) concentration is highly influenced by changing stages of groundwater level as well as by nearby sinkholes.  相似文献   

Karst aquifers represent important water resources in many parts of the world. Unfortunately, karst aquifers are characterised by high contamination risks. This paper presents a travel time based method for the estimation of karst groundwater vulnerability. It considers (1) physics-based lateral flow within the uppermost weathered zone (epikarst) in a limestone-dominated region and (2) high velocities of vertical infiltration at discrete infiltration points (e.g. sinkholes) or lines (e.g. dry valleys, faults). Consequently, the Transit Time Method honours the actual flow path within the unsaturated zone of a karst aquifer system. A test site in Northern Jordan was chosen for the demonstration of the assessment technique, i.e. the catchment area of the Qunayyah Spring north of the capital Amman. The results demonstrate that zones of highest vulnerability lie within valleys and nearby main fault zones. It also reveals that regions, categorised as protected areas by other methods due to thick unsaturated zones, contribute to a major degree to the total risk.  相似文献   

As an important part of water resources of the five countries of Central Asia, groundwater resources give critical supports to the regional economic development. Accompanied by rapid economic development, the demand of groundwater is increasing. As a result, the governments are paying more attention to groundwater resource development and utilization. However, there are noticeable issues and contradictions in water resource exploration in these countries. To be more specific, these countries lack the studies in development potential and conception planning, thus influencing the sustainable groundwater development. This paper mainly discusses groundwater development problems in the five countries of Central Asia, and briefly introduces volumes and distribution of transboundary groundwater. In addition, it analyzes the current exploitation status of groundwater and studies the potential in utilizing the resource. Most importantly, it proposes creative ways to address groundwater development issues: To make best of the resource, international cooperation is required.  相似文献   

鲁中南泰莱盆地岩溶地下水赋存特征和找水规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合泰安市岱岳区水文地质调查资料和实施27口钻井发现:在鲁中南泰莱盆地西部山区,碳酸盐岩裸露,崎岖不平的峰丛谷地、峰丛洼地地貌导致水力坡度大,地下水沿构造断裂呈线状快速径流,地下水非饱和,无统一水力联系,岩溶地下水分布极不均匀成为钻井取水的难点,寻找有利蓄水构造成为钻井找水关键;在盆地东部和南部靠近河谷的缓丘平原覆盖型岩溶分布区,水文地质单元上处于地下水径流排泄区,岩溶地下水丰富且呈层状、面状分布,水力联系密切,滞流形成饱水带,利于钻井开采地下水资源,但应着重关注火山侵入岩等隔水岩层的展布情况,综合分析岩溶含水层厚度、地下水水位和汇水条件。  相似文献   

Occurrence conditions of groundwater in southern karst area are complicated. The water-bearing media in the karst have multiplicity, and the groundwater is hosted in holes, gaps, seams, pipes and caves. The karst water shows heterogeneity where fast and slow flow coexist, and the Darcy and non-Darcy flow coexist, and the liquid flow, the gas flow and solid flow coexist. The evaluation and investigation indicates that the mineable resource of karst groundwater is about 53.44 billion m3/y, and the current exploitation quantity is merely 6.565 billion m3/year. The exploitation and utilization potential is gigantic. In the region there are altogether 2 763 karst subterranean rivers with a total length of 12 687 km. The dry season runoff volume equals to 47 billion m3/year. At present the exploitation is only 10%. Four effective utilization models of karst groundwater resources have been put forward. (1) The karst hills-depression zone formed the surface-underground united reservoir. By digging tunnels, water diversion irrigation and generating electricity, the ecological economy is developed. (2) In the deep-cut peak cluster depression area, by using the high-part Epikarst spring and constructing the regulation and storage water tank, the stereo ecological agriculture is developed. (3) In the karst peak forest plain and hilly-gully area, the pump-type underground regulating reservoir is constructed and the water-saving ecological agriculture is strengthened. (4) In the fault basin region with the surrounding groundwater runoff belting beam backwater, the water resources are jointly controlled to develop a fruit crop base within the basin.  相似文献   

杨磊  黄敬军  陆徐荣 《江苏地质》2014,38(2):298-301
以某地区地下水污染调查成果为基础,基于地下水资源的自然属性和社会属性,建立了由1个目标层、2个属性层、3个准则层、6个约束层和12项指标构成的地下水污染防治区划指标体系。利用层次分析法确定指标权重,采用加权平均综合指数模型计算区划指数,并借助MapGIS技术进行相关数据处理和区划结果可视化表达。区划结果符合地下水污染预防为主与分区防治的原则。  相似文献   

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